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January 10th, 2019

Calendar Time:
15 minutes to spend on calendar time with whole group. - Ask for volunteers, also okay to ask
for students to come up to help if they feel comfortable enough to help.
● Month- Day of the Month
● Day of the Week
● Season/Weather
● Number Chain (Days that we have been in school)

** May remind students of the proper way to sit, the proper way to act, and remind them that
they are earning points for doing the right thing during the social group.

Days of the week song:​ (1:20 minutes) Adam’s Family Video

Months Song:​ (3 Minutes)

Counting Song:​ (3:15 minutes)
The Big Numbers Song

Superflex Social Thinking:

“So you guys spent some time learning about Superflex and the Unthinkables over the
last two days. Today we are going to watch some videos and look at different situations
where the unthinkables may take over someone’s brain.”

Here is the first video:

Rock Brain- Will not negotiate with others and is stuck in his own poor decisions/choices.
● In this video we will see three people playing a game together. All three of them want to
be the same person in the game, let’s watch to see how they solve the problem.​ Stop at 2 Minutes

● How did the man in the video first react when they were assigning jobs of the game?
○ Flexible/inflexible?
● Why do you think that?
● How did he change his response to become more flexible?
● What did the two girls do when the man said he only wanted to be the cashier?
○ Did they get mad at him? Did they fight with him or be mean to him?

Brain Eater- Will distract others and keep them off task.
NY99C​ (2 minute video) Pause at 53 seconds

Doug the dog was in the middle of the conversation and he just stopped and yelled Squirrel, is
that very on task of Doug to do?
What unthinkable do you think takes minds and attention of others away and distracts them? Do
you remember Brain Eater? He purposely tries to distract people around him so they don’t stay
How many of you sometimes get distracted by others or other things throughout your day?
Yeah-- I do too, a lot! We have to try really really hard to use superflex so we can stay on task.
What are some ways we can use to beat brain eater throughout our day?
● Ignore the distractions around us.
● Remind ourselves how important our education is and how important it is that we do our
best learning and keep ourselves from being distracted.

Un-Wonderer- Someone who stops another person from being excited about what they are
learning/doing. They typically aren’t good listeners to their friends. Prevents that person from
showing interest in others or may want to do based on their interests.
One Sided Sid- This character get the person to talk only about his interests even if their friend
is talking about something they are interested in. He only talks about his own interests, thoughts
and feelings with others.
uso7​ (1 minute video)
● What did these two people do?
○ Asked each other a question, then spent the whole time interrupting and talking
about themselves.
○ Didn’t listen to each other.
○ Were all focused on themselves and not the other.
● What are some things that we could focus on after we ask our friends what they were
excited about?
○ Listen to our friends.
○ Ask them more questions to show that you were really listening.
■ ex) if you ask someone how their day was, and they just reply “good” ask
them what made their day so good. It shows that you really care and are
really listening.
Mean Jean- Someone who is mean to others and makes others feel sad about themselves.
E​ (3 Minute Video)

● How would it make you feel if someone talked to you like this?
○ Sad, lonely, mad, hurt, upset…
● How would you react to that person?
○ Ex. walk away, talk back (no good), ignore them…
● “I want to point something out to you guys though… Although,
● Po (The panda) was really sad when he heard Tigress say those words, but one thing
that he did well was not saying anything bad back to her. Sometimes when people say
really hurtful things to us it doesn’t only make us sad, but we get mad and are mean
○ It’s important to learn to control our actions towards others so we can keep
problems small, and not let them get any larger than they already are.
Mcm​ (2 minute video) → I really like this video, I might include it at the end of the morning
meeting social group to remind them of social skills needed to participate in groups.

