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June 2017


RRD was catapulted into the Presidency by a broad people’s
movement desperately longing for substantial and structural
changes, frustrated with the traditional and patronage politics that
ruled the country for the longest time. They wanted to address the wors-
ening problems of the extensive proliferation of illegal drugs (now in the
level of narco-politics) and criminality, corruption, protracted rebellion and
impoverishment that have not been put to a decisive end during the terms
of several past administrations. In the May 2016 presidential election the
Filipino people rallied in the PRRD’s battle cry of “Change is Coming!”.
After the assumption to power of PRRD in Malacañang, the strong 16.6 M
nationwide voters of PRRD expressed their willingness not just to pas-
sively voice out their support for the new president but more importantly to
take active role and participation in ensuring that the agenda for true
change for the country is realized.
However, taking effect the desired changes for the country is easier said that done. It faces huge obstacles
to hurdle. The large part of the current government is a product of decades of rule of traditional and patron-
age politics, with evident systemic defects: in-effective and un-responsive to needs of the people; many are
still involve in illegal drugs and other criminal activities; corruption syndicates are existing and entrenched in
many government agencies and LGUs, among others.
Moreover, the oligarchy and the elite that ruled the country for more than half a century, after our independ-
ence from the USA, still has strong control and influence in the political, economic and cultural spheres of the
Filipinos. The greedy and power hungry oligarch and political elites, with their cohorts and foreign masters,
will not just be sitting in the side-line and observe the change process to evolve. They will utilize their power,
resources and machinery to derail and avert any attempt of this government to make change to happen and
try to regain their control over the government.
Deeply understanding the intensity and complexity of the country’s problems, as said in his inaugural speech,
PRRD stressed that in solving those he can’t do it alone. Thus, the need for the people to actively involve in
governance is necessary and absolute.
There are substantial legal mandates in advancing people’s participation in governance. This is provided for
the 1987 Constitution (Sec. 15 and 16 of Art. XIII, The Role and Rights of People Participation), the Local
Government Code of 1991 (RA 7160), and the AO 21 or the IRR governing the RA 8425 (Social Reform and
Poverty Alleviation Act), which paved the way for the creation of National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC).
Further, the citizenry shall maximize the democratic spaces opened by the present administration to harness
its collective strength, improve its well-being, and to establish a peaceful, developed and prosperous society.
It shall capacitate and empower itself to take active and significant role in socio-economic, political and cul-
tural dimensions of the country. Hence, the birth of the Mula sa Masa Du30 Movement (MMDM).

Mula sa Masa Du30 Movement (MMDM), Inc.1



MMDM traces its roots back to 2014 formation of LUZON FOR PRESIDENT DUTERTE ON 2016, a Metro Manila-
based campaign machinery composed of several people’s organizations, individual leaders and personalities in-
cluding several Barangay Chairmen coming from Davao City. Conducted signature campaign initiative to persuade
the then Davao City Mayor Rody Roa Duterte to run for president on 2016 national elections.
On February 2015, the convenors of the said signature drive decided to focused their signature campaign in Metro
Manila and re-named the campaign machinery from LUZON FOR PRESIDENT DUTERTE ON 2016 to METRO
Executive Order No. 9 was signed by PRRD on December 1, 2016. Created the Office for Participatory Govern-
ance (OPG), to consolidate and “convert the power of the people during the campaign into power of the people in
inclusive participatory governance”. Accordingly, several people’s organizations were re-grouped and established
and shall be President Rodrigo Duterte’s partner for change to spread in all localities nationwide.
It is in this light, on June 2017, founders and leaders of METRO MANILA DUTERTE MOVEMENT conducted “All-
Leaders’ Conference” and resolutely decided to pursue participatory governance advocacy work to go nationwide.
Thus, we transformed and re-named our organization to MULA SA MASA DU30 MOVEMENT or MMDM and
respond to the call of advancing the participatory governance — creating an informed citizenry that actively
engages the process of governance and is able to contribute to it. As a committed partner for genuine social
change of the Duterte administration, MMDM aims to arouse, organize and mobilize the ordinary Filipinos in the
grassroots to develop and advance the people’s movement for social change nationwide.


