The Connection Between Autism and Mass Murder

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Sheriff says Devon Erickson wrote that he was ‘addicted to pain.’ Before the
age of 6, Sandy Hook mass murderer Adam Lanza had been diagnosed with
sensory integration disorder - now known as sensory processing disorder.
Those with sensory processing disorder or SPD may under-respond and feel
little or no reaction to pain or extreme hot and cold.

By A. J. Weberman


NYC 10010
May 26, 2019


Kendrick Castillo was latest victim of an autistic killer named Devon

Erickson. Erickson was into Tumbler, a haven for would be mass
murderers and his partner was a girl who was trying to transition into a
boy. The killing was the result of political correctness which taught never
to question if a boy can become a girl without being able to give birth.




Physical features of a Fragile “X” Zombie may include a long and narrow face,
large ears, flexible fingers, and large testicles. Parkland mass murderer Nikolas
Cruz is the Fragile “X” Zombie poster boy.

The cases of mass murder we will examine have this in common – all
the shooters were autistic. Though postnatal factors such as lack of
parental attention were once blamed, it is now known that autism is the
result of congenital abnormalities in the brain structure. This faulty wiring
generates a proclivity to violence. A natural occurring abnormality, Fragile
“X”, may explain the origin of autism. Fragile “X” is caused by a gene
mutation in the female “X” chromosome that affects the construction of
synapses, vital connection points between nerve cells. Because boys have
only one “X” chromosome, they are more severely affected by the
syndrome than girls. As girls have two “X” chromosomes it makes less
impact if one is defective. Boys are generally more likely to develop
autism than girls and this is one reason most mass murderers are male.


In the 1990s, scientists identified the FMR1 gene that causes FXS,
and accurate DNA testing became available. The “FMR1 DNA Test”
(sometimes called the “Fragile “X” DNA Test”) became the “standard of
care” for determining the presence of Fragile X. DNA testing detects more
than 99 percent of individuals with FXS, as well as Fragile “X” carriers.
Perhaps a Fragile “X” DNA test could prevent guns from falling into the
hands of Fragile “X” Zombies?


In the 1940’s Leo Kanner described a distinct syndrome instead of

previous depictions of autistic children as feeble-minded, retarded,
moronic and idiotic. 1 While early infantile autism and childhood
schizophrenia have virtually identical symptoms, Kanner argued that they
differed in onset. The autism syndrome usually appears before 2 years of
age. Autistic infants appear indifferent or averse to affection and physical
contact. They may be slow in learning to speak and suffer episodes of rage
or panic. This causes problems in forming relationships and in
communicating with other people. Prior to the onset of childhood
schizophrenia, there is a period of normal mental state. However, early
infantile autism manifests itself essentially right after birth. Kanner
reported that the babies with early infantile autism were unusually
apathetic, did not respond normally to people, did not assume proper
posture to be picked up, startled at anything that disrupts their isolation,
and lacked responsiveness. Kanner raised doubts about the necessity of
separating infantile autism entirely from the schizophrenias because it can
be considered as "the earliest possible manifestation of childhood


Kanner decided to focus closely on the adult parents of the children

and found something an intriguing pattern. Most of the adult parents had
extremely successful careers: scientists, college professors, artists,
clergymen, and business executives. In fact, Kanner had trouble finding
autistic children of unsophisticated parents. This sparked Kanner's
curiosity about the attitudes of the parents and the relationship dynamic
between the parents and the children. He found that most of the parents
had unaffectionate, mechanical relationships with their autistic children
and would oftentimes dismiss them entirely. Kanner concluded that this
unaffectionate dynamic potentially causes the autistic children to turn
away and "seek comfort in solitude." He even argued that the children's
obsessive preoccupations and remarkable memory feats represent "a plea
for parental approval." He called these mothers “refrigerator mamas.” It
was more likely these Kelvinator parents ignored their autistic kids
because they were too weird and may have thought of them in a Coney
Island freak show sense, not in a family member sense.


Kanner may have been a bit of a crackpot but Asperger was a

Nazi. In 1938 the Nazi physician and eugenicist Hans Asperger (1906–
1980) was the Viennese child psychologist who first designated a group of
children with distinct psychological characteristics as ‘autistic
psychopaths’. He published the first definition of Asperger syndrome in


From then on, the eponym ‘Asperger’s syndrome’ gained

currency. He identified a pattern of behavior and abilities in four boys that
he called "autistic psychopathy" meaning autism (self) and psychopathy
(personality disease).

The pattern included "a lack of empathy, little ability to form

friendships, one-sided conversation, intense absorption in a special
interest, and clumsy movements." Asperger would send children who
exhibited these minor personality problems to their deaths at the child
“euthanasia” clinic Am Spiegelgrund in Vienna. Asperger was a member of
numerous Nazi organizations including The Austrian / German Bund. The
Journal of Molecular Autism disagreed. “Despite these associations, there
is no indication that Asperger actively sympathized with the Nazi
movement prior to 1938, unlike many of his colleagues. Rather, the
evidence points to an ambivalent attitude.” 2 The American Psychiatric
Association has gotten rid of the term Asperger and the symptoms now
fall under the umbrella of autism. Somebody should have gotten rid of
Asperger himself.

Fragile X people are dangerous. Bipolar individuals are more likely to

do violence to themselves, and paranoids are usually too paranoid to act
out since they think they are being watched. But those with autism are
the ones who are truly dangerous since their affliction borders on
congenital psychopathy but they are not institutionalized and are free to
circulate among us. Thanks to lobbying groups like Autism Speaks autism
is not considered a mental illness but a developmental challenge. This
allows these emotionally defective individuals to have access to firearms.

There is still a debate whether autism is linked to violence especially

after a recent string of mass murders by Fragile X Zombies. From what I
can ascertain from the comments of those touched by or interested in this
issue, autism advocates and those with autism claim there is no link to
violence while those educators who deal with autistic children claim that
there is and if the autistic child is taken off their routine or medication
they become an extremely violent Fragile X Zombie. I’ve observed some
young Fragile X Zombies in the course walking my dog and they look as if
they are demon possessed. How many kids who later get arrested were in
Special Ed because of autism?


If autistic children didn’t have a proclivity for violence, why lock them
in padded cells as punishment? 3 They need weighted clothing and strait
jackets although they don’t call them that. Instead they become
“restraining clothing.” When they are in the street they need leashes as
they are continually trying to escape. There is definitely a link with
extreme violence and again people with even the slightest touch of
autism should NOT be allowed to possess or have access to firearms. In
fact the really violent ones should be institutionalized.

Autism “affects behavior, cognitive ability and social skills” and the
syndrome at one time was a diagnosis in the American Psychiatric
Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. But
Autism is now a “neuro-developmental disorder” due to a liberal all
inclusive society where the most bizarre forms of behavior, such as self
mutilation during a so-called sex change operation, are normalized. Some
of the impetus for the reclassifying of autism was to spare affected
families shame, that is, the shame of having raised a child with mental
illness. This is where Political Correctness gets us into a collective state of
denial where nut jobs like Nikolas Cruz and Adam Lanza are given access
to assault weapons because they are not considered insane. Family
members shouldn’t be afraid to use the term “Fragile X Zombies” rather
than “mentally challenged” or “autistic” to describe potentially dangerous
people like Cruz and Lanza. Political correctness can be fatal. We know
mental illness is often linked to violence otherwise there would be no
insanity plea.




One third of people with autism remains nonverbal and can’t

communicate so they can’t develop human empathy making it easier to
squeeze that trigger. Around one third of people with autism have an
intellectual disability so they are often unable to tell right from wrong.
Certain medical and mental health issues frequently accompany autism.
They include, seizures, sleep disturbances, attention deficit and
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety and phobias and the proclivity to
commit mass murder. This problem is getting worse and worse as autism
spreads like a wildfire in the United States. There are going to be more of
these loose cannons ticking like time bombs waiting to explode as the
Autism Lobby makes it more and more difficult to isolate the dangerous
autistics from the rest of society and the Hollywood liberals attempt to
portray autistics as skilled professionals such as Doctor-High-Functioning -
More. About 80% of autistic adults do not live and work independently.
These are the low functioning autistics.

You can expect more news stories such as this one. An autistic 16-
year-old killed his father, mother, sister and his grandfather's partner at
their home in Long Branch, New Jersey during a 2017 New Year's Eve
party. Scott Kologi opened fire with a semiautomatic rifle that his brother
allowed him to have access to. Steven and Linda Kologi died, along with
18-year-old Brittany and 70-year-old Mary Schulz. The firearm was legally
owned and registered to Steven Kologi Jr. his older brother.


New York is trying to prevent guns from falling into the hands of
autistics. The Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act, which
was introduced, passed by both houses of the New York State Legislature
and signed into law in less than 24 hours, requires therapists and social
workers to report to county mental health directors whether they believe
a patient is dangerous. That information will then go into a statewide
database, which would be used to revoke gun owners’ licenses and
confiscate their weapons. Additionally, gun owners who live with people
who are not allowed to own guns -- such as the mentally ill or those who
have been convicted of domestic violence -- must lock up their firearms to
restrict access.



On May 23, 2014, in Isla Vista, California, 22-year-old Elliot Rodger

killed six people and injured fourteen others near the campus of
University of California, Santa Barbara. The attack began when Rodger
stabbed three men to death in his apartment. Afterwards, he drove to a
sorority house and shot three female students outside, killing two. He
drove past a nearby deli and shot to death a male student who was inside.
He began to speed through Isla Vista, shooting and wounding several
pedestrians and striking several others with his car. Rodger exchanged
gunfire with police twice during the attack, receiving a non-fatal gunshot
to the hip.


The rampage ended when his car crashed into a parked vehicle
and came to a stop. Police found him dead in the car with a self-inflicted
gunshot wound to the head. Elliot Rodger had been diagnosed with
numerous autism-related disorders. He is thought to have been on the
high-functioning end of the autistic spectrum. This Fragile X Zombie has
started a whole Movement to kill woman who turn misfits down for sex.
His followers and his parents and shrink are responsible for numerous
murderous attacks on women as documented in this book. Sexual hatred
as an ideology started with Valerie Solanas, who authored a manifesto for
her group SCUM, Society to Cut Up Men. In 1968 she shot Andy Warhol. A
day before she did that she came to the East Village Other office and
asked us to print her manifesto. Elliot Rogers was a slime bucket and his
people are dirty Hollywood slime buckets who bear responsibility for this
attack. Why?

Mass murderer Elliot Rodger’s therapist, Gavin James

Linderman, telephoned Elliot Rodger’s mother, LiChin
Rodger, (instead of calling 911) after he discovered Elliot
Rodger’s murderous plan. Technically, under California law,
he had 24 hours to report the threat, but his loyalty was to
the Rodger’s family so he sat on the information


LiChin failed to telephone 911, or the Santa Barbara sheriff’s

office, after Linderman had called her, because she believed
the event was going to be on Saturday, not on Friday night.
Linderman assured her that Elliot would stick to his schedule
as autistic people always do. She called her ex-husband.


LiChin and Peter Rodger met and agreed they would handle
the matter themselves so both failed to call the authorities.
Instead they drove to Isle Vista in order to toss the miscreant
in the bin on the down low. But what they didn’t factor in
was that he had to carry out the event that night having sent
out his communiqué.


Innocent people lost their lives because they didn’t want the
scandal that would have ensued had the police foiled his plot
rather than them. They thought only of themselves and not
of the potential victims of this woman hating psycho.

There was a progression of events here that was ignored by Elliot

Roger’s parents and documented in his communiqué, My Twisted World,
which is in many ways an indictment against his parents for criminal
negligence. First the kid would mouth off to everyone he knew how he
hated women and wanted revenge. This prompted one of his friends to
tell him not to become a mass murderer. It also caused his friends to cut
him off one by one. His parents asked what happened to James, what
happened to Bill? They knew he was becoming more and more
sociopathic. His ideas about women became so radical and laced with
violent imagery that his parents shipped him off to Morocco. He began
acting out with a super soaker and other liquids against women he didn’t
even know! He started incidents in restaurants with couples out on dates.
He tried to push several co-eds off a ten foot ledge. He made videos
vowing revenge on women that prompted a welfare check. His mass
murder did not just happen out of the blue. His parents knew about all of
this and could see it coming. What My Twisted World indicates is that
after all that went down prior to the issuance of his communiqué his
parents should have called the cops the minute they received it. But Peter
Rodger’s told Barbara Walter’s the family did not see it coming:

In the late 1960’s I shared a telephone line with Zev Guber, whose
father owned Westbury Music Fair and was the stepson of Barbara
Walters. Walters is show biz through and through and that was why Peter
Rodger chose her to facilitate his rehabilitation into Hollywood society. Of
course she refused to bring up the fact he never called 911 or the Santa
Barbara Sheriff’s Office. It was alright with Barbara that he attempted to
handle it on his own even though he knew what the miscreant’s
intentions were. “I have to save my son. I have to get to Santa Barbara


I didn't know what -- what he was doing. And then suddenly he's saying
he's going to do other things to other people. I was confused. I just
wanted to go and find him and -- and talk to him, do something.” The
minute he got this Manifesto this Hollywood scumbag should have called
911. He wanted to “talk to him?” Now Elliot didn’t I teach you that it is not
nice to break into a Sorority House and shoot the girls there then burn the
place down? We went over that so many times. I am really angry. You are
grounded son. “We were driving up there not knowing what to do trying
to get information.” Oh bullshit! They were driving there to handle it
themselves. The information they needed was directions to the nearest
private mental hospital. “We were just driving up there in absolute fear
for him and -- and confusion. Witnesses said a BMW with two people
inside had people open fire and also run over people. I was hearing, you
know, reports of a black BMW, and I was going, "Oh, no, no, no.” The two
turd bags were in absolute fear for him – in other words they figured he
would just kill himself.


They were not in fear for his intended victims. It was the BMW
that clinched it. Their son says he is going on a killing spree in Santa
Barbara and one takes place in Santa Barbara but they had no idea until
the BMW was mentioned. They knew the minute it came on the news it
was him. Walters asked: “Did you inform anyone either at the college or
the parents of his roommates that he had mental problems?” “I didn't see
any reason to because as far as I was concerned he wasn't a threat to
himself or anybody else.”

Peter Rodger witnessed his son go psycho on couples in various

restaurants. His son told him of other attacks on women with water etc.
He knew Elliot was unstable. Peter continues “Elliot was far from evil.
Something happened to him. I think he became very mentally ill.” That’s
the understatement of the year. He knew his son was seriously ill and sent
him to a top Hollywood shrink. Peter “What I don't get is, we didn't see
this coming at all.” Dirty lie. They sent the Deputies over to his apartment
to check on him. Peter Rodgers blamed the deputies for not doing a gun
check. But what he left out was that his mom covered for him in a cell
phone call the deputies made to her while they were interviewing him.
Peter Rodger denied receiving a cell phone call from the Santa Barbara’s
Sheriff’s in a letter from Peter Rodger to ABC-News:

Rodger said at first he thought his son was a victim of the

shootings in the community of Isla Vista. Only when he
went on the Internet in the early-morning hours
following the killings did he learn that Elliot was the
main suspect.

Did they have internet on their cell phone in the car? Was there
Wi Fi on the highway? This contradicted the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s
Report which stated Elliot’s therapist called at 10:15 PM and gave them
the cell phone numbers of his parents who were called immediately. It
also contradicted statements from the family attorney and PR man. “We
didn’t see this coming at all,” There’s no way I thought this boy could hurt
a flea. This is the most unbelievable thing ever.” Another dirty lie! Elliot
wrote that his parents felt he was become “too radical” in his woman
hating beliefs and had shipped him off to Morocco. Later they observed
his disturbing videos.


They had observed his hostility and frustration when it came to females
on numerous occasions. They knew he was a time bomb that was about
to explode. Peter Rodger and Richard Martinez, whose son will killed by
Elliot Rodger met privately at a coffee shop in Santa Barbara, according
to KEYT-TV. “I have met with Peter Rodger and we plan to work together
so other families such as ours will not suffer as ours have.”


Martinez was played for a sucker – a police document indicates

that Peter Rodger was responsible for Martinez’s son’s death. I contacted
Mr. Martinez and subsequently received a reply from Every Town For Gun
Safety. It contained questions such as:

Do you support a law that would prohibit convicted

stalkers, people convicted of abusing a dating partner,
and people subject to a domestic violence restraining
order against a dating partner from having guns? Do you
support increased funding for the programs that help
states submit records to the National Instant Criminal
Background Check System (NICS) to block severely
mentally ill people from buying guns?


The sponsors of this group are billionaires and gun crime victims. The
oligarchs live in compounds with body guards. Like Eli Broad and Irwin M.
Jacobs, two Jews who along with Mike Bloomberg want to make it more
difficult for Jews to defend themselves if the Nazi should ever God forbid
come to power in America. Another is the head of the Urban League.
Hadiya Pendleton was shot just days after traveling to Washington, D.C.,
to participate in festivities surrounding President Obama's inauguration.
Her death made national headlines, adding fuel to calls for stricter gun
control and focusing attention on Chicago, where more than 500 people
were killed last year. Her parents are part of this group.

Could stricter gun laws have prevented this psycho from carrying
out his act? Elliot Rodger had a clean criminal record. Had the Santa
Barbara Sheriff’s office arrested him for attempting to push the coeds off
a 10 foot ledge he wouldn’t have gotten the guns. But his father had a talk
with them and something transpired. When he got pushed off instead of
them he suffered severe injuries and the cops knew that. They messed up
with the welfare check because his mother covered for him during a cell
phone call the deputies made to her. She had second thoughts about
having reporting him. And as stated Peter Rodger never called 911 nor did
his wife Ong Li Chin Rodger nor did the therapist Gavin James Linderman
to immediately notify police that a maniac was on the loose in Isla Vista.
Here is the real story, not the Barbara Walter’s lie.



About 30 minutes before opening fire in central Isla Vista on

Friday May 23, Rodger emailed his manifesto to 30 people including his
parents, therapists and former teachers. Gavin Linderman immediately
telephoned Rodger’s mother LiChin Rodger. He said “Have you gotten
Elliot’s email? I think you should see it.” Gavin sat on the information. Did
he reason that under a recent California State law he had 24 hours to
report this threat to the authorities so he and Elliot Rodger’s parents
might be able to manage this by themselves and stay within the law?
Gavin also believed Elliot would adhere to the date of Retribution Day as
Saturday May 24. Who is Gavin Linderman? Gavin’s website:


Gavin Linderman works with clients one-on-one both in

their homes and in the community to enhance skills
needed to reduce the impact their mental illness or
developmental disability, or other specific challenge has
on their life. Gavin Linderman’s person-centered plans are
guided by the participant and recognize incremental
goals. Gavin Linderman is a mentor, ally, coach, life
instructor, and friend. He takes the time to understand
you, the client, because this is your life and he is here to
support your dreams! Come get to know Gavin and see if
you want him to travel on your life journey with you.

1231 S Bundy Dr, Apt 2 Los Angeles, CA 90025

California has 21 regional centers with more than 40 offices

located throughout the state that serve individuals with developmental
disabilities and their families. Gavin rolled up his therapist operation and
has disappeared from the radar after the mass murder because he wants
to keep a low profile and not get indicted for going along with LiChin and
not calling the cops earlier. This is what Elliot Rodger had to say about

While I visited home, my parents, along with my

psychiatrist Dr. Charles Sophy, arranged for a counsellor
to meet me frequently and help me out with my life. His
name was Gavin Linderman, a clean-cut twenty five-year-
old. He had a similar role to Tony, my old counsellor from
the regional center back when I was nineteen, except
Gavin was much younger and acted more like a friend
who could take me out to places. Every time I went back
to visit my parents, I would meet up with Gavin once. We
usually met up at a restaurant somewhere, or went on a
hike. I told him about all of my problems with girls, and all
of the hardships I’ve had to face in Santa Barbara.


Being familiar with Isla Vista himself, since he spent a

great deal of time there when he was younger, he
confirmed to me that yes, the girls in Isla Vista prefer tall,
muscular, rowdy jock-type men. Gavin was the only young
person I really interacted with at the time, besides the
occasional meetings with Philip and Addison. He was a
good-looking guy, with a chiseled jaw and bright blonde
hair. Whenever we went out to a restaurant, or anywhere
that had girls, I got extremely jealous when I saw that girls
were checking him out instead of me. This one girl at a
restaurant in Santa Monica was staring at him the whole
time we were sitting there. No girl had ever done that to
me. This only made me more aware that girls did not
consider me physically attractive. My hatred of the female
gender could grow no stronger. It was too much.

Gavin came to visit me at the hotel, [where Elliot Rodger

was recuperating from a broken leg he received after he
attacked women at a lawn party] and he was welcome
company. It was really getting lonely there, though it was
definitely better than being lonely in Isla Vista. The two of
us sat down for three hours in my hotel room to have an
important conversation. I explained to him my finely
altered version of everything that happened on that night
in Isla Vista. He didn’t seem surprised. When he was my
age, he used to go up to Isla Vista quite often. He told me
that the kind of brutal, rowdy atmosphere I’ve witnessed
was part of the culture there. The boisterous, wild frat
boys get all of the beautiful girls, and everyone is looking
for a fight, like the vicious animals they are. He said it was
a truth I had to accept, advising me to move out of there.
I couldn’t accept this truth, because it was unjust. I
couldn’t let such evil exist, and I will not run away from it
by moving out of there. I will either thrive there, or
destroy the place utterly. Since I failed to thrive there, I
had no choice but to plan my Retribution…


When my mother came back from Hawaii, I went to stay

at her house for the next month, until my leg healed
enough for me to lose the crutches. I didn’t want to go
back to Santa Barbara while still in crutches, it would be
too humiliating, and I had felt humiliated enough there
already. For the first week after surgery, my leg suffered
intense searing pain, though that searing pain was
nothing compared to the hatred that burned in my heart.
During that time, I could barely leave my bed, because
whenever I did, the blood rushed to my leg and triggered
the pain. For the entire time that I was in the hotel, I
stayed in my bed like a vegetable. After that initial week,
the pain subsided, and I was able to move about on my
crutches with greater ease. I often did laps around my
mother’s backyard as a way of venting my anger,
sometimes swinging my crutches around as if they were
swords, slashing at all of the enemies who had wronged
me in life. The month that I spent at mother’s house was
very relaxing, and I tried my best to calm myself down as
time passed. I spent a lot of time watching movies,
reading books, introspecting, and contemplating about
life. I stayed in the house all the time, for I despised
having to go out and be seen as a cripple. I already felt
insecure enough about myself for being a lonely virgin.
Being seen as a cripple was too much salt on the wound.
Gavin came to visit me again, and this time we sat in my
mother’s dining room to have yet another important
conversation about my life and where I was going. He
tried to advise me again to move out of Isla Vista, but I
refused to hear it. I moved to Isla Vista with the goal of
losing my virginity and attaining the life I desire. If I’m
unable to have it, I will destroy it. I will never run away in

Elliot liked Gavin and confided in him. Gavin had heard Elliot’s
complaints about being a virgin, how women were unfair to him blah blah
blah and when he saw that this had progressed to a declaration of
violence he should have dialed 911. He was in over his head. He was the
wrong place at the wrong time and did the wrong thing.


Who knows what Elliot told him? Perhaps Elliot told Gavin about
his video channel? How early in the game did Gavin see it? Was
Linderman told to keep it quiet by LiChin? Was he offered big money?



LiChin never made that 911 call as she said she did: According to
Simon Astaire Elliot Rodger’s mother realized he was going on a killing
spree at 9:11 pm and called 911 but the first police reports about this
mass murder came when police received the first reports of gunfire at
9:27 p.m. So had she made this call the cops had 16 minutes to get to the
Alpha Phi Sorority named in his suicide note. This is from Elliot Rodger’s
manifesto suicide note where he describes what he will do after he
commits mass murder there: “I will quickly get into the SUV before the
police arrive, assuming they would arrive within 3 minutes.” If she had
called 911 or the Sheriff’s office there would have been time to stop him.
Note: Having watched the Day of Retribution video Rodger’s mother
would have mentioned Alpha Phi in her 911 call. Elliott Rogers wrote:
“The hottest sorority of UCSB. After doing a lot of extensive research
within the last year, I found out that the sorority with the most beautiful
girls is Alpha Phi Sorority.” I sent a copy of this research to the Santa
Barbara Sheriff’s Office, posted it on the Sheriff’s Facebook page to find
out about the calls to 911 and the Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff’s Office
released this via the OEM:




The Sheriff’s Office became aware of and received the

"Retribution" video and the 137-page "manifesto"
approximately one hour after the shooting rampage
occurred. The first gunshots were reported at 9:27 p.m.
on May 23rd and approximately eight minutes later the
incident was over. Rodger uploaded his "Retribution"
video on YouTube at 9:17 p.m. At 9:18 p.m., he e-mailed
his "manifesto" to several people, including his mother,
father and therapist. The therapist saw the e-mail at
approximately 10:00 p.m. and contacted the Santa
Barbara Police Department at approximately 10:11 p.m.
The Santa Barbara Police Department contacted Rodger’s
mother to obtain further information. This information
was subsequently forwarded to Sheriff’s detectives at
approximately 10:26 p.m., at which time they first viewed
the "manifesto" and "Retribution" video.

LiChin’s story and the therapists don’t match. She said he called
her at 9:11 pm; she checked her sons e-mail and his YouTube Channel and
then immediately either dialed 911 or the Sheriff’s office. The therapist
said he didn’t see the email until 10 pm and called the Sheriff’s office 10
minutes later.

He never mentioned calling LiChin at 9:11 pm. The Sheriff’s office

confirmed it received this call at that time. What happened was the
therapist saw the event on TV or on the internet and realized this
happened earlier than the date he had seen in the manifesto so it could
not be handled by his employers on the down low and he called the
police. He also realized that his not calling the police immediately may
have resulted in a mass murder. Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law two
bills, one that extended a ban on gun ownership for those who have made
a credible threat to a psychotherapist and another that requires a
psychotherapist to report a credible violent threat to police within a 24-
hour period.


So he is off the hook legally but not morally and there are other
statutes he could be prosecuted under. After Linderman called it was only
then the Sheriff’s Office contacted LiChin rather than vise versa. LiChin
never called the authorities nor did Peter. When they called LiChin she
told them about the video and manifesto only after they questioned her.
When the Sheriff’s office called her she was on the way to Santa Barbara
with her ex-husband to throw a net over her son quietly and discreetly.
But it didn’t work out, did it? College kids with their lives ahead of them
lost everything so she could save face. And they are going to get away
with it because they come from a privileged Hollywood caste. LiChin went
to his YOUTUBE channel and viewed his Day of Retribution video. Rather
than dial 911 or the Sheriff’s office she chatted up Peter Rodgers. Then
she got together with him who was dining with 2 women when he was
called on his cell phone. They decided to drive to Isla Vista because, as
stated, Elliot had scheduled the mass murder for the next day. From the

As April 26th drew ever closer, I prepared myself to the

fullest extent. All I had left to do was finish writing this
story and film my final video. But then, on Thursday, April
24th, I woke up with a terrible cold. I rarely ever get
colds! I’ve always had a strong immune system. It was as
if fate itself was trying to stop me from doing it. But what
other reason do I have for living?
Alas, there was no way I could carry out my plans if I had
a cold. Everything had to be perfect. In addition, I found
out that father had arrived home two days earlier than he
originally said he would, so if I had indeed went forth with
my plans, I would have had to kill my father, which I
wouldn’t be mentally prepared for. I hastily decided to
postpone it to Saturday, May 24th, 2014. I would
definitely be fully recovered from my cold by then. This
will also give me a few more weeks of life, and more time
to prepare.


The Rodger family lawyer, Alan Shifman, stated: “When Elliot’s

parents were driving to Isla Vista and heard about the mass murder on
the radio LiChin called Gavin Linderman, who told her it was unrelated. He
said Elliot promised retribution the following day, and his nature was to
stick to such details. By the time LiChin and her ex-husband reached the
police station, officers confirmed it was their son, and that he and six
others were dead by his hand.”


If LiChin actually called the cops when she said she did and told
them what she thought he was planning for Saturday they would have run
Rodger’s name through their indices and come up with a record of a
“welfare check” that went down earlier. They would have taken the
threat of mass murder seriously after Sandy Hook, Columbine etc. and put
our an APB for him and sent guys with vests and choppers to the Sorority


When I first began this investigation there were two alternatives.

The cops made a huge error and didn’t act on the call or there was no 911
call. The first thing that told me that Elliot’s parents wanted to keep this
on the down low and did not make the call is their failure to hold a press
conference or make a statement – instead they chose an attorney and a
media expert and PR man, both Jewish, to speak for them.


This way if it turns out that the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s office says
there was no call, they can always say their spokesperson or attorney
misunderstood what they told him. Interestingly enough they had their
attorney, Alan “Shifty” Schifman meet them in Santa Barbara as they
waited to hear if their son was alive or dead. Why did they need a lawyer
to be present? Because they failed to notify the authorities of an
imminent danger to human life! On June 2, 2014 Peter and LiChin
declined to be interviewed by the New York Times. Family friend Simon
Astaire never mentioned the 911 call in his first accounts of the tragedy
because they made this up later on. LiChin never called the cops directly
on an earlier occasion.

At approximately 10:17 p.m. on Wednesday, April 30,

2014, Santa Barbara County Emergency Communications
Center received a call from a mental health staff member
assigned to answer the Santa Barbara County Alcohol,
Drug and Mental Health Toll Free Access Line. The staff
member requested deputies check the welfare of 22-
year-old Elliot Rodger, who lived at an apartment in the
6500 block of Seville Road in Isla Vista. The staff member
said she had been contacted by a person who identified
himself as a friend of Elliot Rodger. Based on information
from the caller and Elliot Rodger’s mother, the staff
member on the Mental Health hot line requested a
welfare check on Elliot Rodger.

Gavin Linderman could have made the call because Elliot Rodger
had no friends. He mentioned LiChin to the Hot Line and they called her,
she did not call them. LiChin claimed she put him up to it after she saw
the videos - that is entirely possible. She wanted to distance herself from
the police so she had the therapist call. Unfortunately the police involved


L. A. Times:


LiChin Rodger got the call from her son Elliot Rodger’s
therapist at 9:17 p.m. Friday – 13 minutes before
authorities say he opened fire outside a sorority house.
"Have you gotten Elliot’s email?” he said. “I think you
should see it.” LiChin opened the email, saw the first few
lines of a 137-page screed Elliot wrote and instantly knew
something was terribly wrong, said Simon Astaire, a
family friend, who is a Hollywood talent agent and media
advisor. LiChin Rodger immediately checked Elliot’s
YouTube channel, where he had posted bizarre videos
about how alienated he felt, particularly from women. On
top of the video queue was one called "Elliot Rodger’s
Retribution." After just over two minutes, he said: “On
the day of retribution I am going to enter the hottest
sorority house of UCSB and I will slaughter every single
spoiled, stuck-up blond slut I see inside there.” Astaire
said LiChin called either 911 or the sheriff directly, and
arranged to meet with authorities when they arrived.

No call, no meeting. What she is doing here is covering her behind

in case the cops say there is no 911 tape by saying she might have called
the Sheriff directly so if no 911 tape appears she has an excuse if
criminally charged. This was a pivotal time in her life – it was about to turn
to a world of shit – and you think she wouldn’t remember who she called?
Another news report stated that according to CNN and the Los Angeles
Times, Rodger’s mother saw the killer’s 140-page manifesto – against
women in general and UCSB students in particular – at 9:11 p.m. on May
23, which turned out to be after three men had been stabbed to death
but 20 minutes before three other people were shot dead by Rodger as
he drove through Isla Vista in his BMW. If there was a call the Santa
Barbra Sheriff’s office could have stopped this mass murder. In any event
the cops haven’t released a recording of LiChin’s call because they have
stated there was none after this researcher got on their case nor have
they released an earlier call about Elliot that the mental health service
made and the tape of the cops talking with his mom. There has got to be a
tape of this call so we can hear how dangerous the caller says that he is.
The Sheriff’s office messed up on other key parts of the investigation not
on a non-existent 911 call.



In April 2014 LiChin discovered videos such as this one where at

the end he made veiled threats against woman with his demonic laugh.
Most of the videos concerned how lonely he is, can’t find a girl, how it
upsets him when he sees couples making out. In one video he focuses on
a couple making out on the beach. LiChin heard these threats in these
pre-Retribution Day videos. Attorney Shifman said the Rodger family had
called police after being alarmed by YouTube videos "regarding suicide
and the killing of people" that their son had been posting. So the cops
decided to perform a “welfare check”. But as we learned earlier it was not
the mother or father who called, and it was not the police who were
called, it was a Mental Health Hotline who got in touch with the Santa
Barbara County Emergency Communications Center (911) and told them
about Mama LiChin. Elliot Roger wrote “The police told me it was my
mother who called them, but my mother told me it was the health
agency. My mother had watched the videos and was very disturbed by
them. I don’t suppose I’ll ever know the full truth of who called the police
on me.”

CNN reported “Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown first said
that authorities had received a tip from LiChin on April 30 concerning
Elliot Rodger and carried out a welfare check.” Brown elaborated:


Well on that day, we were asked by the Mental Health

Department to conduct a welfare check with Elliot
Rodger to determine if he was a danger to himself or
anyone else. This was prompted by a call by a third party.
The Mental Health Department contacted one of his
relatives who had expressed some concern about his well
being. Our deputies went to check on Mister Elliot,
contacted him outside his residence, they found him to
be, at that time, rather quiet and timid. He was polite and
courteous. He was able to convince the deputies that this
was all a misunderstanding that although he was having
some social problems, he was probably not going to be
staying in school and going to be returning home. And he
was able to make a very convincing story that there was
no problem that he wasn't going to hurt himself or
anyone else. And there-- he just didn't meet the criteria
for any further intervention at that point. And, obviously,
looking back on this it's a very tragic situation and we,
certainly, you know, wish that we could turn the clock
back and maybe change some things. But at the time, the
deputies interacted with him, he was able to convince
them that he was okay and when you read his
autobiography and manifesto that he wrote it's very
apparent that he was able to convince many people for
many years that he didn't have this deep, underlying
obvious mental illness that ultimately manifested itself in
this terrible tragedy.

After I got on their case the Sheriff’s Department issued this

additional information.

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office is releasing

further information regarding the April 30th "check the
welfare" call involving deceased mass murder suspect
Elliot Rodger. Also being released is a time-line of when
the Sheriff’s Office received the so called "Retribution"
video and the 137-page "manifesto."


The Sheriff’s Office also wants to clarify information about

a reported attempt by Rodger’s family to contact law
enforcement the night of the shooting rampage.


At approximately 10:17 p.m. on Wednesday, April 30,

2014, the Santa Barbara County Emergency
Communications Center received a call from a mental
health staff member assigned to answer the Santa
Barbara County Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Toll Free
Access Line. The staff member requested deputies check
the welfare of 22-year-old Elliot Rodger, who lived at an
apartment in the 6500 block of Seville Road in Isla Vista.
The staff member said she had been contacted by a
person who identified himself as a friend of Elliot Rodger.
Based on information from the caller and Elliot Rodger’s
mother, the staff member on the Mental Health hot line
requested a welfare check on Elliot Rodger. Four Sheriff’s
deputies and a UCSB police officer assigned to the Isla
Vista Foot Patrol, along with a dispatcher-in-training,
responded to the call.


The Isla Vista Foot Patrol is made up of Sheriff’s deputies

and UCSB police officers who offer community policing by
patrolling the area in groups of two or three, primarily on
foot or bicycle, to protect and serve the large student
population and other Isla Vista residents and visitors.
Typically, in a "check the welfare" call of this nature, only
two deputies would respond. In this case, deputies who
were not assigned to the call, but who were familiar with
Rodger as a victim in a January 2014 petty theft case, also
decided to respond. When Sheriff’s deputies arrived at
Rodger’s address, they contacted him outside of his
residence. Deputies found Rodger to be shy, timid and
polite. When questioned by the deputies about reported
disturbing videos he had posted on-line, Rodger told them
he was having trouble fitting in socially in Isla Vista and
the videos were merely a way of expressing himself.
Based upon the information available to them at the time,
Sheriff’s deputies concluded that Rodger was not an
immediate threat to himself or others, and that they did
not have cause to place him on an involuntary mental
health hold, or to enter or search his residence.
Therefore, they did not view the videos or conduct a
weapons check on Rodger. A Sheriff’s deputy on-scene
called Rodger’s mother and briefed her on the situation.
He then passed the phone to Rodger so he could speak to
his mother directly. During the conversation with his
mother, Rodger told her he was fine and that he would
call her later. Before leaving, deputies gave Rodger
information on several local services he could contact if
he needed help, including calling the Sheriff’s Office.
Deputies’ contact with Rodger lasted approximately ten
minutes. Based on the information reviewed thus far, the
Sheriff’s Office has determined that the deputies who
responded handled the call in a professional manner
consistent with state law and department policy.


Again they are talking to his mommy treating this like a bad boy
problem. What did they expect to get from talking with mom? This is
reminiscent of when the FBI questioned the mother of the Boston
bombers. You can read more about this in the JDO report entitled TWO
TICKETS TO PARADISE. Don’t talk to the mother, watch the videos and go
to the source, officers. This is how Elliot Rodgers described how he beat
the welfare check:


“After only a week passed since I uploaded those videos

on Youtube, I heard a knock on my apartment door. I
opened it to see about seven police officers asking for
me. As soon as I saw those cops, the biggest fear I had
ever felt in my life overcame me. I had the striking and
devastating fear that someone had somehow discovered
what I was planning to do, and reported me for it. If that
was the case, the police would have searched my room,
found all of my guns and weapons, along with my writings
about what I plan to do with them. I would have been
thrown in jail, denied of the chance to exact revenge on
my enemies. I can’t imagine a hell darker than that.
Thankfully, that wasn’t the case, but it was so close.
Apparently, someone saw my videos and became
instantly suspicious of me. They called some sort of health
agency, who called the police to check up on me. The
police told me it was my mother who called them, but my
mother told me it was the health agency. My mother had
watched the videos and was very disturbed by them. I
don’t suppose I’ll ever know the full truth of who called
the police on me. The police interrogated me outside for
a few minutes, asking me if I had suicidal thoughts. I
tactfully told them that it was all a misunderstanding and
they finally left. If they had demanded to search my room
that would have ended everything. For a few horrible
seconds I thought it was all over.


When they left, the biggest wave of relief swept over me.
It was so scary. It was all because of the videos. I must
have expressed too much anger in them. I immediately
took most of them off of Youtube, and planned to re-
upload them a few days before the Day of Retribution.
This incident made me realize that I needed to be extra
careful. I can’t let anyone become suspicious of me. All it
takes is for one person to call the police and tell them
that they think I’m going to perpetrate a shooting, and
the police will be coming to my door again, demanding to
search my room. For the next few days, I felt extremely
fearful that they could show up anytime. I kept one of my
handguns with a few loaded magazines near me just in
case such a thing did happen. If they did show up, I would
have to try to quickly shoot them all and escape out the
back window. I would then have to perform a hasty
mockery of my plans, with the police on my tail. That will
ruin everything. Thankfully, all suspicion of me was
dropped after I took down the videos from YouTube, and
the police never came back. On the week leading up to
date I set for the Day of Retribution, I uploaded several
videos onto Youtube in order to express my views and
feelings to the world, though I don’t plan on uploading my
ultimate video until minutes before the attack, because
on that video I will talk about exactly why I’m doing this.


The reason he took them down was because he was afraid the
deputies might see them but they never took the time to look. Another
question that arises here is why six deputies to talk to this diminutive
young college student? Did they do a search to find out if he had
purchased a weapon recently and it came up positive? Nothing about that
in the Sheriff’s updated information bulletin.


Four Sheriff’s deputies and a UCSB police officer assigned

to the Isla Vista Foot Patrol, along with a dispatcher-in-
training, responded to the call. The Isla Vista Foot Patrol is
made up of Sheriff’s deputies and UCSB police officers
who offer community policing by patrolling the area in
groups of two or three, primarily on foot or bicycle, to
protect and serve the large student population and other
Isla Vista residents and visitors. Typically, in a "check the
welfare" call of this nature, only two deputies would
respond. In this case, deputies who were not assigned to
the call, but who were familiar with Rodger as a victim in
a January 2014 petty theft case, also decided to respond.

I don’t buy it. That was three times the normal number of officers.
The report they had received must have made him seem potentially
violent. But he managed the situation to the point where the whole
episode sounds more like he is being hauled into the principal’s office and
the principal calls his mother and tells her about her son’s misdeeds in the
kid’s presence. Elliot was a cunning Ted Bundy-like psychopath.


In January 2014 Rodger accused his roommate of stealing three

candles worth $22 and performed a citizen's arrest. The Santa Barbara
County Sheriff's Department eventually arrested the roommate and
booked him on petty theft charges. He played these cops like a violin as
he had in the past.



This is from his manifesto suicide note:

This last ditch effort of desperation to once again try to

live an enjoyable college life in Isla Vista came to an
ultimate and devastating culmination on Saturday night,
July 20th, just a few days before my 22nd Birthday. It was
the day that I decided to go out in Isla Vista in an attempt
to lose my virginity before I turned 22. That was the only
thing that could have saved me. I was giving the female
gender one last chance to provide me with the pleasures I
deserved from them. I was too nervous to go out there
sober, so I bought a bottle of vodka and took a few shots
to garner enough courage to walk out at such an hour. I
had taken one too many, for by the time I reached Del
Playa Street, my head was clouded with drunkenness. At
the start, it benefited me greatly. I saw lots of good
looking popular kids socializing in groups all over the
place, and if I wasn’t drunk it would have intimidated me
too much. I was so drunk that I walked right into a wild
house party that was taking place on Del Playa. They had
a DJ playing annoying hip hop music that all the young
people liked these days, and there was a ping pong table
set up where lots of popular kids were playing “beer
pong”, a crude drinking game. There were about one
hundred people at that party, and everyone was
socializing with a group of friends except for me. I walked
around in my drunken confidence for a few moments
helped myself to the beer they had, and tried to act like a
normal party-goer. I soon became frustrated that no one
was paying any attention to me, particularly the girls. I
saw girls talking to other guys who looked like obnoxious
slobs, but none of them showed any interest in me. As my
frustration grew, so did my anger. I came across this Asian
guy who was talking to a white girl. The sight of that filled
me with rage.


I always felt as if white girls thoughtless of me because I

was half-Asian, but then I see this white girl at the party
talking to a full-blooded Asian. I never had that kind of
attention from a white girl! And white girls are the only
girls I’m attracted to, especially the blondes. How could
an ugly Asian attract the attention of a white girl, while a
beautiful Eurasian like myself never had any attention
from them? I thought with rage. I glared at them for a bit,
and then decided I had been insulted enough. I angrily
walked toward them and bumped the Asian guy aside,
trying to act cocky and arrogant to both the boy and the
girl. My drunken state got the better of me, and I almost
fell over to the floor after a few minutes of this. They said
something along the lines that I was very drunk and that I
needed to get some water, so I angrily left them and went
out to the front yard, where the main partying happened.
Rage fumed inside me as I realized that I just walked away
from that confrontation, so I rushed back into the house
and spitefully insulted the Asian before walking outside

I stood awkwardly in the front yard for a bit, realizing how

pathetic I looked all by myself when everyone was
partying around me. To calm down, I climbed up onto a
wooden ledge that bordered the street and plunged down
on one of the chairs there. Isla Vista was at its wildest
state at that time, and I saw lots of guys walking around
with hot blonde girls on their arm. It fueled me with rage,
as it always had. I should be one of those guys, but no
blonde girls gave me that chance. I looked down at all of
them, and in my drunken carelessness, extended my arm
out and pretended to shoot them all, laughing giddily as I
did it.


Eventually, some partiers climbed up onto the ledge. They

were all obnoxious, rowdy boys whom I’ve always
despised. A couple of pretty girls came up and talked to
them, but not to me. They all started socializing right next
to me, and none of the girls paid any attention to me. I
rose from my chair and tried to act arrogant and cocky
toward them, throwing insults at everyone. They only
laughed at me and started insulting me back. That was
the last straw; I had taken enough insults that night. A
dark, hate-fueled rage overcame my entire being, and I
tried to push as many of them as I could from the 10-foot
ledge. My main target was the girls. 4 I wanted to punish
them for talking to the obnoxious boys instead of me. It
was one of the most foolish and rash things I ever did, and
I almost risked everything in doing it, but I was so drunk
with rage that I didn’t care. I failed to push any of them
from the ledge, and the boys started to push me, which
resulted in me being the one to fall onto the street. When I
landed, I felt a snap in my ankle, followed by a stinging
pain. I slowly got up and found that I couldn’t even walk. I
had to stumble, and stumble I did. I tried to get away from
there as fast as I could.

As I stumbled a few yards down Del Playa with my

shattered leg, I realized that someone had stolen my
Gucci sunglasses that my mother had given me. I loved
those sunglasses, and had to get them back. I vehemently
turned around and staggered back towards the party. At
that point, I was so drunk that I forgot where the party
was, and ended up walking onto the front yard of the
house next to it, demanding to know who took my
sunglasses. The people in this house must have been
friends with the ones I previously fought with, for they
greeted me with vicious hostility. They called me names
like “faggot” and “pussy”, typical things those types of
scumbags would say. A whole group of the obnoxious
brutes came up and dragged me onto their driveway,
pushing and hitting me. I wanted to fight and kill them all.


I managed to throw one punch toward the main attacker,

but that only caused them to beat me even more. I fell to
the ground where they started kicking me and punching
me in the face. Eventually, some other people from the
street broke up the fight. I managed to have the strength
to stand up and stagger away. It was the first time in my
life that I had been truly beaten up physically to the point
where my face was bruised up. I had suffered a lot of
bullying in my life, but most of it wasn’t physical. I had
never been beaten and humiliated that badly. Everyone in
Isla Vista saw what happened, and it was truly horrific.

The worst part of this whole ordeal was not getting

beaten up, oh no. It was the fact that no one showed any
concern. There was only one group who helped me to the
end of Del Playa, but after that they abandoned me. Not
one girl offered to help me as I stumbled home with a
broken leg, beaten and bloody. If girls had been attracted
to me, they would have offered to walk me to my room
and take care of me. They would have even offered to
sleep with me to make me feel better. But no, not one girl
showed an ounce of concern for me. They didn’t care. No
one cared about me. I was all alone. As I got to my room, I
was so traumatized that I called the only people in the
world I knew, my parents and my sister. Yes, I even called
my sister, someone I never got along with. I sulked for a
long time, and then I reached up to my neck to feel my
special golden necklace, and I felt nothing there. In the
midst of the fight, one of those horrible punks had
snatched off my special golden necklace that my grandma
Ah Mah had given me! That necklace was one of the most
special items I had, and now those evil, wretched thugs
will be selling it to buy drugs. I broke down in anguish and
wailed in agony, crying and crying until I passed out in my
bed, all alone.


When I woke up the next morning, my leg was in absolute

agony. It was purple and swollen, and I could not even
stumble anymore. I had to crawl. Being fully sober, all of
my anxiety came back. It became very clear to me what
had happened. I felt enraged by everything, but also
fearful that I might get in trouble. I did try to push girls off
of a ledge and threatened to kill all of those people, which
could implicate me. I had to concoct a fairly altered story
to explain to the police, who would inevitably have to
interview me once I got to the hospital and reported my

My father drove up to Santa Barbara to bring me to the

hospital. Two police did interview me, and I told them that
those boys deliberately pushed me off of the ledge after I
acted “cocky” towards them. I didn’t mention the girls at
all. I expressed to the police of my wishes that they should
all be punished for this. The police then went to interview
them, and they had their own version of the story. Since
there was no actual evidence, the whole case was shortly
dismissed. The physician at the hospital put me in a
temporary cast and gave me crutches. On top of all other
things in the world that made me feel inferior, I was now
a cripple. I felt so defeated and broken. To my horror, the
physician said that I would have to be in crutches for the
next six weeks, and I might have to get surgery. The leg
that broke was my left leg, so I was still able to drive.
Shortly after the incident, I drove home to spend the rest
of the summer recovering. It was a depressing drive. I had
never felt so defeated and wronged in my life. I had
actually gone out to a party in Isla Vista, hoping that I
would be walking back to my room in triumph with a
beautiful girl on my arm, but instead I stumbled back to
my room with a shattered leg and shattered hopes.


