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March 19th , Week Five - M, W, F (3x per week)

Workout Routine:


It is now week 5. That means that I only have 11 more weeks left before I reveal my
six pack abs. I am feeling a lot stronger today compared to my first week. I am
starting to develop my six pack abs. The hardest part for me is eating smaller
meals through out the day and avoiding simple sugar in my diet. Eating smaller
meals has been challenging but has definetly kept my energy up through out the day
and really helps boost my metabolism. If you haven't started eating smaller meals
through out the day, I suggest you try your best. It does not have to be perfect
but at least give it your best.

If you haven't read my previous article about supportive eating, just visit

I have been receiving a lot of support and "thank yous" from a lot of members and
I truly appreciate that from the bottom of my heart. I am glad that I can serve
you and help you in your own quest to get your six pack abs. Even if you do not
follow my program, I hope that you can get some ideas to spice up your exercise

Below is my week 5 workout routine. Folllow

Circuit Training Exercises

A1: Ball Pushups (feet on the ball):

A2: Band Squat and Press:
A3: Standing Bent Over Pull Down
A4: Hamstring curl w/ stability ball
A5: Kneeling Tricep Pressdown
A6: Bicep curl (w/ band attached to the door)
A7: Ball Transfer (arm to leg exchange)
A8: Superman (with alternating arms and legs)

Circuit training is an excellent way to improve mobility, strength and stamina.

This circuit training format utilizes a group of 8 strength exercises that are
completed one exercise after another with little or no break. Each exercise is
performed for a prescribed amount of time before moving on to the next exercise.
The exercises within each circuit are separated by brief, timed rest intervals, and
each circuit is separated by a longer rest period. The total number of circuits
performed during a training session may vary from two to five depending on your
training level (beginner, intermediate, or advanced), your period of training
(preparation or competition) and your training objective.


· 30 seconds per exercise

· 30 second break in between:

· Total number of circuits: 2-3


· 45 seconds per exercise

· 15 second break in between

· Total number of circuits: 3-4


· 60 seconds per exercise

· 10 second break in between

· Total number of circuits: 4-5

Example for a beginner: Do ball pushups for 30 seconds (whatever amount you can
complete), followed by 30 second break. Next, perform Squats for 30 seconds
(whatever amount you can complete) followed by a 30 second break. Repeat until the
last exercise (superman) and go back to ball pushups again; for a complete a total
of 2-3 rounds.


If you want to maximize your results even more, I suggest that you also incorporate
my 16 week interval training with your exercise routine. The article can be found

For example:
Monday: Resistance Training (from the fitness video journal)
Tuesday: Interval Training: Cardio
Wednesday: Resistance Training (from the fitness video journal)
Thursday: Interval Training: Cardio
Friday: Resistance Training (from the fitness video journal)
Saturday: Interval Training: Cardio
Sunday: Rest


Make sure to keep following my simple eating tips:

Basic Rules:
Rule #1: Eat smaller meals throughout day.
Rule#2: Consume enough high quality protein every day.
Rule#3: Consume 25-35 grams of fiber each day
Rule#4: Avoid refined sugars and refined grains.
Rule#5: Consume an adequate amount of fat.
Rule#6: Keep yourself hydrated all day.

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