Murphy 1998

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Cataphoresis in electric arcs

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1998 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 31 3383


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J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 31 (1998) 3383–3390. Printed in the UK PII: S0022-3727(98)94907-5

Cataphoresis in electric arcs

A B Murphy
CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics, PO Box 218, Lindfield,
NSW 2070, Australia

Received 5 June 1998, in final form 21 August 1998

Abstract. A two-dimensional numerical model is used to investigate cataphoresis

(demixing driven by electrical fields) in free-burning arcs in mixtures of argon with
helium, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen at atmospheric pressure. The method of
inclusion of electrical field effects in the combined diffusion coefficient treatment of
diffusion and demixing is presented. Cataphoresis is found to lead to large
increases in helium concentration near the anode in argon–helium arcs and smaller
decreases in hydrogen concentration near the axis in argon–hydrogen arcs. There
is no significant effect in argon–nitrogen and argon–oxygen arcs. The effects of
cataphoresis on other arc properties are generally small and are significant only in
argon–helium arcs.

1. Introduction concept of combined diffusion coefficients, which allowed

the treatment of diffusion to be greatly simplified for
Cataphoresis is the partial separation of different chemical many mixed-gas plasmas. The concept was applied to
elements in a plasma due to the transport of ions in an a two-dimensional model of a free-burning arc in a gas
externally applied electrical field. It is a special case of mixture [1], allowing demixing processes in the arc to be
demixing, which refers to all diffusion-driven processes that investigated.
lead to such separation. These processes include demixing In this paper, an extension of the combined diffusion
due to partial pressure gradients, frictional forces and coefficient formulation to allow calculation of diffusion
thermal diffusion. Murphy [1–3] has shown that demixing driven by an externally applied electrical field is presented.
can lead to large changes in the composition of free- The incorporation of this extension into the two-
burning arcs in mixtures of argon with hydrogen, helium, dimensional free-burning arc model allows the effect
nitrogen and oxygen. It can also alter properties such as of cataphoresis to be investigated. Some industrially
the temperature, convective flow, and thermal fluxes. relevant gas mixtures are considered. Both the changes
Observations of cataphoresis in thermal plasmas date in composition caused by demixing and the consequent
back to the start of the 20th century. For example, Lenard changes in arc properties such as the temperature, flow
[4] recorded the observation that spectral emissions from velocity and thermal transport are calculated. The
metal vapours introduced into arcs in air between carbon contributions of cataphoresis to the changes are assessed
electrodes were greatest in the region near the cathode. and compared with those of other demixing processes.
Mannkopf [5] was the first to demonstrate that this increase In section 2, the extension of the combined diffusion
in emission from metallic elements near the cathode was coefficient formulation to allow treatment of the effects
due to an increase in partial pressure of these elements, of applied electrical fields is discussed. The equations
rather than being due to an enhancement of excitation. and methods used in the computational model are also
He showed further that the partial pressure of a metallic presented. In section 3, the results of the model for free-
element was greater the larger its degree of ionization. burning arcs in various mixtures of argon with helium,
Frie [6] presented a simplified theoretical discussion of hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen are given. The results are
the effect. Cataphoresis is also observed in low-pressure discussed in section 4 and conclusions are presented in
discharges, in which strong separation of different noble section 5.
gases [7], of metallic vapours from noble gases [8, 9], and
of isotopes of hydrogen [10] has been demonstrated.
2. Theory
Calculation of the effects of cataphoresis (and demixing
in general) in thermal plasmas has been restricted by the
2.1. The combined diffusion coefficient formulation
need to treat the diffusion of the many species present in
plasmas produced from gas mixtures. The conservation The combined diffusion coefficient formulation [11, 12]
of mass of each of the species has to be considered greatly simplifies the treatment of diffusion in many
and diffusion coefficients describing the diffusion of each mixtures of gases, through treating the diffusion of gases,
species with respect to every other species have to rather than of species. Here a gas is defined to consist of all
be calculated. Murphy [11, 12] recently introduced the species derived from that gas; hence nitrogen gas includes

