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Jasmine Powell
Practicum Experience: High School- 10th Grade

Agawam High School

Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs

[Mrs. Barrows]

[Agawam High School: Agawam, MA]

[April 22nd-May 8th 2019]


Table of Contents

Title Page #
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Unit Plan 3-4

Grading Policies
Pre-test/Post-test Answer Key
Checking for Learning
Tobacco Day 1: 18-23
Assessments/Worksheets Tobacco Day 2: 24-29
Alcohol Day 1: 30-38
Alcohol Day 2: 39-44
Other Drugs Day 1: 45-49
Other Drugs Day 2: 50-55

Finished Assessments/Worksheets 56
Tobacco Day 1: 57-75
Lesson Plans Tobacco Day 2: 76-83
Alcohol Day 1: 84-95
Alcohol Day 2: 96-104
Other Drugs Day 1: 105-112
Other Drugs Day 2: 113-121
Post-test/Drunk Goggles: 121-132

References 133

Unit Outcomes, State Standards & Assessment Template

Grade Level_____10_____

Unit Outcomes Reference MA Assessments

CF Standards
by number
SWBAT* recall 5 short term and 5 long term effects of MA CF 10.9 Discussion- Teacher will ask students
cigarette smoking, e cigarettes, Juuls or smokeless what 5 short term and 5 long term effects
tobacco on the body. of smoking are.

MA CF 10.12 Money Challenge Worksheet- The

SWBAT* Explain the cost of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, teacher will give students the cost per
Juuls and smokeless tobacco for 1 month, 1 year, 2 pack of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, Juuls and
years and 10 years to understand the financial smokeless tobacco in Massachusetts. On
difficulties of addiction and use of tobacco products. their worksheet there will be a few
numbers at the top. These numbers
represent the amount of each tobacco
product they smoke per day. Students will
calculate the amount they are spending in
a month, 2 months, a year, 2 years and 10
years. Students will then add up all costs
of each product that will be spent for a
month. Students will look back at their
purchases and determine what purchases
they would not be able to get if these
tobacco products were in their everyday
MA CF 10.15 Homework Assignment- Explain to
SWBAT* Collect and disseminate information on the students that they will be making a person
dangers of smoking to encourage healthy behaviors scenario that advocates for no smoking
such as anti-smoking. for homework. A rubric will be given out
that corresponds with the assignment.
MA CF 10.13 Discussion- At the end of the lesson, the
SWBAT* explain at least two ways to stay tobacco free teacher will ask students what some ways
to stay tobacco free are based on the
PowerPoint presented in class.
MA CF 10.15 Scenarios Evaluation Worksheet-
SWBAT* evaluate the effectiveness of at least 5 Students will be given a worksheet where
influencing tactics to promote no smoking towards they must assess other students’ personal
products like e-cigarettes and Juuls. scenarios by their effectiveness in
advocating for no smoking.
MA CF 10.9 Alcohol Quiz- Students will answer 5
SWBAT* Investigate and recognize 5 facts or myths questions on facts and myths about
about alcohol alcohol. Students must identify what is
true and what is false.
MA CF 10.12 Alcohol Quiz-Students will answer 3
SWBAT* recall at least 3 facts, 3 factors and 3 effects questions on facts, factors and effects of
of alcohol on the general public alcohol.
MA CF 10.13 Alcohol Advertisements- Students will
SWBAT* Differentiate between the hidden message look at three advertisements and answer
and actual truth presented in 3 advertisements questions about them. What is really
concerning alcohol. being advertised? What is the hidden
message? What is the truth?
MA CF 10.10 Collab board- Students will fill in a collab
SWBAT* Identify at least three cons of drinking and 10.11 board on Nearpod where they must

alcohol identify pros and cons of drinking.

MA CF 10.13 Role Play and Role Play Worksheet-
SWBAT* demonstrate non-verbal communications and Students will get a role play scenario and
refusal skills for at least 1 role play scenario to say no must answer questions on a worksheet
to alcohol about them. What is the scenario about?
What refusal skill will you use and why?
Students will then practice their role play
scenario and present it to the class.
MA CF 10.15 Role Model Poster Assignment- Teacher
SWBAT* identify 3 consequences of using drugs by will hand out poster assignment rubric
applying promotional skills such as modeling to and go over it. Students will design a
encourage healthy behavior. poster for younger students advocating
against drug use.
SWBAT* Compare and contrast 2 ways drugs effect MA CF 10.12 Physical Consequences Discussion-
performance in the classroom and sports. Teacher will ask students for physical
consequences of drugs. Teacher will
define overdose. Teacher will ask
students how the effects of drugs can
affect performance in the classroom and
SWBAT* Identify 3 misuses of Medicine and describe MA CF 10.9 Misuse of Medicine Discussion- Teacher
the increased negative effects on the body, including will ask students how medicine gets
the stages of addiction, and overdose misused. Teacher will go over ways to
misuse medicine.
MA CF 10.9, Assessing information worksheet-
SWBAT* identify 20 facts/findings about drugs from 10.10, 10.11, Students will go to
the provided website 10.13 and They will
10.14 take some time to explore the website.
Students will then complete 9 questions
or assignments while on the website.
MA CF 10.13 Post-test- Students will take a post-test
SWBAT* Demonstrate the ability to make informed aiming for a score of an 80% or higher.
decisions regarding the use of tobacco, alcohol, and Teacher will grade the tests to determine
other drugs by completing a final exam on the entire their score.
unit scoring at least an 80%
SWBAT* Discuss and comprehend the risk of being MACF 10.11 Drunk Goggles Activity- Students will
under the influence by using at least 2 pairs of drunk try on different goggles feeling the effects
goggles of being under the influence. Teacher will
add a ball challenge in where students
will throw a ball to each other with the
goggles on. Questions will be asked to
assess comprehension. Why is being
under the influence dangerous?
What type of risks are at hand when being
under the influence? (car accident)

SWBAT*= Students will be able to

Grading Policy
Worksheets: Out of 100 Points

100 points- Completed on time with all information

100 points- Completed two days late with all information (if absent from class)

90 points- Completed two days late with all information (in class)

*If the presentation is completed any later than two days late it is an automatic zero*

70 points- If handed in on time but not completed

*Students can bring grade up to a 90 if completed two days late with all information*

60 points- If handed in late and not completed

0 points- More than two days late and is not fully completed

Technology Assessments: Out of 10 points

10 points- Answered all questions correctly

5 points- Answered some questions incorrectly

0 points- Answered questions inappropriately or not at all

Your grade will be determined by the following:

20%- Class participation, class preparedness, including materials and books for daily class as
well as behavior during class.
15% - Written assignments, including worksheet, questions, notes
15%- Quizzes
20%- Tests are given at the end of each unit
10% - Homework
10% - Class or short-term projects
10% - Term Project

Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs Pre/Post Test


Score: / 68

1. (4 points) List 2 short term and 2 long term effects of cigarette smoking or

smokeless tobacco on the body.

2. (2 points) A vaccine for polio will do which of the following?

a. Causes the body to make antibodies to fight polio

b. Cause people to develop the polio disease

c. Protects the body against the measles virus

d. Protects people against polio for a short period of time

3. (2 points) What type of medicine might your doctor prescribe if you have

the flu?

a. Antitoxin

b. Antibiotic

c. Antiviral

d. Antifungal

4. (1 point) Name 1 reason why you should remain tobacco free.

5. (2 points) A dependence on drinks with alcohol is


6. (2 points) Name 1 strategy you could use to stay tobacco free.

7. (1 point) What type of psychoactive drug is best known for altering sense


a. Depressant

b. Hallucinogen

c. Opiates

d. Stimulants

8. (1 point) Gender is a factor in how alcohol affects the body. True or False?

9. (1 point) What type of medicine is aspirin?

a. Analgesic

b. Antiviral

c. Antihistamine

d. Antibiotic

10.(1 point) Alcohol is a depressant. True or False?

11.(1 point) Alcohol is a drug but it is not possible to overdose on alcohol

(alcohol poisoning). True or False?

12.(1 point) Eating before drinking will make you sick. True or False?

13.(3 points) What are the three things that influence a person’s choice to

drink or not drink?


14. (1 point) Binge drinking is drinking heavily for three or more consecutive

days. True or False?

15.(2 points) How do bacteria become resistant to certain types of antibiotics?

16.(1 point) What is a way that tobacco use immediately affects the body?

a. Chronic bronchitis

b. Increased risk of cancer

c. Leukoplakia

d. Increased heart rate

17.(2 points) Give 2 reasons why binge drinking is dangerous.


18.(2 points) Roughly how many chemicals are found in marijuana?

a. 11

b. 26

c. 256

d. 400

19.(12 points) Answer the following questions based on the alcohol

advertisement below.

What is really being advertised? (Think about the intended audience,

emotions or desires)

What is the hidden message? (What do the advertisers want the intended

audience to believe?)

What is the truth? (Why is it misleading? Use facts!)

20.(6 points) What are 3 refusal strategies you could use when you need to say

no to drugs?

21.(2 points) Is smokeless tobacco less harmful than cigarettes? Why or why


22. (2 points) What makes marijuana a gateway drug?

23.(1 point) Which is NOT a short-term effect of alcohol?

a. Coordination is impaired

b. Vision is impaired

c. More stomach acid is produced

d. Judgement is altered

24. (4 points) Medicines you can buy without a doctor’s prescription are


25. (2 points) Outside of the clear physical consequences, what makes using

drugs such a risky health behavior?


26.(4 points) Name one-way medicines get misused. Tell how that misuse can

be corrected (How do you properly use it?)

27. (1 point) It is illegal for adults to drive when they have what BAC level?

a. 0.01

b. 0.02

c. 0.05

d. 0.08

Bonus: (1 point each; 4 points maximum)

Name 4 different facts that you found while searching the “Above the

Influence” website.

Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Pre-test/ Post-test

Checking for Learning
Agawam High School
Miss. Powell

Agawam High School Students Pre/Post Test Score Results

Pre Test and Post Test Scores

Students Post-Test

Average Pre-Test Score Average Post-Test Score

39.5 77.5

Low- Improvement is less than 10 points
Moderate- Improvement is between 10-20 points
High- Improvement is greater than 20 points

There were multiple absences for students during the unit. Student X and student DD had
moderate improvement. Everyone else had high improvement between the pre and post-test.
There are many factors that affect the scores for a pre/post-test. For the alcohol,
tobacco and other drug unit, 31 students took the pre-test and the post-test. The pre-test was
taken on the first day of the unit. No information was given to them prior, that connected with
the pre-test. They had to take it and try their best answering as many questions as possible.
Students who are ELLs did not get the chance to revise their scores on the pre-test because it
was based off initial knowledge of the students rather than taught content. The post-test was
held before the last day of the unit, so students had to study and review on their own and in
class the other drugs part of the unit. Students who are ELLs will get a chance to revise their
scores on the short answer questions but for official results of improvement the post test
scores were entered in before this accommodation. By this time, students had learned all the
words and definitions that were needed for the post-test. Students were given multiple forms
of study material on google classroom and as the teacher would teach they would mention the

importance of phrases because of the connection to the exam. The goal of this checking for
learning assessment was to show that the educator had installed new intellect into the
student’s cognitive domain.
A bar graph was created to show visual proof of the improvements made. All 31 students
scores improved tremendously. Their pre-test and post-test scores were then compared to
determine if the students had a low, moderate, or high improvement rate. 0 of the 31 students
had a low improvement. 2 of the 31 students had moderate improvement. Finally, 29 out of the
31 students had high improvement. Factors that could have played a role in the moderate
improvement for this group of students would be attention, 504 and IEP plans, ELLs and pre-
test scores. All students scored relatively low on the pre-test. When the students were taking
the pre-test, some of the ELL students expressed that they did not understand what a certain
sentence was asking or what a certain word was. If I was to administer the test again I would
work on rephrasing my short answer questions to a simpler format. For example, during the
media and advertisement portion of the exam all the ELL students got the question “what is
really being advertised?” wrong. The students answered with alcohol. Although they are correct
they were supposed to touch on the fact that alcohol was being marketed as a positive thing
and it was trying to promote the alcohol in the Spring. If I was to ask this question again I would
tell them to identify what the advertisement is promoting. To accommodate for these students
I asked Mrs. Barrows what she usually does for the students and she said for fill in the blanks
she adds word banks and for short answer she gives the students their grade and if they did
bad, they are allowed to go to someone to get extra help on the phrases and to get a chance to
redo their exams for a higher grade. Students were also asked to review on their own and to
study on their own. A review worksheet was provided as well as all the Power Points and notes.
Students were given class time to review before the post-test. From observation, I have noticed
when students do not see something as mandatory, they do not always do it. I have done
review before in the classroom where I noticed students were not working as hard as they
could on the review which could result in a lot of students having lower grades or low
improvements. Since students did not do well on all the other drug material on the post-test I
created an extra homework assignment to solidify understanding. I also asked that when they
were doing review, they look at the other drugs section first to create higher understanding on
the topic. On the post-test I could tell what students studied the other drugs portion of the
topic and what students did not. Students who did, got all the other drugs questions correct.
Students who did not, took a good guess, or were answering the short answer questions using
tobacco and alcohol related material. If students were not completely paying attention during
the unit lessons or while taking the test, they could have picked the wrong answer accidentally.
In class a student brought up the fact that someone who is below the age of 18 could have a .02
BAC when driving. Mrs. Barrows brought this into further discussion and explanation. On the
test, multiple students answered the question “It is illegal for adults to drive when they have
what BAC?” with .02. They were not fully paying attention to the question, so they answered it
with an incorrect answer. If I was to administer the test again, because of the confusion, I

would put a form of both questions on the exam for students to use their associative skills and
cipher out the correct answer. During review I could also emphasize the difference repetitively,
so students had the understanding and correct knowledge. Factors that affect high
improvement scores are attendance, attention, pre-test scores and understanding. Attendance
plays a role because if the students were at every lesson, they participated in every
presentation and were able to obtain every piece of information that would be on the post-test
they would score high. Students M, O and R were at every lesson taught for the unit which
showed in their post test scores. They were the only three students to score over a 90%. They
also scored relatively high compared to other students on the pre-test, so they did not have as
much room of improvement. All three students handed in all their other work on time and any
individual assignment they had, they scored a 100. During the end of the role play scenario
class, I watched all three students follow my instructions exactly and work on the other drugs
portion of the unit for review. The three students were the only three who got every question
to the other drugs unit on the post-test correct. You could tell they also took the time out to
review the material on google classroom because they were answering questions with direct
quotes from my Power Points. Attention plays a role in high improvement because if the
student is listening to everything the educator says, watches all the presentation slides, and
participates during every activity completing the worksheets needed, they are allowing their
cognitive domain to increase exponentially. If a student scored very low on the pre-test, they
automatically have more room for improvement. The reasons for scoring low could be because
they never heard of the words or definitions that were on the pre-test, or because they did not
want to try on the pre-test since it did not count against their grade. An example of this would
be Student B. He stated out loud that he was not going to fill the pre-test out well because he
had yet to learn the material and he knew it did not count against him. He ended up getting a
29% on the pre-test but then, got a 75% on the post-test. The average scores of the pre-test
and post-test were taken as well. The pre-test average score was 39.5% and the average post
test score was 77.5%. This means that there was high improvement in the class overall. All 31
students scores improved which means the tobacco, alcohol and other drugs unit that was
taught, provided increased learning experiences. As an educator, using reflective practice, if I
were to administer the pre-test and post-test again, I would provide a word bank on the fill in
the blank portions, I would create more multiple-choice questions, and I would simplify the
word in the short answer questions. I would also make sure I had time to teach the other drugs
portion of the lesson before administering the post-test, so students had a chance at scoring
higher on the post-test. I believe students did not do as well because a lot of the students learn
through teacher taught lessons rather than individual assignments and activities. As an
educator, if I was full time, I would also want to administer more quiz’s or tests throughout the
unit, so students would have to study harder and more often. They would also get feedback
from the quizzes and tests to help them study for the post-test. Questions could also have been
taken from the post-test for the other exams and quizzes so that students would know the
answer for the post-test if they studied using their exam and quiz results.

Tobacco Day 1:

Tobacco Day 1

Tobacco Day 2:

Tobacco Day 2

Alcohol Day 1:

Alcohol Day 2:

Other Drugs Day 1:

Other Drugs PP1.pptx

Other Drugs Day 2:

OD PP Day 2.pptx

Tobacco Day 1 Notes




Carbon Monoxide




Smokeless Tobacco

Short Term Effects

Long Term Effects


Money Challenge Worksheet

Last 10 purchases you made 10 purchases you want to


• The average price per pack of cigarettes in Massachusetts is $9.95

• The average price per e-cigarette in Massachusetts is $10

• The average price per Juul pod in Massachusetts is $4 ($16 for a

pack of four)

• The average price per smokeless tobacco in Massachusetts is


Instructions: On the worksheet you had gotten early, there is a few

numbers. These numbers are the number of cigarettes, e-cigarettes,
Juuls and smokeless tobacco you go through in a day. Calculate the
amount of money you are spending in a month (30 days), a year (365
days), 2 years (730 days) and 10 years (3,650 days). Write the
calculations down on the worksheet.

2 months:
1 year:
2 years:
10 years:

2 months:
1 year:
2 years:

10 years:
2 months:
1 year:
2 years:
10 years:

Smokeless Tobacco:
2 months:
1 year:
2 years:
10 years:

Personal Scenario Rubric

When completed upload to google classroom.
Grading Policy:
Your Name 1 point
Done on paper or word document 1 point

Catchy Slogan 2 points

3 “dangers” of smoking 3 points

3 examples of what you could do or 6 points

get instead of smoking (connect to cost of
Be creative (add pictures) 2 points
Worksheets: Out of 100 Points

100 points- Completed on time with all information

100 points- Completed two days late with all information (if absent from class)

90 points- Completed two days late with all information (in class)

*If the presentation is completed any later than two days late it is an automatic


70 points- If handed in on time but not completed

*Students can bring grade up to a 90 if completed a day late with all


60 points- If handed in late and not completed

0 points- More than two days late and is not fully completed

Personal Scenario Evaluation


Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Alcohol Day 1 Notes


What is another name for alcohol?



Binge Drinking

Alcohol Poisoning:

Short Term Effects:






Long Term Effects:




3 Major Influences:






Media and Advertising:


Alcohol Ad #1

Is the advertisement appealing?

What is it trying to say?

What does the message not say about alcohol? (Use facts!)

Alcohol Ad #2

Is the advertisement appealing?

What is it trying to say?

What does the message not say about alcohol? (Use facts!)

Alcohol Ad #3

Is the advertisement appealing?

What is it trying to say?

What does the message not say about alcohol? (Use facts!)

Alcohol Quiz


Instructions: You will be taking a ten-point quiz to determine if

you can identify different myths and facts about alcohol and if

you remember information presented in class.

Answer the following with True or False.

1. Alcohol is a depressant. (1 point)


2. Eating before drinking will make you sick. (1 point)


3. If a large person and a small person had an identical

alcoholic beverage, the small person would feel its effects

sooner than the large person. (1 point)


4. Gender is not a factor in how alcohol affects the body. (1



5. Alcohol is a drug and it is possible to overdose on alcohol

(alcohol poisoning). (1 point)


Answer the following with short statements.

6. What are the three things that influence a person’s choice

to drink or not drink? (2 points)

Peers, family, media and advertising

7. Binge drinking is consuming 5 or more alcoholic drinks at

one sitting. Why is binge drinking dangerous? (2 points)

Multiple answers accepted. Easy to overdose. You do not know


your limit. Greatly increased risk to your health.

8. What is one long term effect of alcohol on the body? (1


Multiple answers accepted. Brain damage. High blood

pressure. Liver problems (cirrhosis).


Alcohol Day 2 Notes


“Pros” of drinking

Cons of drinking

Refusal Strategies

Role Playing Assignment

Students will be split into groups based on the scenario they are given. Groups

will be of 2,3 or 4 individuals. Students will look at their scenario and answer the

three questions on the next page of this worksheet. Once decided, students will

begin preparing their skit for presentation in class. They will get fifteen minutes to

answer the questions and rehearse their skit for presentation. Everyone will

present their scenario.


What is the scenario about? Who is in your group?

What are the “pros”/ cons identified in the scenario?

What refusal skill are you going to use? Why?


Role Play Scenarios:

Scenario 1 (4 people): While riding in the back of the bus on

the way home from a sporting event, one of your teammates

pulls out a bottle of vodka and offers you a drink.

Scenario 2 (2 people): Your friend is having a small party. You

show up and everybody you see is either drinking alcohol or

appears to be. Your big “crush” walks up and offers you a drink.

Scenario 3 (2-3 people): You go over to a friend’s house after

school and their parents are not home. Your friend walks in,

hands you a drink of alcohol, and exclaims, “My parents left the

liquor cabinet open!”


Scenario 4 (2-4 people): You don’t have your driver’s license

yet, but your junior friend drove you to this party. When it’s

time to leave, you realize they have been drinking, but they

climb in the driver’s side door and tell you to get in.

