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a ad) a] PU GTC) PMC GGTRS RCM: FED: CORE Pr mL Sai 3 nd ag Se wes mms ot Sues ast 3 Sa So one as feo S sat ose a fart usar? dy afrer feo vient, fea mueo d | win aus fea dau ti Wd CF sa feet oder d, we sa fa ws oy oot RG feS Fe | WS FsST oTWET dQ, Fe 3a Web Ast od de festa aretha | nfent & free ieee adie 3 st fa fefson weet gd Het fa HSE et fen goat nies ay Ba (oe SA) do, fagi dS mruSbat fdeaihat ey *S at fesbat ves, fragt Shut got FAG Sha S rere Is MS fagt what mist ws oot aretha Teh —(HeTaet) a7. oF tur re Waar AACA Tua ade, frurug dea kot eae sa ue fefsrnag it adf o até, Gor fea frag = wens frost o dt as aoe afaedt | aetna & tea Ba aes ‘1984 fiat 3 footed nies dae ge & dfn der 31 fet ot sts, EHTS S Biss, Ws “Wey Tes fine a8 ua | fen S TSS F fast or udts a as asat ase dtd, a SIH S ea AT HAST I, WS ST ot sfeu aster at na|et o | fen wat 1984 & ead dt uses aatent fads 1984 ot deat fea a8 ofuet ige adi d! 1984 S mS wel Se ag nists Se We, ue woe 3 sfey oe fen ot feast foswssagaties| 1984: UNCHITVIYA KEHAR [1984 : The Unimagined Catastrophe] by AJMER’ SINGH ISBN 81-7205-431-9 ufsat = Ys 2009 He: 400,60 gue (stean) Yee: fit qeant ward Het Het, »ififord - 143 006 S.C.O. 223-24, fret Hea, nififsra - 143 001 E-mail ; Website : BUG: fiz, 146, fisndhs sae unrfde, affine fara Ave fru Hise i 2 afase Gesdaes Uae ast Aer far: Agu fiw afar (aioe Asfere) a 98150-03075 Cece MCI PPe seit CO igs iL E-mail, dhadikadiana@hotmailicom ‘www. uais $ te end od foster wre, Ho fiss ase wet fortor Fier di sts fee yare Seat sie Gu os Sua Tet otET 3, at aos we Foot porfer We! cats? sere) sata ay Wed Hae: fefsrn oe Be da ot ae xi Lx ears Afee & foora Hise 1-38 + ngot S fess 6 * fefson ot edt 8 + ansieet gon 3 vars whoe 27 * fecerat tht et 29 * fog fendtote vt ‘Han’ 32 2. Hatet udu (Hé 39-70 «fey ay aoa 3 i a 50 +e moet 55 *unt a@ 3s UGE 63 3. xt cows foe QS Zeit ws | frorat yet 71-100 *« Bus wee’ dt Gaet ot tnae 2, * nfegat andtere wr and 719 * gaat oH St WAST HOT 80 * fecal 87 +ue Gen mat 93 * ms a age C+ 12 ) 97 4, ftat fede Sferor amt nfsnst e afos 101-135 * feat zat ot Gaewt 105 + us ue ot Cacant ot forage 106 * om Afors? gar femrret | 112 + godt oncoee 3 fig dos: Fa oT 119 * fest way vt goer: fofat Het, felat got? 121 *Wd 133 5. mane Sada: file fesct ger et ater * merest nisee + an $ fare aes ot GHoT + aot uid 6. ft yfseron: Aevworet S Hhsrebat * Hig me suds * fir frost 3 efest Ut ais * gmt Hom MSs caem Th TT * ufaer feufaas (+\e ) * ‘Gor wfsa ole or YP Se * fre fan vaca ove fest fom Ht? *feroat 3 frotza ufoy * oot Her 7. waag Hae & Zat wee TF yas ane at wart & ufagat 3 niegat Hes + orgie: Us 3 Hoare wae * uaa oo +a @ use de wT adel cose + woes fit HHS * Janos eon fed at Ha wer od Ht + mugs 2 usot fea Sef * famrat ae fy oT We * dn ot eurt * org-HeT 8. fear adt ot vis * gate att dt avant 9. Wa seus yor: figae a nui-sise * fee yfgsaen mmuyoot oof Ht * woe feGfar ose * gent ot fea Fat 136-158 144 149 155 159-205 167 173 178 184 189 192 195 201 206-257 209 219 221 223 229 232 238 247 254 258-265 262 266-311 268 274 215 + mafia fagt ot Sxest epee soiast oe efort AEE ‘ * moodle fie St ov aa Te * used fit OS ot afas Yor + ga yore fea atst aet oct ow ats * fear wt abr: seat oH et fuss * fimo ofiaa: fears et great UT ASS + fons wus 3 Tus 10. saa Yor S ga: fig antes & cass Unt fratsa forreedbat 312- * ges weatet * fruisa aed EN * myfoet nits 22) * 3fsa aon (re * gas aut a wsesra UST * or UssTS! OT Ht * fit fedut font et dedt Hoe *yoqetel fadaet fara d vot vt * ye Ut wat * efons wt frais wept * your w fig eAgT * feanabus or Hae * Sibat ot met 3 Het uss + Qagedt fig coo @ hac * fil gets zor et Rae «am on 3S ung fed re cae + git wSfefarrrsat AE sci \ ) 11, has 1984 but Tet: frilu-feact feag for et says SHE 362- 276 278 280 283 290 2k 298 302 309 361 317 320 322 324 327 330 333 340 341 345 347 347 BS 357 359 368 364 12. Mars de ot das wel ane h fite mS Sw? mrTH-AIHe * fasg worket * nfarnt or sudet * ganat atst * ands Harts of fiti-feddt gfrer * fir dy ot vizant Tes * it ds t