c 1998 IOP Publishing Ltd 3383
A B Murphy

nitrogen molecules, atoms, ions and electrons derived from Note that the ambipolar terms do not appear in the term in
ionization of these species. In this section, the basis of the E. Also note that, when there is no ionization, ambipolar
formulation is outlined for a gas mixture under the influence effects do not occur, so we write Dija = Dij and DiT a = DiT .
of an externally applied electrical field. The combined diffusion coefficient formulation may be
In a gas mixture containing q species, the equation applied to mixtures of homonuclear gases that do not react
describing the mass flux of species i relative to the mass- with each other, under the assumption of local chemical
average velocity is [13, 14] equilibrium. As will be shown, in the case of a mixture of
two such gases in the presence of a temperature gradient and
n2 X
an applied electrical field, it allows the q 2 ordinary diffusion
Ji ≡ ni mi vi = mi mj Dij dj − DiT ∇ ln T (1)
ρ coefficients (of which q(q − 1)/2 are linearly independent)
j =1
and the q thermal diffusion coefficients (of which q − 1 are
where vi is the diffusion velocity of species i relative to linearly independent) to be replaced by just three combined
the mass-average velocity, T is the temperature and diffusion coefficients.
If we consider a mixture of two gases A and B, with
ρj ρj ρ species 1 being the electron, species 2 to p belonging to
dj = ∇xj + xj − ∇ ln P − Fj − nl Fl (2) gas A, and species p + 1 to q belonging to gas B, we can
ρ Pρ mj l=1
define the mass flux of gas A as
describes the diffusion forces due to gradients in mole
fraction xj and pressure P and due to external forces Fj . n JA = si J i (9)
and ρ are respectively the number density and mass density; i=1
ρj , nj and mj are respectively the mass density, number
density and mass of the j th species. Dij and DiT are where the si are stoichiometric coefficients, given by
respectively the ordinary and thermal diffusion coefficients.
Here we neglect gradients in the pressure and assume si = (me /mA ) Zk xk /xe (i = 1) (10)
the only external field to be a dc electrical field E. Note k=2
that gravitational fields have no direct effect on diffusion,
p X
so there is no loss of generality through their omission. If
we also include the ambipolar electrical field E a caused si = bi xk bk xk (2 ≤ i ≤ p). (11)
k=2 k=2
by the separation of electrons and ions resulting from the
tendency for electrons to diffuse more rapidly, the force on Here bi is the number of atoms in a molecule of species i;
a particle of species j is Fj = Zj e(E + E a ), where e is thus bi = 2 for a diatomic molecule or ion and bi = 1 for
the elementary charge and Zj is the charge number of the an atom or monatomic ion. Also, me is the electron mass
j th species. Then (2) becomes and xe is the mole fraction of electrons.
For the calculation of combined diffusion coefficients
exj Zj other than the combined electrical field diffusion coefficient,
dj = ∇xj − (E + E a ) (3)
kB T the J1 term can be neglected, since me  mi for i 6= 1
and since ambipolar effects ensure that ve ' vi for i 6= 1.
where kB is Boltzmann’s constant. As shown previously However, since ambipolar effects do not influence electrical
[11], the mass flux of species i then becomes field diffusion, the last relation does not hold in this case
q   and the J1 term is significant in calculating the combined
n2 X exj Zj Dij
Ji = mi mj Dija ∇xj − E − DiT a ∇ ln T electrical field diffusion coefficient. Note that neglecting
ρ j =1
kB T the J1 term is equivalent to setting s1 = 0, as was done
(4) in previous papers on the combined diffusion coefficient
where formulation [11, 12].
αi X
By writing an expression for JA in a form analogous
Dija = Dij + Zl Dlj (5)
β l=1 to (4), namely

αi mi X Zl DlT n2
DiT a = DiT + (6) JA = x
mA mB (DAB ∇xB + DAB
E) − DAB
∇ ln T (12)
β l=1 ml ρ

are respectively the ordinary and thermal diffusion where mB is the average mass of the heavy species of gas B
coefficients, modified to take into account ambipolar and xB is the sum of mole fractions of all species of gas B,
effects. In (5) and (6) and equating this to (9), we can then derive expressions for
x T E
the combined diffusion coefficients DAB , DAB , and DAB ,
using the relation
αi = nj mj Zj Dij (7)
j =1
∇xj = (∂xj /∂xB ) + (∂xj /∂T )∇T (13)
β=− Zi Zj nj mj Dij . (8) which is valid since the assumption of local chemical
i,j =1 equilibrium means that the composition can be defined as a

