Control of Diesel Gaseous and Particulate Emissions With A Tube Type Wet Electrostatic Precipitator

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Control of Diesel Gaseous and Particulate

Emissions with a Tube-Type Wet Electrostatic

Phirun Saiyasitpanich , Tim C. Keener , Mingming Lu , Fuyan Liang & Soon-Jai


To cite this article: Phirun Saiyasitpanich , Tim C. Keener , Mingming Lu , Fuyan Liang & Soon-
Jai Khang (2008) Control of Diesel Gaseous and Particulate Emissions with a Tube-Type Wet
Electrostatic Precipitator, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 58:10, 1311-1317,
DOI: 10.3155/1047-3289.58.10.1311

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TECHNICAL PAPER ISSN:1047-3289 J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 58:1311–1317
Copyright 2008 Air & Waste Management Association

Control of Diesel Gaseous and Particulate Emissions with a

Tube-Type Wet Electrostatic Precipitator
Phirun Saiyasitpanich, Tim C. Keener, Mingming Lu, and Fuyan Liang
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

Soon-Jai Khang
Department of Chemical and Material Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

ABSTRACT used for quantifying the inlet and outlet concentrations

In this study, experiments were performed with a bench- of CO and NOx (nitric oxide [NO] ⫹ nitrogen dioxide
scale tube-type wet electrostatic precipitator (wESPs) to [NO2]), and O3 in the diesel exhaust stream. The wESP was
investigate its effectiveness for the removal of mass- and capable of removing approximately 67– 86% of mass- and
number-based diesel particulate matter (DPM), hydrocar- number-based DPM at a 100% exhaust volumetric flow
bons (HCs), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxides of nitro- rate generated from 0- to 75-kW engine loads. At 75-kW
gen (NOx) from diesel exhaust emissions. The concentra- engine load, increasing gas residence time from approxi-
tion of ozone (O3) present in the exhaust that underwent mately 0.1 to 0.4 sec led to a significant increase of DPM
a nonthermal plasma treatment process inside the wESP removal efficiency from approximately 67 to more than
was also measured. A nonroad diesel generator operating 90%. The removal of n-alkanes, 16 PAHs, and CO in the
at varying load conditions was used as a stationary diesel wESP ranged from 31 to 57% and 5 to 38%, respectively.
emission source. The DPM mass analysis was conducted The use of the wESP did not significantly affect NOx
by means of isokinetic sampling and the DPM mass con- concentration in diesel exhaust. The O3 concentration in
centration was determined by a gravimetric method. An diesel exhaust was measured to be less than 1 ppm. The
electrical low-pressure impactor (ELPI) was used to quan- main mechanisms responsible for the removal of these
tify the DPM number concentration. The HC compounds, pollutants from diesel exhaust are discussed.
n-alkanes, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
were collected on a moisture-free quartz filter together INTRODUCTION
with a PUF/XAD/PUF cartridge and extracted in dichlo- Diesel exhaust emissions have been regarded as a threat to
romethane with sonication. Gas chromatography (GC)/ public health because of their harmful compositions, pri-
mass spectroscopy (MS) was used to determine HC con- marily comprised of diesel particulate matter (DPM), ox-
centrations in the extracted solution. A calibrated gas ides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and hy-
combustion analyzer (Testo 350) and an O3 analyzer were drocarbons (HCs).1 DPM and its associated HCs,
especially polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) com-
pounds adsorbed on the particle surface, are of particular
interest because of their potential link to carcinogenicity.
Long-term exposure to diesel emissions are linked to in- Despite the increasingly stringent legislative standards
creasing adverse human health impacts because of the being based solely on DPM mass,1,2 several studies suggest
potential association of the diesel emissions to carcinoge- that at a given mass concentration, the nanometer-sized
nicity. This study showed that at the optimum operating particles are more deleterious than micrometer-sized par-
condition, a wESP removed more than 90% of number- ticles.3,4 A possible explanation is that smaller particles
and mass-based DPM from undiluted diesel exhaust. The have more possibility to penetrate deeper into the respi-
wESP also provided a significant removal of gas- and solid- ratory system when inhaled and they have more active
phase HCs (such as alkanes and PAHs) and CO. O3 con- surface areas permissible for adsorption of toxins than
centration generated by corona discharge was negligible in
those of larger particles for a similar mass dose.4 – 6
the wESP exhaust. The use of wESP has advantages over
filter-based technologies in terms of moderate energy con-
Several techniques have been proposed for reduction
sumption, low maintenance, simplicity in operation, no of diesel exhaust emissions such as engine modifications,
backpressure, and no interference with engine operation. fuel additives, alternative fuels, and aftertreatment sys-
These advantages would be especially advantageous for tems.7–10 Nevertheless, to comply with the more stringent
stationary diesel engines, marine diesel engines, and diesel standards being imposed, the major attention has shifted
engines used in unique applications such as underground toward the development and utilization of the aftertreat-
mining operations. Limitations would include the require- ment systems such as diesel oxidation catalysts (DOCs)
ment for exhaust cooling before treatment, the use and and diesel particulate filters (DPFs). DOCs oxidize CO
disposal of water in the collection scheme, and the require- (⬎90%), gas-phase HCs (60 –70%), and the less volatile
ment for sufficient exhaust vertical piping for the wESP.
HCs adsorbed on the DPM (53–71%) to carbon dioxide
(CO2) and water in an exhaust gas stream.11–13 However,

