Podcast - Zadania

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Karolina Maliszewska

UKKNJA, Group 2B
Małgorzata Al-Khatib
28 February 2019

Tasks to the podcast titled “Rozgwiazdy”

Exercise 1. - Translate the words below from polish to english:

burza - plaża - błoto -

wiatr - fale - dno -
brzeg - morze - wybrzeże -

Exercise 2. - Match the pictures with the definitions:



Exercise 3. - Read the sentences below and decide which are true (T) and which are
false (F). Circle the correct answer.

1. The boy found a lizard. T/F

2. The weather was nice all the time. T/F
3. The story takes place by the sea. T/F
4. The boy didn’t want to touch the starfish. T/F
5. The man helped the boy with saving the starfish. T/F
6. The starfish weren’t saved. T/F

Exercise 4. - What is the moral of the story? Write a short answer.




Exercise 5. - Fill the gaps in the sentences using words from the box.

doing see mud change hand

1. The beach was covered with __________.

2. Camera crews came in order to __________ the phenomenon.
3. What are you __________, boy?
4. The boy let go of his father’s __________.
5. You can’t __________ that fact!

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