Cataphoresis in electric arcs

2.2. Demixing and cataphoresis

0.0006 50% Ar, 50% He
combined electric field diffusion coefficient (m2V–1s–1) 50% Ar, 50% H2
Murphy [1] has shown that the terms in DAB x
50% Ar, 50% N2
50% Ar, 50% O2 T
DA in (12) each correspond to a distinct demixing process;
demixing due to mole-fraction gradients, frictional forces
and thermal diffusion, respectively. Demixing due to mole-
fraction gradients acts to keep the total mole fraction of
each gas uniform throughout the arc, giving rise to mass-
0.0002 fraction gradients in regions where a gas dissociates or
ionizes; demixing due to frictional forces is driven by the
nett effect of the collisional interactions between the species
of the different gases; and thermal diffusion also leads to
0 demixing whenever a temperature gradient is present.
The term in DAB in (12) corresponds to cataphoresis, or
demixing due to electrical field gradients. The one-to-one
–0.0002 correspondences between the various combined diffusion
0 10000 20000 coefficients and demixing processes permit the effect of
temperature (K) each process to be calculated separately, thereby allowing
the physical causes of demixing to be examined. In this
paper, this property will be used to examine the effects
Figure 1. The dependence of the combined electrical field
of cataphoresis relative to those of the other demixing
diffusion coefficient DAr ,X on the temperature for mixtures of processes.
equal parts argon and helium, hydrogen, nitrogen and
oxygen by mole fraction.
2.3. The numerical model
function of the temperature and the relative concentrations
A two-dimensional axisymmetrical model of a free-burning
of the two gases. We obtain [11]
arc in a mixture of two gases has been developed [1]. It
1 X X
p q
∂xi is based on the model of Lowke et al [15], which treated
DAB = si mj Dija (14) an arc in a single gas. It is assumed that the arc is in
mB i=1 j =1 ∂xB
local thermodynamic equilibrium and that the plasma flow
+ DAT (15) is laminar.
The coupled partial differential equations describing
where mass continuity, radial and axial momentum conservation,
n2 Xp X q
∂xj energy conservation, conservation of mass of one of the
DAB =− mA si mj Dija T (16) gases, electrical current continuity and one of Maxwell’s
ρ i=1 j =1
equations are solved numerically. The full set of equations
and is given in [1]; here we give only the two equations
si D T a involving the mass flux JA ; the energy conservation
DAT = mA i
mi equation
e 1 X
p X
q j2 κ 5kB
DAB =− si mj xj Zj Dij . (18) ∇ · (ρvh) = −U +∇· ∇h + j · ∇h
kB T mB  σ  cp  2ecp
i=1 j =1
+∇ · (hA − hB ) JA + ∇YA (19)
These satisfy the relations DAB x
= DBAx T
, DAB = −DBA T
and cp
DAB = −DBA .
and the equation of mass conservation of one of the gases:
Figure 1 shows the combined electrical field diffusion
coefficients for mixtures of argon and other gases. It ∇ · (ρvYA ) = −∇ · JA . (20)
can be seen that the coefficient is largest for the argon–
helium mixture, followed by the argon–hydrogen mixture. Note that there was a sign error in the energy-conservation
Argon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen all have similar first equation as it appeared in [1].
ionization energies, while that of helium is much higher. In the above equations, v is the mass-average velocity
Generally, the coefficient is larger the greater the difference of the gas, j is the current density, h is the plasma enthalpy
in the level of ionization in the gases; the electrical field acts and YA is the sum of the mass fractions of the species
preferentially on the more strongly ionized gas, leading to of gas A. The material functions are the mass density ρ,
more rapid diffusive separation of the gases. The relatively viscosity η, nett radiative emission coefficient U , thermal
large value of DAB for the argon–hydrogen mixture is conductivity κ and specific heat at constant pressure cp . All
due to the small mass of hydrogen atoms; the diffusion these material functions are functions of the temperature
coefficient Dij is proportional to [(mi + mj )/mi mj ]1/2 . and the respective mass fractions of gases A and B. hA and
At low temperatures for which ionization is insignificant, hB are respectively the enthalpies of gases A and gas B,
DAB = 0, as expected. defined as the sum of the enthalpies of the species making

