Waste Water Treatment

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Aditya Amatya(072BME603)
Bikash Kunwar (072BME612)
Sanjeeb Poudel(072BME637)
Ujwal Dhakal(072BME649)



APRIL 2019
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies usually caused due to human activities.
Water pollution is any change in the physical, chemical or biological properties of water that
will have a detrimental consequence on any living organism. The main sources of pollution are
all resulted from the disposal of chemical substances coming from medical, industrial and
household waste, chaotic agricultural fertilizers disposal and accidental oil spills that pollute
the water to a large extent.
Water pollution may cause a large variety of diseases and poses a serious problem for human
health. This is mainly because we may get exposed to polluted water in various ways.
Contaminated water can transmit diseases such diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio.
According to WHO, contaminated drinking water is estimated to cause 502,000 diarrheal
deaths each year.
In context of Kathmandu, water pollution is a serious issue. Increase in transient and migrant
population in Kathmandu leads to haphazard urbanization of Kathmandu valley resulting in
heavy pressure on existing natural resources. Water quality of rivers within Kathmandu, is
deteriorating due to over population and its consequent stress on the environment. Water
resources are being increasingly polluted by domestic, agricultural and industrial wastes.
Kathmandu valley was at pristine condition before some decades ago. People cultivated for
their livelihoods. Most of the valley floor was used for agriculture and farming. After the onset
of democracy in 2007, the valley witnessed rapid immigration in past few decades. People who
were engaged in farming have shifted to urban life now. Large sewerage pipes were added to
the rivers as river tributaries to the river. The population of the 899-square kilometer valley has
increased fivefold in the last 60 years, from 197,000 people in 1952 to 997,000 by the time of
the 2001 census. Meanwhile, the built-up area has increased by 134%, from 24.54 square
kilometers in 1989 to 57.32 square kilometers in 2006. Not only is the surface water the
groundwater depletion also very high.


1. Activated Sludge Treatment System

The activated sludge wastewater treatment process is identified by three major characteristics:
• Biological reactor for the decomposition of degradable organic chemicals,
• Settling tank for the removal of solids and biomass from the water,
• Recycle stream from the settling tank to the reactor to ensure sufficient levels of
In operation since January 2001, the wastewater treatment plant at Guheshwori is the first
activated sludge treatment plant in Nepal. Advantages of conventional activated sludge
treatment systems over some of the alternatives discussed below are a relatively high removal
rate of BOD and TSS and capacity to treat a large amount of wastewater in a relatively small
In addition, the use of conventional activated sludge in developing nations has come under
much criticism in recent years. The major disadvantage of activated sludge systems are high
operating costs associated with large energy needs. Nepal has few exploitable fossil fuel
sources, so electricity production efforts have been primarily focused on hydroelectric plants.
Even this source is largely untapped, so electricity remains very expensive.

2. Constructed Wetlands as an Alternative Technology in Nepal

Due to the failure of the large treatment plants, small and decentralized treatment systems such
as constructed wetlands are in high demand. Environment and Public Health Organization
(ENPHO) introduced the use of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in Nepal as an
alternative to conventional wastewater treatment technologies. ENPHO’s aim was to produce
a sustainable and feasible wastewater treatment system based on the natural ecosystem in this
impoverished country. It would be more appropriate if such plants could be installed at a
community scale around the valley and maintained by such communities.

3. Alternative Treatment Options

3.1 Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment (CEPT)
From current knowledge of the wastewater problem in Kathmandu, CEPT appears
to be a viable treatment option. CEPT is more cost-effective than traditional
biological treatment (primary treatment plus activated sludge). Construction costs
of CEPT plants are on average 60% of the construction costs of a traditional
biological treatment plant, though cost will vary on location and condition. Annual
operating costs for CEPT plants are also less expensive. Though chemical costs for
CEPT may be high, they are more than offset by the high energy cost for biological
treatment. This is a bonus in Nepal, where energy can be scarce.
CEPT plants are more robust than biological plants; they can operate under a wider
range of conditions. Industrial influent often has adverse effects on the

microorganisms used in biological treatment leading to plant upsets. Heavy metals,