My 22nd Birthday was a miserable experience. I sat around

at my mother’s house, staring at my broken leg, feeling so
pathetic for being a cripple, as well as a 22-year-old virgin.
My mother bought me a new golden necklace to replace
the one that was stolen from me, as she knew how
heartbroken I was about losing it. 22 Years Old The highly
unjust experience of being beaten and humiliated in front
of everyone in Isla Vista, and their subsequent lack of
concern for my well-being, was the last and final straw. I
actually gave them all one last chance to accept me, to
give me a reason not to hate them, and they devastatingly
blew it back in my face. I gave the world too many
chances. It was time for Retribution. I went into surgery in
the beginning of August. After visiting the local
orthopedist, he recommended that I have my broken
ankle surgically screwed in place instead of waiting for it
to heal by itself. I decided to go through with it, just so I
could be out of crutches sooner. My mother drove me to
the hospital early in the morning, and I was wrought with
fear. I had never been through such a thing in my life.
They put me to sleep with anesthesia, and when I woke
up my leg burned with pain, though the pain medication
they injected in me afterward helped ease this. A new
cast was placed on my leg. I didn’t even want to think
about what it looked like underneath. I was told that they
screwed in a titanium plate to hold the fractured bone in
place, and it required six screws. I rested in the hospital
for a few hours before I was allowed to go home, under
the instructions that I would have to keep my leg raised at
all times for the next week.

The cops interviewed people at the party and must have been
told that he attempted to seriously injure as many people as he could by
pushing them off a ten foot drop. Did the cops interview the girls who
were his intended victims? Look what happened to him when he took the
fall from the ledge. Did he wish the ledge was much higher? The cops
should have filed charges against Rodger’s when they heard the other side
of the story from various party goers.


There was evidence – testimony and medical reports of the

consequences of the fall that he took. But they just chalked up the whole
episode to a drunken brawl. If the cops who found out about the drunken
brawl were Jewish they would have asked - "Why is this fight different
than all other fights?" Because most other fights involve a guy coming on
to someone's chick and the guys fighting it out and maybe others join in.
But this fight was different - HE ATTACKED WOMEN HE DIDN'T KNOW, not
guys. He should have been charged with attempted murder for trying to
push numerous girls off a ledge - he was trying to kill them. So when they
failed to take the nature of this altercation into account when they made
their Welfare Check they screwed up again just as they did by not
watching his videos that had started this welfare check chain of events.

Note that the Sheriff’s Office reported, “Typically, in a ‘check the

welfare’ call of this nature, only two deputies would respond. In this case,
deputies who were not assigned to the call, but who were familiar with
Rodger as a victim in a January 2014 petty theft case, also decided to
respond.” No mention is made of the push the girls off the ledge case.





On July 20, 2013 Yukito Isoda was at a friend’s residence

(deleted) with a group of friends when a subject stood up and began to
push two females. He said he caught one of the females who was pushed,
preventing her from falling off a ten foot ledge. He said the subject
pushed the second female who fell into a cradle position preventing her
from falling off the ledge. He said the subject pushed two more people
before jumping off the ten foot ledge and running east bound on Del
Playa Drive. If Officer M. West would have brought charges against Elliot
Rodger things might have been very different. He had a witness who
could have named other witnesses. But all he did was ask Peter Rodger to
send him the follow up medical reports on this son.



Gavin’s phone records should be checked to see if he called Elliot

Rodger’s shrink, Charles Sophy after he got the manifesto email. If he did
and Dr. Sophy did not act immediately he is guilty of criminal negligence.
Dr. Charles Sophy is a high-ranking official with the Los Angeles Dept. of
Children and Family Services where he is responsible for the mental
health needs of nearly 20,000 foster children. He also has a Beverly Hills-
based private psychiatric practice. Sophy was involved in the Michael
Jackson child molestation case, the Paris Hilton jail saga (when she was
suffering from panic attacks) and counseled Taylor Armstrong during her
split with her husband.


He has been a guest on numerous TV talk shows. After earning his

osteopathic medical degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic
Medicine, Dr. Sophy completed his postgraduate training in family
medicine at what is now Springfield Hospital in Springfield, Penn., and
training in adult psychiatry at Norristown State Hospital in Philadelphia.
He also completed a child/adolescent psychiatry fellowship at
Hahnemann University Hospital in Philadelphia. Dr. Sophy is board
certified in three clinical specialties: adult psychiatry, child & adolescent
psychiatry and family practice. Roger’s first mention of Doctor Sophy:

When I got to the park I sat in my car for hours, crying and
crying and crying. I wailed with agony. My tears streamed
down my face and stained my collar. I couldn’t take it
anymore. Feeling the need to talk to someone, I called the
only people I had in my life:

My parents. I called them both, first my mother and then

my father and I told them both how much I was suffering
from my loneliness, and my utter realization that I had no
hope of ever having a happy life. I told them that they
must be ashamed of me, that I was a 21 year old virgin
who is unable to get a girlfriend or making any friends
whatsoever. I was not the son any parent would want. My
tantrum to my parents on the phone deeply disturbed
them, and they arranged for me to see my psychiatrist,
Dr. Charles Sophy, when I return home for the winter

Elliot wrote this about Dr. Sophy:

My parents arranged for us to have a conference with my

Psychiatrist, Dr. Charles Sophy. I set out with my mother
to meet father outside Dr. Sophy’s house in Beverly Hills,
and when we got there we were surprised to see that
Soumaya [Peter Rodger’s new wife] had come for the
conference too. This presented a conflict, because
Soumaya and my mother had recently had an argument
due to Soumaya refusing to let me stay at father’s house
during my mother’s trip to Hawaii.


For more than half of the conversation, the doctor spent

time resolving this petty conflict instead of addressing the
troubles that I was going through. When we finally did get
to my situation, Dr. Sophy ended up giving me the same
useless advice that every other psychiatrist, psychologist,
and counsellor had given me in the past. I don’t know
why my parents wasted money on therapy, as it will
never help me in my struggle against such a cruel and
unjust world. The doctor ended up dismissing it by
prescribing me a controversial medication, Risperidone.
After researching this medication, I found that it was the
absolute wrong thing for me to take. I refused to take it,
and I never saw Dr. Sophy again after that.

Risperidone belongs to a class of drugs called atypical anti-

psychotics. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural
substances in the brain. Risperidone does not alter the course of autistic
disorder, but is effective for controlling irritability and other associated
symptoms. Risperdal is FDA-approved for: Autistic disorder – irritability:
children age 5 to 16. Elliot was over 16 by this time. What else was it
prescribed for? Bipolar I disorder, manic or mixed phase: children age 10
and up, adults (oral only) Schizophrenia: children age 13 and up (oral
only), adults (oral and intramuscular) Risperidone is also used to treat:
Aggression False perceptions, Tourette's syndrome.

In retrospect Dr. Sophy misdiagnosed him. It wasn’t just autism

that needed to be treated; it was psychopathic Nazi-like thoughts. There
should have been a hearing to determine the facts as there is no doctor-
patient confidentiality in a criminal proceeding.

To end my life, I will quickly swallow all of the Xanax and

Vicodin pills I have left, along with an ample amount of
hard liquor. Immediately after imbibing this mixture, I will
shoot myself in the head with two of my handguns
simultaneously. If the gunshots don’t kill me, the deadly
drug mixture eventually will. I will not suffer being
captured and sent to prison.


Xanax is a member of the family of drugs called benzodiazepines.

It suppresses the output of neurotransmitters that interpret fear. It quells
the racing heart, spinning thoughts, prickly scalp, and hyperventilation
associated with fear’s neurotic cousin, anxiety, and does it more or less
instantly. Vicodin is prescribed for mild to severe pain often after a
surgery, but sometimes for long-term use.
It has been suggested Xanax played a part in aggravating Rodger’s
violent behavior – however before the mass murder Rodger’s was
hoarding his supply to use in his suicide. Rodger never smoked pot in his

When I got there, I was overcome by anxiety, but I

couldn’t back out at that point. I paid the entry fee of $5
and walked right in. To my dismay, the party was smaller
than I expected. All of the kids were smoking marijuana,
and they all seemed to know each other. It would only be
a matter of time before they detected that I was an
outcast. I stood around awkwardly for a few minutes
before giving up and walking home.

Rodger’s videos are clearly the work of an evil subhuman being.

His parents and shrink should have had him institutionalized the minute
they saw threats and the maniacal laughter in the pre-Retribution videos.
But they were in denial. And they didn’t want the stigma of mental illness
to fall on the family. They avoided it with the “oh he’s not nuts, he’s not a
freak, he has Aspersers but he is high functioning.” They saw him make
these threats on the video and no doubt heard him rant and rave about
women because he was not one to keep his thoughts and complaints to
himself. They parents covered up the extent of his psychopathology and
let him go to community college on his own. A child of the Hollywood Hills
enrolled in community college? He was downright stupid. His parents
knew his adjustment was a long shot and now they must pay dearly. So
many folks have been made to suffer in order to save their family’s
reputation. They must be both broken in half, not physically of course,


Elliot never once mentioned the word autism in My Twisted

World. He wrote about regional centers which are state run institutions to
help parents with their mental case kids. He talked about 2 shrinks and
medication. He mentioned Gavan and other therapists.
But he never addressed the question of whether his problems finding a
girlfriend stemmed from his mental illness. Autism plus coming from the
ruling class is a deadly combination. Adam Lanza’s father was tax director
for General Electric and James Eagan Holmes Grandfather was in the CIA
from its inception.

During divorce proceedings Elliot’s father countered his mother’s

claim that their son was special needs and autistic. “Though LiChin Rodger
claims in her court documents that Elliot is a high functioning autistic
child, I was not involved in any prior evaluation of Elliot. LiChin did not
inform me about any evaluation of Elliot,” Peter wrote in the court
documents. This statement obviously upset Peter, and he claimed he
would have his son properly evaluated by medical professionals, which
LiChin agreed to. “This disturbed me greatly. I am now in the process of
having Elliot evaluated by a child psychiatrist. LiChin Rodger has agreed to
be a part of the process.” There is no word on whether or not Peter and
LiChin had Elliot evaluated after their divorce, or what the end result of
the evaluation may have been. Peter might have chosen a professional
who would be paid to say the scum was not autistic. Adam Lanza, the nut
who mass murdered school children was “autistic.” James Egan Holmes
was rumored to have suffered from autism: “Aurora police seized four
prescription bottles, immunization records when they searched theater
shooting suspect James Holmes' apartment in July, according to newly
obtained filings in the murder case against Holmes. The disclosures come
in a back-and-forth between prosecutors and defense attorneys over
whether those items should be subject to doctor-patient confidentiality.
The judge ultimately ruled in October that prosecutors could keep the

Some people believe that autism is linked to the use of birth

control pills. Elliot wrote:


My mother and father had been married for a couple of

years before my mother became pregnant with me. In
fact, her pregnancy was an accident. She had been taking
pills to prevent pregnancy, but when she visited my father
on one of his film sets, she fell ill and the medication she
took for that illness thwarted the effect of the anti-
pregnancy pills, and so their lovemaking during this
period resulted in my life. I was born to young parents.
My father, Peter Rodger, was only 26 when he
impregnated my mother, Chin, who was 30.
Peter is of British descent, hailing from the prestigious
Rodger family; a family that was once part of the wealthy
upper classes before they lost all of their fortune during
the Great Depression. My father’s father, George Rodger,
was a renowned photo-journalist who had taken very
famous photographs during the Second World War,
though he failed to reacquire the family’s lost fortune.
My mother is of Chinese descent. She was born in
Malaysia, and moved to England at a young age to work
as a nurse on several film sets, where she became friends
with very important individuals in the film industry,
including George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. She even
dated George Lucas for a short time.

Why does the world owe Elliot Rodger a living? What makes him
different than all others? All he did in life was play video games. He was
terminally narcissistic. He complained that his grandfather betrayed him
by never regaining his fortune. In reality he is nothing compared to his
George Rodger because he had no accomplishments to speak of in life.
What value did the high school graduate have for society? In My Twisted
World he writes:

After asking Tony, my social skills counsellor, if I could get

a job through the regional center, he called me back and
told me that there was a job available for me. I didn’t get
much information about it, but I decided to sign up for it
right there and then. After this was secure, I was
comfortable enough to tell my mother that I dropped my
class at Moorpark.


I could have lied to her and told her that I never dropped
the class, but at that time I was too scared to lie to her. I
started a day of working at this new job. It was located
in an office building that was connected to an Airport in
Los Angeles. To my horror and humiliation, the job
turned out to be a menial custodial job, and I had to
clean offices and even the bathrooms. There was no way
I would ever degrade myself to such a level. I felt like
utter shit from even considering working at such a place. I
only worked for a few hours while I thought about how to
handle this foul situation… and on the next day I called to
announce that I was quitting. That was the second and
last “job” I would ever have. I only worked there for less
than a day.

That is all Elliot Rodger was – a latrine cleaner. But the Rodger
family was the opposite. Prior to Elliot, the Rodger family was untainted
by scandal. Peter Rodger’s was a Hollywood type who equated Judaism
and Christianity with Islam. Basically he made a “peace now” J-Street type
film. He married a Muslim who starred in an anti-Israeli film. Elliot was
planning on murdering her too. LiChin spawned this mental defective. She
was a Chinese-Malaysian nurse but what did she nurse on? Why would
important people in Hollywood want to get involved with her? LiChin was
a Hollywood whore leaching off the super-rich. Elliot knew this and he
tried to pimp her off:

I found out that my mother was actually dating Jack, the

wealthy man who owned the Malibu beach house. I
always thought he was only her friend. My mother never
told me or my sister about any men that she dated. She
always kept that strictly private. I hadn’t even met Jack
yet. He was worth well over $500 million, and he owned
other mansions in Bel Air and Beverly Hills. When I found
out about this, I started to harbor the hope that my
mother will get married to this man, and I will be part of a
rich family. That will definitely be a way out of my
miserable and insignificant life.


Money would solve everything. I started to frequently ask

my mother to seek marriage with this man, or any
wealthy man for that matter. She always adamantly
refused, and demanded that I stopped talking about it.
She told me that she never wanted to get married again
after her experience with my father. I told her that she
should sacrifice her well-being for the sake of my
happiness, but this only offended her further.

In My Twisted World Elliot writes about saving his kid brother’s

life but in retrospect it would come as no surprise if he set the whole
thing up to make himself look like a hero. He was planning to kill his little
brother and step mother but never carried that part of it through nor did
he dump the heads of his roommates onto the street as he wrote that he
would. He hated his half brother:

On top of this, I had to deal with another change at

father’s house that angered me to no end. I had to give up
my lovely, huge, and luxurious downstairs room. It was all
because baby Jazz got a new nanny. Once again, Jazz’s
existence caused me to lose my room at father’s house.


This time, father made my room into his new office. He

split his old office into two bedrooms, in which I got one
of them and the nanny got the other. My new room was
much smaller, and it didn’t have its own bathroom. My
downstairs room was the best part of being at father’s
house, and it was all gone. I started to really hate going

I had an argument with Soumaya while I was visiting

father’s house. It started when she began to boast that
my brother Jazz was recently signed by an agent to act in
T.V. commercials. She said that by the time he is my age,
he will be a successful actor. I talked about how Jazz was
already so socially savvy for his age, and how I’ve always
envied him for it. She told me he will never have any
problems with girls, and will lose his virginity while he’s
young. I had to sit there and listen to the bitch tell me
that my little brother will grow up enjoying the life I’ve
always craved for, but missed out on. It is very unfair how
some boys are able to live such pleasurable lives while I
never had any taste of it, and now it has been confirmed
to me that my little brother will become one of them. He
will become a popular kid who gets all the girls. Girls will
love him. He will become one of my enemies. That was
the day that I decided I would have to kill him on the Day
of Retribution. I will not allow the boy to surpass me at
everything, to live the life I’ve always wanted. It’s not fair
that he has the chance to have a pleasurable life while
I’ve been denied it. It will be a hard thing to do, because I
had really bonded with my little brother in the last year,
and he respected and looked up to me. But I would have
to do it. If I can’t live a pleasurable life, then neither will
he! I will not let him put my legacy to shame. In order to
kill Jazz, I would have to kill Soumaya too, but that will be
easy. All I would need to do is think about all of the
hurtful things she had said to me in that past as I plunge
my knife into her neck. But what if father is in the house
to stop me?


Would I have to kill him too? That would be too much. I

remember, when I was a child, I had dreams about my
father dying, and I woke up crying to my mother, in which
she would comfort me and tell me that it was just a
dream. How could my life have resorted to the point
where I am the one to kill my own father? I felt sick to my
stomach. I concluded that I would have to set the Day of
Retribution during a time when my father is out of the
country, on one of his business trips. It would be too risky
to try to kill him. I might hesitate at the last second. When
I thought about all of this, I truly did feel sick. I felt a
shiver run through me. My whole world had become so
twisted and wrong. I didn’t want it to come to this. I
desperately wanted a way out.

This is his Elliot the Hero story:

The party was a pool party, and my brother Jazz had full
exposure to the swimming pool. He had already learned
how to walk, but he couldn’t swim. At one instance as I
was eating lunch, I saw Jazz quickly run off from the
adults, completely unattended. I then watched as he
curiously examined the water, and then descended into
steps of the shallow end of the pool. Before long, he lost
his footing on the steps and his whole body sank into the
water. Nobody noticed. He was going to drown, I thought
with panic. I ran as fast as I could, plunging into the water
with my clothes still on, and pulled him out. I asked him
how he was doing, and he coughed up some water and
told me he felt fine. The only person who saw this happen
was a little girl who was swimming in the shallow end. I
saved his life, and my brother remembers it to this very
day. Every single second of my brother’s life, everything
that happens to him in the future, will exist because I
pulled him out of the water that day.

Why did Roger wait until Jazz almost drowned to save him? Why
didn’t he call out “My brother is drowning.” This kid was a psycho from
the word go and believe you me the parents knew it.



Elliot Roger thought of himself as a Nazi despite his being half

White half Chinese, a mixture that doesn’t go over big with racialists. He
was totally out of touch with reality living in a video game world and his
parents knew it. Peter Rodger had not given up on him. He was privy to
his son’s complaints about Blacks and Mexican getting all the Blondes and
let it slide. Elliot Rodger dreamed of doing to women what Hitler did to
the Jewish people – put them in death camps.

In order to completely abolish sex, women themselves

would have to be abolished. All women must be
quarantined like the plague they are, so that they can be
used in a manner that actually benefits a civilized society.
In order carry this out, there must exist a new and
powerful type of government, under the control of one
divine ruler, such as myself. The ruler that establishes this
new order would have complete control over every
aspect of society, in order to direct it towards a good and
pure place. At the disposal of this government, there
needs to be a highly trained army of fanatically loyal
troops, in order to enforce such revolutionary laws. The
first strike against women will be to quarantine all of
them in concentration camps. At these camps, the vast
majority of the female population will be deliberately
starved to death. That would be an efficient and fitting
way to kill them all off. I would take great pleasure and
satisfaction in condemning every single woman on earth
to starve to death. I would have an enormous tower built
just for myself, where I can oversee the entire
concentration camp and gleefully watch them all die. If I
can’t have them, no one will, I’d imagine thinking to
myself as I oversee this. Women represent everything
that is unfair with this world, and in order to make the
world a fair place, they must all be eradicated. A few
women would be spared, however, for the sake of


These women would be kept and bred in secret labs.

There, they will be artificially inseminated with sperm
samples in order to produce offspring. Their depraved
nature will slowly be bred out of them in time. Future
generations of men would be oblivious to these remaining
women’s existence, and that is for the best. If a man
grows up without knowing of the existence of women,
there will be no desire for sex. Sexuality will completely
cease to exist. Love will cease to exist. There will no
longer be any imprint of such concepts in the human
psyche. It is the only way to purify the world.

In such a pure world, the man’s mind can develop to

greater heights than ever before. Future generations will
live their lives free of having to worry about the barbarity
of sex and women, which will enable them to expand
their intelligence and advance the human race to a state
of perfect civilization. It is such a shameful pity that my
ideal world cannot be created. I realized long ago that
there is no way I could possibly rise to such a level of
power in my lifetime, with the way the world is now. Such
a thing will never become a reality for me, but it did give
me something to fantasize about as I burned with hatred
towards all women for rejecting me throughout the years.
This whole viewpoint and ideology of abolishing sex stems
from being deprived of it all my life. If I cannot have it, I
will do everything I can to DESTROY IT. My orchestration
of the Day of Retribution is my attempt to do everything,
in my power, to destroy everything I cannot have. All of
those beautiful girls I’ve desired so much in my life, but
can never have because they despise and loathe me, I will
destroy. All of those popular people who live hedonistic
lives of pleasure, I will destroy, because they never
accepted me as one of them. I will kill them all and make
them suffer, just as they have made me suffer. It is only


Why do things have to be this way? I’m sure that is the

question everyone will be asking after the Day of
Retribution is over. They will all be asking why. Indeed,
why? That is the question I’ve had for everyone
throughout all my years of suffering. Why was I
condemned to live a life of misery and worthlessness
while other men were able to experience the pleasures of
sex and love with women? Why do things have to be this
way? I ask all of you. All I ever wanted was to love
women, and in turn to be loved by them back. Their
behavior towards me has only earned my hatred, and
rightfully so! I am the true victim in all of this. I am the
good guy. Humanity struck at me first by condemning me
to experience so much suffering. I didn’t ask for this. I
didn’t want this. I didn’t start this war… I wasn’t the one
who struck first… But I will finish it by striking back. I will
punish everyone. And it will be beautiful. Finally, at long
last, I can show the world my true worth.

What about his mother LiChin? Would she be sent to the Elliot
Rodger’s death camp after all she was a woman. Just like Adam Lanza the
miscreant was living with the mother because the father couldn’t stomach
it. Only a mother’s love could. Elliot was a racist pig:


My first week turned out to be very unpleasant, leaving a

horrific first impression of my new life in Santa Barbara.
My two housemates were nice, but they kept inviting
over this friend of theirs named Chance. He was black boy
who came over all the time, and I hated his cocksure
attitude. Inevitably, a vile incident occurred between me
and him. I was eating a meal in the kitchen when he came
over and started bragging to my housemates about his
success with girls.


I couldn’t stand it, so I proceeded to ask them all if they

were virgins. They all looked at me weirdly and said that
they had lost their virginity long ago. I felt so inferior, as it
reminded me of how much I have missed out in life. And
then this black boy named Chance said that he lost his
virginity when he was only thirteen! In addition, he said
that the girl he lost his virginity to was a blonde white girl!
I was so enraged that I almost splashed him with my
orange juice. I indignantly told him that I did not believe
him, and then I went to my room to cry. I cried and cried
and cried, and then I called my mother and cried to her on
the phone. How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able
to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am
half white myself. I am descended from British
aristocracy. He is descended from slaves. I deserve it
more. I tried not to believe his foul words, but they were
already said, and it was hard to erase from my mind. If
this is actually true, if this ugly black filth was able to
have sex with a blonde white girl at the age of thirteen
while I’ve had to suffer virginity all my life, then this just
proves how ridiculous the female gender is. They would
give themselves to this filthy scum, but they reject ME?
The injustice! August 5th came quickly, and I prepared
myself to be in a pleasant mood to meet them. Their
names were Ryan and Angel, and to my dismay they were
of Hispanic race. In addition, the two of them were
already friends with each other, which meant that they
could possibly gang up against me if any conflicts were to
arise. They also seemed like rowdy, low-class types. My
first impression of them soured me, but I tried to be
pleasant and not show it. The two of them acted cordial
to me on the first day, but after observing them for a bit, I
had a bad feeling that they would be trouble to live with.
And they were to be my housemates for a whole year!
When I was alone in my room, I panicked to myself at
how dire a situation this was. This was extremely
disappointing. I was hoping I would get decent, mature,
clean-cut housemates.


Instead I got low-class scum. My father drove up to Santa

Barbara to meet me a few days later. The two of us went
to have lunch at a restaurant in the Camino Real
Marketplace, an area that I often frequented. When we
sat down at our table, I saw a young couple sitting a few
tables down the row. The sight of them enraged me to no
end, especially because it was a dark-skinned Mexican
guy dating a hot blonde white girl. I regarded it as a
great insult to my dignity. How could an inferior Mexican
guy be able to date a white blonde girl, while I was still
suffering as a lonely virgin? I was ashamed to be in such
an inferior position in front my father. When I saw the
two of them kissing, I could barely contain my rage. I
stood up in anger, and I was about to walk up to them
and pour my glass of soda all over their heads. I probably
would have, if father wasn’t there. I was seething with
envious rage, and my father was there to watch it all. It
was so humiliating. I wasn’t the son I wanted to present
to my father. I should be the one with the hot blonde girl,
making my father proud. Instead, my father had to watch
me suffer in a pathetic position. Life is so cruel to me.
When I said my farewell to father before he drove home, I
felt absolutely miserable. I then went back to my room
and sulked for hours.

This tells us that his father knew he hated Mexicans as he must

have said something about in the restaurant as he was seething with
hatred and jealousy.


At the beginning of the winter break, I decided to quit

playing World of Warcraft entirely. On my last day on the
game, I had a long, emotional conversation with James
Ellis where I opened up about all of my troubles. I told
him about all my newfound views of the world, and my
belief that sex must be abolished. He seemed to be
supportive of my stance, and I was glad that he
understood me. It was a very memorable day.


I told him more about my hatred of people who have sex.

James quickly deduced the reason for why I was so
fervent about abolishing sex… that in truth I really want
to have sex but I feel like I can never have it, so I wish to
take it away from everyone else. He read me very well. I
had to admit that he was right. That is the exact reason
for it.

The two of us did what we usually did [after karate class].

We walked out to the Palisade’s Bluff’s where we
discussed our hopes and dreams. We then went to the
Palisades town center to have dinner. This time we chose
to eat at Panda Express. While we were eating, some high
school kids walked in. James saw them first and right
when he saw them he said the words “We’re fucked”.
James knew I would have trouble with them. They were
popular boys who had a flock of pretty girls with them.
One of them sat down with two of the girls, putting his leg
up on another chair with a cocky smirk on his face. I was
livid with rage, and I wanted to pour my drink all over his
head. James knew exactly what I was planning to do; we
had been through similar incidents before. He made a lot
of effort to try to dissuade me from acting on my anger,
pointing out that there was a security guard nearby. I did
the only other thing I could do; I packed up my dinner and
left the restaurant, fleeing in defeat and shame. James
soon followed, and we decided to finish our meal at his
house. A dark and ominous aura clouded over our
friendship that day. When the two of us got back to
James’s house, I was still seething with rage. I didn’t
understand why James wasn’t angry like me. The sight
that we just witnessed was horrible to watch.


To see another male be successful with females is torture

for males like us who have no success with females. I was
so angry that I told James of all of the acts of revenge I
wanted to exact on those popular boys. I told him my
desire to flay them alive, to strip the skins off their flesh
and make them scream in agony as punishment for
living a better life than me. James became deeply
disturbed by my anger. I wished that he wasn’t
disturbed. I wished he could be a friend that felt the same
way about the world that I did. But he wasn’t that kind of
person. He was a weakling. Once I had calmed down, the
two of us had a long conversation in his room, and I
ended up crying in front of him as I explained how
hopeless I felt about life. Soon after that, I left his house,
never to return there again. He will never invite me over
after that incident, and our friendship will slowly fade to
dust. After our karate session, when me and James went
to a restaurant in the Palisades to have dinner, I
sometimes got very angry when I saw a group of
teenagers, or a teenage couple. I constantly talked to
James with vehement rage about my envy and anger at
such people. I told him about how I wished I could make
them all suffer. We had a lot of conversations about what
we would do if we had all the power in the world, and I
told him about all of the torturous acts of revenge I would
carry out against all those who have insulted me or lived a
better life than me. I thought that James would relate to
me, since he was also a virgin who had no girls in his life,
but some of the things I said began to disturb him. One
night, he told me, with a lot of distress, that enough was
enough. He didn’t want to hear it anymore. That was also
the night that I decided to quit the karate class. At the
party, James and I frequently went outside to have
conversations about our fantasies. I wisely refrained from
getting too extreme in what I said, but we came up with
some interesting scenarios.


For instance, we talked about what we would do if we

discovered that we had certain magical powers, and it
would escalate to us coming up with our own stories of
the glory we would attain in such a situation. I talked
about how I would use my powers to rule the world and
set everything right, and James had similar ideas as well.
We seemed to be getting along quite well, but after that
night James would refuse to contact me for a couple of
months. I visited home for Thanksgiving, and went with
my mother to Rob Lemelson’s house for a small
Thanksgiving get-together. James was there… And the last
time I spoke to him since then was when we had our
bitter argument online. The one person who has been my
friend through all of my hardship didn’t even want to
speak to me during Thanksgiving. I tried to ask him why
he was overreacting about an argument we had two
months previously, but he just glared at me coldly and
told me to “keep my proximity”. I was highly offended.

James Ellis realized that this childhood friend might someday turn
these sick fantasies into reality. The question arises that if he confided
these desires in James did he also express them to his mother, father,
sister, shrink, and therapist?


My whole world twisted even deeper into darkness and

despair as my depressing life continued on. My hatred for
people who have sex festered inside me like a plague. I
frequently went on walks around town to brood over how
hopeless and unfair everything was. It was better than
being stuck in my room all the time. When I saw young
couples walking around at the mall, my anger and hatred
intensified greatly. It was the worst torture ever to see
them making out and being intimate. My life, if you can
call it a life, was living hell.


My parents quickly took note of how radical I was

becoming, and they made a hasty plan to change my life.
Of course, that is what they claimed. I think they were just
trying to find a way to get rid of me because I was too
hard to deal with. Soumaya was going back to Morocco,
and they decided to send me with her. It was the most
ridiculous plan I’ve ever heard. They announced this to
me at a café near my mother’s house. I was expecting
something extreme, something drastic, but this? It
completely caught me off guard. Morocco? They think I’ll
be happy there? I furiously thought with disbelief. I was
devastated, and for a moment I couldn’t even speak. I
kept dreaming of home. I thought of the prospect of
being able to return home, and a small hope sparked in
me. I kept emailing my mother frequently, telling her how
much I hated being there and how much I cried all the
time. I told her that if she would give me one more
chance and enable me to come home, I will try harder to
lead a better life and become a person she could be
proud of. After a week of doing this, mother gave in and
flew to Morocco to take me home. I won. I was going
home. Not only did she kick me out of father’s house, but
she forbade me to go there even for a short visit. And still,
father didn’t do anything about it. Father kept saying that
the house is her house as much as his, and that she has
the right to kick me out. No! I am the eldest son! The
house should be MY house before hers! This caused any
respect I still had for my father to fade away completely.
It was such a betrayal, to put his second wife before his
eldest son. What kind of father would do that? The bitch
must be really good to him in bed, I figured. What a weak
man. On my last day working for Karl, I decided to stop by
at father’s house to have a drink. I was quite parched
from the bicycle ride. I entered the house without
knocking because I believed I had the right to. As the
eldest son, the house should be my house after my father.
Soumaya was surprised to see me, and she got angry that
I didn’t knock.


To teach me a lesson, she ordered me to go back outside

and knock. I refused, telling her that she has no right to
order me around anymore. I then helped myself to a glass
of water. Soumaya knocked the glass of water out of my
hand and it shattered on the floor. Father clamored
angrily up the stairs from his office demanding to know
what was going on. The three of us had a heated
argument, and of course father took Soumaya’s side. They
both kicked me out of the house, telling me that I’m not
to return. I felt betrayed and humiliated as I furiously
made my way back to mother’s house. At that very
moment, I hated both of them, and I wouldn’t see either
of them for many months. For those months, my father
was dead to me. My mother was all I had left in this bleak

Was Elliot joining a far left radical group or did radical mean he
was expressing his beliefs that the world has been unfair to him and he
would like to seek revenge on those who did this to him in a violent
fashion. There it is. He had made threats and they wanted him in a
country where there weren’t so many guns so they decided to ship this
hateful egotistical psychopath to Morocco. When he came back his father
and his 2nd wife did not want him coming into their home. This sickness
was toxic. If Elliot Roger was intent of losing his virginity why did he
engage a prostitute to accomplish this? In Brooklyn in the late 1950’s
Italian fathers would bring their sons to a hooker who would show them
the ropes. This might not have been the same but it would have been a
start and anyway Elliot believed all women were whores.



I continued seeing Philip and Addison, my only other

social interaction besides James. I talked to Addison about
my old political views, debating with him about what an
ideal world would look like. I found out that he had some
fascist views of his own, and it was nice to have a
discussion with someone about things that would make
most normal people run a mile.
Addison told me more about his experiences among the
popular kids of Malibu, in which I still envied him greatly
for. I told him about all of my newfound philosophical
views regarding women, and how I believe they are
mentally flawed and need to be contained. He didn’t
show any hint of how he felt about this. Addison told me
that I was a person of high intelligence and that I
shouldn’t waste it by doing something “rash.”


I believe he had a suspicion that I was indeed planning

on massacring my enemies and then killing myself. Of
course he would have that suspicion…In a way I think he
knew me better than anyone else. I am indeed an
intelligent person, but the cruelty of this world gives me
no choice but to exact my Retribution. I tactfully told
Addison that I had no intentions of “doing anything
stupid”. That was my last conversation with him. It was
also the last time I ever saw Philip and Addison.

Very interesting. If his friend who saw him less frequently than his
family got the vibe that he was going to end up as a mass murderer his
family must have also picked up on this. This misogyny was a long
standing thing and when the email arrived it came as less of a surprise to
LiChin than one might imagine.


So far, Spencer Horowitz and I had gotten along quite well

despite the fact that we never talked much. An incident
happened at the end of January that changed all of this. I
one day discovered that Spencer had a girl in this room. I
couldn’t believe it. The short, chubby guy was able to get
a girl into his room before I did! I was so shocked and
outraged that I waited outside his room until the girl left,
so I could get a glimpse of how she looked. To my relief,
she wasn’t that attractive. What made me even more
angry is that Spencer gave me a smug look when I saw the
girl, even though she was ugly. He had the nerve to feel
like he was better than me, just because he managed to
get a girl over to the apartment before I did! I confronted
him in the kitchen on that same night, telling him that he
is foolish to feel proud about having an ugly whore in his
room. This made him angry and offended, which is what I
wanted. I wanted to offend him as punishment for his
insolence. After that incident, the two of us became more
and more hostile towards each other.



Adolf Rodger, like Adolf Hitler, talked about “the final solution.”

The final solution to triumph over my enemies was to

destroy them, to carry out my Day of Retribution, to exact
my ultimate and devastating vengeance against all of the
popular young people who never accepted me, and
against all women for rejecting me and starving me of
love and sex. Women’s rejection of me is a declaration of
war, and if it’s war they want, then war they shall have. It
will be a war that will result in their complete and utter
annihilation. I will deliver a blow to my enemies that will
be so catastrophic it will redefine the very essence of
human nature. The Day of Retribution is all I have. It is the
final solution to all of the injustices of this twisted world.
By doing this, I will set right all of the wrongs I’ve had to
face in my sorry excuse of a life.


I concluded that women are flawed. There is something

mentally wrong with the way their brains are wired, as if
they haven’t evolved from animal-like thinking. They are
incapable of reason or thinking rationally. They are like
animals, completely controlled by their primal, depraved
emotions and impulses. That is why they are attracted to
barbaric, wild, beast-like men. They are beasts
themselves. Beasts should not be able to have any rights
in a civilized society. If their wickedness is not contained,
the whole of humanity will be held back from
advancement to a more civilized state. Women should
not have the right to choose who to mate with. That
choice should be made for them by civilized men of


If women had the freedom to choose which men to mate

with, like they do today, they would breed with stupid,
degenerate men, which would only produce stupid,
degenerate offspring. This in turn would hinder the
advancement of humanity. Not only hinder it, but devolve
humanity completely. Women are like a plague that must
be quarantined. When I came to this brilliant, perfect
revelation, I felt like everything was now clear to me, in a
bitter, twisted way. I am one of the few people on this
world who has the intelligence to see this. I am like a
god, and my purpose is to exact ultimate Retribution on
all of the impurities I see in the world.

Women should not have the right to choose who to mate

and breed with. That decision should be made for them
by rational men of intelligence. If women continue to
have rights, they will only hinder the advancement of the
human race by breeding with degenerate men and
creating stupid, degenerate offspring. This will cause
humanity to become even more depraved with each
generation. Women have more power in human society
than they deserve, all because of sex. There is no creature
more evil and depraved than the human female. Women
are like a plague. They don’t deserve to have any rights.
Their wickedness must be contained in order prevent
future generations from falling to degeneracy. Women
are vicious, evil, barbaric animals, and they need to be
treated as such.

If he is one of the most intelligent persons in the world why can’t

he figure out a way to have sex with a co-ed? As we learned previous it
was Elliot Rodger’s brain that wasn’t wired right because he was autistic.


I was eager to re-bleach my hair to a fully blonde color,

after the disastrous failure of my previous attempt.


This time, Soumaya took me to the right salon, and they

gave me a short haircut and bleached all of my hair
blonde. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt an
intense level of satisfaction.


I began to have fantasies of becoming very powerful and

stopping everyone from having sex. I wanted to take their
sex away from them, just like they took it away from me. I
saw sex as an evil and barbaric act, all because I was
unable to have it. This was the major turning point. My
anger made me stronger inside. This was when I formed
my ideas that sex should be outlawed. It is the only way
to make the world a fair and just place. If I can’t have it, I
will destroy it. That’s the conclusion I came to, right then
and there.


I am not part of the human race. Humanity has rejected

me. The females of the human species have never wanted
to mate with me, so how could I possibly consider myself
part of humanity? Humanity has never accepted me
among them, and now I know why. I am more than
human. I am superior to them all. I am Elliot Rodger…
Magnificent, glorious, supreme, eminent… Divine! I am
the closest thing there is to a living god. Humanity is a
disgusting, depraved, and evil species. It is my purpose to
punish them all. I will purify the world of everything that
is wrong with it. On the Day of Retribution, I will truly be
a powerful god, punishing everyone I deem to be impure
and depraved. It was a bright, sunny day as I as ascended
the familiar steps up to the beautiful college campus of
SBCC. I immediately went to the restroom to look at
myself in the mirror a few times, just so that I can feel
more assured of myself. Yes, I thought. I am the image of
beauty and supremacy. I kept saying it over and over
again, as if it was a mantra.


When I crossed the renowned bridge that connected the

two halves of the campus, I felt as if everyone was
admiring me. As I passed by groups of girls, I pretended to
imagine that they secretly adored and wanted me. After
all, that was how it was meant to be. The more I walked
around the campus, the more I tried to convince myself
that that was the case.


As I made my way back from school one day during the

first week, I was stopped at a stoplight in Isla Vista when I
saw two hot blonde girls waiting at the bus stop. I was
dressed in one of my nice shirts, so I looked at them and
smiled. They looked at me, but they didn’t even deign to
smile back. They just looked away as if I was a fool. As I
drove away I became very infuriated. It was such an
insult. This was the way all girls treated me, and I was sick
and tired of it. In a rage, I made a U-turn, pulled up to
their bus stop and splashed my Starbucks latte all over
them. I felt a feeling a spiteful satisfaction as I saw it stain
their jeans. I then quickly speeded away before they could
catch my license plate number. How dare those girls snub
me in such a fashion! How dare they insult me so! I raged
to myself repeatedly. They deserved the punishment I
gave them. It was such a pity that my latte wasn’t hot
enough to burn them. Those girls deserved to be dumped
in boiling water for the crime of not giving me the
attention and adoration I so rightfully deserve! I screamed
at them with rage as I sprayed them with my super
soaker. When the boys started to yell and chase after me,
I quickly got into my car and drove away. I was giddy with
ecstatic, hate-fueled excitement. I wished I could spray
boiling oil at the foul beasts. They deserved to die
horrible, painful deaths just for the crime of enjoying a
better life than me.


I wanted to kill both of them, and I was capable of doing

it. Brittany Story should have been mine, and if can’t have
her, no one should! I fantasized about capturing the two
of them and stripping the skin off her boyfriend’s flesh
while making her watch. I always mused to myself that I
would rather die than suffer such an existence, and I
knew that if it came to that, I would exact my revenge
upon the world in the most catastrophic way possible. At
least then, I could die knowing that I fought back against
the injustice that has been dealt to me. Ever since my life
took a very dark turn at the age of seventeen, I often had
fantasies of how malevolently satisfying it would be to
punish all of the popular kids and young couples for the
crime of having a better life than me. I dreamed of how
sweet it would be to torture or kill every single young
couple I saw. However, as I said previously in this story, I
never thought I would actually go through with these
drastic desires. I had hope inside me that I could one day
have a happy life.

It was only when I first moved to Santa Barbara that I

started considering the possibility of having to carry out a
violent act of revenge, as the final solution to dealing
with all of the injustices I’ve had to face at the hands of
women and society. I came up with a name for this after I
saw all of the good looking young couples walking around
my college and in the town of Isla Vista. I named it the
Day of Retribution. It would be a day in which I exact my
ultimate retribution and revenge on all of the hedonistic
scum who enjoyed lives of pleasure that they don’t
deserve. If I can’t have it, I will destroy it. I will destroy all
women because I can never have them. I will make them
all suffer for rejecting me. I will arm myself with deadly
weapons and wage a war against all women and the men
they are attracted to. And I will slaughter them like the
animals they are.


If they won’t accept me among them, then they are my

enemies. They showed me no mercy, and in turn I will
show them no mercy. The prospect will be so sweet, and
justice will ultimately be served. And of course, I would
have to die in the act to avoid going to prison. That is
when I realized that this threshold existed, and if I crossed
it, I will have to carry out this Day of Retribution. It has
remained stagnant in the back of my mind ever since,
until this point. After dropping my Spring classes at Santa
Barbara City College, I knew that the Day of Retribution
was now very possible. I even wrote about it in my diary,
but I later tore out the pages because I feared someone
might find them. A shiver ran through me, realizing how
twisted my world had become, that I would have to resort
to doing something that I would consider unthinkable a
few years ago. I didn’t want to do it. I wanted to live.
Thinking about the Day of Retribution made me feel
trapped. I wanted a way out.

“What am I doing here? How could things have led to

this?” I couldn’t believe my life was actually turning out
this way. There I was, practicing shooting with real guns
because I had a plan to carry out a massacre. Why did
things have to be this way, I silently questioned myself as
I looked at the handgun I was holding in front of me. I
paid my fee and left the range within minutes, feeling as if
I was going to be sick. I spent the rest of the waiting
period at the Coffee Bean in Oxnard, where I sat by
myself feeling absolutely disgusted. My whole world was

After going through every single fantasy I had about how I

would punish my enemies, I started to detail all of my
exact plans for how the Day of Retribution will play out.
On the day before the Day of Retribution, I will start the
First Phase of my vengeance: Silently killing as many
people as I can around Isla Vista by luring them into my
apartment through some form of trickery.


The first people I would have to kill are my two

housemates, to secure the entire apartment for myself as
my personal torture and killing chamber. After that, I will
start luring people into my apartment, knock them out
with a hammer, and slit their throats. I will torture some
of the good looking people before I kill them, assuming
that the good looking ones had the best sex lives. All of
that pleasure they had in life, I will punish by bringing
them pain and suffering. I have lived a life of pain and
suffering, and it was time to bring that pain to people
who actually deserve it. I will cut them, flay them, strip all
the skin off their flesh, and pour boiling water all over
them while they are still alive, as well as any other form of
torture I could possibly think of. When they are dead, I
will behead them and keep their heads in a bag, for their
heads will play a major role in the final phase. This First
Phase will represent my vengeance against all of the men
who have had pleasurable sex lives while I’ve had to
suffer. Things will be fair once I make them suffer as I did.
I will finally even the score.

The Second Phase will take place on the Day of

Retribution itself, just before the climactic massacre. The
Second Phase will represent my War on Women. I will
punish all females for the crime of depriving me of sex.
They have starved me of sex for my entire youth, and
gave that pleasure to other men. In doing so, they took
many years of my life away. I cannot kill every single
female on earth, but I can deliver a devastating blow that
will shake all of them to the core of their wicked hearts.
I will attack the very girls who represent everything I hate
in the female gender: The hottest sorority of UCSB. After
doing a lot of extensive research within the last year, I
found out that the sorority with the most beautiful girls is
Alpha Phi Sorority. I know exactly where their house is,
and I’ve sat outside it in my car to stalk them many times.


Alpha Phi sorority is full of hot, beautiful blonde girls; the

kind of girls I’ve always desired but was never able to
have because they all look down on me. They are all
spoiled, heartless, wicked bitches. They think they are
superior to me, and if I ever tried to ask one on a date,
they would reject me cruelly. I will sneak into their house
at around 9:00 p.m. on the Day of Retribution, just
before all of the partying starts, and slaughter every single
one of them with my guns and knives. If I have time, I will
set their whole house on fire. Then we shall see who the
superior one really is!

The Final Phase of the Day of Retribution will be my

ultimate showdown in the streets of Isla Vista. On the
morning before, I will drive down to my father’s house to
kill my little brother, denying him of the chance to grow
up to surpass me, along with my stepmother Soumaya,
as she will be in the way. My father will be away on one
of his business trips, so thankfully I won’t have to deal
with him. If he didn’t go away on that trip, I might even
have to postpone the whole plan because of my fear that
I might hesitate if I have to kill him. Once I’ve taken care
of my brother and stepmother, I will switch over to the
Mercedes SUV, and drive it back up to Isla Vista. I will use
it as one of my killing machines against my enemies. An
SUV will cause a lot more damage than my BMW coupe.
After I have killed all of the sorority girls at the Alpha Phi
House, I will quickly get into the the SUV before the police
arrive, assuming they would arrive within 3 minutes. I
will then make my way to Del Playa, splattering as many
of my enemies as I can with the SUV, and shooting
anyone I don’t splatter. I can only imagine how sweet it
will be to ram the SUV into all of those groups of popular
young people who I’ve always witnessed walking right in
the middle of the road as if they are better than everyone
else. When they are writhing in pain, their bodies broken
and dying after I splatter them, they will fully realize their


Once I reach Del Playa Street, I will dump the bag of

severed heads I had saved from my previous victims,
proclaiming to everyone how much I’ve made them all
suffer. Once they see all of their friend’s heads roll onto
the street, everyone will fear me as the powerful god I
am. I will then start massacring everyone on Del Playa
Street. I will pull up next to a house party and fire bullets
at everyone partying on the front yard. I will specifically
target the good looking people, and all of the couples.
After I have destroyed a house party, I will continue down
Del Playa, destroying everything and everyone. When I
see the first police car come to their rescue, I will drive
away as fast as I can, shooting and ramming anyone in my
path until I find a suitable place to finally end my life.

To end my life, I will quickly swallow all of the Xanax and

Vicodin pills I have left, along with an ample amount of
hard liquor. Immediately after imbibing this mixture, I will
shoot myself in the head with two of my handguns
simultaneously. If the gunshots don’t kill me, the deadly
drug mixture eventually will. I will not suffer being
captured and sent to prison. I must plan this very
efficiently. Nothing can go wrong. It needs to be perfect.
This is now my sole purpose on this world. My plans will
come to fruition, and I mustn’t let anyone stop me. On
the week leading up to date I set for the Day of
Retribution, I uploaded several videos onto Youtube in
order to express my views and feelings to the world,
though I don’t plan on uploading my ultimate video until
minutes before the attack, because on that video I will
talk about exactly why I’m doing this. I titled one of the
videos I uploaded “Why do girls hate me so much?” in
which I ask the entire population of women the question
I’ve wanted to ask them for so many years. Why do they
hate me so much? Why have they never fancied me? Why
do they give their love and sex to other men, but not me,
even though I deserve them more?


