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Peta Kontur Topografi

2. Plot data resistivitas dan temperatur pada penampang vertikal
3. Hasil interpolasi kontur resistivitas dan temperatur
4. Hasil interpretasi data resistivitas dan temperatur (Model Konseptual)

 Base of conductor = Top of Reservoir = 0.8 Km

 Bottom of Reservoir = 1.9 Km
 Porositas Reservoir = 6%
5. Most likely prospect

Luas daerah prospek = 8,45 km persegi

6. Perhitungan Area Prospek

Rumus Generation (Mwe) in 30 years :
A resource area (Km2) = 8,45 Km2
T Thickness = 1,5 Km2
Reservoir Porosity =6 %
Water Saturation = 650 Kg/m3
Recovery Factor = 45 %
Turbine Usage Factor = 2,3 Kg/s
Capacity Factor Power Plant = 90 %
Time in second (30 years) = 922752000 second

G = 116,46 MWe

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