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API 510 STUDY QUESTIONS HOW TO USE THESE QUESTIONS The following questions and answers on the API material are for memorization. The API questions will be open book on the first part of the exam and closed book during the second half. Practice remembering the key words as opposed to learning the entire answer. API 510 EIGHTH ED., JUNE, 1997 ADDENDA # 1 DEC. 1998, #2 DEC. 2000, # 3 Dec. 2001 and ‘Aug. 2003, REVIEW QUESTIONS Section 1 - General Apy |. The primary code for the inspection of pressure vessels after they enter service is? ay 1 + The APISI0Code 2. Relative to presse vessels, when does API 510 apply? | ap + Only applicable to vessels after they have been placed in service. 3. What does the API inspection code cover? an ' + Maintenance inspection, repair, alteration, and re-ating procedures fox pressure vessels used by petroleum and chemical process industies. 4. What type of pressure vessel is exempt from periodic ins 22 requirements? + Pressure vessels on movable structures covered by other juisdictional requirements. All classes listed for exemption from the inspection scope of the ASME Code Section VIII, Division I © Pressure vessels that do not exceed specified volumes & pressures Section 3 - De ns 5. What is an alteration? + Apphysical change in any component or a re-rating which has design implications which affect pressure-containing capability beyond the scope of existing data reports. 6. What thee situations should not be considered alterations? Bn ‘© Comparable or duplicate replacement ‘* Audition of reinforced nozzle less than or equal to existing reinforced nozzles ; + Alldition of nozzles not requiting reinforcement 08/04 Rev 9 FAST TRACK TECHNICAL 281.482.2253 WwW. APIEXAMS.ORG 7. Inwhat situation would the term “applicable requirements of ASME Code" he used? 62 » When the ASME Code camot be followed because of its new construction orientation (new or revised material specifications, inspection requirements, certain heat treatments and pressure test, ‘and stamping and inspection requirements). the engineer or inspector shall conform to this ingpeetion code rather than to the ASME Code. If an item is covered by requirements in the ASME Codle and this inspection cexle or if there is a conflict between the two codes, for vessels that have been placed in service, the requirements of this inspection code shall take precedence foverthe ASME Code As an example of the intent of this inspection code. the phrase "applicable requitements of the ASME Code' hnas heen used in this inspection code instead of the phrase “in rnccordance with the ASME Cod 8, What is an Authorized Inspector or Inspector? 3) © Anemployee of an Authorized Inspection Agency who is qualified and certified to perform inspection under this inspection code. 9. List 4 examples of an Authorized Inspection Agency ery Inspection o: ganization of the jurisdiction in which the pressure vesse! is used of; Inspection organization of insurance company which is licensed or registered to write and actually writes pressure vessel insurance, ‘+ Anowner or user of pressure vessels who maintains an inspection organization for activities relating only to his equipment and not for vessels intended for sale or resale. + An independent organization or individual licensed or recognized by the jurisdiction in which the pressure vessel is used and employed by or acting under the direction of the owner or user 10. Define "construction code". ‘©The code or standard to which a vessel was originally built, such as APVASME, API, ot State Specialinon-ASi IL What does the term "inspection code" refer to in API 510? ‘= Shortened tile for API 510 used in this publication. 12, Define Suisdictions, ‘+ A legally constituted government administration, which may adopt rules relating to pressure 89) 13, Define Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) as it telates 1o API'S10. and (Sect VII UG-98) +The maximum sage pressure permitted at the top of a pressure vessel in its operating position for a designated temperature tat is based on calculations using the rminimum (or average pitted) thickness forall critical vessel elements, not including corrosion allowance or loading other than pressure 08/04 Rev 9 FAST TRACK ‘TECHNICAL 281.482.2253 Ww -APTEXAMS.ORG

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