Scenario 5 (3 people): You’re at a party with a bunch of people

from your school. A student who just moved in town a few

weeks ago shows up and your friend offers them a drink. There

is hesitation and a look of uncertainty on the new student’s


Scenario 6 (2 people): You get invited to your first party as a

sophomore, but you have never drunk alcohol before and you

know it will be there. You go and when someone offers you an


alcoholic drink you try not to accept. The same person comes

around and offers you another one.

Scenario 7 (2-4 people): You go to a party and have had several

alcoholic drinks. As you finish your current drink, someone

walks in and tries to give you another drink, but you know that

you have had way too much and should not drink another

Other Drugs Day 1 Notes




Categories of Medicine

Medicine Misuse


Social Consequences

Influencers and Factors


Role Model Advocacy Poster Assignment


Instructions: Being a role model is a very important job that you will be given

whether you accept it or not. For that reason, you are to design a poster for

younger students advocating against drug use. Your target audience may be

anywhere from 5th grade to 10th grade. Write on the poster the intended target

age. Show some creativity and make sure your poster will be applicable to the

intended age group. The poster can be done on Word or paper. If done on Word,

once you are finished upload to google classroom. They are due two days from

when they are started.

Make sure your poster includes the following to get full credit: (Out of 25 points)

- 3 specific consequence(s) of using drugs (6 points)

- 2 alternative solutions (4 points)

- 1 Catchy slogan or saying (3 points)

- Visually pleasing (does it draw the passerby in to look at it) (2 points)

- No grammar or spelling errors (3 points)

- Your name and intended age group (2 points)

-Done on word or plain white paper (2 points)

-Handed in on time for due date (3 points)


Medicine HW Assignment

Complete the following questions for homework. You can use the notes to help
you find answers. If you hand the assignment in on time you get full credit!
1. Medicines you can buy without a doctor’s prescription are

called______Over the Counter____________________________________.

2. If you take large amounts of a medicine, you could have a life-threatening

reaction known as


3. Intentionally taking medicine for nonmedical reasons is known

as_____Medicine abuse___________________________________.

4. Medicines that are available only with the recommendation of a doctor and

are dispensed only by a licensed pharmacist are


5. Which does NOT describe a prescription medicine?

a. Only a specified amount is distributed.

b. Written approval is required.

c. It should be taken only by the person it is prescribed to.

d. It can be purchased without a doctor’s recommendation.


6. Which of the following is a way a person could misuse a medicine?

a. Taking only half of the prescription with your doctor’s approval.

b. Saving half of an antibiotic prescription in case you get sick later.

c. Following the instructions on the medicine label.

d. Taking two medicines at the same time as directed by a doctor.

7. Which is NOT a risk of abusing medicines?

a. Addiction

b. Death from heart failure

c. Paranoia

d. Taking too little medicine


Other Drugs Notes Day 2


Illegal Drugs



Safety Risks


Psychoactive Drugs





Accessing Valid Health Information Worksheet


Instructions: Go to Take some time to

explore the website. Complete the following questions or assignments while on

the website.

Section 1:

From the main page, click on the Facts link at the top of the page.

1) Click on Drug Facts and pick 3 drugs that are from different categories to write

down along with 3 facts for each drug.

2) Click on Marijuana and write down 3 facts that you learned about smoking


3) Click on FAQs and write down 2 facts that you learned from that web page.

Section 2:

From the main page, click on the Ads link. (located at the bottom)

4) Watch at least one of the commercials and write a paragraph statement (3-5

sentences) describing the type of impact the commercial had on you. What

emotions were emitted when watching it? Do you think that those type of

commercials are effective?


Section 3:

From the main page, click on the Find help link at the top of the page. 5) Click on

either for yourself or for a friend and write down 2 facts you learned from the


6) Click on how are you doing? quiz, take the quiz, and report your score.

7) Click on experts weigh in and write down 2 questions and answers that

surprised you.

8) What are the seven types of influence?


9) What did you think of this website? Do you think it would be helpful in

advocating for anti-drugs? Why or why not?


Finished Assessments/Worksheets
Results of two assessments from Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Unit Plan

Agawam High School, 10th grade


Media and Advertising Assignment: This assignment was administered after going over notes

on what influences tobacco, alcohol and illegal drug consumption. I had the students work in

discussion groups at first to determine what they thought some factors were that influenced

use. I then told them three important ones known as family, friends and media and advertising

and went around the room asking students why they thought these factors might have a large

influence. Instead of printing out pictures and having them work on the assignment individually,

I asked students to form groups. They then grabbed their laptops and went onto Nearpod

where they worked on an interactive Power Point where they had to look at advertisements,

express what the false claims were and explain how the advertisement could influence

someone to use alcohol. I could then go into the report of the Nearpod and look at their

answers on my own time and we could also go over them in class. I believe everyone got

perfect scores (100%) because we dissected each influence piece by piece in the correct order;

as a teacher I had great sequencing. It was also done in class and every student was there on

that day, so every student should have had it completed. The most important reason that

everyone got a high was because the directions were written on their note sheet, on the Power

Point slides and were verbally communicated. I did this activity because on the pre-test people

stated that addiction and stress were the main factors which they do account for some

influence, but they are not the most important to know and to get across to the students. Out

of 40 students 39 students got the question wrong on the pre-test.

Nearpod Quiz: This assessment was administered after going over introduction notes on

alcohol. The point of the Nearpod quiz was to serve as an exit slip but it was pushed to the next

day. I had the assignment done on paper at first but because I was given the extra day I saw

that one of my students had a 504 plan that stated they do better on computer, so I changed it

to a Nearpod quiz. Students answered 10 questions on alcohol. They were formatted as true

and false questions or multiple choice. No questions were missed by the same people. For the

questions that were missed I turned them into review questions for the next day. The average

score of the Nearpod quiz was a 97%. For the students who scored 80% and 90% to help them

do better I would adjust me lesson by doing a short review at the beginning of class before

jumping right into the quiz to get their mind thinking on the topic a bit more. Since so many

students did well I think if I had incorporated a review I could have made the questions more

difficult to challenge the students to think more and evaluate the questions deeper. A lot of

students finished in an extremely short period of time (5-10 minutes) which tells me the quiz

was not as hard as I thought it was (I assumed it would have taken them 15-20 minutes).

Lesson Plans

Name____Jasmine Powell____________________ Date __4/22/19_________________

School___Agawam High School________Lesson # __1_______________

Grade__10_______ Class size__~25____ Class/Time___6:30-10:20

Unit/Theme __Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs ____Lesson Focus: Tobacco

Objectives (must be measurable, use action verbs and include elements of success)
Cite appropriate standards from MA Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Recall at least 5 short term and 5 long term effects of cigarette smoking, e-cigarettes, Juuls and
smokeless tobacco on the body MA CF 10.9

Explain the cost of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, Juuls and smokeless tobacco for 1 month, 1 year, 2 years and 10 years to
understand the financial difficulties of addiction and use of tobacco products. MA CF 10.12

Collect and disseminate information on the dangers of smoking to encourage healthy behaviors such as anti-
smoking. MA CF 10.15

Materials/Supplies/Lesson Preparation
• Laptop-set up before class
• PowerPoint-set up before class
• White board-write down agenda and objectives before class
• Dry erase markers
• Tobacco Day 1 notes-print out and place in pick up bin before class
• Money Challenge Worksheet-print out and place in pick up bin before class
• Pen/pencil
• Index Cards- place in pick up bin before class
• Video on cigarette burning-upload into PowerPoint before class begins
• Pre-test

Special Accommodations (How will the special needs of individual students be met?)
All student’s primary language is English. Every student has a different learning style, so
instruction and other components of the lesson are verbally and visually communicated. A few
students are in gender transitions. As an educator I must make my environment inclusive and
safe by being an advocate for the LGBTQ community. Some students also have a 504 plan, so I
must meet diverse needs of each student by providing extensions up and down on assessments
and or activities. One of the students named Taylor tends to answer questions with inappropriate
responses for a school setting. To keep her involved in the lesson, when she makes these

responses I must make sure I rephrase what she is saying to connect it to the classroom
environment. Kade has a hard time paying attention and tries to do other things such as go on
snapchat during the lesson. I must use proximity and desisting with him to keep him on task.
During classwork, I must also make sure he is on task and going to complete it on time. Zol is an
ELL student. He has a hard time filling in notes. For this lesson I must provide Zol with filled in
notes in order to help him follow along.

References/Resources (include books, articles, websites, etc.)

Opening (activator/instant activity)

Index Card Challenge- Students will receive an index card from the teacher. Students will write
their name on one side of the index card (it does not matter what side). On the side with their
name on it, students will write down what their perceptions are about people who smoke. On the
other side of the index card, students will write down their perceptions about people who do not
smoke. Teacher will start the discussion about tobacco with explaining why these perceptions are
put in place. (Culture and demographics)

Procedures – Step by step description of teaching strategies/methods/pedagogy to be used.

(Include time frame for each activity, transitons, extensions/adaptations, cooperative learning
techniques – jig saw, pair/share, etc.)
1. White board- Teacher will write out agenda and objectives before class begins. Teacher
will go over agenda and objectives with students. Teacher will explain to students that the
objectives will pop up randomly throughout the lesson to heck for understanding and to
make sure students are following a long with the material. Teacher will also explain
purpose of objectives to students.
2. Pre-test- Teacher will hand out a pre-test for the entire unit. Teacher will let students
know it does not count against them and to try their best. Teacher will give students
around 15 minutes to attempt the pre-test.
3. PowerPoint- Teacher will set up PowerPoint before class begins. All worksheets and
assessments will be handed out when their part in the PowerPoint comes up.
a. Statistics-Teacher will provide students with statistics about tobacco products for
their age group within the state of Massachusetts.
b. Index Card Challenge- Students will receive an index card from the teacher.
Students will write their name on one side of the index card (it does not matter
what side). On the side with their name on it, students will write down what their
perceptions are about people who smoke. On the other side of the index card,
students will write down their perceptions about people who do not smoke.
Teacher will start the discussion about tobacco with explaining why these
perceptions are put in place. (Culture and demographics)

c. What is in Tobacco Products- Nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide will be defined.
A video will be shown to show what a cigarette looks like on the inside once it is
burned down to tar.
d. Cigarettes-Teacher will explain what a cigarette is. Teacher will give statistics on
cigarettes that affect the students age group.
e. E-Cigarettes-Teacher will explain what an e-cigarette is. Teacher will give
statistics on e-cigarettes that affect the students age group.
f. Juuls-Teacher will explain what a Juul is. Teacher will give statistics on Juuls that
affect the students age group.
g. Smokeless Tobacco-Teacher will explain what smokeless tobacco is. Teacher will
give statistics on smokeless tobacco that affect the students age group.
h. Short term and long-term effect- Teacher will go over short term and long-term
effects of tobacco products. Teacher will ask students if they know of any more
effects of tobacco products.
i. Money Challenge Worksheet- Student will be given this worksheet at the
beginning of the activity. On the money challenge worksheet, students will make
two columns. For the column on the left, students will write the last 10 purchases
they made. For the column on the right, students will write down 10 things they
want to buy. The teacher will give students the cost per pack of cigarettes, e-
cigarettes, Juuls and smokeless tobacco in Massachusetts. On their worksheet
there will be a few numbers at the top. These numbers represent the amount of
each tobacco product they smoke per day. Students will calculate the amount they
are spending in a month, 2 months, a year, 2 years and 10 years. Students will
then add up all costs of each product that will be spent for a month. Students will
look back at their purchases and determine what purchases they would not be able
to get if these tobacco products were in their everyday lives. This is where the
objective “examine the monetary costs of smoking cigarettes, e-cigarettes, Juuls
and smokeless tobacco for 1 month, 1 year, 2 years and 10 years” will be

List Assessment(s) – informal or formal – how do you know they have learned the desired
content and you have achieved your objectives?

