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ASTM standard: Solid dielectric materials are used in all kinds of electrical circuits and devices to insulate one current carrying
part from another when they operate at different voltages. A good dielectric should have low dielectric loss, high mechanical
strength, should be free from gaseous inclusions, and moisture, and be resistant to thermal and chemical deterioration. Solid
dielectrics have higher breakdown strength compared to liquids and gases. Studies of the breakdown of solid dielectrics are
of extreme importance in insulation studies. When breakdown occurs, solids get permanently damaged while gases fully and
liquids partly recover their dielectric strength after the applied electric field is removed. Various breakdown mechanisms can
be classified as follows: intrinsic or ionic breakdown, electromechanical breakdown, failure due to treeing and tracking,
thermal breakdown, electrochemical breakdown, and Breakdown due to internal discharges. (Fig 2.2 Arrangement for study of
treeing phenomena) 1 & 2 are electrodes Intrinsic or ionic breakdown: The above equation is only approximate as Y depends
on the mechanical stress. Also when the material is subjected to high stresses the theory of elasticity does not hold good and
plastic deformation has to be considered. In our project electrodes made by ASTM standard which is D -149. According to this
standard electrode are made 12mm diameter and 70mm length. other values of diameters can also be used. 3.2 Details of
insulating materials: LEMIFLEX = A flexible combination of wood fibre strips and special paper/plastic coatings. Especially
designed to protect against impact damage, rough terrain, dust, sea and rainwater and other climatic extremes. UV-stable.
Manufactured to ISO 9002 and ISO 14001- assured quality and environmental friendliness. Reusable and recyclable. Lemiflex
has been tested by a number of packaging institutes, cable and wire producers, always with the same good result. Available in
various widths as per customer's requirement. Application: Supplied fan folded on pallets cut to width. For cable, wire, ropes,
tubes and other reeled products. Easy, fast and cost-effective compare to traditional wooden battens. Glass paper: thickness
0.20mm Applications: Storage tank House building Oil and gas artificial lift system piping 3.3 Creation of void The voids of
different sizes are artificially created by means of a spacer made up of Kapton film, with a circular punched hole at the Centre.
The diameters of the voids are 1.5 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm and 5 mm. The thicknesses of the Kapton spacer used are of 0.025
mm and 0.125 mm. Thus, the sizes of the void, that is, the volume of air space, depends on a typical diameter of the punched
hole and thickness of the spacer. Utmost care has been taken to maintain the surface smoothness of the punched holes 3.4
Test setup Fig 3.1 Test setup Here, in our project we have used brass for electrodes. Insulating material is of polycarbonate
material. All dimensions are in mm. • Figure shows the arrangement of the complete experimental setup. • It consists of a
cylinder-plane electrode configuration. • Electrodes are polished, buffed and cleaned with ethanol. • The insulation sample is
sandwiched between the electrodes with the help of insulating supports. • Sufficient care is taken to keep the electrode
surfaces untouched and free from scratches, dust and other impurities. • Electrodes are given in below with separate figures.
Fig 3.2 (Ground electrode) Fig 3.3 (High voltage electrode) Fig 3.4 (Original picture of Setup) Control panel: Fig 3.5 Fig 3.6 Here,
control panel is given in which rating of the test device is max. voltage(30kV) that we can test the material and current rating is
5mA and 20mA. Here analogue voltmeter is given to check the BDV. If inter lock and cage is not close, then we can’t perform
the test and also variac too. After this all close then unit is ready then yellow light is bright. After this start button is push. And
after that H.T is applied. From variac voltage is increase gradually till BDV is not achieve. When material is fail then red light is
bright. So we conclude that sample is fails. For safety point of view after practical is performed then high voltage electrode is
connected to ground pin for removal of static charges.

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