Volume 58 October 2008 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 1311
Saiyasitpanich, Keener, Lu, Liang, and Khang

at high exhaust temperatures, the unfavorable oxidation length of a charging electrode.26 However, in humid air,
of nitric oxide (NO) to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and sulfur water vapor significantly reduces O, which leads to re-
dioxide (SO2) to sulfite (SO3) (depending on the activity duced O3 production by a factor of 6.28
and selectivity of the catalysts used and fuel sulfur con- In this project, a bench-scale wESP has been designed
tent) could take place, thus intensifying the toxicity of the and evaluated for the removal of DPM mass and number,
emitted exhaust and substantially increasing DPM n-alkanes (C10-C25), and 16 PAHs (U.S. Environmental
mass.11,12 DPFs offer a wide range of mass-based DPM Protection Agency [EPA] recommended), CO, and NOx
removal efficiency from 28.5 to 99% depending on filter from diesel exhaust. The n-alkanes and PAHs were sub-
types and ages, engine sizes, sampling methods, and fed jected to evaluation in this study because they are one of
fuels.12,14,15 However, this device is restricted by its com- the major HC compounds present in diesel exhaust and
plexity in operation and regeneration, which in turn leads because of the important health impact associated with
to a high-energy consumption, fuel penalty, the possibil- PAHs.29 The O3 concentration in diesel exhaust at the exit
ity of exhaust back pressure, and high maintenance of the wESP was also measured. The use of the wESP has
costs.16 –18 advantages over the filter-type units, especially for the
Nonthermal plasma such as wet electrostatic precip- stationary diesel engine, in terms of moderate energy
itators (wESPs) and dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) re- consumption, low maintenance requirements, simplicity
actors have also been developed for cleaning of submi- in operation, no backpressure, and no interference in
crometer particles and other gaseous contaminants, i.e., diesel engine operation.
gas-phase HCs, CO, and NOx in diesel exhaust.19 –22 The
ion attachment outside a plasma region under the electric EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
field is the main mechanism responsible for removal of Emission Source
submicrometer particles from the exhaust gas. Inside the A 5-L (4-cylinder, 80-kW maximum output at 1800 rpm)
plasma region, gas-phase HCs can be removed from the nonroad Generac diesel generator (1992, Model SD080)
exhaust gas primarily via chemical reaction with radicals featuring direct-injection, turbocharging, and compres-
(OH䡠,O, etc.), ion-cluster formation, and polycondensa- sion ignition was used as a stationary source of diesel
tion induced by dissociative electron attachment.22,23 CO emissions. In contrast to diesel vehicles, diesel generators
can be oxidized to CO2 by chemical reaction with radicals run at a fixed rpm and voltage and its amperage output is
(OH䡠,O, etc.),24 and NO can be reduced or oxidized by variable with loads. In this study, the generator utilizing
radicals (OH䡠,O,O3, N䡠, H䡠, etc.) to form molecular nitro- low-sulfur diesel fuel (0.05% sulfur) was operated at con-
gen (N2), NO2, nitrous acid (HNO2) or nitric acid stant loads of 0, 25, 50, and 75 kW regulated by a Merlin
(HNO3).20,21 Previous studies have also showed that a 100 load simulator manufactured by SIMPLX.
corona discharge in air may lead to a production of NOx
at 3.6 ⫻ 1014 molecules/J of energy input.25 wESP Characteristics
Ozone (O3) is a byproduct of the nonthermal plasma Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the experimental
reactor and its generation rate is governed by the amounts setup. The exhaust gas was cooled in an indirect water-
of atomic oxygen (O) principally generated by the reac- cooled heat exchanger before it was sent to the wESP for
tion of excited nitrogen and oxygen molecules (N2* and treatment. The heat exchanger was able to cool the ex-
O2*) with the molecular oxygen (O2).26,27 Previous studies haust gas temperature from 138 –288 °C to approximately
have reported that the rate of O3 production in the neg- 32– 49 °C to prevent the evaporation of water and damage
ative corona discharge in dry air is 6.1 ⫻ 10⫺3 mg/sec per to Teflon and plastic connectors inside the wESP, but