Personal Scenario- INFORMAL and FORMAL Teacher will ask students what 5 short term and
5 long term effects of smoking are. This is where the objective “Recall at least 5 short term and 5
long term effects of cigarette smoking, e-cigarettes, Juuls and smokeless tobacco on the body”
will be assessed. Teacher will explain that the cost isn’t worth it a long with the dangers. Explain
to students that they will be making a person scenario that advocates for no smoking for
homework. The objective “advocate for no smoking by creating at least 1 personal scenario
using the learned material from the lesson” will be assessed here. A rubric will be given out that
corresponds with the assignment.

Money Challenge Worksheet- Student will be given this worksheet at the beginning of the
activity. On the money challenge worksheet, students will make two columns. For the column on
the left, students will write the last 10 purchases they made. For the column on the right, students

will write down 10 things they want to buy. The teacher will give students the cost per pack of
cigarettes, e-cigarettes, Juuls and smokeless tobacco in Massachusetts. On their worksheet there
will be a few numbers at the top. These numbers represent the amount of each tobacco product
they smoke per day. Students will calculate the amount they are spending in a month, 2 months,
a year, 2 years and 10 years. Students will then add up all costs of each product that will be spent
for a month. Students will look back at their purchases and determine what purchases they would
not be able to get if these tobacco products were in their everyday lives. This is where the
objective “examine the monetary costs of smoking cigarettes, e-cigarettes, Juuls and smokeless
tobacco for 1 month, 1 year, 2 years and 10 years” will be assessed.


Personal Scenario- Teacher will ask students what 5 short term and 5 long term effects of
smoking are. This is where the objective “examine the monetary costs of smoking cigarettes, e-
cigarettes, Juuls and smokeless tobacco for 1 month, 1 year, 2 years and 10 years” will be
assessed. Teacher will explain that the cost isn’t worth it a long with the dangers. Explain to
students that they will be making a person scenario that advocates for no smoking for homework.
The objective “advocate for no smoking by creating at least 1 personal scenario using the learned
material from the lesson” will be assessed here. A rubric will be given out that corresponds with
the assignment.

Notes/Reflection (to be completed right after you finish teaching a particular lesson)
What did you accomplish? How much did the students learn? What would you leave the same
and what might you change in the future to improve this lesson?

Added information to PowerPoints to go more in depth and to provide students with more
valuable information.

If lesson was done again, it would need to be split into 2 or three days to make time for the pre-
test and worksheets.

-Pre-test, exit slip and student survey was completed. Lesson went well. Decided to make the
poster project on Juuls and E-cigarettes so the class can learn more on the topic. Notes for now
on need to be filled in before class for Zol.

2nd day:
-Notes were filled in and Ell students followed a long a lot better and were able to participate in
class discussion. Monetary cost worksheets need to be explained better. This could be done by
showing an example up on the board. Next time this lesson is taught YouTube videos need to be
pulled up and ready to go.
-Monetary costs worksheet was made for homework because of timing.

Tobacco Day 1 Notes




Carbon Monoxide




Smokeless Tobacco

Short Term Effects

Long Term Effects


Last 10 purchases you made 10 purchases you want to


Money Challenge Worksheet


• The average price per pack of cigarettes in Massachusetts is $9.95

• The average price per e-cigarette in Massachusetts is $10

• The average price per Juul pod in Massachusetts is $4 ($16 for a

pack of four)

• The average price per smokeless tobacco in Massachusetts is


Instructions: On the worksheet you had gotten early, there is a few

numbers. These numbers are the number of cigarettes, e-cigarettes,
Juuls and smokeless tobacco you go through in a day. Calculate the
amount of money you are spending in a month (30 days), a year (365
days), 2 years (730 days) and 10 years (3,650 days). Write the
calculations down on the worksheet.

2 months:
1 year:
2 years:

10 years:

2 months:
1 year:
2 years:
10 years:
2 months:
1 year:
2 years:
10 years:

Smokeless Tobacco:
2 months:

1 year:
2 years:
10 years:
Your Name 1 point
Done on paper or word document 1 point

Catchy Slogan 2 points

3 “dangers” of smoking 3 points

3 examples of what you could do or 6 points

get instead of smoking (connect to cost of
Be creative (add pictures) 2 points

Personal Scenario Rubric

When completed upload to google classroom.
Grading Policy:
Worksheets: Out of 100 Points

100 points- Completed on time with all information

100 points- Completed two days late with all information (if absent from class)

90 points- Completed two days late with all information

*If the presentation is completed any later than two days late it is an automatic


70 points- If handed in on time but not completed


*Students can bring grade up to a 90 if completed a day late with all


60 points- If handed in late and not completed

0 points- If not handed in on time, or a day late and is not fully completed

Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs Pre/Post Test


Score: / 68

1. (4 points) List 2 short term and 2 long term effects of cigarette smoking or

smokeless tobacco on the body. Multiple answers accepted. yellow teeth,

bad breath, cancer and lung scarring.

2. (2 points) A vaccine for polio will do which of the following?

a. Causes the body to make antibodies to fight polio

b. Cause people to develop the polio disease

c. Protects the body against the measles virus

d. Protects people against polio for a short period of time

3. (2 points) What type of medicine might your doctor prescribe if you have

the flu?

a. Antitoxin

b. Antibiotic

c. Antiviral

d. Antifungal

4. (1 point) Name 1 reason why you should remain tobacco free. Multiple

answers accepted. To avoid the risk of developing cancer.

5. (2 points) A dependence on drinks with alcohol is


6. (2 points) Name 1 strategy you could use to stay tobacco free. Multiple

answers accepted. Be assertive.

7. (1 point) What type of psychoactive drug is best known for altering sense


a. Depressant

b. Hallucinogen

c. Opiates

d. Stimulants

8. (1 point) Gender is a factor in how alcohol affects the body. True or False?


9. (1 point) What type of medicine is aspirin?

a. Analgesic

b. Antiviral

c. Antihistamine

d. Antibiotic

10.(1 point) Alcohol is a depressant. True or False?


11.(1 point) Alcohol is a drug but it is not possible to overdose on alcohol

(alcohol poisoning). True or False?


12.(1 point) Eating before drinking will make you sick. True or False?


13.(3 points) What are the three things that influence a person’s choice to

drink or not drink?

Media, peers and family

14. (1 point) Binge drinking is drinking heavily for three or more consecutive

days. True or False?


15.(2 points) How do bacteria become resistant to certain types of antibiotics?

If you do not finish taking the full prescription.

16.(1 point) What is a way that tobacco use immediately affects the body?

a. Chronic bronchitis

b. Increased risk of cancer

c. Leukoplakia

d. Increased heart rate

17.(2 points) Give 2 reasons why binge drinking is dangerous.


Alcohol poisoning and can throw up and choke on vomit from no gag reflex

18.(2 points) Roughly how many chemicals are found in marijuana?

a. 11

b. 26

c. 256

d. 400

19.(12 points) Answer the following questions based on the alcohol

advertisement below.

What is really being advertised? (Think about the intended audience,

emotions or desires) Multiple answers accepted. Spring and flowers.

What is the hidden message? (What do the advertisers want the intended

audience to believe?) multiple answers accepted. the alcohol is fruity and

tastes like spring.


What is the truth? (Why is it misleading? Use facts!)

Someone can become addicted to alcohol. The percentage and risk is not

listed as information.

20.(6 points) What are 3 refusal strategies you could use when you need to say

no to drugs? multiple answers accepted. Say no. make an excuse. Blame


21.(2 points) Is smokeless tobacco less harmful than cigarettes? Why or why

not? More harmful because it is 3 times the effect of cigarettes.

22. (2 points) What makes marijuana a gateway drug?

Some people may like intoxicating effects so they want to try something

else or one becomes addicted and builds a tolerance, so they need

something stronger.

23.(1 point) Which is NOT a short-term effect of alcohol?

a. Coordination is impaired

b. Vision is impaired

c. More stomach acid is produced

d. Judgement is altered

24. (4 points) Medicines you can buy without a doctor’s prescription are

called_______over the


25. (2 points) Outside of the clear physical consequences, what makes using

drugs such a risky health behavior?

Illegal drugs can lead to legal consequences.

26.(4 points) Name one-way medicines get misused. Tell how that misuse can

be corrected (How do you properly use it?)

Mixing substances. Read labels and make sure you know what you can and
can not take together.

27. (1 point) It is illegal for adults to drive when they have what BAC level?

a. 0.01

b. 0.02

c. 0.05

d. 0.08

Bonus: (1 point each; 4 points maximum)

Name 4 different facts that you found while searching the “Above the

Influence” website.


Name____Jasmine Powell____________________ Date __4/23/19_________________

School___Agawam High School________Lesson # __2_______________

Grade__10_______ Class size__~25____ Class/Time___6:30-10:20

Unit/Theme __Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs ____Lesson Focus: Tobacco

Objectives (must be measurable, use action verbs and include elements of success)
Cite appropriate standards from MA Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Explain at least two ways to stay tobacco free MA CF 10.13

evaluate the effectiveness of at least 5 influencing tactics to promote no smoking towards products like e-cigarettes
and Juuls. MA CF 10.15

Materials/Supplies/Lesson Preparation
• Laptop- will be set up before class

• PowerPoint-will be set up before class

• Scenario Assessment Worksheet- will be placed in pick up bin before class
• White board- agenda and objectives will be written out before class
• Pen/pencil
• Dry erase markers

Special Accommodations (How will the special needs of individual students be met?)
All student’s primary language is English. Every student has a different learning style, so
instruction and other components of the lesson are verbally and visually communicated. A few
students are in gender transitions. As an educator I must make my environment inclusive and
safe by being an advocate for the LGBTQ community. Some students also have a 504 plan, so I
must meet diverse needs of each student by providing extensions up and down on assessments
and or activities. One of the students named Taylor tends to answer questions with inappropriate
responses for a school setting. To keep her involved in the lesson, when she makes these
responses I must make sure I rephrase what she is saying to connect it to the classroom
environment. Kade has a hard time paying attention and tries to do other things such as go on
snapchat during the lesson. I must use proximity and desisting with him to keep him on task.
During classwork, I must also make sure he is on task and going to complete it on time. Zol is an
ELL student. He has a hard time filling in notes. For this lesson I must provide Zol with filled in
notes to help him follow along.

