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British Journal of Orthodontics/Vol 4/No 2;53-64 Printed in Great Britain /'.

Growth of the Maxilla in Three

Dimensions as Revealed
Radiographically by the Implant
A. Bjork, Professor, Odont. Or and V. Skieller, Assistant Professor, L.D.S.
Institute of Orthodontics, Royal Dental College, Copenhagen

Abstract. By use of the implant method the growth of the maxilla was analysed from profile and frontal
(postero-anterior) cephalometric radiographs in nine boys with normal primary occlusion who were followed
annually up to adult age without receiving any orthodontic treatment.
The proportion of sutural and appositional growth in height was determined from profile radiographs
With reference to implants in the infrazygomatic crest. The sutural lowering of the maxillary corpus was,
on average, about twice as big as the apposition at the floor of the orbits. The resorptive lowering of the
nasal floor amounted to about one-third of the appositional growth in height of the alveolar process.
Our study suggests that the contour of the anterior surface of the zygomatic process could be used as a
reference structure in growth analysis as this contour kept a constant relation to implants in the infrazygomatic
crest and closely followed the natural growth rotation of the maxilla.
In relation to the implants, the dentition as a whole drifted forward on the maxillary corpus, simultaneously
With a smaller decrease in arch length which was partly related to a differentiated development in width of
the maxilla.
Measurements between bilateral implants on frontal radiographs proved that the growth in the median
suture was greater posteriorly than anteriorly, whereby the two halves of the maxilla rotate in relation to each
other in the transverse plane. This was reflected in the development of the dental arch as the increase in the
hi-molar width showed a high correlation with the sutural growth posteriorly in the medium suture, while
the increase in the bi-canine width was lesser. The forward drift of the dental arch led to a reduction in incisor
spacing, which may give rise to an incisal secondary crowding.

The purpose of this presentation is to describe Sample

the co-ordinated growth of the maxilla in three In 1957, a sample of 4-year-old boys was selected
dimensions, as far as this is possible from longitu- who had normal temporary dentition and normal
dinal cephalometric radiographic exposures in the or almost normal occlusion. This account of facial
lateral and the frontal view with the use of the and occlusal development is limited to nine of
metallic implant method. The presentation will give these subjects who had not received any ortho-
a quantitative description of the growth in the dontic treatment. It proved possible to follow-up
median suture of the maxilla and elucidate if the these nine boys by means of annual examinations
growth activity is the same throughout the length to the age of 21 years or more, except two who were
of the suture. It has been possible to make a three followed-up to the age of 18 years.
dimensional estimate of the influence exerted by
the growth of the maxilla in all three planes on the Method
development of the maxillary dental arch. Also, the When applying the implant method, it is essential
possibility of finding natural reference structures in to ensure a perfect radiographic technique and to
the maxilla will be discussed. maintain a thorough control of the stability of the
metallic implants. The use of the method also pre-
29th Northcroft Memorial Lecture delivered at the County Meetinll of
the B.S.S.O. in Edinbur11h on 4th April 1975. supposes faultless instruments as well as perfectly

