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Name: Sonya Wier Formatted: Font: 12 pt

Date: 2/15/2019
Course: ELM-490
Instructor: Professor Millenbaugh

Professional Dispositions Assessment

Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement listed below using the
response scale of 1-5. Use this assessment to inform your Professional Dispositions
1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Undecided 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree

Professional Dispositions Criteria 1 2 3 4 5

I believe a teacher must use a variety of instructional
strategies to optimize student learning.
I understand that students learn in many different ways . 5

I demonstrate qualities of humor, empathy, and warmth. 5

I am a thoughtful and responsive listener. 5

I assume responsibility when working with others. 5

I believe that all students can learn. 5

I believe it is important to involve all students in


I believe the classroom environment a teacher creates

greatly affects students' learning and development.

I view teaching as an important profession. 5

I understand that teachers’ expectations affect student


I view teaching as a collaborative effort among educators. 4

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I understand that students have certain needs that must be
met before learning can take place.

I am sensitive to student differences. 4

I communicate caring, concern, and a willingness to

become involved with others.

I am punctual and reliable in my attendance. 5

I maintain a professional appearance. 5

I believe it is my job to create a learning environment

conducive to the development of students’ self- 5
confidence and competence.

I respect the cultures of all students and am sensitive to

cultural norms.

I honor my commitments. 5

I treat students with dignity and respect at all times. 5

I am willing to receive feedback and assessment of my


I am patient when working with students. 4

I am open to adjusting and revising my plans to meet

student needs.

I communicate in ways that demonstrate respect for the

feelings, ideas, and contributions of others.

I believe it is important to learn about students and their


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Professional Dispositions Statement

With these Professional Dispositions in mind, I feel that these are important to help teachers

recognize their strengths and work to improve on their weaknesses. Teachers have the most

impact in the ways of how student’s learn. It is my responsibility to hold myself accountable and

set high expectations not only for myself, but for my students as well. I feel that expectations are

everything, as they are a guiding force that let’s students know where they are going, what they

are going to do, and sets the tone for the classroom. This also includes me providing 100% in

everything that I do- to include meeting the needs of all of my students and finding different

strategies that will support each student in the learning process. It is extremely important for me

to study the lessons that I create so that I can be prepared and organized to teach my students

each and every day. In doing this, my students will be able to gain understanding and develop

deep thinking skills to help them be successful learners. As a teacher, I must be professional at

all times, be committed to my students, believe in them, and allow them to be curious. In order

to be an effective teacher, I will use the resources that I have been given, I will reflect back on

notes taken, teaching tools, and different strategies I have observed throughout my educational

profession. It is even more important for me to grade myself on the instructions and lessons that

I create for my students by asking what I could have done differently to ensure that my students

gained understanding and things I could have done to engage them in the lessons more.

Accepting feedback from my mentor as well as other colleagues is important for me to help me

improve in areas that I may struggle.

I feel through this self- assessment, I have provided honest results that reflect how committed I

am to my job as well as my students. I am far from perfect and the 4’s that I scored myself on

are the things that I am good at, but feel the need to better myself through continuous practice.

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For example, there is a severe behavioral student who acts out on a daily basis and I would like

to learn to be more patient and find more strategies to help him stay engaged in the lessons. It

has been such an incredible journey in me learning much information, as I am not finished

learning, yet with everything that I have learned, I have grown a lot. I was at a point where I did

not think I would be capable of teaching students, but to see my students results grow in learning

what I have taught them, it has helped me to be more confident in knowing that I am capable of

teaching them and being successful and making a difference. I will continue to grow and

observe my mentor so that I can be more knowledgeable and effective. I will also make sure that

my students who are on IEP’s have the accommodations necessary to support them in the

learning process so that they too can be successful learners.

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