References/Resources (include books, articles, websites, etc.)

Opening (activator/instant activity)

Perceptions- Teacher will go over the top 10 perceptions of smoking from the previous class that
students wrote down during the index challenge. Teacher will then ask students “How does
knowing more about tobacco and smoking, affect potential use of cigarettes?”

Procedures – Step by step description of teaching strategies/methods/pedagogy to be used.

(Include time frame for each activity, transitons, extensions/adaptations, cooperative learning
techniques – jig saw, pair/share, etc.)
4. Whiteboard-Teacher will write agenda and objectives out on the white board before class.
Teacher will go over agenda and objectives with students. Teacher will explain to
students that the objectives will pop up randomly throughout the lesson to heck for
understanding and to make sure students are following a long with the material. Teacher
will also explain purpose of objectives to students.
5. PowerPoint- PowerPoint will be set up before class.
a. Perceptions about Tobacco- Perceptions- Teacher will go over the top 10
perceptions of smoking from the previous class that students wrote down during
the index challenge. Teacher will then ask students “How does knowing more
about tobacco and smoking, affect potential use of cigarettes?”

b. Reasons to Remain Tobacco Free- Teacher will provide students with reasons to
remain tobacco free. Teacher will ask students for reasons to remain tobacco free.
c. Strategies to Stay Tobacco Free- Teacher will go over strategies to stay tobacco
free. Teacher will ask students for ways to stay tobacco free.
d. Scenarios- Teacher will hand out scenario worksheet. Each student will present
their person scenario assignment that was for homework the day before. Students
must rate the effectiveness of each classmate’s presentation. This is where the
objective “Assess the effectiveness of the influencing tactics based on a scale of 1
(not effective) to 5 (very effective).”
List Assessment(s) – informal or formal – how do you know they have learned the desired
content and you have achieved your objectives?

Discussion- Informal- teacher will ask questions at the end of the lesson to assess the objective
“explain at least two ways to stay tobacco free”. Teacher will talk about the scenarios and how
doing them can influence someone to remain tobacco free.

Scenarios- FORMAL-Teacher will hand out scenario worksheet. Each student will present their
person scenario assignment that was for homework the day before. Students must rate the
effectiveness of each classmate’s presentation. This is where the objective “Assess the
effectiveness of the influencing tactics based on a scale of 1 (not effective) to 5 (very effective).”


Discussion- Informal- teacher will ask questions at the end of the lesson to assess the objective
“explain at least two ways to stay tobacco free”. Teacher will talk about the scenarios and how
doing them can influence someone to remain tobacco free.

Notes/Reflection (to be completed right after you finish teaching a particular lesson)
What did you accomplish? How much did the students learn? What would you leave the same
and what might you change in the future to improve this lesson?

Added information to PowerPoints to go more in depth and to provide students with more
valuable information.
Students worked on poster assignments but were unbale to present in class, so they were made
due on google classroom for Monday which mean the effectiveness worksheet was not
-Posters were specifically done on Juuls and E-cigarettes for further understanding
-Notes were filled in ahead of time for Zol to follow along with lesson. Kade was asked to put
his phone away and questions were asked to make sure he was on task of completing the project.

Personal Scenario Evaluation


Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective

Circle one:

1-not effective

2-somewhat effective

3-moderately effective

4-highly close to fully effective

5-fully effective


Name____Jasmine Powell____________________ Date __4/29/19

School___Agawam High School________Lesson # __3______________

Grade__10_______ Class size__~25____ Class/Time___6:30-10:20

Unit/Theme __Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs ____Lesson Focus _Alcohol

Objectives (must be measurable, use action verbs and include elements of success)
Cite appropriate standards from MA Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Investigate and recognize 5 facts or myths about alcohol MA CF 10.9

Recall at least 3 facts, 3 factors and 3 effects of alcohol on the general public MA CF 10.12

Differentiate between the hidden message and actual truth presented in 3 advertisements concerning alcohol. MA
CF 10.13

Materials/Supplies/Lesson Preparation
• White board-Write out agenda and objectives before class
• Dry erase markers
• PowerPoint-Set up before class
• Notes Sheet-Put in pick up bin before class
• Pen/pencil
• Alcohol myths and facts quiz-Put in pass out area before class
• “The Doctors” Video-set up before class begins

Special Accommodations (How will the special needs of individual students be met?)

All student’s primary language is English. Every student has a different learning style, so
instruction and other components of the lesson are verbally and visually communicated. A few
students are in gender transitions. As an educator I must make my environment inclusive and
safe by being an advocate for the LGBTQ community. Some students also have a 504 plan, so I
must meet diverse needs of each student by providing extensions up and down on assessments
and or activities. One of the students named Taylor tends to answer questions with inappropriate
responses for a school setting. To keep her involved in the lesson, when she makes these
responses I must make sure I rephrase what she is saying to connect it to the classroom
environment. Kade has a hard time paying attention and tries to do other things such as go on
snapchat during the lesson. I must use proximity and desisting with him to keep him on task.
During classwork, I must also make sure he is on task and going to complete it on time. Zol is an
ELL student. He has a hard time filling in notes. For this lesson I must provide Zol with filled in
notes in order to help him follow along.
References/Resources (include books, articles, websites, etc.)

Opening (activator/instant activity)

Statistics-Teacher will go over statistics of alcohol found off the CDC website. The statistics will be about deaths
per year, how many people are using and at what ages do people begin using. The point of this instant activity is to
get students thinking about how alcohol can impact their life and others around them.

Procedures – Step by step description of teaching strategies/methods/pedagogy to be used. (Include time frame for
each activity, transitons, extensions/adaptations, cooperative learning techniques – jig saw, pair/share, etc.)
1. Whiteboard- Agenda and objectives will be written out on whiteboard before class. As class begins the
teacher will go over the agenda and objectives with the students. The teacher will inform the students on
the importance of the objectives and that they should be looking for the answers to the objectives
throughout the class to be prepared for the assessment.
2. PowerPoint- Teacher will have PowerPoint set up before class begins. During the PowerPoint students will
be filling out Alcohol Notes that correspond with the PowerPoint. These notes can be used for the post-test
at the end of the unit.
a. Statistics-Teacher will go over statistics of alcohol found off the CDC website. The statistics will
be about deaths per year, how many people are using and at what ages do people begin using. The
point of this instant activity is to get students thinking about how alcohol can impact their life and
others around them.
b. Alcohol- Alcohol will be defined. How alcohol is made will be explained.
c. Depressant- Students will be asked if alcohol is a depressant. Once discussion occurs, teacher will
explain what a depressant is. Teacher will then explain how alcohol is a depressant.
d. Blood Alcohol Concentration- BAC will be defined. Teacher will go over the BAC chart and
explain the differences that occur between male and females and the amount of alcohol that is
being consumed. Teacher will show the different BAC’s in alcohol, liquor, wine and liquor.
Students will learn why knowing the different percentages in alcohol is important.
e. Binge Drinking- Binge drinking will be defined and why it is dangerous will be explained.
f. Alcohol Poisoning- Alcohol poisoning will be defined. “The Doctors” video will be shown so
students understand the negative effects of alcohol poisoning. Students will also get a better
understanding of why it is important to know how much you are drinking and who to call in the
case of an emergency.
g. Effects- Short term and long-term effects of alcohol will be gone over. Teacher will ask students
what the short-term effects can lead to and why the long-term effects are dangerous.
h. Influences-Teacher will ask students what they believe influences alcohol consumption. Teacher
will go over three major influences; peers, family and media advertising. On the note sheets,
students will write down how and why these influences affect them when consuming alcohol. 3
advertisements will then be shown. Again, on the note sheets students will answer questions as to
how these ads portray alcohol. This covers the objective that students should be able to
differentiate between what the hidden message is and what the actual truth is for at least 3
3. Alcohol Quiz- Students will take a 10-point quiz to determine if they can identify different facts and myths
about alcohol and recall information presented in class. Two of the objectives will be assessed here which
is to identify 5 facts or myths about alcohol and to recall 3 facts, factors, and effects of alcohol.

List Assessment(s) – informal or formal – how do you know they have learned the desired content and you have
achieved your objectives?

Discussion- Informal- questions will be asked throughout the PowerPoint to set high expectations in the classroom
and to see if the students are understanding the material appropriately.
• Is alcohol a depressant?
• Why might the impairment caused by alcohol be a problem?
• What are the three major influences in a person’s choice to drink?

Notes- Formal-Students will answer the three questions about three advertisements that will determine if they can
differentiate between what the hidden messages and the actual truth is about each. This covers the objective that
students should be able to differentiate between what the hidden message is and what the actual truth is for at least 3
• Is the advertisement appealing?
• What is it trying to say?
• How can the message be bad/negative? (What does it not say about alcohol?)

Quiz-Formal- Students will take a 10-point quiz to determine if they can identify different facts and myths about
alcohol and recall information presented in class. Two of the objectives will be assessed here which is to identify 5
facts or myths about alcohol and to recall 3 facts, factors, and effects of alcohol.


Students will take a 10-point quiz to determine if they can identify different facts and myths about alcohol and recall
information presented in class. Two of the objectives will be assessed here which is to identify 5 facts or myths
about alcohol and to recall 3 facts, factors, and effects of alcohol. Teacher will let students know that they must
always be aware of the truths regarding alcohol and that there is many outside factors that influence alcohol

Notes/Reflection (to be completed right after you finish teaching a particular lesson)
What did you accomplish? How much did the students learn? What would you leave the same and what might you
change in the future to improve this lesson?

Notes were filled in for students and handed out at the end of class. To make the lesson more interactive teacher
used splash concept words such as tolerance for students to form sentences about alcohol with. Each student was
asked to come up to the board and read the sentence out loud where the class would decide if it was right or wrong.
Teacher then flips to the slide of the PowerPoint and shares the correct information with more detail. Notes were
handed out at the end, so it could not be used as a cheat sheet.
Only one advertisement was able to be done so more in-depth detail was provided on that assessment to keep high
understanding of the content.
-Quiz exit slip was completed for one class, the other class will have an entrance slip for the next class.