Figure 1. Schematic drawing of the experimental setup.

1312 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Volume 58 October 2008
Saiyasitpanich, Keener, Lu, Liang, and Khang

additionally to take advantage of the effects of flux force with sonication. The detailed procedures of DPM extrac-
condensation on particle growth and agglomeration.30 A tion and instrumental analysis have been published else-
tubular wESP made of carbon steel measuring 0.914 m in where.33 The extracted solution was concentrated by ni-
length and 0.178 m in internal diameter and was trogen purging to approximately 1 mL for GC/MS
equipped with a high-voltage, stainless-steel electrode analysis.
(0.559 m long and 0.25 mm in diameter), made taut by a
weight. The charging electrode was energized with a dc Determinations of CO, NOx and O3
voltage of negative polarity and controlled within a range Concentrations
of 0 –70 kV by a Glassman high-voltage transformer A calibrated digital gas combustion analyzer (TESTO 350)
(WK125P5). The collecting electrode was continuously and the O3 analyzer (Dasibi, Model 1003-AH) were used to
irrigated by means of a water film to avoid a breakdown of measure the inlet and outlet concentrations of CO and
the electric field. The water washing flow rate was main- NOx, and O3 in diesel exhaust, respectively. The samples
tained between 2.27 and 3.18 L/min. The contaminated were taken during four engine modes (0, 25, 50, 75 kW)
water was filtered before it was recirculated into the wESP. with varying gas residence time inside the wESP (⬃0.1–
By controlling the diesel exhaust flow rate entering the 0.3 sec). Different exhaust flows were fed into the wESP to
wESP, the gas residence time was varied from approxi- observe the effect of gas residence time or SCA on CO
mately 0.1 to 0.4 sec, corresponding to specific collection removal. The wESP was energized at 70 kV in all tests, thus
area (SCA) of approximately 0.038 to 0.15 m2/m3/min, generating a constant corona current of 3 mA.
which is significantly lower than that used in industrial-
ized ESPs (0.25–2.1 m2/m3/min).31
Determination of wESP Removal Efficiency
The DPM mass and number, n-alkanes (C10-C25), 16
DPM Mass and Number Concentration PAHs, CO, and NOx removal efficiencies by a wESP were
Measurements computed using the following equation. The inlet and
DPM mass analysis was done by isokinetic sampling using outlet concentrations were measured at the exit of the
the EPA standard Method 5. DPM mass concentration was wESP, with the ESP turned off and on, respectively.
determined by the gravimetric method. An electrical low-
pressure impactor (ELPI; Dekati) was used to quantify
removal ⫺ efficiency
DPM number size distributions every second in the raw
and treated diesel exhaust. Oiled sintered metallic sub-
strates were utilized at each stage to reduce particle
bounce and overloading.32 Before entering the ELPI, the ⫽ 冉 Inlet concentration ⫺ Outlet concentration
Inlet concentration 冊 ⫻ 100
treated or untreated exhaust gas was diluted inside a mini-
