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a. Overview of the Offices

Faculty Office is the place where most of the records came from, consisting of 12 (twelve)

faculty members that comes from different department which is the Accountancy Department and

Department of Business Administration whereas business administration has subdivided into three

section consisting of Economics, Marketing and Human Resource Section that deals with a large

amounts of information on a daily basis.

The member of faculty office, thus not only perform their task as an instructor which

requires to keep the records of the students they handled and the references they need for the lesson

they will be teaching but also they act as an coordinator of the different offices in the College of

Business Administration and Accountancy that also needs an records management.

All information created, sent and received in the course of their job is potentially a records

that provides an evidence if there would be a sudden problem with the students they handled of

offices they coordinating. Faculty records pertaining to teaching, research or personal records

depends on the information it contains and the context of its creation those records is basically

form of reports, emails, information of students, research data, paper projects of student and things

that needed a records.

b. Records Management System Assessment

I. In Depth Analysis of Current Records Storage Needs

The members of faculty office are provided an L-Shaped Office table which

act as their personal space inside the office where most of the records they have are

stored. That requires a proper storing and management of documents created in the

course of their work. But upon entering the office of faculty you can already see
the numerous number of file that every employee are storing. Boxes for paper of

students are evident in every table of the faculty members, books and references for

the lesson are filed in their space. In close look, you can see below the table a more

number of student projects from past semester up to its present. College of Business

Administration and Accountancy is really a mini-world of paper.

Mr. Ramezesh E. Dionisio is one of the member in faculty office that needs

a proper record management which is very important in his field of work, working

as an instructor in numerous number of students and acting as an adviser of the

freshmen council also the college publication CBAA Link requires a several files.

That’s why there is no doubt that in the upper side of his table you can already see

different brown envelope that consists the files of; Student Form, Exam papers,

Module, Master in Business Administration Paper, Seat plans, CBAA Link and

General File. While on the other side you can see a file rack that consist of

combined file also the books can be seen in the table. Below the table of Mr.

Dionisio is the Senior High School Business Plan, some personal files, exam in the

last term and boxes without proper record management it can be chaotic.

II. Boxes Provided and Collected in the Organization

Using a sorter help the organization to file and to keep the document safe

making sure that all papers and files are kept in good condition. In faculty office

most of their file organizer can be categorized by files boxes and bookend holder.

In the table of Mr. Dionisio he uses a bookend holder to compress his different

envelopes of school papers, moreover he also uses bookend holder to organize his

books and references for teaching. Metal Office Paper Tray has been use to put all
his combined papers needed for his course of work. Lastly, the most common

widely use organizers of most faculty is box files where student exams, papers,

project are stored.

III. Registration of Box Files and Cabinets

Most of the employee in faculty office thus not required the use of serial

numbers or registration of files and cabinets for the record management system.

Reason that most the file stored are the projects and examination of an students.

But rather they use a label for the purpose of identification or to give other


IV. Storage of Catalogue Documents

Student records, examination paper, projects, and score sheets are the most

common paper that has been store in the faculty office and those are the primary

records that has been stored for the references of the future students of College of

Business Administration and Accountancy. But in present record management

those record has been kept for the purpose of evidences. The world are continue

progressing in the category of technology that has been widely use in record

keeping. Like how the CBAA faculty uses the papers of students as their primary

records that has been kept and those records are transferred in their own personal

computers or laptops safe, secured in and uncontrolled environment.

V. Confidential Destruction of Files

In past years Central Luzon State University are accepting Senior High

School students whose is qualified to study in the university but certain

circumstances have come which cause a sudden change in the acceptance of the
qualified students for senior high school. That causes for the students to left their

files and documents in some colleges where some of the instructors are still

preserving the paper they handled before. In line with this, new curriculum has

come for the freshmen students that requires new knowledge and reading materials

in that there would be difference on how things should be thought to the students.

There are always changes that is happening in the system, that’s why coping

up is very important. The records should always be updated and files that is

necessary should be kept. The paper drafts of students should not be kept for the

purpose of to maximize the space. It is important to know the things on what

document or file should be kept. The files necessary for the school year or time

specified should be store or ready to be disregarded.




1.2 Index 2.5 Migrate into

1.1 Verify the
Document, if new medium if
needed necessary

2.1 Filed hard 2.4 Assess

2.3 Maintain
copy and storage
storage location
electronic copy maintenance

3.1 Identify 3.2 Determine

3.3 Communicate
records to be if records are 3.6 Perform
intent to destroy
destroyed in legal hold Destruction

3.7 Document
the destruction
3.5 Determine
3.4 Received
Method of
Flowchart Text Description – Proposed Document Control Process

This section contains step-by-step instructions for carrying out the document control


Document control provides information to be use in the

Document Control Process
course operations and maintenance.

1. Received Receiving the document includes verifying the

document meets acceptance standards and indexing the


1.1 Verify the Quality Verify that the information meets quality requirements

for the record keeping. Check document for: document

number, and revision if applicable, document title

approval, date, completeness and legibility and if

electronic proper file type special identification.

Deficiencies are resolved from the originating of


1.2 Index Document, if needed The process of tagging or associating information with

a file so it can be used for search and retrieval purposes

later. Indexing creates the “searchable” information that

users will later use to find the documents.

2 Store Document are stored , the status are updated, they are

maintained and updated.

2.1 Filed hard copy and electronic Hard copy records should be physically placed in
storage and electronic files are committed in to

electronic storage.

2.3 Maintain storage location Monitor the physical storage conditions, including the

exclusion of activities that could harm the documents,

such as eating, drinking and smoking. Maintain storage

in accordance with the standards.

2.4 Assess storage maintenance Periodically assess the physical and electronic

mechanism to ensure records are properly maintained

and protected. Assessment should include disaster

planning, data loss monitoring and software retirement


2.5 Migrate into new medium if Establish plans for migration to newer media, software
and hardware. Migration activities occur as required.

Records stored on servers are to be migrated before the

end of life of the hardware.

3 Destroy Based on retention schedule, records are destroyed.

3.1 Identify records to be destroyed Based on retention schedule, records are destroyed. If it

is in the certain school year of semester whereas file are

necessary for keeping or destruction.

3.2 Determine if records are in legal Some problems can occur in the college, in that remove
the records from the destruction list if they have been

put on hold to support legal proceedings.

3.3 Communicate intent to destroy Send destruction list to record owner/originating

department for concurrence.

3.4 Received confirmation The confirmation has been received for the local


3.5 Determine Method of Destruction method for the records identified is

determined. Proprietary and confidential documents

require destruction not disposal. Destructionis done in

accordance with any special requirements, for example;

safeguards, proprietary. Witnessing of destruction may

be required.

3.6 Perform Destruction The removed information are destroyed

3.7 Document the destruction The destruction of the records is kept as record. The

index is kept and annotated that the record is destroyed

a. Records Inventory and Classification

Large amount of information comes in the faculty office at a daily basis that’s why

systematic control over the information is required in the administration and operation of

college activities. By assuring that valuable records are preserved and made available while

needless records are disposed-of in a timely fashion. The records which has been created

as an employee in faculty office has all have a life span, storing and classification that

should follow some policies and procedures.

b. Retention Scheduling

c. Records Storage and Conversion

d. Vital Records Program

e. Disaster Prevention & Recovery

f. Dsiposition

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