Workshop N°3 PDF

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PURPOSE: to introduce the use of puppetry in role-plays emphasizing the emotionality of the characters (puppets)
through monologues and conversations, in order to help the sixth graders of “Instituto para la Ciencia” make the
difference between the moods in which a role can be played. (Anger, desperation, surprise, happiness etc.)

LET’S CHECK IT OUT! Students observe how to perform a character with

puppets based on the examples from the teacher. They are to guess the
different emotions represented in the monologues according to the pitch
of the voice and the script itself.
MONOLOGUE 1: I didn’t even feed him – (calling)- Winston!, oh! I wish I
had fed him as I was supposed to. I am such a bad child. (crying) I think I
won’t see him anymore.
MONOLOGUE 2: It is not my fault. Well, it is my fault- But I did not mean to.
My frog, Winston, he ran away. Where is he? I’m worried about him.
Maybe he went outside and some mean old robbers stole him. And maybe
they will take him to Hollywood. And maybe someone will see him and put
it on a commercial and then… oh my god! I have to turn on the T.V.
MONOLOGUE 3: My frog, Winston is such a bad frog. He might be playing
hooky while I feel desperate about him. I am going to chill (relax). TWO
HOURS LATER… oh! Winston! What were you doing? Where were you? I
am happy that you are back and safe. You don’t know how much I missed
you. I am going to feed you right now! You are such a good frog.

LET’S PRACTICE TOGETHER! The students practice role-
playing with puppets (puppeteering) using the monologues from
LET´S CHECK IT OUT, and or using any of the conversations
stated below.
JOHN: Hi, Alice, it’s John. How are you?
ALICE: Oh, hi, John! I was just thinking about you.
JOHN: That’s nice. I was wondering if you’d like to go to a movie
ALICE: Sure, I’d love to! What’s playing?
JOHN: I was thinking about that new movie “the Incredibles 2”
What do you think?
ALICE: Sounds great! that’s going to be amusing.
JOHN: OK, I will pick you up around 7:30. The movie starts at
8:00 o’clock.
ALICE: See you then. Bye!
SALESPERSON: Can I help you?
GLORIA: Yes, I’m looking for an apron — in a size medium.
SALESPERSON: Let’s see, hmmm… here’s a nice white apron.
What do you think?
GLORIA: I think I’d rather have it in blue.
SALESPERSON: I’m sorry. We don’t have in blue. Would you
Like to try this on?
GLORIA: OK … Anyways I love it. It fits perfectly. How much is it?
SALESPERSON: It’s $50. It will be $53, with tax.
GLORIA: Perfect! I’ll take it then.

LET’S DO IT TOGETHER! The students plan a totally new

created conversation/monologue using the characters
needed (one, two or more). They need to emphasize on
the emotions displayed above in LET’S CHECK IT OUT!

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