Marine Insurance

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MARINE INSURANCE The warranty of seaworthiness may be waived if the insurer paid the
insured of the value of the lost cargoes, but the insurer can still raise
A. CONCEALMENT the fact that the vessel is seaworthy in the exercise of its right of
The rules are stricter than an ordinary insurance because the vessels subrogation against the party who is at fault.
insured are often absent or afloat, hence, the insurer cannot easily
obtain information regarding the property insured. Generally, it is only the commencement of the voyage that is the
reckoning point to determine if the implied warranty of seaworthiness
Sec. 110. Information of the belief or expectation of a third was complied with (Aquino).
person, in reference to a material fact, is material.
SEC. 120. When the ship becomes unseaworthy during the
voyage to which an insurance relates, an unreasonable delay in
repairing the defect exonerates the insurer on ship or shipowner’s
2. That the ship shall not deviate from the voyage insured;
Sec. 111. A person insured by a contract of marine insurance is interest from liability from any loss arising therefrom.
presumed to have knowledge, at the time of insuring, of a prior
2. That the ship shall not deviate from the voyage insured;
loss, if the information might possibly have reached him in the
3. That the ship shall carry the necessary documents to show
usual mode of transmission and at the usual rate of
nationality or neutrality and that it will not carry document which
will cast reasonable suspicion thereon;
NOTE: This presumption is rebuttable.
It is the presence of documents and the absence of documents that
Sec. 112. A concealment in a marine insurance, in respect to any will cast suspicion that are impliedly warranted. However, implied
of the following matters, does not vitiate the entire contract, but warranties flow from the express warranty of neutrality or nationality
merely exonerates the insurer from a loss resulting from the risk (Aquino).
a. The national character of the insured; 4. That the ship shall not carry contraband, especially if it is
b. The liability of the thing insured to capture and making voyage through belligerent waters.
c. The liability to seizure from breach of foreign laws of If an integral voyage is illegal in any respect at its commencement,
trade; no insurance can legally be effected on any part of it, though such
a. The want of necessary documents; and part, taken itself, would be legal (Aquino).
e. The use of false and simulated papers.
B.REPRESENTATION The course of the voyage shall be determined in the following order:
In marine insurance, the materiality of the facts represented is 1. the course agreed upon by the parties;
determined by the same rules that apply to concealment. 2. if nothing was agreed upon, one which conforms to the
Representation is material if it will affect the decision of the insurer to course of sailing fixed by mercantile usage;
take the risk or to fix the premium and other terms and conditions of 3. if there is no mercantile usage, one which a master of
the policy. ordinary skill and discretion would find to be the most
natural, direct and advantageous (Sec. 123 and 124).
Only factual representations are covered by the rules on
representation. Expectations of the insured are not material unless it Sec. 126. A deviation is proper:
will amount to a promissory representation (Aquino). a. When caused by circumstances over which neither the
master nor the owner of the ship has any control;
Sec. 114. The eventual falsity of a representation as to b. When necessary to comply with a warranty, or to avoid
expectation does not, in the absence of fraud, avoid a contract of a peril, whether or not the peril is insured against;
marine insurance. c. When made in good faith, and upon reasonable
grounds of belief in its necessity to avoid a peril; or
BAR (2011): Shipowner X, in applying for a marine insurance d. When made in good faith, for the purpose of saving
policy from ABC, Co., stated that his vessel usually sails middle human life or relieving another vessel in distress.
of August and with normally 100 tons of cargo. It turned out later
that the vessel departed on the first week of September and with Sec. 128. An insurer is not liable for any loss happening to the
only 10 tons of cargo. Will this avoid the policy that was issued? thing insured subsequent to an improper deviation.
a. Yes, because there was breach of implied warranty.
b. No, because there was no intent to breach an implied BAR (2005): On a clear weather, MV Sundo, carrying insured
warranty. cargo, left the port of Manila bound for Cebu. While at sea, the
c. Yes, because it relates to a material representation. vessel encountered a strong typhoon forcing the captain to steer
d. No, because there was only representation of intention. the vessel to the nearest island where it stayed for 7 days. The
vessel ran out of provisions for its passengers. Consequently, the
vessel proceeded to Leyte to replenish its supplies.
d. No, because there was only representation of intention. a) Assuming that the cargo was damaged because of
such deviation, who between the insurance company
C. IMPLIED WARRANTIES and the owner of the cargo bears the loss? Explain.
BAR (2000): What warranties are implied in marine insurance?
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The insurance company should bear the
loss. In the case at bar, the strong typhoon was a circumstance
SUGGESTED ANSWER: beyond the control of the captain and the deviation was necessary to
1. That the ship is seaworthy to make the voyage and/or to take avoid a peril, whether or not insured against. Hence, the deviation
in certain cargoes; was proper.

Sec. 116. A ship is seaworthy when reasonably fit to perform the SOURCE:
service and to encounter the ordinary perils of the voyage  Aquino, Timoteo B. (2014) The Essentials of Insurance
contemplated by the parties to the policy. Law, pg. 258-268.
 RA 10607 Insurance Code of the Philippines, Sec. 109-128

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