A. Bji:irk and V. Skieller

increase in distance between one of the lateral im-

plants on each side, measured on the frontal
(postero-anterior) films, indicates the increase in
width in the median suture at the level of the first
molars. After full eruption of the permanent in-
cisors, pins were also inserted into the anterior
aspect of the maxilla, below the anterior nasal
spine, one on each side of the median suture at a
level with the apices of the central incisors. These
pins, designated anterior implants, were inserted at
the age of 10-11 years. The increased distance
between these anterior implants, measured on the
frontal films, indicates the growth in width in the
median suture anteriorly, at the level of the incisors
From the age of 10-11 years, when implants also
were inserted on the anterior aspect of the maxilla,
a line was drawn by pencil on the profile radio-
graphs from the tip of one of the anterior implants
to the marked midpoint between one of the lateral
MEAN GROWTH CHANGES implants on each side. A change in the inclination
of this implant line at different age stages in relation
9 CASES, 4 TO 20 YRS to the nasion-sella line (NSL) indicates a vertical
Fig. 1. Mean growth changes from 4 years until adult rotation of the maxilla in relation to the anterior
age in nine boys, measured from the lateral implants. cranial base (Fig. 6). By superimposing the various
Su= sutural lowering of the maxilla; 0= apposition at
the floor of the orbit; A= appositional increase in height radiographs on the implant line, on the other hand,
of the alveolar process; Re= resorptive lowering of the it is possible to analyse the remodelling of the
nasal floor; C= apposition at the infrazygomatic crest. maxilla (Fig. 7).
INCREASE, MM The nasion-sella line can only be used in growth
analysis after adjustments have been made. In con-
3 TO 17 11 YRS nection with apposition in the glabella region, the
nasion point (n) moves forward throughout the
entire growth period and during this may be dis-
placed upward or downward. The eccentric re-
modelling of the sella turcica during growth has the
result that the position of the midpoint(s) of the
sella turcica is displaced backward and possibly
upward or downward. In the procedure of super-
imposition used, an attempt was made to reduce
these sources of error by transferring the nasion-
sella line, as defined on the first film in the series,
to the subsequent films by use of the structural
3231 cf method. A detailed description of this structural
Fig. 2. Growth in width of the maxilla at the level of the method of orientation is published elsewhere
lateral implants, Case 3231. (Bjork, 1968). The practical procedure consists in
formed and accurately fitting pins, together with a placing a sheet of cellophane, with printed cross-
meticulous technique of insertion ( Bjork, 1955, lines on the top of the first film of a series, passing
1968*). through the nasion and with the centre of the cross-
At 4 years of age tantalum pins were inserted in lines at the sella point. The subsequent films of the
the zygomatic process of the maxilla, two on each series are then superimposed according to the struc-
side. The pins were inserted slightly anteriorly on tures on the first film, and then the orientated cross-
the lower margin and relatively far laterally on the lines from the first film are transferred to the sub-
crest. We have called these pins lateral implants. The sequent films. All our facial growth tracings refer
to these transferred crosslines and accordingly to
• The instrument and pins are supplied by Bangsdal Dental Ltd. Adelgrade
17, DK-1304, Copenhagen K Denmark. the anterior cranial base (Figs 6-9).

Growth of the Maxilla in Three Dimensions

Fig. 3. Photographs at the age of 43 and 203, Case 1597.

Fig. 4. Photographs of dental casts at the age of 43, 103 and 2P years, Case 1597.

A. Bj6rk and V. Skieller


.~..._----------------------------- ---- -------- - -- --- ---- - -- -- ---- - - - -- --:..._.....

1597c! ANTERIOR IMPLANTS: 0.8 mm

---10 3
-20 3 LATERAL IMPLANTS: 2.7 mm
Fig. 5. A triangle constructed in the transverse plane illustrating the mutual rotation of the two maxillae during growth,
Case 1597. The growth in the median suture, measured between the lateral implants was greater than between the
anterior implants, indicating that the two maxillae have rotated in relation to each other in the transverse plane.
As a consequence, the length of the maxilla in the mid-sagittal plane has decreased.

The magnification for the profile exposure was

5·6 per cent. For the frontal exposure the magnifi·
cation in the ear plane was 8·3 per cent. The mag·
nification in the frontal plane through the anterior
as well as through the lateral implants differed
individually, as both planes were at a varying dis·
tance from the ear plane. Moreover they moved
closer to the film during facial growth (Bjork and
Skieller, 1974). Correction for radiographic mag·
nification, however, did not seem necessary in this

Growth of the Maxilla as Analysed by Means of

Lateral Implants from the Age of 4 Years
Maxillary height
Previous implant studies ( Bjork, 1955, 1966) have
confirmed that the increase in the maxillary height
takes place by growth at its processes; suturally
toward the frontal and zygomatic bones and appo·
sitionally on the lower aspect of the alveolar process
1597 c! in association with eruption of the teeth. Apposition
4J also occurs at the floor of the orbits with resorptive
6J remodelling of the lower surface. Simultaneously,
3 the nasal floor is lowered by resorption and an
1 apposition takes place at the hard palate.
21' Although these general principles of growth in
height of the maxilla have been clarified earlier, it
Fig. 6. Growth tracing representing five stages in the is of interest to obtain an idea of the mutual magni·
facial development in Case 1597 with orientation to the
anterior cranial base. An arrow indicates the change in tudes of these different growth factors, which at
position of nasion. present are unknown. The mean growth changes

