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Modern Language: Mandarin 1

Ms. Lin Cai -

Room Number: S417

Mandarin 1
Full Year—60 minutes 3 in 5 days: 3 credits

This is a beginner course. The course aims to develop the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Instruction focuses on pronunciation in the Chinese language. Students will develop approximately 500-600 vocabulary and
common expressions through interactive communication. Students will have opportunities to practice appropriate manners and
etiquette in various contexts.

First Semester: Second Semester:

Unit 1: Unite 3
• Chinese Festivals
 Pinyin, Basic Strokes, • Chinese Painting
 Numbers . Chinese Drawing
 Greeting
 Dates Unit 4:
 Age
 Telephone  Time
 Daily routine
Unit 2:  Means of Transportation

 Family Members Unit 5:

 Self-introduction
 Occupation  Colors
 Clothing
 Parts of the Body

Method of Study:

Active learning and cooperative learning in Mandarin listening, speaking, reading and writing are the major mode of teaching
and learning throughout the course. The study methods include model teaching, direct instruction, group discussion, student
presentation with feedback, and various practice tests. Make connections between lesson and student daily life. Students are
required to review the reading exercises and activities developed by the instructor and fellow students as discussed in the
class. Students engage in performing learning activities.

Class Materials:

Students are required to have 1 folder or binder for this class. Students will be required to keep and organize handouts, notes,
and other materials throughout the year. The organization and completeness of this folder may be graded periodically. The
purpose of this Chinese folder is to develop organization skills in the students. Students will also be required to bring a Chinese
notebook to class for notes on independent reading and lecture days. It is suggested but not required that students bring
colored pencils for assignments. Students are required to bring their computer to class every day. Much of the coursework will
take place online through the website Quizzlet. Many materials will also be provided online. Students will be responsible for
checking Edmodo regularly for course information.

Course Text:

Yamin, Ma & Xinying Li (2006). Easy Steps to Chinese 1. Beijing Language and Culture University Press

Other Resources:

A variety of other resources will be used in this class, including:

 Resources provided by the instructor
 Resources chosen and evaluated by the students
 Educational videos
Grade Plan: Grading in this class will be based on points. Each graded item will be worth a set number of points and your grade
for an assignment will be based on a percentage of the possible points you earned. You can expect that the percentage break-
down between different types of grades to follow the plan listed below:

90-100% A Consistently exhibit outstanding performance

Attendance 10% 85-89% B+ Exhibit very good Performance most of the time

Participation 10% 80-84% B Exhibit good performance most of the time

Group work 20% 75-79% C+ Meet requirements, satisfactory

Assignments 25%
70-74% C Meet requirements, fair
Projects and exams 35%
65-69% D+ Experiencing difficulty, but making progress
Total: 100%
60-64% D Experiencing difficulty, need improvement

0-59% F Failing the subject

Participation Score: MUIDS is an international school, and as such, the way that the class is conducted may be different than
what you are used to, particularly if you come from a Thai program. In order to prepare you for University, in which class
discussion is an integral component, the participation portion of your grade will be based on you contributing to the discussions
in class. This means all students must be prepared to share their ideas in spoken Mandarin and English.

Assignments Score: Not all classwork will be graded. Many of the activities we do in class are necessary to improve student’s
skills or develop content knowledge. Nevertheless, if you choose not to complete these assignments, are consistently off task,
or do not contribute to your group, you will lose points from this section.

Classroom Rules and Expectations:

1. Respect yourself and others at all times. Be courteous, cooperative, follow directions and use appropriate language.
Remember, how you present yourself is how others perceive you.
2. Arrive at class on time, prepared and ready to participate. This means you will need to have all necessary materials for
class. Your commitment, effort, and involvement are the cornerstones of your success in this class.
3. The grade you earn is the grade you shall receive. There will be no special or individual extra credit work at the end of
the grading period. If there are any extra credit assignments, they will be announced and open to all students.
4. If the student misses a class, whether excused or unexcused, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what was
missed and to make arrangements for completing or making up assignments.
5. Students may not use their cell-phones unless given permission from their teacher. Students who do so will have their
phones confiscated and will lost points for their ‘Daily Assignments.’ Students may also lose points in this category if
they are doing work for other classes, or using their computer in inappropriate ways such as for facebook or line app.

Academic Honesty:
MUIDS students may not cheat or plagiarize. Cheating is the act of misrepresenting one’s knowledge. It includes, but is not
limited to:
1. Using or attempting to use books, notes, study aids, calculators, computers, cell phones during the exams unless given
permission by the teacher.
2. Copying, allowing others to copy, or attempting to copy from another person’s paper, report, lab work, or other work
3. Getting, in advance, information about quizzes, tests, or examinations.
4. Doing assignments or projects for another person.
5. Giving unauthorized aid to another person during quizzes, tests, or examinations.
6. Using any portion of a paper or project to fulfill the requirements of more than one course, unless the student has
received prior permission to do so.
Plagiarism is the act of stealing and using the ideas or words of another as your own:
1. Using ideas or production of another person without crediting the source.
2. Committing literary theft.
Disciplinary action for academic dishonesty will be handled by the Committee on Academic Dishonesty. The committee will
determine the extent of academic dishonesty and recommend appropriate academic punishment, including getting zero point
for the assignment, an F for the exam, and/or an F for the course.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

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