Micro 1-5 Chris

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Day 5 (Week 2): Energy Audit Scavenger Hunt!


 Students will understand that energy created in the school (by appliances, heating/cooling
systems, etc.) affects different parts of the school more than others
 Some of the energy produced inside the school is lost (outside)
 Students will understand parts of the school are wasting more energy than others
 Students will understand that not everything is designed for maximum energy efficiency
 Students will think about how the parts of the school where energy is being wasted could
be addressed in their Sustainability Law Project


 Students will formulate hypotheses and answer riddles in groups of where energy is wasted
most in the school and test it with infrared lasers
 Students will use infrared cameras/thermometers to identify parts of the school that are
losing/generating heat


 1 infrared camera (or laser) per group of 3 students

 Clue sheet

Beginning Exercise:

 How does this video influence where you think energy is wasted in your home? Our
school? https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=210&v=YolBP0-vkBU

Sequence of Activities:

 Beginning Exercise: video and discussion (5 mins)

 Infrared demo (5 mins)
 Scavenger Hunt! (30 mins)
 Ending Exercise (5 mins)

Ending Exercise:

 Write your own scavenger hunt clue/riddle for next year’s students
Day 1 (Week 3): Meet Our School’s_______!


 Students will get to meet their group’s person to interview, and understand in better detail
what their job entails
 Students will have an opportunity to hear their interviewee’s perspective on sustainability
as they deal with it at their job
 Students will establish a relationship with the interviewee and better understand
sustainability in their lens at school to better inform their Sustainability Law Project
 Students will develop meaningful, respectful questions to learn from the interviewee


 Students will understand what our waste/energy management system looks like at our
 Students will engage in thoughtful discussion and interview with the interviewee
 Students will document their experience with video/writing as a resource for their
Sustainability Law Project


 Pen/cil
 Paper/notebook

Beginning Exercise:

 After watching this video, are there things you might want to know more about the roles of
your interviewee before we meet them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXu7hbUsEko

Sequence of Activities:

 Beginning Exercise: video and discussion (5 mins)

 Head out to meet our school’s ______ (5 mins)
 Learning about sustainability from interviewee’s perspective (25 mins)
 Back to class (5 mins)
 Ending Exercise (5 mins)

Ending Exercise:

 From today’s conversation with your interviewee, jot down as many ideas as you can about
how you want to use this experience toward our School Sustainability Challenge.
Day 2: Prepare to Interview


 Students will learn about good interview practices, videography and framing content before
tomorrow’s interview
 Students will develop meaningful, respectful questions to learn from the interviewee
 Students will become comfortable with engaging in sustainability conversation
 Students will know how to use the video recording device


 Students will collaborate with group members for desired interview outcome
 Students will use their understanding of good interview practices to be prepared for
tomorrow’s interview
 Students will practice using the video recording device


 Pen/cil
 Paper/notebook
 Video recording device/other video equipment

Beginning Exercise:

 Jot down ideas that you think are important to know about filming your interview from this
video. Will you want to practice some of these?

Sequence of Activities:

 Beginning Exercise: video notes (10 mins)

 Break into groups for collaboration: form questions, practice video (30 mins)
 Ending Exercise (3 mins)

Ending Exercise:

 Write down 3 things you would do different with this video interview based on what you
learned in the first video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRe8J0KYtks
Day 3: Interview Day!


 Students will do a complete interview of their group’s person at the school

 Students will use the questions they formed in their interviews


 Students will use their video recording device and equipment to record an interview


 Pen/cil
 Paper/notebook
 Video recording device/other video equipment

Beginning Exercise:

 Spend five minutes, practicing saying and answering your interview questions with each
other before you begin your official interview. Do they still make sense? Are there any changes
you need to make?

Sequence of Activities:

 Beginning Exercise: practice (5 mins)

 Show time! (40 mins)
 If finished early, do ending exercise, upload and begin editing
 Ending Exercise: favorite parts (5 mins)

Ending Exercise:

 Write the top 5 parts of your interview that you think you will keep after editing tomorrow.
Keep this list—it will help a lot for editing tomorrow!
Day 4: Editing in the Lab


 Students will edit their videos, to completion if possible

 Students will gain familiarity with the editing process for their future classwork


 Students will upload video interviews and edit in the computer lab
 Students will learn editing skills from the Computer Lab Tech


 Pen/cil
 Paper/notebook
 Video recording device/other video equipment
 Computer lab

Beginning Exercise:

 Discuss with your group what you feel the objective of your video is (i.e. what do you want
people to take away from seeing your video?) Write it down and hand it in.

Sequence of Activities:

 Beginning Exercise: discussion (5 mins)

 Head to computer lab (5 mins)
 Editing tutorial in Computer Lab (10 mins)
 Editing until end of class (25 mins)

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