Horizontal Projectile

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Horizontal Projectile [DPP-1] XI Class


Q.1 A hiker stands on the edge of a cliff 490m high and throws a stone horizontally with an intial speed of
15m/s. neglecting air resistance, find the time taken by the stone to reach the ground and the speed with
which it hits the ground. [Ans. 10s, 99.1m/s]

Q.2 A bomb is dropped from an aircraft when it is directly above the target at a height of 1000m. the air craft
is moving horizontally with a velocity of 500km/h. will the bomb hit the target? if not, by how much
distance will the bomb miss the target? [Ans. no, 1985m away]

Q.3 Two tall buildings face each other and are at a distance of 180m from each other. With what velocity must
a ball be thrown horizontally from a window55m above the ground in one building, so that it enters a
window 10.9m above the ground in the second building. [Ans. 60m/s]

Q.4 A ball rolls off a top of stairway with horizontal velocity of u m/s. if the steps are h meter high and b
2hu 2
meters wide, show that the ball will hit the edge of nth step; if n= .

Q.5 A physics book slides off a horizontal table top with a speed of 1.1m/s. it strikes the floor in 0.350s. Ignore
air resistance. find [a] the height of the table top above the floor. [b] the horizontal distance from the
edge of the table top where the book hits the ground [c] the horizontal and vertical component of the
book’s velocity just before it reaches the ground [d] draw x-t, y-t, vx-t and vy-t graphs for the motion.

[Ans. 0.600m, 0.385m, 1.10m/s, -3.43m/s, v=3.6m/s 72.20 below the horizontal]

Q.6 A small marble rolls off horizontally with a speed v 0 off the top of a
platform 2.75m tall and feels no air resistance. On the level ground 2m
from the base of the platform, there is a gaping hole in the ground. For
what range of marble speeds will it land in the hole?

[Ans. vmin= 2.67m/s, vmax=4.67m/s]

Q.7 A car comes to a bridge during a storm and finds the bridge washed out. The driver must get to the other
side of the bridge. The driver decides leaping over it with his car. The sides of the road of the car is 21.3 m
above the river, while the opposite side is 1.8m above the river. The river itself is raging 61m wide. [a]
How fast should the car be travelling at the time it leaves the road in order to just clear the river and land
safely on the opposite side. [b] What is the speed of the car just before it lands
on the opposite side?

[Ans. 30.6m/s, 36.3m/s]

Q.8 A daring 510N swimmer dives off a cliff with a running horizontal leap as shown
in the figure. What must be the minimum speed as it leaves the top of the cliff so
that she will miss the ledge at the bottom which is 1.75m wide and 9m below the
top of the cliff? [Ans. 1.29m/s]

Q.9 A projectile is fired horizontally with a velocity of 98m/s from the top of a hill 490m high. find [a] the time
taken to reach the ground [b] the distance of the target from the hill [c] the velocity with which the body
strikes the ground. [Ans. 10s, 980m, 450

Residence 86, Chotti Baradari Part-1 [Near Medical College], Garha Road Jalandhar # 98152-15362

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