Growth of the Maxilla in Three Dimensions

from the age of 4 years until adult age in the nine

cases are given in Figure I.
With the lateral implants as fixed reference points
in the maxilla, the vertical component of the sutural
growth was in the nine cases calculated at right
angles to the nasion-sella line (NSL). The sutural
lowering of the maxilla, calculated in this way, was
on an average 11·2 mm, with a range from 9·5-
13·5 mm. The orbits do not increase in height from
childhood through adolescence to the same degree
as the nasal cavity. The sutural lowering of the di'
maxillary corpus was, therefore, to some extent
compensated for by apposition at the floor of the
orbits, on an average by 6·4 mm, range 5-8 mm.
The lowering of the floor of the orbits from the age
of 4 years was thus somewhat less than half the 1597 d'
sutural lowering of the maxillary corpus. The 3
height of the nasal cavity up through puberty also 10
increased as a result of the resorptive lowering of 13
its floor. With the lateral implants as guidance, this 21
lowering was on an average 4·6 mm, i.e. about one- Fig. 7. Three stages in the remodelling of the maxilla
third of the increase in sutural height of the nasal with orientation to the implant line, registered on the
cavity, with a range of 1·5-7·5 mm. lateral implants, Case 1597.
An estimate of the magnitude of the development
in height of the alveolar process is clinically essential
as this is a measure of the degree of eruptive activity
of the teeth. The mean appositional growth in
height of the alveolar process, calculated in relation
to the lateral implants, at right angles to the nasion-
sella line, amounted to 14·6 mm, with a range from
9·5-21·0 mm. The appositional growth in height of
the alveolar process was thus on an average about
one-third greater than the increase in height of the
alveolar process as seen in relation to the nasal
floor which was lowered 4·6 mm by resorption.
Maxillary widtb
The discussion on growth in width of the maxilla
has mainly been concerned with to what extent
sutural growth in the median suture contributes to
this growth in width, and to what degree appo-
sitional remodelling of the outer aspects of the
maxilla contributes. Keith and Campion as early as
1922 attempted to evaluate this problem by com-
paring crania in children and adults. They took the 159? d'
view that the median suture must be an active factor
in the growth in width of the hard palate. The oppo-
site point of view, that the suture does not contribute si
to the growth in width of the maxilla to any great 10
extent, at any rate not after the first few years of 13
life, was later advocated by several authors. Scott 21 1
0956, 1967) described the median suture as a site Fig. 8. Five stages in dental arch development in relation
of active growth during fetal life, but claimed that to the infrazygomatic crest, with orientation to the
it was uncertain whether growth occurred in this anterior cranial base, Case 1597.

A. Bjork and V. Skicller


0 L s -3° p
I I ~ 1.5
2.5 5 1597 cf
Fig. 9. Two stages in dental arch development, and
tooth inclination with orientation to the implant line,
registered on the anterior implant, Case 1597. OL,=
bisectrix of the occlusal lines, 103 and 213. lP~,= line
through the anterior implant perpendicular to OL.
P= posterior point of the incisive papilla at the two

suture after birth. Also Enlow and Bang (1965)

considered that the widening of the hard palate and
the upper dental arch were mainly the result of a
remodelling process. Latham ( 1971) found no histo- 1597 cf
logical evidence of active growth in the median
suture after 2-3 years of age. Recent histological 10
studies, however, have confirmed that growth in the 3
median suture takes place up to adolescence 21
(Persson, 1973; Melsen, 1975). The implant method Fig. 10. Drawing of photographs of the dental arch in
has been shown specially suitable to elucidate the occlusal view illustrating the changes in arch form and
problems of the postnatal growth of the maxilla the forward displacement of the arch on the maxillary
base from the age of 103 , Case 1597./ncisor segments:
and to permit a quantitative evaluation ( Bjork and midpoint of the central incisors to the mesial point of the
Skieller, 1974). Already from our early implant canines. Lateral segments: mesial contact point of the
studies it was clearly demonstrated that growth in canines to the mesial contact point of the first molars.
the median suture continues until puberty (Krebs, P= posterior point of the incisive papilla.
1964; Skieller, 1964).
The growth in width of the maxilla at the level of
the first molars will first be exemplified by one of aspects at the same level as the implants cannot be
our cases. followed from the age of 3 11 to the age evaluated exactly by this method because the dis-
of 17 11 • As illustrated by Figure 2 the growth in the tance between the outer contours of the two sides
median suture measured between the lateral im- of the maxilla on the frontal radiographs is also
plants amounted to 6·7 mm. The measured distance increased in connection with the increase in length
between the outer aspects of the maxilla increased of the maxilla. The true increase in width of the
somewhat more, 9·5 mm. We can, therefore, estab- maxilla at the level of the first molars must, there-
lish that the sutural growth has been the most im- fore, be reckoned as less than the above value. The
portant factor in the development in width of the same growth pattern of the maxilla was seen in all
maxilla. The extent of a remodelling of the outer nine cases.