such as chromium can precipitated out as hydroxides and sulfides with the
appropriate chemical addition. Chemical treatment is not as susceptible to system
upsets based on the influent to treatment plants. CEPT plants can also handle higher
influent rates than biological treatment plants, such as Guheshwori, because they
require less residence time.
Wastewater enters the first tank, where big particles are allowed to settle out. Next,
a coagulant is added, often an iron complex. The coagulant attaches to suspended
solids in the stirring tank, forming denser particles. A flocculent, an anionic
polymer is then added, allowing coagulated
solids to combine to form even larger particles. These particles are allowed to settle
and form a sludge, which is separated from treated water. Jar test and coliform test
must be performed to analyze how effective CEPT could be at removing
debilitating parasites found in wastewater.
3.2 Advanced Integrated Pond System (AIPS)
Another alternative wastewater treatment system gaining popularity in developing
and fully developed nations alike is the advanced integrated pond system (AIPS).
AIPS is suitable in situations of normal wastewater flow as well as highly variable
flow rates and organic loadings, especially in cases of limited industrial pre-
treatment and in the presence of toxic organics and heavy metals.
This treatment system consists of an anaerobic pit beneath an oxygenated, aerobic
reactor. The wastewater enters into the deep anaerobic reactor, where heavy solids
settle to form a thick anaerobic sludge blanket. Some organics are removed as the
wastewater passes through the dense sludge toward the aerobic reactor.
Decomposition in the anaerobic pit releases gases into the aerobic zone, which are
either absorbed by the water or emitted to the atmosphere.
The aerobic section contains bacteria and algae for the further decomposition of
soluble organic materials in the wastewater. The oxygen levels in the aerobic zone
are controlled with horizontal surface aerators as well as natural aeration and algal
photosynthesis. The aerators are positioned such to create a circular flow on the
pond surface to inhibit seasonal turnover within the pond and to minimize odors.
A non-aerated pit exists to the side of the aerobic zone. This section of the
treatment system serves as a settling tank, where solids are removed by gravity.
The solids in both the non-aerated zone and the anaerobic zone remain until they
are fully decomposed. This is possible, since the pits are very deep. The advantage
of such a design is that no sludge needs to be removed or wasted.
Other highlights of the AIPS are energy efficiency and low construction costs.


Location Type/Stage Capacity Present Service Details

MLD State
Dhobighat, Patan 1 st
Pond – 15.4 Not HH Connections-
(Kathmandu Valley) Aerobic working 53,900
2 nd
Pond – Sewerage Lines-
Anaerobic 61,650
3 rd
Pond – Combine channel
Facultative – 44km
4 th
Pond –

Kodku, (Kathmandu 1 st
Pond – 1.1 Partially HH Connections-
Valley) Aerobic working 15,500
2 nd
Pond – Sewerage Lines-
Anaerobic 20,443
3 rd
Pond – Combine channel
Facultative – 11km
4 th
Pond –

Sallaghari, Bhaktapur Aerated lagoon 24 Not Details not

(Kathmandu Valley) working available

Hanumanghat, Oxidation Ditch 0.4 Not

Bhaktapur, (Kathmandu working

Gushewori, Kathmandu Oxidation Ditch 16.4 Partially Sewers-6Km

(Kathmandu Valley) Working Population
Served- 53,000
Urban area- 21 Ha

Hetauda Industrial Estate, Oxidation Pond 1.1 Working Industrial

Hetauda Wastewater
Treatment Plant
Dhulikhel Hospital Reed Bed <0.1 Working Without Primary
(Constructed Treatment
Wetland) Bed Size -261 m2

Population Served
- 330

Kathmandu Municipality Reed Bed <0.4 Working No Primary

(Constructed Treatment
Wetland) Bed Size- 362 m2
Population served-

Mulpi International Reed Bed <0.25 Working No Primary

School (Constructed Treatment
Wetland) Bed Size- 376 m2
Served- 850

SKM Hospital Reed Bed 0.15 Working Bed Size- 141 m2

(Constructed Population
Wetland) Served- 500

Kathmandu University Reed Bed <0.035 Working No Primary

(Constructed Treatment
Wetland) Bed Size- 587 m2
Served- 1300
Middle Marshyangdi Reed Bed <0.026 Working No Primary
Hydropower Porject (Constructed Treatment
Wetland) Bed Size- 298 m2
Served- 870

Pokhara Municipality Reed Bed <0.115 Working No Primary

(Constructed Treatment
Wetland) Bed Size- 3,308
Served- 3830

Kapan Monastry Reed Bed <0.015 Working No Primary

(Kathmandu Valley) (Constructed Treatment
Wetland) Bed Size- 150 m2
Served- 300

Tansen Municipality Reed Bed <0.030 Working No Primary

(Constructed Treatment
Wetland) Bed Size- 583 m2
Served- 1000

Sunga Community Reed Bed 50 m /day

Working Community
Wastewater Treatment (Constructed Wastewater
Plant (Kathmandu Wetland) Treatment Plant
Valley) Bed Size- 150 m2
Served- 1200