dilution chamber using dry, filtered ambient air so as to
obtain appropriate particulate number concentrations for RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
reliable ELPI measurement. The minidilution chamber is a Removal of DPM Mass and Number
0.3 m long stainless-steel tube. The gas residence time Concentrations
inside the dilution chamber was approximately 2.5 sec. Figure 2 presents the reduction of DPM mass and number
The dilution ratio could be varied between 0 and 100 by concentrations as a function of gas residence time at
controlling the exhaust flow rate according to particulate varying engine loads. For a measurement of the DPM
concentrations under different engine loads. A portable, number concentration, the temperatures of the diluted
digital gas combustion analyzer (TESTO 350) was used to gas were kept in the range of approximately 4 –7 °C, rela-
measure NOx as an indicator of the dilution ratio. tive humidity (RH) between 64 –79%, and dilution ratios
of 7–32, respectively. The wESP was operated at a constant
voltage of 70 kV, corresponding to a corona current of 3
Determinations of n-Alkanes and PAHs mA in all tests. Varying flow rates of exhaust gas (slip
A gas chromatography (GC)/mass spectrometry (MS), Var- stream) were fed into the wESP to create different gas
ian, CP-3800 GC, Saturn 2200 MS) equipped with a CP- residence times of 0.1 and 0.16 sec for tests at 0, 25, and
8400 automatic sampler was used to identify and quantify 50 kW, and 0.1– 0.4 sec for tests at 75 kW, For tests at 0,
particle- and gas-phase HCs (n-alkanes: C10-C25 and 16 25, and 50 kW this corresponded to a ratio of the exhaust
PAHs recommended by EPA). The column used for com- fed into the wESP to the total exhaust emitted from the
positional analysis was a CP-Sil 8 CB low bleed column engine to values of 100 and 77%, respectively. For tests at
(30 m ⫻ 0.25 mm ⫻ 0.25 ␮m,), which is the equivalent of 75 kW, this corresponded to ratios between 25 and 100%.
DB5-MS often used for these types of compounds. Selec- The DPM mass concentrations in untreated diesel
tive ion search was also used to enhance the determina- exhaust ranged from approximately 2.8 to 15.9 mg/N䡠m3
tion of the PAHs. A high-volume air sampler was used to for 0- to 75-kW engine loads. The DPM number concen-
pull partial flow (300 L/min) of diesel exhaust generated trations were higher at the lower engine load conditions
at idle mode (0-kW engine load) through a moisture-free but they were in the magnitude of approximately 108/cm3
quartz filter and a glass cartridge packed with XAD-2 resin with particle diameter modes between 20 and 40 nm
trapped in between polyurethane plugs (PUF). Sample (measured particle size range of 10 –1000 nm).34 The
preparation involves the extraction of the quartz filter, higher DPM number concentration measured at the lower
PUF, and XAD in high-performance liquid chromatogra- load is believed to be primarily because of dilution, cool-
phy grade dichloromethane (DCM) (Fisher Scientific) ing, and the amount of unburned fuel and lubricating oil