A B Murphy

up the respective gas, and are functions of the temperature greater than that of the cathode. Calculations were
only. performed for input gas mixtures of argon with helium,
The mass flux JA , which appears in (19) and (20), hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen.
is given in (12) in terms of the gradient of the mole Figure 2 shows the calculated distribution of helium
fraction xA . JA may be written in terms of YA by using and the temperature distribution for an arc in a mixture
xA = (M/MA )YA , where M and MA are respectively the of 10% helium and 90% argon by mass (corresponding
masses of the gas mixture and of gas A, averaged over all to 52.6% helium by moles). Results are given for
species including electrons. The effect of cataphoresis is calculations performed including and neglecting the effects
included through the term in the electrical field E in (12).
of cataphoresis. In both cases the other demixing processes
The thermodynamic properties h, cp and ρ were
are included. Figure 2 shows that demixing causes a strong
calculated as functions of the temperature and YA for the
concentration of helium towards the axis of the arc, with
gas mixtures considered using the NASA code [16, 17].
x T1 the mass fraction of helium increasing from 0.10 in the
The transport coefficients η, κ, DAB , DAB and DAT
arc’s fringes to 0.26 on the axis. Cataphoresis is found to
and the electrical conductivity σ , which appears in the
have a significant additional effect on the arc’s composition,
current-continuity equation, were calculated as described by
Murphy and Arundell [18] for argon–nitrogen and argon– leading to an increase in helium concentration in regions
oxygen mixtures, by Snyder et al [19] for argon–hydrogen close to the anode. Its effect is much smaller closer to the
mixtures and by Murphy [20] for argon–helium mixtures. cathode. Cataphoresis does not significantly alter the arc’s
Nett radiative emission coefficients U for argon, helium, temperature distribution.
oxygen and hydrogen were calculated using the method of Figure 3 shows the radial dependence of the mass
Cram [21]. Those for nitrogen were calculated by taking fraction of helium for three different mixtures of argon and
the values of Ernst et al [22] for a plasma radius of 1.5 mm helium: 1, 5 and 10% helium by mass, corresponding to
and multiplying these by a factor of 1.5. The adjustment 9.2, 35.5 and 52.6% by moles. Results are again given for
is necessary since the radius of the radiating central region calculations performed including and neglecting the effects
of the arc is less than 1.5 mm [23], hence the absorption of of cataphoresis. In all cases, cataphoresis leads to a large
radiation will be smaller than that calculated for a radius of increase in the mass fraction of helium at z = 4 mm (4 mm
1.5 mm. below the cathode tip) and progressively smaller increases
The coupled partial differential equations describing as z decreases.
the arc were solved numerically using the control-volume Figure 4 shows the radial dependence of the mass
approach of Patankar [24], incorporating the modifications fraction of hydrogen for a mixture of 1% hydrogen in
recommended by Van Doormal and Raithby [25]. A
argon by mass, corresponding to 16.7% hydrogen by
rectangular grid of 82 axial by 48 radial control cells was
moles. Demixing has a large effect on argon–hydrogen
used, with the grid more closely spaced near the electrodes.
arcs, leading to a strong concentration of hydrogen near the
Comparison with results obtained with a 41 by 24 grid
showed that there was a maximum change of 8% in the axis. However, the effect of cataphoresis is relatively small;
mass fraction of the minority gas and generally much less. it leads to a small decrease in the hydrogen concentration
Boundary conditions for YA were given by Murphy [1]. at radii less than 1 mm.
Those for all other variables were given by Lowke et al Figure 5 shows the radial dependence of the mass
[15]. fraction of nitrogen for a mixture of 20% nitrogen in
In section 2.2, it was noted that the various demixing argon by mass, corresponding to 26.2% nitrogen by
processes, including cataphoresis, correspond to different moles. Although demixing considerably alters the arc’s
combined diffusion coefficients. By setting the appropriate composition, increasing the mass fraction of nitrogen on
coefficients to zero in (12), it is possible to isolate the axis to almost 0.26, cataphoresis has a negligible effect.
the influences of the various demixing processes on the Argon–oxygen arcs exhibit similar behaviour; demixing
properties of the arc. For instance, the effect of cataphoresis leads to a considerable change in mass fraction of oxygen,
can be excluded by setting DAB E
= 0 in (12). The effect of but the effect of cataphoresis is negligible.
all demixing processes can be excluded by removing (20) In figures 4 and 5, decreases in the mass fractions of
from the model and setting the final term in (19) to zero. hydrogen and nitrogen respectively are apparent at radii
less than 1 mm for z ≤ 2 mm. These decreases appear
3. Results in calculations performed both including and neglecting
the effect of cataphoresis. This is a consequence of the
3.1. Effects of cataphoresis on the arc’s composition large axial flow velocity close to the axis that is driven by
An arc typical of those used in gas–tungsten arc welding the j × B force associated with the large current density
was modelled. The tungsten cathode had a diameter of near the cathode’s tip; this is known as the Maecker
3.2 mm and a conical tip of 60◦ included angle. It effect. Diffusion is not sufficiently rapid to allow complete
was situated 5 mm above a flat anode. The arc current demixing of the input gas mixture in this region, due to the
was 200 A and the total gas flow was 10 l min−1 . rapid convective influx of the input gas mixture. This effect
The gas mixture was introduced through a nozzle placed is not nearly so marked in the argon–helium arc, since the
concentrically around the cathode, with a radius 2.35 mm flow velocity is smaller [1].