MMDM is a nationwide mass organization. MMDM is the concrete expression of the people’s desire and interest to
support PRRD’s agenda for change to happen in the country, towards a peaceful, safe, developed, prosperous
Philippines, in a corruption-free federal form of government.
It is a leverage and a mechanism to empower the Filipino people to take active role in nation building; i) to fully
exercise its civil liberties; ii) actively participate in political and electoral exercise outside the control and influence
of the oligarchy, the elites and traditional politicians; and, iii) have substantial and significant role (in building and
strengthening) and benefits in the country’s inclusive economic development.
It is also a movement composed of and participated by the different sectors of society that shall serve and ad-
vance the welfare and well-being of the Filipino people, primarily the under-privilege, marginalized and impover-
It is a partner of the PRRD government in institutionalizing and effectively exercising participatory governance; to
collaborate, co-create and engage the government to ensure that the needed programs and services are ade-
quately and timely reach the communities, especially the needy at the grassroots.
It shall serve as a countervailing force for the different structures of government to reform itself, transform it into
effective, accountable, inclusive and responsive institutions in the service of the Filipino people; and for any at-
tempt of foreign powers to intervene in our internal affairs.
MMDM is not a political party, nor it is controlled or influenced by any of it. Though, it will ally and forge unity with
them in supporting PRRD’s change agenda.
a. The basis of membership for MMDM is individual
b. Who can be regular members?
Filipino Citizen; at least 18 years of age; resident of the barangay/community for at least 6 months; with

Mula sa Masa Du30 Movement (MMDM), Inc. 2

good community standing and not involve in any criminal activities
c. How to be a member? Apply for membership; recommended by at least two regular members; submit appli-
cation form; attend a basic orientation seminar of MMDM; approved by the chapter Executive Committee;
taken its oath as member.
d. Politicians are not accepted as regular members of the MMDM.
e. Rank and file government employee can be a regular member.
a. Collection of membership fees is strictly not allowed.
b. Sourcing out of funds from (i.e. FAs, LGUs, LGAs, etc.) for projects and other important activities shall have
the approval of MMDM National Executive Committee (NEC).


MMDM is a nationwide initiative which responds to the Duterte government’s call for participatory governance. It
envisions itself as an inclusive mass organization which will take the lead towards the creation of mass movement
for social change in the country.
MMDM also envisions future communities free of drugs and criminal activities, and a respectable, incorruptible
government focused on serving the people.
Initially, MMDM’s organizing efforts are focused on the unorganized ranks of Duterte supporters (DDS). However,
as an inclusive organization, it will open its membership to all Filipinos who agree on the principles and programs
of MMDM and who are willing to actively work as a member of the organization. MMDM understands its role as
PRRD’s partner for change in the grassroots.


MMDM, in partnership with PRRD, aims to create significant, tangible changes to the lives of ordinary Filipinos. In
the short term, these changes may manifest in efficient delivery of social services, improved food security, and bet-
ter life quality overall through poverty reduction measures.
In the long-term, MMDM aims to help transform the Philippine society into a genuine sovereign democracy: a just,
progressive and peaceful nation where all Filipinos may live in prosperity, a community which upholds dignity and
humanity above all.



MMDM shall be all out in supporting the campaign against illegal drugs and criminality in the communities. In doing
such, however, it shall not put the members in danger. It shall not directly take part in the enforcement (targeting
the supply side of the menace). Instead, focus on raising awareness and educating the people to be responsible
and productive citizens, thereby, contribute in reducing the demand for illegal drugs. It shall also contribute in the
initiatives of rehabilitating drug dependents;
a. MMDM shall be active in disseminating information and help in enhancing preparedness of communities
during up-coming weather disturbances (i.e. Typhoons, flooding, etc.) especially in identified disaster-
prone areas. Moreover, it shall get involve in relief and recovery operations in disaster-affected areas;
b. An emergency and/or medical response team can also be organized;
c. It shall strongly coordinate and collaborate with mandated agencies (i.e. PNP, DILG, NDRMMC, DSWD,

Mula sa Masa Du30 Movement (MMDM), Inc. 3

AFP, etc.) to ensure safe, secure and resilient communities;
d. Dial 911 will be maximized towards this direction;