Volume 58 October 2008 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 1313
Saiyasitpanich, Keener, Lu, Liang, and Khang

100 Removal of n-Alkanes and 16 PAHs

Figure 3, a and b, present the total concentrations of
n-alkanes and 16 PAHs in diesel exhaust (gas phase) and
in DPM (particle phase) taken at the idling mode (0 kW,
90 100% flow rate) with wESP off and on. The untreated
concentrations of these compounds were approximately
an order of magnitude higher in the gas phase than in the
Removal Efficiency, %

particle phase. With the wESP energized at 60 kV corre-

sponding to 2 mA, the results show a significant reduction
of these compounds in both phases. The removal efficien-
Generator Powers
cies of n-alkanes and 16 PAHs are 46.5 and 57% in the
particle phase, respectively, and 46 and 31% in the gas
0 kW-M
0 kW-N
phase, as shown in Figure 3c. The removal of these com-
25 kW-M pounds in the particle phase is mainly due to the capa-
25 kW-N
50 kW-M
bility of the wESP to efficiently remove mass- and num-
60 50 kW-N ber-based DPM as presented in the preceding section.
75 kW-M
75 kW-N


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 100

Concentration, ng/Nm 3
Gas Residence Time, s
80 Inlet Concentration
Figure 2. wESP total collection efficiency vs. gas residence time Outlet Concentration
measured for four engine loads (wESP at 70 kV, 3 mA, negative 60
polarity, dc voltage, M ⫽ mass concentration, n ⫽ number
concentration). 40

in the exhaust,30 consequently promoting the particle
nucleation process.35,36 0
The results indicate that the removal efficiencies of Alkanes x 1000 16PAHs x 100
the DPM mass and number concentrations were strongly
influenced by both gas residence time and engine loads. (b)
At 100% exhaust flow rate with a gas residence time of 450000
approximately 0.1 sec, the removal efficiency of the DPM
Concentration, ng/Nm 3

mass increased from 69 to 83%, and the removal effi-
ciency of the DPM number concentration increased from
67 to 86% when the engine load was reduced from 75 to 250000
Inlet Concentration
0 kW. The effect of decreasing engine power in turn led to 200000
Outlet Concentration
a production of lower DPM mass and number concentra- 150000
tions, higher organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon
(EC) fractions, and higher gas-phase HC concentra- 50000
tions37–39 were more pronounced than that of the resi- 0
dence time at a given condition. It is believed that a Alkanes x 10 16PAHs
reduction of DPM mass and number loading to be treated
inside the wESP and a change in OC/EC fraction may (c)
attenuate the effect of corona current suppression and 100

allow the particles to impart charge more efficiently. It is 90

Removal Efficiency, %

also believed that the wESP may efficiently remove the

unburned fuel and lubricating oil from the diesel ex- 70

haust,40 thus suppressing the formation of submicrometer 60

Particle Phase
particles (gas-to-particle conversion) inside the minidilu- 50
Gas Phase
tion chamber during the number concentration measure- 40

ment, thereby leading to higher DPM number removal 30

efficiency. At increasing gas residence times or, in other 20

words, increasing wESP SCA, the removal efficiency of the 10

wESP on the DPM number and mass concentrations in- 0

Alkanes 16PAHs
creased regardless of the engine load. The wESP was capa-
ble of removing approximately 69 –92% and 67–96% at 75 Figure 3. n-Alkanes (C10-C25) and 16 PAH removal in the wESP:
kW, approximately 71– 82% and 74 – 81% at 50 kW, ap- (a) particle-phase concentration, (b) gas-phase concentration, and
proximately 82– 88% and 83– 88% at 25 kW, and approx- (c) gas- and particle-phase removal efficiencies (wESP at 60 kV, 2
imately 83–96% and 86 –90% at 0 kW on the basis of total mA, negative polarity, dc voltage, 0-kW engine load, 100% exhaust
DPM mass and number concentrations, respectively.34,41 flow rate).

1314 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Volume 58 October 2008
Saiyasitpanich, Keener, Lu, Liang, and Khang

concentration decreased from approximately 250 to 25
ppm when the engine load increased from 0 to 75 kW.
The explanation is that increasing loads on diesel engines
250 (lean burn engine) leads to an increase in the combustion
CO concentration, ppm

a) Concentration

temperature, which combined with the high level of ex-
cess oxygen (⬃12%) at these loads results in lower CO
150 emissions when compared with low load conditions.37,39
100 wESP-T3 With the wESP on, the CO concentration decreased and
the CO removal efficiency ranged from 5 to 38%, depend-
50 ing on the CO initial concentration and gas residence
time inside the wESP as depicted in Figure 4b. The re-
0 25 50 75 moval efficiency approached the maximum and tended
Engine Load, kW to be stable when the gas residence time was greater than
(b) approximately 0.3 sec. The removal of CO in corona dis-
charge is proposed to be by the reaction with OH䡠 and the
reaction products are CO2 and H2O.24 However, the re-
sultant CO2 conversion was not measurable in this study
b) Removal Efficiency because CO2 concentration in diesel exhaust (1– 6%) is
much larger than the small increment by converted CO.
wESP On-70 kV/3mA
Figure 5 presents the concentrations of NOx in the
diesel exhaust. These results do not show significant re-
CO Removal Efficiency, %

