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1. Which of the following is not a recognized source of IT best practices according to ITIL?

2. Which of the following is a reason an organization might want to adopt ITIL best practices?
Management of IT services and budgetary controls
3. Which of the following is the correct description of a service? Delivers value to customers,
without ownership of specific costs and risks
4. What is this? "The result of carrying out an activity, following a process, or delivering an IT
service." An outcome
5. What is an IT service made up of? A combination of information technology, people, and
6. What is the purpose of the service strategy lifecycle stage? Define the strategic approach for
service management across the service lifecycle.
7. Which two statements reflect the guidance found in the Service Strategy publication?
1. Defining a strategy that allows a service provider the guidance and recommendations to
deliver services to meet a customer’s business outcomes.
2. Conducting customer satisfaction surveys as required on a periodic basis.
3. Defining a strategy for managing services that meet customers’ business outcomes.
4. Measuring and identifying the value created by continual improvement initiatives.
1 and 3
8. Who defines the value of a service? Customer
9. To properly understand the value of a service, the IT service provider requires three pieces of
information. Which of these is not one of the pieces of information? Who designed the services
10. ITIL identifies three areas that will be used by customers in their understanding of value. Which
of these is not one of them? The service provider’s preferences
11. What is the purpose of the service portfolio management process? To ensure you have an
appropriate mix of services to meet the requirements of customers
12. Which of these statements represents an objective of service portfolio management? Maintain
the definitive managed portfolio of services provided by the service provider
13. Which of these is not part of the scope of service portfolio management? All the projects the
customer is planning to deliver
14. Which of these statements about service portfolio management is/are correct?
1. Service portfolio management should be responsible for monitoring the performance of the
services according to the service level agreements.
2. Service portfolio management should be responsible for evaluating the value of the services
provided throughout the whole of their lifecycle.
3. Service portfolio management should be able to compare the merits of the existing services
against those that are being planned.
4. Service portfolio management should compare the results of continual service improvement
initiatives to decide whether to improve services.
2 and 3
15. Which of these is not part of the structure of the service portfolio? Service register
16. Service design delivers a new service or a change to an existing service. Which of the following
are included in the service design?
1. Technology
2. Processes
3. Budget
4. Policies
All of the above
17. Which of these statements best represents the objective of service design? Service design
should design services that require little improvement, except to meet ongoing business
18. Service design provides value to the business in many different ways. Which of the following is
not recognized as value from service design? Efficient assessment of changes to business
19. “Documents defining all aspects of an IT service and its requirements through each stage of its
lifecycle.” This is a description of what? A service design package
20. Service design has four major areas that need to be considered in order to deliver an holistic
design. Which of these are the four areas? People, process, products, partners
21. Which of these statements provides the best description of the purpose of service level
management? Ensure that all current and planned IT services are delivered to agreed achievable
22. Which of these is an objective of service level management? Define, document, agree, monitor,
measure, report, and review services
23. Which of these statements is correct about the scope of service level management (SLM)?
1. The scope of SLM includes the performance of existing services being provided.
2. The scope of SLM includes the definition of the components that make up the services and
their relationships.
3. The scope of SLM includes the definition of required service levels for planned services.
4. The scope of SLM includes the definition of the type of changes for change management.
1 and 3
24. Which of the following is a type of service provider as identified in the service design lifecycle
stage? Customer-based service provider
25. Service level requirements are related to which of the following? Warranty
26. Which of the following is the correct definition of the service catalog? A database or document
with information about all live IT services
27. Which of the following is included in a service catalog?
1. Customer-facing services
2. Strategic services
3. Supporting services
4. Retired services
1 and 3
28. Which of the following statements about the service catalog is true?
1. The service catalog forms part of the service portfolio.
2. The service portfolio forms part of the service catalog.
3. There is no relationship between the service catalog and the service portfolio.
4. Customer-facing services appear in the service catalog, and supporting services appear in the
service portfolio.
1 only
29. Availability is calculated using the formula AST-DT/AST × 100. What do the terms AST and DT
refer to? AST = agreed service time, DT = downtime
30. Availability management considers VBFs. What does VBF stand for? Vital business functions
31. Who is responsible for producing evidence that the process activities have been carried out
correctly, in the form of records? Process practitioner
32. What does RACI stand for? Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed
33. Which of the following is not one of the responsibilities of a service owner? Designing the
metrics for the process and ensuring that these provide the necessary information to judge the
effectiveness and efficiency of the process
34. Who is responsible for ensuring the right numbers of staff are assigned to the various roles
within the process and that they understand what is required of them? Process manager
35. Which of the following is true? There may be more than one person responsible.
36. Which of these statements is the best description of the purpose of the service transition
lifecycle stage? Ensure services agreed on and designed in strategy and design are delivered
effectively into operation.