In the video, I show that I am the perfect, magnificent

gentleman, worthy of having a beautiful girlfriend, making
the world see how unreasonable it is that I’ve had to
struggle all my life to get a girlfriend. It is my attempt to
reason with the female gender, to ask them why they
have mistreated me. I was hoping I would
get some sort of answer from girls. In fact, a small part of
me was even hoping that a girl would see the video and
contact me to give me a chance to go on a date.

That alone would have prevented the Day of Retribution,

if one girl had just given me one chance. But no… As
expected, I got absolutely no response from any girls. The
only responses I got were from other men who called me
names and made fun of me. Women don’t care about me
at all. They won’t even deign to tell my why they’ve
mistreated me. This just shows how evil and sadistic they
are. Oh well, they will realize the gravity of their crimes
when I slaughter them all on the Day of Retribution. How
dare they reject a magnificent gentleman like me! As April
26th drew ever closer, I prepared myself to the fullest
extent. All I had left to do was finish writing this story and
film my final video. But then, on Thursday, April 24th, I
woke up with a terrible cold. I rarely ever get colds! I’ve
always had a strong immune system. It was as if fate itself
was trying to stop me from doing it. But what other
reason do I have for living? Alas, there was no way I could
carry out my plans if I had a cold. Everything had to be
perfect. In addition, I found out that father had arrived
home two days earlier than he originally said he would, so
if I had indeed went forth with my plans, I would have had
to kill my father, which I wouldn’t be mentally prepared


I hastily decided to postpone it to Saturday, May 24th,

2014. I would definitely be fully recovered from my cold
by then. This will also give me a few more weeks of life,
and more time to prepare. A few days earlier, I felt so
ready to finally strike back at women and humanity, with
all my rage and hatred. I was profoundly eager to do it!
But for some strange reason, having a few more weeks of
life made me feel relieved. I took in a deep breath and
relaxed. Coupled with my hate-fueled eagerness to carry
out my act of revenge, there was also an extreme sense
of fear inside me. Part of me still didn’t want to do it. It
will mean my death, and I have always been afraid of
death. I didn’t want to be in Isla Vista on April 26th, the
day I previously planned on carrying out my plans.
Hearing all of my enemies partying and having a good
time on the day I was supposed to kill them all would be
too much to bear. I immediately called my mother and
asked her if I can stay at her house for the whole
weekend, exaggerating my illness so that she would let
me. While there, I visited the doctor to ask about the
condition of my cold, and spent the weekend in deep,
peaceful contemplation. Upon my return to Santa
Barbara, I assured to myself that this was it. May 24th,
2014 was the final date. There is no postponing it
anymore, no backing out. If I don’t do this, then I only
have a future filled with more loneliness and rejection
ahead of me, devoid of sex, love, and enjoyment. I have
to do it. It’s the only thing I can do. May 24th, is the
absolute last weekend in the Spring semester in which I
can carry out this plan efficiently. After May 24th, the
Spring semester at SBCC will end, and all of the SBCC
students will go back to their hometowns, which means
less enemies to kill in Isla Vista. Sure, UCSB would still be
in session, but I want to kill both UCSB and SBCC students.
The Day of Retribution is my sole purpose on this world,
and I am ready.


Notice how Elliot Roger estimated it would take the police 3

minutes to arrive at the sorority house? That call 10 minutes before the
event could have saved so many but this filth, which went unpunished,
never made it.



SECTION 182-185

182. (a) If two or more persons conspire: (5) To commit

any act injurious to the public health, to public morals, or
to pervert or obstruct justice, or the due administration of
the laws. When they conspire to do an act described in
paragraph (4), they shall be punishable by imprisonment
in a county jail for not more than one year, or by
imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170,
or by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000),
or by both that imprisonment and fine.


(a) A person acts intentionally, or with intent, with

respect to the nature of his conduct or to a result of his
conduct when it is his conscious objective or desire to
engage in the conduct or cause the result.

(b) A person acts knowingly, or with knowledge, with

respect to the nature of his conduct or to circumstances
surrounding his conduct when he is aware of the nature
of his conduct or that the circumstances exist. A person
acts knowingly, or with knowledge, with respect to a
result of his conduct when he is aware that his conduct is
reasonably certain to cause the result.


(c) A person acts recklessly, or is reckless, with respect to

circumstances surrounding his conduct or the result of his
conduct when he is aware of but consciously disregards a
substantial and unjustifiable risk that the circumstances
exist or the result will occur. The risk must be of such a
nature and degree that its disregard constitutes a gross
deviation from the standard of care that an ordinary
person would exercise under all the circumstances as
viewed from the actor's standpoint.

(d) A person acts with criminal negligence, or is criminally

negligent, with respect to circumstances surrounding his
conduct or the result of his conduct when he ought to be
aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the
circumstances exist or the result will occur. The risk must
be of such a nature and degree that the failure to
perceive it constitutes a gross deviation from the
standard of care that an ordinary person would exercise
under all the circumstances as viewed from the actor's


person is criminally responsible if the result would not
have occurred but for his conduct, operating either alone
or concurrently with another cause, unless the concurrent
cause was clearly sufficient to produce the result and the
conduct of the actor clearly insufficient. (b) A person is
nevertheless criminally responsible for causing a result if
the only difference between what actually occurred and
what he desired, contemplated, or risked is that:

(1) a different offense was committed; or

(2) a different person or property was injured, harmed, or

otherwise affected.


In California law there are several exceptions to the

confidentiality of psychotherapy. Three of these exceptions to
confidentiality concern harm to self or others: Where there is a
reasonable suspicion of child abuse or elder adult physical abuse; where
there is a reasonable suspicion that you may present a danger of violence
to others; where there is a reasonable suspicion that you are likely to
harm yourself unless protective measures are taken. In all of the above
cases, the therapist is either allowed or required by law to break
confidentiality in order to protect you, or someone you might endanger,
from harm.
Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law two bills, one that extended a
ban on gun ownership for those who have made a credible threat to a
psychotherapist and another that requires a psychotherapist to report a
credible violent threat to police within a 24-hour period. The moral of this
story is that Hitler put mental patients to death so a lesser form of mental
illness had to be invented –asperser now classified as autism. Autism is
total introversion.


I am a researcher based in Manhattan who became interested in the mass
murder in Isla Vista because of a discrepancy I first noticed in the
chronology of events. LiChin Rodger claimed she received a call from the
therapist at 9:17 PM and immediately called either the Santa Barbara
Sheriff’s Office or 911. The murders on the streets of Isla Vista took place
13 minutes later. Why didn’t the police react? I contacted the Santa
Barbara’s Sheriff’s office and they prepared a press release that answered
my questions. No one called 911 or the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office until
10:15 when the therapist called having seen the mass murder on the
media. The Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office called Peter and LiChin after the
therapist gave them the cell phone number. What happened was the the
rapist had 24 hours to report the threat so LiChin convinced him to keep
silent while she and Peter drove to Isla Vista to handle the matter quietly.
They figured the event was scheduled for Saturday and the autistic people
always stick to their schedule. I have attached the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s
Office supplemental report. If I were in your place I would physically
attack Peter Rogers or spit in his face. I would not be part of his




On April 23, 2018 Fragile X Zombie Alek Minassian killed 10

people and injured 16, some critically, by driving his van into pedestrians
on a busy Toronto street, the majority of them women. Just before the
massacre Alek had put a post on Facebook praising Fragile X Zombie
ELLIOT RODGER and calling for an "Incel Rebellion," an uprising of men
who are angry women won't have sex with them. Sexual entitlement is
significant within the offending behavior of sexual offenders, particularly
for rapists, sexual murderers and incest offenders. Now a watered down
form of it has spread to the internet where INCELS are involuntary
celibates, STACYS are woman who reject them, and CHADS are virile men.


But a closer scientific analysis reveals the INCELS are really

VOLCELS (voluntary celibates) because if they really wanted to have
sexual intercourse they could go to a prostitute. In the nomenclature of
psychopathology as practiced in Brooklyn in the 1950’s they are called
“limped dick fucks.” These Fragile X Zombie’s INCEL’s genitals can be
described as Hanging Chads.


The CHAD appellation may have come from "The Many Loves of
Dobie Gillis.” Steve Franken played Chadsworth Osborne, Jr. a wealthy
debonair CHAD who was Dobbie’s nemesis when it came to girlfriends.
The origin of the Stacy name remains a mystery. According to researchers
who follow the misogyny movement, the social media platform Reddit's
INCEL subreddit contained 40,000 members before it was shut down in
November 2017 because of hate-filled and violent rhetoric that frequently
called for the murder and rape of STACYS and CHADS. In a 2009 interview
with the Richmond Hill Liberal, a Sona Minassian said her son lives with a
condition called Asperser’s syndrome, once regarded as a milder form of
autism, and relied on Helpmate, a social service community program
whose lack of funding threatened to shutter it. “My son would spend
afternoons working with Helpmate. They were sensitive to his needs,” she
said, not naming her son. The mother of mass murderer Travis Reinking
was also hesitant about identifying her son as autistic. Sonia continued
“He was able to take the experience provided by Helpmate and apply it.
This kind of service for my son wasn’t available elsewhere.


I am convinced that if we didn’t have Helpmate, my son would not

have had such an opportunity,” Sona Minassian said of the job her son
was able to land at a local IT company. Minassian was part of a special
needs program at Thornlea Secondary School, said former classmate Will
Cornish, 25. Minassian didn’t behave violently, he said, but could be seen
in the hallways twisting his hands together. “He (had) notable special
needs,” Reynolds said of Minassian, citing his behavior of making
meowing noises and hugging his arms around himself in the hallways at



The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1,

2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Chris
Harper-Mercer, a 26-year-old Fragile X Zombie who was enrolled at the
school, fatally shot an assistant professor and eight students in a
classroom. Eight others were injured. Law enforcement arrived on scene
at about 10:44 a.m. and two Roseburg Police Detectives made initial
contact with the suspect and exchanged gun fire. Shortly after, the
suspect retreated into the room where he had been shooting students
and committed suicide. This is what Deputy Scot Peterson should have
done during the Parkland Massacre. Shame it was a gun free zone.
Someone may have put a bullet in him before he murdered 9 innocent



This should give the reader some idea of the evil that he

Anatasia said about 20 minutes into the lesson in her

'Introduction to Expository Writing' class; "this guy"
barges into the room and points a handgun at a person
who was in the middle of the classroom. He didn't say
anything at first. He then started shooting the handgun at
people and everyone started diving under desks. Anatasia
didn't see the teacher get shot but knows that he was,
she was busy trying to hide under something. The shooter
said that he had been waiting to do this for a long time
and laughed a "creepy" laugh. He told everyone to crawl
into the middle of the classroom. He fired three times,
and then asked someone named "Michael" to stand up.
Michael stood up and the shooter asked him to take some
papers that were in an orangish envelope and said to give
it to someone. The shooter said he wouldn't be able to
give it to anyone because he would be dead.


He told Michael it was "his lucky day." The shooter said

after he killed all of them he would kill himself too. The
shooter then asked each person to stand up individually
and would ask what their religion was. When they said
they were religious, he told them it would only hurt for a
couple seconds and they would be with God soon. He
then shot them in the head. Anatasia said she didn't
actually see him shoot people in the head; she just knew
because they just fell to the ground and didn't "squirm
around." She said no matter what the answer was, he
shot them anyway. He asked one girl to get up and after
she said she couldn't, he shot her in the leg. Anatasia said
she knew the shooter was getting close to her, and he
asked her to stand up, so she pretended like she was
dead. She was already in a lot of pain in her leg because
she had already been shot. She thought she was shot
about halfway through the incident.

The shooter asked her friend who was lying next to her if
she (Anatasia) was alive and said she didn't know. He then
moved on and started shooting other people. She then
heard a lot of commotion in the hallway and thought it
was the guy named Chris who confronted the shooter.
The next thing she remembered was someone saying the
shooter was shot in the head and the police had showed
up. She looked up and saw a lot of people that had been
shot and a lot of blood. She recognized Officer Spingath
and knew she was safe, he helped her get up and she was
then on a stretcher going to the hospital. She never saw
the shooter use anything but a handgun during the

This subhuman monster was another offshoot of Elliot Roger

whose work My Twisted World inspired him to write his own manifesto.
Like Elliot Roger, and his disciple Alek Minassian, Chris was part of a bunch
of male misfits who recognized that they are inferior to other males. They
call themselves Betas as opposed to the dominant Alpha males. They plan
a Beta Revolution that entails the mass murder of Alpha Males and
Females and they idolize those who have done so.


Chris announced his intentions in a chat room warning Betas to

stay out of college that day. The misfits encouraged him and gave him
advice on how to kill the most Alpha’s. Anonymity brings out the worst
maggots who have problems all of their life when it comes to getting laid.

Harper-Mercer was half white and half African-American. The

Miscreants parents officially divorced in 2006, after more than a decade
of separation, citing irreconcilable differences, namely the sick puppy
Chris. Since she was separated from her husband she was very close with
her son. Too close if you ask me he had an unhealthy attachment to her.
Ian Mercer and Laurel Margaret Harper had married on February 14,
1989, separating just 11 months later in 1990, after Chris was born on July
26, 1989. Laurel was genetically challenged. She was a high functioning
autistic and carried the genes for autism, and Christopher inherited these
genes. Mr. Mercer got more than what he bargained for when he married
this piece of work. Mercer and Harper agreed to joint legal custody
although the turd bag ended up with mommy because his father could
not stand him just as Adam Lanza’s daddy, an executive at General
Electric, couldn’t stomach his son. Mercer's father told reporters he had
no idea his son had amassed an arsenal but he knew his ex and how much
she loved guns.


His half sister did not live with the miscreant and his mother but
she also knew that access to numerous weapons was being granted to a
mental case. Where did the money to buy these firearms come from?
Where did he get the money to purchase body armor, numerous
magazines of different calibers, hundreds of rounds of ammo? From
mommy. The target shooter has no need for body armor.

Laurel Margaret Harper was a Black Nancy Lanza of Sandy Hook

infamy. Too bad Christopher Harper Mercer didn’t do the same to Laurel
as Adam Lanza did to his mother Nancy and put a bullet in her head with
her own gun. Laurel Margaret Harper is a jail nurse born April 5, 1951 in
Los Angeles, California. Mother's maiden name is Cobb. She is listed as a
psychological assistant and helped treat autistic children. Her two
licenses were cancelled but her record appears clear. She lived in Oakland,
California, Winchester, Oregon, New Mexico, Los Angeles, California,
Torrance California, Lomita, California. She has three sisters Maribeth,
Shelley and Jennifer. They grew up in a middle class neighborhood. Laural
has failed to make any sort of statement, ducked reporters, however she
was been questioned by the police much of which appears in this book.
During her interview she said nothing about her son’s victims. She
probably lawyered up because she is either guilty of aiding and abetting
or criminal negligence. As you will see Laurel knew that her son was
totally insane yet she let him have access to 14 lethal weapons, numerous
magazines, and ammunition and body armor. That was because the
maggot Laural was a preper, just as Nancy Lanza was. Nancy Lanza let her
son Adam Lanza have access to her numerous weapons despite the fact
she knew he was mentally ill. This resulted in the deaths of 20 children
and six staff member at Sandy Hook. Nancy Lanza was a White rightwing
militia type Laurel was a rightwing African-American militia type. Both
took their demented sons to shooting ranges. Laurel taught her son to
think the same way only he went overboard and became a living
contradiction, an African-American Nazi.


Like the Jewish Nikolas Cruz he was a self proclaimed White

Supremacist nut job. His mother, Laurel, knew this yet she went to
shooting ranges with him and gave him access to an arsenal.


Harper-Mercer wrote “I have been interested in mass shooters for

years. I noticed where they always go wrong is they don’t work fast
enough and their death toll is not anywhere near where it should be. They
shoot wildly instead of targeted blasts.” She was aware of this interest as
he lived with mommy all his life. Mercer was a thought disordered
imbecile. A half black man idolizing the Nazis who wanted to send the
“niggers” back to Africa. His writings, as well as a note he left behind,
indicated that he supported white-supremacist causes. According to
Mashable, his Facebook profile included “a reference to Nazi Germany”
and had a quotation: “When all the pleasures of the world have diluted,
the only thing left that is pure is power.” Chris was a supporter of Marxist
Sinn Fein (not particularly fond of Nazis) and posted pictures of them on
his Facebook page. His biological father was British. He claimed to be a
"conservative republican" while possessing a murderous hatred of
Christians (not a common trait among conservative Republicans). He
doesn't have a clue or a consistent thought about anything. He was just an
ignorant worthless psychopath. The New York Times reported:

A survivor, Tracy Heu, a nursing student, said she had

recognized the killer, Christopher Harper-Mercer, as a
student who had spoken up on another day when the
teacher, Lawrence Levine, asked for the definition of a
vocabulary word. When Harper-Mercer offered a
response, Levine “kind of corrected Chris,” Heu, 30, said
in an interview at her home this week. Levine was among
the nine killed by Harper-Mercer. Another student in the
class, Lacey Scroggins, confirmed through her father,
Randy Scroggins, that Harper-Mercer had engaged with
the teacher and said he was a vocal member of the class,
which had begun that week.

Chris had planned this mass murder long in advance. That was
why he had the body armor and enrolled in this particular English class.
This was another facet of his motivation: He was a Nazi out to kill a Jew.


Adam Lanza went nuts when someone touched him. Chris Harper
Mercer couldn’t stand loud sounds. They were both autistic.


But PC dictates that we don’t stigmatize autism just as we don’t

stigmatize cancer patients. However there is a big difference because
mentally ill autistic people manifest a lack of empathy for others. Laurel
told a friend that the young miscreant banged his head against the wall,
and said that both she and her son struggled with Asperser’s syndrome,
an autism spectrum disorder (euphemism mental illness) and was initially
given a misdiagnosis of attention deficit disorder. According to the New
York Times Chris would act totally insane if he didn’t have his medication.

Laurel Harper: Because he, he, for a long time, I mean, he was like born
angry pretty much. Um, pretty much, I mean even the doctor said this is
one angry baby.

Detective Hinkle: Okay, so he had-

Laurel Harper: We could never get, we couldn't pin it down.

Detective Hinkle: Huh, okay. Um, so you had mentioned that when he was
a child, and there was a diagnosis?

Laurel Harper: Which you know, is autism. If it, if that diagnosis is correct,
then the effect will be immediate and it will be significant and there was
no change. So he was autistic. There is a scale on oh, there's a number. I
can't' even remember anymore. There was a time when I could list them
all – all his medication dose and everything. But that's a long time ago
now. Nothing worked. So, um, he had some kind of, I think some kind of a
brain defect. That's just my own feeling, um - similar symptoms to other,
both other diagnoses. But nothing worked. No, no effect, no effect.
Nothing on any of that. The drugs had side effect and they weren't always
pleasant and yeah, he was just tired of it. He, he was tired and nothing
was helping him.

Chris Harper-Mercer's mom remembered holding him in a "bear

hug" until his energy ran out when he had tantrums as a young child. As a
teenager, Chris Harper-Mercer would get in his mother's face.


Well, like when he was little, you know, if there was a

fight, I'd have to put him in a human, you know, - Bear
hug? - yeah, bear hug, you know -- wait 'til he would just
run out of steam, um. When he was, when he was in his
teens, like I said, he had anger issues. He would just get all
kind of, you know, kind of up in my face type thing- you
know, try, and be very intimidating- and, and it's like
there's just like out of control, you know. So you know, I
would just try to, try to like diffuse.

At approximately age 4 or 5, Chris made what mom described as a suicide

attempt by opening up the car door while they were traveling down the
freeway. (DELETED)

Laurel Harper: I know, I think he was something, I don't know what age he
was. I can't even remember the age, but he was a minor. It was middle
school. So you know, I don't know, 14, 15, 13, 14, something like that, but
he was, I mean he was the same, a little one. Oh, he's had many doctors.

Detective Hinkle: Um, you remember the last?

Laurel Harper: He was in a couple of times.

Detective Hinkle: For suicide or****?

Laurel Harper: Um, what was it? The first time, he was very, very young
though, it was very young and it was very impractical. It wouldn't have
worked, but he didn't know that. He was too young to realize it and, and a
doctor that he had at that time said to take him to a specific emergency
department and they would transport him where he needed to be, and he
tried to open the car door on the way there. He was old enough to not
need a car seat. And big enough and he was strapped in, but he, he
opened, he got the door open. And so I went ahead. I pulled over and got
everything, got him secured, and then I actually put him in the back seat
because on the car that I had then, you could flip something and then
they couldn't unlock anything in the back.


Chris Harper-Mercer, under the age of 18, threw some sort of

object at another student. He was "arrested" and eventually convicted.
He was supervised by a probation officer and was ordered by the court to
complete community service.

Laurel Harper: My**** is like oh, God, don't even write it down because
you know, I could be wrong.

Detective Hinkle: Okay, do you remember the name of the school?

Laurel Harper: I think it was, Carson Middle School. God, I can't even
remember. There was just, there's too many.

Detective Hinkle: And that was the only time you remember he was ever

Laurel Harper: Well, he was in trouble, and he had to do community

service. He had a court hearing and he had to do community service. I
think it was for that incident, yeah. But he, he wasn't like, you know,
committing crimes, I mean, you know. This was, this was a behavioral
thing, really, but it happened. He crossed the line and so he did
community service, and I drove him there and he had a PO just for that
time, and so you know, and then that issue was gone. Um, he was in the
public school system, pro, in one of their special education programs.
Which was so inadequate and so with these other kids who were like ten
times more violent. They came from very, very violent backgrounds. I, I
don't know. Maybe it's just like self-defense, but anyway, he threw
something and so, um, an officer came to came, to the school campus.
This was in, in California. I think the City of Carson.

Harper-Mercer was among five students listed in the 2009

graduating class at Switzer Learning Center. 5 The Switzer Learning Center,
in Torrance, teaches students with “special needs” (euphemism) 6
emotional instability, “autism” (mental illness) and Asperger’s syndrome;
in other words kids who were too insane to go to public schools because
they were violent and a danger to themselves or to others. These kids are
mainly African-American.


Special education students are usually referred to Switzer

Learning Center from their home school district after their Individualized
Education Program team 7 has determined that the public school no longer
can meet the student’s needs and that the student would benefit from a
referral to a nonpublic school. In some instances, parents elect to send
their child to Switzer Learning Center as a private pay student. In these
instances, an evaluation and determination of need for services is
conducted at Switzer Learning Center and a private fee agreement is
made. Mental institutions such as the ones Chris attended should be
compelled to turn over the names of their patients to ATF. It is said this
might discourage people from seeking treatment. Too bad.

“He’s no babbling idiot nor is his life worthless,” Ms. Harper

wrote. “He’s very intelligent and is working on a career in filmmaking. My
18 years worth of experience with and knowledge about Asperser’s
syndrome is paying off.” On another occasion “And now my son invests in
the stock market along with me, turns a profit and is working on a degree
in finance. His language and reading skills are phenomenal.”

At 18, Chris Harper-Mercer (deleted). Chris Harper-Mercer always felt

"superior" to other people his age. Chris Harper-Mercer said he hated
popular trends such as "skinny jeans" and popular technology such as
smart phones. Chris Harper-Mercer claimed he was "anti-technology".

Laurel Harper: You're gonna love this one, and there was one time when,
when he, um, he pointed a shotgun at me.

Detective Hinkle: How long ago was that?

Laurel Harper: Um, this was in California. This was, I don't know, like 5, no,
no, 6, 6 years ago, maybe, 6, 7 years ago, and, um, and you guys, I mean
you've worked the field too. You've probably had guns, you know, pulled
on you and it's, it's a very odd thing, and, and almost, you know, like you
can be detached, and that's, you know, I've been in emergency situations
but not this kind. But just, it's like, I just detached, and then just because
you know, whatever is gonna happen is gonna happen, right. And so, uh,
just let's see what I can do about it and just was, got real calm. I started
talking at half speed - and, uh, started to just try to slow things down, and


he was just so, he was like a wire, ready and actually got, talked him into
like, you know, putting it down.

Detective Hinkle: Oh, so you called the cops.

Laurel Harper: Um, actually I didn't. I probably should've, but I didn't. I

didn't -

Detective Hinkle: So how did you deal with it?

She had the mental case committed at the Del Amo Behavioral
Health System in Torrance, Calif., near where they had lived before
moving to Oregon. A friend of Harper recalled “He calls and says, ‘Take me
out, take me out,’ She didn’t take him out until the doctor said he was
ready to get out.” She should have brought one of guns with her and
taken him out. She was also quoted as saying” “My son is a real big
problem of mine, He has some psychological problems. Sometimes he
takes his medication, sometimes he doesn’t. And that’s where the big
problem is, when he doesn’t take his medication.”

Laurel thought her son was in for some crisis stabilization: “The
Youth Services Program is a program designed for children and
adolescents ages 6-17 that can benefit from a highly structured and
supervised setting. This program is designed for crisis stabilization with
24-hour supervision, and is staffed with mental health professionals
including registered nurses, master’s level therapists, and trained mental
health counselors.” This, according to a reviewer on Yelp, was what he


“The type of treatment you get in Del Amo Behavioral center is obsolete,
they force you to take pills, make you go to groups, do room checks every
10 minutes to see if you killed yourself, I found 10 different ways to kill
yourself in this place if someone really wanted to that is, I’m just saying
that it’s not really a safe environment to help suicidal people it actually
has the opposite effect. They don't let you sleep at night they come in the
rooms every 5 minutes and flash lights in your eyes, overall it’s a
depressing place.” 8

Laurel Harper: I took him there.

Detective Hinkle: Had, did you ever call the police on him?

Laurel Harper: Um, no, no. No, I, you know, I was just too weak or
something, just, I So, um, he seemed to get back on track, um.

Detective Hinkle: So you never called them.

Laurel Harper: No.

Detective Hinkle: Okay.

Laurel Harper: No, I didn't, um, but, um, you know, he, he seemed to get
back on track. I really, I was trying to give him every chance in the book
without having a record around his neck. I did not want that, you know,
still over him. He had enough, you know, obstacles. He didn't need that
one. I didn't think he needed it.

Detective Hinkle: What do you think, uh, what do you think got him, you
know, I'm not saying that you were at fault for it at all, that you weren't,
but what, what sparked him with the shotgun incident?

Laurel Harper: Um, you know, it, I can't remember because he would
kinda, he used to be really hair trigger - it, something, I don't know if it
was something I may have asked once too often for him to do, um. I
honestly don't remember what, what particular incident that was. But I
mean it had to be -or it might even have, well, it might've been just like a,
a disagreement like in, um, uh, our, our personal beliefs.


Um, just I honestly, I wish I could remember what that was about. Um,
but whatever it was, like those, those two barrels looking at me just kind
of chased it right out of my head. It was just talk him down, talk him

Detective Hinkle: Did he say anything to you at the time, I'm gonna kill
you, what did he

Laurel Harper: Well, I know he, he was, I guess, I can't really recall except I
mean something, something like, I guess something like, um, you know,
shut up or don't move, or something, you know, but, um. It, it wasn't so
much he was threatening me that way. I mean having, you know, just
having the gun pointing was threat, threat enough. Um, but he was, it
was, he was so angry and I, God I know that this anger was way out of
proportion. You know and I mean, and his anger's to me and I'm, I know,
um, two, I think my sisters had seen it, but they thought it was kind of out
of proportion too. And, but it just seemed that, like I said, just especially
lately, he had started to mellow out. And he had been more mellow and I
know that I've gotten him angry in the recent past, but he didn't like just
zoom, you know, to the top, you know, like the cartoons where the heat
and the bother just zooms up and you know -- the mercury, you know.
Um, it, like him, he's 0 to 60. He was, he was a person of extremes. There
seemed to be no happy medium for him. And it's either like oh, well, I
can't, if I can't like, um, eat the cake then I'll have no food in the house. It
was that or have too much food.

A review of Army records indicated that Christopher Sean Harper-

Mercer was in the service at Ft. Jackson, S.C., from Nov. 5 to Dec. 11,
2008. He was discharged for failing to meet the "minimum administrative
standards to serve." The army, because of PC, was afraid to say he was
nuts even though he had attempted suicide while under their command.
He was not given a dishonorable discharge. Army records should also go
in their data base. Devin P. Kelley — who shot 46 people, 26 of them
fatally, in a Sutherland Springs, Texas church on a Sunday — should not
have been able to legally buy a gun after being convicted of domestic
violence against his wife and infant daughter, but the Air Force never
entered his name into a federal database.


Kelley received a bad conduct discharge, confinement for twelve

months and a reduction of his military status.

Laurel Harper: As a young adult he enlisted in the Army. Oh, wait a

minute. When he got to boot camp, and was it North Carolina I think. Fort
Bragg? It wasn't, you know, it was just like oh, my God, reality set in and
he pretended to attempt suicide.

Detective Hinkle: Mm hmm and did he tell you that he faked that?

Laurel Harper: Mm hmm, not at first, I mean not at first. I just, you know,
I, when I got a call from, from the hospital unit, uh, I was oh, you know. It
kind of knocked me off my feet a little bit, and then I had hoped that kind
of thing, you know, was behind him, but you know, and he never dealt
with it so I wouldn't be -

Detective Hinkle: Was he discharged for that?

Laurel Harper: Um, yeah. Oh, yeah, once you end up there, that's it. They
don't want you in there. They'll let you go right, right back, so, yeah. He,
he spent his time, did his time there and then, um, they, they sent him
back to California.

Detective Hinkle: The Army sent him back to California from where he

Laurel Harper: Yeah, yeah.

Detective Hinkle: How long was he at boot camp?

Laurel Harper: Um, he couldn't have been there more than a couple

At age 19 or 20, after his failed attempt at joining the Army, Chris Harper-
Mercer got very upset about something and pointed a shotgun at his
mother. In response, his mother had him committed. Chris Harper-Mercer
was released within 72 hours.


Detective Hinkle asked Laurel if her son ever gave her a hint of what he
was going to do:

Laurel Harper: -he never, no, never, never, never.


Laurel Harper: But you know, I just, I have been replaying and replaying,
and replaying and replaying for the last like 6 months, last 3 months, last
month. And nothing, there's nothing. There's nothing there. There's
nothing I could look back and say oh, yeah, this, that was an arrow
pointing the way. There's another one. Nothing. But I know my son, he
loved me dearly. He did. So you know, if, if he couldn't come to me before
things got to where they did, to the point they did, then, then I know he
was in a great deal of psychic pain.

This author does not believe her in light of the way she reacted when she
first heard about the event: “Um, I was trying to find out, you know, news
about what's going on. I, I called, um, I called Mercy and he wasn't
admitted there. So I took that as a good sign. Um, I checked the, um, the,
um, inmate listings and, um, I know that booking can take a long time
sometimes, but I didn't see his name there. So I thought okay, well, you
know, he's not at that end of the problem, at least I don't know, you
know, like right now.” Why didn’t she go to the school as other parents
did? Hinkle asked: “You established that he wasn't in the hospital. Once
you established he wasn't booked into jail or in the hospital, you started
checking his gun inventory. Is there a particular reason why you would
think to do that for him?

Laurel Harper: Because he, he, for a long time, I mean, he was like born
angry pretty much.

Detective Hinkle: Did he ever act out towards you physically?

Laurel Harper: Oh, hell, yes. Yeah.

Detective Hinkle: What would he do?


Laurel Harper: A couple **** oh, yeah, a couple of times, yeah, a couple
of times when he was older, yeah.

Detective Hinkle: So this was-

Laurel Harper: There was another incident, um, I wish I had just****. It
was one of those things where, you know, he was just like overflowing
again, you know.

Detective Hinkle: Or this one where he's pointing the shotgun at you, is it?

Laurel Harper: No, no, this was another, uh, was it that time? I don't
know. Just say, you know, person not sure, um. I was trying to find out
from him well, you know, do, oh, I can't even remember the conversation,
but he got, he got very angry at me, and, and verbally abusive, and this is
in the waiting area, and you know, I didn't need that. So I just turned and I
just walked away. I go, you know, I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't
need more, from there I found out they put him in a, in a halfway house
or something, a group home and he took a bus back up to Torrance, and
that, and you know, some of this was walking and some of this was by
bus, and then he broke into our place through a window to get, you know,
to come home.

I said well, if you don't want me to call the cops now, then you better tell
me what you're gonna do, to you know, turn your life around. And, um,
you know, he wasn't, it wasn't, I know you hear this all the time, no, he
wasn't bad. Well, yeah, most people, they're not really bad. He was very,
he was very troubled. And, but he was, he was too old for me to do
anything except call the law, and I just, I just didn't want him to go to jail. I
knew if he went, if he were, had been arrested, then things would've been
sorted out. Um, but I just, you know, I was so, still thinking I don't want
him to have it on his record, on his record.


Charges should have been brought against Lauren Harper for

aiding and abetting a mass murder and/or criminal negligence for
facilitating it.


She knew her son was nuts yet took him to a gun range that didn’t have a
range master so that he could fire one of the many weapons the slime ball
owned. This would have served as a lesson to other irresponsible parents
who allow their mentally ill children near firearms.

161.155 Oregon State Law

Criminal liability for conduct of another

A person is criminally liable for the conduct of another person constituting

a crime if: (1) The person is made criminally liable by the statute defining
the crime; or (2) With the intent to promote or facilitate the commission
of the crime the person: (a) Solicits or commands such other person to
commit the crime; or (b) Aids or abets or agrees or attempts to aid or abet
such other person in planning or committing the crime; or (c) Having a
legal duty to prevent the commission of the crime, fails to make an effort
the person is legally required to make. Criminal negligence or criminally
negligent, when used with respect to a result or to a circumstance
described by a statute defining an offense, means that a person fails to be
aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the result will occur or
that the circumstance exists. The risk must be of such nature and degree
that the failure to be aware of it constitutes a gross deviation from the
standard of care that a reasonable person would observe in the situation.


Christopher Harper-Mercer was armed with six guns, including a

Glock pistol, a Smith & Wesson pistol, a Taurus pistol and a Del-Ton
assault rifle. In all, the single mother family owned 14 firearms, all of
which were bought legally through a federally licensed firearms dealer.
Some were bought by Harper-Mercer and some by his mother who he
lived with in Winchester, Oregon as he did throughout his entire
miserable life.


Laurel Harper told the police that she used to be "anti-gun" but
Chris Harper-Mercer convinced her to try shooting. They both shot guns
together at various ranges in the Torrance/Los Angeles area. Eventually,
Laurel and Chris Harper-Mercer decided to move up to Roseburg after
researching it and believing it to be a good place to live. They did not have
relatives up here. Laurel got a job as a nurse at the Douglas County Jail.
She no longer works there.

The police reported:

After moving to Oregon, Laurel and Chris continued

shooting guns at various locations and/or ranges in the
Roseburg area. Chris sometimes open-carried a handgun.
Laurel claimed Chris open-carried because it was
something new and different from the restrictive gun
laws in California. Although it was not Laurel's main
reason for moving to Oregon, she did like the lack of
firearms-related laws such as California's magazine
capacity restriction. Chris Harper-Mercer was never
employed in California or Oregon. He supposedly financed
his gun purchases through the selling of his video games
and possibly "some money" that his mother gave him.
Chris Harper-Mercer had a bank account at Wells Fargo.
Chris Harper-Mercer had his own computer in his room.


Laurel said he got entertainment from watching videos of

killings on various websites. Laurel remembers Chris
Harper-Mercer making comment about a shooting
incident in which he said "... they better step up their
game.” Laurel told us that about a month ago, Chris
Harper-Mercer urinated into a bucket at night so he did
not have to get up and go to the bathroom. The night
before the Umpqua shooting, Chris Harper-Mercer
seemed excited to go to school Thursday. He had
mentioned his theater class. Laurel felt that Chris Harper-
Mercer may have committed the shooting because he got
set off somehow. She said he always generally quick to
anger. Laurel also felt that Chris Harper-Mercer planned
the shooting, maybe not months or weeks in advance but
at least days in advance. She said Chris Harper-Mercer
was not an impulsive person.


Read more about Ron Paul by clicking the book below. Laurel is a
registered voter however, she listed no political party.



I. My Story
II. Blackness and its effect on men
III. Other Mass Shooters
IV. Interests
My Story

I have always been the most hated person in the world.

Ever since I arrived in this world, I have been under siege
from it. Under attack from morons and idiots.

Harper admits that his autism began at his birth. He admits he is a

miscreant. Remember even the doctor that delivered him said there was
something wrong, that he was defective, a mere knock off of a human
being. Like Elliot Rogers he had a persecution complex.

I write this manifesto so that others will know of my story

and perhaps find some solace in it, some kind of
inspiration for their own lives.

He has a noble humanitarian purpose for committing mass murder.

It will contain various sections dealing with my life. It will

be divided into sections based on different things. My
whole life has been one lonely enterprise. One loss after
another. And here I am, 26, with no friends, no job, no
girlfriend, a virgin. I long ago realized that society likes to
deny people like me these things. People who are elite,
people who stand with the gods. People like Elliot
Rodger, Vester Flanagan, The Columbine kids, Adam
Lanza and Seung Cho. Just like me those people were
denied everything they deserved everything they wanted.

Though we may have been born bad, [autistic] society

left us no recourse, no way to be good. I have been forced
to align myself with demonic forces. What was once an
involuntary relationship has now become an alignment, a


I now serve the demonic Heirarchy. When I die will

become one of them. A demon. And I will return to kill
again and again. I will possess another and you will know
my work by my sign, the pentagram will fly again. Many
will ask and ponder, what could they have done different,
how could they have prevented this. But you can’t you
could never give what I wanted. You would never have
done that. Some will of course say I had so much to live
for, but I don’t think so. I had no friends, no girlfriend,
was all alone. I had no job, no life, no successes. What
was it that was supposed to happen,
what great event was it that was supposed to make me
realize how much there was going for me. But for people
like me there is another world, a darker world that
welcomes us. For people like us this all that’s left.

It is society’s fault for not electing him president or making him

the head of some multi-national corporation. Also women should have
thrown themselves at his feet. Misogyny is a form of narcissism. Why
blame society in general? A much more logical explanation places the
blame on his parents and the lack of a father figure. He should have aired
the limey out.

My success in Hell is assured. They will give me the power

that I seek. They have always been there, speaking to me
on the sidelines, controlling me. It’s only fit that I join
them after death. They’ve told me what to do, showed
me the way. And just like me, there will be others, like
Ted Bundy said, we are your sons, your brothers, we are
everywhere. My advice to others like me is to buy a gun
and start killing people. If you live in a country like Europe
with strict gun laws, either pay the necessary fees/time to
get a license or become a serial killer. The world could
always use an additional serial killer. Butcher them in
their homes, in the street, wherever you find them. Every
country in the world should be a battleground.


From the heart of Africa to the deepest depths of Asia

blood will flow. Fear not the laws of man, when you get to
the other side you will be welcomed. Don’t be afraid to
give in to your darkest impulses.

Let’s say everyone took this advice and became a serial killer?
How long before there was only one serial killer left on earth? Everyone
would have killed each other except for the last man standing. Did he ever
express these views to mommy?

Human life means nothing, we are what matters. I hope to

inspire the masses with this, at least enough to get their
passions aroused. It is my hope that others will hear my call
and act it out. I was once like you, a loser, rejected by

Now he has finally gained acceptance from society by becoming a mass


When the girls would rather go with alpha thug [nigger]

black men, we can all agree that somethings wrong with
the world. When good individuals like myself are alone,
but wicked black men get the loot, like some sort of
vaginal pirate, it’s not fair.


The black man is the most vile [vilest] creature on the

planet. He is a beast beyond measure. But don’t take
these words to be racist. I don’t hate blacks. Just the
men. Now of course some of you will be saying, wait, your
40% black aren’t you? Ah yes dear reader, I am, but
thankfully my partial blackness didn’t come from a man. If
it had my brain would have been fried. It is the black male
who is foolish. Black women are not to blame, they are
hapless dupes to the black man’s conniving machinations.

Pathetic: His brain was fried beyond that of any member of the
Black Criminal Subculture.


Africa would be better off without the black man, they

should be executed and the black queen should take over
Africa. After all, it was black men who made it inferior.

Was the Black Queen his moms?

Elliot Rodger was right when he said his thoughts on the

black male. I fully agree with him. Black men have
corrupted the women of this planet. All they care about is
sex and swag. All they care about is swinging their “Big
Black Cock thang” around in public. All their brain power
has been submerged into their penis. This blackness
effect is only prominent on men. On women it has no
effect. No one lives in fear of the black woman but
everyone lives in fear of the black man. It would be better
if all black women left the beast on the alter and dated a
white man.

Like his moms did when she dated the limey.

Or lesbian exploration. But do to the black murder rate, in

100 years there won’t be any black men, they will all be in
jail or dead. The number of ebony lesbians will increase.

His moms was a prison nurse who got to examine female

prisoners. What was her sex life like after she left her white husband?

Joy Joy Joy! The black man has more brains in his penis
than Obama has in his head. And latinos will also suffer a
massive drop in population, although not as bad as the
black man. Both enjoy killing each other. At least the
latino can be put into remedial education and be made
smart. But the black mans brains fell out of the back of his
head at birth onto the baby ward.

Harper-Mercer doesn’t like Obama because he married a Black

women instead of a White or Asian something that he deals with in this
next paragraph:


I hope all mixed folk have the sense not to touch the
black man but to instead find themselves a good
white/Asian man. But there is hope for the world. The
Asian and Indian women are traditional and good. So are
the men. I have always respected them. They will rule
America in the inner city and the world. The black woman
can only be saved by the castration/elimination of the
black man. The black man is a wily beast who has held
back the black woman. Success does not come out of your
loins but he doesn’t get the message (See end of
manifesto for good black bad black comparison)

Harper Mercer was a genocidal maniac but was not a racist. His thought
processes were disordered.


I have been interested in mass shooters for years. I

noticed where they always go wrong is they don’t work
fast enough and their death toll is not anywhere near
where it should be. They shoot wildly instead of targeted
blasts. They also don’t take on the cops. Why kill other
people but you won’t takeout the cops.

He hated black males who often kill cops but he is angry with
mass murderers who do not. He took himself out rather than let the cops
do it.


Now for the part I’m sure the media will love. My interests. My interests
include listening to music, watching movies, internet piracy. My only
solace in online life is posting on as the user lithium_love. I mostly
have uploaded porno, ebooks, things like that. That has been my only joy
in life. I will leave a sign on my profile there for any who wish to see it. I’ll
say again my profile on is lithium_love. Check out what I’ve
uploaded. You may find our tastes are more similar than you realize.

Q. What is your religion?


A. My religion is not a formal one, but more so a new age one. I’ve aligned
myself with the occult since I was born.

His mother claimed she had no knowledge of his dabbling in the occult.

Q. How come you’ve not had a girlfriend, are you gay?

A. No I’m not gay, girls just didn’t want me. As I said before they went for
the thug blacks.

Q. Are you mentally ill?

A. No I’m not. Just because I’m in communion with the Dark Forces
doesn’t mean I’m crazy. So, in conclusion this is my manifesto. I hope all
who have read it enjoyed it and find inspiration in it. Learn from what I’ve
done. I know this is not as long as Elliot Rodgers but its still good. Elliot is
a god.

Like Nickolas Cruz, Harper-Mercer was a fan of ISIS and and other Muslim
terrorists. The above is from his FB page.



British Fragile X Zombie Ben Moynihan will serve 21 years in prison

after stabbing three women as revenge for not being able to lose his
virginity. A jury at Winchester Crown Court, UK, found him guilty of
attempted murder. Moynihan suffered from autism, which contributed to
his “gross lack of empathy.” The turd confessed to his crimes in typed
letters he dropped off to the police. In one note, he ridiculed officers for
taking so long to catch him, saying “All women needs [sic] to die and
hopefully next time I can gouge their eyeballs out.”Moynihan was 17
when the attacks occurred. He would target his victims—ranging in age
from 20 to 45 to 65—as they walked alone in Portsmouth during the
summer, stabbing them with a 4.5-inch kitchen knife. Moynihan
attempted or made contact with other women haters on the internet. A
video was found on his laptop in which the teen vented about wanting to
cash in his Virginity card but no one would take it, saying, “I think every
girl is a type of slut, they are fussy with men nowadays, they do not give
boys like us a chance.” Moynihan, also kept a journal, which detailed the
assaults and described the violent dreams he would have about killing
women. The reason women reject INCELS is because they are creeps, a
1950's word used by women to describe an undesirable man. “He is such
a creep. Who would want to go out with him?” They give women the
creeps, they make people’s skin crawl, they make women nauseous, and
it’s a visceral feeling. They have only themselves to blame.




On or about July 20, 2012, Fragile X Zombie James Holmes

entered Auditorium 9 the Century Aurora 16 Theaters located at 14200-
14300 E. Alameda Avenue, Aurora, Colorado and started shooting various
firearms at the seated crowd during a midnight showing of Batman the
Dark Knight Rises. Holmes was convicted of 166 felony counts, including
24 counts of first degree murder. A prison source said that the beard
James Holmes how has represents his new-found faith of Radical Islam.
Holmes has turned Islamist as a way of justifying his horrific crimes which
left 12 people dead and 58 people wounded. “He has brainwashed
himself into believing he was on his own personal jihad and that his
victims were infidels.” Holmes now prays five times a day, sticks to a strict
Muslim diet and spends hours each day studying the Koran. But his
murders will not please Allah, because the committed before he reverted
to Islam. Not only did this truly evil sub-human being commit these
murders but he bobby trapped his apartment to kill the cops that would
come there after the shooting. Two-liter bottles filled with napalm
distributed in a web-like fashion connected directly to a container full of
FMJ bullets. The bullets would disperse during an explosion and that
would be super lethal. I feel much safer knowing that this man's serving
twelve life sentences.


There are startling similarities between this mass murderer and

Nikolas Cruz. Both men were prevented from being institutionalized by
bleeding heart Jewish mental health care professionals.

James Eagan Holmes psychiatrist Dr. Lynne Fenton initially was

concerned he had a social phobia, and considered the possibility of
Asperser’s syndrome on the autism spectrum but ultimately thought his
diagnosis was schizoid personality disorder — a condition in which a
person shows little emotion, avoids social activities and consistently shies
away from interaction with others. In other words it was no big deal. After
the event she was sued by the family of one of her patient’s victims:

Upon information and belief, James Holmes told

Defendant Fenton on June 11, 2012, that he fantasized
about killing a lot of people.

11. Upon information and belief Defendant Fenton

notified the University of Colorado Campus Wide Threat
Assessment Team about James Holmes.

12. Upon information and Belief Colorado University

Police Officer Lynn Whitten asked Defendant Fenton if
she should apprehend James Holmes and place him on a
72-hour psychiatric hold. Upon information and belief
Defendant Fenton rejected the idea.

13. Upon information and belief there was no further

action taken by Defendant Fenton to warn or otherwise
stop James Holmes from killing Jonathan Blunk on July 20,
2012. Defendant Fenton knew that James Holmes was
dangerous. Defendant Fenton had a duty to use
reasonable care to protect the public at large from James
Holmes. Defendant Fenton was presented with the
opportunity to use such reasonable care when the
Colorado University Police offered to apprehend James
Holmes on a psychiatric hold. Defendant Fenton breached
her duty to use reasonable care.


16. Due to this breach of duty to warn or protect the

public from James Holmes, Jonathan T. Blunk was killed
on July 20, 2012.

