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Lesson Plan

Fusha: Lënda: Anglisht Shkalla: V Klasa: X

Tema Mësimore: Situata për diskutim:

Family/ How we met Mr. Bean and grammar The teacher and the students discuss about
exercises. Experiences/ Adventure/ travel family, music and Mr. Bean using present
simple and present continuous tenses

Kompentencat e të nxënit:
Students will be able to:
- Use correctly and reinforce present
simple and continuous tenses.
- Use correctly and reinforce past simple
tense (affirmative, question and negative)
Burimet e informacionit: Fjalori me terma/ koncepte të reja:
Coursebook, Workbook, interactive Folk, heavy metal, hip-hop, house, jazz, pop,
flashcards (TB), Extra resources punk, reggae, rock, R& B
Lidhja Ndërlëndore e temës:
This topiv can be related to other subjects as music, Albanian language, arts etc,
Metodologjia e ores së mësimit:
Brainstorming, group activities, pair activities, individual work
Organizimi i ores së mësimit:
Hapi i pare:
First you ask your students to think about their families for sixty seconds. Then write the
word family on the board and ask students to write all the words they know about families.
After doing the cluster ask students to describe/ talk about their families. How many members
are there in their families, how many sisters or brothers they have, how many uncles and
aunts, how many cousins etc.
Hapi i dytë:
Ask students to have a quick look at the pictures on page 4 and guess how each person is
related to Vicky. Then play the recording and check whether they were right or not.
Ask students complete the sentences about Vicky’s family based on what they heard before.
Then play the recording again and check.
After that have students describe what the members of the family are doing in the pictures.
(during Ex. 4 and 5 check the use of present simple and present continuous by students, if
they face difficulties review with them both tenses).
Hapi i tret :
For the next activity ask students about their music/ band/ group etc. (use Ex.1 words). After
the discussion ask students to go through the text in Ex. 3 quickly and try to answer the
questions of Ex. 3 on page 5.
While reading ask them to underline all the verbs in the past. Read them loud and try to
match them with the corresponding verbs on Ex. 4. If yu see that students still have
difficulties do some extra practice with Ex. 8 on page5.
Përforëcimi i të nxënit:
Ask students to work individually and write all the letters of the alphabet in their notebooks.
Then ask them to think and write down a verb corresponding to each letter of the alphabet.
Ask students about their favorite movie and character. Ask them about comedies and if they
know Mr. Bean. Ask them to give their opinion about him as an actor.
After that if time do ex 4 and 6 on page 6.
Vlerësimi i nxënësve:
Evaluation based on observations, answers, group work and home work.
Ex. 7 page 6 or WB Exercises

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