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History of the Void Hawks Chapter


It was upon Holy Terra that the geneseed for the Void Hawks
was initially sequenced and prepared for chapter creation.
Selected initially to become a new Astartes Praeses chapter,
guarding the region surrounding the Eye of Terror against
Chaos incursion; the Void Hawks were brought to life on deep
beneath the surface of the Imperiums heart, their base gene
stock taken from the Raven Guard chapter . It was considered
only right that a new Praeses chapter, dedicated to protecting
the Imperium of Man should be founded in sight of the Holy
Throne itself. So it was that the 24th founding would be the
Void Hawks birth – all official records of their creation
expunged or redacted, their creation kept secret from the eyes
of the enemy.
After a successful founding, the Chapter was brought to full
strength, its warriors honing their skills on Terra, Luna, and
far, far beyond. Scout companies hunted the deadly forests of Death Worlds, or plundered the
depths of sprawling hive cities, learning urban warfare, stealth, subterfuge, reconnaissance,
assassination and cityfighting in the 41st millenium. Their guerilla tactics honed, the tactics of their
genesires perfected, the Void Hawks were ready for war. Having a fortress monastery, and full
Astartes facilities constructed and awaiting their arrival, the newly created Void Hawk fleet, along
with its Mechanicus ships, Astra Militarum cohort, civilian ancillaries and dedicated entourage,
disembarked Terra towards Endux, their new homeworld situated near the Eye of Terror.
Unbeknownst to all amongst the fleet, the Navigator
Prime onboard the Void Hawk flagship 'Hammer of
Faith' had been slowly, subtly, manipulated by the forces
of Chaos. For weeks beforehand, the mind of the
navigator had been slowly, subtly, shifted – he was no
longer in full control of his own mind, as Tzeentch's
chosen avatar, a Lord of Change, who called himself
'Umbraga' now inhabited the mind of the Navigator, his
physical form like a puppet on a string to the daemon.
With his puppet ready to act, he waited for the right time
to emerge.
The fleet at full muster, and arranged at the Mandeville
point between Terra & Mars, the Navigator Prime began
to open the passage to the warp. Seeing his opportunity,
Umbraga struck. The Navigator erupted into full daemonic possession as the fleet translated,
Tzeentch revealing his avatar by pouring unbridled energy into the Navigator's fragile body.
Bursting forth in a bloody orgy of psychic fire and metaphysical violence, the Daemon revealed its
true form. Huge wings, glittering with psychic radiation and cosmic fire, gloamed with dark
prismatic glares that burned the eyes to look at. A huge head, birdlike with a knife-sharp tip, hung
suspended from a serpentine neck. Feathers, like shards of tourmaline, glinted across the daemons
form, seemingly soft and delicate, yet swordlike in countenance. Robes swirling, staff flaring into
existence in his right clawed hand, the Daemon immediately cast his will over the other psychic
minds within his mental reach. The Navigator's thralls amplified the will of the Daemon, before
guttering out like spent candles before a firestorm. The gellar fields on the other nearby ships began
failing as they were caught between worlds, and turn asunder by the barbaric psychic barrage from
within, the navigators on the nearby ships blasted to ash by the psychic force of the onslaught,.
Their thralls were less fortunate, with Tzeentch’s daemons taking possession of their ragdoll forms
and surging forth amid the psychic infernos. Multiplying and spreading from the navigation
chambers on each ship, they began the carnage they were created for, possessing and killing
The Void Hawks on board the ships were instantly
active, and began the process of attempting to repel
the boarders. The civilian cohorts on board the ships
attempted to make for the Navigator’s chambers –
but on each ship, they were met with walking walls
of fire, claw and beak, as the daemons poured
through secured bulkheads and hatchways with
impunity. Eventually, with significant effort and loss
of life, the areas surrounding the Navigators
chambers were isolated – either by firepower,
librarius discipline or strength of will, the Astartes
stopped the total incursion of each ship. But this was
simply the beginning, as the ships were still
undergoing translation into the warp, and the
Navigator chambers of each ship still swarmed with