Source: Nyachhyon(2006)
ENPHO (Environment and Public Health Organization)

With vision of Creating Eco-societies, ENPHO, a service oriented, scientific, national non-
governmental organization is constantly striving towards sustainable community development,
demonstrating and disseminating eco-friendly technologies (E.g. Rain Water Harvesting,
Ecosan Toilets, DEWATS) and water treatment options (E.g. Chlorine solution, SODIS,
It also promotes integrated community-based approaches for safe water, sustainable sanitation,
solid waste management, hygienic behavior, improving indoor air, and environmental and air
quality monitoring for creating healthy and environment friendly societies.
The primary goal of ENPHO is to support environmental study, sustainable total sanitation,
hygiene practices and safe drinking water contributing to meet the national target.

Partner Organizations of ENPHO

A group of academic, national and international organizations have partnered with ENPHO
and is working together for common goals of Creating Eco-societies.
The academic partners of ENPHO are :-
• Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand
• BOKU University, Vienna, Austria
• Kathmandu University
• Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
• Nepal Engineering College (NEC)
• Pokhara University
• Sandia Laboratory, USA
• School of Environmental Management and Sciences
• Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden
• School of Environment Management and Science (SchEMS)
• Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden
• Tribhuwan University
• University of Cambridge, London
• University of Kyushu, Japan
• University of Yamanasi, Japan
• University of Illinois, USA

Similarly, Its International partners are as follows: -

• American Embassy
• Alliance for Sustainable Development
• Asia Arsenic Network
• Asian Development Bank
• Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC)
• The Association for International Solidarity in Asia (ASIA-Onlus)
• Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development (AYAD)
• Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA), Germany
• Center for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST), Canada
• Center for International Studies and Cooperation
• Center for Science and Environment (CSE), India
• Consortium of DEWATS Dissemination Society (CDD), India
• Department for International Development (DFID)
• DISVI International, Italy
• Dutch WASH Alliance
• Dubai EXPO 2020
• Eco Himal, the Society for Cooperation Alps – Himalaya
• Engineers without borders
• ETC Foundation, the Netherland
• European Commission
• Give2Asia
• Helping Hands for Hope, Canada
• Helen Keller International (HKI)
• Indian Embassy
• IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Netherlands
• Japan International Cooperation Agency
• Japan Water Forum
• Non-Residential Nepali-Canada
• Oxfam GB Nepal
• PLAN International
• Poverty Alleviation Fund
• Practical Action Nepal
• Pure Water's: International WaterPurification Program Switzerland, Zurich
• Rain water harvesting implementation Network Foundation, the Netherlands
• RUAF Foundation, the Netherland
• Rotary International
• Rural Village Water Resource Management Program – FINNIDA
• SEECONGmbh, Switzerland
• SIMAVI, The Netherlands
• SNV Nepal
• Solutions Benefiting Life
• Solvatten AB, Sweden
• Sustainable Sanitation Alliance
• Swiss Federal Institute for Environment Science and Technology, Switzerland
• Terre des hommes Foundation, Switzerland
• The Asia Foundation
• The Association for International Solidarity in Asia (ASIA-Onlus)
• The Research Council of Norway-The FRIPRO program
• The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
• The Humanitarian Water and Food Award (WAF Award)
• United Nations Children's Fund
• United Nations Development Program
• United Nations Human Settlements Program
• United States Agency for International Development
• Urban Development through Local Efforts/GIZ
• WASTE, The Netherlands
• Water Aid Nepal
• World Bank
• World Health Organization
• World Vision International-Nepal
• World Wildlife Fund Nepal
ENPHO has also huge number of national partners. They are as follows: -
• Alternative Energy Promotion Centre
• Amaghar Foundation
• Bharatpur Municipality
• Biogas Support Partnership Nepal
• Butwal Municipality
• Best Paani Pvt. Ltd
• Bardiya Municipality
• Birendranagar Municipality
• Center for Integrated Urban Development (CIUD)
• Central Horticulture Center
• Clean Energy Nepal
• Changunarayan Municipality
• Center for Research for Environment Energy and Water (CREEW), Baluwatar
• Department of Urban Development and Building Construction (DUDBC)
• Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS)
• Dhulikhel Municipality
• Dharan Municipality
• Dhulikhel Hospital
• District Education Office, Surkhet
• Eco Himal, the Society for Cooperation Alps-Himalaya
• Friends Service Council Nepal
• Federation of Drinking Water and Sanitation Users' Committee Nepal (FEDWASUN)
• Gularia Municipality
• Godawari Municipality
• Hetauda Municipality
• Illam Municipality
• Integrated Development Society Nepal
• iDream Pvt. Ltd.
• Innovative Solution Pvt. Ltd.
• Jhaukhel VDC, Bhaktapur
• Kamalamai Municipality
• Kathmandu Metropolitan City
• Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited
• Kirtipur Municipality
• Karyabinayak Municipality
• Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan City
• LUMANTI Support Group for Shelter
• Madhyapur Thimi Municipality
• Ministry of Environment
• Ministry of Physical Planning & Works
• Mahalaxmi Municipality
• Mahamanjushree Municipality
• Ministry of Urban Development
• National Trust for Nature Conservation
• Nepal Bureau of Standards &Meteorology
• Nepal Red Cross Society
• Nepal WASH Alliance
• Nepal Water Supply Corporation
• Nepalgunj Municipality
• Nagarkot Municipality
• Natural Graphics
• Nepal Creative House Pvt. Ltd.
• NGO Forum for Urban Water & Sanitation
• One Planet Solution Pvt. Ltd.
• Pokhara municipality
• Park Village Hotel, Pokhara
• Panauti Municipality
• Ramgram Municipality
• Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Development Board
• Rural Water Supply Sanitation Project-Western Nepal, Pokhara
• Rotary International
• Siddhipur Village Development Committee
• Smart Pani
• Social Welfare Council
• Siddharthanagar Municipality
• Solid Waste Management and Resource Centre
• Society for Urban Poor
• SNV Nepal
• The Coca-Cola Company / Bottlers Nepal
• Tikapur Municipality
• Total Management Services
• Urban Environment Improvement Project
• Urban Environment Management Society
• Urban Environment Management Society (UEMS)
• Water, Sanitation and Hygiene -Resource Center Network Nepal-Nepal
• Women Environment Preservation Community