Fenton contacted a campus-wide threat assessment team in June

2012, more than a month before the attack and told a campus police
officer about her concerns after Holmes sent her threatening e-mail.
However, she rejected the officer's offer to arrest Holmes and place him
on a 72-hour psychiatric hold. Same thing happened in the Parkland Killer

Mental health counselor Jared Bienenfeld advised Cruz

did not meet criteria for Baker Act. [Involuntary
commitment for observation] School Resource Deputy
Scot Peterson assisted and initiated a report. High School
indicated it would conduct a threat assessment on Cruz.
Indication that Cruz suffers from depression.

The New York Times reported:

The clinician who wrote the September 28, 2016 report

[Jared Bienenfeld] concluded that Cruz “did not meet
criteria for further assessment.” The sheriff’s deputy at
the school, Scot Peterson, told a clinician [Jared
Bienenfeld] that he wanted to initiate a Baker Act request
against Cruz anyway, the records show, and two school
counselors agreed. Under the law, he could have been
held for at least three days of evaluation. Deputy
Peterson also said he would search Cruz’s home for a gun.
And the Florida Department of Children and Families was
called in to investigate. But while the sheriff’s office did
visit the Cruz home, Deputy Peterson apparently
changed his mind about the commitment request the
next day. One of the guidance counselors told the
Henderson clinic [Jared Bienenfeld] that the deputy had
decided Cruz did not fit the criteria for involuntary
commitment. Clinicians had repeatedly concluded that


the Baker Act would not justify committing Cruz because

he denied having an intent or a plan to hurt himself or

So it was Brittany Jacobs and psychologist Jared Bienenfeld who

convinced Deputy Scot Peterson not to Baker Act the Miscreant and it was
Lynne Fenton who vetoed Holmes commitment for observation.

Holmes planned his attack as if it was a military operation

purchasing night scopes, body amour, chemicals to bobby trap his
apartment, targets, and blueprints of movie theatre. Holmes came from a
military family. James Eagan Holmes grandfather indicates was a Lt.
Colonel in the armed forces and a member of the CIA since it was formed
in 1948.


Lt. Col. Robert M. Holmes, who served in the Okinawa campaign

during World War II, retired in 1963 as the last commander of the Nike
missile group in San Francisco Bay. He was one of the first Turkish
language students at the Army Language School, now the Defense
Language Institute, graduating in 1948. After his military retirement,
Holmes taught math and science at York School for 17 years. He died in
1990. His wife, Mary Jane Crawford Holmes, attended Stanford University
and worked at the Monterey City Library, Fort Ord Library and Pacific
Grove High School before finishing her career as librarian and college
counselor at York School. She died in 2010.


A 1945 graduate of Pacific Grove High School, she was also a

member of numerous historical societies, including the Order of the
Crown of Charlemagne, Descendants of the Ancient and Honorable
Artillery Company of Boston and the Monterey Bay Colony of Mayflower
Descendants, of which she served as governor. Robert Milton Holmes Jr.,
James Egan’s father, a Professor and engineer had ties to the military but
not to the intelligence community.

Another similarity to the Parkland Killer is the fact that Holmes E-

chatted his desire to be a mass murderer to his girlfriend, Gargu Datta
who claimed she told Holmes she wanted to break things off in February
2012, but the two stayed “friends with benefits” for about another
month. On March 25, 2012, a message that starts out as a casual
conversation about what to do on a Sunday afternoon devolved into a
discussion of Holmes wanting to kill people.

Holmes says he is considering playing video games, but what he

really wants to do is evil. “what is so evil that you want to do,” Datta asks.
Holmes responds: “Kill people of course/That is why I live in the future.”
Datta testified she thought Holmes was speaking philosophically at the
time, and in the e-chats she doesn’t seem worried by his statements. At
one point she says, “killing people is too much effort, you’ll end up locked
up/most people are not worth what might happen to you coz of the act.”


Holmes replies: “That’s why you kill many people.” Holmes appears aware
of the consequences of his actions, saying, “There’s no way to do it and
not get caught/But/ The only way justice can be served is by taking away
your time or life.” Datta asks Holmes why would “those people” be worth
ending his life and how would he decide “that this is end?” He changes
the subject back to video games. “Aight, you want play some dom?” a
reference to the strategy game Dominion.

Nikolas Cruz broadcasted his desire to become a school shooter

all over this Instagram page and posted it in Ben the Bounty Hunter’s You
Tube Comments. Unlike Datta, Ben reported the threat to the FBI. At the
trial Datta said she didn’t take this repartee seriously but at the same time
she testified that she advised Holmes to seek psychiatric care.


Even though we only have her word for her giving him this advice
if it was true it was more reason to report his threats. What she needs is a
drink of water from the Ganges.

Holmes hated the shrink Fenton who he called a “mind rapist” so

he mailed her a package that he knew would not arrive on time to stop
him. Holmes wanted to destroy everyone around him including her. Dr.
Fenton worked at the University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz Inpatient
Pavilion and he prevented him from getting locked up. Holmes mother
knew her son was nuts, she was a psychiatric nurse. Adele Holmes even
told a reporter that she was not surprised he was a suspect in a mass



Isolationsim. Removing myself from social settings. Being around others is

tiring with no apparent reason. Perhaps just an extreme form of

Avoid social interactions. 99% of the time will not initiate a conversation.
If discourse is unavoidable or ? action socially unacceptable responses will
be short or in question form to have the other person be the one talking.

Inability to communicate what I want to say although I can understand it.

Typically have an image in my mind but can’t say images or draw them,
would be nice if there were some form of telepathy to transfer the


Holmes notebook contained references to the various mental

health workers who treated him including Margaret Roath, licensed
clinical social worker at the University of Colorado’s Anschutz Medical


Holmes went to see Roath in the spring of 2012 for help with
social anxiety, and she described him as the most anxious person she’d
ever seen. He confessed to her that he wanted to kill people. What she
did about it: Roath referred Holmes to a more experienced professional,
psychiatrist Lynne Fenton. She should have gone directly to the police.


Mel Lipsey is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over

37 years of experience working with adults, children and
families. He demonstrates professional empathy and
respect by connecting with others and is non-judgmental
and highly accepting of individual differences with a
strong interpersonal style. His clients are able to make
lasting changes.

Lipsey was a licensed clinical social worker and jazz musician in

San Diego. Holmes and his family had several sessions with Lipsey after
the family moved to San Diego from Salinas when Holmes was in middle
school. Lipsey was a provider of updated information and practical
strategies on issues related to Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD/ADD) in
adults that is often linked with autism.
The Denver Post reported:

What Lynne Fenton learned: Holmes and Fenton had five

one-on-one sessions and two more with another
psychiatrist present in spring 2012. Several of those
sessions were brief, no more than 20 minutes, during
which Fenton asked Holmes about the effect of the anti-
anxiety medication she prescribed. He also confessed
homicidal thoughts to her.

What she did about it: After their last session, in June
2012, Fenton was so concerned about the homicidal
thoughts that she called Holmes’ mother and the campus
threat-assessment team. She ultimately decided against
placing Holmes on a 72-hour mental health hold to
receive treatment.



Who: A psychiatrist at CU’s Anschutz Medical Campus.

What Robert Feinstein learned: Fenton asked him to sit in

on two sessions with Holmes, to give her a second opinion
and help form a “therapeutic alliance” with the patient.
Feinstein testified that Holmes’ reticence made it difficult
to treat him. “We had no doubt that he was withholding
information,” Feinstein said. “But we had no idea what
information he was withholding.”

What he did about it: Despite also hearing Holmes speak

of wanting to kill people, Feinstein agreed with Fenton
that there wasn’t enough evidence to put Holmes on a
psychiatric hold.

This is from Holmes notebook:

1. Family therapy with Mel. Revealed nothing as to not

appear weak amongst family. Was a kid at the time.
Parasuicide, mother noticed, asked what happened,
replied paper cut. No further investigation. Clean bill of
health. Decided to live life to killing others so that I could

Nikolas Cruz also cut himself but he used a pencil sharpener blade
and he also attempted suicide by drinking gasoline.

1.5 Requested appointment for anxiety diagnosis with

anxiety or depression (diagnosis unknown)… possibly to
avoid stigmatization. Referred to psychiatrist.

2. Immediately prescribed antidepressants (fast acting

benzos, long lasting SSRIs - Sertraline). Sertraline primarily
antidepressant not anxiolytic.


The core characteristics of autism include repetitive behaviors,

difficulty with social interactions and trouble communicating. Therapy can
help, but Sertraline so far cannot improve these problems. Instead, drugs
merely treat some of the peripheral features — ADHD, irritability, anxiety,
aggression, self-injury — that make life challenging for people with autism
and for those unfortunate enough to be around them.

3. Anxiety and depression both serotonergic system

anyway though. No effect when needed. First appearance
of mania occurs, not good mania. Anxiety and fear
disappears. No more fear of failure. Fear of failure drove
determination to improve, better and succeed in life. No
fear of consequences. Primary drive aversion to hatred of
mankind. Intense aversion of people, cause unknown.
Began long ago, suppressed by greater fear of others. No
more fear, hatred anchored. Starts small. Buy stun gun
and folding knife.

Nikolas Cruz started out with an air rifle.

Research firearms laws and mental illness. Buy handguns.

Committed. - Shotgun, - AR-15, 2nd handgun. Wildcard:
explosives. Simplest and least suspicious: gasoline and oil.
Acquire remote detonation system and body armor,
practicing shooting at Byers Canyon rifle range. Can’t tell
the mind rapists plan. If plan is disclosed both “normal”
life and ideal enactment on hatred foiled.

Holmes was planning a mental illness plea before he committed

the mass murder. Holmes got life thanks to one bleeding heart liberal
juror who voted against giving him the death penalty and in Colorado that
is all it takes. Juror 17, the sole juror to speak to the media immediately
after the trial, said nine jurors favored a death sentence, one woman was
firmly opposed and two were uncertain but were willing to continue
deliberating. When interviewed by the Denver Post this twit was afraid
someone might recognize and seek revenge.





On February 14, 2018 in Parkland, Florida, Andrew Medina, a Campus

Monitor at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School noticed a gold


colored Uber pull up in front of the school. He looked at the passenger

and even before the passenger got out he recognized him as Nickolas
Cruz. He was close enough to notice that Cruz didn’t converse with the
driver. Medina: “I knew who the kid was because we had a meeting about
him last year we said if there's gonna be anybody who will come to the
school and shoot the school up its gonna be that kid because he had
problems with everybody like all the security people.” The next thing
Medina saw was Cruz exit the Uber carrying a gun case and wearing a
backpack. The second Medina saw the gun case he knew Cruz was there
to commit a mass murder. Medina looked Cruz straight in the eye as he
passed his golf cart. He was less than a foot away from him standing face
to face and he said nothing or did nothing. Medina could have grabbed
Cruz before he could pull the handgun which Medina later said he
believed Cruz had concealed in his pocket. But if he believed Cruz had a
handgun on him than why not an assault rifle in the black gun case? It was
easier to get an AR-15 than a handgun. Medina, however, called the gun
case a “duffel bag” so he wouldn’t give away the fact he intentionally
facilitated this shooting. He couldn’t say “He got out of the car with a gun
case and I let him walk into the school with it.” Additionally Cruz, who was
wearing a backpack, had been barred from bringing a backpack on
campus, in fact he had been barred from the campus altogether after
being expelled which Medina said he was aware of.

So he knew upfront, before anyone else, that an assault weapon was

in that gun case and Cruz was going to use it to commit mass murder. You
can say Medina was scared but following his encounter he did everything
he could to give Cruz enough time to carry out his deed at the school that
they both hated. This included not confronting Cruz, not tackling Cruz, not
even asking “Where are you going?” not following Cruz into the building
though Medina said Cruz broke into a run, not calling School Resource
Officer Deputy Scot Peterson to confront him but instead calling an
unarmed Campus Monitor all the while knowing Cruz had a hand gun on
him and assault weapon in the duffel bag (or both). Then Medina refused
to call in a CODE RED after he heard “surreal” sounds of gunshots
reverberating through the school. He was a spontaneous accomplice i.e.
he took advantage of a situation to get revenge on the school and its
students and is nothing more than pond scum.


I dug this piece of dreck up through investigative work. I got the

names of all the Campus Monitors at Stoneman Douglas and contacted
them or ruled them out as the Miscreant had murdered them. Medina
admitted that he was the one with the extensive contact with Cruz. Tonya
E Alanez of the Sun Sentinel read my book and emailed me for more
information. She and other journalists were able to get the Broward
County Sherriff’s office to release not only a transcript of Medina’s
interview, but a video! However they made this villain into a hero with
FAKE NEWS saying that he chased Cruz or “kinda chased him.” It wouldn’t
surprise me if Medina was a descendant of the Marialetta garbage Castro
dumped on the USA.



Now I can’t read Medina’s mind so we have to look at his own words
to get his mindset. This was what he first thought when he saw Nickolas
Cruz get out of an Uber on February 14, 2018 as told to the Broward
County Sherriff’s Office under oath:

You know if I would have, there was nothing really I can

do after that for that, I did what I had to do you know I
wasn't something told me don't approach him I don’t
know if he had a handgun and he could have a handgun
in his pocket and if that gate wasn’t open I'm first one
dead cuz I'm out front so if he can't get in through there
he gonna come in front so I would have been dead he
would killed everybody in the office cuz there's only one
way in here I’m the first one he see so he's would’ve
come in he would laid me out he would have walked in
the building. He went into the side the 1200 building and
those buildings those doors are unlocked those are the
main entrance to the building so you can't really lock
those gates so kids can't get in yeah and we don't have
the personnel to put right one guy on one side one guy on
the other side so it was one of those situations that did
down to down to the T of everything that I saw and
everything that I heard.


So keep in mind that Medina, AKA The Maggot, believed Cruz was
armed and Medina was not in the mood to get aired out that morning.
The Fake News Sun Sentinel:

Medina, 39, of Coral Springs, told investigators he

remembered Cruz as the “racist” kid who always wore
black or camouflage and had swastikas on his backpack.
The same kid who had been sent to the office for wearing
a camo mask, hiding behind poles and jumping out to
scare students. He texted other monitors to try to figure
out Cruz’s name. Although Medina didn’t think Cruz was
armed, something told him not to approach him. Medina
instead relied on his training: “Do what we’ve been
taught. Report it.” “Because I was ready to go get him.
Like, I was ready to go be the guy, just go get him.”

Medina immediately believed Cruz was packin’ a pistol in his pocket

and was armed and dangerous so why not an assault weapon in the gun
case? This will play into understanding his subsequent actions. He became
a witting accomplice.


Medina saw him get out of the car, recognized him as Nikolas Cruz, a
former “troubled student” and was close enough to describe exactly what
he was wearing and later to positively ID him. He saw him with what he
described as a “duffle bag” and back pack heading for the 1200 building
but the Maggot failed to follow Cruz and confront him as to what he was
doing back on Campus or better yet give chase and tackle and apprehend
Cruz: instead after Cruz entered the school building, Medina radioed
David Anthony Taylor an unarmed Campus Monitor. Remember Medina
told the BSO he thought Cruz was armed. Why did he allow Cruz to pass in
front of his gold cart without at least confronting Cruz and asking, “Hey
where do you think you’re going mister?” Because he thought Cruz was
armed with a handgun in his pocket and a semi-automatic assault weapon
like and AR-15 locked and loaded in the gun case. He knew exactly what
Cruz had in the gun case and that he was going to shoot up the school but


not only did he not want to risk his life, he wanted to see the school get
shot up!

So he's coming down the school campus on Homburg

okay so he's I know okay so he's just south the Homburg
walking on the campus through the bike rack gate so he
starts coming he's bee- lining he's got his head down he's
on a mission you know he's on a mission he’s working
with a purpose he's walking with a purpose so I got on
the golf cart and I move and I come around this way back
you know to the loop of the school is because I can get in
through this gate that's over here so I'm coming this way
he's right here by the time I get over here I see him he's
picking up more speed.

He is on a mission. A combat operation assigned to a person or

military unit. Medina knew all along there was going to be a mass murder.
I contacted Medina and recorded the conversation which is legal under
Federal law that supersedes state law: “Eleventh Circuit (with jurisdiction
over Alabama, Florida and Georgia): see Smith v. City of Cumming, 212
F.3d 1332, 1333 (11th Cir. 2000) ("The First Amendment protects the right
to gather information about what public officials do on public property,
and specifically, a right to record matters of public interest."). He told me
a different story than he told the Broward County Sherriff’s Office when
he was under oath:


Andrew Medina please.

Yes who is this?

This is Mr. Weberman calling. Are you a campus monitor from Stoneman
Douglas High School?

Who is this?

Alan Weberman


How are you doing Alan? Alan I really can’t talk at the moment because I
am checking IDs out here in front in front of the school.

I gonna make it real quick. Were you the guy who saw Nikolas Cruz enter
through a back entrance?

He didn’t enter a back entrance he entered a front door.

But you were you the one that saw him?


How come you didn’t tackle him?


How come you didn’t tackle him when you saw him go in with a duffle bag
and backpack and knew he had been previously expelled?

Because I was 700 feet, 500 feet away from him. How am I supposed to
tackle someone 700 feet away from him?

You just run as fast as you can and get behind him and bring him down.

I guarantee you wouldn’t have been able to catch someone 300 feet away
from you.

You could have made an attempt.

I appreciate it if your wouldn’t call my phone no more and I turned your

phone number over to the Broward County Sherriff’s office.

What do mean you turned my phone number over to the Broward County
Sherriff’s Office? To Scott Palestine? I just called you once.

You been harassing me. You been emailing me and you been calling the
house. So we got a problem now.
You were close enough to describe his clothing!


I turned your phone into the Broward County Sherriff’s office!

Good for you!

The Maggot called Sherriff’s office and he was told I would have to
call at least twice before they could bring a harassment charge against
me. So the maggot left a garbled message on my answering machine
thinking I would call him back. However my caller ID told me it was him.
Medina was lying. Cruz entered through an exterior gate that served as an

According to Reuters: “Like many other schools, Stoneman Douglas

has a single entry point that requires proof of identity before a visitor can
enter during school hours. But as dismissal time approaches each day,
exterior gates are opened to allow students to leave. That appears to be
how the accused shooter, 19-year-old former Stoneman Douglas student
Nikolas Cruz, entered the campus without being stopped.”

Note how at first Medina said he was 700 feet away, and then it
went down to 500 feet and finally ended up at 300 which is probably the
most accurate number. 300 feet is 91.44 meters. Let’s be charitable and
say 100 meters. Normal people who have average fitness should be able
to complete this run below 18 seconds. This Assistant Baseball coach was
a jock so he was not an average person. It would have taken him 15
freakin’ seconds to catch up with the Miscreant. But he is not a dirty
coward like Scot Peterson, he is something worse. His golf cart could on
go 14 MPH at the max. Nikolas Cruz was 5 ft 7 and weighed 120 pounds.
Medina could have made mince meat out of him.


All my supposition here was based on the phone call however in

reality Medina was much closer to Cruz than 300 feet. He was close
enough to look Cruz right in the eye. That is why Medina became a
witness and ID’d Cruz.

I knew they wanted you know to identify the photo and

get their name and so I got them their name they got the
photo and then we put it together then they caught him
down the block and then I went to go ID. It was 100% ID.
same clothes they had him down on the ground already
he blended in with the kids when the kids were all
evacuated supposedly he threw the stuff and they got
him on the camera putting his stuff in the building where
he came out and he just ran with the rest of the kids and
blended in with the rest of the kids in it finally got himself
out to very familiar where I where I ID’d him at yeah I
ID’d him off a Windham lakes in a community I think it's
called Pelican Trails or Pelican Point right off Windham
Lakes and Coral Ridge and Coral Ridge Drive from the
school eight minutes walking probably half hour eight
minute and talk so by eight minutes in a car and about
maybe 20 minutes yeah for him to get where he was at he


would watch he was running he must have been

motivating than because there's a link that goes all the
way to Coral Ridge there's no way he can cross this way
he had to come out of the middle school that was their
walk along the main road get to without wall marks that
way out there and he got caught like way over here so he
was I mean to the to the southwest he got caught way
southwest from in the school he got caught with so he he
did a lot of running and trying to get away to get where
he's at was he had help but other than that he a lot of
running he came in by himself.

In May 2018 the Broward County Sherriff’s office released this report
written by Deputy Michael Leonard:

After traveling approximately 1.5 miles, at approximately

1536 hours, I noticed a white male walking east on the
sidewalk. The white male was wearing a burgundy shirt,
black jeans, military style boots, dark colored ball cap and
black framed eyeglasses.

Medina gave the Deputies this description. He was close enough

to Cruz to see what kind of eyeglasses he was wearing. Deputy Michael

This was the exact clothing description given for the

suspect over the police radio. I pulled the marked unit
that I was driving to the edge of the curb just behind the
white male and stopped in the roadway with my
emergency lights activated (no siren).

As I exited the vehicle, I immediately drew my police-

issued Glock Pistol and aimed it at the subject. The sound
of the closing vehicle door caused the male to look over
his left shoulder in my direction. Given the magnitude of
this crime and not knowing if the subject was still armed, I
began to give the subject loud verbal commands. As he
turned to me, I ordered the male to show me his hands
and he complied. I immediately noticed what appeared to
be a JROTC logo on his shirt and the likeness of a NYPD
police patch on his hat. The subject was calm and
understood my commands. I ordered the subject to the
ground and instructed him not to move, he complied by
lying face down in the grass just north of the sidewalk and
remained still. I asked the subject his name and he replied
"Nikolas Cruz" I asked him "Do you know what you have
done? He replied “Yes.” I asked him if he had any
weapons on him and he replied “No.” Cruz was asked if
there was anyone else involved in the shooting, he replied
“No.” Cruz did mention he was having trouble hearing.

At approximately 1539 hours, I made a radio transmission

advising that I had the suspect at gunpoint and requested
back-up officers to respond. Shortly after giving my
approximate location, Coral Springs Sgt. Camille
Dumornay arrived and handcuffed the subject while I held
cover. After being detained Cruz was checked for
weapons. Cruz was asked Coral Springs Ofc. Kyle Greene,
arrived soon after Cruz was handcuffed and helped check
Cruz for any weapons or other devices that may injure
himself or others. No such items were found. Ofc. Greene
collected the contents contained in Cruz's pockets. Other
officers and deputies responded and assisted with roping
off the area with crime scene tape. While on scene
waiting for witness(es) to arrive for the show up, Cruz
remained calm and laid in the grass.

Notice how the officer is ambiguous about giving any clue that the
witness was Medina by the use of “witness(es)”


Cruz did mention he was having trouble hearing (possibly

from the reverberation of the shots fired indoors without
proper hearing protection).

Cruz just committed mass murder and all he can think about is
In approximately 15 to 20 minutes Cruz began to move his
head and eyes, looking in all directions. I assured Cruz he
was going to be fine and he immediately calmed down.

The Miscreant was about to faint and show himself to be the

simpering wimp he really was without his guns.

Once the witness(es) [Medina] arrived for the show up,

Cruz was assisted to his feet to face the witness(es). While
standing Cruz became weak and required help holding
himself up. Cruz also began to heave and vomited clear

Cruz didn’t have the stomach for what he did and began to dry

The witness(es) confirmed Cruz was the shooter. Cruz

began to hyperventilate, and as a precaution Fire Rescue
was called. Cruz was turned over to Fire Rescue and
remained in police/sheriffs' custody while enroute to the
hospital. I remained on scene and waited for instructions
from the lead homicide detective. I later responded to
BSO Public Safety Building and met with the homicide
detectives for case review. No further action at this time.

Fifteen-year-old freshman Chris McKenna told the Sun-Sentinel that

he came across suspected gunman Nikolas Cruz in the hallway just
minutes before he started his rampage. Chris McKenna stepped out of his
first-floor English class and headed up a flight of stairs to use the


There, McKenna encounters Cruz, who had gone into the building’s
east stairwell to load his gun. “You’d better get out of here,” Cruz said.
“Things are gonna start getting messy.” Thirty seconds later, the shots
begin. Chris froze for a minute, then ran out of the building and into
Aaron Feis, the assistant football coach, who was unlocking the school
gates for dismissal and whose life would be taken by the subhuman. This
tells us that Cruz did not take out the AR-15 from the “duffel bag”
immediately after he walked into Stoneman Douglas. This gave Andrew
“the Maggot” Medina or David “Closet Boy” Taylor eho were close by Cruz
plenty of time to have confronted or tackled him and not get shot

A Broward County Sheriff’s Office Deputy reported:

At about this time, I was approached by a school
employee. He advised me that the subject was ID'd in the
video surveillance to be Nikolas Cruz and that he was
known to him as he was a prior student. I did pass that
information along via the radio. At approximately 1541
hours, a suspect was stopped and detained and a witness
was requested to identify the suspect. The location was
11735 NW 47th Drive. At 1546 hours Sergeant Rossman
and I transported a witness who was made a positive
identification of Suspect Cruz at 1555 hours. Please refer
to Sergeant Rossman's report for further details of the


In a post Miranda statement, Cruz stated that he was the

gunman who entered the school campus armed with an
AR-15 and began shooting students that he saw in the
hallways and on the school grounds. Cruz stated that he
brought additional loaded magazines to the school
campus and kept them hidden in a back pack until he got
on campus to begin his assault. Cruz also admitted that
as students began to flee the campus on foot he decided
a plan to discard the AR-15 and vest with the additional
magazines so he could blend into the crowd.

So Cruz did not have a magazine in the AR-15 when he entered and
took off his back pack, got locked and loaded then put the ones he had in
the backpack into slots on his vest. This would have given Medina or
Taylor or both more time to confront Cruz had he followed him in.
Peterson told the Washington Post:

He began running toward the 1200 building until one of

the unarmed security guards swung by in a golf cart and
offered him a ride. Peterson climbed onto the back and
jumped off the cart about 20 yards from the 1200
building. The security guard drove away, and Peterson
took a few steps toward the building before he heard two
loud bangs. They didn’t sound like firecrackers. Maybe
gunshots, he thought.

Peterson would be joined by disgraced jail guard Kelvin Greenleaf for

a duet of cowards as the stood outside the school while shots were fired
inside it. You can make excuses for Taylor such as he was only a campus
monitor. But Medina knew what he was up to from the get go and
deliberately let it happen. The Sun:

Hours later, Medina second-guessed himself as he talked

to detectives. “Now I really wish I would have stopped
him before and we would have saved all this, but it really
wasn’t nothing I could do about that … I was just doing
my job, what they train us to do, you know.”
When reached Medina disputed what he told
investigators while under oath. He told a reporter that


there was never a meeting identifying Cruz as a

potential school shooter, he didn’t recognize Cruz
specifically and he saw him arrive at the school from a
distance of about two football fields.

This was similar to the story that he told me. Medina is a lying piece
of shit. Medina earns $1,302 a year as a baseball coach which he has been
for six years. And as a campus monitor, a position he has held for three
years, his annual salary is $18,392, according to school district records for
this academic year. Maybe if he received a decent wage he might have
acted differently.


One of the keys solving the mystery of Medina’s witting participation
was his familiarity with Cruz:

And I knew the kid I knew the kid from the school last
year well we had violent Nicholas Cruz I knew the kid I
knew him when I saw him.

When did you realize that you knew him?

When he walked on like right when he walked on and I

saw him with the hat down and he came to golf cart and
he was walking beeline and I got to look right here and he
gave me the look like he looked he looked back at me to
see if you know why I was there and once he looked I was
like bing! I knew it as soon as I saw I said that’s Nick.

Medina was close enough to look Cruz right in the eye. He wasn’t 2
football fields away from him as he claimed when not under oath. Opps.
The Maggot slipped and revealed the fact that he knew exactly who it was
and what the person was believed capable of. So he had to modify his


I didn't know his name at the time but I'm texting on all
the security guys who's the kid who used to wear camo
mask who used to wear the camo who used to do this
who used to be crazy who's I'm trying to text all the guys
to get his name so I can give it to the BSO then one of my
guys said Nick then I went to the I went to the AP and I
said you might who they said Nick Cruz boom and once he
said I knew he was hot I'm telling you

Which one of his guys said Nick Cruz? Why was he so ambiguous? Because
none of them said it he knew the name.

I knew who the kid was because we had a meeting

about him last year we said if there's gonna be anybody
who will come to the school and shoot the school up its
gonna be that kid because he had problems with
everybody like all the security people

Cruz was the subject of a security meeting Medina attended but he

couldn’t remember his name! This is getting absurd. They had a meeting
about Cruz. No way he didn’t know what the little self styled Nazi was up
to. Medina told the BSO:

So he's been having issues he's had issues since I’ve been
at the school working so he says like just crazy things he
used to wear like a face camouflage kind of mask and he
used to hide behind like poles and when people walk by
and yell AHHHH!!! that's kind of scare ‘em and we got a
report Oh kid with a mask on scaring everybody I go pull
up and pick him up and take him to the office and we
know we had to talk to him you can't be doing that he
can't be wearing masks in the school you scare people not
that I know of anything but a lot of like racist stuff you
know because he had 666 on his bag he had a Jewish
swastika on his backpack people that didn't want in his in
his life that you want racist to like blacks oh I hate blacks
anybody who want with his little side you know I mean he
was with the camo.


Always wore black you know he was that like that kid and
we always was watching him you know like it was one of
those kids that we always kept an eye on you see it in
the hallways you see a mouth call out stuff let's get up to
the office let's do that until they just withdrew him last
year because he just was just problems you know I just
kept giving those little problems and her problems so they
finally withdrew last year in and I knew he wasn't there
this year so when I saw him walk on campus I it was
night and day for me when I saw him especially what I
had a feeling when I saw him and then when he looked
back at me and I made eye contact with him I said yes
that's him that’s Nick you know I didn’t know his name
at the time but that's crazy boy that crazy boy he had
one bag in the right hand

They made eye contact 500 feet away. He knew the kids name but it really
didn’t matter. A potential school shooter by any other name would sound
the same. He knew that whatever the fuck his name was was a potential
school shooter.


Transcription of the above document:

A sworn statement was obtained from witness, Andrew

Medina, who is employed as a Campus [Security] Monitor
at Stoneman Douglas High School.


Medina stated that he observed Cruz, who he

recognized as a former troubled student, arrive at the
school in a small goldish colored vehicle. Medina stated
that Cruz was wearing a maroon shirt, black pants and a
black hat. Medina stated Cruz was carrying a black duffel
bag and wearing a black back pack. Medina stated that
he radioed his co-worker to alert him that Cruz was
walking purposefully toward the 1200 building. Medina
stated that within a minute he heard gunshots and called
a code red indicating an emergency on campus.

Andrew Medina spontaneously aided and abetted

Nickolas Cruz in carrying out his heinous act. Medina said
Cruz had a black duffel bag but a Summary of Evidence
that was turned over to Nickolas Cruz’s defense team
included cell phone video statements and “The clothing,
backpack and rifle case worn by Cruz.” The Broward
County Sheriff’s Office that collected the evidence in this
case reported: “2:21:18 Suspect enters east stair well of
Building 1200 with rifle inside a soft black rifle case.
Suspect walks through all three floors, shooting several
students and faculty inside the classrooms and hallways
of the building.


Andrew Pollack father of slain Stoneman Douglas student Meadow

Pollack wants 10 minutes alone with Nickolas Cruz. I believe he needs ten
minutes with Andrew Medina but until I informed him he didn’t know
Andrew’s name as it was deleted from all documents. In lieu of beating
Cruz to death he has filed a wrongful death law suit against the mental
health treatment centers where the Miscreant received “treatment” and
Scot Peterson Taylor and Medina’s boss. The law suit states:

When Nikolas Cruz entered Building 12 on the Marjory

Stoneman Douglas High School campus on February 14,
2018, at approximately 2:21 p.m., he did so by entering
the east stairwell.


His AR-15 rifle was inside a soft black case. When he

exited the stairwell, he pulled the AR-15 rifle out of the
case and began firing. Specifically, Nikolas Cruz shot
Meadow Pollack four times after she exited a classroom
on the third floor of Building I 2. In an awe inspiring
display of heroism and fortitude, after being shot,
Meadow Pollack, crawled down the hallway to another
student, a freshman. Meadow Pollack then laid her bullet
riddled body on top of the other student, who had not yet
been shot, in an attempt to protect the freshman. But
Nikolas Cruz was unrelenting in his savagery. He pointed
his assault rifle at Meadow Pollack’s back and shot into it
repeatedly. The bullets pierced through Meadow Pollack’s
back and into the child beneath her, killing both students.
In a final act or barbarity, Nikolas Cruz shot Meadow
Pollack in her head. Scot Peterson waited and listened to
the din of screams of teachers and students, many of
whom were dead or dying, and the blasts of Nikolas Cruz
's repeated gunfire.

That dirty coward Medina saw him enter with a FUCKING AR-15 soft
assault rifle case! Medina knew exactly what Cruz was up to and covered
this up by claiming he saw him enter with a duffle bag because he saw an
opportunity to exact revenge on the students and the school. He what
Cruz was about:

He was one of those kids that in was rebellious you know

he had 666 on his book bag he had the Jewish swastika
yeah all that crazy stuff today they got rid of him out of
the school they were withdrew him out of the school
because we had issues you know so all the signs were
there so they got rid of him and once I saw him come up
but the only thing that I didn't I didn't really go crazy
about Connor [?] or something because he had a pretty
big bag and it didn’t look like a gun bag just looked like a
nice size kind of like duffle bag you know what I mean
and a lot of kids at the school bring those bags for ROTC
and they carry their little thing color guard that they flip
all kind of thing.


They always come on with those kind of back so but when

he started running I knew I really knew.

When he got out of the car Medina thought Cruz might have had a
handgun on his person but it was incomprehensible to him that the
expelled student who was the subject of a meeting about school shooters
would have a long arm in what he said he perceived as a duffle bag, which
was really a gun bag anyway!

Sun Sentinel reported:

Medina radioed ahead to a fellow campus monitor

assigned to that building to warn him that a suspicious kid
who Medina did not suspect was carrying a gun in his
duffel bag was heading for the east-side entrance. Cruz
broke into a run when he noticed Medina coming his way
on a golf cart “kind of chasing him.

He suspected he was carrying a hand gun in his pocket, which is

harder for a teen ager to obtain in Florida but not a long gun in his duffle
bag. Bullshit. He knew there was an automatic weapon in the bag.

but when he started running I knew I really knew.

This was what he told himself what was in there because he was
in denial but when he started running he knew it was a long gun, probably
and assault weapon. The Broward County Sheriff’s Office released a video
of Medina’s sworn statement. This is the relevant part of the interview:

2:20 somewhere in that area 2:20 I observed an Uber

park and I observed the suspect come out of that Uber. [I
knew it was an Uber from] the sign on the on the window
it was a was like a goldish color maybe Honda CR-V or it
was one of those little SUVS. An older lady driving he was
in the backseat so you know.

Medina recognized Cruz immediately and could have nipped this thing in
the bud by confronting Cruz the minute he exited the Uber with the gun
case and backpack.


He got out of the car that was keeping him from my golf
cart you know to the left there was no communication
with the driver or anything. The only reason I notice it was
because the car stopped then I saw him exit the car and
that’s when

The maggot got a really good look at Cruz even to the extent wherein
he could determine if he was talking.

He just got out like that he pulled out he came he's

walking head down got a black bag in his hand here and
kept like a back pack burgundy shirt black pants that he's
got his head down he's walking in a black hat burgundy
top black pants long pants so at that time I'm gonna be
here he's coming in like over here so he's thinning star [?]
and he's bee-lining He's got a little speed on he's coming
across yeah because this is the parking lot in the building
where he entered it was like over here so I'm like over
here and he entered the gate this way so he's bee-lining.

The Black Bag was described as a gun case by everyone else who saw
it. So he knew it was Cruz and what he was up to. The maggot knew the
mission was to shoot up the school and he let it happen intentionally.
Later he would say everyone believed Cruz was the boy voted most likely
to shoot up the school. So in order to facilitate Cruz’s escapade the
Maggot calls another unarmed campus monitor fully believing Cruz was


Schools in the Broward district typically have one or two school
resource officers, typically Broward County Sheriff deputies who are
armed and always on campus. Schools also employ campus monitors, who
patrol the halls with walkie-talkies but are not armed, and a security
specialist, like Kevin Greenleaf, who helps the school plan and maintain its
security protocols but is not armed.



Medina’s initial statement:

Medina stated that he radioed his co-worker to alert him
that Cruz was walking purposefully toward the 1200
I first thought Medina radioed Scot Peterson who was armed but
nooo! The South Florida Sun Sentinel:
Medina radioed David Taylor, 49, a coach and fellow
campus monitor, warning him to “be careful” because a
“suspicious kid” was coming. Taylor descended to the
first floor where he saw Cruz walk in on the opposite end
of the building and go into a stairwell where he
assembled and loaded his AR-15.

He saw him walk into the building from the street and go into a
stairwell with a gun case and backpack.

“When [Taylor] was walking halfway down the hallway,

he heard the shots and he ran right into a janitor’s closet
that was right there,” Medina said. “Like, that’s what
we’re — our training is go in, lock in, close all the doors.”


Instead of running to confront him Taylor walked down the hallway

slowly enough to give Cruz enough time to take off his backpack, take the
ammo out, take the AR-15 out of the gun case and load it. Then he said he
heard shots and hid in a closet to save his ass. In reality he ran into the
janitors closest before he heard shots after he realized Cruz had a
chopper. So the Maggot suspected Cruz was armed and didn’t call Deputy
Scot Peterson, who was also armed but called Robert Taylor who


I gotta go so when I see it pick up more speed up I quickly
called my security guard guy who's into 1200 building
and I said Taylor Coach Taylor got a suspicious subject on
campus got a black bag in his hands keep the eyes open
because I think he's going into your building so you know
careful you keep the eyes open you know I mean he said
what side? so I said he's coming into the east side so right
when he started and then right when I said he's coming
into the side he goes 10-4 I'm gonna come down the west
side the other side of the building to see if I can see him
when he kind of comes in so he 10-4 so when I'm coming
on my golf cart I get to where he's at he sees my golf cart
and he runs he starts running to the building inside the


building right when he sees it he starts running inside

the building.
I'm naive I'm kind of chasing him to go get you know
don't like pull up in front of the building to go in and see
what he's kinda of doing.

The Maggot tried to cover up the fact that he called an unarmed man,
who he might or might not have gotten along with, by calling him a
security guard! So Cruz panics and starts running to the building the
minute he sees Medina. But Medina is naïve. What the fuck does that
mean? He already thought Cruz was packin’ but all of sudden he believes
that Cruz doesn’t have it in him to be a mass murderer? Doesn’t have an
assault weapon in the gun case and doesn’t have ammo loaded in
magazines in the backpack? And remember Medina told me he was 300
feet away and couldn’t have tackled him so in that version of what
happened he also failed to chase him. Now he is KINDA chasing him.
Either you are chasing him or you are not. Then Medina pulls up to the
building to go inside to see what he’s KINDA doing. But he never goes in.

And to be honest something inside me told me not to

approach it something told me not don't go don't go
running over there and chase him (voice: and be a hero)
like something inside me just say report it do what we've
been taught report it because I was ready to go get him
like I'll go to go be the guy and just go get him but then
something right when I was pulling up in the golf cart and
then he looked back something was like just let him go
and report it and let make sure your boy inside is good so
that's when I got to raise a guy it was Coach Taylor he was
inside so I called a radio Coach Taylor be careful because
suspicious kid coming inside that building we got you
know Coach Taylor's campus monitor just like me he just
runs that building that's his building so I just he was on
the second he's usually on the second floor I spoken to
him he’s doing okay well once he heard that he heard the
radio he said he came down the Westside when he came
down the Westside he saw the kid entering and going


right up the stairs when he was walking halfway down the

hallway he heard the shots he heard the shots.
And he ran right into a janitor's closet that was right there
like that's what we're where our training is go in lock-in
pulls all the doors because in Sandy Hook supposedly the
guy opened up the doors and he one door was locked the
other door was locked and the third door that was
opened then he just went in there and so we got all the
doors locked in the school we've been doing training for
this for the last two weeks so when it kind of like We had
a fire alarm just morning practice fire alarm as well just so
we can been working on it trying to see how the exits.


The Sun continued:

At the first sound of gunfire, Medina considered reporting

an emergency code, a warning that a shooter was on
campus. But he hesitated. He’d been trained not to set off
a massive law enforcement response unless he actually
saw a gun or shots fired. “I don’t want to be the guy who
calls that, you know.”

This is another load of shit. You have to wait until you actually hear
see shots coming from the barrel of a gun before you inform law
enforcement? So assuming a campus monitor is on the other side of the
school he has to go to the scene of shooting before he reports any
abnormality. By that time how many students would have been killed or

Back to Medina the Maggots’ initial statement to authorities

where he said he called in a code red within a minute of hearing
the gunfire.


Medina stated that within a minute he heard gunshots

and called Code Red, indicating an emergency on
Approximately one hour later a subject fitting the
description of the shooter was contacted at the 1400
block of Windham Lakes Blvd South, Coral Springs by
Coral Springs units and identified as Nikolas Cruz W/M
DOB: 9/24/98. Witness Medina responded to where Cruz
had been located and positively identified Cruz as the
person he observed entering the school prior to the

Medina told the BSO:

I'm talking about he ran in and not even a minute after

he was in we heard I heard the first bang oh oh right like
oh what I got back in the golf cart I’m starting to turn I'm
getting out and then I hear it pop pop pop pop I'm going
beeline and go get the deputy who's in the front of he's in
the front of school at it you know so I turn round and I get
on the radio I got suspicious noises coming out I don't
know yet I'm not gonna say gunshots and you never know
maybe they could be kids but you know that school’s
crazy you know that kid dude you know so I like say
suspicious noises coming out of the twelve hundred
building I don't know what's going on got suspicious guy
on the radio so when I'm coming to get the deputy he's
already walking out of the thing like ready to come down
so I pick him up on my golf cart and then somebody yells
on the radio oh it sounds like fireworks and somebody
said those ain't fireworks and once we get to the front by
the building we hear the shots again pop pop pop that's
when the deputy was like get out of here and he jumped
off and he ran to his own way and he told me just to go
back to the front of school and then once I got back to the
front of school.

Instead of calling Peterson Medina should have called a

CODE RED ALERT. He knew Cruz was considered a potential school


shooter. He saw Cruz enter the building with a black cloth gun
case the same building the firecracker sounds came from. He
knew immediately they were gunshots:

One minute later when he got in that building I heard the

first bang Pow I heard 15 bangs after the first bang I heard
these 15 bangs after that pow pow pow and then like
three sessions of like five shots over and it was loud like
you could kind of feel the percussion coming out of that
building an echo coming out of the doors of the building it
was loud it was kind of surreal to really hear because to
hear that noise it ain’t a firecracker noise it wasn't like
somebody banging it was something different and that's
when I really that's when I was like this there's something
going wrong.

The Maggot knew it was gunshots by his own admission but didn’t
call in a CODE RED.

But I want that yellow code black or code red because I

think I've not actually visualized a gun and I didn't really
see the shots so I'm not you know we've been doing this
training at the school you know don't yell it unless you
actually get a good vision because you could get a black
eye if you get all cops and they are there for nothing then
I don't want to be the guy who caused that you know.

Of course he didn’t see the gun because he didn’t go into the

building but got on his golf cart to pick up Peterson who in the direction of
the 1200 Building and met him half way. He didn’t want to call in a CODE
RED because he was actively abetting the shooter however in his initial
statement he said he did. When he was interrogated by the BSO he said
he was reticent to do so because he did not see the weapon. Two
conflicting statements under oath constitute perjury.

But once I heard the shots I told the deputy there's some
crazy shots going on then when he heard the shots that's
when he was like we got a shooter on campus you know
and then after that I went to the front and then the cops


call me from the front. He once went into the building

then after that they just do the communications with the
on the radio they're on the cameras finding out which
way he went or whatever like that and he exited the
opposite side of the building in it. That shooting probably
went on about like 10 minutes maybe 10 minutes 10 15
minutes and then after that it was just the chaos after
that. Because then there was no shots after that
everything was just like where's he at where's he was
here and he ran out and started blended in with the other
then than that and that's all I got that's just what I saw
that's just what happened from my point of view I really
wish now I really wish I would have stopped him before
and would have saved all these lives but there is nothing I
can do about that I was just doing my job of what they
trained us to do.

The Maggot refused to call in a CODE RED giving Cruz more time. It
was Peterson who finally did it. One can say that he was just trying to save
his ass but he was close enough to Cruz to look him straight in the eye. He
was only a few feet away; He could have grabbed him before he could
reach for his gun. But he thought to himself, “I’m gonna let it happen.” He
told the BSO that he parents thought “they owned this place” and called a
swastika “a Jewish swastika.”


On February 14, 2018, Chris Hixon lost his life. He was one of the first
people to attempt to apprehend the shooter, Nikolas Cruz. While
Peterson and Greenleaf fiddlefucked outside this Navy veteran ran into
the school only to be killed by the genetically defective Cruz. When the
school needed someone to patrol the campus and monitor threats as a
security specialist, Hixon took the job and became a campus monitor like
Andrew Medina.




Nikolas Jacob Cruz born SEPTEMBER 24, 1998, Margate, Florida to a

biological mother who was reportedly a Jewish junkie prostitute and
thief. Cruz told members of a Nazi Chat group that his birth mother was
Jewish and he was glad he never met her because Jews want to destroy
the world. I bet she was glad she never met him either. When she was
pregnant this schtick dreck, as we say in Yiddish, was shooting schmeck.
Maybe the heroin affected her fetus’ brain chemistry and
neurological network. As Trump would say “Cruz wasn’t wired right.”
Maybe it contributed to his Fragile X syndrome? His birth mother told his
adoptive mother, Lynda Maria Seda-Cruz 1 that she was clean but I tend to
doubt it. She allegedly took a drug test but traces of heroin disappear
from the blood rapidly so all she had to do was stay straight for a few

Cruz family friend Trish Duvaney:

born: September 25, 1949 Queens, New York, daughter of Nikola Kumbatovich,
Sr. and Gloria Kumbatovich brother of Nikola J. Kumbatovich, Jr.


Nik’s biological mother was just a complete screw-up,

drug addict and thief. I even said to Lynda: “You don’t
know the mother’s background.” Both children were born
after one-night stands. The birth mother, she didn’t even
really know who the two biological fathers were. The
biological mother was in prison when she gave birth to
Zachary. When he was two Nikolas threw my 4-month-old
into the pool. My son was crawling on the back patio and
he threw my son into the pool in an attempt to drown

This was the original lead found on Tumbler:

I introduce to Y’all Debra Ford Rhodes, biological Mother

of Nikolas and Zachery Crus. This is a mug shot from 1999
for several counts of prescription fraud, she is pregnant
with Zach in this photo and had him nine month later in
prison. After some research she was found to actually be
a cousin of Roger Cruz’s children from a previous
marriage. Lynda Cruz arranged the the adoptions with
her, she paid $50,000 to adopt Nik and $15 to adopt Zach
as he was unexpected. ID: 6779881

SPN: 124132
Gender: Female
Eye Color: BRO
Hair Color: BLACK


Height: 5′ 7″ (1.70 m)
Weight: 140 lb (64 kg)
Birth date: 2/03/1958
Names / Aliases: FORD LYNN
Clerk Case # 1999CF1778A1 04/23/1999 PRESCRIPTION FRAUD
893.13 7A9 5000 05/11/1999

The problem here is this woman does not resemble Cruz in the least.
She would have been 40 years old when she gave birth to the Miscreant
and she only has one arrest for prescription fraud. Cruz’s mother was
supposedly Jewish, and Debra is not the Jewish way of spelling Debra. She
also had no arrests for theft. I did more research and discovered Deborah
Ann Rhodes. ID: 162719181

Race: W
Gender: F
DOB: 11/21/1967
Height: 5′ 3″ (1.60 m)
Weight: 123 lb (56 kg)
Arrest Date: 12/26/2017
Booking Date: 12/26/2017
Arrest Location: Cocoa
Arresting Agency: Brevard County Sheriff's Office
Booking Number: 2017-00019214
Address: Palm Bay, FLORIDA
Prisoner Type: 24 - MAF Awaiting Trial (Female)
Incarceration Reason: Warrant
Total Bond Amount: $2,000.00

This was Deborah’s latest arrest. She had many more:

Charge Class 893.135-1C1(1B/2A1O)



Arrest Date 03/14/2006
Arrest Date 08/03/2006
Bond 250,000.00
years in prison

This woman was a drug addict and a thief. She might have been
Jewish as my associate researcher Aron Kay told me he knew Jewish
people with that name. Deborah is the biblical way of spelling Debra. The
first thing I noticed was that this woman had freckles and red hair, just
like the Miscreant. The ears are also similar with attached lobes.