With a deafening psychic shrill. the daemons called

forth their brethren from the warp coalescing around
the ships. With no gellar fields to protect them, the ships shone like beacons for the hungry denizens
of the underverse. With horrifying rapidity, thousands of daemons and their ilk swarmed into
existence from each and every shadow, vent, duct and grille. Many servitors, fleet staff, Astartes and
civilians were slain in the initial assault, as daemons and horrors of all shapes and sizes appeared
within the bowels of the fleet, and wrought bloody havoc amongst the already disordered formation
of survivors.
Tanks rolled along corridors, and jump-pack equipped Astartes ambushed daemons from above, as
the forces of Chaos slowly lost the ground they had taken aboard the ships. Dreadnoughts scoured
the inner and outer surfaces of the ships, as the Chapter’s Librarius attempted to restore some kind
of protection against the warp. The fleet eventually began to regain cohesion as the Astartes and
terminator companies, along with vehicle detachments, scoured the great ships of the chaos forces
invading them, and the presence of the warp began to dissipate under the withering strength of the
Librarius’s efforts.
Umbraga, The Lord of Change, besieged by the Terminators of the First company, and trapped in
the Navigator’s chambers on the Hammer of Faith, sensed the turning of the tide of battle. Seeing
that the fleet was adrift, without reinforcements, and cutoff from the rest of Imperium, the daemon
flared with psychic fire before disappearing without a trace, leaving behind countless horrors to
plague the fleet's deeper levels. The boarders repelled temporarily from the upper control decks, the
fleet held station for a moment. Ranking officials made a consensus, and as one, the remains fleet
attempted to move out, to wander blindly through the warp, unguided by navigators and defenceless
against the predations of the surrounding madness of psychic energy. Behind them, a graveyard of
ships was left behind – cold corpses and glittering rictus grins, left floating in the void between

The human spoke.

“Are you alive?”
Su ch a foolish question. The servo motors in Strago’s arm were
still whirring and groaning, holding up the bulkhead above
both of them. The lights on the carapace of the suit illuminated
the surroundings, although with a weak, flickering orange
light. The lamp would die soon. What it revealed until then
though was a scene of hopelessness.
The corridor ahead basically ceased to exist. The combined
destruction of the exploding plasma lines, the daemonfire, the
explosive rounds of Strago’s storm bolter and the frag grenade
belt hu7rled by the human had left nothing but twisted metal
and carnage. There was no way through, and the corridor
above was still attempting to collapse. Strago was unsure as to
his next move. Sensing this the human spoke again, looking
panicked and sweating, shuddering, shaking.
“Well, if you were dead, I’d be dead. That’s not so bad, giving my
life so an Astartes can escape eh? I’ll be alright, just let it drop.
Make sure it’s worth it though, please? I don’t want to die to
Strago thought on this, his armour beginning to capitulate
under the strain. Finally, he spoke.
“You are a noble one, Guardsman. Your sacrifice will not be in
vain. I ask only that you close your eyes, that you may know
The guardsmans face blanched. Whimpering, he closed his
eyes. Strago spoke again, softly “Your name, Guardsman”
“Jenrick, my lord”
With a hollow crash and whomp, Jenrick felt reality cleave
apart, and blackness embrace him.
Suddenly, he was flat against the floor, throwing up, the air
heavy with the stink of vomit and ozone.
Jenrick stood from the teleportariums central pad, and looked at
Strago’s enormous terminator suit through blearly eyes. Strago
turned and looked at the trembling mortal. Armour stilling
groaning and sparking, he leaned in and smirked to Jenrick’s
bewildered face.
“The Emperor Protects, Jenrick”.
Wandering Pandaemonium

For what would later be determined to be roughly nine hundred years, the fleet wandered through
the immaterium, encountering countless horrors of both the real and the mundane. Within the fleet,
rationing was taking severe tolls on the civilian population, already struggling under the mental
strain of constant warp conflict. Power struggles, starvation, ambition, pride. All the typical human
phallacies and dramas played themselves out inside the protective metal shells of their ships, until
only despair and survival remained.
Beyond these fragile layers, the warp roared with its metaphysical malevolence. Myriad daemon
worlds, dotted the heavens – be they shocking geometric forms made of living crystal, whole
planets made of rotting flesh and pustulence, unearthly rocks spewing fire in great orbital arcs
around them ,shimmering golden orbs of absolute perfection – all gliding between glowering lights
and shimmering waves of non-existence. Populating these gulfs between worlds, roving Chaos
warbands, and unknown horrors of planetary scale hunted the ships through their passage, all the
while suffering myriad invasions and boardings.