2. CITIZEN’S WATCHDOG against all forms of graft and corruption

a. The people shall be vigilant and get involve in the planning and monitoring of programs and projects of
various agencies and LGUs;
b. The People shall be active in local special bodies, other partnership mechanisms, and in the fora, confer-
ences and consultations organized by LGUs and line agencies;
c. Maximize the 8888 for this purpose. MMDM members will gather and validates complaints and sugges-
tions, make the calls/contact the number in behalf of their members and constituents. MMDM will also
make the follow through on the relayed issues and concerns and ensure its effective response by con-
cern agencies;
a. It shall be a mechanism in dissemination of information on programs and projects, achievements and oth-
er concerns;
b. It shall help raise awareness and re-educate the people on the love of country, and patriotism;
c. It shall raise awareness in supporting the peace agenda and the shift to federalism (more on the next
item). Other agencies/units are taking the lead on this, and we will be taking a support role;
d. It shall maximize the use social media, in addition to other platforms, to counter the biased conventional
a. The people must be rallied in supporting the peace process with the CPP and the Bangsamoro militants
(MILF, MNLF, etc.) fighting the government with legitimate causes;
b. The shift to federalism is viewed as a structural change that will address not only the issue of genuine
autonomy of the Bangsamoro but likewise with the de-centralization of Political and Economic power
from the national down to the regions or states and subsequently pave the way for an inclusive, devel-
oped and prosperous Philippines. Moreover, the building of the strength of political base at the grassroots
(through the MMDM chapters) is a critical pre-condition so that the true essence of the transfer of power
from the elite to the people will be effected, and the process of political shift will be not just simply distrib-
uting the centers of power from the national to the local elites and oligarch in the different regions or
c. These two other monumental agenda will be brought to the people for decision in a plebiscite. The peo-
ple must be convinced to a favorable action to such crucial issues.
a. In spite the touted economic growth in the past administrations, the country still experience a high pov-
erty incidence at 21.6%, which is a rural phenomenon;
b. MMDM shall be a channel for the livelihood and economic projects from the government, and for effective
and timely delivery of basic services to the communities;
c. It shall actively initiate moves to partner and engage the government and the private sector for this pur-
d. It shall be pro-active in voluntarily mobilizing the citizens in addressing the immediate “felt needs” of the
communities (e.g. bad roads, drainage and waste disposal, flooding, etc.), and will not just wait for the

Mula sa Masa Du30 Movement (MMDM), Inc. 4

government to reach out to them to deliver the needed goods and services;
e. Special projects [possibly aiming poverty reduction in selected poorest communities and sectors, in a
multi-stakeholder (involving the public, private, communities), programmatic, and convergence approach
will be designed and implemented to this effect;
f. A socio-economic unit at the national, regional, provincial, city/municipal level or social enterprise groups/
units at barangay level can be set up for this purpose, wherever it is viable and suitable;
g. Gather information on opportunities for livelihood and other services from various agencies/LGUs, inform
the MMDM members and communities and provide guidance on how they can access and avail of it.
6. DEFENDER OF THE REPUBLIC against internal and external threats
a. It shall be vigilant and inform proper authorities any moves attempting to destroy and destabilize the
PRRD administration;
b. It shall continue to rally the people in supporting the independent foreign policy of this administration,
and counter the mis-information, media black out, and black propaganda in the domestic and internation-
al front;
c. We need to strengthen our ties and collaboration with the PNP, AFP and other authorities on this regard.


MMDM prides itself on upholding a high standard of values and principles for its officers and members. These are
the guiding principles which we use as our anchor while fulfilling our duties and responsibilities for the organization:

1. INTEGRITY: to practice what we preach, and to uphold the principles of the organization above all else, and
above personal gain;
2. DIGNITY: to respect oneself, the organization, and its principles, and to recognize that our rights also come
with responsibilities. The fight for genuine change stems from our individual commitments, and often our
greatest enemy comes from within ourselves;
3. ACCOUNTABILITY: The organization holds itself accountable for its actions, and expects the same of its
members. Accountability means taking full responsibility for our decisions and actions, and owning up to mis-
takes when necessary;
4. TRANSPARENCY: All information pertaining to the plans and activities of the organization are freely availa-
ble to all members. Transparency also applies to the organization’s finances and on-going projects, if any;
5. DEMOCRACY: All members are encouraged to engage and participate in organizational activities, including
meetings and decision-making;
6. CONSENSUS-BUILDING: As much as possible, all important decisions are made and agreed upon based
on the unity of the majority. Once an issue has been settled, members are expected to unite on the basis of
the majority consensus, despite our personal opinions. There are greater concerns and issues which need to
be addressed, and we cannot face them head-on if we are not united in our calls;
7. COLLECTIVE LEADERSHIP: Collective Leadership is also a democratic/participative leadership style. The
leaders invite and encourage the team members (Executive Committee) to play an important role in decision
-making process. The leader guides the members on what to perform and how to perform, while the mem-
bers communicate to the leader their experience and the suggestions if any. The advantages of this leader-
ship style are that it leads to satisfied, motivated and more skilled members of organization. It leads to an
optimistic work environment and also encourages creativity.
8. INDEPENDENCE AND INITIATIVES: While MMDM is a partner for change; it is independent of the Duterte
government and any other organization. It has its own organizational structure and plan of action, and while
it initially relies on the major programs for change, additional programs may be pursued should the members
deem necessary. Alliance-building with other organizations is part of the organization’s programs, but
MMDM will maintain its independence during the conduct of joint activities.#

Mula sa Masa Du30 Movement (MMDM), Inc. 5

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