Alcohol Day 1 Notes


What is another name for alcohol?



Binge Drinking

Alcohol Poisoning:

Short Term Effects:






Long Term Effects:




3 Major Influences:






Media and Advertising:


Alcohol Ad #1

Is the advertisement appealing?

What is it trying to say?

What does the message not say about alcohol? (Use facts!)

Alcohol Ad #2

Is the advertisement appealing?

What is it trying to say?

What does the message not say about alcohol? (Use facts!)

Alcohol Ad #3

Is the advertisement appealing?

What is it trying to say?

What does the message not say about alcohol? (Use facts!)

Alcohol Quiz


Instructions: You will be taking a ten-point quiz to determine if

you can identify different myths and facts about alcohol and if

you remember information presented in class.

Answer the following with True or False.

9. Alcohol is a depressant. (1 point)


10. Eating before drinking will make you sick. (1 point)


11. If a large person and a small person had an identical

alcoholic beverage, the small person would feel its effects

sooner than the large person. (1 point)



12. Gender is not a factor in how alcohol affects the

body. (1 point)


13. Alcohol is a drug and it is possible to overdose on

alcohol (alcohol poisoning). (1 point)


Answer the following with short statements.

14. What are the three things that influence a person’s

choice to drink or not drink? (2 points)

Peers, family, media and advertising


15. Binge drinking is consuming 5 or more alcoholic

drinks at one sitting. Why is binge drinking dangerous? (2


Multiple answers accepted. Easy to overdose. You do not know

your limit. Greatly increased risk to your health.

16. What is one long term effect of alcohol on the body?

(1 point)

Multiple answers accepted. Brain damage. High blood

pressure. Liver problems (cirrhosis).



Name____Jasmine Powell____________________ Date __3/30/19_________________

School___Agawam High School________Lesson # __4_______________

Grade__10_______ Class size__~25____ Class/Time___6:30-10:20

Unit/Theme __Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs ____Lesson Focus _Alcohol

Objectives (must be measurable, use action verbs and include elements of success)
Cite appropriate standards from MA Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Identify at least three cons of drinking alcohol MA CF 10.10 and 10.11

Demonstrate non-verbal communication and refusal skills at least twice to saying no to alcohol
MA CF 10.13

Materials/Supplies/Lesson Preparation
• Laptops-students will grab laptops at beginning of class
• PowerPoint-PowerPoint will be set up before class begins
• Notes Worksheet-notes will be placed in pick up bin before class begins
• Pen/pencil
• Whiteboard- agenda and objectives will be written out before class begins
• Dry erase markers

Special Accommodations (How will the special needs of individual students be met?)
All student’s primary language is English. Every student has a different learning style, so
instruction and other components of the lesson are verbally and visually communicated. A few
students are in gender transitions. As an educator I must make my environment inclusive and
safe by being an advocate for the LGBTQ community. Some students also have a 504 plan, so I
must meet diverse needs of each student by providing extensions up and down on assessments
and or activities. One of the students named Taylor tends to answer questions with inappropriate
responses for a school setting. To keep her involved in the lesson, when she makes these
responses I must make sure I rephrase what she is saying to connect it to the classroom
environment. Kade has a hard time paying attention and tries to do other things such as go on
snapchat during the lesson. I must use proximity and desisting with him to keep him on task.
During classwork, I must also make sure he is on task and going to complete it on time. Zol is an
ELL student. He has a hard time filling in notes. For this lesson I must provide Zol with filled in
notes in order to help him follow along.

References/Resources (include books, articles, websites, etc.)


Opening (activator/instant activity)

Review and statistics- Students will be asked what the three main factors of alcohol use are. This
will serve as review from last lesson. Students will also be shown a statistic on high school
students who consume alcohol. This will serve as a lead into the discussion of the day.
Procedures – Step by step description of teaching strategies/methods/pedagogy to be used.
(Include time frame for each activity, transitons, extensions/adaptations, cooperative learning
techniques – jig saw, pair/share, etc.)

1. Whiteboard- Agenda and objectives will be written out before class begins. Teacher will
go over the agenda and objectives, explaining the importance of each objective in relation
to the lesson.
2. PowerPoint- teacher will have PowerPoint set up before class. As students arrive they
will grab their laptops and log into Nearpod using the code on the screen. They will also
grab the alcohol day 2 notes.
a. Review and statistics- Students will be asked what the three main factors of
alcohol use are. This will serve as review from last lesson. Students will also be
shown a statistic on high school students who consume alcohol. This will serve as
a lead into the discussion of the day.
b. Pros and Cons of Drinking- Students will fill out a collaboration board, giving
examples of pros and cons of drinking. Teacher will ask questions on answers
given to get a further understanding into what students see at Agawam. Teacher
will then give examples of own pros and cons that she has heard of from past
classes and college peers. This is where the objective “identify 3 cons to drinking”
is assessed.
c. Refusal Strategies- Refusal strategies will be identified. Why refusal strategies are
needed will be identified.
3. Role Playing- Teacher will hand out role playing scenarios pairing people in groups as
she goes. Once students are in groups they will look at their scenario and answer the
three questions on the notes. Once decided, students will begin preparing their skit for
presentation in class. This is where the objective “demonstrate non-verbal
communication and refusal skills at least twice to saying no to alcohol” is assessed.

List Assessment(s) – informal or formal – how do you know they have learned the desired
content and you have achieved your objectives?

Discussion- informal- questions will be asked throughout the PowerPoint to check for
• What are the three main factors that influence alcohol use?
• What are ways to refuse alcohol?

Pros and Cons of Drinking- FORMAL- Students will fill out a collaboration board, giving
examples of pros and cons of drinking. Teacher will ask questions on answers given to get a
further understanding into what students see at Agawam. Teacher will then give examples of
own pros and cons that she has heard of from past classes and college peers. This is where the
objective “identify 3 cons to drinking” is assessed.

Role Playing- FORMAL-Teacher will hand out role playing scenarios pairing people in groups
as she goes. Once students are in groups they will look at their scenario and answer the three
questions on the notes. Once decided, students will begin preparing their skit for presentation in
class. This is where the objective “demonstrate non-verbal communication and refusal skills at
least twice to saying no to alcohol” is assessed.

Teacher will ask students based off the scenarios presented:

• Are there any other ways groups would go about refusing the alcohol in the situation?
• Is the scenario relatable in any way to what you see happen at Agawam?

Notes/Reflection (to be completed right after you finish teaching a particular lesson)
What did you accomplish? How much did the students learn? What would you leave the same
and what might you change in the future to improve this lesson?

Notes Day 2 were taken out because day 1 covered all concepts. Students went into media and
advertising assignment. The assignment led into refusal strategies. Instead of going through them
teacher told students they had a 25-page paper due. Students freaked out and were using refusal
strategies without even knowing. Teacher explained she was joking and that they were using
refusal strategies to get out of the paper and that is what they would be working on today.
Students were asked to get into groups where they would then bring their worksheet up to the
teacher, let her know the groups and she chose their scenario. The students then worked on their
scenarios and were told they would share on Wednesday. As a grade student needed to submit a
script and present the scenario to the entire class on Wednesday. The students did not have a set
grading system so this time it was provided on their filled in notes and the power point slide.
Role play scenarios were given out at random and groups were formed based off of who would
work well together instead of student choice.

Alcohol Day 2 Notes


“Pros” of drinking

Cons of drinking

Refusal Strategies

Role Playing Assignment

Students will be split into groups based on the scenario they are given. Groups

will be of 2,3 or 4 individuals. Students will look at their scenario and answer the

three questions on the next page of this worksheet. Once decided, students will

begin preparing their skit for presentation in class. They will get fifteen minutes to

answer the questions and rehearse their skit for presentation. Everyone will

present their scenario.


What is the scenario about?

What are the “pros”/ cons identified in the scenario?

What refusal skill are you going to use? Why?


Role Play Scenarios:

Scenario 1 (4 people): While riding in the back of the bus on

the way home from a sporting event, one of your teammates

pulls out a bottle of vodka and offers you a drink.

Scenario 2 (2 people): Your friend is having a small party. You

show up and everybody you see is either drinking alcohol or

appears to be. Your big “crush” walks up and offers you a drink.

Scenario 3 (2-3 people): You go over to a friend’s house after

school and their parents are not home. Your friend walks in,

hands you a drink of alcohol, and exclaims, “My parents left the

liquor cabinet open!”


Scenario 4 (2-4 people): You don’t have your driver’s license

yet, but your junior friend drove you to this party. When it’s

time to leave, you realize they have been drinking, but they

climb in the driver’s side door and tell you to get in.

Scenario 5 (3 people): You’re at a party with a bunch of people

from your school. A student who just moved in town a few

weeks ago shows up and your friend offers them a drink. There

is hesitation and a look of uncertainty on the new student’s


Scenario 6 (2 people): You get invited to your first party as a

sophomore, but you have never drunk alcohol before and you

know it will be there. You go and when someone offers you an


alcoholic drink you try not to accept. The same person comes

around and offers you another one.

Scenario 7 (2-4 people): You go to a party and have had several

alcoholic drinks. As you finish your current drink, someone

walks in and tries to give you another drink, but you know that

you have had way too much and should not drink another.


Name____Jasmine Powell____________________ Date __4/6/19_________________

School___Agawam High School________Lesson # __5______________

Grade__10_______ Class size__~25____ Class/Time___6:30-10:20

Unit/Theme __Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs ____Lesson Focus: Other Drugs
Objectives (must be measurable, use action verbs and include elements of success)
Cite appropriate standards from MA Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Compare and contrast 2 ways drugs effect performance in the classroom and sports MA CF

Identify 3 misuses of Medicine and describe the increased negative effects on the body,
including the stages of addiction, and overdose MA CF 10.9

Identify 3 consequences of using drugs by applying promotional skills such as modeling to

encourage healthy behavior. MA CF 10.15

Materials/Supplies/Lesson Preparation
• Laptops-set up before class
• PowerPoint-set up before class
• Other Drug Notes Day1-print before class and place in pickup area
• Poster Assignment- print before class
• Pen/pencil
• Dry erase markers
• Whiteboard- agenda and objectives will be written out before class

Special Accommodations (How will the special needs of individual students be met?)
All student’s primary language is English. Every student has a different learning style, so
instruction and other components of the lesson are verbally and visually communicated. A few
students are in gender transitions. As an educator I must make my environment inclusive and
safe by being an advocate for the LGBTQ community. Some students also have a 504 plan, so I
must meet diverse needs of each student by providing extensions up and down on assessments
and or activities. One of the students named Taylor tends to answer questions with inappropriate
responses for a school setting. To keep her involved in the lesson, when she makes these
responses I must make sure I rephrase what she is saying to connect it to the classroom
environment. Kade has a hard time paying attention and tries to do other things such as go on
snapchat during the lesson. I must use proximity and desisting with him to keep him on task.
During classwork, I must also make sure he is on task and going to complete it on time.

