Newsletter No 73 - 3rd May 2019

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Headmistress’s Newsletter

Issue 73 3 May 2019

Year 6 Theatre Trip

On Wednesday, Year 6 departed

the School with Mrs Prescott,
Mrs Lippard and Mrs Mason.
The children knew that they
were going to the theatre and
also being treated to lunch
out...but the destination of
both was a well kept secret!

When everyone was on the

train, Mrs Prescott finally
ended their suspense and
revealed the production that
they were going to see. The
news was received with cheers
of delight, when she
announced that they would be
going to the Apollo Theatre to
see 'Wicked'. They were also
thrilled to know that they
would be going to eat in
'Giraffe' first, as many of them
had not been there before.

It was a wonderful afternoon,

with everyone thoroughly
enjoying the food and as for the
performance.....the claps and
cheers from Year 6 spoke for
themselves. It was a real
delight to take the children out,
as their behaviour was
impeccable and this was
commented on by a member of
the public.

Mrs Prescott and all of Year 6 would like to thank Bronte

Friends for paying for this memorable treat for the
children's last term at Bronte School.
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KG and Reception Trip

Reception and Kindergarten Classes enjoyed a visit to the Gurdwara this week as part of our work
to develop understanding about how we are all different. Some of the children were very proud to
share their 'special place' with their friends. Everyone was made to feel very welcome indeed.
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Year 2 at Forest School

Building camps, leaf printing, tree climbing and of
course hot chocolate around the fire. Year two had a
fantastic visit to Forest School. They showed impressive
teamwork, problem solving and wonderfully creative
play, well done everyone!
Page 4

The Finalists:
Reception: Suhaavi Zach
Year 1: Nidhi Esperanza
Year 2: Divyum Kaelo & Fabian
Year 3: Veer Amber & Alina
Year 4: Alice Miles
Year 5: Jonathan Srinand
Year 6: Anjola Hannah

Tickets are now available for our Grand Final on

Saturday 18th May at 6.00pm.
Please come and support your favourite act.
Page 5

Year 3 visit The Living Land

Year 3 had a great day out at Living Land.
They tasted foods !, stroked animals ",
found out about the importance of bees #,
saw birds of prey , watched a sheep show
(including dancing sheep $) and learnt about
farm machinery%. Great fun was had by all.
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Mrs Kybert and the Early Years team are busy collecting
various items to develop a ‘woodwork’ provision. They
are collecting buttons, beads and plastic bottle tops.
They are also collecting ‘keys’ for storytelling. Any
donations would be very welcome. Please send in to
the office.

Bronte Nursery would also appreciate any donations of

lego, duplo, brio or any picture books in good condition
– again please give in to the office.
Cookery Club – Session 1
The first cookery club session was a Many thanks – hopefully a few cupboards can be
yummy success! The children got creative cleared out!!!
while making their 'Rainbow Fruit Kebabs
with Dipping Chocolate'. We had very
sensible chopping, very precise skewering
and perfect swirly drizzling of the
chocolate on top!

Well done to our chefs!

Cave Lesson.
What is the best way to write a detailed setting description?

Well, the children in Year 4 were asked this question and decided that first hand experience was the best
way to write a setting description. So off they went to the School Hall, where the stage had been set up in
the form of a cave. With cold air blowing in, water dripping onto their heads, echoing sounds around them
and a dark passage to pass through, Year 4 certainly were in cave setting of their own. Although
apprehensive about crawling into the cave, the children were certainly buzzing afterwards and once in the
classroom they excitedly wrote words and phrases, using their senses to describe their experience.

Watch this space for their setting descriptions and see for yourself how they compare to the original
description from the book we are reading. The adventures of Odysseus.
Looking Ahead:


Mon 6th Bank Holiday – school closed

Tue 7th Year 6: Forensic Science Day

Years 1 and 2: Maths briefing for parents
(4.00pm, Year 3 classroom)

Wed 8th Kindergarten: Forest School begins

Inter-School Maths Quiz Championships
(2.00pm Russell House School, Sevenoaks)
Parents welcome.

Thurs 9th Parents’ Council Meeting

(4.00pm, The Study)

Fri 10th Year 6: National Choral Celebration

(10.00am, Pearce Suite Theatre,

Tue 14th Year 3: Maths briefing for parents

(4.00pm, Year 3 classroom)

Wed 15th Kindergarten: Forest School

Saturday 18th Bronte’s Got Talent

Bake-Off practice-run by Freddie in (6.00pm, School Hall) *
Y6, who wanted his class to taste test
his biscuits. They readily obliged!!!

Grade 1 Piano
HUGE congratulations to Jesse, Jaya,
Bailey and Tristan who all received
either Merit or Distinction in their
Grade 1 piano exams.
What a marvellous achievement.

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