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Show Me, Tell Me, Encourage Me: The Effect of Different Forms of Feedback on
Resistance Training Performance

Article  in  The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research · October 2018

DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002887


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8 authors, including:

Jonathon Weakley Kyle Wilson

Leeds Beckett University Seeing Machines


Kevin Till Harry G Banyard

Leeds Beckett University Swinburne University of Technology


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Development and validation of a teacher-oriented fundamental movement skills assessment View project

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AU1 Institute for Sport, Physical Activity and Leisure, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, United Kingdom; 2Yorkshire Carnegie
Rugby Club, Headingley Carnegie Stadium, Leeds, United Kingdom; 3Department of Behavioural and Social Sciences,
University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom; 4Leeds Rhinos Rugby Club, Headingley Carnegie
Stadium, Leeds, United Kingdom; 5Center for Exercise and Sports Science Research, School of Medical and Health Sciences,
Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Western Australia, Australia; 6West Australian Football Commission, Perth, Australia;
and 7The Rugby Football League, Red Hall, Leeds, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT to very likely trivial. Changes in barbell velocity showed small

Weakley, J, Wilson, K, Till, K, Banyard, H, Dyson, J, Phibbs, P, to large inverse relationships with conscientiousness. These
Read, D, and Jones, B. Show me, tell me, encourage me: The findings suggest that practitioners should supply kinematic
effect of different forms of feedback on resistance training feedback (verbally or visually) or, when technology is not avail-
performance. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000–000, 2018— able, provide athletes with encouraging statements while resis-
When performing resistance training, verbal kinematic feed- tance training. Verbal encouragement may be of greatest
back and visual kinematic feedback are known to enhance benefit for individuals who demonstrate low levels of conscien-
performance. In addition, providing verbal encouragement tiousness. Given these findings, practitioners are advised to
can assist in the attenuation of fatigue. However, the effects use either technology or verbal encouragement to manipulate
of these forms of feedback have never been compared. Con- acute training outcomes.
sequently, this study aimed to quantify the effects of verbal
kinematic feedback and visual kinematic feedback, and verbal KEY WORDS verbal encouragement, visual feedback, verbal
encouragement on barbell velocity during the back squat. Fur- feedback, conscientiousness, velocity, velocity-based training
thermore, changes in performance were related to individual-
reported conscientiousness. Twelve semiprofessional rugby
union players volunteered to participate in the study that con-

sisted of the subjects completing a set of the barbell back
squat across 4 conditions (i.e., no-feedback [control], verbal esistance training can improve lean body mass, AU2

feedback of kinematic information [verbal], visual feedback of strength, and power (16,21). In addition, it is
kinematic information [visual], and verbal encouragement known to augment physical performance (e.g.,
[encouragement]). In addition, participants completed a ques- jump height), which may be of benefit for sport-
ing outcomes (10). To promote these positive adaptations,
tionnaire before the study to assess conscientiousness.
resistance training needs to be of a high quality that involves
Magnitude-based inferences were used to assess differences
athletes producing high kinematic outputs (e.g., power and
between conditions, whereas Spearman’s rank correlation
velocity) (16). However, athletes do not always complete
coefficient was used to assess relationships between consci- training that maximizes these outputs. This may be because
entiousness and changes in barbell velocity. All 3 forms of of physiological (e.g., neuromuscular fatigue) (19,25) or psy-
feedback showed almost certain improvements in barbell chological mechanisms (e.g., low motivation or conscien-
velocity, while differences between interventions were likely tiousness) (26,27). Therefore, finding methods that
enhance these traits may be of benefit for coaches and ath-
Address correspondence to Jonathon Weakley, j.j.weakley@ letes.
leedsbeckett.ac.uk. One method that has been shown to promote greater
00(00)/1–7 kinematic outputs when resistance training has been the
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research delivery of instantaneous kinematic feedback after each
 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association repetition (2,26). Weakley et al. (26) has shown that

VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2018 | 1

Copyright ª 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association

Various Forms of Feedback and Resistance Training

adolescent rugby union players who are provided visual Several forms of kinematic feedback and verbal encour-
kinematic feedback when completing the back squat have agement have been investigated and found to have positive
almost certain improvements in mean concentric velocity effects on resistance training performance (2,15,26). This
(percentage difference 690% confidence intervals [90% research has particularly focused on semiprofessional and
CIs]: 7.6 6 3.6) (26). In addition, professional rugby union professional rugby players (2,18,26). In addition, feedback
players when verbally provided kinematic information have has been shown to affect muscular performance to varying
shown improvements of 1.3% (60.7) in peak velocity across degrees in individuals of differing conscientiousness (6).
multiple sets in the bench press throw (2). These improve- However, only recently have these claims begun to be
ments are speculated to occur as a result of externalized explored, with the optimal type of feedback for resistance
focus promoting improvements in motor unit efficiency training not yet known (26,27). Consequently, the aim of this
(28,29) and greater effort because athletes feel there is an study was to assess the effects of verbal kinematic feedback
active interest taking place in their training (14). In addition, and visual kinematic feedback, and verbal encouragement on
these improvements in acute performance have been dem- resistance training performance in semiprofessional rugby
onstrated to enhance physical adaptations (e.g., jump perfor- union players. In addition, relationships between conscien-
mance) in rugby league players (18). However, the provision tiousness and changes in kinematic outputs were also exam-
of kinematic feedback to athletes can require technology that ined. Based on previous findings (2,6,26), it is hypothesized
is cost prohibitive to many practitioners. that all forms of feedback will enhance kinematic outputs,
Alternatively, providing verbal encouragement can be and that relationships between changes in barbell velocity
a cost-effective method of enhancing resistance training and conscientiousness will be observed.
performance (15). Previous research has shown that physical
adaptations and training adherence are greater when METHODS
a strength and conditioning practitioner is present (20). In Experimental Approach to the Problem
addition, McNair et al. (15) have demonstrated that acute Before the first testing occasion, 12 semiprofessional rugby
improvements in peak force occur (effect size [ES]: 0.67) union players were required to complete a questionnaire that
during isokinetic exercise when verbal encouragement is assessed conscientiousness. Subjects then performed a set of
delivered to participants. However, this has been challenged 10 repetitions with no feedback (i.e., control), verbal
by Campenella et al. (7) who found that peak torque of the kinematic feedback, visual kinematic feedback, and verbal
quadriceps and hamstrings is unchanged with verbal encour- encouragement in a randomized crossover design. Each
agement. Differences between these findings were believed condition (control, verbal kinematic, visual kinematic, and
to be due to the frequency with which encouragement is verbal encouragement) was separated by 3–4 days. Differ-
provided (7) with previous research suggesting that frequent ences in average barbell concentric velocity during each
motivating statements (e.g., “come on!”) is beneficial for per- feedback condition (compared with control) were then
formance (1). Consequently, it is suggested that verbal related to reported levels of conscientiousness.
encouragement is regular and consistent through bouts of
high-intensity exercise (1). By providing this support, it is
A convenience sample of 12 male semiprofessional rugby AU4 AU5
believed that athletes are more motivated to perform and
union players (mean 6 SD; age: 21.8 6 0.9 years; height:
subsequent performance can be enhanced.
1.83 6 0.08 cm; body mass: 94.2 6 8.7 kg; and 3 repetition AU6
Recent investigations have acknowledged that multidisci-
maximum [3RM] back squat: 142.9 6 19.4 kg) from a British
plinary research can be of benefit for athletic development
Colleges and University rugby union team in the United
(26,27). Specific personality traits, such as conscientiousness
Kingdom volunteered to participate in this study. Testing
(i.e., behavior that is “responsible, dependable, persistent,
took place in the last week of July and first 2 weeks of August
and achievement-orientated” (4)), are known to influence
(which is at the start of the British Universities and Colleges
physical performance when performing tests of maximal
Super Rugby preseason). All subjects had completed a stan-
effort (6). Recently, it has been established that, when ver-
dardized off-season training program for the previous 8
bally encouraged, individuals with lower levels of conscien-
weeks, and had at least 2 years resistance training experience
tiousness show large improvements in maximal voluntary
(23). All subjects were informed of the risks and benefits of
AU3 contraction (9.27%; p , 0.05) when compared with individ-
this study and signed a consent document before com-
uals with greater conscientiousness (6). It has been specu-
mencement. Before approaching potential subjects, all exper-
lated that by identifying individuals of various levels of
imental procedures were approved by the Leeds Beckett
conscientiousness, feedback methods can be tailored for that
University ethics committee.
individual. However, despite the importance of this person-
ality trait on physical performance (6,8), its investigation in Experimental Procedures AU7
sports science has been rare. Consequently, the relationship All testing was conducted during the rugby union preseason
between conscientiousness and various forms of feedback (i.e., July–August), at the same time of day (09:00–09:45
should be further explored. hours), 3–4 days apart (i.e., Monday and Thursday), with at
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Figure 1. Changes in mean concentric velocity (6SD) across 10 repetitions of the barbell back squat when various forms of feedback or encouragement are

