Antibiotic-Loaded Bone Cement in Total Joint Arthroplasty: Acta Orthop. Belg., 2015, 81, 184-190

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Acta Orthop. Belg.

, 2015, 81, 184-190 ORIGINAL STUDY

Antibiotic-loaded bone cement in total joint arthroplasty

Daniel Soares, Pedro Leite, Pedro Barreira, Ricardo Aido, Ricardo Sousa

From Department of Orthopaedics, Centro Hospitalar do Porto – Hospital de Santo António, Porto, Portugal

Periprosthetic joint infection is a devastating compli- recommended for prophylaxis while the latter is
cation after total joint replacement. Prevention is commonly used for treatment.
mandatory and systemic antibiotic prophylaxis is This review will focus on several aspects of the
nowadays a recognized cornerstone. Further addition use of ALBC. The controversy surrounding the rou-
of local antibiotics eluting from bone cement is a real tine use of ALBC for prosthesis fixation in primary
possibility but its routine use is controversial. Pros
and revision TJA will be discussed. Even though
and cons of its routine use in primary and revision
total joint arthroplasty will be discussed.
cement spacers carrying high doses of antibiotic(s)
Cement spacers carrying high doses of antibiotic(s) are currently considered to be the standard of care
are currently accepted during two-stage treatment of for patients undergoing two-stage revision surgery,
infected prosthetic joints. Several issues such as there are still uncertainties regarding several differ-
­alternatives to classic antibiotics, optimal dosages and ent practical issues that will also be addressed.
others will also be explored.
Keywords : bone cements ; arthroplasty, replacement ;
Antibiotic-loaded bone cement in primary total
prosthesis-related infections ; anti-bacterial agents ; joint arthroplasty
administration & dosage.
Perioperative systemic antibiotic prophylaxis has
gained an indisputable role in surgical site infection
prevention and is now universally recommended (1).
INTRODUCTION Nevertheless routine local antibiotic prophylaxis
using ALBC for prosthesis-bone fixation is still a
Total joint arthroplasty (TJA) is one of the most matter of open debate.
successful procedures in orthopaedics and excellent
results are expected in virtually all cases. Peripros-
thetic joint infection (PJI) is one of the most fre- n Daniel Soares, MS.
n Pedro Leite, MD.
quent and challenging complications after TJA (6,7).
n Pedro Barreira, MD.
Polymethylmethacrylate or simply bone cement n Ricardo Aido, MD.
has been historically used as a carrier for local anti- n Ricardo Sousa, MS.
biotic therapy. Its ability to elute antibiotics has Department of Orthopaedics, Centro Hospitalar do Porto
proven its value in the management of several forms Hospital de Santo António, Porto, Portugal.
of bone and joint infections including PJI. Antibiot- Correspondence  : Ricardo Sousa, Department of Orthopae-
dics Centro Hospitalar do Porto – Hospital de Santo António
ic-loaded bone cement (ALBC) may be defined as Largo do Professor Abel Salazar 4099 – 001 Porto, Portugal.
low dose, containing up to 2 g of antibiotics per E-mail :
40 g cement, or high dose. The former is usually © 2015, Acta Orthopædica Belgica.

No benefits or funds were received in support of this study.

Acta Orthopædica Belgica, Vol. 81 - 2 - 2015 The authors report no conflict of interests.

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Effectiveness larger retrospective study including 20,016 TKA