Cruz was adopted by retirees Lynda Cruz and her husband Roger Paul
Cruz in Broward County, Florida. They were old making it harder for them
to handle him. Roger was 61 and had four kids from a previous marriage.
Lynda Cruz paid $50,000 to adopt the Miscreant when he was just 3 days
old. She got beat. She paid an additional $15,000 for his younger half
African-American brother a year later when she found out his birth
mother was locked up and pregnant again. Lynda was in the delivery
room to watch him emerge. The nurse handed the baby to her.

Lynda Cruz gave him the middle name of her father-in-law Jacob.
Jacob was born November 24, 1912 Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic and
died November 7, 1979 (aged 66). Little did the Cruz’s know they had
adopted an autistic Fragile X Zombie. Though postnatal factors such as
lack of parental attention were once blamed, it is now known that autism
is the result of congenital abnormalities in the brain structure. This faulty
wiring generates a proclivity to violence. A natural occurring abnormality,
Fragile X, may explain the origin of autism. Fragile X is caused by a gene
mutation in the female X chromosome that affects the construction of
synapses, vital connection points between nerve cells. Because boys have
only one X chromosome, they are more severely affected by the
syndrome than girls. As girls have two X chromosomes it makes less
impact if one is defective. Boys are generally more likely to develop
autism than girls and this is one reason most mass murderers are male.


Physical features of a Fragile X Zombie may include a long and narrow

face, large ears, flexible fingers, and large testicles. Parkland mass
murderer Nikolas Cruz is the Fragile X Zombie poster boy. In the 1990s,
scientists identified the FMR1 gene that causes FXS, and accurate DNA
testing became available. The “FMR1 DNA Test” (sometimes called the
“Fragile X DNA Test”) became the “standard of care” for determining the
presence of Fragile X. DNA testing detects more than 99 percent of
individuals with FXS, as well as Fragile X carriers. Perhaps a Fragile X DNA
test could prevent guns from falling into the hands of Fragile X Zombies?

Autism “affects behavior, cognitive ability and social skills” and the
syndrome at one time was a diagnosis in the American Psychiatric
Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Autism is now a “neuro-developmental disorder.” Some of the impetus
for the reclassifying of autism was to spare affected families shame, that
is, the shame of having raised a child with mental illness.

January 23, 2002 – Nikolas Cruz, at three years old, was diagnosed as
developmentally delayed. A bad seed, or bad Fragile X genetic marker,
was passed down by his birth mother causing him to have a proclivity to
crime as was the case with another mass murderer although in this case it
was his father:


Ben Paddock, the father of Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas gunman,
was a grifter, a con artist, a bank robber, jail-breaker and God knows what
else that he didn’t get caught for, who spent years on the FBI most-
wanted list. Stephen Paddock killed 58 people and wounded more than
500 others when he opened fire on a crowd from a hotel room. A genetic
analysis of almost 900 offenders in Finland revealed two genes associated
with violent crime. Those with the genes were 13 times more likely to
have a history of repeated violent behavior. The authors of the study,
published in the Journal Molecular Psychiatry, said at least 5-10% of all
violent crime in Finland could be attributed to individuals with these
genotypes. This is a very controversial area since Political Correctness
teaches crime is the result of racism and poverty and if you say it was
genetic a lot of African-Americans are going to get really upset and call me
a racist.


Nikolas Cruz was diagnosed as autistic at three years old. Sandy Hook
Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in
Newtown, Connecticut, when autistic 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot
20 children between six and seven years old, as well as six adult staff
members. Before the age of 6, this fucktard had been diagnosed with
Sensory Integration Disorder now known as sensory processing disorder.
Those with SPD may over-respond to stimuli and find clothing, physical
contact, light, sound or food unbearable. They may also under-respond
and feel little or no reaction to pain or extreme hot and cold. In other
words they lack certain basic human traits like contact with other humans
making them anti-social or psychopathic. Lanza was not “mentally
challenged” as they say in PC newspeak, but mentally ill, a dangerous
nutcase with a flawed nervous system and defective brain. But Adam
Lanza was not labeled insane, crazy, a mental case, a nut job and all the
other politically incorrect words and treated accordingly but was
diagnosed with Asperser’s syndrome instead a very mild form of autism
now part of the so-called Autism Spectrum. This is where Political
Correctness gets us into a collective state of denial where nut jobs like
Cruz and Lanza are given access to assault weapons because they are not
considered insane.

Adam Lanza was left home alone for two and a half days with his
mom’s guns before the massacre.

What about the bullet proof vest he had on? Where did he get it? In
Connecticut it is a class B misdemeanor to sell body armor without
personally meeting the purchaser. The law defines “body armor” as
material designed to be worn on the body and to provide bullet
penetration resistance. No one has come forward and said that they sold
it to him. Did his mother wear it when he took her deranged son to the
range? I know when I was a long arms instructor I wore body armor. A
large quantity of unused ammunition was recovered from the school.
Police said Lanza was carrying an arsenal of ammunition big enough to kill
just about every student in the school if given enough time. He shot
himself in the head just as he heard police drawing near. Along with
three semi-automatic firearms found with Adam Lanza: a .223-caliber
Bushmaster XM-15 rifle, a 10 mm Glock 20 handgun a 9mm SIG Sauer
handgun. A shotgun was found in the car Lanza had driven to the school.
At home, Lanza had access to three more firearms: a .45 Henry repeating
rifle, a .30 Enfield rifle, and a .22 Marlin rifle.

Is there a connection between violence and autism? You bet your

sweet ass there is. We know mental illness is often linked to violence
otherwise there would be no insanity plea. Autism advocates and those
with autism claim there is no link while those educators who deal with
autistic children claim that there is and if the autistic child is taken off
their routine or medication they can become violent. I’ve observed some
of these children and they look as if they are demon possessed monsters.
They need weighted clothing and strait jackets although they don’t call
them that. There is definitely a link here and people with severe autism
should NOT be allowed to possess or access to firearms. Look at the cases
of Elliot Roger, Alek Minassian, Chris Harper-Mercer, James Eagan
Holmes, Travis Reinking and Seung Hui Cho. All autistic active shooters.
You can read about them in The Fragile X Zombies. Lynda Cruz had to
have been aware of Sandy Hook where an autistic kid was allowed to have
access to weapons and committed a mass murder. She was well aware
her adopted son was autistic. Before she died in November 2017 he
already amassed an arsenal which he stored in their home. Why didn’t
she put two and two together and have the guns confiscated?


I am not going give Lovely Lynda a walk as everyone else has. She
was an irresponsible parent. An autistic 16-year-old killed his father,
mother, sister and his grandfather's partner at their home in Long Branch,
New Jersey during a 2017 New Year's Eve party. Scott Kologi opened fire
with a semiautomatic rifle that his brother allowed him to have access to.
Steven and Linda Kologi died, along with 18-year-old Brittany and 70-year-
old Mary Schulz. The firearm was legally owned and registered to Steven
Kologi Jr. his older brother.


In 2004, when Nikolas was 5, he was in the den with his father. His
mom was in the kitchen. “Nikolas came down the hallway and he went to
his room, and he was crying. She said, ‘What’s the matter, did Daddy
punish you?’ ‘Nope. Daddy’s dead.’” Roger Cruz was dead of a heart
attack at age 67. Instead of getting help, Nickolas stood there and
watched his adoptive father die. The estate filed a medical malpractice
and was awarded a small settlement. The defendant was Cardiac
Arrhythmia Service Inc. experts in pacemakers. But it would not surprise
me that even at five he might have had a hand in the death. After Roger’s
death Mama Cruz found knives and scissors in Nikolas’ bed, which she
assumed he kept there to defend himself against his half black brother.
The two boys hated each other.

2009-2010: Paul Gold lived next door to the Cruz family and told
media: “He had emotional problems and I believe he was diagnosed with
autism. He had trouble controlling his temper. He broke things. He would
do that sometimes at our house when he lost his temper. But he was
always very apologetic afterwards. He would sometimes be hitting his
head and covering his ears.”


Although high frequency sounds cannot be heard normally, to an

autistic child these sounds can cause intense inner ear pain. In an effort to
stop this inner ear pain, the autistic child will cover or slap their ears or in
severe cases bang their head against a wall to knock out the pain.



Genetic pathological factors can be overcome by a person’s free will

and Lanza and Cruz made the conscious choice to embrace evil no matter
what genes they inherited, no matter what their birth mothers did while
they were pregnant, no matter what mental disease they had such as
Autism. Cruz’s ambition in life was to become a school shooter to inflict
pain and death on others. The social affirmation of this stemmed from
inclusionary overreach, in which the most bizarre forms of behavior are
acceptable, such as mutilating your genitals to become a woman, when
the defining characteristics of a female is the ability to reproduce. This
freak should be given a fair trial, then executed, because this is the thing
prisoners fear the most. Some say it is worse to spend the rest of your life
behind bars but it is not. But in the words of the Metropolitan Detention
Center’s former warden, Dennis W. Hasty, “Where there is life there is




Lynda was left to raise two boys by herself. Brother Zachary was a
piece of work but Nikolas loved to kill. He got off on it. The killing began
with the squirrels. In 4th Grade Cruz would shoot them with his pellet gun.
Then he went after chickens. When Cruz was a teenage psychopath, he
was sneaking into his neighbors’ yard trying to get his dogs to attack their
baby potbelly pigs. He rammed long sticks into rabbit holes, hoping to kill
any animals inside. He was a sick pup from day one. Broward County
Sheriff’s Office report:

November 8, 2008 Report of a disturbance where a boy is

alleged to have thrown rock at Nikolas (9 YOA). Nikolas
requested no further police action. Parents did not wish
to prosecute.
Other juvenile responded in turn by throwing a rock back
at him. No criminal action available.

This is interesting. It is obvious in retrospect that Nikolas threw the

rock at the other child first and then Mama Cruz called the cops
pretending the other child was the aggressor. He would do the same thing
in 2017 when he threatened the people he was living with and called the
cops and claimed they threatened and chased him.
The Cruz’s didn’t wish to prosecute because they knew it was their
adopted son that started it, as did the police, who reported that the other
juvenile retaliated against Nikolas so the Deputies knew what really went
down. No criminal action was taken and the police never interviewed
Nikolas’s victim.

Classmate Isabelle Robinson reported that in 2010:

My first interaction with Nikolas Cruz happened when I

was in seventh grade. I was eating lunch with my friends,
most likely discussing One Direction or Ed Sheeran, when I
felt a sudden pain in my lower back. The force of the blow
knocked the wind out of my 90-pound body; tears stung
my eyes. I turned around and saw him, smirking. I had
never seen this boy before, but I would never forget his
face. His eyes were lit up with a sick, twisted joy as he
watched me cry. The apple that he had thrown at my back
rolled slowly along the tiled floor.


A cafeteria aide rushed over to ask me if I was O.K. I don’t

remember if Cruz was confronted over his actions, but in
my 12-year-old naïveté, I trusted that the adults around
me would take care of the situation. Five years later,
hiding in a dark closet inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas
High School, I would discover just how wrong I was. A
year after I was assaulted by Cruz, I was assigned to tutor
him through my school’s peer counseling program.
August 30, 2011 Linda Cruz called indicating 11 year old
son was hitting door with pool equipment. No police
action taken and no report. No mention of Nikolas Cruz.

The Deputies drove to the Cruz residence and failed to get the name
of the child that was trashing the door? No mention of Nikolas Cruz but
what is more important there is no mention of Zachary Cruz. It was the
Miscreant trashing the place and his mother covering up for him.

September 26, 2011 Linda Cruz reported her son

(unknown name) was throwing items. Deputy responded.
Matter resolved. Unable to determine if incident involved
Nikolas or Zachary Cruz.

Lynda again was covering up for her adopted son. How could she not
know the name of her son? She would not say which adopted son it was.

May 17, 2012 Linda Cruz requested deputies to respond.

Deputy responded. Matter settled. Disturbance:
reference to a disturbance with Nikolas (13 years-old) and
his younger brother (12 years-old). Report initiated.

August 22, 2012 Linda Cruz requested deputies as her

children were cursing at her and being disrespectful.
Deputy responded. Matter settled. No violence reported.

Her children were cursing at her and being disrespectful and this
required called the Deputy. They were threatening her and she feared
they would become violent but when the Deputy showed up she changed
her complaint.


November 1, 2012 Linda Cruz contacted police to report

older son Nikolas was in a physical altercation with
younger son and left residence. Deputy responded. No
report initiated.

November 1, 2012 Linda Cruz requested deputies as

Nikolas hit her with a plastic hose from the vacuum
cleaner. Deputy responded. Incident changed to an
Information call. Matter resolved. No report Nikolas was
not on scene.



784.011 Assault.—
(1) An “assault” is an intentional, unlawful threat by word or act to do
violence to the person of another, coupled with an apparent ability to do
so, and doing some act which creates a well-founded fear in such other
person that such violence is imminent. (2) Whoever commits an assault
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as
provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. Was the wand attached when he did

November 27, 2012 Linda Cruz called indicating she had a

dispute with her 14 year old son (Nikolas). Deputy
responded and made contact with mother. Advised to
contact Broward County Sheriff’s Office if son returned.
Nikolas is no longer on scene. No violence. No report
initiated. Reported that Nikolas had ADHD.


Advised to contact BCSO if son returned? Had he threatened to

return with a weapon and shoot her? He would pull the same stunt after
his mother died and his was living with the Rocxanne DesChamps.

November 28, 2012 Caller Linda Cruz advised her two

sons left out of their bedroom window. Deputy
responded. Matter resolved.
Again Lynda covers up for her son.

January 15, 2013 Caller Linda Cruz called to advise her

son has anger issues and ADHD. Alleged she was thrown
against wall because she took away Nikolas' Xbox game
system. She advised that he did not threaten to harm her
or herself.
Deputy responded. Found Nikolas (14 years of age) locked
in room because he was mad at his mother. Henderson
Behavioral Health responded and advised a Baker Act
was not warranted at this time. Report taken.

How can there have been no violence when the human punching bag
Lynda Cruz was thrown up against the wall? Did he lock himself in his
room or did his mother lock him up? The wimp Jared Bienenfeld
intervened and decided “Niki” was having another teenage tantrum.

October 12, 2013 Caller Linda Cruz advised her two sons
left to unknown friends home and wished to report them
as missing. Persons relocated to a second location and
incident was changed to a police service call.

Cruz could have been stopped by law enforcement. He had serious

school discipline problems since at least 2012 but Political Correctness
saved him. While he was a student at Westglades Middle School he was
charged with disciplinary action 25 times over about 16 months of
classroom time -- often for insults and profane language and also for
fighting and disruptive behavior that led to multiple suspensions, parent
conferences and referrals for family counseling.


68.6% of the student population at Westglades Middle School

identify as Caucasian, making up the largest segment of the student body.
A typical school in Coral Springs is made up of 35.2% Caucasian students.
Cruz was ramping up his anti-social behavior but it did not arise to the
need for police intervention, at least according to the school
administration: it would not be good for the other students to see the
police entering the school which was geared toward the affluent and was
supposed to provide a safe educational environment. It was Politically
Correct to keep these incidents hushed up so it wouldn’t damage the
student’s future.
Mental health records from earlier years show that a psychiatrist
recommended sending him to a residential treatment facility (nut house)
in 2013, when he was 15 years old. That was the year he learned that he
and his younger brother, Zachary, were adopted.


In May 2018 Broward County school district officials, finally admitted

Parkland school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was referred during middle
school to the PROMISE PROGRAM. After the Parkland Killer struck,
Broward County School Superintendent Robert Runcie said that Cruz
hadn't been in the program. However, the school district clarified that
Cruz was referred to the program while at Westglades Middle School in
2013, but he didn't fully participate and did not participate in the program
at all while at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The middle school
referral came after the school said Cruz got in trouble for vandalizing a
bathroom and incurred a disciplinary infraction for vandalism and
destruction of school property for less than $1,000.



Runcie associate TRACY CLARK, who released the information about

Cruz and the Promise Program will earn $122,529 a year as public
information officer for Broward.

“I know there are some out there that are concerned that somehow
we misled the public,” Runcie said. Robert W. Runcie, is a lying African
American Chicagoan affirmative action Harvard graduate with close ties to
President Obama and his Education Department. This Trayvon Martin
supporter signed an agreement with Sheriff Scott Israel, a former Upper
West Side New York City Jewish liberal, who brought his sick self-hating a
self deprecating philosophy to what was once a place of traditional
morality like the carpet baggers of old. Israel agreed not to arrest students
even if they committed crimes but instead let the school handle it.

School officials said Cruz underwent a PROMISE intake interview in

NOVEMBER 2013, but it does not appear that Cruz completed the
recommended three-day assignment/placement. It's clear why there was
no follow-through because the school was incompetent. So Cruz escaped
even symbolic punishment.


The clarification came as school officials claimed they've been

analyzing data from multiple sources on Cruz's history. “We continue to
review records and systems to determine if the disciplinary placement
was modified by school administration or the individualized education
plan committee, the school district. Rather than speculate about the
possible reasons for his not returning, we feel it's important to wait until
we have the facts associated with his specific circumstances.”

Runcie told the Miami Herald that district attendance records indicate
that Cruz completed the intake process at Pine Ridge Education Center in
Fort Lauderdale, but was back at West Glades Middle the next day. But
Cruz didn’t attend Pine Ridge until 2017 so why should have commit the
vandalism at one school and do the intake at another years later?

Obama’s PROMISE program led to leniency for the shooter. Ryan

Petty, whose daughter Alaina was killed, said that conflicting discipline
programs within the district have created deadly chaos for our children,
teachers staff and success in the programs created perverse incentives for
school staff, administrators law enforcement. Florida’s Broward County,
home to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, was among the leaders in a
pathological nationwide policy shift. According to Washington Post
reporting, Broward County schools once recorded more in-school arrests
than any other Florida district. But in 2013, the school board and the
sheriff’s office agreed on a new policy to discontinue police referrals for a
dozen infractions ranging from drug use to assault. The number of school-
based arrests plummeted by 63 percent from 2012 to 2016.
The Black racist Obama administration lauded Broward’s reforms
and in 2015 invited the district’s superintendent to the White House for
an event, “Rethink Discipline,” that highlighted the success of Broward
and other localities in “transforming policies and school climate.” School
officials stressed the program is only for those who have committed non-
violent misdemeanors such as vandalism but the chowder heads are lying
since affray an instance of fighting in a public place that disturbs the
peace is one of the offenses. Let’s take a closer look at the Obama
Promise Program that enabled Cruz and was designed by people in the
Obama Administration in order to institutionalize Criminal Behavior.


1.01 Student Misbehavior: Breaches of the Code of

Student Conduct, disruptions, other transgressions or
omissions by a student that occur on school grounds,
school transportation or during a school sponsored or
related event, except when involving a victim not
affiliated with the school district unless the victim agrees
to have the matter handled via the PROMISE program.

1.02 Misdemeanors are limited to:

Disrupting or Interfering with a School Function;
Theft of less than $300;
Vandalism of less than $1,000;
Disorderly Conduct;
Criminal Mischief;
Incidents relating to Alcohol;
Possession of Cannabis (misdemeanor, requires consultation with law
enforcement to determine the level of offense);
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia;

Threats. Footnote to threats: §1006.13, Fla. Stat. (2013), requires that

certain felony threats(§ 790.162 and§ 790.163, Fla. Stat. (2013)) be referred to
the criminal or juvenile justice system. Felonies, including § 790.162 and §
790.163, fall outside of the scope of this agreement.

Obstructing Justice without Violence.


In the event a student misbehaves, the school principal

and or their designees will be the primary source of
intervention & disciplinary consequences. The Code of
Student Conduct and Discipline Matrix provides detailed
information on consequences and interventions and shall
guide the responses to particular types of misbehavior. In
addition, school officials should make every effort to
connect students to school or community-based support
services, such as counseling, mentoring, or extra-
curricular activities. Many types of minor student
misbehavior may technically meet the statutory
requirements for PROMISE eligible misdemeanors, but
are best handled outside of the criminal justice system.
In any school year, the first instance of student
misbehavior that rises to the level of a misdemeanor and
requires consultation with a police officer should not
result in arrest nor the filing of a criminal complaint, but
instead be handled through the Code of Student Conduct
and Discipline Matrix. Behavior that rises to the level of a
felony offense under any of the above statutes are not
included herein. All parties involved in school discipline
decisions shall consider the surrounding circumstances
including the age, history, disability or special education
status, and other factors that may have influenced the
behavior of the student, the degree of harm caused and
the student's willingness to repair the harm.

Repeated incidents of PROMISE eligible misdemeanors as

defined in section 1.02 shall result in graduated levels of
school-based interventions and consequences by
administrators on campus, according to the Code of
Student Conduct and Discipline Matrix, and may result in
a referral to law enforcement. The Discipline Matrix
outlines the specific incidents in which repeated
misbehavior shall result in a referral to law enforcement.


Records of section 1.02 incidents Shall be maintained by

School Board of Broward County, in a manner consistent
with the requirements of a Probable Cause Affidavit as
mandated by F .S. 985.13, and said information may be
reported to law enforcement by School Board of Broward
County should the youth willfully fail to complete

In addition, a student who accumulates three incidents,

as defined in section 1.02, in a school year shall be
referred to the Behavior Intervention Committee. Upon a
fourth incident, as defined in section 1.02, in a school
year, the student shall be referred for consultation with
law enforcement, unless any referral is required sooner
by the Discipline Matrix. Emergency and other situations
may arise that require the immediate involvement of law
enforcement. In such instances, school officials and law
enforcement should confer after the situation has been
diffused, but, if feasible, before any arrest is made, and
follow the process outlined in this Agreement to ensure
the most effective and least punitive means of discipline
is being employed.

Most of the crimes listed there are misdemeanors but threats,

namely death threats, could be a felony. By listing threats as one of the
crimes that does not have to be reported to the police unless Security
Specialist Kelvin Greenleaf or School Resource Officer Deputy Scot
Peterson deemed it rose to the level of a felony by threatening bodily
harm, it gave both of these jokers a way out of having to report it. All
threats should be reported to the police.

Scott Israel, or Scott Palestine, because he is a traitor to the Jewish

kids who died at the hands of Cruz and the maggots that authored this
agreement signed death warrants for 17 people. Initially the police were
excusing misdemeanor behaviors. However, it didn't take long until
felonies, even violent felonies (armed robberies, assaults and worse) were
being excused. The need to continue lowering the arrests year-over-year
meant that increasingly more severe unlawful behavior had to be ignored.


Over time even the most severe of unlawful conduct was being
filtered by responding police. So Cruz’s threats were greasy kids stuff. And
what’s the punishment the school metes out?

Students charged with various misdemeanors, including assault, and

most importantly in the context of Stoneman Douglas, THREATS, would be
disciplined through participation in “healing circles,” obstacle courses and
other “self-esteem building” bullshit programs. Complaining that Blacks
were treated unfairly by traditional approaches to school discipline,
Runcie’s goal was to radically decrease arrests and ensure that students,
no matter how delinquent, graduated without criminal records. If Blacks
can't obey the law the law must be changed to obey Blacks. Runcie is a
believer in the school-to-prison pipeline, where the reason black males
are disproportionately represented in the judicial system is a result of
racist courts, lying cops, crooked DAs: not because Blacks commit more
crime proportionately than any other group. “We’re not going to continue
to arrest our kids because once you have an arrest record, it becomes
difficult to get scholarships, get a job, or go into the military." However
once you arrest a kid it becomes more difficult for him or her to purchase
a gun, especially if the arrest is for a felony. Under Florida law,
threatening another person's life falls under the category of stalking. If
the person making death threats intends for the victim to fear for his
safety, specifically fearful of death or bodily harm, it is considered a
credible threat under the law, which changes the crime from stalking, a
first degree misdemeanor, to aggravated stalking, a third degree felony.
Persons convicted of aggravated stalking in Florida can be sentenced to up
to five years in prison, fined up to $5,000 or both. Nikolas Cruz made
numerous death threats and School Security Consultant Kelvin Greenleaf
knew about them. Nikolas Cruz, a teenage psychopath, was suspended
from Stoneman Douglas High. By their own rules a student who
accumulates three incidents in a school year shall be referred to the
Behavior Intervention Committee. A fourth offense and the cops are
called in. Cruz was expelled for bringing weapons to school. Yet he was
never arrested before the shooting.


Under Obama, America was devoted to undoing school disciplinary

policies so that not only the public schools in ghetto neighborhoods would
become zoos, but the ones in White neighborhoods would too. Without
Obama and Holder Cruz would have been arrested for one of his many
violent or threatening incidents some of which rose to the level of a
felony. When Cruz got into a fight in September 2016, he was referred to
social workers rather than to the police. When he allegedly assaulted a
student in January 2017, it triggered a school-based threat assessment
that was never made and no police involvement.


No State shall make or enforce any law which shall

abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor
deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Under Obama’s unconstitutional Promise Program one class of

Americans would be immune from prosecution from a law while others
would not. Additionally if not for Obama & Holder’s Promise Program
decriminalizing crime Nikolas Cruz would have been charged with a felony
for making death threats to a fellow student who had screen captures of
the threats and the balls enough to turn them over to the so called School
Security Specialist Kelvin Greenleaf. But the Administration of Stoneman
Douglas High School told their subordinates to do everything they could
to prevent the police intervening in a school incident so they pretended
the threats did not rise to the level of a felony. The African-American
Black Lives Matter mentality of looking at crime as a form of protest again
racism took over a once law and order Florida. Two weeks after signing
the agreement on October 18, 2016 “Runcie DMC” received a Teacher
Incentive Fund grant from the U.S. Dept. of Education totaling
$53,808,909. One of the funds grant priorities is "improved life for
students in poverty/students of color" meaning don't arrest the black
criminals. But why not arrest them and seal the records if they stay out of
trouble for several years? They will still have an FBI rap sheet but under
the Privacy Act these records cannot be make public. Runcie was on
Obama’s pad.


Runcie wouldn’t discuss Cruz’s school records, citing a federal law

that protects student privacy, but said he didn’t think providing Cruz with
more school services would have prevented the shooting. “Based on
what’s reported in the media, here’s a kid who’s lost both parents, he’s
obviously got some mental health challenges,” Runcie said. “Let me just
say if we provided every service that we could and did all that in
exemplary fashion, if he can still get access to guns what’s the point of all


FEBRUARY 5, 2014 -- At age 15, Nikolas leaves Westglades Middle

School in Parkland. February 6, 2014 – Nikolas starts at Cross Creek
School in Pompano Beach a school for emotionally and behaviorally
disturbed students. 51.7% of the student population at Cross Creek School
identify as African-American, making up the largest segment of the
student body. 79.9% of K-12 public school students at Cross Creek School
participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). There are a total
of 149 students and 30 teachers at Cross Creek. It was a lock down School
for severe emotionally ill very much unlike Westglades. According to the
records, Lynda Cruz said he had been diagnosed with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder, autism and obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Cross Creek has 15 Behavior Technicians that have training in

Professional Crisis Management with an emphasis on verbal de-escalation
skills to provide a safe environment. The School Psychiatrist oversees the
mental health needs and progress of our students. Two Behavior
Specialists assist conducting Functional Behavior Assessments and writing
Individual Positive Behavior Intervention Plans. None-the-less they
couldn’t handle the Miscreant so he was kicked out of Cross Creek school
by Principal Colleen Stearn nee Colleen Henry of Staten Island, New York,
another liberal transplant. Colleen said they couldn’t help him anymore
but only god knows what he did. A psychiatric memo dated 2014 from
Cross Creek (Cruz was in 8th Grade) describes him as “moody, impulsive,
angry, attention seeking, annoys others on purpose and threatens to hurt


JANUARY 22, 2014, Caller Linda Cruz advised 15 year old

son Deputy responded. (Nikolas) punched the wall
because she took deputy away his Xbox. No crime
identified. Disturbance.

Nikolas wanted to land one on his mother but punched the wall
instead. He was definitely addicted to violent video games. Lynda was
coming closer and closer to being punched out.

May 6, 2014 Caller Linda Cruz advised her son left this
morning and has not returned home. No deputy response
reported. Unknown if incident Involved Nikolas or Zachary


The Broward Sherriff’s Office never asked what her son’s name was when
he was a potential runaway? Very unlikely.
June 29, 2014 hang-up Deputy responded. Linda Cruz
reported that sons were having a verbal argument.
Matter resolved. No report initiated.

Lynda was about to phone the police about a “verbal” argument then
changed her mind or Nikolas grabbed the telephone from her?

November 20, 2014 Animal Abuse Report via third hand

information of w/m subject with red hair having shot
chicken with rifle possible Nikolas Cruz. Gun was found to
be an Airsoft BB gun. Deputies responded. Identified
individual as Cruz. Nikolas admitted to shooting the
Airsoft rifle but denied shooting chickens. Rifle was given
to mother who locked it away. Owner of animal refused
to press charges.

Lynda knew what she had on her hands yet refused to have the
Miscreant committed. Air Soft BB guns were basically replica firearms
based on military assault rifles and are illegal in many states but not in the
“Gunshine State” Florida.



Airsoft BB guns are not like the Red Rider Daisy Air Rifle that was
featured in Jean Sheppard’s A Christmas Story.Mama Cruz knew her son
would transition from a BB assault rifle to a real one as soon as he turned
nineteen. Lynda was a bleeding heart do-gooder at the same time she was
a registered Republican probably at the behest of her businessman

In JUNE 2015, school records note that NIKOLAS JACOB CRUZ was
distracted on more than one occasion by other students’ inappropriate
conversations concerning guns, people being killed, or armed forces.

AUGUST 24, 2015 Nikolas returns to Cross Creek, but attends

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School two periods a day, Schools
Superintendent Robert Runcie said.

In DECEMBER 2015 Cruz wanted to become a Jewish Islamist Jihadist

and was attracted to Arab Nazis. The Massachusetts FBI tipster reported:

Um, if you go onto his Instagram pages, you'll see the

guns…he's so into ISIS and I'm afraid this is, so-
something's gonna happen. Because he doesn't have the
mental capacity. And then uh, you know, wanting to kill
all these animals and uh, he wants to um, uh, do
something in Arabic and uh, he-he dresses up like a ninja
or an ISIS guy.

FBI: Yeah, and does he talk about ISIS or he just dressed

up like one of—


Yeah, well dresses that way and he's, if you go into the
Instagram account. There’s one Instagram where it just,
uh, he has a thing for Arabic words. um, let me see. I'm
going to it. Um [UI]. Oh boy [UI]. Okay. Well. Okay. Okay,
um, there's also a, um, it says crazy Nikolas underline
new. All under case. C-R-A-ZY-N-I-K-O-L-A-S underline
new. N-E-W. Now the Cruz underline Nikolas account.

The FBI call screener was constantly looking for ways to minimize the
threat from Nikolas Cruz.
FBI: Yeah, and does he talk about ISIS or he just dressed
up like one of—

What in the hell does it matter if he talks about ISIS or not. He aspires
to be one. The Massachusetts Tipster stuck to her guns: “He's so into ISIS
and I'm afraid this is, so-something's gonna happen.” You have a mentally
unstable person attracted to ISIS who might carry out acts of terror in the
name of Allah. FBI call screener wrote this off. She should be terminated.


JANUARY 11, 2016 – Nikolas, now 17, stops attending

Cross Creek school. JANUARY 13, 2016 -- He starts
attending Stoneman Douglas High full time. Cruz was
officially withdrawn from Cross Creek on February 8,
2016, reportedly as a result of a transfer. Students have
told Local 10 TV News that ammunition had been found
in his backpack, but the discipline summary didn’t include
any mention of that.
It showed that Cruz was disciplined on five occasions, for
insults, profane language, profanity against staff, fighting
and finally a serious assault. Details of that alleged assault
have not yet surfaced.

So Cruz was enrolled in politically correct Marjory Stoneman Douglas

High. Cruz began attending February 13, 2016. By transferring him to
Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, which was for normal kids and lacked
support services, knowing he was fascinated guns/war. Stearn started the
kill machine in motion.

Administrators at MSD considered Cruz enough of a threat that one

teacher said a warning was emailed to staff last year saying he shouldn’t
be allowed on the campus. “We were told last year that he wasn’t
allowed on campus with a backpack on him,’ said math teacher Jim Gard,
who taught Cruz. ‘There were problems with him last year threatening
students, and I guess he was asked to leave campus.’ Students said one
reason Cruz was expelled was that bullets were discovered in his


After leaving Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, records show

he briefly attended the Off Campus Learning Center at J.P. Taravella High
School before bouncing around from the Henry D. Perry Education Center,
an alternative school for adults in Miramar, to the Dave Thomas
Education Center in Coconut Creek, another school specializing in helping
kids obtain a GED and then back to Perry, where he was enrolled at the
time of the shooting.


On FEBRUARY 5, 2016 Broward County sheriff’s office reported:

Third hand information received from neighbor's son that

from his Instagram account. (Picture of juvenile with
guns). Information forwarded to Stoneman Douglas
School Resource Officer Scot Peterson [or Jeffrey
Campbell Feduik] Deputy responded. Made contact with
caller who wished to remain anonymous. Determined
Nikolas Cruz possessed knives and a BB gun. One month
time delay. Unknown high school. Cruz lives in area.



This lead was followed up and considered inconsequential because

all Cruz had at the time were knives and BB gun. The investigation took a
month but it still could not be determined which High School Cruz was
targeting. All the cops could determine was that he lives in the area.


The source of this report was a neighbor’s stepson across the street
from where Cruz lived who called deputies after seeing Cruz post online
about buying guns just after his 18th birthday — around the same time of
the DCF Department of Children and Families investigation. “The Deputies
told us they checked it out,” said Dave Brugman, 59. “You can’t watch
him every day.”


Brugman got extra security installed around his house after he

suspected Cruz poisoned his dog in the dark hours of the night at least
three different times. He also thinks Cruz put a brick through his car
window on one occasion. In retrospect he was probably right.

The first time ENEA SABADINI had the misfortune to interact with
Nikolas Cruz occurred in AUGUST 2016. Cruz sent him direct messages on
Instagram warning him to stay away from his ex whom Sabadini had just
started dating. Sabadini never met Cruz and didn’t respond. "I was
confused why, because I hadn’t had any prior problems with this person.
At first, I didn’t answer back at all." Cruz’s ex-girlfriend told him to ignore
the messages, even though they included racial slurs, threats of murder
and even of Cruz feeling depressed. "you know how fuckin’ mad iam (sic)
at you, you took my ex i been depressed." Days later after apologizing
Cruz again sent hostile messages to Sabadini and threatened friends.
Sabadini didn’t respond. But he and his friends reported the incident to
School Security Officer Kelvin Greenleaf.


KELVIN GREENLEAF was a terminated Detention Officer one step

above jail guard holding the rank of Sergeant. The Detention Officer
maintains order over detainees; takes appropriate action to ensure the
safety and security of the detainees, the public and other law
enforcement and detention personnel. Receives incoming detainees;
conducts searches to detect concealed weapons and contraband. Places
detainees in cells; issues cleaning/sanitation supplies; transports laundry
and bedding. He had no law enforcement experience other than this.
Greenleaf was unarmed and storming the school would be futile for him.
It was up to Scot Peterson to confront the gunman even if he was
outgunned thanks to Medina’s cowardice.

Why Greenleaf was terminated as a Detention Officer remains a

mystery but it might have been connected to his forgetting to release a
prisoner. So Greenleaf gets let off the hook for his actions on the day of
the event. However, Cruz was never disciplined for those messages,
thanks to Kelvin. Then when Sabadini was leaving school with friends,
they noticed Cruz was following behind. A confrontation between Cruz
and Sabadini went down, in which Cruz yelled at Sabadini to stop talking
to his ex. Cruz started running toward Sabadini with pencils in each of his
hands, using them like daggers, “in a stabbing stance,” Sabadini said. He
took off running and eventually outran Cruz and reported the incident to
school officials including School Security expert Kelvin Greenleaf. Another
day at school, Cruz started a fight with Sabadini during lunch. The fight
was captured on cell phone video and led to the brief suspension of both
students when it was clear that Cruz was to blame. Another attempt at
political correctness. Cruz had practiced boxing as seen here.





Dana Craig, who moved in the Cruz’s social circles said she went to
Kelvin Greenleaf, at the time a security specialist at Marjory Douglas
Stoneman high school who the students knew as the head of security, to
tell him about the threats she was receiving from Cruz and show him the
messages. Cruz was later expelled however Greenleaf never reported it to
the police even though it was a felony to threaten someone’s life. Thanks
to Obama’s Promise Program Greenleaf was able to make the
determination that the threat did not rise to the level of a felony and did
not have to be reported.

Kelvin Greenleaf failed to report the posts to Instagram. This was

why Cruz’s Instagram page was not shut down? Instagram is owned by
Facebook and its terms of service state: “You must not defame, stalk,
bully, abuse, harass, threaten, impersonate or intimidate people or
entities…” Facebook is more interested in shutting down pages that
interfere with its political agenda, unless those pages are covertly
sponsored by Russia. Despite Greenleaf’s failures he is still employed at
Stoneman Douglas as a security specialist and was able to take a 9” knife
away from a student after this classmates ratted him out.

Brittany Jacobs a Henderson social worker arrived at the Cruz home

September 23, 2017 after Lynda told school officials he “was punching
holes in the wall and verbally aggressive.” Cruz, who was taking
medication to treat autism, told Brittany he was upset because his
girlfriend had dumped him and was “playing with his emotions.”
Of course the cunning psychopath denied having homicidal or
suicidal thoughts but he did admit cutting his arm with a pencil sharpener
the night before. But the cuts “did not appear deep or fresh.”

“Client did report that it was the first time he did this,” wrote Jacobs,
who said she told Lynda to lock up sharpeners and give him access only
when he needed them. What about kitchen knives, scissors etc? Jacobs
refused to respond to repeated phone calls. What a total moron! The
Miscreant was threatening to slit his wrists and this is the advice she gives
its mother?



Jacobs was a PC liberal:

I am an outgoing Licensed Clinical Social Worker who

currently is a Clinical Supervisor for the Youth Emergency
Services Team in Broward County for Henderson
Behavioral Health. My past experience is working with
underserved populations such as individuals residing in
low-income areas and children in foster care.

Jacobs was also an Assessor/Therapist at PsychSolutions, Inc. which

“proudly participates in a cooperative agreement with Miami-Dade Public
Schools which allows us to have continuity of care by having ongoing
communication with school sites.” She was also a Mental Health Clinician
at Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights:

Heartland Alliance advances the human rights and

responds to the human needs of endangered
populations—particularly the poor, the isolated, and the
displaced—through the provision of comprehensive and
respectful services and the promotion of permanent
solutions leading to a more just global society. A global


leader in LGBT rights and protections, working with

grassroots LGBT organizations in over 30 countries in
Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the Middle East.

Heartland, headquartered in Chicago, was connected to Obama

whose Promise Program enabled Cruz:

October 11, 2016 – Today, the Obama Foundation

announced the creation of the Obama Foundation
Inclusion Council. The mission of the new Council is to
ensure that the ongoing work of the Foundation is
informed by a diverse set of views and opinions and in
line with the values of diversity and inclusion. The initial
members of the Diversity and Inclusion Council are:
Evelyn Diaz, President, Heartland Alliance.

There is no doubt that it was many Obama supporters that kept Cruz
on the street instead of in a mental hospital or jail. If the Miscreant saw
there were consequences for his actions, he might have changed his
behavior. But was literally allowed to get away with murder.

SEPTEMBER 28, 2016


Broward County Sherriff:

Peer counselor [counseling by someone who has a status

equal to that of the patient] reported to Marjorie
Stoneman Douglas School Resource Deputy Scot Peterson
that Nikolas Cruz was alleged to have possibly ingested
gasoline week prior in an attempt to commit suicide and
is cutting himself.

So another messed up kid ratted him out.

Florida Department of Children and Families reported:


September 28, 2016 DCF (Florida Department of Children

and Families) investigator advised 18 year old male on
scene. Allegations of immediate self-harm. Subject is
talking about purchasing a gun. Therapist from
Henderson Behavior Health Jared Bienenfeld was on
scene and advised Nikolas was not currently a threat to
himself or others at this time. No criminal activity
reported. Deputy Scot Peterson responded. Met with
Henderson Behavior Health. Report initiated by Deputy.

You would think that with all these professionals on the scene at
least one of them would recommend Cruz be Baker Acted, committed for
observation. Enacted in 1972, Florida’s Baker Act allows for the
involuntary examination of an individual for mental illness initiated by law
enforcement. Family members can also have a person Baker Acted if they
receive an order from a judge. To fall under the Baker Act, there must be
evidence that the person is a danger to himself or others. This includes a
person who has endangered himself through severe neglect.

The Baker Act requires that the person be examined by a mental

health professional, often a psychiatrist, within 72 hours. If the health
care professional finds the person to no longer be a threat, the person can
be released or sent to a community-based treatment facility. If the
professional finds the individual a danger or mentally incompetent, a
judge can sign a commitment order for involuntary placement in a
treatment program. Drinking gasoline? Cutting yourself? That tells you
plain and simple this kid is a danger to himself. However he couldn’t be
Baker acted because the Deputy Peterson said he didn’t actually see him
do that and it would only be hearsay evidence. More insane political
correctness that has infected the legal system. Which is more insane,
drinking gasoline or having to see someone doing it, as if that is a viable
alternative? What is Deputy Peterson supposed to do, follow Cruz around
for days until he observes him at a gas station? Go in the toilet with him
when he takes a shit? The investigator from child welfare, BEATRICE
THOMAS, a transplant from Brooklyn, didn’t want to Baker Act him either
and failed to ask him to roll up his sleeves so she could see his cuts. Would
having someone roll up their sleeves require an order from a police
officer, not Child Welfare social worker? Why didn’t Peterson tell him to
do so?


RESUME: Experienced Social Worker. Strong community and social

services professional skilled in Criminal Investigations, Emergency
Management, Law Enforcement. Broward Health Social Worker
November 2016 – Present (1 year 6 months) Discharge Planning,
Counseling and Assessments. Florida DCF Investigator April 2006 –
November 2016 (10 years 8 months).

But the next part of the report tells us what chuckle heads we are
dealing with:

Cruz indicated he wished to purchase a gun for hunting

and was in possession of items concerning hate related
communications symbols.

Didn’t they realize this was a deadly combination. Didn’t the Blacks
ever hear of the KKK? Or the Nazis? A 19 year old who identifies with
mass murdering Nazis wants a gun for hunting – hunting what? The only
thing he wanted to hunt was Blacks and Jews. What sense does it make to
play down the Nazi connection and instead of calling it a swastika, these
fools called it a “hate related communications symbol.” What kind of
chowder headed Black would go to this extent and why? Cruz was a Nazi
who wanted to arm himself. Get it? He also had “I hate niggers” scrawled
on the bag but these bootlicking fools, constrained by PC, never factored
it into the equation. He wanted to kill African-Americans for sure.


Mental health counselor Jared Bienenfeld advised Cruz

did not meet criteria for Baker Act. School Resource
Deputy Scot Peterson assisted and initiated a report. High
School indicated it would conduct a threat assessment on
Cruz. Indication that Cruz suffers from depression.

The New York Times reported:

The clinician who wrote the September 28, 2016 report

[Jared Bienenfeld] concluded that Cruz “did not meet
criteria for further assessment.” The sheriff’s deputy at
the school, Scot Peterson, told a clinician [Jared
Bienenfeld] that he wanted to initiate a Baker Act request
against Cruz anyway, the records show, and two school
counselors agreed. Under the law, he could have been
held for at least three days of evaluation. Deputy
Peterson also said he would search Cruz’s home for a gun.
And the Florida Department of Children and Families was
called in to investigate. But while the sheriff’s office did
visit the Cruz home, Deputy Peterson apparently
changed his mind about the commitment request the
next day. One of the guidance counselors told the
Henderson clinic [Jared Bienenfeld] that the deputy had
decided Cruz did not fit the criteria for involuntary
commitment. Clinicians had repeatedly concluded that
the Baker Act would not justify committing Cruz because
he denied having an intent or a plan to hurt himself or

So it was BRITTANY JACOBS and JARED BIENENFELD who convinced Scot

Peterson not to Baker Act the Miscreant. CNN reported:

Although two guidance counselors initially agreed with

Peterson, two mental health professionals from
Henderson Behavioral Health said Cruz didn't meet the
criteria for an involuntary committal. The next day,
Peterson declined to pursue the committal.

Debra Work Guidance Counselor - Grades 9-11 A-F was one


of the Counselor’s that wanted Cruz Baker Acted. It is unclear what

Audrey Wong, MSDH school psychologist played in molly coddling Cruz
but she is conspicuous by her absence.

The clinician Jared Bienenfeld believed “Niki” and took him at his
word that he had no plan to hurt himself or others despite Cruz’s
psychopathic tendencies. So did Brittany Jacobs. Cruz was absolutely a
danger to himself and a danger to others. He should have been
committed for observation. Again nothing was followed through but a
report of the incident was made. There was no threat assessment made
on Cruz by Peterson. He was considered a depressive, not a psychopath
and school shooter in the making.
In 2016 Christopher Guerra, Cruz’s middle school classmate, would
run into Cruz between classes at the Dollar Tree, where Cruz worked as a
cashier. Cruz asked Guerra about Stoneman Douglas while he rang up his
purchases at the store, and told Guerra he hated the school. Cruz also
talked about how he wanted to buy an AR-15. Guerra and a friend
stopped at the Dollar Tree on their way to a movie theater and Cruz said:
“I’m going to go to Stone Douglas and shoot it up!” Then he told Guerra
and his friend not to worry, that they would be safe because they had
always been nice to him. When Guerra and his friend asked Cruz what he
was talking about, Cruz said he was kidding. These two morons never
reported it to the school or two the police.


One would think this episode would trigger a visit from Child Welfare
but it did not. Something else did: DCF Adult Protective Services was
called on September 28, 2016, to investigate allegations that Nikolas
Cruz was being victimized by his caregiver - his mother. Who made this
call? What kind of moronic idiot would believe that his mother who
scarified her life for him was victimizing him? Jared Bienenfeld or Brittany
Jacobs of course since both took everything the “Niki” said to be gospel.



Case Name Nikolas Cruz

Intake Number 2016-271667-01
Investigative Sub-Type In-Home
County Broward
Date/Time Intake Received SEPTEMBER 28, 2016 1:48 PM
Protective Investigator, Beatrice Thomas
Position: Investigator at Florida Department of Children and Families
Industry: Public Safety Work history: Florida Department of Children and
Families Investigator since April 2006 Education:
Florida Atlantic University 2001 - 2007
Date/Time Investigation Closed 11/12/2016 6:23 PM
Protective Investigator Supervisor Bernadette Harding.

The report of the investigation began:

Mr. Cruz is a vulnerable adult due to mental illness. He
has Depression. In the past, he was taking medicine but it
is unknown if he is taking any medicine now.

Cruz was a teenager, not an adult and was in no way vulnerable to

being victimized. It was “unknown is he is taking medicine.” Cruz was “off
his meds.” He hated taking pills. The meds thing was the first sign that
something was wrong and should have raised flags but it didn’t.

Yesterday, Cruz and his Mom were arguing over

paperwork he needs to get an identification card. Cruz
said he needed the identification card to get a game.


