Overall Plan: China and The World

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Overall plan

Year: 20 ____ / 20 ____ Teacher: ________________

Book 3C: China and the world Class: ________________

Date: ______________________ Week: ______________

Module 1: Focus on China Unit 1: Chinese people Suggested periods: 5
Objectives Activities Resources

 Know that there are  Tell pupils that there are different ethnic groups in
different ethnic groups in China. Ask them if they can name some of them.
 Learn about the origins of  Tell pupils that Chinese people call themselves
the Chinese nation. ‘children of Yan and Huang’. Ask them to guess
 Know why Chinese why. Then read the story on Student’s Book p. 2
people call themselves with them.
‘children of Yan and
 Know that Han is the  Tell pupils that there are 56 ethnic groups in Additional information 1
largest ethnic group in China. Ask them if they know which group is the (Teacher’s Resources T10)
China. largest. Invite suggestions.
 Find out the distribution  Explain to pupils that the other ethnic groups in
of ethnic minority groups China are called ethnic minority groups. Look at
in China. the map of China on Student’s Book p. 3 with
them. Ask them to guess which groups live in the
different regions.
 Find out about food,  Tell pupils that each ethnic minority group in Additional information 2
clothing, arts and China has its own culture. Look at the pictures on (Teacher’s Resources T10)
festivals of ethnic Student’s Book pp. 4–5 with pupils. Have them
minority groups in China. find examples of each category from different
 Appreciate the unique ethnic minority groups. Encourage them to share
cultures of ethnic their findings with the class.
minority groups in China.
 Know that some ethnic  Explain to pupils that some of the culture of Additional information 3
minority group cultures in ethnic minority groups in China may disappear. (Teacher’s Resources T10)
China may disappear. Have them find some examples and share with
 Think of ways to protect the class. Encourage them to think about what we
ethnic cultures. can do to keep ethnic cultures alive.
 Learn about traditional  Have pupils work in groups to find examples of iBoard: Traditional
clothes of different ethnic traditional clothes of different ethnic minority clothes of different ethnic
minority groups in China. groups. Ask them to design their own outfit using minority groups
 Use SCAMPER to their findings. Hold an exhibition of pupils’ work. Additional worksheet 1
stimulate creativity. (Teacher’s E-book)
 Ask pupils to complete Workbook pp. 2–3.
Date: ______________________ Week: ______________
Module 1: Focus on China Unit 2: Famous places in China Suggested periods: 6
Objectives Activities Resources

 Share your experience of  Look at the pictures on Student’s Book p. 8 with

visiting cities in China pupils. Ask them if they have ever been to any
and the impression you cities in China and what they saw there.
got from them. Encourage them to share their experiences.
 Find out about the  Tell pupils that Beijing is the capital of China Additional information 1
historic sites around and has a long history. Show them the pictures (Teacher’s Resources T14)
Beijing. on Student’s Book p. 9. Have them find photos
 Find out about important of historic sites around Beijing and share them
places in Beijing. with their classmates.
 Tell pupils that there are many important places
in Beijing as it is the capital of China. Look at
the pictures on Student’s Book p. 10 with them.
 Find out about the  Tell pupils that Xi’an is another ancient city in Worksheet 1
historic sites in Xi’an. China with many historic sites. Look at the (Student’s Book p. 35)
 Know how some historic pictures on Student’s Book p. 11 with them. Additional information 2
sites get damaged by Have them find out in which dynasties the sites (Teacher’s Resources T14)
visitors. were created. Then ask them to find out about
the historic sites of another city in China and
complete Worksheet 1.
 Read the headlines with pupils. Ask them how
 Find out about some  Tell pupils that there is a lot of beautiful natural Additional information 3
natural scenery in China. scenery in China. Ask them to find some photos (Teacher’s Resources T14–
 Think about the pros and and share them with the class. T15)
cons of developing  Read the opinions on Student’s Book p. 13 with
tourism in Lijiang. pupils. Ask them if the people are for or against
 Appreciate the beautiful tourism in Lijiang. Get them to think whether
natural scenery in China. tourism is good for cities like Lijiang.
Encourage them to share their opinions.
 Find out how things have  Look at the pictures on Student’s Book p. 14 Additional information 4
changed over the past 30 with pupils. Explain to them that the economy (Teacher’s Resources T15)
years in Shenzhen. of Shenzhen has grown quickly over the past
 Learn about cities or few decades. Ask them what changes there are.
areas of China that have Invite suggestions.
grown quickly.
 Understand that souvenirs  Ask pupils if they have any tourist gifts from iBoard: Souvenirs from
or local specialties can China. Encourage them to bring back the gifts to China
reflect the history of a school and show them to their classmates.
place.  Ask pupils to complete Workbook pp. 4–5.

Date: ______________________ Week: ______________

Module 1: Focus on China Unit 3: Traditional arts of China Suggested periods: 5
Objectives Activities Resources