References/Resources (include books, articles, websites, etc.)


Opening (activator/instant activity)

Whiteboard-Teacher will write agenda and objectives out on the white board before class.
Teacher will go over agenda and objectives with students. Teacher will explain to students that
the objectives will pop up randomly throughout the lesson to heck for understanding and to make
sure students are following a long with the material. Teacher will also explain purpose of
objectives to students.

Procedures – Step by step description of teaching strategies/methods/pedagogy to be used.

(Include time frame for each activity, transitions, extensions/adaptations, cooperative learning
techniques – jig saw, pair/share, etc.)
1. Whiteboard-Teacher will write agenda and objectives out on the white board before class.
Teacher will go over agenda and objectives with students. Teacher will explain to
students that the objectives will pop up randomly throughout the lesson to heck for
understanding and to make sure students are following a long with the material. Teacher
will also explain purpose of objectives to students.
2. PowerPoint- Teacher will set up PowerPoint before class. Notes that go along with the
PowerPoint will be provided.
a. Medicine-Teacher will define medicine.
b. Drugs-Teacher will define drugs.
c. Categories of Medicine-Teacher will go over the four categories of medicine.
Teacher will ask students for examples of each.
d. Side effects-Teacher will ask students questions about side effects to drugs.
i. What is it called when someone has a reaction to medicine other than the
one intended?
ii. Why do drugs have side effects?
iii. What is tolerance?
iv. What is withdrawal?
v. What is the problem with both?
e. Misuse of Medicine-Teacher will ask students how medicine gets misused.
Teacher will go over ways to misuse medicine. This is where the objective
“recognize at least 3 misuses of Medicine” will be assessed.
f. Physical Consequences-Teacher will ask students for physical consequences of
drugs. Teacher will define overdose. Teacher will ask students how the effects of
drugs can affect performance in the classroom and sports. This is where the
objective “distinguish at least 2 ways drugs effect performance in the classroom
and sports” is assessed.
g. Social Consequences-Teacher will go over six social consequences of using drugs
or misusing medicine. Teacher will ask students if they know of any other social
h. Influences and Factors-teacher will go over influences and factors of drug use.
Teacher will have students reflect on each influence/factor.

3. Role Model Poster Assignment- Teacher will hand out poster assignment rubric and go
over it. Students will design a poster for younger students advocating against drug use.
This is where the objective “demonstrate advocacy for not using drugs by creating a
poster about the consequences of using drugs” will be assessed.

List Assessment(s) – informal or formal – how do you know they have learned the desired
content and you have achieved your objectives?
Role Model Poster Assignment- FORMAL-Teacher will hand out poster assignment rubric and
go over it. Students will design a poster for younger students advocating against drug use. This is
where the objective “demonstrate advocacy for not using drugs by creating a poster about the
consequences of using drugs” will be assessed.

Misuse of Medicine-INFORMAL-Teacher will ask students how medicine gets misused.

Teacher will go over ways to misuse medicine. This is where the objective “recognize at least 3
misuses of Medicine” will be assessed.

Physical Consequences-INFORMAL-Teacher will ask students for physical consequences of

drugs. Teacher will define overdose. Teacher will ask students how the effects of drugs can
affect performance in the classroom and sports. This is where the objective “distinguish at least 2
ways drugs effect performance in the classroom and sports” is assessed.


Role Model Poster Assignment- FORMAL-Teacher will hand out poster assignment rubric and
go over it. Students will design a poster for younger students advocating against drug use. This is
where the objective “demonstrate advocacy for not using drugs by creating a poster about the
consequences of using drugs” will be assessed.

Students will work on poster assignment for the rest of the class. Before class ends, teacher will
ask students to put laptops away. Teacher will notify students if they did not finish their poster
assignment they must do it outside of class as homework before the next class.

Notes/Reflection (to be completed right after you finish teaching a particular lesson)
What did you accomplish? How much did the students learn? What would you leave the same
and what might you change in the future to improve this lesson?

Added in a homework assignment to make the information more in depth and to assess what I
may need to cover more in review or in the next lessons.

Added in more information on PowerPoint slides to make the lesson more in depth and
informational for the students.

Students were unable to take the post-test before learning this material so study guide and
PowerPoints were given to them ahead of time so hey could succeed in this area. Notes were
filled in for students, so they had them and could understand the topic better.

Other Drugs Day 1 Notes




Categories of Medicine

Medicine Misuse

Social Consequences


Influencers and Factors

Role Model Advocacy Poster Assignment


Instructions: Being a role model is a very important job that you will be given

whether you accept it or not. For that reason, you are to design a poster for

younger students advocating against drug use. Your target audience may be

anywhere from 5th grade to 10th grade. Write on the poster the intended target

age. Show some creativity and make sure your poster will be applicable to the

intended age group. The poster can be done on Word or paper. If done on Word,

once you are finished upload to google classroom. They are due two days from

when they are started.

Make sure your poster includes the following to get full credit: (Out of 25 points)

- 3 specific consequence(s) of using drugs (6 points)

- 2 alternative solutions (4 points)

- 1 Catchy slogan or saying (3 points)

- Visually pleasing (does it draw the passerby in to look at it) (2 points)

- No grammar or spelling errors (3 points)

- Your name and intended age group (2 points)

-Done on word or plain white paper (2 points)

-Handed in on time for due date (3 points)

Medicine HW Assignment
Complete the following questions for homework. You can use the notes to help
you find answers. If you hand the assignment in on time you get full credit!
1. Medicines you can buy without a doctor’s prescription are


2. If you take large amounts of a medicine, you could have a life-threatening

reaction known as a(n)__________________________________________.

3. Intentionally taking medicine for nonmedical reasons is known


4. Medicines that are available only with the recommendation of a doctor and

are dispensed only by a licensed pharmacist are


5. Which does NOT describe a prescription medicine?

a. Only a specified amount is distributed.

b. Written approval is required.

c. It should be taken only by the person it is prescribed to.

d. It can be purchased without a doctor’s recommendation.

6. Which of the following is a way a person could misuse a medicine?

a. Taking only half of the prescription with your doctor’s approval.

b. Saving half of an antibiotic prescription in case you get sick later.

c. Following the instructions on the medicine label.

d. Taking two medicines at the same time as directed by a doctor.

7. Which is NOT a risk of abusing medicines?

a. Addiction

b. Death from heart failure


c. Paranoia

d. Taking too little medicine


Name____Jasmine Powell____________________ Date __4/7/19_________________

School___Agawam High School________Lesson # __2_______________

Grade__10_______ Class size__~25____ Class/Time___6:30-10:20

Unit/Theme __Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs ____Lesson Focus: Other Drugs

Objectives (must be measurable, use action verbs and include elements of success)
Cite appropriate standards from MA Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Identify 20 facts/findings about drugs and their effects from the provided website MA CF 10.9,
10.10, .11, 10.13 and 10.14

Materials/Supplies/Lesson Preparation
• Laptops-set up before class
• PowerPoint-set up before class
• Dry erase markers
• Pen/pencil
• Accessing information worksheet- print out before class and place in pickup area
• White board-write out agenda and objectives before class

Special Accommodations (How will the special needs of individual students be met?)
All student’s primary language is English. Every student has a different learning style, so
instruction and other components of the lesson are verbally and visually communicated. A few
students are in gender transitions. As an educator I must make my environment inclusive and
safe by being an advocate for the LGBTQ community. Some students also have a 504 plan, so I
must meet diverse needs of each student by providing extensions up and down on assessments
and or activities. One of the students named Taylor tends to answer questions with inappropriate
responses for a school setting. To keep her involved in the lesson, when she makes these
responses I must make sure I rephrase what she is saying to connect it to the classroom
environment. Kade has a hard time paying attention and tries to do other things such as go on
snapchat during the lesson. I must use proximity and desisting with him to keep him on task.
During classwork, I must also make sure he is on task and going to complete it on time.

References/Resources (include books, articles, websites, etc.)

Opening (activator/instant activity)

Whiteboard-Teacher will write agenda and objectives out on the white board before class.
Teacher will go over agenda and objectives with students. Teacher will explain to students that
the objectives will pop up randomly throughout the lesson to check for understanding and to
make sure students are following a long with the material. Teacher will also explain purpose of
objectives to students.

Procedures – Step by step description of teaching strategies/methods/pedagogy to be used.

(Include time frame for each activity, transitons, extensions/adaptations, cooperative learning
techniques – jig saw, pair/share, etc.)
6. Whiteboard-Teacher will write agenda and objectives out on the white board before class.
Teacher will go over agenda and objectives with students. Teacher will explain to
students that the objectives will pop up randomly throughout the lesson to check for
understanding and to make sure students are following a long with the material. Teacher
will also explain purpose of objectives to students.
7. PowerPoint-teacher will set up PowerPoint before class begins.
a. Marijuana- teacher will explain what marijuana is. Teacher will ask students
methods of us for marijuana. Teacher will provide statistics on marijuana.
Teacher will go over the physical, mental and social effects of marijuana. Teacher
will go over safety risks of marijuana.
b. Psychoactive drugs-teacher will define what a psychoactive drug is. Teacher will
go over the different types of psychoactive drugs. Teacher will ask students for
examples of psychoactive drugs.
c. Assessing information-teacher will tell story about fentanyl and how it has
affected her life through the wrong information (friend died of overdose). Teacher
will explain to students that they should know how to assess information to make
sure they are getting the right facts instead of myths. Students will go to They will take some time to explore the website.
Students will then complete 9 questions or assignments while on the website.
When students finish they will hand it in and the teacher will grade it. Teacher
will ask students question #9 about the website at the end of the lesson to generate
discussion. This is where the objective “identify 20 facts/findings about drugs and
their effects from the provided website” gets assessed.

List Assessment(s) – informal or formal – how do you know they have learned the desired
content and you have achieved your objectives?

Assessing information-formal-teacher will tell story about fentanyl and how it has affected her
life through the wrong information (friend died of overdose). Teacher will explain to students
that they should know how to assess information to make sure they are getting the right facts
instead of myths. Students will go to They will take some time to
explore the website. Students will then complete 9 questions or assignments while on the
website. When students finish they will hand it in and the teacher will grade it. Teacher will ask
students question #9 about the website at the end of the lesson to generate discussion. This is
where the objective “identify 20 facts/findings about drugs and their effects from the provided
website” gets assessed.