Report Objectives
To study Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System (DEWATS).
To demonstrate the application of DEWATS in wastewater management.
· Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System (DEWATS) is a low maintenance treatment
system treating relatively small volumes of wastewater for reuse or discharge within National
· This approach focuses on conducting many small wastewater treatment systems across an
area giving DEWATS its name.
· It primarily treats domestic wastewater originating from individual groups of dwellings,
business or institutions that are located in close proximity to each other and the DEWATS site.
· It focuses on use of simple natural processes involving biological activities of
· Bacteria colonies in the treatment devices are generated from microbial populations that
occur naturally in the wastewater.
Wetlands construction is a major part of operating a water treatment system under DEWATS.
It is worked on various types of aquatic weeds or macrophytes.
A practical study was conducted in December 2012 by B.L. Chavan and V.P. Dhulap where
the wastewater was treated with an aquatic weed, ‘Phragmites Karka’ using rootzone bed
technology; a technology where the biological treatment of waste water takes place in a soil
volume which is penetrated by roots.
The physico-chemical parameters both before the treatment and after the treatment were
analyzed. It was observed that wastewater was dark blackish, obnoxious and found highly
offensive odor in before treatment but after the treatment with ‘Phragmites Karka’ in
constructed wetland, it was found clear and odorless where:
· Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) concentration was reduced by 60.37%
· Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentration was reduced by 63.19%
· Hardness was reduced by 57.15%
· Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) was reduced by 61.47%
These plants such as Canas Indica, Reed Juncas and Phragmites hold themselves in the soil in
the inter porous molecules of the soil through their roots and rhizomes. The =se form an
intricate network of underground stem.
These roots grow rapidly and provide air passages through the sludge. In turn, the sludge
provides a host area for many biological communities to develop and continue to mineralize
the sludge contain. The root zone helps to optimize the microbiological, chemical and physical
processes naturally occurring in the wetland. (Bates and Gebtages, 1976; Hammer, 1989).