How did protective services know about this argument? This was the
report they received from Jared Bienenfeld, who counseled Cruz. “He
needs the ID card to get a game.” He needed the ID card to show that he
was over 18 in order to get a gun. You don’t need an ID card to purchase a
video game in Florida.

Mr. Cruz was on Snapchat cutting both of his arms. Mr.

Cruz has fresh cuts on both his arms. Mr. Cruz stated he
plans to go out and buy a gun. It is unknown what he is
buying the gun for.

Snapchat is the mobile app that allows users to capture videos and
pictures that self destruct after a few seconds. When a user sends a
message they get to decide whether it will live for between 1 and 10
seconds. After that its history. So did someone see these pictures and
report it or did he describe them to Jared Bienenfeld or Brittany Jacobs?

A year ago, Mr. Cruz had hate signs on a book bag, stating
"I hate niggers." In the past, Henderson Mental Health
was called out for Cruz to be Baker Acted but he denies

“He denies everything.” He denies he saw Jared Bienenfeld in school that

day and denied he got him off the hook. This should have alerted the
social workers that they were being scammed by a congenital liar.

The initial level of risk to Nikolas Cruz is low since Nikolas

Cruz has services already in place. Nikolas Cruz is an 18
year old male suffering from Depression, and Attention-
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder which impair his ability to
cope with the demands of everyday life without the use
of medication. Nikolas Cruz ambulates independently.
Nikolas Cruz is able to perform his Activities of Daily Living
independently as well however at times lacks the
motivation to address his personal care needs in the
midst of an episode. Nikolas Cruz has capacity based on
Protective Investigator Beatrice Thomas's observation and
collateral statements.


Nikolas Cruz lives with his mother Lynda Cruz, brother and
two dogs in the Parkland area. Nikolas Cruz's home was
clean, no clutter observed anywhere in the home. All the
utilities were working order. There were no foul odors
detected in the home or from Nikolas Cruz. Nikolas Cruz
presented well, dressed appropriately. Protective
Investigator Beatrice Thomas was not able to see any
scars or cuts on Nikolas Cruz's arms because he was
wearing long sleeves.

No other marks or bruising was observed on Nikolas Cruz.

Nikolas Cruz has capacity based on Protective Investigator
Beatrice Thomas and Deputy Jeffery Feduik's [Detective
City of Pompano Beach February 1996 Broward County
since merger August 1999] observation, assessment and
the statement from Counselor statement. Protective
Investigator Beatrice Thomas reviewed the allegations
with Nikolas Cruz. No Lynda Cruz’s services were

Investigation Completed: This investigation is being closed

with no indicators to support the allegations of
inadequate supervision or medical neglect. Regarding the
allegation of inadequate supervision Nikolas Cruz does
have capacity and has a behavior disorder and was
apparently exhibiting those behaviors, however Nikolas
Cruz does not require 24 hour supervision.
The collaterals have indicated that they have no issues
with the Advanced Practice's care for Nikolas Cruz.

This is totally insane. They are investigating Lynda Cruz for being and
abusive mother and for child neglect instead of investigating Nikolas as a
potential school shooter or racially motivated murderer.

Regarding the allegation of medical neglect Nikolas

Cruz's clinician from Henderson mental health Jared
Bienenfeld has stated that there are no issues with
Nikolas Cruz's medication and he has been compliant with


taking his medications and keeps all of his appointments.

Nikolas Cruz declined to discuss the matter with
Protective Investigator Beatrice Thomas.

Cruz declined to say whether he was taking his meds or not.

Nikolas Cruz stated he has counselors in school and at

home. Nikolas Cruz stated that he talked about the
situation enough.

He essentially told them to shut the fuck up.

Lynda Cruz stated that Nikolas Cruz does suffer from

ADHD, Autism and ADHD. She stated that Nikolas Cruz is
on medication for the ADHD. She stated that Nikolas Cruz
gets his medication.

He gets his medication, but that does not mean he takes it.

She stated that she is involved in Nikolas Cruz's life and

have Nikolas Cruz in counseling. Lynda Cruz denies them
getting into an argument over his ID.

Now his problems have nothing to do with his desire to get a State ID
so he could get a real gun. It all has to do with a teenage love affair.

She stated that Nikolas' behavior is surrounding a breakup

with a girl who was cheating on Nikolas Cruz. Lynda Cruz
stated that she and the girl's mother told the kids they
had to end the relationship because it was unhealthy for

Stoneman student Arianna Lopez stated: “He would hit her. He

would threaten her. He would threaten her family and her friends for
talking to other guys.”


Lynda Cruz stated that she made sure to contact

Henderson's counselor Jared Bienenfeld who she stated is
in the home now meeting with Nikolas Cruz. Lynda Cruz
stated that Nikolas Cruz doesn't have a gun. She stated
that Nikolas Cruz has an air gun and that was taken
away from him when didn't follow house rules about
only shooting it within the backyard at the targets.
Lynda Cruz stated that Nikolas Cruz started cutting only
after Nikolas Cruz and the girl broke up. She stated that
there has never been any issues with other races or
issues with racism in her family or with Nikolas Cruz. She
stated that Nikolas Cruz she even asked Nikolas Cruz
why would he draw something like that and Nikolas Cruz
claimed not knowing what it was.

He didn’t know what it was or what it represented. Of course he did.

He was a sick Jewish Nazi and the old bag Lynda was in denial.

Lynda Cruz stated that she made Nikolas Cruz clean it off
his bag. Counselor Jared Bienenfeld stated that Nikolas
Cruz had already left school to return home. Lynda Cruz
stated that Henderson's Mobile crisis unit had been called
out to the school and determined that he was not at risk
to harm himself or others. Lynda Cruz stated that the
person from Henderson Jared Bienenfeld was Nikolas
Cruz's counselor and agreed to follow up with Nikolas
Cruz at home.
Lynda Cruz stated that there was some concern regarding
Nikolas Cruz when they noted some behavior changes
which they believe were due to a recent break up.


Lynda Cruz stated that it was reported to her that

Nikolas Cruz had started "cutting" and had a Nazi
symbol drawn on his book bag. Lynda Cruz stated that
Nikolas Cruz has gotten in a fight with a boy about the
girl. Protective Investigator Beatrice Thomas spoke with
Counselor Jared Bienenfeld. Lynda Cruz stated that she
met with the Specialist Jared Bienenfeld who advised her
that during a session Nikolas Cruz revealed that he was
feeling depressed and started cutting himself. Lynda Cruz
stated that Specialist Jared Bienenfeld also informed her
that Nikolas Cruz had gotten in a fight with another
student because of a girl. Lynda Cruz stated that is all the
information that the Counselor had. Counselor stated that
Nikolas Cruz admitted to Lynda Cruz that he was feeling
depressed. She stated that she was concerned about
Nikolas Cruz talk about wanting to purchase a gun and
feeling depressed.

His mama thought he might kill himself, rather killing others. She
should have known better from his past behavior but was in denial.

Protective Investigator Beatrice Thomas stated that at no

time during the year that Nikolas Cruz has been enrolled
in the school has there been any concern about the Lynda
Cruz's care for Nikolas Cruz. Protective Investigator
Beatrice Thomas stated that there was no concern that
Nikolas Cruz was taking his medication. She stated that
Lynda Cruz has always followed up with Nikolas Cruz
therapy. Protective Investigator Beatrice Thomas stated
that Lynda Cruz has always advocated for Nikolas Cruz.
She stated that Jared Bienenfeld of Henderson came out
and assessed Nikolas Cruz found him to be stable enough
not be hospitalized. Protective Investigator Beatrice
Thomas stated that the concern she and the other staff
had was to ensure that the assessment of Henderson
was not premature. Protective Investigator Beatrice
Thomas spoke with Jared Bienenfeld Crisis Clinician with
Henderson. Jared Bienenfeld stated that the he is very
familiar with Nikolas Cruz and the Lynda Cruz. Crisis


Counselor Jared Bienenfeld stated that Lynda Cruz has

always been an attentive mom and followed through with
care needs. Crisis Counselor stated that he initially went
out to the school and Nikolas Cruz was not risk to harm
himself or anyone else. He stated that he had Nikolas
Cruz sign a safety contract and the counseling services are
in place at home now and will also continue in school.

A Contract for Safety (CFS), is where a client is asked to agree either

verbally or in writing that he/she will not engage in self harm. This idiocy
was first published by Drye, in 1973. Dr. Robert Drye, MD is a board
certified psychiatrist in New York, New York. Although these original
authors only investigated its effectiveness with patients in a long term
relationship with their therapist, the use of the tool has since become
standard practice for many crisis teams and clinicians, even during an
initial interview. But are they effective? A careful review of the literature
showed that no studies demonstrate that contracts are an effective way
to prevent suicide. In a study, this one a 2000 survey of psychiatrists in
Minnesota by Dr. Jerome Kroll, 40% had a patient make a serious or
successful suicide attempt after signing a CFS. Contracts for Safety have
not been found to be useful with suicidal patients who have a
psychopathic personality disorder. A contract should never replace a
thorough assessment of a patient's suicide risk factors which is exactly
what happened here.

Crisis Counselor Jared Bienenfeld stated that the

information he obtained regarding Nikolas Cruz's
medication is all up to date and correct. Resource Officer
Deputy Scott Peterson refused to share any information
with Protective Investigator Beatrice Thomas regarding
the incident that took place with Nikolas Cruz. But did
confirm that Henderson did come out to Stoneman
Douglas and assessed Nikolas Cruz and did not hospitalize
Nikolas Cruz. No implications for Cruz’s safety.
Recommended Disposition Narrative:


No implications for Nikolas Cruz's safety based on the

recommended disposition narrative as Nikolas Cruz
resides with his mother, receives in home services from
Henderson mental health and attends school as well. No
other referrals or services were needed

No implications for his safety? Of course not. His adoptive mother

loved him. If Lynda didn’t die of pneumonia a few months later he might
have dropped a hammer on her, just as Adam Lanza did to his mother,
before carrying out his mass murdering rampage. A report from a 2016
incident indicates “He had been cutting his arms, his mother said, to get
attention, as he learned it from an ex-girlfriend,” deputies said. “He has
mentioned in the past that he would like to purchase a firearm.” The
therapist on scene, Jared Bienenfeld with Henderson Mental Health, and
the deputies concluded there were “no signs of mental illness or criminal
activity and left without incident.”

A review of the report revealed:

Message received from ESE Counselor regarding source

Brittany Jacobs and she confirmed that her number is
(deleted) This source has been called three times and has
not returned any calls. Follow up with the Adult Primary-
caregiver Cruz’s mother Lynda Cruz and she stated that
Nikolas was doing okay and she says that there have not
been any other issues. Ms. Cruz stated that his case
manager comes by and she was informed of case closure
and no services are recommended.

Broward state attorney Michael Satz is subpoenaing records on Cruz

from Broward Health which runs the Department of Children and Families
and from Henderson Mental Health. Also records from South County
Medical Health Center that provides crisis stabilization and emergency
psychiatric services and is a Baker Act Receiving Facility for adults. It
provides a full array of services for mentally ill adults with the primary
focus on services for severely and persistently mentally ill clients. The
Center refuses to say if he was an inpatient or outpatient. Jerome Golden
Center. The Center denies he was ever a patient there or received
outpatient treatment. In a suit for damages filed by ROYER BORGES, the


father of one of the wounded students these three Outpatient Nuthouses

are defendants.


Cruz attended the local mental health clinic (Henderson Behavioral

Health) since 2013 before he quit in the fall of 2017. Once he reached 18
the counseling became voluntary. The minute his counselor, Jared
Bienenfeld, found out that Cruz was a Nazi he should have had him Baker
Acted. But that cowardly piece of dreck said “no signs of mental illness or
criminal activity and left without incident.” He deemed Nikolas to be “no
threat to anyone or himself at this present time.” As stated Nazism is a
form criminality and any Jew, assuming he knew Cruz was half Jewish,
who thinks the Nazis will accept him as a member is mentally ill. He was
told about the Swastika on the bag he took to school and probably
learned much more from his client.

Jared was not a psychological counselor but a fucking camp

counselor, a nebbish: Customer Service Coordinator at Bienenfeld Lasek &
Starr LLC. His Linked In page says now until the present so he might have
worked for Henderson part time. Experience Student Therapist - Aventura
Hospital. Jared was Director of Children, Family and Camping Programs,
Boynton Beach at Mandel Jewish Community Center of the Palm Beaches.
Affiliations Children’s Program & Theater Coordinator - Jewish Community
Center of Houston, Children's Theater, School Holiday and Vacation
Camps, the Game Room, The Night Owls and Special Events. Jared was
not experienced in dealing with psychopaths and prevented Cruz from
being Baker Acted on at least three occasions.


Mental health counselor Jared Bienenfeld advised Cruz

did not meet criteria for Baker Act. School Resource
Deputy assisted and initiated a report. High School
indicated it would conduct a threat assessment on Cruz.
Indication that Cruz suffers from depression.

January 15, 2013 Caller Linda Cruz called to advise her

son has anger issues and ADHD. Alleged she was thrown
against wall because she took away Nikolas' Xbox game
She advised that he did not threaten to harm her or
herself Deputy responded. Found Nikolas (14 yoa) locked
in room because he was mad at his mother. Henderson
Behavioral Health responded and advised a Baker Act
was not warranted at this time. Report taken.

September 28, 2016 Parkland, FL Deputy that Nikolas Cruz

was alleged to have violation possibly ingested gasoline
week prior in an apparent attempt to commit suicide and
is cutting himself. Cruz indicated he wished to purchase a
gun for hunting and was in possession of items
concerning hate related communications symbols. Mental
health counselor advised Cruz did not meet criteria for
Baker Act.

Committing this psycho might have prevented him from purchasing

the weapon. Not only that he might have never gotten out. Was Jared
Bienenfeld on Lynda’s pad? He was assigned to Cruz to act as a Jewish
father, since Henderson interviewed Lynda Cruz before assigning Jared to
Cruz and she might have told him about his Jewish mother. In any event
Jared was soft on Nazis and his Jewish liberalism and bad judgment
caused a lot of deaths. He never checked on Cruz’s Instagram account. He
was a lazy bum. If I was him I would be packin’.

Follow up with the adoptive parent caregiver Cruz’s

mother Lynda Cruz and she stated that the Nikolas was
doing okay and she says that there have not been any


other issues. Ms. Cruz stated that his case manager comes
by and she was informed of case closure and no services
are recommended.

From the Borges lawsuit:

At all times material hereto, Henderson Behavioral

Health, Inc. knew or should have known that NIKOLAS
JACOB CRUZ suffered from mental illness and was a
threat to others. At all times material hereto, Henderson
Behavioral Health, Inc. owed a duty to the public,
including ANTHONY BORGES, to exercise reasonable and
ordinary care to (a) properly diagnose and treat NIKOLAS
JACOB CRUZ; and (b) take reasonable steps to inform the
proper authorities and the public of any threat that
NIKOLAS JACOB CRUZ may foreseeably pose to anyone.
Henderson Behavioral Health, Inc. was negligent and
breached its duty of reasonable care as described herein.

In NOVEMBER 2016 Educational specialists recommend Nikolas

transfer back to Cross Creek but he doesn’t want to. Now 18 and legally
an adult, Nikolas also refuses to receive further mental health and other


JANUARY 12, 2017 Lynda Cruz, sells the longtime family home at
6166 NW 80th Terrace in Parkland. A copy of Cruz's discipline summary
shows that Cruz was involved in an assault at the school on JANUARY 19,
2017, less than three weeks before he was transferred out of the school
and received a one-day internal suspension. It was on that date that the
school put in a referral for the threat assessment on Cruz. Broward
County Public Schools disciplinary records obtained by The New York
Times showed Cruz had a long history of fights with teachers. No threat
assessment has so far been leaked to the press. FEBRUARY 8, 2017 –
Nikolas is banished from Stoneman Douglas, according to a discipline file.

2016: Cruz was in the Stoneman Douglas Army Junior Reserve Officer
Training Corps (JROTC). He excelled at shooting, with other cadets calling
him the “wolf.” He was expelled in EARLY 2017.


How was he was even enrolled in a rifle course, being taught to use
guns, when he had was still taking “ADHD medication” and still autistic.
Thank God the course is taught using air rifles. Regardless, “since 2014,
the Department of Defense’s medical qualification standards regarding
ADHD stimulants disqualifies applicants if they have been treated with
ADD/ADHD drugs within the previous year and/or they displayed signs of
ADD/ADHD. A military lawyer advised that the regulations also apply to
ROTC. (It is unknown what the Junior ROTC regulations are but, arguably,
should follow the adult program in relation to stimulant or other
psychotropic drugs.)” Cruz met his enabler Jameson Snead in the Junior
Reserve Officers Training Corps. Cruz was wearing his Marjory Stoneman
High JROTC shirt when he committed mass murder. He had told someone
that he was planning to enlist in the Army. The 17 people killed included
three members of the school’s JROTC: Peter Wang, Martin Duque and


Petty. The cadets acted valiantly, helping to usher others to safety. All
three have been posthumously awarded the Medal of Heroism by the
Army. Sixteen other people were treated for gunshot wounds. Were these
ROTC kids targeted by the Cruz? He was sending a message by wearing
that shirt.

In FEBRUARY 2017 Nikolas Jacob Cruz purchased the AR-15 rifle that
he would use approximately one year later in committing the massacre at
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. This was one of at least ten guns
he purchased after his 18th birthday.

In AUGUST 2017 screenshots of the series of Instagram direct

messages Cruz again curses at Sabadini, uses derogatory insults and
threatens multiple times to "kill" him. "You underground hispanic wall
jumper ill (sic) will fucking destroy you," Cruz writes to Sabadini, who is
Italian and African American. After sending the image of guns laid out on
his bed, Cruz writes: "Don’t fuck with me!!!!! you stole my ex she meant
everything to me." Cruz complains that he’s been "depressed" and
"drinking" ever since, and all he can think about is "hurting" Sabadini.
Sabadini responds - he and the girl "broke up" in December 2016. Cruz
continues to threaten him.

you have no idea what iam (sic) capable of Iam (sic) going
to fucking kill you. Iam (sic) going to watch ypu (sic) bleed.
I will kill you !!!!! I am going to shoot you dead.

AUGUST 2017 By this date Cruz considered himself a Nazi. A reporter

from CNN was added to a private Nazi Instagram group by one of the
active members in it. The responding group members, who appear to be
younger than 18, refused to confirm their identities to CNN on or off the
record. Most of the conversation in the group since Cruz joined around
August 2017 was between six people -- including Cruz. Cruz wrote that he
hated, "jews, niggers, immigrants." He talked about killing Mexicans,
keeping black people in chains and cutting their necks. One member even
joked about Cruz's particular venomousness, saying that although he
hated black people, too, he didn't "to a point I wanna kill the niggers like
nick." Cruz said he hated black people simply because they were black;



August 2017. Cruz was in the luxurious house he was raised in when he
had this arms stash.


Cruz hated Jews because he believed they wanted to destroy the world.
After one Nazi expressed hatred for gay people, Cruz agreed, saying,
"Shoot them in the back of head." White women drew Cruz's hatred as
well, specifically those in interracial relationships, whom he referred to
repeatedly as race traitors. Cruz asked the group whether it was legal to
wear body armor to school. "School shooters," he replied, when
someone asked why he wanted to know. The bio on one of his Instagram
accounts read, "annihilator." At one point in the chat, he wrote, "I think I
am going to kill people." After another Nazi told him not to say things like
that, he said he was just playing. Cruz spoke of his birth mother, saying,
"My real mom was a Jew. I am glad I never met her." In two instances,
Cruz also discussed killing small animals. He posted a photo on his
Instagram account of a disemboweled frog, saying he had killed it because
one had killed his dog. In the Instagram chat, he describes killing a
number of birds with his gun. Like other Nazi scum, Cruz loved to kill.

Columbine mass murderer Dylan Klebold revealed he was one

quarter Jewish when he mentioned dreading a family Passover Seder.
Dylan’s mother, Sue Klebold, was Jewish, but her ex-husband, Dylan’s
father, was Lutheran. Sue’s maiden name was Susan Yassenoff, the
granddaughter of Leo Yassenoff. Leo’s wife was not Jewish so Dylan is not
Jewish according to Halacha, Jewish law, but he was Jewish enough to be
murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Klebold and Eric Harris
openly admired Adolf Hitler. They opened fire on students and teachers at
Columbine High School on the Nazi maggot’s birthday April 20, 1999,
killing 12 classmates and a teacher and wounding 23 people before taking
their own twisted lives. Klebold and Harris both wore Iron Crosses and
spoke in German to each other.


Jewish Nazis date back to the 1960’s. Daniel Burros was born to
George and Esther Sunshine Burros Jewish parents. Burros attended
Hebrew school where his bar mitzvah was held in 1950. Burros was part
of the Nazi / KKK movement until the New York Times exposed his Jewish
roots. He killed himself, or was killed by other Nazis, in October 1965 at
age 28.


Four Jewish students and staff were among those killed in the shooting:
First-year students Jaime Guttenberg and Alyssa Alhadeff, senior Meadow
Pollack and Scott Beigel, a geography teacher who saved students’ lives by
closing a door as he was shot. What’s the moral of the story? Nazism is
not a legitimate political philosophy, it is a conspiracy to deport Blacks
and gas Jews. It should be illegal in the USA and anyone who is attracted
to it should be watched or arrested because it involves mass murder. Jews
who think they are Nazis have got to be monitored closely or done away
with all together as they are delusionary, since want to become part of a
conspiracy to murder themselves! That is so bad but bot only are they
into killing themselves they are into killing others: the only good Nazi is a
dead Nazi Jewish or non-Jewish.



On SEPTEMBER 24, 2017, Nikolas Cruz again expressed his ambition

to become a mass murderer “I’m going to be a professional school
shooter.” The FBI could have easily tracked Nikolas Cruz down with the
information supplied to it by Ben Bennight. On September 24, 2017 at
approximately 7:14 PM, Nikolas Cruz posted the above comment on Ben’s
channel. It was a good lead because it was on the YouTube page of a
bounty hunter, a serious dude. The FBI could have used this information
consisting of a true name and IP address to find the commenter.


To untangle the web of violent threats, not all of them credible on

the Internet, FBI maintains cybercrime and counter-terrorism units.
Federal authorities routinely issue subpoenas to Internet companies so
they can link threatening comments posted online to a physical location.
This is accomplished by identifying an IP or Internet Protocol address, a
unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each
computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network.


There were no traces of the IP address in Bennight’s computer cache

because You Tube send the data there not Cruz. But it was in the weblog
of You Tube and in the weblog of the DNS server. This would reveal Cruz’s
Internet Service Provider who had Cruz’s address.

YouTube posts publicly in its privacy policy that user information, like
an account's IP address, is available for all users of its platforms. FBI could
have had Bennight get the info from his You Tube account as there would
be a record of Cruz’s IP address in the You Tube web log when he made
the comment. This would take a long time.

YouTube outlines a procedure by which law enforcement authorities

can obtain the information. FBI could have gotten his IP address from
YouTube if it was an emergency situation of life and death. FBI could have
sent an "Emergency Disclosure Request" by fax to Google, asking for the
IP address of the commenter. Google could provide the most recent one,
an IP address that had been used to access Ben's YouTube page within the
last week or at a specific time. FBI then could take the address to ISP and
issue an "Emergency Situation Disclosure Request By Law Enforcement."
The provider would have turned over the subscriber information attached
to the IP address during the time in question. It would have traced to

DNS translates more readily memorized domain names to the

numerical IP addresses needed for locating and identifying computer
services and devices with the underlying network protocols. DNS servers
will retain previously resolved DNS addresses. The DNS resolution data is
usually cached on both the client computer and the DNS server. So until
the cache expiration time expires you will continue to see the same name
resolution results. No need for the FBI to get a warrant signed by a judge
the IP address was available as it passed through the various stages of
cyberspace. The FBI claimed “No other information was included with that
comment which would indicate a time, location or the true identity of the
person who made the comment.” The post read “about an hour ago,” the
location could have been found through IP address that provides latitude
and longitude. The shooter used own name.


So this is a cover up for not following up the lead because it was

dismissed as idle talk. Interestingly enough the FBI visited Ben and asked
him if he knew Cruz personally. Why pay him a visit instead of a phone
call. The dog whistle here is “mind your own business.” Bennight: “No
actually, quite the opposite. They were very nice and very respectful. I
don’t think their race is relevant to the story.”

FBI SAC Miami Robert Lasky: “The FBI conducted database reviews,
and open source checks but was unable to further identify the person
who actually made the comment." In other words they checked the FBI
criminal database and came up with


nothing because Cruz had no criminal record. That was why he could buy
the assault weapon. There are no traces of NIKOLAS CRUZ in the public
data bases he was listed in one as one of Lynda’s relations.


Additionally there are not too many people listed who spell their
name Nikolas. It is an odd spelling for sure and narrows down the search.
FBI should have called all of them.

What about closed source checks? Cruz had a job at a Dollar Store so
he had a Social Security Number. All men with same name could pop up.
You use that to open up a lot more leads. That would supply a date of
birth and age factor. A school shooter generally meant another high
school student so if the person was over a certain age that Nikolas could
be ruled out. He came from an affluent home had credit cards and bank
accounts. He had a State ID card.

In December 2014 FBI agents arrested a military veteran after Google

warned he threatened to kill police officers via postings on YouTube
videos. Jeremiah Perez was arrested at his home in Colorado Springs,
Colo. after investigators said they tracked the comments back to his
computer. FBI agents said Perez, 33, admitted making the comments, and
said he was upset and frustrated with police officers due to unspecified
past incidents connected to his Latino heritage. The case was ultimately
dismissed however if Cruz were prosecuted he might have beat it but he
couldn’t have purchased the gun.

During the course of this case, the defendant, U.S.

Probation, and the government entered into a Diversion
Agreement. The Court approved that agreement and has
been following the Defendant's progress. It has agreed to
extensions of the agreement to allow for Defendant to
complete its terms. During the course of the litigation,
this Court also issued an order that resulted in the
Defendant being declared a prohibited person under 18
U.S.C. § 922 such that he cannot legally purchase or
possess a firearm.




It is important to know the FBI receives tips from the

public through our Public Access Line or “PAL.” The PAL is
the FBI’s central contact center for all calls, electronic tips,
and public leads made to the FBI’s 56 field offices. The
public can connect to PAL by calling an FBI Field Office, 1-
800-CALL FBI, or on the internet at The
access line is responsible for receiving and vetting
information from the public, then disseminating it to the
field as actionable tips and leads for special agents and
intelligence analysts. The PAL is part of the FBI’s Criminal
Justice Information Services (“CJIS”) Division in
Clarksburg, West Virginia, and has more than 160
members on its staff fielding public leads and tips 24
hours a day, seven days a week. During 2017, the PAL
handled approximately 765,000 calls and 735,000 e-mail

On September 25, 2017, the FBI received an e-mail tip

from a person in Mississippi who indicated that some
other person, unknown to him, posted on his YouTube
page, the following text: “I’m going to be a professional
school shooter.” The posting was from the username
“Nikolas Cruz.” In response to this tip, the PAL opened
what the FBI calls a “Guardian” lead and assigned it to the
FBI’s Jackson Field Office in Mississippi. The Guardian
system provides a method for reporting, sharing, tracking,
and mitigating a large volume of counterterrorism-based
incidents. Upon receipt of the Guardian lead, an FBI
Special Agent, along with a local task force officer, visited
the tipster and interviewed him on October 2, 2017. At
the time of this interview, the agent was provided a copy
of a “screen shot” of the subject post. The agent
subsequently conducted searches of both FBI databases
and open sources. Believing the true identity of the poster
could not be determined, the Guardian lead was closed
on October 11, 2017, with no other investigative activity.


In OCTOBER 2017 a neighbor took a video of Cruz shooting at bottles and

cans in his backyard:



After his adopted step mother Lynda died on NOVEMBER 1, 2017

Cruz was taken in by family friend Canadian Rocxanne Deschamps, age 42
from Lantana, Florida who, when she lived in Parkland, had been a next
door neighbor of Lynda.



In October 2016, Deschamps left the suburban West Palm Beach

home she shared with her ex-fiancé, which had an assessed value of
$572,329 in 2017 for her dilapidated Lantana Cascade mobile home,
which has a market value of $3,500. She blamed his verbal and physical
outbursts, according to court records. She and her ex-fiancé, Paul Gold,
fought over custody of their young boy for about one year. Child-neglect
accusations were made by both, but authorities never were able to
substantiate the claims.

The New York Post reported Cruz flew into a rage inside Rocxanne’s
trailer home in Lantana after misplacing a photo of his dead mom and
began throwing things and punching Rock. That was not what happened.
Cruz wanted Rocxanne to drive him to the house where he had stashed
his guns, since Rocxanne had told him that there were no guns allowed in
the house.

NOVEMBER 1, 2017 NOVEMBER 1, 2017

The Broward County Sheriff’s Office:

Caller KATHERINE BLAINE advised her cousin (Linda Cruz)

recently died leaving behind Nikolas (19 year old) and
Zachary Cruz. Nikolas is reported to have rifles and it is
requested that Broward County Sheriff's Office recover
these weapons. Deputy responded. Close family friend
agreed to take possession of firearms.

The Deputy should have made further contact with the Blaine and
enquired why she thought the weapons should be taken away from the
Miscreant. Then he should have removed them as a danger to public
health or on some other pretext.

We can assume the close family friend who took the arsenal was not
Rocxanne Deschamps because she wouldn’t let him bring the guns into
her home forcing Cruz to attempt to bury a rifle in her back yard.
Deschamps said “he had a BB guns but my son took it away from him. The
other guns are at his friend’s house.” The Broward County Sheriff’s Office


Post Marjorie Stoneman Douglas shooting, Blaine was re-

interviewed and denied knowledge of any actual firearms;
she indicated she was only aware of BB guns and denied
requesting guns be taken from residence.

Her story changed into one that was more favorable for the BSO.
During the re-interview the guns became BB guns and knives but we know
they were real so the blame would fall on the cops for not picking up the
weapons. We know he had his arms cache by this time from the AUGUST
2017 Instagram Post. Also they burned their informant by using her name.
I asked Katharine Blaine if she was the one who called the FBI.

Let me say this if your deductions said that I’m the one
that made this call your deductions are so off because the
FBI have put on all their stuff that that call came from
somewhere in Massachusetts. I never lived in
Massachusetts and never did. The FBI did say that the call
originated from Massachusetts. I am going to tell you
something. The person who called the Parkland on the
30th and person that called the FBI on the 5th is one in the
same person. I know who the person is and I will refer
your name to that person. The person that called on
November 30th called Broward County Police….About the
November 1, first call. I have already spoken to
detectives down there that was somebody who used my

I never met Nicholas or Zachary I never met either

one and I haven’t seen Lynda in 22 years. There were a
lot of people who knew she died November 1, and I didn’t
make that call. I never met him. I know I spoke to the
Broward Sheriff’s office. I was furious over that cause I
didn’t make that call. I will pass your name on to the
person and your number and if that person wants get in
touch with you they will.


They said Lynda had a sister she doesn’t have a sister. I

will tell you this half of what you reading on line and is
false. They claim they were adopted at 2 years but they
were both adopted at birth. Neither did Lynda know the
Birth Mother it was a private adoption. She didn’t know
either one, the father or the mother. She knew they had
the same biological mother. Their mothers were the same
biological mother. A lot of the stuff that’s on the internet
is false. There is a lot of things that supposedly happened
during his life there are things that are going on all
through his life that I wonder about. I don’t understand
that part either. There was a lot of misinformation out
there - warnings - from what I am reading that supposedly
happened during his life there were things going all
through his life and I don’t know. I don’t understand how
he had access to that AR-15. One thing I could not
understand was saying he was racist look at his brother.

So it was somebody using your name that called not you.

Obviously! I never met the boys and I haven’t seen Linda

in 22 years. Because when she passed away in November
my name got mixed in. I put down the obituary. My
number was in her phone too. Since I put down obit
“gonna miss you cousin”, I been getting reporters left and
right because of that I put down not being able to talk to
her, missed her, I am getting bombarded with all this
crap. There is a lot of misinformation out there. I am not
the one that made call to Broward County or to the FBI.

Ms. Blaine said “The hospital went through the phone then Nikolas
after the hospital went to it trying to contact people then Nicolas got it
now the police department has it.”

In the midst of all of these warnings James Snead AKA Snead the
Greed drove to Lantana to pick up Cruz and his belongings. On the way
home, Snead said, they had Cruz buy a gun safe and bring it along in a
truck rented from the Home Depot.


I assume his belongings included his guns. Did he have someone ring
them to the Lantana Deschamps Trailer from a third location or did they
ake an additional stop?



Hello so my issue is me and mother we have adopted two

children one is 19 one is 17. Their mother passed not too
long ago November 1, was when we adopted them my
mother was their friend. So the 19 year old he has tested
weapons, guns. He has many of them. I told him the rules
are there are no weapons on my property because my
mother and her ex-boyfriend have a child and they are
fighting for custody and gun would be really terrible. But
just I just now found a box for a 9 mm weapon that the 19
year old must have brought and there was a shovel next to
it and was in the backyard behind the fence digging for 15
minutes and I am positive he hid a 9 mm carbine in the
back. We are positive he hid weapons. We don’t want him
to know about it. He is not exactly BEEP but he can be. So I
don’t want him to know. He is working right now. I don’t
want him to know. I want to find the weapon without him
knowing so I can confront him about it.

I am honestly afraid for my mother and my little brother.

He is 19 years old. I told him no weapons allowed in my
house and that is law on my property. No weapons. He is
working at the Dollar Store. He should be back sometime

Nikolas Cruz could not be separated from his weapons and was
stashing one in the backyard. The minute he moved in with the
Deschamps he began terrorizing them. But they knew they were dealing
with a violent, anti-social scumbag since he didn’t come in out of the blue.
Rocxanne Deschamps, who had a record for writing a bad check or W/C as
it is called in Florida hoped to get her hands on some of Cruz’s
inheritance, which was about 800 K. But she got more than she bargained
for. This kid was totally wacked out and Rock realized that before he
confronted Cruz about it, he better have the weapon in question in his
hand. If he said ‘You have a gun here Nik better turn it over’ Nik would
have gotten the gun and capped Rock. Rock did the right thing bringing
the police into the mix. It is unclear if Rock ever recovered a weapon but
the dispute must have been settled amicably because he remained with
the Deschumps. Nikolas was not arrested. This was one of three times the
Deputies were called to Cruz’s new trailer home.


911 dispatcher: “911 emergency how can I help you?”

Rocxanne Deschamps: “Yeah there was a fight in my house a kid and my


911 dispatcher: “Ok.”

Rocxanne Deschamps: “…he left the house. But I need somebody here
because I’m afraid he comes back and he has a lot of weapons. And he
has a weapon he is going to get at Dicks that he purchased it.

911 dispatcher: “What kind of weapon ma’am?”


Rocxanne Deschamps: “Let me ask my son. What kind of weapon did he

get? That he’s going to get?” A Remington Double O

911 dispatcher: “A Remington.”

Rocxanne Deschamps: “A Remington.”

911 dispatcher: “Ok, and who did this?”

Rocxanne Deschamps: “Uh Nikolas Cruz.”

911 dispatcher: Is he a friend, brother uncle sister what?

He is someone I took in because his mother just passed away.

911 dispatcher: And how old is the subject

Rocxanne Deschamps: 19

911 dispatcher: And how old is your son?

Rocxanne Deschamps: 22

Rocxanne Deschamps: And he’s going to get his weapon at Dick’s Sporting
Goods right now and he knows he not allowed to bring any guns. And he
took off to get the guns.

911 dispatcher: And how long ago did this happen?

Rocxanne Deschamps: It’s just happened he just walked out of the house.

911 dispatcher: Like Dick’s Sporting Goods?


Rocxanne Deschamps: Yeah. He bought a gun about a week and a half ago
and he gets it today he paid for it and he’s going there now. That’s all he
wants is his gun and that’s all he cares about is his gun. He bought tons of
ammo, bullets and stuff and I took them away from him. He has no real
guns here just a bb guns He has real guns he’s going to get now. He also
dug in the backyard because he knew he was not allowed to bring it here
and we found what he did, inside of the box. He was going to bury the gun
there. But better have him on the gun now? He put the gun on the head
of his brother before. So, it's not the first time. And he did that to his
mom. His mom died November 3rd he’s not BLEEP not the first time he's
put a gun on somebody's head.

911 dispatcher: So what started the fight?

Rocxanne Deschamps: He was mad I don’t know he was in a car with us

and we just came back from doing the errands and getting the kids out of
school and taking Chris’s son to school here and we went to the funeral
home and then he started he cursed at me and was giving me shit in the
car and I told him to calm down that you know he had no reason to give
me shit all I everything I do he had he wanted me to drop him off at his
friends and I had an appointment at three O’clock. Had to come home. I
had my five year old to pick up at the day care and he wanted me to drop
him off in Parkland then he got pissed and came in the house banging all
the doors and hitting the walls hitting everything in the throwing
everything in the room then my son go in there and said stop it and he
didn’t want to stop he punched him and now my son got punched in the
face and he tried to hold him just so he doesn’t punch and put him down
but he kept punching. And my son threw him out. He took one of the
bullets out the box that he bought and those bullets are for the new gun
he just bought. He might have a bullet on him. It’s a shotgun 12 gauge
locked box double locked box. So there it is double locked box.

What started the fight was that Cruz had to go over to his friend’s
house where he had stashed his guns but Rocxanne didn’t have to time to
drive him there. It had nothing to do with his mother because the only
good thing he ever did for her was not acting out on his wish to become a
Professional School Shooter until after she croaked. Why did Cruz get
violent over something as minor as this? Was he purchasing another gun
at his friend’s house?


Rock told the responding deputy the he tried to calm down Cruz,
who had been punching holes in walls and breaking objects, but Cruz hit
him in the jaw, and the man hit Cruz back. Cruz knew that the cops were
going to be called so in order to counteract this he phoned the police. A
cunning psychopath.


911 Emergency:
Hi I was just assaulted someone attacked me and said they were going to
gut me if I came back.
911 Emergency: Okay where did this occur? How long ago
A couple of minutes ago and
Congress and Gateway
911 Emergency: Did it just occur?
Yeah okay
911 Emergency: Are you okay sir
Yeah I am fine right now.
911 Emergency: What is your name?
911 Emergency: What’s your last name?
911 Emergency: And you are not injured.
911 Emergency: And you said they hurt you?
911 Emergency: Alright and where are you now?
At a park
911 Emergency: And you ran?
911 Emergency: Do you know which park they’re at? Hammock?
I am new to this area so don’t know I just ran and I’m at a park right now
within the community.
Within the community
911 Emergency: And you sure you are okay
A little bit it happened a person name Rock
911 Emergency: What happened there tell me what happened


Well I kinda got mad and I started punching walls and stuff threw him on
the ground and he started attacking me kicked me out of the house and
he said he was gonna gut me if I came back.
911 Emergency: No one pulled a knife on him or anything like that.
911 Emergency: Did anyone pull a gun.
911 Emergency: But nobody pulled anything on you?
NO. They threatened.
911 Emergency: Okay. So you think there are guns inside the house?
911 Emergency: Alright. Could you go a couple of blocks over on south
lake cascade?
I don’t know where I am I am new to the area?
911 Emergency: Are you by the middle pond
There is like a big pond
911 Emergency: Is there like a pavilion there that you could stay on?
911 Emergency: Stay on the phone with me for one more minute.
You sure you’re okay. And you’re a white male.
911 Emergency: What color shirt you wearing
911 Emergency: A red shirt
911 Emergency: What color pants?
911 Emergency: Are they pants or shorts?
Long pants
911 Emergency: okay. You were just staying at this house and you got
mad and you were punching things and then they came after you?
The thing is I lost my mother a couple of weeks ago so like I’m dealing
with a bunch of things right now.
911 Emergency: I understand Have you been drinking or any drug use
911 Emergency: What’s your date of birth. No drugs or anything?


911 Emergency: No drugs no drinking.
911 Emergency: And you don’t have any weapons on you do you?
911 Emergency: I’ll let them know you are going wait over by the park.
Just stay where you are. You sure you are okay. We are going to send a
Deputy they should be there shortly. Do you have your phone on you if
we have to call you back?
My phone is dead I’m using someone’s phone right now.
911 Emergency: We should be sending someone over there shortly if
they’re in the neighborhood.
Wow! Cruz made it seem as if Rock and his gang had chased him for
blocks and blocks but he managed to outrun them and he was out of
breath. He made it seem as if he was overcome with grief for his mother
who he helped drive to the grave. The deputy found Cruz a short time
later at a nearby park. Cruz told the deputy he had been angry because he
misplaced a photo of his recently deceased mother, and he apologized for
losing his temper. Rock told the deputy he didn't want Cruz arrested. He
just wanted Cruz to calm down before coming home. Did he know that
Cruz had also called the police and had reversed the death threat that
Cruz had made by taking that shotgun shell with him? He dumped the
shell before making the call.


Caller advised subject Nikolas Cruz is collecting guns and

knives. Cruz wants to join the Army. Concerned he will kill
himself one day and believes he could be a school
shooter in the making. Caller advised Cruz was no longer
living at the listed Parkland address and is now living Lake
Worth, FL. Believes the weapons are kept at a friend’s
house at an unknown location. Deputy contacted caller
(located in Massachusetts) via telephone.


No report was review and initiated. Post Marjorie

Stoneman Douglas incident interview: investigation
Deputy advised he referred caller to the Palm Beach
Sheriff's Office. A deputy contacted the person who
called, but no report was filed. The caller was referred to
the sheriff’s office in Palm Beach County, where the caller
said Cruz lived.

The sheriff's office said that the deputy who took the call never filed
a report and that after the massacre, he told investigators that he
referred the caller to the sheriff's office in Palm Beach. However, the Palm
Beach County Sheriff's Office told The Washington Post that it had no
record of receiving word of that threat. Deputies Edward Eason and
Guntis Treijs are on restricted duty while detectives examine their
handling of this potential school shooter tip. After the shooting, the
tipster was re-interviewed and said BSO told him to report Cruz to the
Palm Beach Sheriff’s, as the teen was then living in the neighboring
county, so he was responsible for their not receiving the information.
Typical bureaucratic shuffle. The FBI was not notified about the call.



JANUARY 5, 2018

Intake Specialist: Thank you for calling the FBI. Can I get your name


Massachusetts Caller: My name is (redacted)

Intake Specialist: Thank you. And can I get your telephone number

Massachusetts Caller: Sure.

Intake Specialist: Thank you. And how can I help you today ma'am?

Massachusetts Caller: Okay. I was just fig-I guess I was talking to the
operator and, and she transferred me. Um, like I said to her. I don't know
how to go about this, but, uh, on the Instagram account, I have a, um, I
wouldn't say he's by blood but, I would consider him (deleted). He's only
18, but he's got the mental capacity of a 12 to a 14 year old. His mother
just passed away on the first of November. He's got Instagram accounts.
He started off saying he wanted to kill himself. So what I did was I called
the Parkland, which is where he lives. Uh, Parkland Police Department and
I spoke to an officer. Um, I didn't hear anything on, you know, my - I left it.
I gave him all the information I had. And then just recently, now he has
switched it to he wants to kill people. And then he put that on his
Instagram and about two days later, he took it off. Um, if you go onto his
INSTAGRAM pages, you'll see the guns…he's so into ISIS and I'm afraid
this is, so-something's gonna happen. Because he doesn't have the mental
capacity. He can’t, he's so outraged if someone talks to him about certain
things. And he had pulled a rifle on his mother before she had, uh,
passed away because he wanted to get money to [UI]. Um, and the
whole, and mother problem is that-and-and he's 18 and his mother's life
insurance policy is coming in and he is going to receive $25,000 from that
and then at 21 uh, 24, and up to 30, he's receiving $25,000 every year
after that from a wrongful death suit that the mother had on his father.
So, he went out and he took money out of his mother's account. I don't
know how he got the debit card, but he did. And he took money. This is
after she passed away. And he took the money out, the social security
money out. And he took it, and he bought all these rifles and ammunition
and he posted pictures of them on the Instagram. And the family that, you
know a distant cousin and myself are very concerned about this because I
just want someone to know about this so they can look into it. If they
think it's something worth going into, fine. If not, um. Just know I have a
clear conscience if he takes off and, and just starts shooting places up.


Intake Specialist: Okay. And did he say he would do that or he just

wanted to, ma'am?

Massachusetts Caller: Uh, on the Instagram, he says, "I want to kill

people." Um. Yeah, let me see. [Unintelligible] uh, yes, "I want to kill
people." And, um, I can, give you, the Instagram accounts and you can
look at them and you'll see the pictures.
Intake Specialist: Yeah. Um. Yes please, ma' am.

Massachusetts Caller: Okay. The one account where it was on there, "I
want to kill people," and then he took it down is Nikolas, n-i-k-o-l-a-s
underline cruz, c-r-u-z underline. Now there's another that you should
really look at and that's Nikolas. Oh this is all one word all, uh, under case
-lowercase. n-i-k-o-l-a-s-c-r-u-z-m-a-ka-r-o-v.
Intake Specialist: Okay.

Massachusetts Caller: Okay. And then there's an-there's another one it's
Cruz, c-r-u-z, underline, Nikolas, n-i-k-o-l-a-s. Um, and that's where all
[Unintelligible]. And, now, it's cutting up animals and things like that. Little
animals. Right now it's just frogs and I know for a fact it was a bird at one
time. Uh, just to give you a little background on him.

Intake Specialist: Okay.

Massachusetts Caller: You know how bird will fly around in the backyard
and then hit your glass door, your sliding glass doors and hit the ground?

Intake Specialist: Mhm.

Massachusetts Caller: Well that's what happened. He brought the bird

into the house. He threw it on his mother's kitchen counter and he started
cutting it up. He has all kinds of hunting knives. I don't know what knife he
used though. And he started cutting the, uh, bird up and his mother Linda
[PH], said, "What're you doing?" And he says, "I want to see what's
inside." Now ... I don't know. [chuckle] That to me would. Be a red flag.



Massachusetts Caller: And then uh, you know, wanting to kill all these
animals and uh, he wants to um, uh, do something in Arabic and uh, he-he
dresses up like a ninja or an ISIS guy. And he has pictures of all the rifles
and everything on the Instagram, on one of these accounts.

Intake Specialist: Okay. Does he say anything else about doing anything,

[Overlapping Voice] [Unintelligible]

Massachusetts Caller: Um, no. He really, he doesn't, um, but he has

expressed-in different times he expresses different things and then he
takes it off. But he left the pictures. Um, there's one of these accounts I
had, uh, texted him on his Instagram asking him how he was and you
know, if he was doing okay and telling him I needed to speak to someone
and um, could he get me the phone number, and I went back on the
account because I hadn't heard from him. And at the top of the page it
said, "Leave me the fuck alone." And now I don't believe it's there
anymore. And I know he was speaking to me.

Intake Specialist: Okay.

Massachusetts Caller: You know, it’s just, it's so much and I know he's
going to explode. A man he befriended, some young boy who's also on
Instagram, and, um, his father, this boy's father took him in. Him and his
wife took Nikolas in and said he could live there and, uh, his guns and
everything could be in the house because he has them locked up. Um, he
also said when, this is another flag I saw. He also said when Nikolas gets
his money, his $25,000. This man will invest it for him.

Intake Specialist: Okay.

Massachusetts Caller: He doesn't know Nikolas from a hole in the wall.

And I don't know who he's going to invest it with or what's going to
happen but I do know. And this is a fact, when you ask Nikolas for money;
he goes up one rule and down the other. He gets crazy, because he will
not give anybody his money. Matter of fact, he thinks anything he
[Unintelligible] the bank is all is, and, you know, to hell with everybody
else including his brother.