Cataphoresis in electric arcs

-2 -2

(a) (b)


0 0


z (mm)

2 2




12 8
4 4
4 16

0 01
0.02 0.
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
r (mm) r (mm)

Figure 2. (a) Isopleths of the mass fraction of helium and (b) isotherms, labelled in units of 1000 K, calculated for a 200 A,
5 mm arc with a 10 l min−1 input flow composed of 10% helium and 90% argon by mass. Results of calculations performed
(——) including and (– – –) neglecting the effects of cataphoresis are shown; the other demixing effects are included in both

3.2. Effects of cataphoresis on other arc properties Demixing has a large effect on the thermal flux to
the anode, particularly in argon–hydrogen arcs, for which
It has been shown [1] that, in most cases, demixing has
increases in the thermal flux on the axis of almost 50% were
little effect on arc properties such as the temperature, flow
calculated [1]. Figure 7 shows the effects of cataphoresis
velocity and thermal fluxes, despite there often being large
and other demixing processes on the thermal flux to the
changes in arc composition. However, there are some
anode in an arc in a mixture of 1% hydrogen in argon by
exceptions; in argon–hydrogen arcs, demixing can lead to
mass. It is clear that cataphoresis has only a very small
temperature decreases of up to around 6%, and in argon–
effect on the thermal flux. This is consistent with the small
helium arcs demixing can increase the axial flow velocity
change in the mass fraction of hydrogen adjacent to the
by more than 20%. Furthermore, large increases in the
anode; the mass fraction of hydrogen at the anode on the
distribution of the thermal flux to the anode can be caused
axis is calculated to be 0.0284 if cataphoresis is included
by demixing; the thermal flux on the axis increases by up
and 0.0283 if it is neglected.
to around 50% in argon–hydrogen arcs and 10% in argon–
The effect of cataphoresis on the thermal flux to the
nitrogen arcs. These changes can be explained in terms of
anode is more significant in argon–helium arcs, although it
the changes in transport properties caused by the altered
is still small. As shown in figure 8, cataphoresis leads to a
gas composition [1].
flattening of the thermal flux profile; the magnitude of the
In general, cataphoresis has little further effect on the
effect is similar to that of the other demixing processes.
arc temperature and velocity. The temperature is altered
by less than 1% at any position for the gas compositions
studied. There is some effect on the axial flow velocity in 4. Discussion
argon–helium arcs. Figure 6 shows the radial dependence
of the axial velocity in an arc in a mixture of 5% helium in The observations of cataphoresis in arcs that were noted
argon by mass, for the case in which all demixing processes in section 1 showed that metallic elements tended to
are neglected (that is, assuming that the fraction of helium concentrate near the cathode. This is easily explained in
mass is uniform throughout the arc), the case in which terms of the relative ionization energies of the metallic
cataphoresis is neglected but the other demixing processes elements and the elements present in air. Metals ionize
are included and the case in which both cataphoresis and the more easily than do oxygen or nitrogen, hence the
other demixing processes are included. Cataphoresis causes concentration of metal ions at a given temperature is higher
a decrease in the axial velocity on the axis at a position than that of oxygen and nitrogen ions. Hence the electrical
1 mm above the anode of around 4%, in addition to the field has a greater effect on the metals, concentrating them
16% decrease caused by other demixing processes. This is near the cathode.
due to the increase in viscosity that is caused by increases In this paper, arcs containing metal vapour have not
in helium concentrations in argon–helium mixtures [1, 20], been treated, since the assumption of a fully mixed input gas
which leads to a greater transfer of momentum from the would not be valid in the case of metal vapours, which are
central to the fringe regions of the arc, giving a less-peaked typically derived from the vaporization of an electrode or of
velocity profile. particles injected into the arc. Very low quantities of metal

