Spring Equinox - Ostara (And Full Moon Blessings Libation)

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Spring Equinox – Ostara (and Full Moon Blessings Libation)

Zima sada stoji iza nas, a pred nama obecano prolece budi sve sto nam
je na putu..Rogati izviruje iz sume I trci sa zverima koje odmrzavaju
zemlju koja raste ..svet oko nas ponovo buja i nosi mirise cveca na vetru
i nove zelene trave..Prolece je svanulo - pozdravimo ga! Pozdrav i
dobrodosla mlada device, poznata po mnogim imenima! Pozdrav I
dobrodosle Svete moci preporoda i plodnosti!Pozdrav Svetom Sabatu!
Pozdrav Svetom Esbatu!

We turn the wheel at Ostara, bringing in the healing light of the Sun to
cleanse, balance and center ourselves – mind, body and spirit. We begin
our growth anew, and we transform our lives through our will, in
balance with our True Will, taking root in the blessings of the fertile
Earth. We stand refreshed in the gentle Spring rains.
We reach out to turn the wheel of life today and accept the Blessings
and Balance of Spring with gratitude. We honor and thank the Lady
Ostara, whose messengers of Spring are all around us.
We honor and thank Frigga of the Earth, Odin of the Air, Freya of Fire
and Frey of Water for balance in our life, for their blessings tonight and
for all of the blessings on our journey. Blessed be.

~ Blagoslov Vode Soli I Vatre – standarno u ime i slavu nasih Bogova

~ Itana izvodi Cekic da ocisti prostor pa podeljeno pozivamo elemente
da nam se pridruze kao i Nordijske Bogove tih elemenenata pocevsi od
Severa :
Speak from the heart to call to Frigga, Goddess of Earth into your space

Hail Frigga! Goddess of the Earth!

Mother to Balder! Blessed Mother to all! Queen of Asgard!
Come to us with the stability and balance of the Earth
Stand with us, stalwart, bringing strength to our working tonight
Bring to us the prosperous abundance we seek,
Fill our lives with the blooming abundance of your womb,
Plant your staff within the Earth, releasing its bounty into our lives,
Great Wife of Odin! Mother of the Gods!
Oh ye who is spinner of fates and giver of life and death,
Great Frigga, look with favor upon us
We are honored by your presence.
Be with us, walk with us, commune with us.
Hail and Welcome!
Light candle.

Speak from the heart to call Odin, God of the Air, into your space

Hail Odin! Grey-Cloaked Wanderer! Father of the Runes,

Oh Great Giver of Gifts, we ask you for the gift of communication,
Come to us with the inspiration and creative force of Air
Ride with us on the winds, your power flying to our working tonight
Bring us the sweet blessings of Air riding on the tip of your spear,
Charging and filling our own Spears of Destiny with its power.
Lend your power to ours as we turn the sacred wheel at Ostara
Bless us with healing, clear sight and the power to transform our lives
with our Will
As we walk our path within the worlds of the great tree and seek to
grow in our lives,
Help us find our balance between all worlds,
Come to us now and be with us here,
We are honored by your presence.
Be with us, walk with us, commune with us.
Hail and welcome!
Light candle.

Speak from the heart to call to Freya, Goddess of Fire, into your space

Hail Freya! Goddess of Healing, Love and Fertility!

Yet also, Great Goddess of War!
Warrior, lover and healer as one.
Two halves of the whole – complete, one. In balance.
Come to us with the passion and the energy of Fire
Energize us with the flame of your spirit,
Gift us the eternal flame of your staff,
Let it fill and charge our own Spears of Destiny
And lend its brightness and power to our working tonight.
Lend your power to ours as we turn the sacred wheel at Ostara
Bless us with healing and balance as we grow anew on our path
That we may be in balance with our higher selves,
We are honored by your presence.
Be with us, walk with us, commune with us.
Hail and Welcome!
Light candle.
Speak from the heart to call Frey, God of Water, into your space:

Hail Frey! God of love and lust! God of the folk! God of the worlds!
Rider of Boar and master of the might of the wild stallion!
Oh ye who bring prosperity, fertility and peace to all who seek it
Brother of Freya! God of the Waters!
Come to us with the gentle rain, the gentle yet flowing force of Water
And just as you bring the Spring Rains, we ask you to aid the power of
creation to flow with us through this working tonight,
Help us align with the rhythm of the waves of our soul and of creation
Gently bring to us the cleansing waters, the bounty of Water,
Let the tip of your sword, the sword of creation, charge our own Spears
of Destiny with its might,
Let our souls feel the love within your heart.
We are honored by your presence.
Be with us, walk with us, commune with us.
Hail and Welcome!
Light candle.

~ Magijski deo :
Tema za razmisljanje (meditaciju) i “punjenje” jajeta ili talismana kao
sto je dole opisano i izvlacenje Rune kao poruke do sledeceg Sabata:

With the Spring’s arrival, what do you wish to grow in your life? What
rebirth do you seek? What blessings do you wish to flourish?
What does this time of Ostara mean to you?
How do the Gods and their energy call to you or resonate with you?
How are you in balance with the four elements? Do you have too much
of one and not enough of the other? How might you work with the
other elements to compensate or balance the element that you have
too much of? How might you add more of one element in your life if you
do not have enough of it?
Take your egg or symbol, and hold it in your hands. Now is the time to
build power and charge your egg. You will charge it with the energy of
your working, the messages you received, the power of the Norse Gods,
the power of your true Will and the energy as you read this chant. It
does not have a tune – simply saying the words or calling them out over
and over until you feel the power has built is perfect!

Earth and Air,

Fire and Water,
Spring is here,
Spring has sprung!

Blessings and Libation:

Bless cakes:

I conjure You, O meal of grain

Who sprouted in both Sun Moon and Rain
Whose Ancient seed fulfills us all
And gains new life where e'er it falls
I bless You in this Circle round
That Your abundance may abound
And feed our world continuously
As I will, so mote it be.

Bless wine:

I conjure You, O fruit of vine

Who grew with Wind and Rain and Time
From nothing but the light of Sun
And light of Moon when day was done
I bless You in this Circle round
That Your abundance may abound
And feed our world continuously
As I will, so mote it be.

Libation to the Lord and Lady

By Moon and Sun and Sky above

I offer these in perfect love
By Fire, and Earth, and Rain, and Gust
I offer these in perfect trust
Please take these gifts I offer You
In perfect thanks for all You do
For all the gifts You've given me
Closing the Ritual:
At this time you may choose to speak words of love and gratitude to the
Gods. When you feel you are finished, thank the spirits for their
presence in your space and wish them farewell. Then close your circle
according to your own tradition. Either consume your egg if you worked
with a hard-boiled egg, or place your egg/symbol/token in a sacred
place, such as on your altar or make it a part of your home shrine
(shrine to the spirits of the place, the home, the land).
Be sure to journal your experience and to pay close attention to your
dreams, synchronicities and omens that you may receive over the next
few weeks in answer to your working of this rite

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