Growth of the Maxilla in Three Dimensions

Mean and Range of Age Changes (mm) Until Adult Age In Nine Boys
From 4 years 6-7 years 10-11 years
Between anterior implants 0·9
(0·3 to 1·5)
Between lateral implants 6·9 4·8 3·0
(5·5 to 8·2) (2·4 to 6·1) (1·7 to 4·2)
Bi-canine width* 3·1 1 ·1 -0·1
(-1·0 to 6·0) (-2·5 to 4·5) (-2·0 to 1·0)
Bi-molar widtht 3·1 1·8
(0·1 to 7·0) (-0·2 to 3·4)
* Measured between mesial contact points of canines
t Measured between mesial contact points of first molars.

In order to obtain a relationship of the sutural the age of 21 3 years the width was only I mm
growth to the general physical development and the greater than at the time of eruption of the first
skeletal maturation, the increase in body height was molars at the age of 63 years.
recorded and in addition special stages in the ossi- The manner in which the increase in width of the
fication of the bones of the hand (Helm et al., 1971, upper dental arch was associated with the growth in
Bjork, 1972). This relationship was exemplified for the median suture can be illustrated from the data
another of our cases, 1597, whose facial photo- from all nine cases (Table 1). From the times of
graphs in half profile are shown in Figure 3. The complete eruption of the first molars at about the
curves for the cumulative growth in width in the age of 6-7 years until adult age, the growth in the
median suture, measured between the lateral im- median suture measured between the lateral im-
Plants from year to year, followed the same pattern plants was, on an average, 4·8 mm. During this
as the curves for the growth in body height. The time interval, the increase in width of the dental
curves also showed that the time of the puberal arch between the first molars was, on an average,
growth spurt coincided, but that the sutural growth 3·1 mm. Thus the increase in sutural growth between
terminated earlier than the growth in body height the lateral implants was greater than the increase
(Bjork and Skieller, 1974). in width of the dental arch between the first molars.
The time for puberal growth maximum in the The variability of the increase in the hi-molar width
median suture coincided in all nine cases with the was about twice as big as the variability of the
time for the growth maximum in the facial sutures increase in the maxillary width in the median suture,
in the sagittal plane measured on profile radio- indicating a greater influence of compensatory or
graphs. The time for completed sutural growth in dysplastic nature on the development of the dental
the transverse and in the sagittal plane also coincided arch. However, these two increases in width were
in all cases, occurring on an average at about 17 nevertheless associated, as can be shown by the fact
years of age ( Bjork, 1966). The transverse growth in that the correlation coefficient was 0·67. The reason
the median suture, measured between the lateral for this difference in the growth in width will be
implants, was, on an average, 6·9 mm from the discussed in the later section on the co-ordinated
age of 43 years until adult age, with a range from growth of the maxilla in all three planes.
5·5-8·2 mm in the nine cases (Table 1). Hi-canine wide
Bi-molar "·ldth The development in width of the dental arch between
A question of clinical interest, which has not yet the canines was also measured from dental casts.
been clarified, is how far the increase in width of the This development showed quite another pattern
dental arch of the upper jaw is related to the sutural than the increase in width between the first molars
development in width of the maxilla. The increase (Fig. 4) corresponding to the description by
in width of the maxillary dental arch was determined Moorrees et al. ( 1969). In the nine cases the width
from dental casts between the first molars. The hi- between the mesial contact points of the canines
molar width in Case 1597 (Fig. 4) showed a puberal was, on an average, increased by 3·1 mm from the
increase, followed by a smaller decrease, so that at age of 4 years to adult age, individually varying