A B Murphy

0.025 0.035
with cataphoresis
without cataphoresis
0.03 with cataphoresis
0.02 without cataphoresis
helium mass fraction

hydrogen mass fraction

0.015 z = 4 mm
3 mm
z = 4 mm
0.01 0.015
1 mm
2 mm 3 mm
0 2 4 6 1 mm 2 mm
radius (mm) 0.005
0 2 4 6
radius (mm)

0.125 Figure 4. The radial dependence of the mass fraction of

hydrogen gas at four axial distances below the cathode, for
a 200 A, 5 mm arc with a 10 l min−1 input flow composed
helium mass fraction

of 1% hydrogen and 99% argon by mass. Results of

0.1 calculations performed (——) including and
(· · · · · ·) neglecting the effects of cataphoresis are shown;
z = 4 mm the other demixing effects are included in both cases. The
0.075 horizontal line shows the input mass fraction.
3 mm

0.05 0.26
1 mm
2 mm with cataphoresis
without cataphoresis
0 2 4 6
radius (mm)
nitrogen mass fraction

z = 4 mm
0.3 0.22

3 mm
helium mass fraction

0.18 2 mm
z = 4 mm 1 mm
3 mm 0.16
0 2 4 6
0.1 radius (mm)
1 mm
2 mm
Figure 5. The radial dependence of the mass fraction of
0.05 nitrogen gas at four axial distances below the cathode, for
0 2 4 6 a 200 A, 5 mm arc with a 10 l min−1 input flow composed
radius (mm) of 20% nitrogen and 80% argon by mass. Results of
calculations performed (——) including and
Figure 3. The radial dependence of the mass fraction of (· · · · · ·) neglecting the effects of cataphoresis are shown;
helium gas at four axial distances below the cathode, for a the other demixing effects are included in both cases. The
200 A, 5 mm arc with a 10 l min−1 input flow composed of horizontal line shows the input mass fraction.
(a) 1% helium and 99% argon; (b) 5% helium and 95%
argon; and (c) 10% helium and 90% argon by mass.
Results of calculations performed (——) including and vapours are typically present in free-burning arcs of the type
(· · · · · ·) neglecting the effects of cataphoresis are shown; considered here with tungsten cathodes and strongly water-
the other demixing effects are included in both cases. The cooled copper anodes [26], so it is reasonable to neglect the
horizontal line shows the input mass fraction.
Cataphoresis in electric arcs

400 150
with cataphoresis
no cataphoresis with cataphoresis
no demixing no cataphoresis
no demixing

anode heat flux (W mm–2)

z = 2 mm
axial velocity (m s–1)

z = 4 mm

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 1 2 3 4
radius (mm) radius (mm)

Figure 6. The radial dependence of the axial velocity at Figure 8. The radial dependence of the heat flux to the
two axial distances below the cathode for a 200 A, 5 mm anode in a 200 A, 5 mm arc with a 10 l min−1 input flow
arc with a 10 l min−1 input flow composed of 5% helium composed of 5% helium and 95% argon by mass. Results
and 95% argon by mass. Results of calculations performed of calculations performed (——) including cataphoresis and
(——) including cataphoresis and the other demixing the other demixing effects, (· · · · · ·) neglecting cataphoresis
effects, (· · · · · ·) neglecting cataphoresis but including the but including the other demixing effects and
other demixing effects and (– – –) neglecting both (– – –) neglecting both cataphoresis and the other
cataphoresis and the other demixing effects are shown. demixing effects are shown.

have similar ionization energies, hence the relative degree

400 of ionization will be similar for both gases present in the
with cataphoresis argon–hydrogen, argon–nitrogen and argon–oxygen arcs.
no cataphoresis Helium, however, has a much higher ionization energy than
no demixing that of argon.
anode heat flux (W mm–2)