with non-ALBC and 16,665 with ALBC. Notwith-
There is increasing evidence showing that the use
standing, they did find a significant higher propor-
of ALBC delivering high concentrations of anti­
tion of revision for aseptic loosening in the non-
biotics locally is indeed effective in reducing the
ALBC group. Interestingly, Engesaeter et al (14)
infection rate. There are two landmark studies. Both
also found that the patients receiving systemic pro-
are large retrospective studies concerning total hip
phylaxis only had a 1.3 times higher risk of revision
replacements : Espehaug et al (15) involving 10.905
with aseptic loosening as the endpoint when com-
arthroplasties and Engesaeter et al (14) including
pared to the systemic and ALBC combined regi-
22.170 arthroplasties. Both studies conclude that the
men. These data raises the question of whether some
use of ALBC together with systemic prophylaxis
“aseptic” loosening are really misdiagnosed sub-
significantly lowers the risk of revision. A third re-
clinical low grade infections that are prevented by
cent (2008) large meta-analysis (38) that ­included
the use of ALBC.
21.445 total hip arthroplasties from 6 studies, con-
cluded that ALBC alone is similar to systemic anti-
Potential drawbacks
biotics and suggested that the combination of ALBC
and systemic antibiotics is probably the best choice, Despite the proven benefits just discussed, there
reducing the rate of infection by ­approximately 50%. are potential drawbacks associated with ALBC.
Unfortunately, information regarding total knee This is why some authors advocate against its
arthroplasty (TKA) is meager and not as compel- ­routine use and preserve it for revision surgery and
ling. Although in vitro studies do reveal the ability high-risk primary cases (21).
of ALBC to exhibit increased antibacterial activity A classical concern is that adding antibiotic to
in TKA (47) this may not be the case in vivo. The bone cement may have a negative impact on its me-
most frequently cited studies to show ALBC effi- chanical strength. However it has been proven that
cacy are the ones by Chiu and coworkers (9,10). The the doses required for prophylaxis (< 2 g antibiotic
first included no more than 78 primary TKA in pa- per 40g cement) do not compromise the fixation
tients with diabetes mellitus (10) and a year later (9) which is the critical point to achieve a functional
results were published regarding 340 primary TKA. and painless joint (27). These results are further rein-
Both studies found that cefuroxime-impregnated forced by the aforementioned studies that prove a
cement was effective in the prevention of early to lower incidence of aseptic loosening using
intermediate deep infection. Nevertheless, more re- ALBC (5,14).
cent papers conducted by Gandhi et al (18) and A relevant concern is that ALBC may promote
Namba et al (34) involving 811 and 2030 total knee the emergence of antibiotic-resistant microorgan-
replacements performed with ALBC respectively, isms. It is well known that ALBC has an optimal
failed to demonstrate superiority in reducing infec- surface for colonization and that prolonged expo-
tion rates. However, these results should be inter- sure to antibiotic in sub-inhibitory levels allows
preted cautiously because they were retrospective mutational resistance to occur (48). An in vitro study
reviews with possible selection bias. In 2013, Hin- by Thomes et al (46) showed a lower overall rate of
arejos et al (24) published their results of a prospec- infection in the gentamicin-loaded cement group,
tive randomized study with 2948 cemented total but also a significantly higher rate of gentamicin-
knee arthroplasties failing to show a decrease in the resistant germs in this group. Hope et al (25) on a
rate of infection with erythromycin and colistin- study of 91 patients with deep infection of a ce-
loaded bone cement. Again, these results should mented total hip arthroplasty demonstrated the use
also be read carefully because this lack of benefit of gentamicin-loaded cement was significantly as-
may be due to the less than optimal choice of anti­ sociated with the emergence of gentamicin-resistant
biotics. coagulase-negative staphylococci. This concern is
This lack of effectiveness regarding infection as further reinforced by recent clinical studies that
an endpoint is also shown by Bohm et al (5) in a have found an increasing prevalence of gentamicin-

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resistant microorganisms, especially coagulase- alone (28). The second is to decrease soft tissue con-
negative staphylococci, in prosthetic joint infec- tractures, maintaining joint stability and even mo-
tions (35,39,45). A way to obviate this problem could bility thus facilitating reimplantation surgery (33,40).
be the use of two or more combined antibiotics. Several different studies have confirmed infection
However this may considerably increase the con- eradication rates over 90% with the use of high dose
cerns with potential toxicity and allergic reactions. antibiotic loaded cement spacers (12).
There are no significant reports of systemic toxic-
ity or allergic reactions with the use of low-dose Choice of antibiotic(s)
ALBC and this may be due to the fact that the most
Choosing the correct drug(s) is of paramount im-
frequently used antibiotic worldwide is gentamicin
portance. They must possess certain characteristics
that has an intrinsic low incidence of allergy. This
in order to be effective after cement mixing. Ther-
may not be the case if other antibiotics such as van-
mal stability is one of them, as the polymerization
comycin and cephalosporins become more popular.
of polymethylmethacrylate is an exothermic reac-
There are no studies showing advantage of a spe-
tion. Other important characteristic is water-solubil-
cific antibiotic, nonetheless there is a consensus that
ity, to permit elution into surrounding tissues, while
vancomycin should not be used in the context of
allowing a gradual release over time for a sustained
prophylaxis and should be reserved for treatment
bactericidal effect (28). A last but relevant practical
purposes (22,27).
issue is that it must be available as powder since
To this date, data on the use of ABLC in primary
adding a liquid antibiotic to the cement mixture sig-
uncomplicated arthroplasty is mostly retrospective.
nificantly decreases its mechanical strength (3,23).
It is not entirely clear whether the advantage of
Several antibiotics have been shown to be effec-
­routinely using ABLC outweighs the potential dis-
tive after cement mixing (Table I) (23,28). On the
advantage of promoting resistant microorganisms.
other hand, some potentially interesting antibiotics
Therefore a clear recommendation for or against its
such as tetracyclines and rifampin lack antibacterial
use in the general population cannot be made and
activity when mixed with cement (28).
we need to evaluate its cost-effectiveness as well as
It is feasible to manufacture a spacer choosing
additional indirect costs.
which antibiotics to use according to the causative
microorganism. Nevertheless it is not uncommon to
Antibiotic loaded bone cement in spacers
face an unknown pathogen. That is why commercial
spacers and many surgeons aim for a broad antimi-
Although numerous studies report favourable
crobial coverage effective against most frequently
outcomes after one-stage revision surgery, two-
isolated microorganisms such as Staphylococcus
stage has traditionally been considered as the gold
aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci in-
standard for management of chronic infections (36).
cluding methicilin- resistant and also gram negative
Two-stage exchange consists of debridement, re-
microorganisms (43,49). By far the most frequently
section of infected implants and placement of a tem-
used and studied antibiotics in this circumstance are
porary antibiotic-impregnated cement spacer and
vancomycin and aminoglycosides such as tobramy-
finally, delayed reimplantation of a new prosthesis
cin or gentamicin.
after infection is deemed to be eradicated.
With methicilin and even vancomycin-resistance
on the rise there has been increasing attention in the
study of alternatives to vancomycin. One of them is
There are two main goals behind antibiotic load- daptomycin and it has been shown by Kaplan et
ed cement spacers. The first is to provide direct lo- al (30) that it is possible to load 2 g of daptomycin
cal delivery of high doses of antibiotics. This allows and 3.6 g of tobramycin into a 40 g packet of bone
for more effective treatment of infected poorly vas- cement without any impact on its mechanical
cularized bone while avoiding systemic toxicity that ­properties. Another antibiotic that has been studied
can result from high dose intravenous therapy in vitro is teicoplanin. Chang et al (8) studied the