This last video just shows some unexpected behaviors and how the kids think we should act
differently next time. Just a reminder of some social norms and how we shouldn’t act and what
we should do instead.
Social Group Lesson January 11th, 2019

Calendar Time-
Helpers from the Prior day
Jayden, Lucian, Sage, Mason
● Review from yesterday
○ Rock brain, one-sided sid, un-wonderer, brain eater
■ Ask what each Unthinkable does
○ Talk about the videos and what is superflex’s job
○ Ask them if they used any powers of Superflex to overcome a situation from

Talk about Mean Jean:

Mean Jean- Someone who is mean to others and makes others feel sad about themselves.
E​ (2 Minute Video)

● How would it make you feel if someone talked to you like this?
○ Sad, lonely, mad, hurt, upset…
● How would you react to that person?
○ Ex. walk away, talk back (no good), ignore them…
● “I want to point something out to you guys though… Although,
● Po (The panda) was really sad when he heard Tigress say those words, but one thing
that he did well was not saying anything bad back to her. Sometimes when people say
really hurtful things to us it doesn’t only make us sad, but we get mad and are mean
○ It’s important to learn to control our actions towards others so we can keep
problems small, and not let them get any larger than they already are.

I really want you guys to pay close attention to this next video because it is a really important
skill to have inside of school and outside of school. Let’s watch.

Space Invader- Space invader likes to get too close to others. He gets in their “bubble” and
sometimes it gives them red thoughts.​ (about 2 minutes)
● How did the kid react when his friend got too close?
○ Did he ask him to move over?
○ Was he rude to him?
○ Did he just ignore the issue and continue the conversation?
● What did the kid who got too close do next time around?
○ He moved further away.
● If someone gets too close to you, what are some strategies that you can use to have
them move away?
○ How can we be more aware of our friends space?
■ Ask before you hug
■ Ask to sit next to them
■ Just ask them in general before getting close to them at all.​ (this video is on sharing with others) 2:40

● Sometimes the right things seem like they are hard to do, but when we see how happy it
makes others we feel much better about ourselves!
Mcm​ (2 minute video) → I really like this video, I might include it at the end of the morning
meeting social group to remind them of social skills needed to participate in groups.

This last video just shows some unexpected behaviors and how the kids think we should act
differently next time. Just a reminder of some social norms and how we shouldn’t act and what
we should do instead.
January 15th- January 18th
● No Social Group-- Late Start/Meetings

● Calendar Time--- ​OB Computer Helper for calendar songs
○ Month/Day of the Week/ Number of the day
○ Day of the Week
○ Weather
○ Chain (Numbers of day in school)
● Days of the Week Song- ​​ 2:17 Minutes
● Month Song- ​​ 3
Minutes Long
● Big Numbers Song-​ 3:15
Minutes Long

❖ Social Group Time

➢ SuperFlex Review
■ Rock Brain (Cashier game video), Mean Jean (Kung Fu Panda Video),
One Sided Sid (Scientists Video), Unwonderer (Scientists Video), Brain
Eater (UP Movie Video), Space Invader (Everyday Speech Video)
➢ Show Videos of Unthinkables that are left to cover:
■ D.O.F (Destroyer of Fun)-​ (2:32
■ Worry Wall- ​
(2:25 Minutes)
■ WasFunnyOnce-​ (4 Minutes)
■ Dismissal

● Calendar Time-
○ Month/Day of the week/ Number of day
○ Day of the week
○ Weather
○ Chain
● Days of the Week Song- ​​ 2:17 Minutes
● Month Song- ​​ 3
Minutes Long
● Big Numbers Song-​ 3:15
Minutes Long

❖ Social Group Time-

➢ Meet and greet with William explain what social group is like at school and what
expectations we have.
➢ Glassman- ​​ (3 Minutes)

➢ Dismissal

● Calendar Time
○ Calendar
○ Day of the Week
○ Weather
○ Chain
● Days of the Week Song- ​​ 2:17 Minutes
● Month Song- ​​ 3
Minutes Long
● Big Numbers Song-​ 3:15
Minutes Long

❖ Social Group Time

➢ Review all of the Unthinkable Characters and what characteristics they have.
■ Topic Twistermeister-​ (3 minutes)
■ Grump Grumpaniny-
oe3Whaz80YpcG17itpT4K​ (stop at :26)
■ Energy Hare-y-​ (2 minutes)
■ Body Snatcher- ​

➢ Continue with what Unthinkables are left.