youd wise-yot (xe) aneyet a nae Feat fea et 369-384 369 372 372 374 376 379 385 407 415 423 427 ae Yee WIE ‘fefson oe Be’ da ot as 12 We ufset we Hy oaee ont unsa 8 Bua Ages HOA fu & aqoarar »mlvere 3 tea ove fen faus ot sat & aT Sfonr fame Ht at fen & rong S urs, Sat ut alat wd et use- wore odf At fous et ye Hse A GA 28 fasten far Ht, Gu 1984 @ eaad ad file qast-ond Un odor At! mfaot fen wet Fadl Muir forme for fen east wd feibut rebut faerrersa fesust frtrt ave fears oof aoehat | fut Shut Hart S rfart, Cat Shift 3 Sufemt, 3 Cat 3d wate 3 oaHt Hearst HS HweAt ort at Sa gu fee Sfoor for 3, md Ht fen Gat ons, 3 fen ve 3a, feats & tn ots fart 3 for fit eet ule 3 Sat So one Gs 7s | fous Sfarat wforn dfeor fa 1984 et ear oet mesa S vom fea yore Sot Ht T form fea feo fos at ast st fen aac fen $ mise set Cx frafke & farrs 3 fondue ut wadt Ss wut On freaks ot ny s da Ge 3 ass sofent Gent qafea Ja 3 ot sts Se wet D for ufsst fen nats Ut de 1947 amt aet Ht! fea ufamn fen fo 1947 FS fle ws Cotet wet ot wml Gare fea yore JS ate mifo svret of ds suet det a) fen agi gee gee ate noge? Het saw uddl, fan oe fous wT ores Bars Geet vEt fern | fet Act Sug det ale ufsst 3 3 fea foo Aebat so A ude Ft stat (gaet) Wet faura cafent frefret dat ga ar Ua o1 wat at dar, fer ws ua awe oy Sel foot AT Hae! fous e uporg & fen aed eu We ot ye ay fes d fa eos Sue uns ut se mnie feu, wd ude Ja 3, uss ows ag S dS gu fea a gael 31 fen aed ea ee nists Se yao ter 1 fad Het wats sess fea dt med ater d| dat fears cet aset es aget wifas aot get) ont & at ‘oem ot fend’ S fou ae fefaon t oad fea Sat 3 fefsow’ FH ais aes SS unidet feces qf: deas fie wt afser 3 fa fart wAe oT yet Sufent nid 3 file 2s, ds dt ferret feu, fad sa ater ue, Wer wate T1 ufaa aafeut reba at users oot adot Tatet | q xii oe ed Hae: ‘telson oe Be’ be et ae firs & 3a 3, vast free ftet ongas ade ove ot ag att FT Haet At ue He wes Te uae oT fame for eras Ton SH" wong wfaa OS Hat aedt afes sos Se FT ane, Sat } wmusas gay ase ot at wre t oet Ht? Ss Cn S SA St ea a, Gar S wore seus vor w War ase vi at Sa wae Set ust 3 aet wit? wd fea fea frets seue vont *S dt at a go fa" or farn ? Gn SF aye, Fatt afusers Test & weye, fit fer fat fea erg sa Garand oad S Hae Bd ? faust ale Ht fost Rai } eget via fea wat wes Bet Ufss at CSfrs aaet Ht? Wear tHd-Hods Hees Sided fit vt fea aga dt Staa feet Ht fa fegt poret ot dest gore fest we! Hoas hoe’ aS oir we fea ad od, us Qqi @ few ut fear uct aafenr Test free @ ufss @ ats feat dt pers $ weiss vas! fut S Ht ufofes wae are mse ford, us ove ot Gait gowat S woes SST ta 3 udus $ we 3 mB feat feqt Prat wr det St sist ora oof fies were! fen asa zoe @ feat paret | pa ee wet WS wots fea wer fim 31 11 ASas 2001 § fenent yAeetat & wrswrst enfout 2S foQuraa 3 ‘woes eds Hea’ $F Tech Ho Ut dag WE & 3us-owe og 8S we ot wer & fefsone wise wages 38 fea mnidiat Usaara & fen $ ‘fen wet $ BeerSet urea” fare Ft! Gu a afser wt fa, he oft Stee ‘fefsomn Shut gaat- susbut (plate-tectonics) at foe aebut Fe! 1984 Phat worst Ft fitr dy wet as fad ot ufoibus duebat os 1 ufset aa S ufss wed vows whos GS ats femr afse sfour get Te S fea aéua @ ufos ves fey fest 3 dat 80 2 acta deat Bfsat S anfent ofea fit ot eats thea 3 otst far myfoe asemm— Quiuat eu feo & uot ats fea un aS fous Te aol Ha | Seas gant Te vent ove Hg Te yore wat das vit us fea feat weet fea daz sal vi far fen oe fen ne ois o foro Ht Bs ToT Swe are mrdg Je yot woos wt Beas Vout S ass BS faaar od 3 foro Ht fea fata Qu F arn fes sat, wt sat caret, flat ot Sforret ds ore ST adi Ht Sfeor | oa St aol Sher ‘1984’ fit @ fosfent ate da we & Ufaor Sfenr 31 fet ae mois, zor 3 afd, Ws ‘1984’ fea fave a? va! fen S ves = fast a usts a ats avat Ase ot 3, a zoos § ew A naet 3, ua a ot sfeu aafior a He] JI fen wae 1984 \O ae ved wae: fefson as BY da SF as xiii Sood ot yeas safer fade 1984 ot dedel fea #8 afser Age act 3) 1984 } ve wet Sa we mats So ET, WS zoos 3 afey oe fen a forst foowas aot tet 31 feo fer wan est agdl 3 wn See a | fen aed fer As ove HATS fat

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