Instructional Approach

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Information Processing- designs lessons around principles

of meaningful learning and to teach students how to learn

more effectively. Self- Actualization- help students develop
their potential by satisfying their needs
Students will be unable to formulate a rational approach to
learning and studying because they will be forced to guess It cannot occur until the more basic physiological, safety,
about these features. belonging, and esteem needs have been satisfactorily met,
and teachers can play a critical role in helping students meet
these needs.
This theory holds that material not attended to is not
processed, and material that is not processed is not stored Learning occurs best when the students is convinced that
in memory. Information Processing Humanism the teacher accepts the students for what he or she is and is
there to help the student succeed.
Research studies have repeatedly found that students learn
and recall more information when it is presented in an The type of student this would not benefit would be is a
organized format and meaningful context. student that does not really care for other peoples
perspective of their self.
A method for organizing and spatially representing the
relationships among a set of ideas is concept mapping. What I would use in my teaching is giving the student's
constructive feedback instead of harsh. It avoids humiliation,
When students struggle to master the information they are embarrassment, and fear.
expected to learn, the problem sometimes arises simply from
an excess of information being presented to them at once-
What I would not use in my teaching is giving my student's
that is, from too great external demand.
the idea that other children's self esteem does not matter.

Instructional Approach
Cooperative Learning- an effective way to expose students
to peers who may have different views about the "right" way
Direct Instruction - is if a students has not learned, the to do something or the "truth" of some matter and help them
teacher has not effectively taught. forge a broader understanding that is acceptable to all
members of the group.
This approach calls for the teacher to keep students
consistently engaged in learning basic skills and knowledge Problems can be challenging either because the correct
through the design of effective lessons, corrective feedback, answer is not immediately apparent or because there is no
and opportunities for practice. correct answer

Focusing almost all classroom activity on learning basic Students should, under the right circumstances, be able to
academic knowledge and skills. work more independently of the teacher than they typically

Having the teacher make all instructional decisions, such as Behavorism Teachers have to teach students how to work productively in
how much material will be covered at one time, whether Constructivism collaborative activities even though some students may be
students work individually or in groups, and whether uninterested in or even opposed to working with others.
students work on mathematics during the morning and social
studies during the afternoon. Teachers must guide students to choose meaningful projects
or issues to investigate that are sufficiently complex,
intellectually challenging, and related to the theme of the
Keeping students working productively toward learning new
particular subject under study.
academic knowledge and skills as much as possible.

Teachers need to know how to use a wide range of

Maintaining a postitive classroom climate by emphasizing alternative assessment devices, such as interviews,
positive reinforcement and avoiding the use of aversive observations, student journals, peer reviews, research
consequences. reports, art projects, the building of physical models, and
participation in plays, debates, and dances.

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