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Overcoming Depression & Low Mood: A Five Areas Approach

Williams, C (2001/6) Hodder Arnold ISBN 978-0-340-90586-9
© Dr. C Williams (2001/6)
Step 1. Identify and clearly define the problem as Step 5. Plan the steps needed to carry out the
precisely as possible. Funnel down to a solution. What will you do and when will
clear first target. you do it? Is it practical and achievable?
Step 2. Think up as many solutions as possible to Any practical blocks? Will you learn things
achieve your initial goal. Include ridiculous even if it doesn’t work out perfectly?
ideas as well. Step 6. Carry out the plan. Rate (0–100%) your
Step 3. Look at the advantages and thoughts/worries and anxiety. Remember
disadvantages of each possible solution. to act against your fears.
Step 4. Choose one of the solutions. The solution Step 7. Review the outcome. What have you
should be useful, clear and realistic. learned from the situation? How can you
put what you have learned into practice?

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