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Mr. Fatah Muhammad Burfat

Vice chancellor, University Of Sindh, Jamshoro.

Dear sir;

Recommendation for considering a student.

I am to write a letter of recommendation for Mr. Nadeem Ahmed who has been a brilliant student of
the Indus Medical College affiliated with the University of Sindh. He is really a hard-working and
industrious student and has passed his all previous subjects without any supplementary exam.

I have known Mr. Nadeem Ahmed for the past several years. He has devoted his full time and
concentration only to his education and always stood up to the expectations. In his career of Medical
education he has also shown great deal of effort and has passed his all his previous subjects
consecutively. But unfortunately in his last exams one of his subjects was not cleared either due to
certain mistake or technicality. Keeping in view his hardwork and dedication please mark his stumbled
subject as clear it would be very kind of you.

His details are as follows:

Educational program: MBBS
Seat no. 0158
Subject: surgery

I hope sir you would consider him one his brilliant students and show some concern to him. I would be
looking forward for your response as soon as possible.


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