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Zachary Williams Commented [TC1]: You can make your name a few font

sizes bigger to make it stand out and help with white space.
1212 N. Quaker Ave. 1926D

100 Thieves Gaming

Account Manager Commented [TC2]: This isn’t necessary.

Education Commented [TC3]: Make your headings 14 pt. to stand out

and help with white space.
Texas Tech University
Put your dates on the right.
 Expected graduation in December 2019
 Bachelor’s Degree in Media Strategies with a minor in Public Relations and Minor in

Texas Tech University ID: 2015-current Commented [TC4]: Put the date on the right.

 Student Assistant helping manage student accounts. Commented [TC5]: Add more to this. Did you interact with
other students? Did you have to use a particular software?

 Texas Tech Saddle Tramps
o President, 2017-18
 Worked with university administration and the Lubbock community
o Treasurer, 2015-17
 Managed the organization’s funds and bank accounts.
 Texas Tech Costumed Mascot Raider Red: 2015-2017 Commented [TC6]: Add a line of space above this.
o Served as the public relations mascot for Texas Tech University representing
Texas Tech across the United States
Commented [TC7]: No Skills section? Can you work any
Adobe software? Mac and Windows OS? Mention
something related to gaming or management. The addition of
a Skills section will also help with white space.

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