75 kW
50 kW
25 kW
duction or increases for the conditions tested. The main
0 kW mechanisms proposed for the oxidation of NO in the
corona discharge are the reactions of NO with O3 and O to
form NO2.43,44 However, O3 is believed to be the domi-
nant species because the lifetime of O is very short and
the reaction rate constant is very small.44 In the presence
of water vapor, the OH radicals produced from water
10 vapor significantly deplete O, which leads to much
reduced O3 production in the corona discharge pro-
cess,28 therefore appreciably suppressing the oxidation
of NO to NO2. The water content in the exhaust gas
measured in this study ranged from approximately 2 to
9%. There is also evidence supporting the formation of
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Residence Time, second NO in the corona discharge system (2.82 ⫾ 0.17 ⫻ 1016
and 2.93 ⫾ 0.17 ⫻ 1016 molecules/J at 40 and 90% RH,
Figure 4. CO removal in the wESP: (a) inlet and outlet CO con- respectively);25 however, at this rate the generation of
centrations, and (b) CO removal efficiency (wESP at 70kV, 3mA,
NO in the wESP used in this study is less than 1 ppm
negative polarity, dc voltage, exhaust flow rate: T1 ⫽ 100%, T2 ⫽
77%, T3 ⫽ ⬃40%). and can be neglected. NO2 can also react with the OH
radical to form HNO3. However, the reaction rate con-
stant of NO2 with OH䡠 is approximately 3 orders of mag-
Moreover, the removal of the gas-phase compounds may nitude smaller than that of O with OH䡠.43,45 This could
attenuate the condensation and adsorption effects of
explain why there were no measurable changes in the
these compounds on the DPM surface during sampling,
NOx concentrations in this study.
thus enhancing the particle-phase removal efficiency.
Many mechanisms have been reported for the removal of
volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds such as 1600

benzenes, p-dichlorobenzene, n-decane, n-undecane, etc., 1400

NOx Concentration, ppm

in air in plasma discharge processes. The main mecha- 1200

nism for removal of aromatic compounds appears to be a 1000 No wESP
chain polycondensation on the anode surface (collecting 800
electrode) induced by dissociative electron attachment.22 wESP-T2
The removal of n-alkane compounds are primarily via the wESP-T3
formation of negative-ion clusters, the chemical reaction
with OH䡠, and also a chain polycondensation.22,23,40 – 42 200

The results obtained here also support the assumptions 0

given in the preceding section. 0 25 50 75
Engine Load, ppm

Removal of CO and NOx Concentrations Figure 5. NOx removal in the wESP: (wESP at 70kV, 3mA, nega-
Figure 4a presents the CO concentration in diesel exhaust tive polarity, dc voltage, exhaust flow rate: T1 ⫽ 100%, T2 ⫽ 77%,
gas with and without wESP operation. The original CO T3 ⫽ ⬃40%).

Volume 58 October 2008 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 1315
Saiyasitpanich, Keener, Lu, Liang, and Khang

Table 1. Ozone concentration in the diesel exhaust.

Engine Power Exhaust Flow Rate WESP Voltage (kV), Initial NOx Diluted NOx Dilution Dilution-Corrected Standard Deviation
(kW) (m3/hr)act Current (mA) (ppm) (ppm) Ratio O3 (ppm) (%)

0 366 70,3 231 80 2.9 0.602 13

75 123 (optimal flow rate) 70,3 1350 500 2.7 0.496 6
75 385 70,3 1350 500 2.7 0.398 8
75 497 70,3 1350 500 2.7 0.411 11

