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3.1 Research Design

As the purpose of this study, which is to solve students’ problem, the

researcher used classroom action research as a problem based solving. “Action

research is a model of professional development that promotes collaborative inquiry,

reflection, and dialogue. Within the action research process, educators study student

learning related to their own teaching. It is a process that allows educators to learn

about their own instructional practices and to continue to monitor improved student

learning” (Rawlinson & Little, 2004 as cited in Little & Hewitt, 2005).

This research was designed to solve students’ problem in learning process and

was done in cycles. It means that if the problems were solved then the research would

stop, but it would be moved into next cycle if the problem is still unsolved. This

process was repeated by giving more attention on the mistake that the researcher

found in the previous cycle.

3.2 Setting and Subject of the study

The research has been planned to be conducted at SMA N 2 Ambon, which

is located in Jl. Dr. Setia Budi, Ambon. The researcher chose XI grade students as the

subject of the study.

1.3 Research Procedures

In doing the research, the researcher cooperated with the teacher in preparing

and applying the procedure. Started from planning where all the things were

prepared, then implementing was the phase where all things prepared before were

applied in the classroom. After the implementation, both the teacher and researcher

evaluated the students’ progress. This was the phase of evaluating. The last procedure

was reflecting students’ result, which determined the cycle was not success and

should continue to second cycle. (See Figure 3.1)

Figures 3.1 Procedure of the research





(See Table 3.1 page 26)

SUCCESS Succeed and
(See Table 3.1 Stop the Cycle

: First Cycle
: Second Cycle
The explanation of the each phase of the research procedure would be

described as below:

3.3.1 Planning

In this phase, the researcher collaborated with the teacher to plan the

schedule in applying the technique. It was very important because the researcher had

to plan how many times of meetings in a week. In this part also the teacher and

researcher had to arrange a lesson plan which the technique would be applied and

then to assemble a test for the end of each cycle as well as prepare any media and

facilities that support the researcher in teaching and learning process.

3.3.2 Implementation

Implementation was the stage of action. It was the application of everything

including the technique that has been planned before.

3.3.3 Evaluation

Evaluation was conducted after the technique had been applied. This phase

evaluated students’ progress during the teaching and learning process to find out

whether they have a better improvement or not. It was done to gather the outcome of

the implementation through test, observation and checklist.

3.3.4 Reflection

The researcher reflected the result of the observation of technique that had

been applied and also the students’ progress and test outcome. The result of this

phase would decide whether the researcher should stop the cycle or continue to the
next cycle depend on the result of students’ score if it meet the criteria of success or

not. This phase also reflects all the mistakes that occurred in the first cycle and then

the researcher could make a plan for a better improvement before continue to the next


3.3.5 Setting the Indicator of Success

The indicator of success was the standard to measure whether a research

succeed or failed. The cycle would be stopped if the target of this research was

reached. (75% of students getting score 70 – 100).

Table 3.1 Indicator of success

Indicator Condition
Outstanding- Students are able to use all correct words in completing the text,
(85-100) - define most of all synonyms and antonyms, and
- arrange all possible sentences perfectly

Good Students are able to use most of the correct words in order to complete the text,
( 70-84) define almost all the synonyms and antonyms, and arrange simple sentences

Adequate Students have trouble in completing the text using the correct words, defining only
(55-69) some synonyms and antonyms of the words and making mistake in arranging
Poor Students only use less than half of the words or are totally unable to use any of the
(< 54) words in completing the text, have trouble in defining the synonyms and antonyms and
failed to construct sentences
Adapted from (Davy, Doolan, Harris & Robinson, 2006)

3.4 Instrument of Data Collection

Instruments used in this research were the test, questionnaire, and field notes.

The aim of using test was to know the students’ abilities in mastering the vocabulary

and their progress after the application of the technique. Field notes were used as an
instrument to record any information during the teaching and learning activities. The

aim of using field notes was to know students vocabulary improvement during the

teaching and learning process.

3.4.1 Test

Tests would be given for the students at the end of the cycle and after the

technique was applied by the teacher. This test would measure students’ vocabulary

improvements after they were taught by using the technique. There were three types

of the tests. First was filling the blank (cloze test), second was defining the synonyms

and antonyms and the third was arranging a possible sentence.

3.4.2 Field Notes

Field notes were instrument to record any information during activities. By

using Field Notes, the researcher had a purpose to know the progress and record

activities during the teaching and learning process. This instrument would be used to

observe the students, when they were taught by using a cloze technique, and the

teacher who was applying the technique. It was also to gather the information from

the technique itself. Field notes were used to support the data of students’ vocabulary

improvement besides the test itself. The result would be used as an evaluation to any

mistakes in order to continue to the next cycle for a better improvement. (The Result,

see page. 44).

3.4.3 Questionnaire

The usage of questionnaire was to gather any information from the students

about the effect of the technique after they had been taught and the teacher who was

the applicant of the technique. The questionnaire was distributed to the students at the

end of research. The questionnaire was consisting of 13 question and some questions

required reasons by the students. (See appendix 5).

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis

3.5.1 Tests

Test was held at the end of each cycle and it assessed whether the students’

vocabulary well improved or not. This scoring scale had been used to evaluate the


Table 3.2 Scoring scale for students’ score

Classification Score
S : score
Outstanding 85 – 100 R : right answer
Good 70 – 84 N : number of questions
100 : constant number
Adequate 55 – 69

Poor < 54

To analyze the result, the researcher used formula by Nikijuluw (cited in

Latuny, 2013) as follows: S = 𝑁 𝑥 100
3.5.2 Field notes

The result of any information that had already been gathered during teaching

and learning activities would be explained briefly and structurally by analyzing all of

the data collected.

3.5.3 Questionnaire

The result of the questionnaire was analyzed by using Nana Sudjana’s

formula (1983 as cited in Littamahuputty, 2013) which was showed in the percentage.

The formula was:

𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎%


F : Frequency of answer

N : Amount of respond

100% : Constant Number

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