A. Bjork and V. Skiellcr

from -I to 6 mm. From the time of eruption of two maxillae rotate in relation to each other in
the first molars the hi-canine width in the nine cases the transverse plane. Due to this transverse rota-
increased only by 1·1 mm in contrast to the increase tion, the length of the maxilla when measured
of 3·1 mm between the molars (Table I). This will in the mid-sagittal plane becomes reduced. Since
be discussed in the next section. the anterior and the lateral implants lie at different
vertical levels, the magnitude of this shortening
Co-ordinated Growth of the Maxilla in Three becomes a three dimensional problem.
Dimensions as Analysed by Means of Anterior and The mutual transverse rotation of the two maxi!·
Lateral Implants from the Age of 10-11 Years lae during growth has the result that the lateral
segments of the dental arch also separate more
Maxillary length posteriorly than they do anteriorly. The distance
Growth in length of the maxilla is known to occur between the first molars thus increases more than
suturally towards the palatine bone and by appo- the distance between the canines, while at the same
sition on the maxillary tuberosities. Appositional time the length of the dental arch becomes reduced
growth at the anterior surface of the maxillary cor- in the mid-sagittal plane. The sutural factor in this
pus was by Scott ( 1967) supposed to contribute to development of the dental arch has hitherto been
the length of the maxilla, while Enlow ( 1968) unknown. The shortening in length of the dental
reported this area to be resorptive. Earlier implant arch in the mid-sagittal plane has been ascribed to
studies, however, proved this anterior surface to be a shortening of the arch perimeter due to an
rather stable sagittaly ( Bjork, 1955, 1966, Bjork increased crowding of the teeth during the develop·
and Skieller, 1972). ment (Figs 4 and 10). We have, however, shown
Profile radiographs from our nine cases have that this shortening of the dental arch in the mid-
confirmed that the anterior surface of the maxilla line is also related to the transverse growth of the
retained its close relation to the anterior implants maxillae (Figs 5 and 9).
from the age of I0-11 years. Observations from
earlier age groups indicate a similar condition. The Vertical rotation of the maxillary complex
anterior surface of the maxillary corpus may, Superimposition of longitudinal profile radiographs
therefore, be described as an area under continuous on the nasion-sella line shows generally an almost
remodelling in connection with the resorptive parallel lowering of the nasal floor, as described by
lowering of the nasal floor, especially marked in Brodie in 1941. This observation led to the view
cases of extreme forward growth rotation of the that during growth the maxilla is lowered without
maxilla. rotation in the vertical plane. However, implant
studies (Bjork and Skieller, 1972) have shown that
Transverse mutual rotation of the two maxillae the downward and forward displacement of the
The analysis of the sutural growth in width of the maxilla during growth is associated with a varying
maxilla would be incomplete without elucidating degree of vertical rotation, as a rule directed for·
whether the growth in the median suture is of the ward. Despite the maxillary rotation in the vertical
same degree throughout its entire length. We, there- plane, the inclination of the nasal floor to the
fore, compare the increase in width between the anterior cranial base is maintained as a result of a
anterior and the lateral implants. Since right and compensatory differentiated resorption. In cases of
left maxillae are two separate bones, joined along forward rotation of the maxilla, the resorption at
the median suture, there is an anterior and a lateral the nasal floor is greater anteriorly than posteriorly,
implant in each maxilla, so that the distance between whereas cases of backward rotation are associated
these implants is constant throughout growth. In with a more pronounced resorption posteriorly. As
the transverse plane, therefore, a triangle could be a consequence of this differentiated remodelling, the
constructed with sides of constant length (Fig. 5). contour of the nasal floor cannot be used as a
It then appeared that the increase in width from the reference structure in the radiographic cephalo-
age of I0-11 years in the nine cases, measured metric analysis of the growth of the maxilla.
between the lateral implants, was, on an average, Forward rotation of the face occurs when the
three and a half times as great as that between the facial growth is greater posteriorly than anteriorly.
anterior implants (3·0 mm against 0·9 mm) and In backward rotation, the situation is the reverse.
with a greater range (2·5 mm against 1·2 mm) To understand the growth rotation of the face and
(Table 1). That the lateral implants separate more the growth forces which develop as a result, it is
than the anterior during the growth indicate that the necessary to the development of the posterior facial