 Know what the traditional  Introduce the traditional ‘Four Arts’ of China
‘Four Arts’ of China are. to pupils. Ask them if they have tried doing
 Share one’s experience of any of them. Get them to share their
the ‘Four Arts’. experiences.
 Learn about the guqin and  Tell pupils that the guqin is China’s oldest Additional information 1
other Chinese musical string instrument. Have them listen to a piece (Teacher’s Resources T18)
instruments. of music played on the guqin. Ask them how it
 Enjoy music played on makes them feel. Encourage them to share
the guqin. their feelings.
 Ask pupils what other Chinese instruments
they know. Invite suggestions. Ask them if
they would like to learn to play a traditional
 Find out about how weiqi  Introduce the game weiqi to pupils. Explain to Additional information 2
is played. them that according to legend, the game weiqi (Teacher’s Resources T18)
 Understand the benefits of was invented by the Emperor Yao for his son.
playing weiqi or other Ask pupils to find someone to show them how
board games. to play the game.
 Ask pupils if they think playing weiqi or other
board games is good for them. Encourage them
to give their opinions.
 Know different Chinese  Explain to pupils that calligraphy is the art of Additional information 3
calligraphy styles. writing and there are different styles of (Teacher’s Resources T19)
 Learn to write in different Chinese calligraphy. Look at the three
Chinese calligraphy calligraphy styles on Student’s Book p. 18 with
styles. pupils. Ask them if they know the order in
which they were used. Invite suggestions.
 Appreciate the Chinese
calligrapher Wang Xizhi.  Encourage pupils to try to copy the calligraphy
styles on Student’s Book pp. 18–19. Ask them
Module 1: Focus on China Unit 3: Traditional arts of China (continued)
Objectives Activities Resources
 Learn what Chinese  Look at the Chinese paintings on Student’s Additional worksheet 2
paintings are about. Book pp. 20–21 with pupils. Ask them what (Teacher’s E-book)
 Learn to paint in the each painting is about and which ones they like Additional information 4
Chinese style. most. Invite suggestions. (Teacher’s Resources T19)
 Appreciate the beauty of  Have pupils find a Chinese painting they like.
Chinese paintings. Encourage them to use the same theme to
create their own painting. Hold an exhibition
of pupils’ work.
 Learn about other Chinese  Ask pupils what other Chinese arts they know.
arts. Invite suggestions.
 Ask pupils to complete Workbook pp. 6–9.

Date: ______________________ Week: ______________

Module 2: The wider world Unit 4: See the world Suggested periods: 5
Objectives Activities Resources
 Raise interest in different  Have pupils browse the websites of travel
tourist attractions. agencies and choose a place they would like to
visit. Encourage them to share the reasons for
their choices.
 Learn about different  Look at the pictures on Student’s Book p. 24 Additional information 1
kinds of tourist attractions with pupils. Explain to them that there are (Teacher’s Resources T22)
around the world. many kinds of tourist attractions in the world.
Have pupils work in pairs to find examples of
the four kinds.
 Learn about different  Tell pupils that people from different cultures Additional information 2
cultures around the world. have different lifestyles and traditions. Ask (Teacher’s Resources T22–
 Use Wh- questions to them to find examples from different cultures. T23)
organise information.  Look at the pictures on Student’s Book p. 26
 Understand that one with pupils. Discuss the questions with them.
should respect people Remind pupils that we should respect people
from different countries. from different cultures.
Small-class teaching (Think-Pair-Share):
 Understand why there is a  Explain to pupils that over time, people from Additional information 3
mixing of cultures. different cultures have had close contact, and (Teacher’s Resources T23)
sometimes parts of their cultures can become
mixed. Ask them if they have seen any
examples. Go over the pictures on Student’s
Book p. 27 with them.
Module 2: The wider world Unit 4: See the world (continued)
Objectives Activities Resources

 Learn to take online  Explain the steps on Student’s Book p. 28 to

virtual tours. pupils. Encourage them to follow the steps and
‘visit’ tourist attractions online.
 Ask pupils to complete Workbook pp. 10–11.
Date: ______________________ Week: ______________
Module 2: The wider world Unit 5: Connecting people Suggested periods: 5
Objectives Activities Resources

 Be aware of different  Explain the situation stated in the Warm-up

ways of communication. section on Student’s Book p. 29 with pupils.
Ask them what they can do. Invite suggestions.
 Learn about ways of  Ask pupils how information was passed on in Additional worksheet 3
communication in the ancient times. Invite suggestions. Then look at (Teacher’s E-book)
past. the pictures on Student’s Book p. 29 with pupils. Additional information 1
 Know the history of Ask them what was good or bad about each of (Teacher’s Resources T26)
communication the ways of communication. Encourage them to
technology. give their opinions.
 Ask pupils if they know the history of
communication technology. Guide pupils
 Know how modern  Read about Henry on Student’s Book p. 31 with Additional worksheet 4
communication pupils. Then discuss the questions with them. (Teacher’s E-book)
technology is used.  Ask pupils how they communicate with friends Additional information 2
 Understand the or family members in other places. Encourage (Teacher’s Resources T26–
advantages and them to share their experiences. T27)
disadvantages of modern  Ask pupils if it is better to meet up with
communication someone in person or communicate with him/her
technology. through technology. Encourage them to give
 Be aware that the Internet  Explain to pupils that the Internet is a useful tool Additional information 3
is a useful tool for for spreading information. Look at the example (Teacher’s Resources T27)
spreading information. at the top of Student’s Book p. 32 with pupils
 Learn how to help people and ask them to find some more examples.
in need through the  Explain to pupils that some people in different
Internet. parts of the world are poor and have difficult
lives. Encourage them to use the Internet to find
out about their needs and share their findings
with the class. Ask pupils how we can help
people in need through the Internet. Invite

Module 2: The wider world Unit 5: Connecting people (continued)

Objectives Activities Resources
Small-class teaching
(Team word-webbing):
Pupils work in groups and list ways to find out
about the needs of others using the Internet.
 Understand the impact of  Ask pupils to imagine what would happen if
the Internet on people’s there was no Internet. Ask them how it would
lives. affect people’s lives. Encourage them to share
their opinions.
 Ask pupils to complete Workbook pp. 12–15.

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