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Q.1. Define technical English in brief?

Q.2. Differentiate between skimming and scanning reading with example?

Q.3. Explain the various modes of speech delivery?

Q.4. How inductive order is different from deductive order. Explain with example?

Q.5. Describe the salient features of Technical communication?


Q.1. Write 20 synonyms?

Q.2. Give any 3 rules of word formation with example?

Q.3. Explain the requisites of sentence construction?

Q.4 Write 10 prefixes and 10 suffixes?

Q.5. Give any 10 words originated from foreign language.


Q.1 What are the principles of business writing?

Q.2. How to write agenda for a meeting?

Q.3. What do you mean by the techniques of writing?

Q.4.Give the difference between official and demi-official letters?

Q.5. Write a letter of sales and purchase by inventing details?


Q.1. How can you write an effective introduction?

Q.2. Define in brief the types of sentences?

Q.3. Describe the length of a paragraph?

Q. 4. What is clichés? Give an example of it?

Q.5. Give five examples of verb agreement?


Q.1. Define kinesics and its elements?

Q.2. What do you mean by paralinguistic features of voice?

Q.3. How should an employee do communication at work place?

Q.4. Explain locale in short?

Q.5. What is the role of audience in public speaqking?

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