Growth of the Maxilla in Three Dimensions

height to add not merely the growth in height of had occurred. The facial photographs on Figure 3
the lower jaw, but also the development in height show, on the other hand, a relatively great growth
of the cranial base and thus of the medial cranial rotation of the face as a whole in the forward direc-
fossae (Bjork, 1947). As a rule, the growth rotation tion. This rotation is not directly observable on the
of the lower jaw is greater than of the upper jaw, growth tracing, due to the remodelling of the lower
With the result that the lower jaw also rotates in border of the mandible (Bjork, 1969).
relation to the upper jaw. As described previously, The growth rotation of the maxilla could only be
the centre of the mandibular growth rotation does analysed from the time the anterior implants were
not lie in the mandibular joint, but anteriorly in the inserted. ln the growth tracing of the face (Fig. 6)
dental arch (Bjork, 1969). It should be pointed out the implant line for the maxilla is, therefore, shown
that the different types of mandibular rotation only for the ages of 103 , 13 3 and 2!3 years.
associated with growth, as demonstrated with the On the guidance of these implant lines, we can
aid of the implant method, differ essentially from establish that the maxilla has rotated forward in
an opening or closing movement of the mandible, relation to the anterior cranial base. From the facial
With a centre of rotation in the mandibular joint, tracing it appears that the contour of the anterior
a type of rotation which may occur in case of over- surface of the zygomatic process followed the for-
eruption of the molars, as can be seen in some ward rotation of the maxilla to the same degree as
Patients with muscle dysfunction, or in connection the changes in the inclination of the implant line
With orthodontic treatment. and was thus stable in relation to the maxillary
corpus. lt can also be observed that the rotation of
the maxilla did not result in a corresponding alter-
Zygomatlc process ation in the nasal floor, as the inclination of the
On the profile radiographs, the contour of the zygo- latter in relation to the anterior cranial base was
rnatic process is a dominant structure in the maintained due to a differentiated remodelling.
maxilla. The process has the form of a truncated Likewise it can be seen from the facial tracing that
cone with three sides, an anterior, a posterior and the floor of the orbit has also maintained its incli-
an upper side, the latter constituting the floor of nation in relation to the anterior cranial base
the orbit. The profile radiograph usually shows irrespective of the rotation of the maxilla due to
double contours. remodelling. It should be noted that the posterior
Characteristic in the development in length of surface of the maxilla, which forms the anterior
the face is the change in position of the dental arch wall of the pterygo-palatine fossa, also retained its
in the sagittal direction which occurs in relation to inclination to the anterior cranial base more or less
the infrazygomatic crest during growth. In a child unchanged during facial development. A differen-
the distal surface of the second temporary molar tiated apposition at the maxillary tuberosity thus
lies behind the crest, while the mesial surface of the compensated more or less completely for the vertical
first molar in the adult lies in front of the crest. rotation of the maxilla, illustrating once more the
According to the classical view, this change in complicated pattern of maxillary remodelling.
position takes place as a result of remodelling of The remodelling of the zygomatic process clearly
the zygomatic process, with resorption at the appears when we orientate the films according to
anterior surface and apposition on the posterior the implant line (Fig. 7). The tracing reproduces
surface, whereby the process as a whole gradually three stages up to adult age, so that we can follow
moves backward on the body of the maxilla, an the course from the age of I 0 3 years.
interpretation illustrated by En low and Bang ( 1965). We must bear in mind that the length of the
Observations from the first years of our implant maxilla in the midline is shortened as a result of
studies, however, showed that an implant inserted the two maxillae rotating transversely in relation to
slightly anteriorly to the lower margin of the infra- each other, whereby the projected implant line
zygomatic crest retained its position in relation to also becomes shortened on the profile film. Here,
the anterior surface of the zygomatic process. as it is a question of the remodelling of the zygo-
To illustrate the facial development, one case matic process, the superimposition of the three
will be analysed from profile radiographs at five stages was done on the implant line with the mid-
selected stages from 4 3 to 21 3 years of age. As point of the lateral implants as register point. When
appears from the facial growth tracing in Figure 6, orientating the films in this manner. it is seen from
with orientation to the anterior cranial base, only the tracing that no striking remodelling of the
an insignificant change in the sagittal jaw relation anterior surface in the antero-posterior direction