With the continuous efforts of the Librarius, the rapid-response tactics of the Void Hawks, and the
sheer determination of the civilian and Mechanicus cohort, the fleet somehow survived, although
not without suffering grievous casualties along the way. The Titan Legions of House Vortice
accompanying the fleet were utterly and completely annihilated, when the Imperator Warlord titan
“Tiamus” fell to possession, its Plasma Annihilator firing indiscriminately within the great hull of
the Mechanicus ship. Scoring several direct hits on the ships drive unit, its Moderati detonated the
fusion cores just as the ship itself became a temporary new star in the unheavens.
Within the chapter. the Void Hawk Chaplains kept the faith of the battle-brothers strong, becoming
incredible figures of faith and worship amongst the Chapter's remaining companies - their acts of
faith and inspiration manifesting directly in the immaterium, creating saint-like beings in the
chapels, where deathly visages once reigned supreme. The Chapter Master led with indomitable
strength of will – ensuring that the tactics their Astartes were training with were ever changing, like
their foe; that their equipment was always in rotation so each Astartes mastered every weapon, and
that their minds were cleansed of impurity by the Librarius and Chaplaincy.
Inspired by the daily miracles of survival and faith that surrounded them, the Chapter Master, along
with his brethren, renewed their faith daily under the sight of the Chaplains, in preparation for the
constant onslaught of the warp. Their faith in the Emperor remained resolute, and at times, was their
only guiding light in the swirling, darkness of shadows. The chaplains became such icons amongst
the fury and madness of the world around them, that they themselves become literal figures of faith
and purity - wings of shimmering light erupting from the backs of some, incandescent halos playing
around the skulls of others. The Librarians felt tides of power they never dreamt possible, gloaming
with a dark potential everywhere they laid their gaze.
Due to the extreme length of the Chaos sieges against the fleet,
and the mental horrors laid upon them, at times Astartes
warriors simply fell to the ground; dead from exhaustion, their
genetics failing them after decades of constant wakefulness and
starvation. Others found their reserves limitless, fuelled by the
righteous ardour of cleansing the warp from the inside out - the
thought that their actions were aiding their battle-brothers in the
material realm giving them vigour and zeal. The civilians
however, with their Mechanicus allies, fell in droves – there was
little the Astartes could do for them, but they keenly felt their
loss and mourned them at all times.
In honour of those who sacrificed themselves, or were lost to
Chaos, the captains and senior officers had their white robes dyed red – to signify the enemies
blood, shed in vengeance for those who had fallen, and the blood shed by the innocent, in defence
of the Imperium. In truth, the blood of both enemy and innocent alike had already made this
symbol apparent to all.
The warp was not without its boons, however. Hulks drifted through
the warp, and once secured from their daemonic inhabitants, became
treasure troves in their own right. Ship classes thought extinct were
repaired and pressed back into service by the surviving Mechanicus
staff, now distributed amongst the fleet’s Techmarine contingent after
the loss of their ship. Weapons not seen since before the Heresy,
information of hive worlds as yet undiscovered, vehicles that were
serviceable, purified, and pressed into service once again, all passed
the workbenches of the never-tiring Techmarines, servitors and artisans
of Mars. The heights of the Imperium's hubris littered the warp - and
the Void Hawks made good use of all they could salvage.
Eventually, huge warp storms erupted throughout the nether as the Noctis Aeternae formed across
the galaxy, allowing glimpses of the material realm from the immaterium. A veteran Sergeant on
watch recognised a pattern formed by four stars, their light reaching into deep into the immaterium.
Considering it a sign from The Emperor, the Sergeant rushed to relay the information - for the first
time in nine hundred years, hope had glimmered from beyond the veil of madness. Accepted as a
holy sign by the Master of Sanctity and the Chief Librarian , the fleet oriented itself towards the
barely visible, impossibly distant star system.
The daemons began the pursuit. Ships of all class and shape swirled out from the warps deep
currents. The hellborne ships sent themselves at the fleet with determined fervour, each wave more
aggressively attacking, more indiscriminate than the previous. The Void Hawks, seeing the pursuant
apocalypse, planned an extreme course of action. Their ragtag fleet of patchfixed and jury-rigged
ships already straining, a desperate plan was put into effect. Evacuating an Astartes battle barge, the