Technology Used
Components of DEWATS
Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System (DEWATS) is a low maintenance treatment
system, treating small volumes of wastewater for reuse or discharge within National Standards.
DEWATS generally treats domestic wastewater originating from individual or groups of
dwellings, business or institutions that are located in close proximity to each other and the
DEWATS site. Typical DEWATS combine the following technical treatment steps in a
modular manner.
(1) Primary Treatment
• The primary treatment phase retains all solids which settle by gravity and allows only
dissolved solids to discharge.
• The settling is carried in a sedimentation tank, septic tank or biogas settler.
• Another type of primary treatment is sedimentation tank for collection and use of biogas
generated from decomposition of settled organic particles.
(2) Secondary Treatment
• Suspended and dissolved solids in the wastewater undergo anaerobic degradation due to
contact with an active sludge blanket on the bottom of each chamber.
(3) Tertiary Treatment
• It is the secondary and/or tertiary treatment phase and cleans the wastewater by biological
conversion, physical filtration and chemical adsorption.

(4) Sludge Treatment

• Sludge generated from primary and secondary treatment units can be dried applying on sand
beds, which is also called sludge drying beds. Desludging intervals can be set to coincide with
the dry season in order speed up the drying process.
Site Specific Study: Sushma Koirala Memorial Hospital

The Sushma Koirala Memorial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Hospital is a non-
government hospital located in Sankhu, within the Kathmandu Valley. The hospital
constructed a wastewater treatment plant in 2002 to improve the environmental and hygienic
quality of the wastewater discharge. Due to hospital expansion the treatment plant was also
expanded in 2007. The treatment plant is well maintained and operated, setting an example of
DEWATS in institutional setting and protecting the downstream communities from potentially
dangerous hospital waste.
Kind of Project DEWATS-SME (Hospital)
• Funding Agency: Sushma Koirala Hospital
• Implementing Agency: Sushma Koirala Hospital
• Supporting Organization: ENPHO
• Construction Period: 2002
• Upgraded Period: 2007
• Construction Cost NRs. 1,100,000 (US$ 14,103)

System in Brief
Treating wastewater from the hospital, cafeteria and staff quarters through an on-site DEWATS
system priorto discharge onto the land for overland flow to the nearby river.
• Inlet tank with grit cage
• Settling tank with intermittent discharge
• Horizontal flow wetland
• Two vertical flow wetlands (in series)

Modules Adopted
• Settling Tank – 1 unit
• Chambers 3 baffle walls
• Area Construction 9m3
• Depth 1.5m approx
• Planted Gravel Filter: 1 Horizontal Bed
• Surface Area 65m2
• Depth 0.6m average
• Filter Material Gravel
• Plants Used Phragmites karka
• Planted Gravel Filter: 2 Vertical Beds
• Surface Area 70m2 each
• Depth 0.6m average
• Filter Material Gravel
• Plants Used Phragmites karka
• Total Area 200m2
Operation and Maintenance
The operation and maintenance of the plant is managed by the hospital engineering staff and
routine maintenance is included within the overall hospital maintenance plan.The maintenance
staff are highly knowledgeable about the system and were heavily involved in instigating and
developing the wetland expansion in 2008. The staff remove rubbish from the screen every 1-
2 days which includes high volumes of medical waste, additionally they remove litter, manage
vegetation and check flows.
Desludging is done once a year via a pump truck and taken off site. The maintenance costs are
minimum and staff costs are included within the hospital annual maintenance budget.
Reuse Options
Treated grey water is being used for toilet flushing, cleaning vehicles and gardening. Organic
waste compost and urine are applied in the garden as fertilizer.
Monitoring Results
The treated wastewater is discharged overland into the river. The treated water could be used
for irrigation however due to the wetland location there is not much opportunity to be reused
within the site.

Parameter In Out %
pH 7.1 6.7 6%
Table 1: PO4(mg/l) 2.6 6.6 -154%
Characteristics NO3(mg/L) 46.5 65 -40%
of effluent TSS(mg/L) 1095 34 97%
before and after BOD5(mg/L) 450 70 84%
the treatment
COD(mg/L) 832 159 81%
This report sets out the most important environmental issues we face in protecting our
environment from the harmful effects of waste water. It is necessary to identify the urban areas
where treatment must do to resolve these national environmental priorities. After identification
of those areas, it should be targeted to deliver proper treatments plants.
Proper short- and long-term plans should be proposed and carried out in those areas.
Areas of improvement
1. Treatment and effluent quality (Lower quality to that of National water standards)
2. Untreated wastewater (raw sewage) that flows in environment
3. Risks to inland and small water sources.
4. wastewater collection systems.
Shrestha, N., Lamsal, A., Regmi, R. K., & Mishra, B. K. (2015). Current Status of Water
Environment in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal.
Green, H., Poh, S. C., & Richards, A. (2003). Wastewater Treatment in Kathmandu, Nepal.

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