A. Bjork and V. Skieller

has taken place. On the other hand, in relation to drawing is placed as a bisectrix of the occlusal lines
the implant line and thus to the maxillary corpus, a of the two age stages. The illustration shows that
differentiated compensatory remodelling can be the dental arch as a whole is displaced forward in
observed of the nasal floor and also of the floor of relation to the anterior implant and thus on the
the orbits, which explains why these contours maxillary corpus, whereby the alveolar prognathism
retained their inclination to the cranial base. The is increased. The forward drift of the dental arch
posterior surface of the zygomatic process is appo- as a whole measured at the first molars was 5 mm
sitional, with the greatest apposition downward. and at the central incisors 2·5 mm. Of the shortening
The infrazygomatic crest is also appositional, of the dental arch in the midsagittal plane, I mm
whereby the crest is displaced somewhat downward was a result of the mutual rotation of the two
and backward on the maxillary corpus. maxillae in the transverse plane and 1·5 mm was
The conclusion of the above analysis is that the thus a result of crowding due to the packing of the
anterior contour of the zygomatic process was found teeth in the dental arch.
to be strikingly stable on the profile radiographs in A special discussion is necessary to elicit the
the sagittal direction. This was characteristic for all development of crowding in the dental arch (Humer-
nine cases. It should, therefore, be possible to regard felt and Slagsvold, 1972, Kaplan, 1974). Such
the anterior contour of the zygomatic process as a crowding cannot solely be ascribed to the change
natural reference structure in the growth analysis of the temporary teeth. As will be seen, this crowd·
of the maxilla, where this contour can be identified ing can essentially be regarded as the influence on
from film to film. the dentition of forces developing in association
with the growth of the face in all dimensions (Fig. 4).
Alveolar process and dental arch A drawing of the upper dental arch in occlusal
It now remains to discuss the alveolar process and view from photographs in natural size (Fig. 10)
the development of the dental arch (Fig. 8). At the illustrates the marked sagittal shift since the age of
age of 43 years in Case 1597, the distal surface of 1()3 years of the lateral segments of the dental arch
the second temporary molar on the profile radio- on the jaw base amounting to 5 mm in relation to
graphs lies behind the lateral implants and behind the anterior implant, while the forward drift of the
the crest. With development this relation was incisor segments was 2·5 mm. The drawing shows
changed, as described above, so that the anterior that the lateral segments were practically unchanged
surface of the first molar at adult age was lying in in length while the two incisor segments were
front of the lateral implants and the crest. Thus in shortened, resulting in crowding of the incisors.
relation to the lateral implants and the maxillary That the crowding is localized to the incisor seg·
corpus the dental arch has been displaced in the ments can be seen in relation to the fact that the
anterior direction. The visual impression of this forward shift of the dental arch is checked by the
changed relation is strengthened by the downward musculature of the lips and cheeks. A further
and backward directed apposition under the explanation of the disparity in the growth in width
crest. of the dental arch at the canines and the molars
It is now possible to carry out a co-ordinated may lie in the circumstance that the growth in
analysis of the influence of the growth of the width in the median suture is greater posteriorly
maxilla in all three planes on the development of than anteriorly, which is a new aspect in the
the upper dental arch from the age of 1()3 years. A development of the dentition.
tracing of the maxilla from profile radiographs at We have reported the development of the upper
the age of I 0 3 and of 213 years of age with super- jaw as being associated with a forward shift of the
imposition on the implant line (Fig. 9) shows both dental arch as an entity on the jaw base. The forces
the sagittal and the vertical development of the underlying this shift cannot be regarded as fully
alveolar process and the dental arch. As previously clarified.
mentioned, the implant line projected into the mid-
sagittal plane becomes shortened during develop- Discussion
ment and we have here chosen the anterior implant
as register point for the two films. In order to draw Sutural Contra Appositional Growth In Width
a geometrically analysable figure in the mid-sagittal Implant studies have clearly shown that growth in
plane of the face, we drop a line (IPA) through the the median suture is the most important factor in
anterior implant at right angles to the occlusal line the growth in width of the maxilla. There also
of the upper jaw. The occlusal line (Ols) on the appears to be some degree of appositional remodel-

