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1) Whether you consume soft drinks or not?

( ) Yes ( ) No
2) How frequently do you consume Coke in a week?
A.0-2 times B. 3-5 times C. more than 5
3) How often will you consume soft drinks?
A. Dail B. Once in a week C. Twice in a week D. Once in a month
4) What is your favorite soft drink?
A. Coca-Cola B. Thumbs up C. Sprite D. 7up E. Dew E. Others
5) Whether the product price is Affordable or not?
A. Affordable B. Costly C. Lesser D. Can’t say

6) What are the reasons for preferring the drink?

A. Taste B. Quenching thirst C. Strong D. Gas content E. Others
7) What is the role of flavor in the Product promotion?
A. Very effective B. Effective C. Neither effective nor ineffective E. Ineffective
8) What is the product availability?
A. Within the reach B. So far C. Difficult to get
9) What about the media, which shows impact on product promotion?
A. T.V B. Newspapers C. Hoarding D. Internet
10) How will you rate the product?
A. Excellent B. Good C. Average D. Bad
11) What do you consider the most while choosing the cold drink?
A. Brand B. Taste C. Others
12) In your opinion, what should be the normal size of the cold drink?
A.200ml B. 250ml C.300ml
13) In your opinion, what should be the reasonable price of the cold drink?
A. 6Rs B. 7Rs C. 8Rs D.9Rs E.10Rs
14) Are you satisfied with the product?
( )Yes ( )No ( ) Can’t Say
15) Do you feel any difference between Coke & other substitutes available in the market
such as Pepsi,dew etc.?
( )Yes ( ) No
16) Are you affected by the contradictory statements like “soft drinks contain pesticides andchemicals”?
A.Strongly B. Partially C. Not Affected
17) Do you consider that product is safe for your health?
( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Can’t Say

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