Discussion-informal-teacher will ask students questions throughout the lesson to get better
insight on what happens at Agawam and to check for understanding.
• What are some marijuana methods of use?
• What are some examples of psychoactive drugs?

• What are some physical, mental and social effects of marijuana?


Assessing information-teacher will tell story about fentanyl and how it has affected her life
through the wrong information (friend died of overdose). Teacher will explain to students that
they should know how to assess information to make sure they are getting the right facts instead
of myths. Students will go to They will take some time to explore
the website. Students will then complete 9 questions or assignments while on the website. When
students finish they will hand it in and the teacher will grade it. Teacher will ask students
question #9 about the website at the end of the lesson to generate discussion. This is where the
objective “identify 20 facts/findings about drugs and their effects from the provided website”
gets assessed.

Notes/Reflection (to be completed right after you finish teaching a particular lesson)
What did you accomplish? How much did the students learn? What would you leave the same
and what might you change in the future to improve this lesson?
Students were asked to use the textbook to fill in their notes. They needed five facts for each one.
After an allotted time, we moved to the PowerPoint filling in blanks. The accessing worksheet
did not have enough time to be completed so it was put up as homework.

Other Drugs Notes Day 2


Illegal Drugs



Safety Risks


Psychoactive Drugs





Accessing Valid Health Information Worksheet


Instructions: Go to Take some time to

explore the website. Complete the following questions or assignments while on

the website.

Section 1:

From the main page, click on the Facts link at the top of the page.

1) Click on Drug Facts and pick 3 drugs from different categories of drugs to write

down along with 3 facts for each drug.

2) Click on Marijuana and write down 3 facts that you learned about smoking


3) Click on FAQs and write down 2 facts that you learned from that web page.

Section 2:

From the main page, click on the Ads link. (located at the bottom)

4) Watch at least one of the commercials and write a paragraph statement (3-5

sentences) describing the type of impact the commercial had on you. What

emotions were emitted when watching it? Do you think that those type of

commercials are effective?

Section 3:

From the main page, click on the Find help link at the top of the page. 5) Click on

either for yourself or for a friend and write down 2 facts you learned from the


6) Click on how are you doing? quiz, take the quiz, and report your score.

7) Click on experts weigh in and write down 2 questions and answers that

surprised you.

8) What are the seven types of influence?


9) What did you think of this website? Do you think it would be helpful in

advocating for anti-drugs? Why or why not?



Name____Jasmine Powell____________________ Date __4/8/19_________________

School___Agawam High School________Lesson # 7

Grade__10_______ Class size__~25____ Class/Time___6:30-10:20
Unit/Theme __Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs ____Lesson Focus: Exam

Objectives (must be measurable, use action verbs and include elements of success)
Cite appropriate standards from MA Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions regarding the use of tobacco, alcohol, and
other drugs by completing a final exam on the entire unit scoring at least an 80% MA CF 10.13

Discuss and comprehend the risk of being under the influence by using at least 2 pairs of drunk
goggles MA CF 10.11

Materials/Supplies/Lesson Preparation
• Post-test- teacher will have printed out before class
• Drunk goggles-teacher will have station set up before class
• Whiteboard- agenda and objectives will be written out before class
• Dry erase markers
• Pen/pencil

Special Accommodations (How will the special needs of individual students be met?)
All student’s primary language is English. Every student has a different learning style, so
instruction and other components of the lesson are verbally and visually communicated. A few
students are in gender transitions. As an educator I must make my environment inclusive and
safe by being an advocate for the LGBTQ community. Some students also have a 504 plan, so I
must meet diverse needs of each student by providing extensions up and down on assessments
and or activities. One of the students named Taylor tends to answer questions with inappropriate
responses for a school setting. To keep her involved in the lesson, when she makes these
responses I must make sure I rephrase what she is saying to connect it to the classroom
environment. Kade has a hard time paying attention and tries to do other things such as go on
snapchat during the lesson. I must use proximity and desisting with him to keep him on task.
During classwork, I must also make sure he is on task and going to complete it on time.

References/Resources (include books, articles, websites, etc.)

Opening (activator/instant activity)


Whiteboard-Teacher will write agenda and objectives out on the white board before class.
Teacher will go over agenda and objectives with students. Teacher will explain to students that
the objectives will pop up randomly throughout the lesson to heck for understanding and to make
sure students are following a long with the material. Teacher will also explain purpose of
objectives to students.

Procedures – Step by step description of teaching strategies/methods/pedagogy to be used.

(Include time frame for each activity, transitons, extensions/adaptations, cooperative learning
techniques – jig saw, pair/share, etc.)

8. Whiteboard-Teacher will write agenda and objectives out on the white board before class.
Teacher will go over agenda and objectives with students. Teacher will explain to
students that the objectives will pop up randomly throughout the lesson to heck for
understanding and to make sure students are following a long with the material. Teacher
will also explain purpose of objectives to students.
9. Post-test- Teacher will sperate students from each other to prevent cheating. Teacher will
then hand out post-test for the entire unit. Students will be given 30 minutes to complete
the post-test. Once graded the objective “Complete a final exam on the entire unit scoring
at least an 80%” will be assessed.
10. Drunk Goggles- Once the thirty minutes for the post-test is up, students will be taken to
the drunk goggle station where they will try on different goggles feeling the effects of
being under the influence. Teacher will add a ball challenge in where students will throw
a ball to each other with the goggles on. This will help students how much alcohol and
other drugs can impair your judgement. This is where the objective “Comprehend the risk
of being under the influence by using at least 2 pairs of drunk goggles” will be assessed.
It will be assessed during discussion at the end of the lesson through questioning.

List Assessment(s) – informal or formal – how do you know they have learned the desired
content and you have achieved your objectives?

Drunk Goggles-INFORMAL- Once the thirty minutes for the post-test is up, students will be
taken to the drunk goggle station where they will try on different goggles feeling the effects of
being under the influence. Teacher will add a ball challenge in where students will throw a ball
to each other with the goggles on. This will help students how much alcohol and other drugs can
impair your judgement. This is where the objective “Comprehend the risk of being under the
influence by using at least 2 pairs of drunk goggles” will be assessed. It will be assessed during
discussion at the end of the lesson through questioning.

Post-test-FORMAL- Teacher will sperate students from each other to prevent cheating. Teacher
will then hand out post-test for the entire unit. Students will be given 30 minutes to complete the
post-test. Once graded the objective “Complete a final exam on the entire unit scoring at least an
80%” will be assessed.

Drunk Goggles-INFORMAL- Once the thirty minutes for the post-test is up, students will be
taken to the drunk goggle station where they will try on different goggles feeling the effects of
being under the influence. Teacher will add a ball challenge in where students will throw a ball
to each other with the goggles on. This will help students how much alcohol and other drugs can
impair your judgement. This is where the objective “Comprehend the risk of being under the
influence by using at least 2 pairs of drunk goggles” will be assessed. It will be assessed during
discussion at the end of the lesson through questioning.
Why is being under the influence dangerous?
What type of risks are at hand when being under the influence? (car accident)

Notes/Reflection (to be completed right after you finish teaching a particular lesson)
What did you accomplish? How much did the students learn? What would you leave the same
and what might you change in the future to improve this lesson?

Drunk goggles got moved to alcohol lessons to give students more time to take the post-test.
Post test was made more challenging to accommodate for added in depth information on lessons.
Post-test was done before every topic was completely looked at because of due date.

Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs Pre/Post Test


Score: / 68

1. (4 points) List 2 short term and 2 long term effects of cigarette smoking or

smokeless tobacco on the body.

2. (2 points) A vaccine for polio will do which of the following?

a. Causes the body to make antibodies to fight polio

b. Cause people to develop the polio disease

c. Protects the body against the measles virus

d. Protects people against polio for a short period of time

3. (2 points) What type of medicine might your doctor prescribe if you have

the flu?

a. Antitoxin

b. Antibiotic

c. Antiviral

d. Antifungal

4. (1 point) Name 1 reason why you should remain tobacco free.


5. (2 points) A dependence on drinks with alcohol is


6. (2 points) Name 1 strategy you could use to stay tobacco free.

7. (1 point) What type of psychoactive drug is best known for altering sense


a. Depressant

b. Hallucinogen

c. Opiates

d. Stimulants

8. (1 point) Gender is a factor in how alcohol affects the body. True or False?

9. (1 point) What type of medicine is aspirin?

a. Analgesic

b. Antiviral

c. Antihistamine

d. Antibiotic

10.(1 point) Alcohol is a depressant. True or False?

11.(1 point) Alcohol is a drug but it is not possible to overdose on alcohol

(alcohol poisoning). True or False?

12.(1 point) Eating before drinking will make you sick. True or False?

13.(3 points) What are the three things that influence a person’s choice to

drink or not drink?

14. (1 point) Binge drinking is drinking heavily for three or more consecutive

days. True or False?


15.(2 points) How do bacteria become resistant to certain types of antibiotics?

16.(1 point) What is a way that tobacco use immediately affects the body?

a. Chronic bronchitis

b. Increased risk of cancer

c. Leukoplakia

d. Increased heart rate

17.(2 points) Give 2 reasons why binge drinking is dangerous.

18.(2 points) Roughly how many chemicals are found in marijuana?

a. 11

b. 26

c. 256

d. 400

19.(12 points) Answer the following questions based on the alcohol

advertisement below.

What is really being advertised? (Think about the intended audience,

emotions or desires)

What is the hidden message? (What do the advertisers want the intended

audience to believe?)

What is the truth? (Why is it misleading? Use facts!)

20.(6 points) What are 3 refusal strategies you could use when you need to say

no to drugs?

21.(2 points) Is smokeless tobacco less harmful than cigarettes? Why or why


22. (2 points) What makes marijuana a gateway drug?

23.(1 point) Which is NOT a short-term effect of alcohol?

a. Coordination is impaired

b. Vision is impaired

c. More stomach acid is produced

d. Judgement is altered

24. (4 points) Medicines you can buy without a doctor’s prescription are


25. (2 points) Outside of the clear physical consequences, what makes using

drugs such a risky health behavior?

26.(4 points) Name one-way medicines get misused. Tell how that misuse can

be corrected (How do you properly use it?)

27. (1 point) It is illegal for adults to drive when they have what BAC level?

a. 0.01

b. 0.02

c. 0.05

d. 0.08

Bonus: (1 point each; 4 points maximum)

Name 4 different facts that you found while searching the “Above the

Influence” website.



Bronson, M. H. (2015). Glencoe health. Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill


Whalen, S., Splendorio, D., & Chiarello, S. (2007). Tools for teaching

health: 100 interactive strategies to promote health literacy and

life skills in adolescents and young adults. San Francisco: Jossey-


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