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§ 29.67 7 CFR Ch.

I (1–1–12 Edition)

showing (1) the caption ‘‘Official To- the purposes of the Act and the regula-
bacco Sample’’; (2) the date of sam- tions in this subpart.
pling; (3) the location of the tobacco at
the time of sampling; (4) the kind of lot MANDATORY INSPECTION
or package; (5) the condition of the to-
bacco; (6) the identification number § 29.71 Mandatory inspection.
and private identification marks on the Mandatory inspection consists of:
lot; and (7) when a lot is found to be (a) Inspecting and certifying tobacco
damaged, nested, or in doubtful keep- under the Act on designated markets
ing order, a statement of such fact. before it is offered for sale at auction;
(f) Combination certificate. A combina- or
tion certificate of inspection and (b) Inspecting and certifying tobacco
weight may be issued under the Act, if at receiving stations under the Appro-
such certificate carries the caption priations Act at the time the tobacco
‘‘Tobacco Inspection and Weight Cer- is delivered for sale.
tificate’’ and otherwise meets all of the [67 FR 36080, May 23, 2002]
requirements of paragraphs (b) and (d)
of this section. § 29.72 Where mandatory inspection is
§ 29.67 Disposition of certificates.
(a) Auction. All tobacco offered for
When a certificate of inspection or sale at auction on a market designated
weight is issued under the Act upon the in accordance with the Act and § 29.73
request of an interested party, the shall be inspected and certificated
original certificate and one copy shall under the Act upon the date specified
be delivered or mailed to the applicant by the Secretary in public notice of
or a person designated by him, and one such designation, and thereafter, ex-
copy shall be mailed or delivered to the cept when the requirement of such in-
Division or local office of inspection. spection and certification is tempo-
Charges may be made for additional rarily suspended by the Deputy Admin-
copies furnished the interested party istrator in accordance with the Act and
upon request as provided in § 29.128. the regulations in this subpart.
(b) Other. Tobacco of the kinds speci-
§ 29.68 Advance information. fied below offered for sale by the pro-
Upon the request of an applicant for ducers thereof at receiving stations
whom tobacco has been inspected, sam- shall be inspected and certificated
pled, or weighed and certificated under under the Appropriations Act at the
the Act, all or any part of the contents time of delivery and prior to change of
of such certificate may be tel- ownership. The specified kinds are flue-
egraphed or telephoned to him as his cured tobacco, types 11, 12, 13, and 14;
expense. Information relative to grade burley tobacco, type 31; Kentucky-Ten-
or other determinations contained or nessee fire-cured tobacco, types 22 and
to be contained in a certificate shall 23; Virginia fire-cured tobacco, type 21;
not be divulged by an inspector, sam- Virginia sun-cured tobacco, type 37;
pler, or weigher to any person other and dark air-cured tobacco, types 35
than an interested party or his agent and 36.
without the approval of the Director, [67 FR 36080, May 23, 2002]
and such information shall not be fur-
nished an interested party before the § 29.73 Designation of markets; termi-
certificate is issued. nation of designation.
An auction market where tobacco
§ 29.69 Weighing apparatus. bought or sold thereon at auction or
A scale used for determination of the products customarily manufac-
weight to be certificated under the Act tured therefrom move in commerce
shall be subject to examination for ac- may be designated under the Act by
curacy according to the regulations of the Secretary after the Director has
the State or municipality in which lo- advised the Secretary that two-thirds
cated. No disapproved scale shall be of the growers voting in the ref-
used to determine weight of tobacco for erendum held in accordance with § 29.74


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