Literature Review

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Marriage Equality

Wendy Perez

April 5, 2019

The University of Texas at El Paso



The statement purpose of this essay was to gather information about the gay marriage and the

disadvantages that come with it as well as the benefits they receive and how does the economy’s

budget boost up with the legalization of gay marriage. The questions that were answered in this

review were the ones mention in the beginning of this paragraphs. In this essay, you will see the

importance of this topic and how it affects society. It explains how the economy’s budgets does

go up with the legalization of gay marriage and how gay and lesbian couples struggle to get the

benefits they deserved.


Marriage Equality

Same sex marriage refers to the union of two people of the same gender. This is a crucial issue

that is seen every day, whether is in tv or seen is person, and is yet not solved. At its core, the

same-sex marriage debate is framed as part of the larger national debate and most important

about the morality of homosexuality. This community daily deals with discrimination and

aggression from world, telling them that their sexual orientation is not morally right. Marriage is

not a right is a privilege, and society is denying them that privilege. “Gay Rights” (Sullivan,

1997), stated that “Denying marriage to homosexuals is the most public affront possible to their

public equality”. That is why the purpose of this literature review is to gather information about

advantages and disadvantages about marriage equality. This essay will concentrate on the

benefits, problems and the drawbacks that the LGBT community go through every day. The

questions that will be review in this essay are:

1. How will the economy budget improve if same-sex marriage was legalized?

2. Do same-sex spouses get work benefits, such as healthcare and among other?

3. What are the drawbacks of legalizing same-sex marriage?


Literature Review

“Gay Rights” (Bender, 1997) states, that one of the biggest issues that gay, lesbians,

bisexuals’ employees and more to those who are more open about their sexual orientation in their

workplace, is that if they receive the same or if they receive at all employee benefits. A good

company compensates, the good-faith effort and provides domestic-partner benefits to the gay

and lesbian employee. It is an essential ingredient in the company to give their employees the

same rights they would give to their other employees, so that the value of the company stands.

Having domestic-partner benefits means that the partner of gay, lesbian, and bisexual employees

means they would get the same benefits from the company as they are given to traditional

married spouse. Domestic-partner benefits or spousal- equivalent compensation covers a very

broad range of benefits from medical to dental insurance to health-club membership. These

benefits are called, “hard benefits” which are hard to provide to the gay and lesbian. Because the

company is insured by an outside vendor. The benefits that gay and lesbian employees are more

easily to get are “soft benefits”, which are not provided by an outsider vendor. They include

bereavement and family leave. This is relevant because it answers the question, if the same-sex

spouses receive employee benefits.

“Same Sex marriage is good for the economy’ (Covert, 2015), claims that in fact

same-sex marriage is good for the economy, it will mean something for the federal budget and

the economy at large. If same sex marriage were to be legalized in all states and recognized by

the federal government, they will have an extra $1 billion each year for the next ten years. It

would also save money when it came to safety net programs such as Supplemental Security

Income, Medicaid, and Medicare. On net, gay marriage would reduce spending by about $100

million to $200 million a year, so they will be saving a lot of more money. All signs point to a

positive economic impact from allowing gay men and lesbians to marry the people they love,

which is great for them. Not only would it be beneficial for the gay but for the economy. States

would also see a substantial benefit, if all same-sex couples were to marry it would increase the

state budget by $7.9 million a year, a substantial sum on the state level. This is very relevant

because it answers the question whether if legalizing same-sex marriage it would help the

economy’s budget.

“Economics Blog” (2017) states that if same-sex marriage was legalized in all states it

will have it disadvantages. Marriage equality is an idea that is sweeping around the developed

nations of the world today. Making same sex marriage, a legal opportunity will come with some

distinct advantages to each society, but there may be disadvantages to each situation which must

be considered as well and kept on mind. Some of the disadvantages that come with marriage

equality are: the government could not be supportive of the idea, this means that sometimes

changes to the law happen so quickly that supportive laws could not keep up with the upgrades.

For some people this acceptance may be offensive to God, this is a spiritual standpoint. Because

many have taught that God forbids the union of two people from the same gender. It does not

forbid them from loving each other but the sexual relationship that comes with a marriage.

Lastly, it can change the societal infrastructure of some business. Businesses must take time and

endure costs to adjust to the new laws that are passed. Hospital rights, insurance rights, and other

changes aren’t always subsidized, which means the business is effectively penalized. And this

affects many companies, which is why legalizing same sex marriage would come with

consequences. This information is relevant because it answers the question about the drawbacks

that would come if same sex marriages were to be legalized.