ship was sent ahead of the fleet at maximum speed, its engines set to self destruct.
The daemons were held back as their final surge laid withering fire on the survivors, but suddenly
blinked out of existence as the battle barge engines detonated. The enormous explosion of force,
normally creating a rift to the warp when occurring in realspace, instead tore a hole back to the
material realm. Its shockwave blasted the Chaos forces back into the shadows of the warp, and for a
second, the Void Hawks had a singular chance at escape. The fleet, close behind the sacrificial ship,
bore the brunt of the explosion, riding out the
arcane firestorm, to pour through the hole,
“Bring it closer brother, I cannot shoot what I cannot see”
back into the material universe. Derium’s voice was laconic over the vox. Trito’s reply was
not - “It’s not you it’s after brother! Any closer we’ll both
The psychic flare of the explosion attracted suffer”. Still, Trito gunned the bike up into it’s final gear, and
aimed carefully through a building,as the Wraithknight
the attention of the captain aboard a nearby boomed down the street after him. Emerging from a
shattered doorway, he turned abruptly, drifting slightly on
Raven Guard ship, who, though initially the loose debris, before gunning the afterburners. Ahead of
mistrustful of the fleet emerging from the him was nothing but a single barricade, and beyond, the
road littered with debris before a half-destroyed
warp in such a manner, had received sign manufactorum.
“”Wait, brother, that will be too close” came Derium’s
from their navigator that “Black wings of cautious response. Trito didnt respond, he just smirked and
aimed the bike as the jets kicked in. The wraithknight
hope and fire are to be borne from the shouldered through the building behind, it’s shuriken fire
eating up the roadway behind Trito. For a second, the
heavens”, and were soon overjoyed to be Wraithknight was framed brilliantly as the bike ‘s
reunited with their genetic brethren. With afterburners lit up the dark streets, and the building
collapsed behind, allowing the fires of the city beyond to
the help of the Raven Guard ships and their outline it’s silhouette.
escorts, the Void Hawks soon made their A crack rang out through the darkness, and an eruption of
fire shot out from the huge soulstone embedded in the
way to complete their first mission - to take Wraithknights chest. A second shot cored through the stone
ownership of the fortress monastery set into the behemoth’s forehead. Clawing at the holes before
shuddering still, the gigantic Eldar construction collapsed
awaiting them on Endux. Unfortunately, it forward. Trito dodged the libs of the ailing titan, seeing it’s
falling sword borne forwards in enormous arms for one
turned out an old enemy had reached their last final attack. The sword gouged roughly through the
facade of the manufactorum, shattering concrrete and steel
homeworld ahead of them. before slowing and coming to a halt a few feet short of a
shattered window frame. Within the darkened frame, a
shadow detached itself from the blasted surroundings and
lifted a visor.
“I told you that would be too close” voxed Derium, a chuckle
in his voice.
The Scouring of Endux Prime
The Lord of Change that stranded the Chapter
in the warp, who had been the mastermind of
the Chapter’s decimation by attrition in the
warp, had left them only to take possession of
their intended homeworld in their absence. Now
under the control of Tzeentch and his forces, the
combined might of the Raven Guard and the
Void Hawks faced an uphill struggle to reclaim
the former Astartes world.
Fortunately, nine hundred years of facing
constant Chaos siege had honed the Void
Hawks into consummate siege warriors -
capable of both carrying out perfect strikes and
bombardments to crack open the hardest of
emplacements, but also perfectly able to break
the fiercest of siege lines with but a single
charge. Under the leadership of the Chapter
Master, armed with a pair of crackling lightning
claws and a jetpack of singular construction, the
Void Hawks swept with a righteous fury
through the Chaos forces, possessed of a singular rage and force as they sought to complete their
first, and thus far only, mission. The warriors of the Chapter would later recall in remembrance that
they felt as if the Emperor himself was fighting alongside them during the scouring of Endux - other
battle brothers would say that he had been there all along; his touch, and his presence, holding back
the ruinous and corrupting power of the warp. At the tip of the charge, the Chapter Master bloodied
his lightning claws, hunting his prey, the very daemon that had brought this ruin upon them.
Finally, Umbraga, the Lord of Change that had claimed the monastery for himself and doomed over
half the Chapter to a bloody death in the warp, emerged amongst the daemon horde. The Chapter
Master ignited his jump pack, and set upon the great winged daemon, as they both took the to skies
locked in combat. With incredible strength, the Chapter Master blocked the psychic bolts from the
