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Disusun untuk memenuhi tugas Basic English Grammar

Rizki Yolanda, M.Pd

Oleh : Sofia Uswatunisa (11810420712)


TAHUN 2019

Punctuation is important aid to understanding sentense. It can be a guide, or marker,
for the location of sentence from other words and phrases in the sentence. Puncuation
is place in text to make meaning clear and to make reading easier. And according by
book “the process of writing for classrom setting” have writed by mr. Syafi’i,
puntuation is necessary to make sentence meaning clear; the meaning of two
sentences are different.
For Example : Stop Sofia this sentence tells someone to stop sofia
Stop, Sofia and this one tells sofia to stop.
And accrording the Example we can see how important it is to puncutcuate correctly.
So in puncuation have many part, let me tell you part of punctuation

a. Full stop (.)

- Full stop is used to end a sentence.
Example : this is may brother.
- The next sentence begins with a capital letter. An abbreviation ends in a
full stop when the final letter of the abbreviation is not the last letter of the
Example : you can find this reference on p.20 of ch.3 in vol. 1. One editor
is abbreviated to ed,. But two editors abbreviated toeds (without a full
stop), since-s is the final letter of the word.

b. Comma (,)
The primary functions of the comma are to separate and to enclose elements
of a sentence. The function of particular comma is important : when separates,
it stands alone, but when it encloses it need a partner. The instances when
comma separate sentence elements are discussed first section and then the
instances when commas enclose. The comma is used :
1. The Introductory use
The comma can be used to separate introductory, beginning or opening
parts of the sentence. sentence often begin with some type of introductory
phrase that connects what will be said in a previous sentence, or it provides

some backround information, or it sets the scene or time reference, or
itoffers some qualifying information or conditions.

Example :
a. To my suprise, most people attending the party were over thirty years.
b. Although they were tired, they continued working.
c. In this morning, I wake late
d. After in Pekanbaru, he want to go to malaysia.

2. The Parenthetical Use

The comma can be used to separate additional information from the main
part of the sentence. And the writters add some extra (parenthatical)
information which is important but not crucial to sentence meaning. They
use comma before and after this parenthetical information.

Example :
a. My mother, julia, palns to go to pekanbaru.
b. Structural situational tecniques, as we know, take grammar as their
main input.
c. Elephans, as matter of fact, are very friendly creature

3. The serial Use

Comma can be used to separate several items presented in a list, or series.
Single word such as noun or adjectives as well clauses and phrase are all
separated by commas when they are part of the list. When many items are
separated by commas, it may be expected that are sries or related facts or

Example :
a. They bought a lot of guavas, bananas, oranges, and pineapples.
b. After I saw a film, I was sad, angry, and tired.
c. My hobby are volly ball, bathminton, and swimming.

4. The related ideas use (separate independent clause)

The comma can be used to join two closely related and complete ideas
within a single sentence. When use this in way, the comma must be used
with conjunction and, or, but and for. This use of comma also indicate that
there are two sets of core parts within the sentence.

Example :
a. During the ceremony, the graduates were quite, but afterward they
become boisterous.
b. The lunch was delicious, but we felt that it was over prieced.
c. We played many sports, but we didn’t felt tired

5. Before a direct quotation of only a few words following an

introductory phrase.
Example :
a. He said, “now or never”
b. His mother said, “ my son was sleept”

6. Before and after (Jr., Sr., ect.,) within a sentence except where
possesion is indicated.
Example :
a. Washington, DC, schools
b. Henry Smith, Jr., chairman

7. After time expression

Is used before we start our steps, usually it used in procedure text. (first,
next, after that, than ect,)
a. Firts, put the bowl three cups of sugar
b. Next, put some flour and mix all the ingredients.

c. Colon (:)
The colon is used to introduce a list of things, ststments, explanation or examle
of previous material and quetation. Or example of previous material and
The function of the colon is to separate and introduce lists, clauses, and
quetations, along with several conventional uses.

Example :
a. The ingredients are as follows : eggs, sugar, flour, butter, salt and milk.
b. Oscar wilde once said : experience is the name everyone gives to his

The colon is used by convention as follows :

1. After the saluation in formal letters

Example : - Dear Sir :
2. Between hours and minutes in time
Example : 11:30
3. In reference citations :
Example : Staler, Philip N.: remote sensing....

d. Semi Colon (;)

According to lynne truss, eats, shoots and leaves (2003) the use of semi colon is
similar to the use of the comma, it separates two closely related idea.
The difference is that a conjunction such as and or but must be used along with
comma, but semi colon can be used alone.
The semicolon separates coordinte clauses, long internally puncuated elements
of series, explanatory phrases and clauses, and elliptical clauses.
The semicolon is used :
1. To separate clauses containing commas.
Example :
a. in large piecesExample : in large pieces, bones included; waterfowl
habitually take shellfish entire;
b. No, Sir; I do not recall

2. To separate statments are too closely related in meaning to be written as

separte sentences, and also statments of contrast.
Example :
a. Yes; that is right
b. It is true peace; peace, conscructive.

3. To set off explanatory abbreviations or words that summarize or explain

preceding matter.
Example :
a. There were three metal producers involved; namely jones & laughlin,
b. The industry is related to groups that produce finished good; i.e.,

e. Apostrophe (‘)

The function of the apostrophe are to indicate possesions; from the prulals
of abbreviations, characters, and signs; and to indicate omitted to from the
possesive of personal pronoun.
1. An apostrophe is most frequently used indicate possessive singular or
plural. When there is one owner, it apostrophe comes before the –s.
When there is more than one owner the apostrophe comes after the –s.
Example :
a. The student’s car (the car belonging to one student.)
b. The students’ car ( the car belonging to more than one student.)

2. An apostrophe is also used to indicate that a letter is missing.

Example : it’s a well known fact. (this use should be avoid in academic

f. Capitalization
1. Capitalize the first letter of the first word of sentence.
Example :
- Sentence are the largest unit to be puncuated.
- This office need a new secretary
2. Capitalize pronounce
- I am a student
- My mother is beautiful
3. Capitalize all proper nouns
- Names of deities : God, Allah, Shiva
- Names of people and their titles : Ir. Suekarno, H. Agus
- Names of spesific place : Padang, West Sumatra, Java Sea
- Names of days, months, and special days : Monday, February,
Indpendence Day
- Names of spesific groups of people, languages, and religion :
Indonesian, Asian, Moslem, English, Arabic.

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