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Name : ________________

Date : ________________
Latihan Soal Persiapan Mid Semester
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1
Choose the best answer!
1. He is my … (ayah)
a. Father
b. Mother
c. Brother

2. She is my … (saudara perempuan)

a. Sister
b. Brother
c. Mother

3. Mr. hadi is my … (kakek)

a. Grandpa
b. Grandma
c. Granparents

4. Mrs. Suci is my … (ibu)

a. Father
b. Sister
c. Mother

5. Aryo is my … (saudara laki laki)

a. Brother
b. Sister
c. Father

6. Mrs. Fatimah is my … (nenek)

a. Grandpa
b. Grandma
c. Mother

7. He is my … (paman)
a. Cousin
b. Aunt
c. Uncle
8. My … is a nurse. (bibi)
a. Cousin
b. Aunt
c. Uncle

9. His father is a … (guru)

a. Doctor
b. Teacher
c. Tailor

10. her mother is a … (juru masak)

a. chef
b. tailor
c. barber

this is a … square
a. Yellow
b. Orange
c. Pink

The … is blue.
a. Square
b. Rectangle
c. Triangle

a. A yellow star
b. A green star
c. A green diamond
a. A red diamond
b. A pink diamond
c. A red heart

a. a white star
b. a white crescent
c. a white diamond

a. A red heart
b. A red diamond
c. A red rectangle

a. A purple circle
b. A blue circle
c. A purple square

a. An orange square
b. An orange triangle
c. An orange rectangle

a. Two white crescents
b. Three white crescents
c. Four white crescents

a. Five green rectangles
b. Five green rectangle
c. Five green squares

Translate into Indonesian!

1. My father is a pilot.
2. Mr. sanusi is my grandfather.
3. Mrs. Lukita is my mother.
4. Mrs. Aminah is my grandmother.
5. Mr.Bambang is my father.
6. Tyo is my brother.
7. Cici is my sister.
8. Mr. Andi is my uncle.
9. Mrs. Vivi is my aunt.
10. My grandfather is a policeman.
11. A pink heart
12. A red circle
13. A blue diamond
14. A yellow crescent
15. An orange star
16. Two pink rectangles
17. Three purple squares
18. Five green triangles
19. Seven brown doamons
20. Six black crescents
Change into English!
1. Ayahku adalah seorang guru.
2. Pak harto adalah kakekku
3. Bu Lisa adalah nenekku
4. Pak Hasan adalah ayahku
5. Bu Nita adalah ibuku
6. Dua wajik merah muda
7. Empat sabit jingga
8. Delapan lingkaran hijau
9. Lima segitiga hijau
10. Sepuluh persegi panjang ungu

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