Daemon, their warp-borne force guttering to nothing against the artificier armour; specially warded
against Chaos, and created in the warp itself by the genius of the Techmarines and Mechanicus
combined. With great speed, he dodged the claws and wings of the glittering Daemon, and gained a
moments advantage as he swung back and around Umbraga. Unleashing a millennia of rage, he
surged forth and clawed through the wings of the Daemon, and with a further blow, sent him
spiralling to the ground. Through the azure spire of his citadel did the Daemon fall, eventually
stopping with an earthshaking collision against a solid stone slab of immense size.
As the debris landed from an impact felt in both the warp and the realm of men, the daemon was
seen to be slain, his deformed, wingless body broken and burning to blue embers over his profane
altar. The psychic shock wave of his banishment blasted the remaining daemonic forces to ash, and
the Void Hawks, vindicated, finally took possession of their new homeworld. After nine hundred
years, with so many battle brothers lost, the chapter sought immediately to restore itself to fighting
strength. With so much rebuilding and recovery to do, the Void Hawks set out to claim the glory
they had long been denied.
The Chapter Master, architect of the Chapter’s
survival, decided to dedicate certain chapter
Primaris Reinforcements
symbols to those that had fallen during their escape
After their re-emergence from the warp,
from hell so that no new initiates would be Primaris reinforcements were made available to
the Void Hawks. At first, having no knowledge of
unfamiliar with their history and provenance. First, these new technologies, and knowing these new
he would forgo his name, as would all who came battle-brothers would have no knowledge of the
warp-warfare the rest of the chapter was familiar
after him. They would be known as Lords of the with, the Lord of the Void was mistrustful, and after
grudgingly allowing a small contingent intothe
Void, to show the mastery of void survival the chapter, declared that they would not be ever
granted the rank of Veterans, as they had not served
Chapter had exhibited – but also, he would carry the long war in the warp the rest of the chapter had
him the names of every soul who was lost to the suffered through. After hearing a petition from the
Master of Sanctity, the Chapter Master relented and
warp. His final words, as a named Astartes, were allowed Primaris battle-brothers to swell the ranks
of the Void Hawks.
that “no single brothers name should be more
The petition concerned one battle-brother in an
important than the thousands of names spoken no intercessor squad – who, in the midst of battle, broke
squad coherency to protect a group of mortals
more”. Alongside this, the previously jet black against a cohort of bloodletters, losing an arm and
armour of the Void Hawks was marked in four an eye in the process. The intercessor, fighting one
handed, used the longer daemon’s blades against
places – the knee pads and the backpack vents – in them, turning against the attacks and predicting
their warp-jump movements with unerring
white, to represent the formation of four stars that accuracy. The last of the Daemons fled, and
reuniting with his squad, ferried the human
had led the Chapter from the warp. To this day, it is civilians to saftey. Impressed with the selflessness
unknown which system it represents; the Veteran of the brother, and the skill at which he learned the
daemons attacks, the Lord of the Void made special
Sergeant who identified it could not later do so on dispensation to grant the Intercessor the rank of
Veteran Sergeant, to be known as ‘The Last Veteran’.
any given star chart.
To this day, only one Veteran may serve from the
The Inquisition, at first mistrustful and in outright Primaris cohort at any given time – each forgoing
his name and being known as the ‘Last Veteran’,
disapproval of this chapter returning to active each chosen personally by the Lord of the Void for
their individual merits both in and out of combat.
service, eventually relented after a thorough
inspection of the Chapter and it's geneseed - but most of all, after very close inspection of the great
many relics they had captured and reclaimed from daemon worlds and warlords, and the
information regarding a certain Primarch thought lost to the warp . . .
Their tactics honed by constant warfare with Chaos, by relentless invasions and sieges by the unreal
and inhuman, the Void Hawks had become the ideal warriors to fight the forces of the Thirteenth
Black Crusade - and with he Astartes forces engaged in myriad wars across the Imperium and
beyond, the Chapter was immediately pressed into service, all efforts dedicated to restoring the
original strength of the Chapter. Under supervision, the Chapter now operates with Inquisitorial
approval, in their original role - as Astartes Praeses, defenders against chaos, the first great bulwark
against the last great enemy.