So, and I have the, uh, man's name who uh-I-we've, the family and I have
tried to call this gentleman and he refuses to return any phone calls but I
got his name and his address if you'd like it.
Intake Specialist: Yes please.

Massachusetts Caller: Okay. His name is. His address is

[Phonetic] . Now I have um, a phone number

And is that--

Intake Specialist: [Overlapping Voice] Um.

Intake Specialist: --the one that he's staying with, ma'am?

Massachusetts Caller: Yes. That's the man he's supposed to be staying

with. And an aunt of his has, had called him. Another woman who was
taking care of Nikolas, uh, who has already spoken to him tried to call him.
I tried to call him just to find out how Nikolas was and to make sure he
understood the problems of this, he has. And he just doesn't return any
phone calls, which, if you’re going to help somebody and you know
there's family involved at least return the phone calls and talk to them
about it. Or, you know, return the phone call and say mind your own
business. Yeah, something.

Intake Specialist: Yeah, and does he talk about ISIS or he just dressed up
like one of—

Massachusetts Caller: Yeah, well dresses that way and he's, if you go into
the Instagram account. There’s one Instagram where it just, uh, he has a
thing for Arabic words. um, let me see. I'm going to it. Um [Unintelligible].
Oh boy [Unintelligible]. Okay. Well. Okay. Okay, um, there's also a, um, it
says crazy Nikolas underline new. All under case . C-R-A-ZY-N-I-K-O-L-A-S
underline new. N-E-W. Now the Cruz underline Nikolas account.

Intake Specialist: Mhm.

Massachusetts Caller: See, if you go on that. It’ll show you all these
pictures of him dressed up in. He also wants to join the Army so [UI] . He
shows the gun that he purchased. The Maverick 88 Slug. He paid $219 for
it. Um.


And he shows you all the knives that he's got and the gun. And he does
hold up one gun. And I noticed at the end of the one gun it has an orange
tip. And that's just to let the police know it's not real. I believe. And, um,
he does use that. It's like air pistol. Um, but, you know, and then the other
one is where he's um, cutting up frogs and, uh, and he shows his guns

Intake Specialist: Uh, where is it?

Massachusetts Caller: Okay, the, uh, Nikolas Cruz M-A-K-A-R-0-V. In that

one there. He’s…tell you how confused he is he's got the Make America
Great Again hat on. And his face is all covered with a scarf. And it shows
you a dirt road. It shows you the frogs. They're a little bloody. The
American Eagle, uh, ammunition. What looks to be a something that you
shoot at, it's in a frame. His rifle, and then a whole bag with all kinds of
rifles and-and stuff on it. And scopes. I mean he- and .. [Unintelligible] the
main concern is also when he gets this $25,000. He's not going to give it to
this man to invest. He's going to buy guns.

Intake Specialist: Okay—

Massachusetts Caller: And I know the last rifle he bought, he went online
and he bought it and it was shipped to, uh in Parkland, Florida. He also
works at I believe he's back at his old job which is at the Dollar Tree. And
it’s right by Walmart in Parkland. I really don't know exactly which one it is
but I know there's two right now he, it's right by Walmart. And it's the
Dollar Tree. And, um, I don't know. It-it just. It’s alarming to see these
pictures and to know what he's capable of doing and what could happen.
He’s not in school any longer. He never graduated high school. He's
thrown out of all these schools because he would pick up a chair and just
throw it at somebody, a teacher or a student because he didn’t like the
way they were talking to him. I just think about. You know, getting into a
school and just shooting the place up. You know. Unless there's any other
information I could possibly give you I, you know, I'm. I will.

Intake Specialist: Thanks. So if anybody else has questions they can call
you back. Is that correct, ma'am?
Massachusetts Caller: Yes, you can, hun. And your name is?


Intake Specialist: I can give you my ID number ma' am.

Massachusetts Caller: Okay.

It's Seven. Okay. [Unintelligible].

Massachusetts Caller: Okay. Um. Are you an agent?

Intake Specialist: Uh, we are Intake Specialists, ma'am.

Massachusetts Caller: Okay. Very good. Um, I didn't know whether to call
you or Homeland Security or who, but, like I said. Um, when you look into
this, you can make the decision as to whether you want to go further or
not. I just want to, you know. Get it off my chest in case something does
happen and I do believe something's going to happen, but...

Intake Specialist: Yeah, I do appreciate you calling that in, ma’am.

Massachusetts Caller: Okay. Well thank you very much. And, uh, have a
good weekend.

Intake Specialist: Thank you. You as well ma’am.

Intake Specialist: (Overlapping Voice) And uh, stay warm [chuckle].

Massachusetts Caller: Okay.

Thank you for calling the FBI. Can I get your name please?

Okay. I was just fig-I guess I was talking to the operator

and, and she transferred me. Um, like I said to her. I don't
know how to go about this, but, uh, on the Instagram
account, I have a, um, I wouldn't say he's related by blood
but, I would consider him a cousin. He's only 18, but he's
got the mental capacity of a 12 to a 14 year old. His
mother just passed away on the first of November. He's
got Instagram accounts. He started off saying he wanted
to kill himself.


So what I did was I called the Parkland, which is where

he lives. Uh, Parkland Police Department and I spoke to
an officer. Um, I didn't hear anything on, you know, my -
I left it. I gave them all the information I had.

The caller is unfamiliar with the name Broward County Sherriff’s

Office and calls it The Parkland Police Department. She is the same caller
who made the November 30, 2017 call.

Massachusetts Caller continued:

And the family that, you know a distant cousin [Blaine]

and myself are very concerned about this because I just
want someone to know about this so they can look into it.
If they think it's something worth going into, fine. If not,
um. Just know I have a clear conscience if he takes off

The Intake Specialist started to split hairs: “Okay. And did he say he
would do that or he just wanted to, ma'am?” First you start out wanting
to do something then you do it.

Uh, on the Instagram, he says, "I want to kill people."

Um. Yeah, let me see. [UI] uh, yes, "I want to kill people."
And, um, I can, give you, the Instagram accounts and you
can look at them and you'll see the pictures.

He spelled it out on his INSTAGRAM page and Facebook didn’t take

the page down or report him to the authorities. They have an algorithm to
detect these posts. He wanted to kill people. What made Cruz think that
by expressing his thoughts in public he wouldn’t endanger his chances of
actually do this and realizing his ambition to be a professional school
shooter meaning a successful one? Some might say he was calling out for
help, but I think he was just fucking nuts. Massachusetts Caller continued:


I had, uh, texted him on his INSTAGRAM asking him how

he was and you know, if he was doing okay and telling
him I needed to speak to someone and um, could he get
me the phone number, and I went back on the account
because I hadn't heard from him. And at the top of the
page it said, "Leave me the fuck alone." And now I don't
believe it's there anymore. And I know he was speaking to
me. You know, it’s just, it's so much and I know he's going
to explode. A man he befriended, some young boy who's
also on Instagram, and, um, his father, this boy's father
took him in.
Massachusetts Caller continued:

He doesn't know Nikolas from a hole in the wall. And I

don't know who he's going to invest [his inheritance]
with or what's going to happen but I do know. And this is
a fact, when you ask Nikolas for money; he goes up one
rule and down the other. He gets crazy, because he will
not give anybody his money. Matter of fact, he thinks
anything he [UI] the bank is all is, and, you know, to hell
with everybody else including his brother. So, and I have
the, uh, man's name who uh-I-we've, the family and I
have tried to call this gentleman and he refuses to return
any phone calls but I got his name and his address if
you'd like it.

“We didn’t know he had such an evil past,” Mr. Snead said in a
telephone interview with the New York Times “We just didn’t know.” He
didn’t know because he didn’t want to know.

From Twitter:

Brett, did Snead tell u his dad had design's on Cruz's

inheritance & that Cruz's family had desperately tried to
warn him, but Snead refused to speak w/them? Cruz
family was so desperate that THEY called @FBI. Did he tell
u any of this? Or just "how hard" the Sneads have it now?

Massachusetts Caller:


Him and his wife took Nikolas in and said he could live
there and, uh, his guns and everything could be in the
house because he has them locked up. Um, he also said
when, this is another flag I saw. He also said when Nikolas
gets his money, his $25,000. This man will invest it for

Okay. His name is James Snead.

His address is 7200 Loxahatchee RD, Parkland, FL

[Phonetic] . Now I have um, a phone number

And is that-- 561 372-9245

[Overlapping Voice] Um.

--the one that he's staying with, ma'am?

Yes. That's the man he's supposed to be staying with. And

an aunt of his has, had called him. Another woman who
was taking care of Nikolas, uh, who has already spoken to
him tried to call him. I tried to call him just to find out
how Nikolas was and to make sure he understood the
problems of this, he has. And he just doesn't return any
phone calls, which, if you’re going to help somebody and
you know there's family involved at least return the
phone calls and talk to them about it. Or, you know,
return the phone call and say mind your own business.
Yeah, something.

And I know the last rifle he bought, he went online and

he bought it and it was shipped to, uh in Parkland,
Florida. He also works at I believe he's back at his old job
which is at the Dollar Tree. Are you an agent?

Intake Specialist: Uh, we are Intake Specialists, ma'am.


Okay. Very good. Um, I didn't know whether to call you or

Homeland Security or who, but, like I said. Um, when you
look into this, you can make the decision as to whether
you want to go further or not. I just want to, you know.
Get it off my chest in case something does happen and I
do believe something's going to happen, but...

Intake Specialist: Yeah, I do appreciate you calling that in, ma’am.

Okay. Well thank you very much. And, uh, have a good weekend.

Intake Specialist: Thank you. You as well ma’am.

Overlapping Voice: And uh, stay warm [chuckle]. Okay.


On January 5, 2018, a person close to Nikolas Cruz

contacted the FBI’s Public Access Line (PAL) tip line to
report concerns about him.


The caller provided information about Cruz’s gun

ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and
disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of
him conducting a school shooting. Under established
protocols, the information provided by the caller should
have been assessed as a potential threat to life. The
information then should have been forwarded to the FBI
Miami Field Office, where appropriate investigative steps
would have been taken. We have determined that these
protocols were not followed for the information received
by the Public Access Line on January. The information was
not provided to the Miami Field Office, and no further
investigation was conducted at that time.



A few months later, on January 5, 2018, at 2:32 pm, the

FBI received another tip by way of a call to the PAL. The
caller identified herself as a close friend of the Cruz family
and she shared several pieces of information with the
FBI’s West Virginia-based call center operator, including
information from Cruz’s social media accounts that
concerned her. The very explicit information the caller
provided included the following: statements about Cruz
harming himself and others; references to the Islamic
State of Iraq and ash-Sham (“ISIS”); that Cruz had
threatened his mother with a rifle; that he had purchased
several weapons; that he wanted to kill people; that he
was mutilating small animals; that he was going to
explode; that the caller tried to call the person with whom
Cruz was living, but she could not reach him; and that the
caller was concerned that Cruz might shoot up a school.
The caller also observed that Cruz was 18 years old but
had the mental capacity of a 12 to 14-year old.


She also indicated that she was very concerned, had

contacted the Parkland Police Department, and just
wanted someone to look into this matter. Upon finishing
the call, the FBI operator conducted a search of FBI
databases and found the closed Guardian lead out of
Mississippi. The operator then consulted with her
supervisor and the matter was closed. The information
received was not forwarded to a field office for further
review or action.

The Guardian Program, managed by FBI, Counterterrorism Division,

Guardian Management Unit, provides a methodology for reporting,
sharing, tracking, and mitigating a large volume of counterterrorism-
based incidents.

The Guardian Program encompasses two systems, the classified

Guardian Threat Tracking System (Guardian), which resides on FBINET,
and an unclassified companion, the eGuardian system, which is available
and utilized in the daily operations of state, local and federal law
enforcement partners as well as the national fusion center network. The
eGuardian system’s primary purpose is to facilitate the reporting,
tracking, and management of threats to determine whether a particular
matter should be closed or opened as a predicated investigation. Once
an incident is SHARED or REPORTED, the incident is sent to a FBI
Supervisor to determine if a Guardian assessment will commence or not.
A Guardian assessment is the process in which the FBI examines incidents
to determine whether there is a nexus to criminal activity to warrant
further investigation and/or to apply additional investigative resources as
determined by the Attorney General and FBI Policies. Per FBI policy, a
Guardian assessment must have an authorized purpose and cannot be
based solely on race, ethnicity, national origin or First Amendment
protected activities i.e. Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or
abridging the freedom of speech. Remember the nitwit Intake Specialist
asked: Okay. “And did he say he would do that or he just wanted to,


Massachusetts Caller: Uh, on the Instagram, he says, "I

want to kill people." Um. Yeah, let me see. [Unintelligible]
uh, yes, "I want to kill people." And, um, I can, give you,
the Instagram accounts and you can look at them and
you'll see the pictures.

So the twit could write that one off as free speech but the other
report where he stated empathically “I’m going to be a professional
school shooter” where he said he would do that was more difficult to
dismiss but that hair brain and her equally dumb supervisor did it anyway.
There is no time limit for a Guardian assessment; however, these
assessments are anticipated to be very short. If an assessment is not
concluded within 30 days a designated FBI Supervisor must conduct a
justification review every 30 days. A Guardian assessment will end with a
disposition of “Positive,” “Negative,” or “Inconclusive” nexus to criminal
activity. The disposition of the Guardian assessment will be immediately
passed to and update the original eGuardian incident. So even if local law
enforcement tapped into the data base it would find the case had been
closed. Who formulated these strict guidelines?

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Privacy Impact Assessment for the eGuardian System
Issued by: Jacqueline F. Brown, Acting Privacy and Civil Liberties Officer

Senior Trial Attorney, Environment and Natural Resources Division at U.S.

Department of Justice, Civil Engineering Officer at Air National Guard. Past

Trial Attorney, Civil Division at U.S. Department of Justice Education

Harvard Law School, University of Michigan College of Engineering.

Reviewed by: Luke J. McCormack, Chief Information Officer,

Department of Justice. McCormack was an Obama political appointee and
was asked to resign when Trump became president.

Approved by: Joo Y. Chung, Acting Chief Privacy and Civil Liberties Officer,
Department of Justice. Date approved: January 4, 2013, the start of
Obama’s second term.


Obama had his flunkies Holder and Lynch make it as difficult as

possible for the FBI to open terror investigations. Obama harbored
sympathy for Islam as demonstrated by his failure to destroy ISIS whereas
it only took Trump several months to do so.

As FBI officials learned of the Parkland shooting incident,

FBI personnel conducted a search of its holdings and
discovered that the two tips described above had been
received. Clearly, in response to the tips of September 25,
2017, and January 5, 2018, the FBI could have and should
have done more. Our internal investigation started almost
immediately upon learning of our receipt of these tips,
and that investigation is ongoing. We have taken certain
immediate remedial measures, including doubling the
number of Special Agent supervisors assigned to review
tips received by non-agent personnel. Other steps will
likely be taken upon completion of our ongoing review.

I don’t know why the call taker did not [follow-up]. She
conferred with her supervisor and made some sort of a
presentation about what was contained in that call. There
was discussion about the fact that the local department
had been notified.


You’re absolutely correct, senator, that the call was very

explicit; however, they made a decision to close it. No
lead value and no call was made to the local jurisdiction.
Part of that was the speed at which they were taking their
calls and then how long it would take them to do their
follow-up after they took the call. And that follow-up
could be database checks, scrubs of additional tips they
found, so we’re not so sure we didn’t potentially drive
some behavior there that’s not so good in a case like this.

If I could return to two things if I could quickly return to

call center some of those calls are nuisance calls from
repeat callers so they can quickly sift through those.
Others however are very challenging for these folks to
listen to. Sometimes someone will begin a conversation
so I went out immediately after this and sat down and I
listened to listen to those calls they are challenging. Those
folks they work hard out there and they are making
judgment decisions. In this case we’ve been one hundred
percent clear we do not believe the right decision was

Do I think we could have changed the course of the

outcome here? I don’t know. Again anytime we can get in
front of this person is a positive thing because he now
knows the FBI is sitting down with me sometimes along
with local to discuss these types of behaviors. As far as
authorities he purchased these weapons legally I don't
know the mental health laws in the state Florida but it
would have seen sure have been a nice opportunity to get
in front of him and take along a state or local officer even
if we did not have the authority to do anything for him
then we could have made sure they knew now in
hindsight we do know that they know about him as well.

This researcher knows that Obama, Holder and Lynch hired people
on the basis of race rather than qualifications. Was this intake specialist
one of them?


Narrative: PI spoke with Resource Officer Deputy

Peterson. He refused to share any information with the PI
regarding the incident that took place with Cruz. But did
confirm that Henderson did come out and assessed Cruz
and did not hospitalize Cruz.

When social services approached Deputy Scot “Broward Coward”

Peterson in its investigation of Cruz, the officer “refused to share any
information regarding [an] incident that took place.” This climate of
Politically Correct disengagement allowed Cruz to slip through the cracks
in the system.

As far as his being arrested outside of school, after Lynda Cruz told
the Deputies that she had summoned on numerous occasions that
everything had been smoothed over and there was no need for an arrest.
The Deputies left without slapping the bracelets on Cruz. The Deputies
who had the misfortune to come into contact with this dysfunctional
family, Edward Eason and Guntis Treijs, are now accused of not following
tips or not relaying info on Nikolas Cruz to Palm Beach Police. We still
don’t know if it was the Palm Beach cops ignored the lead however these
cops are being scape-goated by Scot Israel. Guntis Treijs was a Board
Member at Broward County Police Benevolent Association Inc. But the
fact of the matter is that these two police officers responded to Lynda
Cruz’s phone calls and failed to arrest Nikolas on numerous occasions at
the insistence of his mother who didn’t want the Miscreant to have a
police record. Additionally, as stated, his limped-dick Jewish male
counselor and his minority and LGBT focused female counselor from
Henderson Behavioral Health prevented him from being committed for
observation on at least three occasions and never looked at his social




Nikolas Cruz was living with before the event humored him giving him
access to an AR-15 in order to get their clammy ham hocks on his
inheritance. Their son Jameson Snead was on his Instagram feed and
never told his father that the boy he convinced him to take in was a
fucking psycho.

As a result Cruz got up on February 14, 2017 and told the Sneads that
he was skipping GED class because it was St. Valentine’s Day. Keep the
Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre in mind. The last time the Sneads saw him
was about 10:00 AM. “My wife Kimberly was home sleeping during the
incident and at that point I was panic-stricken for her safety so I called the
SWAT officer back to get the police back to my home to check on her.”


Kimberly was allegedly working a night shift as a pre-natal nurse and

was allegedly on an errand when Cruz left with all the baggage. Or did she
see him leave and thought he was going fishing with plenty of gear? Did
Cruz scratch swastikas on his magazines just before he left or prior to that

I didn't talk to him Wednesday morning I talked to my son

and he told me that uh Nick told him the night before that
it’s Valentine's Day and he doesn't go to school on
Valentine's Day. There was nothing unusual about
Wednesday mornings just the fact that he was home I just
asked him I said what are you doing home you didn't go
to school and he said the same thing about Valentine's
I said well what about work and he said they didn't need
me alright well I said what were you gonna do today? I'm
just go fishing. He was getting fishing stuff out and I had
some errands to run so I left and that's the last I saw him.


The Miscreant put on body armor and loaded his AR-15 and put it in
a duffle bag. He had one key to the gun safe and James Snead had the
other. The Sneads also let him keep high capacity magazines and
hundreds of rounds of deadly ammunition. They let him have guns sent to
their trailer home. He put his magazines in his back pack. Ironically it was
reported that he was not allowed on campus with a back pack.

2:06 Uber picks up suspect.

2:19 Uber drops off suspect at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.


That Dirty Little Coward / That Deputy from Broward / He let 17 people
die / He stood 500 feet away / on that fateful day / thinking ‘bout
retirement pay


2:21:18 Suspect enters east stairwell of Building 1200 with rifle

inside a soft black rifle case. Suspect walks through all three floors,
shooting several students and faculty inside the classrooms and hallways
of the building.

Scot Ralph Peterson chickened out and failed to rush into the school.
Peterson even gave incorrect information to other arriving deputies.
Peterson turned people away who wanted to intervene. An anonymous
student reported “When the shooting began I ran from the other side of
school to where the shooter was to find my girlfriend as she was in the
building. Before I could enter, maybe 50 feet away from the building I was
stopped by school security and Scott Peterson the SRO.”


When it came time to get in there and do something,

Peterson didn’t have the courage or something
happened, but he certainly did a poor job. There’s no
question about that. But that’s a case where somebody
was outside, they’re trained, they didn’t react properly
under pressure or they were coward. It was a real shot to
the police department. He didn’t turn out to be too good,
I’ll tell you that. Turned out to be not good, not a credit to
law enforcement, that I can tell you.

Peterson resigned and was denounced by his boss Scott Israel AKA
Scott Palestine, then came up with a cockamamie story that he thought
the shots were coming from outside the school so he took up a strategic
position. The only problem with this story is the police radio and video
surveillance footage contradicted it. The first thing that tells us Peterson
was a dirty little coward was his calm tone of voice when he said: “Lock
down the school gentlemen.” He knew he was safe. Cruz had pulled the
fire alarm so the school could not be locked down.

We are locking down the school make sure there is no

pedestrian traffic anywhere on Homberg Road. We are
looking at the 1200 building the building off of Homberg
Road. We are hearing what appears to be shots fired. I’m
over on the south side. Make sure I have a unit in front of
the school shooter make sure nobody comes inside the
school. Do not approach the 12, 1300 building stay at
least 500 feet away at this point.

A Broward County Deputy reported:

On February 14, 2018, I responded to Marjorie Stoneman

Douglas High School, 5901 Pine Island Road, Parkland,
Broward County, FL, in reference to a radio transmission
from School Resource Deputy Scot Peterson, advising
there were shots being fired at the school. Upon arrival I
heard what appeared to be five shots being fired. I
responded into the school with other deputies and
officers from the Coral Springs Police Department. There
were several casualties as a result of the shooting.


2:28:35 Suspect exits Building 12 and runs west toward the tennis
courts and then heads south.

2:29:51 Suspect crosses field and runs west with others who are
fleeing the area.

2:50 Suspect arrives at the Walmart, enters the store and buys a drink
at the interior Subway, then leaves on foot.

3:01 Suspect goes to McDonald’s, sits down for a short time and then
leaves on foot.

At a news conference with FBI officials, Scott Israel defended the

response of law enforcement: “At the end of the day, make no mistake
about this, America, the only person to blame for this incident is the killer
himself.” Arrogant bastard.

Cruz’s post mass murder behavior made it obvious Cruz was a classic
psychopath: a person with a personality disorder characterized by a drive
to commit violent acts and a failure to feel guilt for such acts because they
have no conscious. However the psychiatric establishment now uses the
less pejorative Politically Correct term “sociopath” as part of its campaign
to normalize mental illness, a factor that played a big part in Cruz slipping
through the cracks in the system.

3:41 Suspect is detained near 4700 Wyndham Lakes Drive, Coral

Springs by Coconut Creek Officer Michael Leonard. A show-up is
conducted at that location by Broward Sheriff’s Office homicide
detectives. Suspect is positively identified and taken into custody. From
his arrest report:


An assault rifle was abandoned on scene. An ATF Gun

Trace was performed and records show that the rifle had
been purchased by Nikolas Cruz on February 2017. In a
post Miranda statement, Cruz stated that he was the
gunman who entered the school campus armed with an
AR-15 and began shooting students that he saw in the
hallways and on the school grounds. Cruz stated that he
brought additional loaded magazines to the school
campus and kept them hidden in a back pack until he got
on campus to begin his assault. Cruz also admitted that
as students began to flee the campus on foot he decided
a plan to discard the AR-15 and vest with the additional
magazines so he could blend into the crowd. Once the
crime scene was secured the discarded AR-15 rifle and
vest with magazines was found in areas consistent with
Cruz's version of events. The victim's deaths were caused
by the criminal act of Nikolas Cruz and the killings done
with a premeditated design. Further, during the
commission of the murders, Nikolas Cruz did actually
possess and discharge a firearm, and as a result of the
discharge, death was inflicted on the foregoing

Along with his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, Cruz abandoned at least

six magazines that each contained 30 bullets at the scene and his body
armor. The magazines of ammunition had swastikas scrawled or etched
into them. Cruz fired more than 100 rounds, killing 17 and injuring 16. Did
Cruz etch the Nazi symbols just before he left or were they in the gun safe
all along and James Snead ignored them?



According to the Sneads in late November 2017, around

Thanksgiving, Cruz was given a room in their run down Pompano Beach
trailer home. Actually it was early December. Nikolas Cruz was enabled by
a family whose son, Jameson Snead was an INSTAGRAM follower of his.
According to Massachusetts Caller Cruz made it clear he was going to
shoot up a school on Instagram. One former classmate said that Cruz
sometimes introduced himself by saying, “Hi, I’m Nick, I’m a school
shooter.” "I had a lot of suspicions about him," student Guiliana
Matamoros said. "He's mentioned plenty of times that he wanted to
shoot people and, like, that's why he would want to go to the military."
Jameson Snead subscribed to his Instagram feed and despite all of the
violent images he failed to tell Papa James Snead of Mama Kimberly that
there was a psycho crashing with them. Jameson’s friend, a kid who said
he was Jewish who knew Cruz, claimed Jameson had a sanitized
innocuous Instagram page. James Snead was asked: “There have been so
many reports about Nicholas social media youths and about gun the
posting of guns about killing small animals did you know anything about
any of that?”

No sir we only had one Instagram account and that my

son had and I guess that would be the normal one not
these other Instagram accounts that he had. We had no
idea. My son had no idea about him as far as the animal
killings he never did anything like that at our house we
have animals and he loved our animals and animals loved

No such page existed. And the animals loved him. The animals loved
him. That makes someone you can trust. These were his INSTAGRAM
cruz_ nikolas


There would be no reason for Instagram to take the page down if

Cruz was alive, not convicted and it contained innocuous images.
Journalist and bloggers would find the innocuous one before they found
the other ones. Remember Massachusetts caller reported this to the FBI:

A man he befriended, some young boy who's also on

Instagram, and, um, his father, this boy's father took him
in. Him and his wife took Nikolas in and said he could live
there and, uh, his guns and everything could be in the
house because he has them locked up. Um, he also said
when, this is another flag I saw. He also said when Nikolas
gets his money, his $25,000. This man will invest it for

Massachusetts caller saw Jameson post on the murderous Instagram

Page. Jameson must have told his dad it was ok for Cruz to have an AR-15
because he was a nice kid who got some bad breaks or Jameson shared
Cruz’s Nazi ideas.

On the morning of the mass murder of innocents Cruz texted

Jameson and asked him what room he was in before opening fire so he
wouldn’t kill him just 17 others. There was definitely more than meets the
eye to this friendship and the Sneads are covering it up to save the
maggot. It is amazing how the media gave the Sneads a Mulligan.

As stated Cruz and Jameson Snead allegedly met in JROTC at

Stoneman Douglas. They kept in touch through Instagram, a mobile,
desktop, and Internet-based photo-sharing application and service that
allows users to share pictures and videos either publicly or privately to
pre-approved followers. As stated the slime ball Mark Zuckerberg owns
There is no disputing Jameson was a follower of Cruz’s Instagram
accounts that were filled with expressions of desire to become a mass
murderer. All the signs were there – images of killing animals. Everyone
knows that’s how psychopaths start out. Jameson Sneed never had his
father take the gun away after viewing Cruz’s Instagram page. Cruz said it
aloud on Instagram I want to kill people, I want to be a school shooter and
this moron didn’t go to his father and tell him we have a monster living
among us and he has access to a deadly assault weapon.


This maggot has 17 bodies on his conscious. His friends also claim
Cruz had an innocuous account and that was the one Jameson saw but
they never revealed the URL. Jameson’s friend opined:

And so you know, Nik had 2 Instagram accounts. And

Jameson Snead was not aware of the bad Instagram
account. As well, Jameson Snead did not provide him with
the guns. Nik unfortunately bought those guns legally.
thank you. but why post about a minor teenager who
didn't see that side of him? We are a Jewish family. Nik
was there. Nik knew she is Jewish. She said he was polite
and normal, though just a bit strange. He just hid his bad
side from "normal" friends and family. oh maybe there
were more than 2 Instagram, but my point is that Nik hid
his bad side from the Sneads. There was a "clean"
Instagram but the officials took it down. It is not that the
Sneads wouldn't name Jameson Snead. There are other
minor teenagers down in South FL who were friends with
him also.
One saw him in the school with the gun that day. One saw
him without the gun and leaving the school with the
student population. The facts are the Sneads were trying
to cope with this situation also (imagine if that happened
to you), and Jameson Snead is a minor trying to cope. The
first time (I think) Jameson Snead was ready to talk was
Dr. Phil. And Dr. Phil took the time to talk to Jameson
Snead and make him feel comfortable. Not some big
sinister cover up.

What was this all American-kid associating with an anti-social type

like Cruz? Again there was no Instagram account of this sanitized nature.
It would have been discovered by the media and written about. Even if
there was a clean account Jameson would have heard about Cruz’s
reputation from his classmates like Arianna Lopez who stated:


He talked about killing our parents, our friends boyfriend

boyfriends and girlfriends he used to sell knives out of his
lunch box which I thought was insane because this is a
school hey guys want some knives. It was the only person
even before they announced that he was the shooter we
knew it was Nik. he was the only person we could think of
that would do something like this.

Nobody bullied a guy selling lives and the other minor Miscreant,
Emma Gonzalez is making it up. Others who accessed Cruz’s Instagram
account stated “We need to start monitoring and following through with
reporting people like this. Maybe we can prevent future tragedies.”

James Snead provided a rationale for Cruz having an armory in his

home: he claimed he took the asshole hunting. CNN reported Cruz had
seven to ten long arms including the AR-15. He brought in body armor
with him, BB guns, and knives. Snead said he let Cruz bring in other rifles
and handguns into the trailer because “he was a hunter.” "I knew he had
hunting rifles... I knew he had [an] assault rifle, but I knew he used it out
hunting," James Snead said. "It’s his right to own a gun." But what about
the body armor? Was he going to use it for hunting humans? Snead was
humoring Cruz because he was after his money. James Snead even
allowed Cruz to have new guns delivered to his address.


Did Daddy Snead monitor Cruz’s social media accounts as parents are
supposed to do especially after what he learned from Jameson about
Cruz’s background even if it was a watered-down version? When he was
apprehended Cruz called James Snead “daddy.”

James Snead, 48, is a decorated army veteran and a military

intelligence analyst who served in the Middle East between 1988 and
1996 should have known better. He said he was trying to give Cruz a break
but was really after his inheritance. There was alleged a large gap in his
employment history. According to Snead the only place Cruz was reported
to behave was in his home. The New York Times reported: “The Sneads
knew Cruz had an Instagram account and that their son followed Cruz on
it but have since realized that Cruz had a much wider, more troubling
presence on social media, in which he apparently posted about guns and
about being cruel toward animals.” All the accounts were toxic. He posted
this stuff on his Instagram accounts and did not have a Facebook page or
Twitter account. He made comments on several You Tube accounts. That
was about it. There was no wider media presence. Sgt. James Snead
“Sorted and scanned intercepted messages and signals.” And he couldn’t
have checked out his boarders Instagram page? He was way over qualified
to do so. Because of this intelligence connection the usual bunch of idiots
are claiming the deep state was behind Cruz when there is no evidence to
support this.

People reacted negatively to the Sneads when they saw them on TV:
Kimberly Snead: "He just blew it." "JUST BLEW IT???" If a kid gets busted
for shoplifting & gets kicked out of school, HE "blew it." This kid
letting a troubled teen into YOUR HOUSE with an assault rifle. I'm having a
hard time believing this. No signs at all? James and Kimberly Snead Say
Nikolas Cruz Had a 'Right to Own' AR-15?





“He had a key to the gun safe it don’t open itself” Mike Ivy firearms
expert and gun collector.

From Borges lawsuit:

At all times material hereto, the SNEADS undertook to

maintain exclusive control over said guns by placing them
in their locked gun safe to which JAMES SNEAD has
asserted he possessed the only key. At all times material
hereto, contrary to said assertion by JAMES SNEAD,
NIKOLAS JACOB CRUZ had access to one or more of his
guns, while residing at the SNEADS’ residence; and
specifically, the AR-15 rifle that he subsequently used in
committing the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas
High School. JAMES SNEAD and KIMBERLY SNEAD, jointly
and severally, were negligent and breached their duty of
reasonable care for the safety and protection of the
public and ANTHONY BORGES by allowing NIKOLAS JACOB
CRUZ to have access to his guns over which the SNEADS
had asserted exclusive control as a condition of his
residing in their house. 43. As a direct and proximate
result of the above-described negligence of the SNEADS,
ANTHONY BORGES was placed in fear for his life and shot
5 times by NIKOLAS JACOB CRUZ, thereby sustaining
severe physical injuries, mental pain and suffering,
psychological injuries, scarring, disability, disfigurement,
and the loss of the capacity for the enjoyment of life.


James Snead is lying when he said he didn’t know Cruz had a key to
the gun safe. His first report said that he had one and Nikolas had one. I
heard a CNN report right after the shooting that stated a reporter talked
to a SWAT team member who questioned James Snead. Snead said it
must have been him because I had one key to the gun safe and he had the
other. Later he said Cruz must have taken one when he purchased the
safe so that would leave Snead in possession of one key wherein at least
two keys are supplied. This key, “key” question will come up in the
Snead’s civil trial. Snead was asked:

Q. You were aware he had weapons when he moved into your home?
A. Absolutely. One of the stipulations is he had to get a gun safe and we
got a gun safe on the way back from Lantana from moving his stuff to our
house. He didn't have free access to it no no I thought I had the only key
to the gun safe.
Q. And had he ever asked you beforehand to use a gun to take it out of
the safe?
A. Yes twice. Once I said yes because he wanted to clean it. Another time
he said I want to clean a gun I said okay but another time. I told him it
wasn't a good time.

If Snead is telling the truth than how did Cruz duplicate the key? He
must have snuck into Snead’s room and taken out of his pocket assuming
that it was with his other keys. He would have had to have taken it off the
key ring, gone out and have it duplicated even though he didn’t drive,
then returned it to Snead.

Cruz could have gotten the serial number off of the cabinet and called
Stack-On, they can reference the key from that number and cut you a new
one for just a couple bucks and mail it to you. The serial number must be
on the outside of the safe otherwise it would be of no value to open it,
however, I am sure Stack-On would require a bill of sale, a State ID before
mailing out the key.

No Gun Safe only comes with one key? The dirty lying Snead was
criminally negligent by allowing him to have free access to an assault
weapon. And don’t forget this. Snead’s magazines for the AR-15 had
swastikas carved on them? How could Snead have missed that if he was
the only one with access to the safe?


James Snead also claimed Cruz never showed any warning signs. Five
days before the shooting, Kimberly Snead allegedly took Cruz to the office
of a therapist she had been seeing. What was she seeing him for and for
how long? Did she start when Cruz moved in? Cruz allegedly said he was
open to therapy but didn’t like medication. He was starting to act crazy.

The Sneads refused to give their son’s first name to the media. At
first the Sneads would talk only through their attorney. They were hiding
something. Jameson knew Cruz’s intentions from Instagram but let him
store his weapons in his father’s house. Again Cruz texted him on
February 14, 2018 and asked him what classroom at Stoneman Douglas he
was in so he would be sure not to murder him. When the shooting began,
Jameson managed to flee unharmed to a nearby middle school. Jameson
had wittingly or unwittingly facilitated this event.

The FBI or the Broward County Sherriff’s Office might have seized
Jameson’s Computer and the computer the Miscreant used to post his
psychopathic images. We now know at least some of what investigators
found through info contained in these search warrants obtained by CBS 4
News. At the Sneads home, investigators searched two five foot tall Stack-
On gun lockers. Inside, they discovered: Firearms Ammunition Misc.
Documents/Papers Inside the house they found: Spent Cartridge Casings
Tactical Clothing/Equipment Live Ammunition Miscellaneous Desktop and
Laptop Computers iPad XBOX GAME CONSOLES Computer Hard Drives
USB Thumb Drives Firearms. On several occasions Cruz went nuts when
his mother his X-box.

January 15, 2013 Caller Linda Cruz called to advise her son
has anger issues and ADHD. Alleged she was thrown
against wall because she took away Nikolas' Xbox game
system. She advised that he did not threaten to harm her
or herself Deputy responded. Found Nikolas (14 yoa)
locked in room because he was mad at his mother.
Henderson Behavioral Health responded and advised a
Baker Act was not warranted at this time. Report taken.

Exposure to violent programming further desensitizes a psychopath’s

response to violence, thus making violent acts easier to carry out.


Columbine murderers Harris and Klebold enjoyed playing the video

game Doom, a game licensed by the U.S. military to train soldiers to
effectively kill. Harris’ web site had a customized version of Doom. In his
version there are two shooters, each with extra weapons and unlimited
ammunition, and the other people in the game can’t fight back. For a class
project, Harris and Klebold made a videotape that was similar to their
customized version of Doom. In the video, Harris and Klebold dress in
trench coats, carry guns, and kill school athletes.


Nik was very respectful he was a little quirky little socially

awkward he was quiet he told us he was depressed we
knew he was depressed. I knew he was kicked out of
Stoneman Douglas. I didn't know why. I asked him. He
says for fighting and that was it. I mean when he came in
to live with us I tried to get him back in Stoneman Douglas
and they just basically told me no.

Why didn’t the school inform James Snead of the incident where
Cruz was almost Baker acted? Is this a failure on the part of Stoneman
Douglas or is Snead lying?

Broward County Sherriff: Peer counselor reported to

Marjorie Stoneman Douglas School Resource Deputy that
Nikolas Cruz was alleged to have possibly ingested
gasoline week prior in an attempt to commit suicide and
is cutting himself.

When Snead asked for readmission did the administrators check their
records? Were they constrained by privacy considerations since Sneed
had no legal guardian status with Cruz. Or did they tell him that this turd
had been involved in some serious, life threatening stuff?

Nicholas Coke told The Miami Herald Cruz kicked out a glass window
at the school, then jumped through it and ran away. “He had a lot of
problems in middle school,” he said. Chad Williams said Cruz was a
troubled student who often set off the fire alarm for fun. Snead claimed
he was unaware of reports of him having been violent at times. Sneed:


So we put him in an adult education he was studying what

is he's trying to get is a high school diploma and he's
doing well he's doing really well he was proud of what he
was doing. He would tell me every day that he took you
know how many quizzes how many tests and how did
good on them.

Cruz would tell Snead, not show him the tests. No doubt about it
Cruz was misleading his benefactors. The Sneads had no taste for mass
murder and were not co-conspirators. But they are lying about him not
having exhibited any abnormal behavior prior to the murders that might
have given the Sneads a hint of what he was planning.

I talked to him about coming to the house with guns. I

made sure they were purchased legally. I asked for the
paperwork and he provided everything and it was okay
I'm not sure how many he had, what there was a few
there's a few but he had a couple of pellet guns too you
know so I don't know which was which and it really
doesn't matter what he had they were under lock and

They were under lock and keys! Again, this researcher remembers
hearing a CNN report that a SWAT squad leader had called Snead when he
was unsure if Cruz was the killer. Snead told him that he one key and Cruz
had the other. James “the greed” Snead told CBS News he thought there
was only one key to the gun safe. But James now believes there were
actually two keys – and Cruz had the other. No shit Sherlock. As we have
seen Cruz got real hinkey when he was unable to have access to his guns.

After the SWAT team called me and asked where if I knew

where my son Nicholas was and I said he's not my son but
I don't know where he's at and at that point I got in touch
with my son who was fleeing the scene at that point and
description came out and we put two and two together
me and my son and we figured out happening.


Forget the Miscreants psychopathic plan; Sneed believed “Niki” was

depressed. Why let a depressed kid have access to firearms, he might take
his own life? Snead explained:

I thought the reason for his depression stemmed from

losing his mother not from being bullied or by the things
that happened in school and I didn't know any about
those issues I just thought it was about his mother you

Snead could have asked him, “How long have you been depressed”
and found out it was long before his mother died. Bullied? Cruz was never
bullied. The other kids feared him. Who would bully the school


But the day I met him I told him I said you need to find
somebody to talk to. I need to find you a professional to
talk to speak to and get the ball rolling. Just days before
the shooting I took him to a counsel yes I did because I
have my own I had someone I go and talk to the last time
I had gone I introduced them they got his name they were
to start the insurance processes to see what would be
covered and he was going to start going ironic they
probably would have been this week right he asked me on
more than one occasion he recognized that he needed
help he knew it. We put him on a positive path, trying to
heal. And he just blew it. Just--

He said he needed psychological help and she knew the kid was nuts
from the outset and needed psychological help but she waited two
months before taking him to a shrink. The fact that she took him there
days before the event tells us that something was going on with him that
was abnormal. She also knew the kid refused to medicate himself.


Drugs no as I said before I offered him Motrin for a

headache and he says I don't like taking pills so I don't
know I mean he took eight eventually you know I told him
I'm a nurse he should you know do this it'll help your head
and you just and he was thankful later but he says I really
don't like taking medications.

Time Magazine asked: It's now come out that he had sent a couple of
texts to your son in while he was in the Uber car on the way to the high
school. Does it ever cross your mind that he what might have been
looking for your son?

Every second of the day absolutely. What do you think

those were about? I have no idea I have no idea. I don't
know if he was looking for him we're trying to protect him
or what I don't know.

Is there any part of you that thinks that your son might have been
the target of when he was going over there?

No I'd know because he had every opportunity to hurt us

if he wanted to and he didn't.

Of course exactly the opposite was true. He wanted to make sure he

didn’t air out Jameson because without him he could have never pulled
this off. James Snead: “He told my son he was going to the movies and he
said he had something to tell my son Preston (sic) “What is it what is it?”
“Nothing bad bro.” then he said he was going to the movies and then the
last text my son got was um yo and that was it and that was about 2: 18
PM. They both sound like Wiggers.


Snead: I'm not sure how many. He had five or six guns. I
knew he had five or six; I didn't know what kind they
were. It didn't matter what kind of guns they were. I have
guns. I respect guns as long as they're handled properly,
safely. And one of the stipulations before moving in was
to have a gun safe before he moved in. "I knew he had


hunting rifles. I knew he had [an] assault rifle, but I knew

he used it out hunting. It's his right to own a gun.
It's his right to have it. I don’t feel any differently about
that now. We feel heartfelt sorrow for the families
involved. As far as being responsible, feeling
responsibility, you know we worked that out and there
was nothing different we would have done.


After the Sneads testified before a Grand Jury on March 7, 2018 their
attorney stated “they are alleged to being sued by some of the people
involved. If they are sued, they're sued and that will come. We have no
knowledge of how he got into that safe or got that ammunition.” In reality
the Sneads should face changes of 784.05 Culpable negligence.— (1)
Whoever, through culpable negligence, exposes another person to
personal injury commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable
as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. But they get the White skin Florida
native (there is a Snead island) privilege. The Sneeds are not going to be
prosecuted because the DA knows the State has no chance in getting a
conviction as there is likely to be at least one NRA member on the jury. As
far as the FBI goes, the Screener should have turned the call over to a
specialist in mass murder who is able to recognize all the precursors.





A school shooting occurred at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe,

Texas, on Friday, May 18, 2018, leaving ten dead and a further ten
injuries. The scumbag who did this, Dimitrios Pagourtzis Jr. was inspired
by Nickolas Cruz. Pagourtzis hoped to achieve his status among mass
murder groupies who surround their favorite psychopaths with hearts.
Both had dead frogs on Instagram pages. Cruz drew swastikas on his
backpack and scratched them on his magazines. Both displayed photos of
their guns on their Instagram pages. Both pulled the fire alarm to get
students out of their class rooms. Both said they were going in the armed
forces. Pagourtzis was planning to enter the U.S. Marine Corps next year.
Both excluded friends from being shot. Cruz asked his sponsor, Jameson
Snead, what room he was going to be in that day so he wouldn't kill him.
Pagourtzis was a football player, so the bullshit bullying excuse is not
going to work here, there was no trouble at school he was trusted and the
two guns used in the attack were owned legally by his father. Both were
into video games. Pagourtzis, who initially planned to kill himself,
confessed to the crime:

The white male was later identified by Captain Meadows

as Dimitrios Pagourtzis Jr. Affiant learned from captain
Meadows, D was transported to the Santa Fe Police
Department where he was advised of his Miranda
warning and later waived his Miranda warning.


Affiant also learned from Captain Meadows that Dimitrios

was interviewed and he gave a statement admitting to
shooting multiple people inside the Santa Fe High School
with the intent on killing people. Affiant learned from
Captain Meadows that Dimitrios advised he dressed in a
trench coat and had a Remington 870 shotgun and a .38
caliber pistol. Affiant learned from Captain Meadows that
Dimitrios advised he did not shoot students he did like so
he could have his story told.



The Sandy Hook mass murderer, Adam Lanza is the best

anecdotal argument for a connection between Fragile X Zombies and
violence. Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December
14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza who
was a high functioning autistic, fatally shot 20 children between six and
seven years old, as well as six adult staff members. Before the age of 6,
the Adam Lanza had been diagnosed with a complication of autism known
as Sensory Integration Disorder also known as Sensory Processing
Disorder. Those with SPD may over-respond to stimuli and find clothing,
physical contact, light, sound or food unbearable. They may also under-
respond and feel little or no reaction to pain or extreme hot and cold. In
other words they lack certain basic human traits like contact with other
humans making them anti-social or psychopathic Fragile X Zombies. with a
flawed nervous system and defective brain.

But Adam Lanza was not labeled insane, crazy, a mental case, a
nut job and all the other politically incorrect words and treated
accordingly but was diagnosed with Asperser’s syndrome a cover used by
Fragile X Zombies and invented by a Nazi.



Nancy Jean Lanza knew her kid was Zombified to the point of
institutionalization yet let him have the family gun safe in his room – that
is why Nancy Jean Lanza got what was coming to her! One mitigating
factor in her favor: Nancy Lanza had a brain tumor.

What was going on in that 3100 sq foot mansion before Adam

Lanza became a mass murderer? I bet some crazy shit was going down,
enough for Adam’s mother, Nancy-Jean to inspire her to have him tossed
in the bin. I mean having someone involuntarily committed is a big family
move. Who did Nancy-Jean Lanza discuss her problems with? Her ex-
police officer brother James Champion? He says the last time he saw his
sister was at a summer 2012 wedding and he hadn’t seen his nephew in
12 years. But he did not say when the last time he talked with his sister on
the telephone was. Adam’s brother, Ryan? Would Nancy Jean have called
Adam’s brother to discuss this?

But the one he was most likely to discuss this with was Adam’s
father, Peter. If she did discuss the deteriorating situation with any of
them why didn’t any of them have to foresight to tell her to get her gun
collection out of the house? I think she did talk to them about Adam
because she discussed him with her barfly friends. Now you just can’t go
round and have family members committed for no reason. If that were
the case I wouldn’t be sitting here now. They have to either be dangerous
to society or dangerous to themselves. So her brother, son and ex-
husband bear some of the guilt for the dead teachers and children. In a
horrific case like this they should be broken in half. Nancy-Jean got what
was coming to her because she was criminally negligent. She should not
be counted as a victim but as an unwitting perpetrator. Those close to
her, and her miscreant son, bear only some of the guilt for Sandy Hook.


Adam Lanza was as we say in the elite nomenclature of

diagnostic psychiatric medicine, a Fucktard Fragile X Zombie. He had a
third form of autism that involves sensory motor problems that can cause
weakness and clumsiness or delay in developing motor skills so when he
looked around he fit the role. Adam was not labeled a nutcase and
treated accordingly but was diagnosed with “Asperger’s syndrome” the
brainchild of a Nazi. How did Adam become autistic? In order to answer
that question we have to determine the cause of Fragile X genetic
mutation. Alcoholism can cause retardation and fetal abnormalities. Can it
cause autism?