Growth of the Maxilla in Three Dimensions

ling of the outer aspects of the maxilla, the extent at the same time the process is reduced in height
of which could not be evaluated (Bjork and Skieller, as a result of resorption at the nasal floor. The
1974). extent of the resorption in this sample was on an
average about one-third of the apposition on the
Displacement of the Maxilla in Three Planes lower surface. The resorptive lowering at the nasal
floor is furthermore strongly differentiated and
A new factor in understanding the growth in width
usually greater anteriorly than posteriorly. As a
of the maxilla is the transverse rotation we have
result of these circumstances, the contour of the
demonstrated between the two maxillae in relation
nasal floor on the radiographs is unsuited as a
to each other as a result of the growth in the median
reference line.
suture being greater posteriorly than anteriorly.
This mutual rotation results in a shortening of the
maxilla in the mid-line during growth. However, it Reference Structures
remains for further studies to clarify the amount of It is desirable to find naturally stable reference
the sutural growth activity at different vertical levels. structures in the maxilla on profile radiographs.
It can be shown that in general the two maxillae Hitherto, the radiographic contour of the zygo-
rotate in relation to each other in the transverse matic process of the maxilla has not attracted any
Plane during development, while at the same time interest, because of the current view of a con-
the maxilla as a whole shifts forward in the sagittal tinuous remodelling of this process in the posterior
Plane and rotates, forward or backward, in the direction. The striking stability we have demon-
vertical plane. That this complicated displacement strated in the contour of the anterior surface of the
of the maxilla in all three planes during growth is zygomatic process in relation to the maxillary cor-
Possible may be explained by the intricate shape of pus indicates the possible utilizing of this contour
the palatine bone. It does not seem likely that the as a natural reference structure.
nasal septum should be the active factor in the The relation of the infraorbital canal to the floor
development mentioned above, in view of the of the orbit is also worth consideration. As the
strongly differentiated growth pattern of the canal in normal growth follows the same compen-
maxilla. Nor does it seem likely that the facial tosary changes as the floor of the orbit, the canal
matrix should be the primary factor in the normal retains its inclination to the anterior cranial base
growth rotation of the maxilla, as this rotation no matter the rotation of the maxilla and shifts
takes place inside the soft tissue capsule, like the upward by the apposition in relation to the corpus
normal growth rotation of the mandible, although of the maxilla. This contrasts with the mandibular
muscles, fascias and tendons may have an influence. canal, which retains its position in the corpus of
the mandible during growth and which in cases
Growth in Height with growth rotation of the mandible follows this
With the lateral implants as fixed points, an attempt rotation in relation to the anterior cranial base.
has been made to quantify the unequal growth com- The hypothesis put forward by Koski (1973) that
ponents in the development in height of the maxilla. the infraorbital canal and the mandibular canal
If we compare the extent of the sutural lowering of retain a given mutual inclination during growth is,
the maxillary corpus with the apposition at the therefore, contradicted by the present studies. The
floor of the orbits from the age of 4 years, we find radiographic contour of the infraorbital canal is
that the apposition was only about half as great as thus no guidance in evaluating the normal growth
the sutural lowering. This does not support rotation of the face. Analysis of clinical cases, how-
Latham's hypothesis (Latham and Burston, 1966) ever, indicates that the inclination of the floor of
that the sutural growth in height is secondary to a the orbit and the infraorbital canal in relation to
lowering of the maxilla as a result of apposition on the anterior cranial base may be altered by use of
free surfaces. It would seem more natural to regard orthodontic forces.
the apposition at the floor of the orbits as a com-
pensation for the sutural lowering of the maxillary Growth in Lengh
corpus. The view that the development of the maxilla is
. The development in height of the alveolar process associated with a pronounced resorption at the
Js of special clinical relevance from an orthodontic anterior surface of the zygomatic process, is contra-
point of view. The growth in height takes place as a dicted by the fact that metallic implants in the infra-
result of apposition on its occlusal surface, while zygomatic crest retained a stable position in relation

A. Bjork and V. Skieller

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