“Same-Sex Marriage and Employee Benefits: What the U.S. Supreme Court Ruling

Means for Employers” (Southwick, 2015) says, that in June 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court issued

the most recent same-sex marriage ruling in the Obergefell v. Hodges case, requiring that all

states must now recognize same-sex marriages that were performed in states where same-sex

marriage is legal. For employers, these ruling challenges new questions and topic about the new

changes that are to appear, to the spouses of same- sex. The complexities that are to come of

designing new beneficial programs and the procedures it complies with federal and state laws, it

requires the employers and the companies to have a fully understanding of all applicable laws

and agency guidance relating to same-sex marriage. Many companies require employees to

document dependent eligibility including spouses, before any process continues. If a company

requires dependent documentation, best practice is to require the same documentation for same-

sex spouses as for opposite-sex spouses. For example, if employees are required to provide a

marriage license to enroll a spouse, this requirement should apply regardless of whether the

spouse is same-sex or opposite-sex. As well many states or local governments allow same-sex

couples to register as domestic partners or enter a civil union. Some of the benefits that same-sex

couples can receive are: Retirement plan, payroll system update. This information is relevant

because it demonstrates the importance and answers the questions about the benefits that same-

sex spouses or married couples receive in the workplace.

“Same-sex marriage law is good for US economy: UBS” (Cosgrave, 2015) stated that,

the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in June 2015 that same-sex couples had the right to marry,

meaning that all states must now recognize and conduct gay marriages. The US economy budget

will have a “substantial" boost from the legalization of gay marriage, it will increase labor

mobility and productivity. Firstly, it removes a barrier to labor mobility. This is very important,

for example if a couple were to get married in New York they might not be able to another state

were your marriage would not be recognized. The US economy budget would have an additional

add of 0.2 percent to trend growth and over 25 years that becomes a substantial contribution to

economic well-being. Now, many countries have now legalized same-sex marriage, noting that

these places were "likely to receive an economic benefit from reduced prejudice." This

information is relevant to the research because it answers the question whether the budget would

increase it gay marriage was legalized.

“” (2019) states that, the idea of same-sex marriage has been one of hot

debates historically and often being met with strong opposition in the United States. While many

people are in the fight of making gay marriage legal in all states, there is a few disadvantages

that come with it, which would be mention in this paragraph. It will result in people having their

tax dollars used to support something that they don’t believe in or believe is wrong. There are

consequences for children of same-sex marriages as children need to have a male father and

female mother, this is very important. If a child had parents of the same gender it could confuse

them in what is wrong or right, it could even change their sexual orientation. After the child is a

grown up, there is some studies that show that they need psychological need. This information is

relevant because it answers the questions about the drawbacks or disadvantages that would come

if same sex was legalized.



This literature reviews the factors of gay marriage such as, the disadvantages, the benefits

that come with gay marriage. The drive for same-sex marriage has been part of a more general

challenge to laws that discriminate against homosexuals. Gay and lesbian couples experience

discrimination on both the personal and the legal level. Although the US Constitution does not

explicitly prohibit same-sex marriages, the federal government, largely does not recognize the

validity of such marriages. The debate surrounding same-sex marriage involves personal issues,

such as gay couples' ability to adequately raise children, to contribute positively to society, or to

maintain meaningful, loving relationships (Rich, 2018). Marriage is considered an important

aspect of culture and community, and as such is a right that is not granted without serious

consideration. The Supreme Court even ruled in 1978 that marriage is "of fundamental

importance to all individuals" and "the most important relation in life."



Rich, A. K., & Wagner, G. (2018). Same-Sex Marriage: An Overview. Salem Press

Encyclopedia. Retrieved from http://0-


Passing Marriage Equality Legislation is Good for Business and For the State's Economy.

(2012, January 20). ENP Newswire. Retrieved from http://0-


E. (2017, January 14). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Same Sex Marriage.

Retrieved from

SOUTHWICK, S. (2015). Same-Sex Marriage and Employee Benefits: What the U.S.

Supreme Court Ruling Means for Employers. Employee Benefit Plan Review, 70(5), 5.

Retrieved from https://0-search-ebscohost-

Cosgrave, J. (2015, July 22). Same-sex marriage law is good for US economy: UBS.

Retrieved from


Roleff, T. L. (1997). Gay rights. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press

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