The Endux System

The binary star system of Endux comprises of twelve worlds, three

of which are in the system’s habitable zone, and a further four
having installations settlements of various kinds. Endux Prime,
homeworld of the Void Hawks, has seen significant conflict.
Settled long before the fall of Old Night, humanity here at first
enjoyed a peaceful lifestyle, having had lush grasslands, wide,
deep oceans, and ice caps covering hoards of valuable minerals
and resources, making it an ideal candidate for colonisation. As
the warp currents flowed elsewhere, the system itself was isolated
in an eddy of becalmed warpspace; this made interstellar to and
from the planet at times troublesome, but the peoples living on the
planet enjoyed little predation or interference despite their
proximity to the Eldar empire.
Then came the birth of Slaanesh , the fall of the Eldar, and the
opening of the Eye of Terror. Records from this time are lost
beyond retrieval, but the system bears the scars of warp-borne
conflict deep into its crust. Cities lie in ruins, with survivors abandoning the larger centres of
habitation and making encampments of a more nomadic variety. Industry has fallen back to flint and
fire, with remnants of technology, and the secrets of their construction being jealously hoarded by
the few, and shared with no-one. The warp now flows strongly and freely through the system,
allowing more immediate access for interstellar travel, but also ultimately bringing with it the
predations of Chaos. Where before two stars illuminated the heavens of Endux Prime, now a third
terrifying light joined them – the Eye of Terror. Humanity recoiled in fear, and over the millennia of
daemonic attacks and psyker mutations, devolved into a feudal state, unworthy of attention to the
galaxy at last. When finally the planet was reunited with humanity, compliance was immediate – the
people of Endux were desperate for salvation. So it was that the system was made ready for new
inhabitants – the Imperium of Mankind, and its loyal warriors, the Adeptus Astartes.
Endux Prime, along Secundus and Tertius, now bear the hallmarks of Astartes installation. Endux
Secundus bears the installations of the Mechanicus, starting as a tundra world of chill temperatures
and frozen oceans, eventually becoming an arid forgeworld under an exclusive and enduring
agreement with the Void Hawks, cemented by their cooperation in the Warp. Tertius is a recruitment
world for the Void Hawks, as well as being a rad-soaked hive world providing prodigious industrial
output. These three worlds together work in perfect synchronicity – the Mechanicus, the Astartes,
and the civilian populations, all well versed in warp warfare, and working towards a common goal.

Endux Prime is home to the fortress-monastery of the Void Hawks – a towering edifice of Obdisian
shaped like an enormous scalene ziggurat, pitted with gothic arches, cloisters and reliefs, and
capped with a shining beacon of brilliant white light that pierces the heavens. Half submerged into
the ocean, half soaring like a coastal mountain on the shores of Endux Prime’s largest ocean
Mulgor, it is the multi-layered home to most of the chapters primary facilities – its training centres,
its Reclusiam, its Librarius all make home in the staggered levels of shimmering black crystal.
Numerous starports and factorums, hive spires, armoriums, domiciles and sensoriums dot the land
around the gigantic pyramid; but in the shadow of the colossal structure, all artifice pales into
shadow. At its main portal, two titans of the Reaver pattern stand watch – their apocalypse launchers
every watchful for the presence of Chaos returning.
The scars of war dot the surface of Endux. What was once naught but verdant vistas became huge
sprawling neo-gothic cities, which became megalopolis, which became ruination as Umbraga’s
arrival and subsequent control of the planet wrought its havoc. When the Daemon initially arrived,
it was as a burning comet of blue fire falling from the sky at first light, lighting the sky a brilliant
azure blue against the red sunset. The comet shimmered through the atmosphere and seemed to
strike the largest building it could center on – the former fortress monastery, prepared for the Void
Hawks arrival, created from the structure that had once housed the previous rulers of the world.
Streaking too fast for the plantery defence guns to fire upon, it struck with enough force to
completely level the area for thousands of miles, breaking the crust itself in places, and causing
volcanic chain reactions across the world. Umbraga used the thinning of the veil in the system to his
advantage, and reshaped the burning world to his own desires. Mountains were raised to impossible
heights. New arcane cathedrals to profane worship were created, and within the greatest of these,
the Daemon made his nest. A singular stalagmite of gigantic crystal, half sunk beneath the earth,
was where he made his lair – and upon the arrival of the Void Hawks, was cast down through the
many shattering layers of, to his eventual demise.
With his death, the magic that had enscorcerelled Endux was banished also – what could become
what it was before did so, except Endux was forever changed. With centuries of effort from the
Techmarines, Mechanicus and artisans of the Astra Militarum, with Astartes planning and
Inquisitorial oversight, Endux was raised from a ruined hellscape, to a bastion world capable of
defending mankind against the first waves of Chaos. Ideally placed to use these defences, the Void
Hawks now use the system as a shield, protecting other star systems from further attack from their
proximity to the Eye of Terror. Thanks to the Hawks ongoing efforts, stable routes to attack the Eye
of Terror are now available, and reconnaissance missions back into hell have begun in earnest.

