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Anshu kumar

Student id- 18020349

Assignment on leadership program

leadership talk on “you too can be an entrepreneur” by Mr. P. K. D. Nambiar
managing director of B-Square Group of companies. Impressed by the way he
initiated the talk with his big smile and influential style. He began by saying We
live in a world of Brands. Anything or everything is a brand. What we use ,what
we wear ,to whom we pray , where we live all are brands. This world of brands
has given rise to more competition leading to the reason of Branding. With the
help of branding we can create a perception in the minds of others as to why it
is important , how it can be handy, why it is better than others in the same
category. That is the reason why marketers use personalities like Amitabh
,Shahrukh and others as brand ambassadors. As people already have a image
of them in their mind which associates them to the brand. He made several
things clear like even religions , individual, corporates are brands. For example
Hanuman ji is a brand as people have faith in him , he is a symbol of power and
strength. By seeing buddha there is a feeling of peace. These all show that
anything can be a brand. Corporate brands such as Coca-cola which is a
established image in all over world. Nobody asks what material it is made up of
because of the perception it has created among people over a period of time.
Different people have different connotation because of brand image they have
perceived for a particular brand .So there comes the power of the brand to
create Perception. To create a good image branding should be at par. As we all
know first impression is the last impression , it can happen in the case of a
brand. It is important to have first image creation which gives a kick to
beginning of a perception towards a brand. Brands reflects you. A brand worn
by a person shows his liking and imagery of that brand to him. That imagery
creates an identification of the brand.
Talk suddenly got more interesting when he said “you too can be a brand…in
fact you are a brand…”. Everyone of us are distinct in our own way. Some are
introvert , some are extrovert and lot of different personality traits, through
which they are recognized by their peers or friends. So the first important task
in hand is to have a positive imagery of you to yourself and then to others. As
being optimistic and having a positive vibe about oneself gives lot of support
which can boost you to complete any task. So build a best perception of u to
yourself and then living up to it. Living up to it means having faith in yourself,
providing sympathy at times. This helps to lessen the complexity of a task and
can perform best of the best.
Anshu kumar
Student id- 18020349

He added to sayings that , “if u want to be a king , then behave like a king”.
And this saying boosted me more as how can we regard ourselves as a brand.
Yes I agree to his point the brand u. if one acts as he perceives himself there is
chances of great improvements. Taking a simple example of Albert Einstein as
how he was in his school life and what he became. So what matters is a good
image of ourselves in our own mind. Creation of your own outlook can guide
people to perceive you the way you want them too.
Now comes the vital part of the talk as how can you be a good brand?. There
are certain point to keep in mind to have this. Firstly Consistency- a good brand
which is running and has created a good image of itself in the mind of
customers is through consistency, being it make it reliable, brings loyalty, even
support at times. Second comes Communication-one has to be a good
communicator , one who can express his ideas clearly no matter what
language. As it is important that others are able to understand what quality of
brand is you. Third not to copy but only get inspired- seeing anything and
copying it does not take any pain and people know that very well. So it is
important to create your own identity which is distinct from others. Fourth
deciding your own style and brand identity- bringing something new according
to demand of a product is what people crave for. Differentiation comes from
So it can be concluded from this interactive session that yes “you are a brand”.
Only thing to keep in mind to have a good perception and follow four things
mentioned. It is rightly said “love yourself first and everything else falls into

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