300 Many of the results presented in section 3 can be

explained on this basis. Cataphoresis was found to a have
negligible effect on the argon–nitrogen and argon–oxygen
arcs, which is expected since the electrical field will have
200 a similar effect on each gas present, owing to their similar
levels of ionization. This is reflected in the small values of
DAB for the respective gas mixtures shown in figure 1.
Cataphoresis has a larger effect on the argon–hydrogen
100 arcs, despite the fact that argon and hydrogen have similar
ionization energies. This is because hydrogen diffuses more
rapidly than do nitrogen and oxygen, owing to its much
smaller mass. This is reflected in the relatively large value
0 E
of DAB for the argon–hydrogen mixture shown in figure 1.
0 1 2 3 4 The effect of cataphoresis on the argon–hydrogen arc is
radius (mm) to decrease the concentration of hydrogen near the arc’s
axis. This occurs because DAB is large at relatively low
Figure 7. The radial dependence of the heat flux to the
temperatures, peaking at 11 000 K, and thus cataphoresis
anode in a 200 A, 5 mm arc with a 10 l min−1 input flow
composed of 1% hydrogen and 99% argon by mass. is important at relatively large radii, around 2–3 mm. At
Results of calculations performed (——) including these radii, the electrical field is directed inwards and
cataphoresis and the other demixing effects, E
upwards towards the cathode; since DAr,H is positive, (12)
(· · · · · ·) neglecting cataphoresis but including the other 2
shows that the flux of argon relative to the mass-average
demixing effects, and (– – –) neglecting both cataphoresis
and the other demixing effects are shown.
velocity will also be inwards and upwards; hence the flux
of hydrogen will be outwards and downwards.
The argon–helium arc is the most strongly affected
influence of metal vapours on the arc’s properties. Of the by cataphoresis; figure 3 shows a strong increase in the
gases considered, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and argon all helium concentration near the anode at all radii. Figure 1

A B Murphy

E near the anode are strongly increased, and hydrogen

shows that DAB is larger for the argon–helium mixture
than it is for the other mixtures and that it peaks at a concentrations near the arc’s axis are decreased. In argon–
relatively high temperature, around 18 000 K. This indicates nitrogen and argon–oxygen arcs, cataphoresis does not have
that cataphoresis should be important in the central region a significant effect.
of the arc. Since DAr,HeE
is positive, the flux of helium Cataphoresis generally does not cause significant
will be outwards and downwards. This leads to the changes in other arc properties. The only cases in which
concentration of helium near the anode and ensures that changes of greater than 1% were calculated were for
helium concentrations away from as well as close to the the axial velocity distribution and thermal flux to the
axis are increased. anode in argon–helium arcs; no significant changes in arc-
Frie [6] has presented a simple quantitative calculation temperature distributions were calculated for any of the gas
of the effect of cataphoresis on arcs. He treated the case of mixtures considered.
a mixture of a non-ionized ‘fill gas’ and a partially ionized Mixtures of gases are used in arc and plasma processes
for two main reasons: first, to provide the species required
gas. He further assumed that the collision cross section for
to drive chemical reactions in the arc or at the electrodes;
interactions between atoms and ions of the partly ionized
and second, to increase thermal transport to the electrodes
gas was the same as that for interactions between atoms of
or to particles injected into the plasma. The results
that gas. This led to the result that the the partial pressure
of this study have shown that cataphoresis can cause
pF of the fill gas varied according to ∇pF /pF ∝ −(1/T )j.
significant changes in the arc’s composition, but little
This shows that the partial pressure of the fill gas will
change in thermal transport, at least in the mixtures of
tend to increase away from the cathode and the arc’s
gases considered. Hence, it may be reasonable to neglect
axis, which is in accord with the results presented here.
cataphoresis in modelling the heat-transfer aspects of arc
Frie qualitatively explained this effect by noting that the and plasma processes. However, particularly in mixtures of
ions will travel towards the cathode in the electrical field, gases with different ionization energies, it may be important
where they are discharged and then diffuse, because of to take account of cataphoresis when considering chemical
the resulting concentration, away from the cathode. The processes in arcs.
collisional forces that the ions and atoms exert on the fill
gas cancel each other out and the current-carrying electrons
carry the fill-gas atoms towards the anode.
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