Adam’s mother Nancy Jean Lanza was a lush who hung out at a
cheap neighborhood bar. She just got off a two day drunk and fuckfest
with her new boyfriend in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire before Adam
aired out the varmint with a varmint rifle of all things. Alcoholism doesn’t
cause Fragile X syndrome but it does aggravate it. There has been
scientific research done to see if there was a link between autism and
boozing when pregnant. To determine the significance of neuropsychiatric
disorders in autism families, the Division of Medical Genetics, University
of Missouri Hospitals and Clinics, analyzed 167 pedigrees ascertained
through an autistic child; 39% had alcoholism in patterns consistent with
transmission of a genetic trait. Children from high alcoholism families
were more likely to have the onset of their autistic behavior occur with a
loss of language (52.5% vs. 35.8%, p = 0.04). This occurred primarily in
families where the mother was alcoholic (80% vs. 40%, p = 0.05),
suggesting an association between maternal alcoholism and regressive
onset autism. On April 22, 1992, after a cesarean section at Exeter
Hospital in New Hampshire, Adam Peter Lanza was born, "a healthy baby
boy," Nancy Lanza would later call her second-born, according to court
documents. Nancy-Jean filed a lawsuit against John Hancock, alleging that
the company discriminated against her after she became pregnant with


For eight years, Lanza said, she had consistently won high marks from her
bosses on job evaluations. But after she became pregnant with Adam,
Lanza said, her work was more harshly criticized. Before she took her
leave, the company told Lanza there would be restructuring in her
department and that although her position might be eliminated, she
would still have a job. But as she was about to return from maternity
leave, Lanza received a letter from John Hancock informing her she would
be laid off, court documents show. They were sick of her drinking on the

She blamed the firing on her pregnancy, charging in the lawsuit

that she began to experience "episodes of physical pain, distress,
headaches, insomnia, crying spells, nausea and increased nervousness" all
signs of alcohol withdrawal. The case eventually was settled. She later
confided in her friend Marvin LaFontaine that she also was suffering from
a potentially fatal autoimmune deficiency, an unspecified disease that
seemed to come and go. She told LaFontaine that she hadn't even
revealed her illness to family members.


Adam was afflicted with a neurological condition that kept him

from feeling physical pain. Marvin LaFontaine stated that he was told that
Adam had started burning himself with a lighter to see if he could finally
feel pain. Other classmates reported analogous behavior. Same self
destructive behavior as Cruz and Holmes. When he engaged in school
sports the other kids had to watch him closely because Adam could not
tell if he hurt himself or not? Because he felt no pain he could not
empathize with others who did so it affected his conscience and turned
him into a latent psychopath. Another sign of latent anti-social behavior
was the fact that he did not want to be touched. This indicates repulsion
for other human beings common trait among Fragile X Zombies. Adam
Lanza 20 had lived with his mother since his parents’ 2009 divorce. He
was on anti-psychotic medication. Mark and Louise Tambascio, family
friends of the shooter and his mother, were interviewed on CBS’ “60
Minutes,” during which Louise Tambascio told correspondent Scott


“I know he was on medication and everything, but she homeschooled

him at home cause he couldn’t deal with the school classes sometimes, so
she just home schooled Adam at home. And that was her life.”
And here, Tambascio tells ABC News, “I knew he was on medication, but
that’s all I know.” There was a bogus news story, reportedly stemming
from an imposter uncle, that Lanza was taking a controversial anti-
psychotic drug, Fanapt (iloperidone), but he was autistic not


Fox News reported that Adam Lanza’s mother was planning on sending
him to a private mental hospital and that might have thrown him off the
deep end. This sounds plausible.

Adam Lanza, 20, targeted Sandy Hook Elementary

School in Newtown after killing his mother early
Friday because he believed she loved the school
“more than she loved him,” said Joshua Flashman,
25, who grew up not far from where the shooting
took place. Flashman, a U.S. Marine, is the son of a
pastor at an area church where many of the
victims' families worship. From what I've been told,
Adam was aware of her petitioning the court for
conservatorship and (her) plans to have him
committed," Flashman told "Adam
was apparently very upset about this. He thought
she just wanted to send him away. From what I
understand, he was really, really angry. I think this
could have been it, what set him off.

Nancy Jean, a former stockbroker at John Hancock in Boston from

a staunch American New England family that dated back to the 1700’s
told her friend Mark Tambascio a week and a half before her death that
she planned to move to Washington state with Adam so he could attend a
four-year college for special-needs students there.


There are many colleges with learning disability programs in the

Northeast. Why sell the house and move to Washington? This might have
been a way of easing her son into the bin. Maybe she was planning to put
him in a nuthouse on the other side of the country to get Adam out of her
hair. He could have found out this “special needs college” was a
subterfuge and flipped out.


If Nancy Jean Lanza knew her son was this wacked out why would
she leave an arsenal at his disposal? There were so many weapons that
they could not all fit in the gun safe in Adam’s room and some were found
in his closet. Because as his mother she believed in him. Or was it because
she was in denial? She could have put trigger guards on the weapons or
put them in a combination gun safe to get them away from this goddamn
nut with one leg in the bin. If she was thinking of institutionalizing him in a
private facility I assume, this kid must have exhibited some bizarre
behavior before he shot his mom 4 times with a Marlin 22 a varmint rifle.
My guess is that he attacked her. By allowing someone who she believed
could not function normally in society and had to be institutionalized to
have access to these weapons, instead of moving her arsenal somewhere
else she pulled the trigger at Sandy Hook, not her son. She knew he was
nuts and that nuts were not allowed to own guns by federal law; she
knew he knew how to shoot. She taught him.


Adam Lanza attended Sandy Hook Elementary School in fifth

grade in fall 2002 his mother had worked at the Kindergarten class where
he committed mass murder. Maybe he had an imaginary beef with the
school or he felt his mother loved the normal kids more than she loved
her freak show son. Look at the photo of him making his hand in a gun
shaped symbol. I think he planned to take out his freakishness on society
in one way or another long in advance. In any event wearing dark
clothing, a mask, a bulletproof vest, and carrying four guns Adam Lanza
methodically murdered twenty children and seven adults. What filth could
spawn a Fragile X Zombie?



Adam’s mother was a survivalist, a group comprised of right-

wingers some of whom are Nazis. Survivalists believe the collapse of
society is imminent, and thus they collect weapons and conduct field
exercises in armed self-defense and reconnaissance. Some survivalists
store large quantities of grains, dried foods, canned goods, water and
vitamins in anticipation of long-projected economic or political collapse
and racial rioting. Many have moved to isolated rural areas. Not all
survivalists are part of the white supremacist movement, but many are.
Randy Weaver was a survivalist as well as a promoter of racist Christian

The Nazi newspaper The Spotlight contained ads for food that was
purported to have a long shelf life so that you could survive in a time
when others were dying. Survivalism is based partially on social
Darwinism “the survival of the fittest” in this case those who planned
ahead. According to Mail Online: “Nancy Lanza’s former sister-in-law
Marsha said she had turned her home ‘into a fortress’. She added: ‘Nancy
had a survivalist philosophy which is why she was stockpiling guns. She
had them for defense. She was stockpiling food. She grew up on a farm in
New Hampshire. She was skilled with guns. We talked about preppers and
preparing for the economy collapsing.” A lot of survivalists are way out
there and believe in baseless conspiracy theories. They believe the
Government is so evil that it is behind many mass murders in America
such as the actions of Jared Lee Loughner who shot a congresswoman and
12 others, killing six. They believe this was a government provocation to
seize guns and establish a UN World Government Dictatorship. They are
armed paranoids and this makes them dangerous. For this reason a lot of
preppers don’t like to publicize the fact that they are prepping. As the
Salina Journal discovered, a lot of preppers try very hard to keep their
prepping to themselves. “They are trying to keep their passion for
prepping hidden from neighbors and, in some cases, employers who they
said would frown on their association with such a group. Two admitted
their appearance here would probably get them fired if their companies
found out.” Prepping has become associated with “extremism” by many
in the government, and lately preppers believe that they have seen some
very disturbing signs that authorities are actively seeking to gather
information on them.



Marsha Lanza said Adam's mother had removed him from the
Newtown public school system because she was unhappy with the school
district's plans for her son. Lanza subsequently was home-schooled by his
mother and earned a GED.


Peter Lanza was willing to pay a quarter of a million dollars a year

in alimony and give Nancy Jean the house just to get him and his other
son away from this budding psychopath and alcoholic mother. Peter Lanza
is an adjunct professor at Northeastern University in Boston since 1995.
He taught classes on tax partnerships at Fairfield University. Peter Lanza is
tax director and vice president of taxes for GE Energy Financial Services
in the New York City area. He has a long resume.


This was not a liberal, Obama supporting family. This is a

privileged ruling class family, the kind I should have been born into. Nancy
was a registered Republican and you bet Peter is also. Let’s face it. This
guy’s career is over. If she was going to send the Fragile X Zombie to the
funny farm she would have discussed it with her former husband Peter
first. Then the next logical thing that would have crossed this high
powered executive and accountants mind is “Did you get the guns out of
his room Nancy?” Peter Lanza has not been helpful in explaining his son’s
behavior. He made one statement then disappeared. Months later he met
with the parents of the some of the children the fruit of his loins killed.
How did Adam get his brother Ryan’s ID.? Ryan has not answered that one


Adam Lanza was left home alone for two and a half days with his
mom’s guns before the massacre. Nancy Lanza had only just arrived back
at her home Thursday evening, following a two-night trip to Bretton
Woods, New Hampshire. What about the bullet proof vest he had on?
Where did he get it? In Connecticut it is a class B misdemeanor to sell
body armor without personally meeting the purchaser. The law defines
“body armor” as material designed to be worn on the body and to provide
bullet penetration resistance.


No one has come forward and said that they sold it to him. Did his
mother wear it when he took her deranged son to the range? I know
when I was a long arms instructor I wore body armor. A large quantity of
unused ammunition was recovered from the school Police said Lanza was
carrying an arsenal of ammunition big enough to kill just about every
student in the school if given enough time.

The Fragile X Zombie shot himself in the head just as he heard police
drawing near, authorities said. Along with three semi-automatic
firearms found with Adam Lanza: a .223-caliber Bushmaster XM-
15 rifle, a 10mm Glock 20 SF handgun and a 9 mm SIG Sauer handgun.
A shotgun was found in the car Lanza had driven to the school.[5] At home,
Lanza had access to three more firearms: a .45 Henry repeating rifle, a .30
Enfield rifle, and a .22 Marlin rifle. If Adam had access to these guns why
was it reported that he went to Dick’s Sporting Goods in Danbury,
Connecticut to purchase a long arm? The owner there said he didn’t want
to wait until the name check came back from the ATF. Did he have
something even worse planned? Nancy Lanza’s email’s were sold to the
New York Daily News by Marvin LaFontaine: According Marvin, who was
also Adam’s former Cub Scout Leader and an electrical engineer, Adam
was bullied at Sandy Hook and his mom had to act as his bodyguard on
occasion and he never fought back. It took four months to come up with
this story. But there was no indication of this in the email exchange with
Nancy. Marvin’s story mixes up his recollections with the text of the
emails. LaFontaine stated: “One (drawing) had a woman clutching a
religious item, like rosary beads, and holding a child, and she was getting
all shot up in the back with blood flying everywhere,” LaFontaine said.
“Nancy was disturbed, really disturbed, but didn’t confront him … She
wanted to think it over.” If Adam wanted revenge on those who bullied
him why kill his mom? Why not track down some of the kids that picked
on him? Why not shoot the teachers who let his alleged bullying go
down? Why murder children?




Travis Reinking, autistic basket case, arrived at the Waffle House

in Antioch, southeast of Nashville at 3:19 a.m., wearing nothing but a
green jacket. He sat in his pickup truck for 3 1/2 to 4 minutes just looking
at people inside the restaurant. Reinking got out of his pickup, wielding an
AR-15 and fatally shot two people outside the Waffle House. He then
went inside the restaurant (and) continued firing. Police responded to an
active shooter call at 3:25 a.m. Reinking ran off but was apprehended a
few days later hiding at a construction site. The people in the Waffle
House were Black and Hispanic. Travis previously had posted that “The
Illuminati Is Real.” The Illuminati dog whistle means that Jews, through a
secret society, control the world.

Judy Reinking shared a photo on what “SPD parents want you to

know,” although it was not clear which of her children she was referring
to by sharing the page until Travis acted out. It was from a “sensory
processing disorder and autism parent support” website that lists “what
SPD parents want you to know, including, “our kids are not ‘bad kids’” and
“SPD is not just parents making excuses for behavior problems in school.”
Travis told the police that he was autistic. Travis lived in an alternative
reality where he would meet Donald Trump and inspect the White House

On July 7, 2017, at approximately 1530 hours, S1, later

identified by his Colorado DL, approached AO at the North
East pedestrian entrance on the Pennsylvania Avenue
NW. Reinking stated he must get into The White House
and speak with POTUS. AO explained how you obtain a
tour and told Reinking to move from blocking the
pedestrian entrance. Reinking again stated he wanted to
speak to the President and said he was a sovereign citizen
and has a right to inspect the grounds. AO again told him
to move from blocking the pedestrian entrance. Reinking
began to take his tie off and balled it into his fist and
began approaching AO and walked past the security
barriers stating, “Do what you need to do. Arrest me if
you have too.” AO grabbed Reinking by the wrist and
bicep and escorted him outside the security barrier. AAO1
arrived on scene and began to question Reinking.
Reinking was told to leave the secured area and refused.
AAO1 placed Reinking in handcuffs. Reinking will now be
referred to as D1. AAO2 requested an NCIC / WALES and
ID check on D1 which returned clear. AO placed D1 under
arrest for Unlawful Entry. D1 was transported to
Metropolitan 2nd District for processing by TO and AO.

Illinois authorities, acting on a request from the FBI, confiscated

four of Travis’s firearms, prohibited him from possessing guns, and
revoked his mandatory Firearm Owners Identification FOID card after he
was charged with a misdemeanor in 2017 for entering a restricted area of
the White House.

On August 24, 2017, at approximately 1641 hours, Deputy

Linton and I, Sergeant Tarby, made contact with Travis
Reinking and his father, Jeffrey Reinking at J. J. Cranes,
13535 Baer Rd, Tremont. I gave Travis a copy of the
Illinois State Police FOID Revocation paper. Travis
provided me with his Illinois State FOID card. Travis
assisted us in retrieving all his weapons and ammunition.



The following weapons were logged:

One Kimber 9mm Handgun; One Bushmaster AR-15; One

CZ-USA .22 cal rifle: One Remington 710, and misc ammo.
The weapons and ammo were recorded on the ISP
Disposition Record. All weapons and ammo were released
to Jeffrey Reinking which holds a valid FOID card. Jeffrey
was advised that he needed to keep the weapons secure
and away from Travis. Jeffrey stated he would comply.
The FOID card is being sent back to Illinois State Police. No
further action is being taken. End of Report

Reporting Officer

Under Illinois’ FOID Act, a person whose FOID card has been
revoked, such as Travis, can transfer their weapons to anyone else with an
active FOID card, such as Jeffrey, during the revocation period. The person
has to submit a form to state police listing his or her guns and identifying
the active FOID holder who will hold the guns for them during the
revocation. “Jeffrey was advised that he needed to keep the weapons
secure and away from Travis," an officer noted in a Tazewell County
sheriff report from Aug. 24, 2017.


"Jeffrey stated he would comply." And County Sheriff Robert M. Huston

told reporters that Jeffrey assured his deputies that he would “he would
keep them secure and away from Travis.” But Jeffrey has acknowledged
to law enforcement that he returned the guns to his son, though it is
unclear where or when the transfer took place, according to a
spokesperson for the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department. Marcus
Watson, acting special agent in charge with the ATF in Tennessee, said
that, “If you transfer weapons knowingly to a person that is prohibited,
that could potentially be a violation of federal law." He added, "All
federal departments are looking at him for any potential violation of
federal crime laws or the homicide that was committed." Jeffery Reinking
has yet to be prosecuted. Just as James Snead who enabled Nikolas Cruz
was also never prosecuted.

Robert M. Huston Sheriff

April 23, 2018

This news release is to clarify confusion over the custody

of weapons owned by Travis Reinking. On 08/24/2017 the
Tazewell County Sheriff’s Office was requested by the
Illinois State Police to go to the residence of Travis
Reinking and confiscate his Firearm Owner’s Identification
Card and retrieve the Firearm Disposition Record
describing who the weapons were transferred to. At no
time were the weapons in the custody of the Tazewell
County Sheriff’s Office. At that time the weapons were
transferred to Jeffrey Reinking who possessed a valid
Firearm Owner’s Identification Card and by Illinois law
was able to legally possess them. The Firearm Owner’s
Identification Act (430 ILCS 65/9.59(a)(2)) requires an
individual whose FOID card is revoked to surrender his or
her FOID card and complete a record for all firearms in
their possession or control within 48 hours of receiving
notice of the revocation to their local law enforcement


They must certify that they have transferred all firearms

they own or are in their custody and control to the
custody of another person with a valid FOID card in
compliance with the act.

Travis should not have been out of the street but his mother was
convinced he was autistic and not an autistic paranoid schizophrenic.

On May 26, 2016 at approximately 22:38 hrs, I (Deputy

Mancha) responded to the CVS parking lot in Morton
where Rob from Tazewood Emergency Response Service
was evaluating a male. Rob advised me the male, Travis J.
Reinking, was delusional and believed the famous
entertainer, Taylor Swift, was harassing him via stalking
and hacking his phone. Travis believed everyone including
his own family and the police are involved. Rob said
Travis' mother, Judith M. Reinking, father, Jeffrey L.
Reinking, and grandmother, Marilyn A. Hopper, were
worried about Travis so they called Emergency Response
Service. Judith, Jeffrey and Marilyn were all present in the
parking lot. They stated Travis has been having these
delusions since August 2014.

`What took the Reinking’s so long to report this to the police as

Travis might have been a threat to Taylor Swift?

Records Management System returned with a caution file

for Travis. Travis is hostile towards police and does not
recognize police authority. Travis also possesses several
firearms. Rob continued speaking to Travis. Travis stated
he did not want to hurt Taylor Swift or anyone else, he
only wanted the harassment to stop. Rob attempted to
get Travis to go with him to be evaluated at Methodist
Hospital. Travis was uncooperative and stated he did not
want to get help this late at night. Travis stated he
believed he had autism.


Travis said he was tired and wanted to go home. Travis

entered his vehicle- and drove off. As soon as Travis drove
away, Rob and Travis' family advised Travis made
comments about killing himself earlier in the day. They
also advised he owns and had access to many firearms at
his residence. Travis returned to the parking lot. I
requested a Morton officer to respond.

Travis further explained how Taylor Swift was harassing

him. Travis stated a few weeks ago Taylor hacked his
Netflix account and told him to meet her at the Dairy
Queen in Morton. When Travis arrived, Taylor was across
the street yelling at him before she took off running.
Travis chased her in an attempt to get her to stop
harassing him. Taylor climbed up the side of a building
and Travis followed. However, when he reached the
rooftop, Taylor was gone. Travis stated he was telling the
truth and he had proof on his phone since it was hacked.
However, Travis would not show us his phone.

Morton Officer Cabell and J attempted to get Travis to go

with Rob to Methodist but he remained uncooperative.
Travis said he was tired and attempted to leave again.


Travis was advised he was not free to leave. Travis stated

we were violating his constitutional rights by not allowing
him to leave because he did not do anything illegal. We
explained to Travis he was not free to leave because he
was in protective custody due to the suicidal comments
he made earlier. We were speaking to Travis next toRob's
ERS vehicle. Travis grabbed his car keys and took several
steps toward his vehicle. Officer Cabell and stepped in
front of Travis. Travis stopped and backed up against
Rob's vehicle. Travis asked Officer Cabell for his name and
Travis used his phone to video record him with the flash
on. Officer Cabell instructed to lower his phone or turn
the flash off while recording because the flash was

Travis was still insistent he was not leaving to be

evaluated. Deputy Hibbert, Morton, Sergeant Ham,
Deputy Kodzior and Deputy Ham arrived on scene. Travis
was advised he did not have a choice and was going to go
for evaluation. Travis stated he would go to Methodist
but it was against his will. Travis got into Rob's car and he
transported Travis to Methodist as Officer Cabell
followed. Jeffrey drove Travis' vehicle to his house so it
did not sit in the CVS parking lot.

Reporting, Officer

On the June 16, 2017 I was contacted by Dispatch to

respond to the Tremont Park Dist. Pool at N James SL T
met with the pool director who told me that a man in his
20's barged into the pool wearing a pink woman’s house
coat. The subject dove into the pool and then took off his
house coat and was swimming in just his underwear. He
was told to get out of the pool by lifeguards. The male
started yelling at the lifeguards and trying to get them to
fight with him. I was told that the male had gotten out of
the pool and was yelling at the lifeguards, yelling that he
I was told that he then showed his genitals saying he was
a man.


The man later identified as Travis Reinking. R/O was

advised by Capt. Catton that I needed to meet with a
subject at Tremont pd ref. to a male that left J and J
Cranes on Baer Road in Tremont with a AR rifle and in a
pink dress. The male then went to the Tremont pool and
took off the dress, jumped in the pool, was yelling at
people and also had exposed himself.

R/0 went up to pd and spoke to and he advised me that

he works at J and J Cranes and the owners son, Travis J.
Reinking--lives inside the shop above the offices. Stated
around 11:30 this morning Travis came out in a pink dress
holding the AR rifle and yelled at him and another co-
worker-Travis was yelling ‘is this what you fucking want'
stated that Travis threw the rifle in the trunk of his car
and sped away.

Why wasn’t Travis living at home, in his parent’s basement?

R/0 then met with Capt Catton and Chief Dodwell along
with Dep. Brown and went out to the Baer road address. I
then called Travis cell number twice to come out to speak
to us in which he did. Travis was searched since he had a
weapon earlier in the day. Travis didn’t have any weapons
on him. Travis stated that he did take the gun with him
earlier but it was back in his apt. and he had a valid FOID
card. Travis has some mental problems and l asked him if
he would like to speak to ERS but he stated he didn’t want
to, Travis had already spoken to them before and been in
the hospital.

I then contacted Jeff Reinking at cell number who was out

of state and advised him of what was going on. Jeff stated
that awhile back he took 3 rifles and a hand gun away and
locked them up when Travis was having problems. Jeff
wanted to move out of state so he gave them back to him
and Travis was gone for nine months and has moved


Jeff was determined to make sure this Fragile X Zombie was

armed. Perhaps he knew that his son was going to take out Blacks and
Hispanics and wanted to see this happen based on what happened to
Chicago. Who know what evil lurks in the hearts of men.

Jeff stated he called his daughter who was going to stop

by the shop and talk to Travis. Arrived and we advised her
what had happened today and she stated she was fine by
herself and she would talk to Travis and see if she could
store the weapons for safe keeping. Chief Dodwell was
going to the pool to take a report on his part of what
happened at the pool this morning. I called back Jeff
Reinking and advised him of what happened and when he
gets back home he might want to lock the guns back up
until Travis gets mental help which he stated he would.

All officers cleared the scene since (deleted his shrink) was there to speak
with Travis.

On August 11 2017, at approximately 4:33 pm, I, Sergeant

Tarby, was sitting at the intersection of RT 9 and Baer Rd.
I observed a blue in color Mitsubishi pull up alongside of
me. I recognized the male to be Travis Reinking, M/W,
from having a prior contact with him. l immediately exited
my squad car. Travis got out of his vehicle and asked how
he could go about making a report. I asked Travis what he
wanted to make a report about Travis stated he wanted
to report that people are tapping into his computer and
phone. I asked Travis who was tapping into his computer
and phone. Travis advised he didn't know but "they"
were. I asked Travis why he believed someone was
tapping into his computer and phone. Travis stated he
knows they are because he can hear himself through their
speakers when he is in an on line chat room.


Travis said he believes approximately 20 to 30 people are

hacking into his phone and computer. Travis said he also
has been hearing unknown people outside his residence
barking like dogs. I asked Travis if he knew who they
were. Travis said he did not. Travis went on to say that he
is being watched by people as well. Travis explained he
was at the Morton Walmart a couple months ago and was
going through the checkout line. Travis said he observed a
male in a black shirt with an ear mic standing nearby
watching him. Travis said he felt that this male was
watching him and no one else. Travis said he doesn't
know who the male was. Travis explained that this all
started after he started writing Taylor Swift (famous
musician). Travis stated he also believes people are
baiting him into breaking the law. Travis said he was out
of state and observed a van with a sign posted on it. The
sign read "Don’t steal the van". Travis said he knew this
sign was specifically for him and they were just trying to
get him to steal the van. Travis said he is tired of people
messing with him. Travis appeared to be very serious and
concerned while telling me what was going on. I advised
Travis to call in if the people barking like dogs show up
again. Travis was advised a report would be on file. This is
an informational report only. No further action is being

After this incident at the pool I was contacted by an

employee of J&J Crane Co on Baer Rd. The employee told
me that he had a yelling match with Travis, as Travis lives
in an apartment at J& J Crane. The employee told me that
Travis was wearing a pink women’s house coat and had a
AR-15 rifle in his hand which he put into the trunk of his
blue Mitsubishi and left the business. This would have
been right before the pool incident. Apparently the rifle
stayed in the trunk of the vehicle during the incident at
the pool as no one reported anything about a weapon of
any sort. No one at the pool wanted to press charges for
anything that happened at the pool so a report was not
immediately written.


This is an informational report showing the state of mind

of Travis Reinking.

Reporting Officer

In 2014, Judy Reinking, the mental basket cases mother wrote on

Facebook, “Feeling blessed……To watch my parents live out their faith,
during these past few days of Dad’s open heart surgery, has been
incredible. They have been such a testimony to their family and all those
around them. As my dad would say, (in some of his first words after
surgery) ‘Thank you Jesus.’ : )”

A young woman killed in the attack at a Tennessee Waffle House

died singing gospel songs, the restaurant chain's CEO said. Speaking at the
funeral for 21-year-old DeEbony Groves, Walt Ehmer recounted what a
survivor told him happened before the attack early in the morning of April
22. Groves and her friend were singing gospel songs, the survivor told
Ehmer. 9

Through their Peoria, Illinois-based attorney Joel Brown,

Reinkings' parents said the family is "heartbroken and devastated at the
loss of life and injury in Tennessee. The Reinkings pray for all of the
victims and their families, for healing and peace. In time, and in the due
course of understanding all of the facts of this tragedy, the Reinkings
anticipate that greater clarity will be revealed about the events leading up
to this incident." Now Jeffery is going to change his story and say that he
didn’t know that his son had removed the weapons because many media
outlets are calling for his arrest.




Seung Hui Cho killed 32 schoolmates and teachers and wounded

17 more at Virginia Tech. His motivation might have been similar to the
other misogynists like Elliot Roger and his offshoots. Cho wrote:

To you sadistic snobs, I may be nothing but a piece of dog

shit. You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul, and
torched my conscious again and again. You thought it was
one pathetic, void life that you were extinguishing. Thanks
to you, I die, like Jesus Christ, to inspire generations of the
Weak and Defenseless people — my Brothers, Sisters, and
Children— that you fuck. Congratulations. You have
succeeded in extinguishing my life. Vandalizing my heart
wasn’t enough for you. Raping my soul wasn’t enough
for you. Committing emotional sodomy on me wasn’t
enough for you.


Every single second wasted on your wanton hedonism

and menacing sadism could have been used to prevent
today. Ask yourselves, What was I doing all this time? All
these months, hours, seconds. Only if you could have
been the victim of your crimes. Only if you could have
been the victim .

Warning signs about Seung Hui Cho came early in his life. Cho was
unusually quiet as a child, relatives said. He did not respond to greetings.
He did not want to be hugged. One of the hardest challenges for families
facing autism is the problem of touch. Often, autistic children resist
hugging and other types of physical contact, causing distress all around.
But when Cho fought with his older sister, he would punch the shit out of
her. This is par for the autism course. Read what one parent of a Fragile X
had to say:

We have an almost 13 year old with Autism. He has been

aggressive at school for years but now he is starting at
home. Our other boy is only 6 and our twins are a little
over a year. We fear the safety of the younger child and
babies. I can't always be watching everybody and I am
scared of what he might do. I understand that it is not
malicious intent but that doesn't matter when I am
talking about the safety of little babies that can't defend
themselves. I have read about trying to help control his
behaviors and understand the triggers. All the things I
have read have not mentioned about the younger
siblings. I am too busy taking care of the other three
children to do that stuff plus I can't change our whole
house to meet his needs. He currently is in a crisis unit.
His doctor has put him in there. He was planning on
harming himself and others in the family. I want what is
best for him but not over safety of my little babies. I
cannot allow this child back in my house. Has anyone had
this type of situation? Has anyone else had to remove a
violent autistic teen? The hospital hasn't even talked
about dismissing him but I am scared to allow him back.


Finally Kim Yang Soon, a great-aunt in Korea, said Cho's mother

told her the boy had autism. After the family immigrated to the United
States in 1992, when Cho was 8, Kim would call his mother and ask how
the boy was doing. "She only talked about her daughter," Kim said. "We
knew something was wrong." Fairfax County School officials determined
that Seung Hui Cho did not suffer from autism but suffered from an
anxiety disorder so severe that they put him in special education and
devised a plan to help. The disorder, Selective Mutism, made Cho clam up
in social settings and was deemed an emotional disability, not a mental
illness called autism which in retrospect was what it was.

Selective Mutism is a Social Anxiety Disorder most

commonly found in children and often mistaken and
misdiagnosed as Autism. On the surface some of the
characteristics may appear to mimic Autistic behaviors.
However Selective Mutism is currently described as a
Social Anxiety Disorder and is included in the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) in the
anxiety disorders section, diagnostic code 313.23.

If Selective Mutism is often mistaken for Autism, then Autism

can be mistaken for Selective Mutism.

The Fairfax school system developed a detailed special education

plan for Selective Mutism and Cho was excused from many classes.
Another part of the plan called for psychotherapy. It seemed to work but
Virginia Tech was not told about his “Selective Mutism” due to Political
Correctness so it was never diagnosed or treated. When he stopped
getting the help that Fairfax was providing, Cho became even more
isolated and was ridiculed during his four years at Virginia Tech because
when a teacher called on him he stood there like a dummy. "We don't
send anything that has to do with special education,"
A spokesman for Fairfax Country said. "If the parent, who has the
authority, wants us to disclose to colleges that the student was in a
special-ed program, we can do that and send whatever records they want.
But that doesn't happen very often."


The reason is that in the competitive admissions process, students

don't want to be at a disadvantage. As recently as 2003, parental pressure
caused the College Board to stop flagging SAT scores for students who
had been given special education accommodations while taking the test.
So the majority of students have to be exposed to potentially violent
types so that political correctness can rule.

Cho’s Fragile “X” Zombie characteristics started to surface at

Virginia Teach and a Cho screenplay was about a fight between a stepson
and his stepfather, and involved throwing of hammers and attacks with a

Another was about students fantasizing about stalking and killing

a teacher who sexually molested them. This homosexual rape or
molestation seems to be a repetitive theme in the Manifesto the Korean
Kocksucker left:

Oh the happiness I could have had mingling among you

hedonists, [gays] being counted as one of you, only if you
didn’t fuck the living shit out of me. [anally?] You could
have been great. I could have been great.


Ask yourself what you did to me to have made me clean

the slate. Only if you could be the victim of your
reprehensible and wicked crimes, you Christian Nazis, you
would have brute-restrained your animal urges to fuck
me. You could be at home right now eating your fucking
caviar and your fucking cognac, had you not ravenously
raped my soul.

The blood of the Innocents should never be shed, but the

wicked we shall spread our wings and strike. We do not
want the Weak, the Defenseless, or the Innocent, but the
sadistic, the corrupt, and the wicked who prey and rape
from the Weak, the Defenseless, and the Innocent. We
will seek and demolish them until our last breath. You
Lifetakers may have succeeded in raping our souls and
shattering our dreams — but mark our words — the
vendetta you have witnessed today will reverberate
throughout every home and every soul in America and
will inspire the Innocent kids that you have fucked to start
a war of vendetta. We will raise hell on earth that the
world has never witnessed. Millions of deaths and
millions of gallons of blood on the streets

Cho has reversed reality. “The blood of innocents should never be

shed…we do not want the Weak, the Defenseless and the Innocent.” But
he took the lives of innocent, defenseless people. He was in another
world not this one. He rails against Lifetaker but that exactly what he is.
He also seems to exhibit coprophagic symptoms: “Do they wanna fuck us
and pretend to be devout Christians? Do they wanna smear dog shit on
our face then give us a dirty towel to wipe away? Do they wanna rape us
then give us stained toilet paper to clean up? All the shit you’ve given me,
right back at you with hollow points. To you sadistic snobs, I may be
nothing but a piece of dog shit.”

Autism Speaks released this to the media:


Our hearts go out to the families and loved ones of the

victims of the Virginia Tech tragedy, and we hold them in
our thoughts and prayers. Autism is a serious
developmental, neurobiological disorder that impairs a
person's ability to communicate and interact socially. To
imply that people with autism are violent and that Cho
Seung-Hui's rampage occurred because he may have
suffered from autism is irresponsible and incites
prejudice. This is not what the Virginia Tech community,
families living with autism or the country needs at this



On December 6, 1989 Marc Lépine (October 26, 1964 – December

6, 1989), born Gamil Gharbi, brandishing a Mini-14 rifle and a hunting
knife burst into a college classroom at the École Polytechnique in
Montreal, Canada. The 60 or so engineering students there had little time
to react before the men were ordered from the room and the gunman
began shooting the women. Six female students were killed instantly,
while three more were left injured then the Miscreant killed himself.
Lépine showed undiagnosed symptoms of autism when he was a child
such as reading the dictionary every night and not interacting with others
on a personal level. But it was only when he enlisted in the Canadian
Armed Forces that his autism became known. His mother Monique Lépine
says there were no signs her son was mentally ill. That's contradicted by
recollections in her book. When he was 12, Marc dug a grave "by the light
of the moon" and put his sister's photo and name on it. A few months
later, Monique Lepine's cat vanished. "He did away with my cat in order
to hurt me," she writes. Nadia Gharbi, Marc's sister, died of a deliberate
drug overdose seven years after her brother. She had been placed in a
nursery for the first three months after her birth, cared for full-time by
strangers while her mother recovered from the complicated delivery.
When Nadia was 14 and her mother, despairing of her bad friends, drug
use and wild behavior, farmed her out into foster care for four years. This
is part of his manifesto:


I have decided to send the feminists, who have always

ruined my life, to their Maker. For seven years life has
brought me no joy and being totally blasé, I have decided
to put an end to those viragos. I tried in my youth to
enter the Forces as an officer cadet, which would have
allowed me possibly to get into the arsenal and precede
Lortie in a raid. They refused me because asocial [sic]. I
therefore had to wait until this day to execute my plans.
In between, I continued my studies in a haphazard way
for they never really interested me, knowing in advance
my fate.

Which did not prevent me from obtaining very good

marks despite my theory of not handing in work and the
lack of studying before exams. Even if the Mad Killer
epithet will be attributed to me by the media, I consider
myself a rational erudite that only the arrival of the Grim
Reaper has forced to take extreme acts. For why
persevere to exist if it is only to please the government.

The original French: “Ils m'ont refusé because associàl.” There is no such
word in French as associal” but in English “asocial” means avoiding social
interaction; inconsiderate of or hostile to others autistic.

I tried in my youth to enter the Forces as an officer cadet,

which would have allowed me possibly to get into the
arsenal and precede Lortie in a raid. They refused me
because asocial [sic].

Denis Lortie (born March 10, 1959) is a former Canadian Forces

corporal. In 1984, he stormed into the National Assembly of Quebec
building and opened fire with several firearms, killing three Quebec
government employees and wounding 13 others. He did 9 years and was
paroled after receiving psychiatric treatment. The members of the Parole
Board needed it more.



On the 21st of May 1998, Kip Kinkel, who was 15 at the time,
drove to Thurston High School in Springfield Oregon using his mother’s
Ford Explorer. He was wearing a trench coat to conceal the three guns
and two knives he was carrying. He parked two blocks from the school
and then jogged there. Kip entered the patio area, where he fired two
shots, before entering the cafeteria and firing the remaining forty eight
rounds from his rifle. When Kip started to reload, he was tackled by Jacob
Ryker, who was already wounded. Kip took the Glock from his belt and
fired one shot before he was disarmed. He shouted at the students “Just
kill me!” When in custody, Kip tried to attack a police officer with a knife,
shouting “Shoot me, kill me!” Kip wasn’t shot, but was sprayed with
pepper spray.


Two students died in the shooting, with another twenty four

wounded. The night before the shooting Kip shot both of his parents to
death at his home. Kip killed a total of four people over those two days,
and was sentenced to 111 years without the possibility of parole. Kip’s
confession tape is available to listen to on youtube.

Kip was an undiagnosed autistic and his academic struggles began

immediately, in the first grade. Knowing he was a bright child, the Kinkels
had him tested for dyslexia and then Attention Deficit Disorder. Both tests
proved negative. In third grade Kips dyslexia was discovered. His
handwriting and spelling were especially awkward. Even as late as eight
grade, he sometimes misspelled his own name “Kinkle.” Dyslexia and
Autism are both linked to the way the brain processes information. For
this reason it is not unusual for people on the spectrum to also have a
diagnosis of dyslexia and vice versa. For people on the autism spectrum,
the additional frustration of not being able to read or write can lead to
feelings of even greater isolation and frustration. They may become
violent. Kinkel was into guns, like Cruz and possessed a sawed off shotgun
and a Ruger 22, played violent video games, collected knives and was into
making bombs just as the Greek Freak and James Eagan were. Police
found homemade bombs, a hand grenade an explosive charge hidden in
his home. He talked about blowing up a cow and abused small animal like
Cruz and the Greek Freak did. All the signs were there.

The January 4, 1997 Rock Throwing Incident: Kip and his friend were
arrested for throwing rocks off a highway overpass. One of the rocks
struck a car below. The arresting officer said that she caught Kip's friend
at the overpass and found Kip back at the motel where they were staying.
She said Kip started crying, and immediately asked the officer if anyone
was hurt. Kip claimed his friend had actually thrown the rock that hit the
car. Kip and his friend were charged for the offense and referred to the
Department of Youth Services in Eugene, Oregon. At 11:40 p.m. the Bend
police called the Kinkels, who asked that Kip be held there until they could
come and get him. They drove two hours that same night to pick Kip up in
Bend. This triggered Faith, who brought the Miscreant into the world, to
send him to psychologist Dr. Jeffrey Hicks. Hicks found no evidence of a
thought disorder or psychosis.


He diagnosed Kip with Major Depressive Disorder and concluded that "Kip
had difficulty with learning in school, had difficulty managing anger, some
angry acting out and depression." Cruz was diagnosed as a depressive.

June 27, 1997 Kip went with Papa Bill to buy a 9mm Glock. The
understanding between them was that Kip would do the research on
which model gun he wanted and would pay for it with his own money. He
was not to use the gun without his father present, and the gun would not
become Kip's until he turned 21 years old. The Sneads allowed Cruz to
have a run delivered to their trailer. Snead claimed Cruz couldn’t get to
the gun without his permission but this proved a lie.

Dr. Hicks made no mention of the gun purchase in his

psychological notes, although in court testimony Hicks stated that Kip told
him that Bill had purchased a handgun for him, after some persistence on
his part, and that it was kept out of his reach and to be used only under
supervision. He was treating Kinkel for Depression, the same misdiagnosis
that Henderson Mental Health made for Cruz but he didn’t blink an eye
when he was told about the gun. When asked in court if he had concerns
about buying a gun for Kip when he had just started on Prozac and had an
excessive interest in guns and firearms, Hicks responded, "No one
consulted me about that decision, and yes, I have concerns about that."
On July 30, 1997 Hicks, Faith and Kip all agreed that Kip was doing well
enough that he could discontinue treatment. In the Summer of 1997 Kip
bought a .22 pistol from a friend. He supposedly kept it hidden from his

Just as Nikolas Cruz was evaluated by Florida Department of

Children and Families in February 26, 1997 Kinkel was the subject of an
assessment by the Department of Youth Services. Kip was taken to
Skipworth Juvenile Facility to meet with psychologist Dr. John Crumbley.
The stupid piece of shit Dr. Crumbley felt the crime was more of a
"boyish" crime and also felt they did not have a real case against Kip, as
he hadn't actually thrown the rock or so he claimed. It was decided that
Kip would complete 32 hours of community service, write a letter of
apology and pay for damages to the car. Dr. Crumbley didn’t realize Kip
and his buddy could have killed someone.


Bubbling Crumbly was a soft hearted liberal and was more

interested in helping the perpetrator than the victim. After he was done
with his slap on the wrist Hicks noted that Kip still had an ongoing interest
in explosives, and that he remained depressed, though less angry.

In April 1997 Kip was suspended for two days for kicking another
student in the head after the student shoved him. Kip was angry that the
other boy did not get punished. Soon after, Kip got a three day suspension
for throwing a pencil at another boy. Cruz was also suspended for fighting
and also used a pencil as a weapon. Faith felt the school handled the
incidents unfairly and that the school was not acknowledging how much
progress Kip had made. Faith was another overly protective parent like
Lynda Cruz. Kip was put on Prozac.

1997 – 1998 Kip entered Thurston High School. Fall '97 Kip went
off his meds after three months. On September 30, 1997 Papa Bill buys
.22 Ruger semiautomatic rifle for his son. After this Kip gave a talk on
"how to make a bomb" in speech class. He showed detailed drawings of
explosives attached to a clock. The bomb making speech was an implicit
threat but the kids in the class let it slide.

On May 19, 1998 Korey Ewert stole a .32 caliber pistol from Scott
Keeney, the father of one of their friends. He arranged, over the phone, to
sell it to Kip the next day. Kip knew that the gun had been stolen from
Keeney. On May 20, 1998 Kip went to school with $110 in cash and
bought from Korey a .32 caliber Beretta semiautomatic pistol, loaded with
a 9 round clip. He put it in paper sack in his locker. Scott Keeney called the
school to report that the gun was missing and that he thought a friend of
his son might have stolen it.


He gave the school a list of about a dozen kids he thought might

be involved.Kip's name was not on the list. Detective Al Warthen
happened to be at the school and eventually, after talking to a few kids,
went to talk to Kip. At about 9:15 a.m., Kip was pulled out of study hall.
Detective Warthen told him he is there to investigate the disappearance
of a parent's handgun. Kip admitted to having the gun in his locker. Both
Kip and Korey were immediately arrested. This time he couldn’t blame it
on an accomplice. They were promptly escorted off the school premises in
police handcuffs and were suspended from school, pending expulsion.
Approx 11:30 a.m. Kip was brought to police station. He was
fingerprinted, photographed, and charged with possession of a firearm in
a public building and the felony charge of receiving a stolen weapon.
Detective Al Warthen interviewed him. Kip was released in his father’s
custody because he was a juvenile with no serious priors; that is if you
don’t count shoplifting from a local target store when he was in eighth
grade and the Rock Throwing Incident. Bill picked up Kip from the police
station and brought him home. Kip's father was sitting at the kitchen
counter drinking coffee. According to Kip's confession, he grabbed the .22
rifle from his room, got ammunition from his parent’s room, went
downstairs and fired one shot to the back of his father's head. Adam Kip
then dragged his father's body into the bathroom and covered it with a
sheet. Bill’s love of guns came back to bite him in the ass. Well at least he
had a decent burial.

Approx 6:30 p.m Kip met his mom in the garage. Kip helps her
bring groceries into the kitchen like a devoted polite son. He told her he
loved her, and then shot her twice in the back of the head, three times in
the face and one time through the heart. He dragged her body across the
garage floor and covered her with a sheet. He noticed she’s still alive, and
said “please close your eyes, mom” and shoots her again. If that’s not a
loving son, you tell me what is. Kip then booby-trapped the house,
assembled explosives in nooks and crannies, and placed one IED beneath
his mother’s body.

May 21, 1998 -On the Day of School Shooting at Thurston High Kip
leaves house 7:30 a.m. dressed in long trench coat. He filled his backpack
with ammunition and carried 3 guns:


a .22 caliber semiautomatic Ruger rifle, his father's 9mm Glock pistol and
a .22 caliber Ruger semiautomatic pistol. He taped a hunting knife to his
leg and drove his mother's Ford Explorer to school. He parked one block
from the high school and walked down a dirt path, taking a shortcut past
the tennis courts and into the back parking lot. 7:55 a.m. School security
camera recorded his entrance. He walked down the hallway towards the
cafeteria. On the way he shot Ben Walker and Ryan Atteberry, and then
fired off what remained of the 50 round clip from a .22 caliber
semiautomatic and one round from a 9mm Glock handgun into the
cafeteria. By the time Kip was wrestled to ground by five classmates, two
students were dead and 25 others were injured.

Springfield Police arrive at the school. Officer Dan Bishop was the
first officer on the scene at Thurston. A bunch of kids were on top of Kip
on the floor pinning him down. Detective Al Warthen arrived on the
scene. He was directed by Jones to take custody of Kip and "get him out of
there." Warthen recognized Kip as the kid he had arrested the day before
and took custody of him. 9:51 a.m. Warthen begins a tape recorded
interview with Kinkel. It was the bloody finale to a life-long struggle to
reform a autistic boy who lacked empathy for others who was also
dyslexic and had ADD, tortured small animals, threw rocks at cars from a
highway overpass, challenged his teachers and frightened friends with
violent fantasies of bomb making. But despite this there was no economic
or racial determinism here and he made his choice to do evil. He has built
himself up in jail and his only chance at freedom is escape. He isn’t rotting
but he will die there.



The New York Times: In recent years, reports that some perpetrators of
mass shootings had autism have left an impression that it is associated
with premeditated violence. But experts have said there is no
evidence that people with autism are more likely than other groups to
commit violent crimes, and that in the case of mass shooters, autism may
simply be existing side by side with other factors that can prompt
violence, like psychopathy or a history of trauma.

Trystan Andrew Terrell is the former University of North Carolina at

Charlotte student who allegedly shot two people dead and wounded four
others on campus on Tuesday. Terrell is a 22-year-old resident of
Charlotte who moved to the area from his native Texas. He nrolled at UNC
Charlotte in the fall of 2018, but he did not sign up for classes for this
current spring semester. Terrell does not appear to have a criminal


In December 2011, Terrell's mother, Robyn, died of breast cancer

at the age of 47. She passed away in an Arlington, Texas hospital.
According to the North Carolina State Board of Elections, Terrell is a
registered member of the Libertarian Party. He is described as a white
male whose ethnicity is 'non-Hispanic or Latino'. In December 2011,
Terrell's mother, Robyn, died of breast cancer at the age of 47. She
passed away in an Arlington, Texas hospital. Trystan is one of two children
that Robyn shared with her husband of 21 years, Craig Terrell. His sister,
Chloe Terrell, studied psychology at Texas Woman's University. She
graduated from the school in 2016.

In May 2016, Craig Terrell revealed on his daughter's blog that

Trystan was diagnosed with autism In May 2016, Craig Terrell revealed on
his daughter's blog that Trystan was diagnosed with autism. He wrote:
'When my son was three, I watched as a nurse in a neurologist’s office
had my son walk down the hallway. 'And just because he walked on his
tiptoes, she said, “Has anyone ever mentioned the word autism to
you?” 'And with one sentence, our lives got more complicated.'


See ABC-NEWS article.
The New York Times reported “He seemed to have grown only more withdrawn


after he left home for college. After Mr. Rodger returned to his apartment one
night after being beaten up at a party — he had, by his account, tried to shove a
girl off a ledge — Chris Pollard, a neighbor, sought to calm him.”
Daily Breeze 2009
Another similar group calls itself “Council for Exceptional Children”
7 Papa Bush
thought this one up


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