The Void Hawks are mostly Codex Astartes compliant, but with certain extra specialisms that are
unique to their chapter. These include dedicated anti-psyker sniper teams, anti-vehicle veteran kill
teams, and deep reconnaissance teams, amongst others. Certain aspects of wargear and deployment
also differ significantly from the Codex Astartes stricture – these were typically developed and used
whilst beyond reinforcement in the warp. These have times included previously unknown patterns
of battlecruiser, Land Raider, and dreadnought, as well as forgotten and forbidden weaponry, such
as Vortex Weapons and Conversion Beamer technology. With the Techmarines of the Void Hawks
receiving the full support of the Mechanicus and the Inquisition, the wargear of the Void Hawks has
become as varied and adaptable as the battle brothers who put it to use.
Typically, the Void Hawks are deployed
wherever a lightning first strike response is
required – being specialists at combating Chaos
Astartes, Daemonic forces and their possessed
thralls. They are experts at stealth-based
operations and reconaissance, and often work in
tandem with other chapters to achieve an overall
objective, spotting targets for other’s to
eliminate. The Chapter boasts an above average
number of mk6 armour suits, as well as a large
number of jump pack units – a large number of
the Mk6 suits being gifted to the Chapter by the
Raven Guard, as well as the Contemptor
Dreadnought ‘Zeromus’, which was at that
point unoccupied.
From their homeworld they often range out in small detachments to intercept Chaos forces before
they can pose a threat, but are most often seen defending the region near to the Eye of Terror where
they make their home, and waiting for the Cicatrix Maledictum to recede so that they may one day
soon rejoin the Imperium of Mankind once again.
Void Hawks Characters


Selections: Jump Pack , 2 x Lightning Claw, Raven's Fury, Silent Stalker,

Categories: Adeptus Astartes, Character, HQ, Imperium, Infantry, Captain,
Fly, Jump pack, Warlord
Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear
Abilities: Iron Halo, Jump Pack Assault, Raven's Fury, Rites of Battle,
Silent Stalker,
Unit: Captain (Jump Pack),
Weapon: Bolt pistol, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, 2 x Lightning claw

Iron Halo
This model has a 4+ invulnerable save.
Jump Pack Assault
During deployment, if this model has a jump pack, you can set it up high in the skies instead of placing it on the battlefield. At
the end of any of your Movement phases this model can assault from above - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more
than 9" away from any enemy models.
Raven's Fury
The bearer of the Raven's Fury can Advance and charge in the same turn. Furthermore, the bearer can re-roll
failed charge rolls.
Rites of Battle
You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly CHAPTER units within 6" of this model.
Silent Stalker
Enemy units cannot fire overwatch at your warlord.

Captain 12” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+

Weapon R Type S AP D Abilities

Bolt Pistol 12” Pistol 1 4 0 1 -
Frag Grenade 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 -
Krak Grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 -
Lightning Claw M Melee U -2 1 You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. If a model is
armed with two lightning claws, each time it fights it can make
1 additional attack with them.

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