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2018 1230

Source Documents
This page was launched on January 13, 2014. It is a work in progress.


Adhesion Contracts – the Louisiana Law Review (1974)

Articles of Incorporation – UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY (1925)
Banker’s Manifesto – 1892
Bond vs. UNITED STATES by Judge Dale, retired
Case Monetization (CRIS Report) July 2003
Certificate of Incorporation Internal Revenue (1933)
Citizenship Repudiation – Melvin Stamper
Clearfield Doctrine
Congressional Record (June 1932)
Congressional Record (June 1932 – copy of original)
Congressional Record (March 1933)
Congressional Record (June 1967)
Congressional Record (March 1993)
Continuation of the National Emergency (2012)
Continuation of the National Emergency (2013)
Declaration of Patient’s Rights
Independent Treasury Act – 1920
Louis McFadden – An Astounding Exposure (Congressional Record)
Memorandum of Law on the Name
NASA – The Future of War (2001)
Presidential Executive Order 13132 – Federalism
Public Law 105-85: Experimentation on human subjects
Secret Maritime Jurisdiction Exposed
Senate Report 93-549 (1973)
Senate Report 93-549 (excerpts page)
Senate Report 93-549 (1973 – original)
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars – Air Force Technical Manual (1979)
Swiss Study: The Network of Global Corporate Control (2011)
The Legal Craft (The BAR Card)
The UCC and You
UCC – Article 1 – General Provisions
War and Emergency Powers – Special Report by Eugene Shroder
Who is Running America by Barefoot’s World
Woe Unto You, Lawyers by law professor Fred Rodell

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