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Refined from Understanding by Design

Assessment Plan Blueprint

What understandings or goals will be assessed through this lesson?

HS-LS1-1. Construct an explanation based on evidence Student will be able to:

for how the structure of DNA determines the • demonstrate knowledge of DNA, the DNA structure,
structure of proteins which carry out the essential and the individuals involved in the discoveries of DNA
functions of life through systems of specialized cells. through various means
Common Core State Standards Connections: • construct DNA molecules using the 4 nitrogenous
ELA/Literacy – bases (ATCG), sugar, and phosphate groups
RST.11-12.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support • plan and design a model of DNA.
analysis of science and technical texts, attending to Student will be able to:
important distinctions the author makes and to any • write about the structure and function of DNA
gaps or inconsistencies in the account. (model)
• discuss important events that involve the
WHST.9–12.2.a–e Write informative/explanatory
discoveries of DNA
texts, including the narration of historical events,
• read and write about historical individuals’
scientific procedures/experiments, or technical
involvement and discoveries in DNA and why their
processes. contributions were significant (negotiation of
WHST.9–12.9 Draw evidence from informational texts expository text)
to support analysis, reflection, and research.

What criteria are implied in the standards and understandings regardless of the task specifics?
What qualities must student work demonstrate to signify the standards were met?

A general understanding of the structure, function, Includes 3 or more pieces of evidence (facts,
and the discoveries made in science in regard to statistics, examples, real life experiences) that
DNA. support the position statement. The writer
anticipates the reader's concerns, biases or
arguments and has provided at least 1 counter-
argument. All the evidence and examples are
specific, relevant and explanations are given that
show how each piece of evidence supports the
author's position.

Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate understanding?

Task Overview: Students will write a paper of three pages minimum, using as many of the notes, readings
and videos we have examined in the class this week that you feel are important. Students will be reflecting
your opinion, ‘I’ writing, and using persuasive writing to complete this assignment.
The questions you are to answer are the following: “Using the information you have learned regarding the
structure and components that make-up DNA and the history lesson about all the individuals who were
involved of the discovery of DNA (including: structure, chemicals, and research), who do you believe should
have received the Nobel Prize for the discoveries of DNA? Explain your reasoning AND explain the
importance of EACH individual’s contributions. Remember the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine of
1962 can only go to three (3) people. You may choose people who were already deceased at this point.
Students must also use three reliable resources, which they have annotated (bring these papers/books into
Refined from Understanding by Design

What student products and performances will provide evidence of desired understandings?
Persuasive essay- If students can annotate three
Rank each individual based on importance- By papers and construct an argument based on it.
Students will be review notes and determining Students will then write a three-page paper on
who they think was the most to least individual who they believe the Nobel Prize for the DNA
involved in the DNA discoveries. Ranking each discoveries should go to.
individual based on importance. The person on
top or ranked #1 will be most important. The
person on bottom or ranked #9 will be of the
least important.

what criteria will student products and performances be evaluated?

Position statement, support of position, Sources- credible, annotated, and is cited
evidence and examples, grammar and spelling, correctly
sentence structure, and closing paragraph.

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