FAQ For DA$H4CA$H 2019 PDF

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FAQ for the DA$H4CA$H 2019

1. Where can I find the clues?

Go to the top of the page and click on files. See the photos below for further assistance.
All of the clues as well as rules and regulations are in there. Read the rules FIRST.

To find the clues on your smartphone:

To find the clues from your computer:

2. Why can’t I see all the clues?

Some Android users have mentioned they have problems seeing all of the files. If this
happens, we suggest completely logging out of Facebook and logging back in. You can
always use the search feature of the group to search for the clues. DO NOT MESSAGE
asking us for the clues. We DO NOT respond to questions about the DASH in private
message. This is to make sure the game remains fair to ALL.
3. What am I looking for? I think I found it!
That's great! But if you "think" you found it, you didn't. WHEN YOU FIND IT, YOU WILL
KNOW IT. There will be NO DOUBT, NO QUESTION. ​You will know for a fact when
you find it and EXACTLY what to do. ​ Do not call the dealership, DJ, KJ, Jessi James,
or anyone else asking if "this is it." Do not POST to the group OR message them on
Facebook asking this question either. The “IT” is about half the size of a loaf of bread,
hidden in PLAIN SIGHT and accessible 24/7 on public property.

4. Can we have another clue?

You sure can! When we post a clue. Clues come out at RANDOM and asking for one will
only serve to aggravate the CLUE MASTER and quite possibly DELAY the release of
another clue.

5. What about a hint?

See answer to question 3.

6. What is PSA? Is that a clue?

PSA stands for "Public Service Announcement". It is just an announcement to the group
to help everyone out. It is not a clue and is something that should only be posted by

7. What is F-Camp?

8. What is Champion's Highway?

Highway 31 Between Atmore and Evergreen

9. What is the green mile?

The Green Mile is the green bridge that separates Jennings and O'bannon parks in
Brewton. It is called such due to how long it is. While it is actually only about 1/4 mile
long many say that it feels like a mile when they are walking it.
For those that watch the show, you will here DJ and KJ refer to this bridge as "The
Green Mile" many times.

10. What is the Dirty 30?

The area the hunt is taking place in

11. If we splash the pot can we still hunt?

Yes, if you splash you can still hunt.

12. Who/what is Yank?

Yank Lovelace is the Mayor of the City of Brewton.
13. What is private property or public access?
Someone's yard, the ditch by someone's house, inside of a business, near a
jail/prison/other sensitive area ....it won't be there and you risk being arrested, shot,
and/or disqualified from the group for life. (REFER TO THE RULES!)

14. What is the search area?

Read the rules.

15. Who do I contact if I want to splash the pot?

Contact Jessica James, she will give you the details to splash the pot.

16. What is the pot total at?

At this time, the pot is around $20,000 in cash and approximately $16,000 in prizes.
People splash the pot all the time and the BMP bunch have full time jobs and lives
outside of the DASH so they update periodically. ​We do not address this by request.
Tune into the show every Mon - Fri around 8:30ish and they announce it there.

17. What if I have another question?

Then ask it in the comments and someone from this amazing community will help you
out! You can also search the group at the top of the page for possible answers.

Added 4/30/19:
18. What does #YOYO and #FU mean? YOYO= You’re Own Your Own
FU= Forgive Us
Any further explanation needed? #YOYO

19. Where can I find the clues from last year?

The clues from last year have no bearing on this year’s hunt and will only confuse you
more. Focus your search using only this year’s clues.

20. Where was the DASH BASH held? The DASH BASH took place on June 30, 2018 at
O’Bannon Park in Brewton. It was a one day event featuring a concert by THE WORLD
FAMOUS VELCRO PYGMIES. We hate you missed it!

21. How do I listen to the After Party?

The after show is available on the LIVE365 app or website. Download the app or visit the
website then search “WBOSS” using the search feature. You can listen to the show here
but comments are done through the link posted each morning in DriveTime. You must
refresh your Facebook page to have updated comments.
****The SEARCH feature of the group is your BEST FRIEND if you’re new!!! Before
posting a question, use this to try to determine if your question has already been asked
and answered.

Be respectful and be responsible! ​ The folks at BMP take the DASH very seriously in an
effort to keep the game fair to all. If you violate the rules or cause trouble, BMP will
immediately disqualify you from the DASH and ban you from all BMP operated pages
and groups FOR LIFE. This is not to be harsh but must be done for the integrity of the
game. If this happens, you WILL NOT be allowed back.

As Rob said: "Don't be one of the chosen FEW."
***Special thanks to our dear friend, Ernest Mallett for helping us to create this list. We
will update the list as needed.

Now get out there and have some fun!

Happy hunting!

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