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Kayla Pfendler 1

Alberta Riveglia

There is more to genealogy research than collecting marriage, death, and birth dates.

Although these dates hold significance in creating a timeline, they do not tell a story about or

define a person. It is through more extensive research that one finds out the attention-grabbing

facts, opinions, and mindsets which make a person who they are. My mother’s, Christine

Pfendler, mother, Alberta Riveglia, remains one of the most important and influential people in

my life. Alberta Riveglia has curly brown hair, standing at a meer five feet two inches tall, a

woman in her 80s, and frail on the outside, but not the inside. These are just physical attributes of

my grandmother; however, there is so much more than what meets the eye. Alberta Riveglia is a

woman who speaks her mind; never afraid or concerned about the opinions others hold of her.

Although, no one dislikes her, her presence is one that cannot be ignored. She is a godly woman,

high-respecting woman, giver, caretaker, daughter, mother, grandmother, teacher, social

butterfly, and a woman who is loved by many.

My grandmother grew up in Providence, Rhode Island. Her family was poor and she

began working at the age of fourteen to help provide for her family to keep them on their feet.

Her mother-daughter relationship was a rocky one; however, that never could take away the

endless love she has for her family. Her father made up for that with their relationship being one

that every father and daughter should have. Due to her family’s financial standing and the time

period, my grandmother did not attend college. Instead, she immediately began working in hat

retail after completing high school. It was not common for women during that time to work, but

my grandmother has excelled in everything she has put her mind to and received countless

promotions over her fellow male co-workers. As she was getting ready to receive a national

promotion she met my grandfather and ended up focusing on being a wife who stayed home. I
Kayla Pfendler 2

gathered this information from telephone interview calls with her, but I have always heard stories

about her childhood. I look forward to piecing more information together about her life along

with other family relatives.

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