Key To Geometry Book 6

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Key to Geometry Angles By Newton Hawley and Patrick Suppes Revised by George Gearhart and Peter Rasmussen Name Class KEY TO GEGMETRY Book 6: Angles TABLE OF CONTENTS Reproducing an angie. 3 Review. . nbbaepanpreceneenenos 7 Reproducing aWiiongle ve : sees Review... : vn dS. Comparing the Ses and Angies of Polygons 118 Reproducing a Polygon. : Review ..... Doubling ond Tripling Angles fees 30 Constructing a Triangle with Sides Double those of a Given Trenale : 32 Review ...... fetter 38 Constructing a Triangle with Sides Half those of a Given Triangle +36 Review ...... ee ee Constructing a Triangle Given the Sides 00.0000 REVIEW. occ ecccceceeveevesetesssattenr® acon 50 Practice Test........-cececreeeeeee ss TO THE STUDENT: These baoks will help you to discover for yourseit many important relationships of geometry. Your tools will be the same os those used by the Greek mathematicians more than 2000 years ago. These fois are a Compass and a straightedge. in adifion, you will need G sharpened pencil. The Jessons tha} follow wil help you make crowings from which you may learn the most. ‘The answer Books show one way the pages may be completed correctly, It is possible that your work is comect even though itis cifterent. if your answer differs, re-read the instructions to make sure you followed them step by step, If you did. you oe prcbobly correct. Hypatia taught mathematics ot the Greek universy in Alexandtio, Faypl. 700 years after Euclid. Hypatio wos one of the universiy’s most RopUlor lectures, and students come from Eutope, Asia ond ‘Alico to scy wi Det. She wrote On Ihe Canics of Appoionlus ‘book ebout the curves that con ba formed By siking a cane: the Sicle:the eiiose, the paraboia, and the hypertoks By 490 AD. he time of HyDatla, Roman ormies had conquered Greece and con. tolled Alexanctia. The Romans ware very Hoste lowarcs Greeks and Greek ideas. Dunng one outbreak of hostily, a. mab brulaly mur ered Hypatio. Her death marked the end of he great oge ot Greek gpomstty. On ine cover cl his booklet Hypa sticies medals othe conic sec: lors cn a boicony overlooking Alexondra’s harbor, (For more nfor- mation about Hypatis ane other women in mathematics, soe Tet Pes's book, Math Equals, Addison Wesley, 1978), Cover art by Howard Coote en 0 99 Publisnes by Key Curriculum Press, P.O. Box 208, Serkaloy,Calloria 4702 tema hi Gonyright® 1979, 1972 by Holden Day, inc. All eights ressrved. No par of tis publeatin may De roproduced in any forms ‘wineut prior writen permission ofthe publisher. Pinfed nine USA, ISBN Oa%O264-76-7 pI Reproducing an Angle Problem: Reproduce a given angle. Solution: 1, Does the arc with center X have 2 radius congruent to that of the are with center M?_ 2. Draw an arc with center Y whose radius is congruent to segment NL (Make it intersect the arc through Y.) 3. Label as Z the point in which the ares intersect. 4, Draw XZ. 5, Is angle ZXY congruent to angle LMN? How do you know? _

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