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Othello Cast

Othello - He is the protagonist, and hero in the beginning of the play. He is a general in
the Venetian army, he is very well known and just about everyone respects him. He
marries Desdemona in secret. He becomes convinced by Iago that his wife is cheating
on him. At the end of the play, he is irrational, jealous and violent. He ends up killing his
wife and then himself soon after. He had the potential to be a hero, but was filled with

Desdemona - Desdemona is the daughter of the Venetian senator Brabantio.

Desdemona is determined and madly in love with Othello. Before she married Othello,
she refused to marry a wealthy man like her father expected her to. She is loyal to her
husband but falls victim to Iago’s tricks and ends up being killed by her husband.

Iago - Othello’s ensign and villain of the play. A 28 year old military veteran who is mad
he isn’t Othello’s lieutenant. He’s married to EMilia and believes Othello has been
sleeping with her. He tries to frame Cassio and Desdemona as lovers but Emilia is
aware of his plans when she gives him the handkerchief and wounds Cassio. He later
kills his wife for revealing the true story.

Cassio - Cassio is Othello’s lieutenant, he is highly intelligent yet far inexperienced in

battle. Iago takes advantage of age, charisma, and friendship with Desdemona to play
on Othello’s insecurities about Desdemona’s infidelity. He is truly devoted to Othello,
and falls extremely ashamed after being involved in a drunk fight on Cyrus and losing
his place as lieutenant. This gave Iago a platform to anger Cassio.

Roderigo - A wealthy and moronic Venetian gentleman. Hopelessly in love with

Desdemona and thinks she’ll fall in love with him if he buys her gifts. He pays Iago to
buy gifts and give them to her but ends up killed by him after being stabbed in the back.
Throughout the entire play, he falls victim to all of Iago’s manipulation.

Brabantio - A Venetian senator, father of Desdemona. He liked Othello until he “stole”

his daughter. He thinks Othello used “magic” on his daughter to get her to fall in love
with him. He later dies because he was so shocked of Desdemona’s marriage.

Emilia- Emilia is Iago’s wife, and Desdemona’s attendant. They are good friends and
bond over their relationship and its complications. Emilia takes the handkerchief from
Desdemona. She is killed by Iago after exposing him for his lies. Walks in while Othello
kills Desdemona. She essentially falls as one of the heroes for exposing Iago.

Bianca - A woman in Cyprus who is in love with Cassio. Cassio teases her with
promises of marriage but laughs at her behind her back. Slightly minor character with a
handful of lines.

Gratiano - Brabantio's kinsman who accompanies Lodovico to Cyprus. Amidst the

chaos of the final scene, Graziano mentions that Desdemona's father has died.
Lodovico - One of Brabantio's kinsmen, he acts as a messenger from Venice to Cyprus.
He arrives in Cyprus in Act IV with letters announcing that Othello has been replaced by
Cassio as governor.

Montano-an official in Cyprus; governor of Cyprus before Othello shows up and takes

Duke of Venice-The official authority in Venice, the duke has great respect for Othello
as a public & military servant. His primary role within the play is to reconcile Othello &
Brabantio, and then to send Othello to Cyprus.

Clown-a comic servant to Othello and Desdemona. Very minimal lines, acts as a
comedic relief in the play.

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