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Using Matrices in Computer Graphics

Making a Short with ALICE

In this unit, you have learned about how matrices are used in computer animation. You have also
learned how to use the programing program ALICE. For this assignment, you, either by yourself
or with a partner, will create a 1-minute video using ALICE. The video must include the
following: at least 2 characters, a beginning, middle, and end, dialogue and the characters and the
camera must move. In addition to the video, you will create an online portfolio using In your portfolio you will have the following: a storyboard for your
video (I suggest the online storyboard maker, but use what you know), a
typed script for your characters, the code you used to make your video, the video, and your
paper. The paper is to be at least 1 page long, double spaced, size 12 Times New Roman Font, in
MLA style. Your paper should include a 5 sentence paragraph explaining what your video is
about, a 5 sentence paragraph explaining the coding, and a 5 sentence paragraph explaining how
the movements of the characters would be written using matrix transformations. This assignment
is worth 25 points.

For each of the following that is in your portfolio you receive 1 point:







0 Points 1 Point 2 Points

Video is 30 seconds or less in Video is between 30 and 60 Video is at least 60 second in
length. seconds in length. length.
Video does not contain any Video contains 1 character. Video contains 3 or ore
characters. characters.
Video does not have a Video has a beginning and Video contains a beginning,
beginning, middle and end. end, but no middle. This middle and end. This means
This means that the video does means that the video does not that the video has a storyline
not have a storyline. have a conflict. that includes an introduction, a
conflict, and a resolution.
Video contains no dialogue. Video contains little dialogue. Video contains sufficient
This means that no more than dialogue. This means that at
4 lines are spoken. least 5 lines of dialogue are
Video contains no movement Video contains less than 8 Video contains 9 or more
of any of the characters and movements. This means that movements. This means that
the camera. the combination of characters the combination of characters
and camera movements sum and camera movements sum
together to make 8 or less. together to make at least 8.


0 Points 1 Point 2 Points

Paper less than half a page in Paper is between half a page Paper is 1 page or greater in
length. and 1 page in length. length.
Paper does not address what Paper addresses what the Paper addresses what the
the video is about. video is about but does not video is about and provides
provide details. This section is details. This section is at least
less than 5 sentences in length. 5 sentences in length.
Paper does not address the Paper addresses the process of Paper addresses the process of
process of coding the video. coding the video but does not coding the video and provides
provide details. This section is details. This section is at least
less than 5 sentences in length. 5 sentences in length.
Paper does not address how Paper addresses how character Paper addresses how character
character and camera and camera movements are and camera movements are
movements are related to related to matrix related to matrix
matrix transformation. transformation but does not transformation and provides
provide details. This section is details. This section is at least
less than 5 sentences in length. 5 sentences in length.
Paper is not in MLA format. Paper is in MLA format aside Paper is in MLA format.
Spelling and grammar from heading errors. Spelling Spelling and grammar
mistakes make the paper and grammar mistakes make mistakes are minimal.
incomprehensible. the paper difficult to read.
*The process of coding means the codes used and their purpose.

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