least 48 hours of active rest before testing procedures. Sub- “Excellent!”; repetition 6: “Come on, push it!”; repetition 7:
jects were instructed to maintain normal dietary habits in the “Keep it up!”; repetition 8: “Push it!”; and repetition 9: “Let’s
24 hours before all testing, with caffeine not being consumed go!”). These phrases were chosen because they have previ-
in the 12 hours before. All subjects completed a familiariza- ously been shown to improve physical performance (1). All
tion and testing session that included anthropometric and verbal encouragement was at a volume slightly louder than
3RM back squat strength assessments. All 4 conditions were normal conversation volume. This was to offset the noise
then completed in a randomized crossover order that was that occurs within a gymnasium and has previously been
decided through computer-generated random numbering. used by Argus et al. (2). Finally, the control condition con-
All sessions consisted of a standardized warm-up and one sisted of the subjects completing all 10 repetitions without
set of 10 repetitions of the back squat at 75% of 3RM. This any type of feedback or encouragement. Mean concentric
intensity and repetition scheme was selected because they velocity was recorded through the back squat in each con-
have previously been used to assess the effects of visual kine- dition using a linear position transducer because of its com-
matic feedback on resistance training performance (26,27). mon use in resistance training programs and its use as
The verbal kinematic feedback condition consisted of the a monitoring tool (3,26).
lead researcher standing perpendicular to the subject and
verbally stating the mean concentric barbell velocity (that Lower-Body Strength Assessment. One week before the initia-
was recorded on an iPad [iPad Pro; Apple Inc., Cupertino, tion of testing, the effects of feedback, and verbal encour-
CA, USA]) at a volume slightly greater than conversation agement on performance, the 3RM back squat was assessed
volume (2). The visual kinematic feedback condition con- using the same protocol that has been used in other
sisted of the subject completing 10 repetitions with an iPad semiprofessional rugby union players (22,25). With the bar
(placed approximately 1 m away) displaying mean concen- resting on the upper trapezius, subjects lowered themselves,
tric velocity (m$s21) directly in front of them at standing eye so that the top of the knee was parallel with the fold between
level (26,27). The verbal encouragement condition consisted the torso and thigh; visually monitored by the lead
of the lead researcher standing perpendicular to the subject researcher. The heels were to remain in contact with the
and supplying standardized verbally encouraging statements floor, while the torso was to remain upright. The eccentric
during repetitions 2–9 (i.e., repetition 2: “Way to go!”; repe- portion of the squat was 2 seconds, with a 1-second pause at
tition 3: “Come on!”; repetition 4: “Good job!”; repetition 5: the bottom of the movement. The concentric portion of the

VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2018 | 3

Copyright ª 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association

Various Forms of Feedback and Resistance Training

vided either verbally or visually

to the participant. During the
TABLE 1. Effect size (690% CI) and inference of supplying verbal kinematic
feedback and visual kinematic feedback, and verbal encouragement compared verbal encouragement condi-
with control condition across 10 repetitions of the back squat.* tion, the encouraging state-
ment for each specific
Verbal kinematic Visual kinematic Verbal repetition (refer to Experimen-
Repetition feedback feedback encouragement tal Procedures) was provided
1 0.31 6 0.31 0.15 6 0.21 0.28 6 0.32 at the beginning of the concen-
Possible Possible Possible tric portion of repetitions 2–9
2 0.21 6 0.36 0.33 6 0.22 0.28 6 0.36 (1). These were standardized
Possible Likely Possible across subjects for timing, con-
3 0.27 6 0.39 0.32 6 0.24 0.29 6 0.32
Possible Likely Possible tent, and frequency. Finally,
4 0.36 6 0.39 0.49 6 0.33 0.46 6 0.30 when completing the control
Likely Likely Likely condition, subjects did not
5 0.52 6 0.39 0.39 6 0.44 0.36 6 0.48 receive feedback or any verbal
Likely Likely Possible encouragement.
6 0.80 6 0.40 0.74 6 0.37 0.76 6 0.40
Very likely Very likely Very likely
7 0.54 6 0.26 0.59 6 0.28 0.66 6 0.39 Statistical Analyses
Very likely Very likely Very likely Data are presented as mean 6
8 0.69 6 0.51 0.54 6 0.48 0.64 6 0.61 SD, mean 690% CI, or as
Likely Likely Likely Spearman’s rank correlation
9 0.70 6 0.48 0.64 6 0.49 0.53 6 0.54
Very likely Likely Likely coefficient. Before analysis,
10 0.54 6 0.29 0.24 6 0.48 0.08 6 0.54 kinematic data that were used
Very likely Unclear Unclear to assess differences between
feedback conditions were log-
*CI = confidence interval.
transformed to reduce bias
arising from nonuniformity
error, and then analyzed for
practical significance using
exercise was instructed to be as “forceful and powerful” as magnitude-based inferences (11). The chance of the mean
possible (24). On completion of the maximal strength test- concentric velocity being lower, similar, or greater than the
ing, 75% of each subject’s 3RM back squat was calculated. smallest worthwhile difference (i.e., 0.2 3 between-
participant difference) was calculated using an online spread-
Assessment of Conscientiousness. On the same day as the sheet (13). Between condition differences were then further
maximal 3RM back squat testing but before any physical assessed using an additional spreadsheet (12). The probabil-
exercise was completed, a short form of the 5-Factor ity that the magnitude of the change was greater than the
Personality Inventory was used to assess individual levels smallest worthwhile change was rated as ,0.5%, almost cer-
of conscientiousness (17). To isolate conscientiousness tainly not; 0.5–5%, very unlikely; 5–25%, unlikely; 25–75%,
within this study, only the conscientiousness subscale was possibly; 75–95%, likely; 95–99.5%, very likely; .99.5%
used. Previous research from Binboga et al. (6) has used almost certainly (11). Differences less than the smallest
similar methodology to assess this trait in sports science. worthwhile change were described as trivial. In cases where
Internal consistency coefficients for the conscientiousness the 90% CI crossed the lower and upper boundary of the
personality trait have reported satisfactory levels at 0.77 (17). smallest worthwhile change, the magnitude of the difference
was described as unclear (22). Effect size thresholds were set
Experimental Trials. After a standardized warm-up that at ,0.2 (trivial), 0.2–0.6 (small), 0.6–1.2 (large), and 1.2–2.0
involved dynamic movements and stretches, all subjects (very large) (11). These thresholds were selected because
completed a single set of the back squat at 75% of 3RM. All they have previously been used to describe changes in kine-
repetitions in each condition were required to be completed matic outputs when resistance training in articles relating to
in the same manner as the lower-body strength assessment, visual and verbal feedback (2,18,26). Spearman’s rank corre-
with the concentric phase again instructed to be as “forceful lation coefficient was used to assess relationships between
and powerful” as possible. Mean concentric velocity was change scores (i.e., differences in set mean concentric veloc-
obtained from a GymAware (Kinetic Performance Technol- ity between control and intervention conditions) and subject
ogy, Canberra, Australia) linear position transducer that conscientiousness scores. This was due to the relatively small
sampled at 50 Hz. The numerical value of each repetition’s sample size and poor distribution of the conscientiousness
velocity was calculated and transmitted to an iPad and pro- scores. Descriptor thresholds were set at; 0.0–0.1 (trivial),
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0.11–0.3 (small), 0.31–0.49 (moderate), 0.50–0.69 (large), (i.e., semiprofessional) with research from Argus et al. (2)
0.71–0.9 (very large), and 0.91–1 (nearly perfect) (5). using elite, professional rugby union players. It has previ-
ously been detailed that training status can affect motor unit
RESULTS recruitment (2,9), with more highly trained athletes being
F1 Figure 1 shows the mean concentric velocity (m$s21) of able to recruit a greater relative percentage than their lesser