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Table I. — Antimicrobials frequently used in bone and joint infections that may be added into bone cement
Anphotericin B Ciprofloxacin Levofloxacin
Amikacin Clindamycin Linezolid
Amoxicillin Colistin Meropenem
Ampicillin Daptomycin Piperacillin/Tazobactam
Cefazolin Erythromycin Teicoplanin
Cefotaxime Fluconazol Tobramycin
Cefuroxime Gentamicin Vancomycin

antibacterial effects of daptomycin, vancomycin

­ 40g of cement along with vancomycin and gentami-
and teicoplanin loaded bone cement against cin to impregnate spacers in a study of twenty-two
­methicilin-susceptible, methicilin-resistant and even patients with infected total hip arthroplasty, obtain-
vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus ­ aureus ing a 95% infection free rate at final average follow-
strains. Interestingly, their results showed that all up of 41 months. Park et al (37) used 4,5 g piperacil-
antibiotics maintain their antibacterial ­ activities lin/tazobactam and 2 g vancomycin in their spacers
after­cement mixing. They also revealed that and achieved infection eradication in 32 of the 36
teicoplanin­-loaded cement presented better e­ lution treated patients.
efficacy and provided longer inhibitory ­periods An in vitro study by Samuel et al (41) concluded
against all Staphylococcus aureus strains. that meropenem elutes in pharmacologically mea-
Unfortunately, unlike vancomycin that was surable concentrations from ALBC for a period of
shown effective in numerous studies, clinical trials 3-27 days depending on the quantity of antibiotic
on these antibiotics are scarce or even absent. Cor- added and remains active against Staphylococcus
tes et al (11) recently published a case report demon- aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli
strating the successful use of daptomycin-impreg- and Klebsiella pneumonia for a period of up to three
nated spacer in the treatment of recurrent prosthetic weeks. There is also interesting evidence that com-
joint infection in a patient with multiple antibiotic bining meropenem and vancomycin broadens the
allergies and past colonization with multiply antibi- antibacterial spectrum and enhances the elution of
otic-resistant organisms. We ourselves have a simi- vancomycin in a mechanism described as “passive
lar successful case using daptomycin loaded hip opportunism” (2,4). To the best of our knowledge
spacer (unpublished results). Clinical studies or there is only a case report on the use of meropenem-
clinical reports on teicoplanin-impregnated spacers loaded cement in a one stage exchange prosthetic
are to the best of our knowledge absent. There are, hip infection with good clinical outcome (42).
however, experimental animal model studies sug-
gesting in vivo effectiveness (26). Dosage
Alternatives to aminoglycosides are also of great One of the most important issues when manufac-
interest. Not only is gentamicin resistance on the turing a spacer is to choose the ideal dose of
rise (not only among staphylococci but also among antibiotic(s) that should be added to the cement.
gram negatives) but also powder gentamicin or to- Ideally, it should allow for eradication of infection
bramycin are increasingly difficult to find in some while limiting the emergence of resistant strains and
European countries for those who want to manufac- minimizing toxicity. Although there is insufficient
ture their own spacers. data to make a definitive recommendation about the
Cephalosporins, piperacillin/tazobactam or car- ideal dosage of antibiotic loading, most authors and
bapenems such as meropenem are potential alterna- expert opinions agree it should range somewhere
tives but clinical evidence with these agents is still between 10 to 15% of total weight (4-6 g per 40 g of
scarce. Koo et al (31) did use 2g of cefotaxime per cement) (12,23,33,40). This much has been shown to

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be necessary in order to keep antibiotic concentra- al technical requirements for this strategy, it de-
tions in the spacer membrane above minimum in- pends largely on preoperatively knowing the bacte-
hibitory concentration for several isolates after six ria and it’s susceptibly pattern as well as the
weeks (17). The rule of thumb is, the more availability of appropriate antibiotics for cement
antibiotic(s) you add the less mechanical strength mixing. When these conditions are met, the one
the spacer will have and vice-versa. stage procedure offers about 85% success rate ac-
cording to the ENDO-Klinik experience (20).
Safety profile
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