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B.Tech.-EN-VI SEM.(A+B+C)


DOA: 05-02-2019 DOS: 11-02-2019

1. Give brief description of general purpose microprocessor based digital computer

2. Describe general purpose microprocessor bus architecture and its operations.
3. Compare the two basic architectures(Harward & Princeton) of a digital computer.
4. What are the various developments in microprocessor technology?
5. What are the three main units of a digital computer? Explain graphically.
6. Calculate the address lines required for an 8-Kbyte of memory chip, where each
register is of 8-bits.
7. Differentiate between a compiler/interpreter and an assembler.
8. Give brief description of evolution tree of microprocessors.
9. Compare machine language programming with high level programming.
10. What is meant by assembly language programming?
11. Describe the Input-output devices and other Interfacing devices of

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