each repetition during the 4 conditions. In addition, average trained counterparts. In addition, the greater improvements
concentric velocity (mean 6 SD) of the entire set reported in the current study may also be due to exercise
(i.e., control [0.61 6 0.04], verbal [0.64 6 0.03] and visual selection (i.e., back squat compared with the barbell bench
[0.64 6 0.04] kinematic, and verbal encouragement [0.64 6 throw). When providing verbal kinematic feedback, Argus
0.04]) conditions are reported. Almost certainly greater (ES et al. (2) used the barbell bench throw that uses a relatively
6 90% CI) average mean concentric velocity across the 10 smaller muscle mass than the back squat. This supports pre-
repetitions was found when verbal (0.86 6 0.21) kinematic vious speculation that exercises that use larger amounts of
feedback and visual (0.77 6 0.19) kinematic feedback, and muscle mass may have greater scope for improvement (2).
T1 verbal encouragement (0.74 6 0.22) were compared with Consequently, it is suggested that feedback is provided dur-
the control condition. Table 1 shows the ES (690% CI) ing large, multijoint exercises that require increased kine-
and inference of each repetition when compared with the matic outputs.
control. Between the 3 feedback conditions, trivial or unclear Like the verbal kinematic condition, visual feedback of
outcomes were found across all repetitions apart from num- mean concentric velocity was shown to provide a moderate
ber 10. During the final repetition small, possible to likely beneficial effect when performing the back squat. This
increases in mean concentric velocity were observed in the follows previous research by Weakley et al. (26) who has
verbal kinematic condition when compared with the visual demonstrated an attenuation of velocity when visual feed-
kinematic (0.25 6 0.43) and the verbal encouragement (0.37 back is provided during resistance training. This finding may
6 0.42) conditions, respectively. be of importance for the practitioner because it suggests that
Conscientiousness was found to have small and moderate kinematic feedback that is being supplied through a monitor
inverse relationships with the provision of verbal kinematic can stimulate an athlete and enhance physical performance.
feedback (r = 20.24) and visual kinematic feedback (r = It is known that external interest in an athletes’ training can
20.44), respectively. However, levels of conscientiousness promote kinematic outcomes (14); therefore, by having an
were found to have large inverse relationship with change automated process that records and delivers kinematic feed-
scores in the verbal encouragement (r = 20.52) condition. back, the practitioner may be able to spend additional time
with individuals who require greater attention. Accordingly,
DISCUSSION the provision of a monitoring system that supplies resistance
The aim of this study was to assess the effects of different training outcomes to athletes (e.g., mean concentric velocity
forms of kinematic feedback and verbal encouragement on from a linear position transducer) may provide additional
resistance training performance in semiprofessional rugby support when practitioners are coaching multiple athletes
union players. Furthermore, this study assessed the relation- during a training session.
ship between conscientiousness and changes in barbell Verbal encouragement in this study showed moderate
velocity when provided kinematic feedback or verbal improvements in mean concentric barbell velocity across
encouragement. The primary findings from this study the set when compared with the control condition. This
showed that moderate improvements in barbell concentric corroborates with previous work by McNair et al. (15) who
velocity occur when feedback or encouragement is supplied. has shown that when positive reinforcing statements are
Furthermore, there are possible to likely trivial differences provided (e.g., “Come on, you can do it!”), significant im-
between the different forms of feedback and encouragement. provements in physical performance occur. When exercis- AU9
In addition, it was found that conscientiousness had large ing, positive dissociative statements have been found to
inverse relationships with improvements in average set improve performance by changing focus from the physical
concentric velocity when subjects were supplied verbal sensations (e.g., pain and breathing) of exercise onto the
encouragement. This study highlights the complex link encouragement that was provided (1). In addition, by hav-
between physical performance and conscientiousness and ing the researcher available and showing active interest in
AU8 demonstrates the importance of kinematic feedback and/or the exercise, performance may be positively reinforced by
encouragement when working alongside athletes. the subject wanting to seem favorable and ensuring maxi-
Mean concentric velocity across all repetitions in the mal effort is applied. Nevertheless, despite the mechanism
verbal kinematic condition showed a 6.6% improvement that has improved performance, it seems that encouraging
when compared with the control condition. These improve- statements promote comparable improvements in acute
ments support previous research from Argus et al. (2), how- barbell velocity when compared with being provided kine-
ever, are of a greater magnitude. These larger improvements matic feedback. This should be noted by practitioners
may be due to the training status of the subjects involved because it demonstrates the importance of providing

VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2018 | 5

Copyright ª 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association

Various Forms of Feedback and Resistance Training

encouragement and feedback to athletes even in modest had the strongest relationship with improvements in mean
surroundings. barbell velocity and reported conscientiousness. Conse-
When provided augmented kinematic feedback, self- quently, it is advised that practitioners supply feedback to
reported levels of conscientiousness were found to have athletes when resistance training. This can be through verbal
small (i.e., verbal kinematic feedback) and moderate or visual kinematic feedback, or by verbally encouraging an
(i.e., visual kinematic feedback) inverse relationships with individual as they train. However, the provision of verbal
improvements in mean set concentric velocity. However, encouragement may be of greatest benefit for individuals
a large inverse relationship was found between differences in who demonstrate low levels of conscientiousness.
average set concentric velocity (when compared with
control) and conscientiousness when individuals were pro- PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
vided verbally encouraging statements. This suggests that
individuals with low conscientiousness may benefit to Based on the current findings, the provision of kinematic
a greater extent from verbal encouragement when resistance feedback and encouraging statements can cause substantial
training. These findings support earlier research by Binboga attenuation of velocity across a set of the barbell back squat.
et al. (6) who have shown that verbal encouragement can It should be noted that these improvements occur irrespec-
enhance maximal voluntary contraction in athletes with low tive of delivery method. Consequently, practitioners should
levels of conscientiousness. It has been suggested that these ensure that when athletes are training, kinematic feedback or
improvements in physical performance occur because indi- positive encouragement is provided. However, each method
viduals with lower levels of conscientiousness may also may have distinct benefits in various surroundings. For
exhibit lower commitment and persistence during strenuous example, when using velocity-based thresholds (e.g., set
tasks (8). Consequently, it is suggested that verbal encour- termination occurs when participant concentric velocity dips
agement is provided to athletes who exhibit low conscien- below 0.40 m$s21), the provision of verbal kinematic feed-
tiousness. These findings suggest that practitioners may back may be of use. Alternatively, in settings where there is
want to assess personality traits (e.g., conscientiousness) of a large number of athletes training at once, setting up a mon-
their athletes for understanding how best to provide feed- itor so that an athlete can visually observe their barbell
back when coaching. velocity may enable a coach to assist other athletes who
Although this study is the first to compare the effects of require additional support. Finally, the use of verbal encour-
varying forms of feedback on physical performance and agement can be used when technology is not present.
conscientiousness measures, it is not without its limitations Coaches and athletes alike can use this method to support
that might reduce its application to real-life practice. Because or encourage performance. This may be particularly useful in
of the nature of the research question, it is unknown whether athletes with low levels of conscientiousness.
differing exercises show differing physical responses to REFERENCES
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VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2018 | 7

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