O3 Concentration in the Diesel Exhaust time from approximately 0.1 to 0.4 sec led to a significant
Table 1 presents O3 concentrations measured at 0- and increase of DPM removal efficiency from approximately
75-kW engine loads. The wESP operated at 70 kV and 3 67 to more than 90%.
mA in all tests. The dilution ratio was fixed at 2.9 and 2.7 The removal of n-alkanes and 16 PAHs in the wESP
at 0- and 75-kW engine loads, respectively. NOx was used ranged from 31–57%. The main mechanisms responsible
as a measuring index of a dilution ratio. The results indi- for the removal of these compounds were a chain poly-
cate that the O3 concentration in diesel exhaust undergo- condensation on the anode surface (collecting electrode)
ing the nonthermal plasma treatment process inside the induced by dissociative electron attachment, negative ion
wESP is inconsequential (⬍1 ppm). At the optimal flow clusters, and a chemical reaction with OH䡠.
rate (123 [m3/hr]actual ⫽ residence time of ⬃0.4 sec), at The CO concentration in diesel exhaust decreased
which the wESP achieved more than 90% removal of when the wESP was turned on and the CO removal effi-
mass- and number-based DPM, the O3 concentration was ciency ranged from 5 to 38% depending on the CO initial
approximately 0.5 ppm. As discussed before, the O3 is concentration and gas residence time inside the wESP.
formed primarily by the O-O2 reaction in the plasma The maximum removal efficiency can be obtained when
zone. Several parameters such as water vapor, gas flow the gas residence time was greater than approximately 0.3
rate, and energy density applied in the wESP affect the O3 sec. The removal mechanism proposed may be by the
formation.28,46,47 At atmospheric pressure, the kinetic reaction with OH radical, which produces CO2 and H2O
processes govern the O3 production regardless of gas flow as the final products.
velocity.47 The presence of water vapor leads to the pro- The wESP did not affect the NOx concentration sig-
duction of OH radicals, which react with O and restrict nificantly as observed in this study. The possible explana-
the O3 formation.28 At the energy density (corona power/ tion is that the presence of OH radical led to a significant
exhaust volumetric flow rate) of 0.1 W䡠hr/L in air, the O3 depletion of O, thus suppressing O3 formation. The O3
concentration was reported to be approximately 200 ppm concentration in diesel exhaust that underwent the wESP
at a gas residence time of approximately 0.1 sec.47 In this treatment was measured to be below 1 ppm, which was
study, the energy density was calculated to be approxi- inadequate to oxidize NO to NO2.
mately 4 ⫻ 10⫺4 W䡠hr/L (corona power ⫽ 210 W, exhaust
flow rate ⫽ 500 [m3/hr]actual, residence time ⫽ ⬃0.1 sec).
It is thus assumed that the O3 concentration in the diesel ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
exhaust gas that underwent treatment in the wESP was The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support
very low. from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and

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About the Authors
Proc. 2003, 23, 501-518. Dr. Phirun Saitasitpanich was a student in the Department
27. Pignolet, P.; Hadj-Ziane, S.; Held, B.; Peyrous, R.; Benas, J.M.; Coste, C. of Civil and Environmental Engineering when this research
Ozone Generation by Point to Plane Discharge; J Phys. D Appl. Phys. was conducted. He is currently working with the Thai gov-
1990, 23, 1069-1072.
28. Ono, R.; Oda, T. Dynamics of Ozone and OH Radicals Generated by
ernment for the Industrial Development Authority in
Pulsed Corona Discharge in Humid-Air Flow Reactor Measured by Bangkok, Thailand. Drs. Tim Keener and Mingming Lu are
Laser Spectroscopy; J. Appl. Phys. 2003, 10, 5876-5882. faculty members in the Department of Civil and Environ-
29. Schauer, J.; Kleeman, M.; Cass G. Characterization and Control of Or- mental Engineering, and Dr. Soon-Jai Khang is in the De-
ganic Compounds Emitted from Air Pollution Sources; California Air Re-
source Board: Sacramento, CA, 1998; pp 93-329.
partment of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the
30. Ning, Z.; Cheung, C.S.; Liu, S.X. Experimental Investigation of the University of Cincinnati. Please address correspondence
Effect of Exhaust Gas Cooling on Diesel Particulate; J. Aerosol Sci. to: Tim Keener, University of Cincinnati, Department of Civil
2004, 35, 333-345. and Environmental Engineering, 765 Baldwin Hall, P.O. Box
31. Cooper, D.C.; Alley, F.C. Air Pollution Control: a Design Approach, 3rd
ed.; Waveland: Prospect Heights, IL, 2002.
210071, Cincinnati, OH 45211-0071; phone: ⫹1-513-556-
32. Gulijk, C.V.; Marijnissen, J.C.M.; Makkee, M.; Moulijn, J.A. Oil-Soaked 3676; fax: ⫹1-513-556-2599; e-mail:
Sintered Impactors for the ELPI in Diesel Particulate Measurements; J.
Aerosol. Sci. 2003, 34, 635-640.

Volume 58 October 2008 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 1317

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