37. Which of these is a recognized “business benefit” or “value statement” for the service transition
lifecycle stage?
1. Deliver changes to services with a consistent approach
2. Manage the business strategic plans
3. Control the assets of the infrastructure
4. Improve business strategy through service transformation
5. Provide increased confidence in the success of changes
1, 3, and 5
38. Which of these statements best reflects the purpose of change management? To provide
controlled change
39. Which of these is part of the scope of IT change management? IT service changes
40. What is the benefit of using a change model? It allows predefined steps to be used when
handling similar types of change.
41. Which of these is the best description of the purpose of transition planning and support
process? To provide overall planning and coordination of resources for service transition
42. Which of these statements about transition planning and support is/are correct?
1. Transition planning and support identifies and manages risks, in accordance with the risk
management framework adopted by the organization.
2. Transition planning and support ensures that repeatable processes are adopted by all
engaged in the transition.
43. Which of these statements is not part of the purpose of the SACM process? To manage the
changes to your service assets
44. SACM is a process that supports which of the following stages of the service lifecycle?
1. Service strategy
2. Service design
3. Service transition
4. Service operation
5. Continual service improvement 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
45. Which of these statements best describes a configuration record? A set of attributes and
relationships about a CI and stored in a configuration management database
46. Service operation includes which of the following activities? Optimizing the service
47. Many processes from other lifecycle stages also take place during the operation stage. Which of
the following processes does not fall into this category? Design coordination
48. Which of the following is the correct list of functions described in ITIL? Technical management
function, operations management function, application management function, service desk
49. Which of these activities is facilities management not responsible for? Defining the
infrastructure requirements to support the services
50. Match the activities to the following functions.
1. Activity: Console management
2. Activity: Identifying functional and manageability requirements for application software
3. Activity: Providing a single point of contact
4. Activity: Designing and managing the infrastructure
a. Function: Service desk
b. Function: Technical management
c. Function: Application management
d. Function: Operations management
1d, 2c, 3a, 4b
51. Which is the best description of an incident? An unplanned interruption to an IT service or
reduction in the quality of an IT service
52. When should an incident be closed? When the user confirms that the service has been restored
53. Which of the following is not a satisfactory resolution to an incident? A user complains of poor
response; second-line support runs diagnostics to be able to monitor it the next time it occurs.
54. Incident management aims to restore normal service operation as quickly as possible. How is
normal service operation defined? It is the level of service defined in the SLA.
55. A service management tool has the ability to store templates for common incidents that define
the steps to be taken to resolve the fault. What are these called? Incident models
56. The request fulfillment process is suitable for which of the following? Common, low-risk
requests with a documented fulfillment procedure
57. Requests can be fulfilled by the following:
1. Service desk staff
2. Second-line staff
3. Service level manager
4. Business relationship manager
1 and 2
58. Requests must be as follows:
1. Authorized by the CAB
2. Authorized by the budget holder when an expense will be incurred
3. Authorized by technical management
4. May be preauthorized
2 and 4
59. Which of the following could be defined as a service request?
1. "Is the service available at weekends?"
2. "How do I get training on this application?"
3. "I need this application changed to include a web interface"
4. "We have a new member of staff starting. Can you set them up on the system?"
1, 2, and 4
60. For which of these situations would automation by using event management not be
1. Hierarchical escalation of incidents
2. Speeding up the processing of month-end sales figures
3. Notification of "intruder detected" to local police station
4. Running backups
1, 3, and 4
61. Which of these statements is correct about the purpose of the continual service improvement
lifecycle stage?
1. The purpose of CSI is to continue to support the business with IT services, in the face of
changing business needs.
2. The purpose of CSI is to define the strategic approach for service management across the
whole of the lifecycle.
1 only
62. Which of these statements represents an objective of the continual service improvement
lifecycle stage? To identify and implement specific activities to improve IT service quality
63. The ITIL Continual Service Improvement publication provides guidance in four main areas. Which
of these is not one of the four areas? The development of a strategy that supports business
organization improvements
64. The continual service improvement approach sets out a sequence of steps to follow when
instigating and implementing improvements. Which of these represents the correct sequence
for the CSI approach? What is the vision? Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How
do we get there? Did we get there? How do we keep the momentum going?/li>
65. Which of these is a key objective in creating and managing a continual service improvement
register? To capture details of improvement initiatives across the service lifecycle

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