➢ Start Jeopardy game if there is time

● Calendar Time
○ Calendar
○ Day of the Week
○ Weather
○ Chain
● Days of the Week Song- ​​ 2:17 Minutes
● Month Song- ​​ 3
Minutes Long
● Big Numbers Song-​ 3:15
Minutes Long

❖ Social Group Time

➢ Jeopardy Unthinkables Game
January 22nd- January 24th

● No School

● Calendar time
○ Month/Day of the Week/Number of day
● Day of the week
● Weather
● Chain
● Days of the Week Song- ​​ 2:17 Minutes
● Month Song- ​​ 3
Minutes Long
● Big Numbers Song-​ 3:15
Minutes Long

❖ Social Group Time

➢ Reset Dojo Points
■ Reason- It’s not fair that William came in and had to start at zero. It’s time
to reset the points.
➢ We will continue to work towards the 3000 point goal.
■ Right now the class has a total of 2497 points.
■ We have 503 points until 3000. So when the new class total is 503- then
we will have our whole class reward.
➢ Explain that we will set individual Dojo Goals
■ Reasonable goal for the week 16-40 points
● If you set it for 16 points a week, that means you earn 4 points per
day. If you think you can earn more than that a day, then set a
higher goal.
➢ Show them individual current points
■ Explain why we are setting individual goals.
● To see how successful we are being during social group time.
■ Explain the form to the students and how it will work.
● At the end of each week, we will have individual conferences to
see if you met your individual goal. If you meet your goal, then you
will get a reward on Friday, if you don’t then we will talk about how
to get your to meet your goal.
■ Today we are going to set goals but we won’t start until next week.
➢ Finish Playing jeopardy
■​ Jeopardy Game

■ Team 1: 1000
■ Silas, Kane, Jayden, Jonah

■ Team 2: 700
■ Mason, Ben, Lucian, Sage

● Calendar Time
○ Calendar
○ Day of the Week
○ Weather
○ Chain
● Days of the Week Song- ​​ 2:17 Minutes
● Month Song- ​​ 3
Minutes Long
● Big Numbers Song-​ 3:15
Minutes Long

❖ Superflex curriculum
➢ Social Thinking Vocabulary
■ Go through powerpoint-
■ Address how Superflex is fictional- Not real. We just use these characters
to identify what we are feeling and acting like.

● Calendar Time
○ Calendar
○ Day of the Week
○ Weather
○ Chain
● Days of the Week Song- ​​ 2:17 Minutes
● Month Song- ​​ 3
Minutes Long
● Big Numbers Song-​ 3:15
Minutes Long
❖ Superflex Curriculum
➢ “Today we are officially starting the Superflex Training Academy:
■ Givet the students “flexible brain” and capes.
■ Make capes and copies of the brain
➢ Bring back the Superflex takes on Rock Brain book
■ “I know that we have already read this book, but I want to go back to it for
the time being. I want you guys to think about what social town was
before the Unthinkables started taking over.”
■ What is expected- what are some hidden rules.
■ Flexible thinking- why this is important when you are around others.
● How does flexible thinking show that you are thinking about
■ How was Aiden’s mom feeling when he would have rock brain thinking?
When he was being superflexible?
■ How was the neighbor’s mom feeling when her son refused to do his
■ Encourage discussion of what unthinkables they notice in themselves and
❖ Make copies of lesson 1 funwork

Friday: No School

January 29th- February 1st
Monday​: No social group

Remind the students that this is the first week we will work towards our class dojo weekly goals.
Big vs Small problem line with sticky notes
3c/​ ← Another

Small Problem- You can solve it by yourself in a few minutes.

Large Problem- You need to call 911 or you need an adult and it will take several hours or days
to fix it.

Wednesday​: Lori Observes

Remind them of their Dojo point goals.

Relate to the past lesson- Small vs. Big problems.
Experiment to represent meltdowns

Everyday Speech videos were shown

Find magic school bus to show while we meet with individuals for class dojo points.
** Buy treats for rewards for the students who meet their goals.

