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Process of visiting.

- With small classes on Sunday

morning 05/05/2019
Location: Yen So Park - Hoang Mai – Hanoi (Near to Nước Ngầm bus station)
6:00 - Teachers gather at Foreign Language Next Move, leave the motorbike in the Center.
6:00-6:30 - The whole center meets to receive items (banners, student materials, tools for
games, exchanges and gifts for students. more lunch costs will be handed over to the teacher in
charge of class). Pick up students from parents and focus students at classes.
6:30-7:00 - Pick up students and get off to the picnic site (Pick up at the gate of Ngu Hiep
primary school)
7:00-7:30 - Arriving at the picnic site - Yen So Park - Taking souvenir photos at the park gate

7:30 - 8:15 - Classes move in a row (tail) to the venue. – Teacher Victor come to join with
the students from 8:15 AM.
Start up:
Chicken Dance - Chicken Dance (Recording - taking photos - filming)
Teachers of all classes and GVN stand on the top, modeling for students in the class to
perform the dance lesson. Note regularly to encourage students to dance happily and freshly.
Activity 1: Pockey Hockey Songs
The classes held each other in a circle, Teacher Vitor stood in the middle, Vietnamese
teachers held the students' hands and performed the dance with the children.
ACTIVITY 2: Learn vocabulary and play games – Blind man looking for pictures (like in the
ACTIVITY 4: – Song The Pinocchio | Nursery Rhymes | Super Simple Songs
ACTIVITY 5 – Action games – Water tug

Passing the ball

11:30 - Leave the park home

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