Also- set next week’s goal on Fridays during individual kid’s conferences.
zz​ First episode s01 e06
Everyday Speech Videos:​ Problem solving steps​ Big Problem Example​ Problem Solving Steps 2​ Staying Calm to Solve

a Problem​ Not Asking for Help​ Solving a Problem

with Your Teacher​ Perspective Talking- Solving a

Problem with a Friend
February 11th- February 15th
Monday: No Social Group- School Closed

Tuesday: Read “It’s just a Game”

Wednesday: Safety Net Meeting- Absent

Continue Reading “It’s Just a Game”

Thursday: Valentine’s Day Bingo​ (Cards to print)

Friday: Everyday Speech Videos​ (Rules Don’t Apply to You)​ (There’s More Than

Being Right)​ (Joining a Group Playing)​ (Being a Good Sport)​ (Participating)​ (Not Getting Your Way)

February 19th- February 22nd
Monday​: No School - Presidents Day

Find and Design a Superflex Game
Play throughout the week.
● Matching Game- Unthinkables and their “powers”
● Board Game- Design
● Unthinkables Bean Bag Game

Wednesday​: Play Game

Thursday​: Play Game

Friday​: Plays games

Berenstein Bears Video:​ (25 minutes)

Meet for Dojo Points- Reset goals, give award for meeting goals.
Febraury 25th- March 1st
Monday: No School

Tuesday: Talk about new weekly class goal (300 Dojo Points) when they earn the points as a
class 3 times, they will get another party.
Art Party - Origami Book/Instructions

Wednesday: Felicity Presentation

Thursday: Everyday Speech Videos, Go Noodle

Friday: Celebrate Dr. Seuss Day

March 4th- March 8th
Monday: No Social Group

Tuesday: Social Detective Game

Find a Video for showing empathy.​ Show this video on empathy

Thursday: Learn about TEAM WORK​ (Pep Talk)​ (What makes an awesome leader)​ (Flexible or Rigid)

Friday: Superflex Game if earned

Learn about TEAM WORK
Marshmallow and Spaghetti tower challenge
March 18th - March 22nd
Monday:​ No Groups

Tuesday: ​Leave Early for Softball Game

● Social Group: Review Spaghetti/Marshmallow Task; Powerpoint; Keys to being
successful as a team
○​ (Respecting
○​ (Including Everyone)
○​ (Accepting
● Math with B.M: Review Multiplication Skills
● Reading with B.M: Phonics for Reading
● Writing with B.M/I.S: B.M use outline to being writing about Video Games. I.S. Continue
drafting ideas for her scary story.

● Social Group: Allow students to try and do the spaghetti/marshmallow task again.
● Math with B.M: Review Multiplication Skills
● Reading with B.M: Phonics for reading.
● Writing with B.M/I.S: Have B.M start forming sentences, I.S.- either still drafting or
starting her outline drafting/ writing in her “book”.

● Social Group: Ended up reading If You Take a Mouse to the Movies and If You Give a
Pig a Pancake.

○ Review with them about round 2 spaghetti/marshmallow challenge.
-mbFrp49FomM/edit?usp=sharing​ ​(Add in photos from the second part of the
● Math with B.M: Review Multiplication Skills
● Reading with B.M: Phonics for Reading.
● Writing with B.M/I.S: B.M- Continue writing about Video games; I.S- Continue writing her

Friday: ​Leave Early for Softball Game

● Social Group: Calendar Time (20 Minutes); Assembly 9am
● Math with B.M: Redo the Multiplication sheet
● Reading with B.M: Phonics for reading.
● Writing with B.M/I.S: B.M- Continue writing about Video games; I.S- Continue writing her

** Possibly do Saving Sam on Thursday?

Or Gameday on Friday? - Find Filler for Friday so we can review about activity social group
March 25th- March 29th
Monday: ​No Groups

● Social Group:
○ Saving Sam Activity-
● Reading with BM: Phonics for reading

● Social Group: Review Saving Sam Activity
● Reading with BM: Phonics for reading

● Social Group: Spaghetti Challenge 2.0
● Reading with BM: Read “Fast Cars” Nonfiction lesson

● Social Group: Play Superflex Games
● Reading with BM: Read “Sports Boats” Nonfiction Lesson

Social group ideas- Jeopardy Review for Superflex

Superflex games

Only 30 minute time frame (early release all week)

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